Lov3 (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - Episode #1.1 - full transcript

Twins Sofia and Beto never felt any connection to their older sister, Ana. They are siblings, but that's it. And when their mother shocks them with some explosive news, they make a bold move: to go their separate ways once and for all.

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-I saw it...
-Calm down.

-Get out.
-Be careful.

Ana, don't go.

-Ana, go.

Fuck, how do you live like this?

-I didn't open it.
-I stay in bed.

-Found it?


Full of cigarette butts.

It stinks!
There's a mummified chicken in here.


I told you to call pest control.

There's no mouse.

This is your mouse.

I have to get to the restaurant early.

Ana needs to get back to her place.
We must unite.

-You ask her.
-No way. She's our sister.

Panties in here.

She has go on her own.

The nest.

Don't give up.

Be careful.

Clean this.

I can't take her anymore.
Wandering around the house moping,

Giving orders...

Not good with your submissive personality.

You've said it's my best trait.

Done. Throw this pan away.

Was there a mouse?

Look, there she goes.

Ana, enough.

You can stay here for as long as you want.

It's cute. The three of us.

But lying around on the couch
in my living room indefinitely...

-Tell us what's going on.
-Your living room, Sofia?

This is mom's house.

-If it's yours...

I'm not saying it's mine.

It's our living room, it makes more sense.

She won't answer.


I don't have to explain myself to you.

Or to your husband.

We saw you hanging up.

Every time.

Don't tell me what to do.

-You listen to me...
-Don't say that.

If you keep pissing me off.

-You're the oldest.
-I obey when I want to.


Not a word about

me crashing here.

Go grab a trash bag!

Get rid of it.

Why such a hurry, Baby?

Hide your bag.

Beto, the carpet.

Go, Beto.

Throw it all in the closet.

If I'd known you were coming,
I'd have prepared something.

What happened?

It's been

-a while since...
-I had a haircut,

did you notice?

You look pretty.

Cancer has spread to the esophagus.

It's spread to the paws.

We had to put him down.

At least now he's at peace.

No, he didn't die.

They got confused at the vet.
He got groomed and bathed.

We have to send him back.


Dad, you took good care of him.

Dogs don't normally live 24 years.


What about you?

Remember I said I was born
to flourish in times of crisis?

So, while the world was sinking,

-I got a job at a store...
-I got fired.

I hit the manager.

I didn't mean to.

And you?


-Yes, you.

All good.

-Yeah, the restaurant.
-All good. I'm running late.

-Won't Artur come...
-I could eat. Sofia, Beto?

-Don't want to.
-I left your father.

It isn't anyone's fault.

Took you long enough.

Come on.

You should've done it years ago.

I could've been a normal kid.

-You think?
-Baby, are you sure about it?

Let her be.

Nothing's holding you back,
we're adults, you go, mom.

I'm going to need this house.

-No way.

Whoever wants to stay has to pay rent
every 30th.

I don't have mental stability for that.

You can't kick us out.

By the way, the 30th is 10 days from now.

It's settled.

At your age, I had three kids,
two abortions

and a mortgage on this house.

Three abortions.

Beto can't pay rent.

I'm the one with a job.

Work it out.

Beto's more complicated, indeed.

He inherited Fausto's genes.

Sofia and I are twins.

Mom was shaken by the dog thing.



I spent my life washing dishes.

First, father's and siblings',

then Fausto's, who never lifted a finger.

I had promised myself that after
the kids left the house

I would be Baby again.

What did I do?
I bought a dishwasher, of course.

Guess what happened?

I got home and saw a plate over the sink.


Right, Fausto?

I realized then,

I'd spend the rest
of my life doing dishes.

There's always someone's
fucking dirty dish

over the sink.

I'll eat from plastic plate from now on.



No need to wash it.

No need to think.

I'm tired of thinking.

You don't know how tired I am.

And I'll just tell you this,

marriage is a disgrace,
family is a disgrace.

And Christmas is the worst.

All that china! All that silverware!

From now on, my only commitment

is to myself.

Nobody washed dishes...

Can you judge me?

-It's ironic you...
-What are you saying, Sofia?

-She's not loitering here.

You show up saying
you're going after your freedom,

but you didn't like
when I went after mine...

Mom's saying you can try

to be more constructive.

I meant what I meant.
If that's what you mean, Beto, you say it.

I've had enough.

By the 30th.

-Weren't we sticking together?
-Every man for himself.





-You always decide things hastily.
-I'm traveling by myself.

-Are you leaving the family?
-Fuck it.

Do you want the responsibility?
Just take it.

You'll regret turning your back like that.

Oh, really?


Did you?

I spoke to your husband.

He told me that you left home.

We're the same, honey.

Lone wolves, longing for freedom.

Don't take 35 years to do it.

I am not like you.

Is that what you tell yourself?

I did the best I could, Ana.

My ride...

-You're not doing anything?
-I'll walk.


I'm late.

-Ana, can't you stay?
-No. I'm gonna quit.

This is your fault.

I didn't do anything.


You never do.

Beto, my boy.

You and I, we...

We go wherever life takes us.

You know...

Sometimes it's good

when things don't work out.

You, for instance.

I mean, that Biology course.

It was useless
but you now got a job at that store...

Formal wear.


What the fuck?

You're quitting to do what?

You're evolving here.

I need some time for myself.

Fighting with your hubby,

arguing with your mom,

and here at work you want
to burn the place down?

I'm done, Pescoço.

With what?


-Do you have the pork, Leo?
-Yes, chef.

I want to start right now.

Let's go guys.

Nando, I want to talk
to you about something.

I do, too.

I'll say it in front of everyone.


Everybody get in line to congratulate Ana!

I'm almost ready.

I'm ready.

Let's go.


This here...

That's not our thing.
We're different from them.

You mean our family?

I'm avoiding crowds.

By being online?

Didn't it cause anxiety
and body dysmorphia?

So do you.

There's someone new here.


Beto. I'm giving you an opportunity
to meet normal people.


Last time, a guy wanted to pee on me.

What are you laughing at?

We grew up here and we have to go.

You nailed me to that wall once.

I've always tried on everything.

Even Church.

I'll find a way to pay rent.

I'll find a way myself. As always.

Just not today.

You always complain and do nothing.

I'm tired of doing nothing.

That's why you can't let go of me.

I put up with you. That's why.

Go for it.

I don't want your dead beat energy.


I found the mouse,

Ana killed, you get rid of it.

For someone who was going to quit,
being promoted instead, it's not that bad.


I'll tell you what.
Don't throw it all away.

Artur is a nice guy.

Is he?

You marry him, then.

-Where are you going?
-To the bar.

Attention, Clerk.

Come to the station.


Oh my God!


Nice to meet you, I'm Beto.

Your asshole.

Come on.

Your hand's cold.

Show me your dick now.

I'm a little nervous.

It's my first time here too.

I'm not a fag.

Sorry, did I hit you?


Are you all right?

Let's go.

I'll make coffee.

Let's try to leave soon?


Where's the coffee?

Let me take my time to wake.

You didn't even sleep.

I'm still drunk.




What about a date first?

To get to know each other.

At the restroom,

it didn't count, I was...

So nervous.

I saw your profile and I know you like...

Meat and...

We can do it any day.


Did you check the group?

Did they answer?

They are sleeping.

I told you yesterday.

Let's go without them.

-Joaquim, come on!
-She's right.

Don't you get tired of living
in a small space?

It's small here but we are together.

I get so horny when I take Molly.

I have to wash my hair?

Those are mine.

-Are you all right?
-I'm worried

there is no ventilation.

You should find a better place.

My dream is to have a living room,

a kitchen, a bedroom.

It's not hard to find a place.

Did you call an Uber?

I know a great house.

Do you need the address?

I'm leaving. I'm late for a thing.

In my hood.

We have an anarcho-socialist

community, horizontal...

Come on, Joaquim.

You know it.

Get over here, honey!

Have a good one.

You know, anybody else here
it turns into a mess.

Beto, come here.

I have a plan.

You're going to stay in the small bedroom.

Fine Sofia, you're right.

I know it.

Time for a change.
I can't stand you anymore.

You can't do that.

Nobody can stand you.

Go on, then.

It's not easy to make it happen.

Morning, Artur. Need help?

I'll need two or three hours.

I said I was leaving yesterday

but I couldn't.

-If you want to avoid me, come back later.
-I just didn't want to talk.

What do you want?

You keep calling me.

Your mom called me.

When you ignore them, they call me!

Did you fight?

She said I'm just like her.

And I'm not.

When I tried to talk to you,

you walked away.

You're impossible.

Only when it's for my friends' well-being.

Just take a look. No strings attached.

The stairway to heaven.

Think about all the chicks
you're gonna bang here, man.

I thought this real state opportunity
was an excuse to see me.

More or less.

Your place is really loaded

with heavy energy.

We just have a few questions
to learn more about you.

And a blood test.

You're serious.

It's great.

A lot of space.

Look at this.

Some concrete up there.

It's charged with

this still energy.

It's kind of tacky.

Did I offend you?

I barely leave the house.
I'm fine with trash sitting for too long,

dirty dishes.

You can change it.

It was a normal family.

Frustrated parents.

Flake big sister.

Sick younger brother.

Dysfunctional family.

This is your house.

If you turn around,


On the stairs...

You're mooning.


we like our neighborhood.

It's gentrified, right?

This is the real deal,

artists' area.

Smell the floor.

Touch it.
The energy here is really something.

If you call the landlord now,
she'll close the deal.



Talking only made things worse.

Baby and you?

You and me.

-That was the problem.

People talk.

They disagree, fight.

They listen.

They solve it.

If they want to.

You're angry at me.


Yes, you are.

And not telling me what I did is unfair.

You did nothing.

-So I did.

Stop speaking in code.

Talk to me.

Own what you want.

Tell the truth, fuck it if it hurts. Fuck!

The space you said you need?

What if I want it too?

Are you with him?

I was.

You asked.

Didn't think you'd answer.

-Does it matter now?

Four hours ago.

Did you like it?

I did.

He came in your mouth?

I came in his mouth.

Guys, no. This is too expensive.

With property tax.

-The space is great.

We can negotiate.

-She's desperate.

You always talked about finding a house?

Yes, Isa, in the future.

It reminds me of my dad.

-No, it's not.

Will she rent to us?

When they know we are a throuple, no good.

We said we were siblings.

But they heard us having sex.

We don't have a guarantor.

I was saving the best for last.

There's no need for a guarantor
or a contract.

You deal with me.

Finding another little room
like yours is easy.


This house.

I'll go to the bar to get some beers.

Think about it.

Did you do it?

Did you quit?

They didn't let me.

That's good.

I was promoted

to sous-chef.

Good for you.

I'm proud.

You'll be fine.




Nicer than the pictures.

You, by the way,

could've been more honest.

Do you want a drink?

No, I'd rather do this sober.

What's this? I'm sorry.

-I'm here for the ad.
-What ad?

The ad on Grindr saying
you're looking for a roommate.


Who looks for a roommate in a sex app?

It's an invitation to be stabbed.

I just wanted casual sex.

It's not easy for me either.

I'm sorry.

I just...

How old are you?

I'm 24.

I know I look older.

Same age as my ex-husband.

I really need to stop doing this.


I'm almost done.


Please stay, let's talk this through.


We figure it out.

Ana, first you say you want
to be with other people,

then ask me to stay.

What do you want?

We can try to understand it together.

What if I want both?

My sister was right.

I can't live in society.

You had sex, right?

Of course.

Not with affection.

The guys I'm into just want to come.

And then hurry me out the back.


I know.

Don't worry, it will pass.

I hope so.

You're depressing.


No self-esteem.

-I'm going to...

I have a room in the back.

I'll rent it to you, why not?

Why not?

I really think you can

be worked on.

With a little patience...

I'm not a miracle worker.

I can turn you into a conscious queen.

I can put my own twist on it.

Don't touch anything.



We're not saying it.

I don't have money to pay this rental.

It's up to you.

-Tell her.
-All right.

Fine, guys.

You tell her, Matheus.

I'm sorry, Silvia.


It'd be nice,

but it can't work for three people.

What about four?


Living with us isn't easy.

Living with me isn't easy either.

I can't believe it.

Hey, Artur.


-How will you pay Baby?

Isn't that the man you're running from?

What about you?

If you want to crash.

I found a place.


Then take your stuff to make room.

Geez, Sofia!


weren't raised as a family.

We're just survivors of the same disaster.

I'm leaving.