Lost in Space (2018–…): Season 3, Episode 2 - Episode #3.2 - full transcript

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Hello, Commander Kelly. I'm your daughter.

Hello, Grant, I'm your daughter.

Hello, I'm your... daughter.

Cabin pressure equalized.

Okay. Wake...

wake sequence initiated.

Wake sequence malfunction.

No! No, no, no, no, no!

Heart rate decreasing.

Blood oxygen levels falling.

Pulmonary response suboptimal.



Where's the defibrillator?

Okay. Find a solution.

Cortisol spiking.

Okay, okay. Okay...

Capillary response declining.

I got you.

Come on.

Vital signs stabilizing.


Who are you?

Oh, I'm...


Mr. Kelly, I'm...

I'm an astronaut.

Okay, I signed up to help,

but I feel like I should know
what I signed up for,

because I'm pretty sure
I need to write a report about all this.

So, if you guys want me
to make you look good...

You'd rather stay on a ring of Jupiters
with a resting temperature of 106 degrees?

John Robinson. One demerit.
Problem with authority.

The only way we can get to Alpha Centauri

is with an alien engine
and a robot to operate it.

And currently, we have neither,

because the danger of acquiring one
is insurmountable.

Let me guess.
You found a way to make it mountable.

- That sounded dirtier than I wanted.
- So, new plan.

Instead of taking the risk
of capturing a live robot,

we're gonna use the parts
of a destroyed one and reboot it.

Are you talking about the robots
that blew up in the Resolute?

How can we possibly find
every single part of one specific robot?

Every part we need
is in one place on this planet,

outside a cave, under a tarp,

right where Adler and I left it.

It's the one that Will called SAR,
for Second Alien Robot.

Only your son would name something
that was trying to kill him.

Okay, best case scenario,

which I know isn't a thing with you guys,
but let's say it was.

Even if this works,
we still need an engine.

I think the fact
that we've got a robot of our own

will make it
a heck of a lot easier, don't you?

The storm will give us some cover.

- But we're gonna have to be quick.
- Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

What if we put it back together

and, I don't know,
it decides it doesn't wanna help us?

Then we don't give it a choice.

...pretty sure he came back here,
I mean...

Hey, you, pigtails, load those carefully.

Oui, madame.

Make sure your little friends know
that if anything of mine gets broken,

I will be handing out detention.

Is detention really a threat
when you're stranded on an alien planet?

The power of words.

You're not the only one
who's afraid of danger, Will Robinson.

It's nice to see you back at work,
by the way.

Speaking of which, I notice
you came down the wall one sister short.

- Judy will be back soon.
- Yeah, but with how many passengers?

I'm just curious,
since she's very particular about her math

and how much air we'll have
in our Jupiter.

Adding an extra adult astronaut
might complicate things.

Let's focus on getting the ship
ready to leave

before we worry about who's on board.

Is there anything I can do to help?


- You can let me know if you see Robot.
- He's missing?

He wanders off sometimes. Just...

- ...not usually for this long.
- How long has he been gone for?

- Since last night.
- You think something's happened to him?

He's a seven-foot-tall, 400-pound robot.

There's probably not much here
that can hurt him.

Well, maybe not here, where we've settled.

But there's a whole planet
we haven't explored.

If he's wandered off far,

who knows what's out there?

Are you sure this missing Robot
story isn't just some elaborate ruse

to get me alone and far away from camp?

Are you inferring I have to trick you
into spending time with me?

No, it's just...
we've been looking for a long time.

He's kind of the most important person
on the planet.

More important than me?

Unless you can open up a rift in space,

I'm gonna say, yeah,
Robot's more important than you.

Okay, um... serious question.

I know we're getting out of here soon, but
aren't you gonna miss this place a little?

No rules? Things will just be different
when we get back to Alpha Centauri,

and everything's back to normal.

Just because we get back to Alpha Centauri
doesn't mean it'll be normal.

Okay? There's nothing normal
about 97 kids without their parents.


Sorry. I, um...

When we separated,

I thought it was just gonna be
a few months

'cause my mom
always has an answer to everything,

but it's been a year.

So I don't know if they're, um...

Hey. I know there's nothing I can do
to make those questions go away,

but, um, maybe I can
take your mind off them.


- Your...
- What?

...hair is, uh...

- Wh...
- What?



How did they decide who gets to go?

Was there a... a lottery or a...

Uh... sort of, but you had to take
a series of tests in order to qualify.

So, now thousands of people
are living on Alpha Centauri.

And you're a captain.

- I'm sorry. It's just that you're...
- Young.

- Very.
- Well, since you're gonna meet them,

you should know
that my crew is mostly children.


Yep, 97 of them.

Why would you bring children
on a rescue mission?


You weren't actually
looking for us, were you?

Our Colonist Group
ran into a little bit of trouble.

It's complicated, but...

rest assured,

we are more than capable enough
to handle this.

If you knew everything we'd been through...

Look, Robinson,

in the last 30 minutes,
I learned that I lost my crewmate,

my ship, damn near 20 years of my life.

Maybe we should just cool it
on any other... news for a bit.

Yeah. Yeah, I agree.

I... I...

Let's just focus
on getting you back on your feet.

One thing I am curious about, though.

If you weren't trying to find me,
how is it you know so much about me?

Um... You're...
You're pretty famous back on Earth.

In fact, when I was in school,
I... I did a little report on you.

Is that right?

I always wondered
what it would be like to meet you.

Well, I can't wait to see your ship.

NASA must have made
some pretty impressive advances

to get you to travel this far, this fast.

- Mm. We've had a little bit of help.
- From who?

Russians? Chinese?

A robot.


On the count of three. Ready?


One, two, three.

Oh! Just like on the Resolute.

Yeah, but we're not on the Resolute,
so why is it happening here?

You know, your mother and I...

once experienced the same phenomenon.

You followed me here?

Honestly, if I'd known it'd been this far,
I wouldn't have.

but it's a good thing I did,
because I know what this hair thing means.

Somewhere on the other side
of that wall is...

- ...alien technology.
- Alien technology. We know.

That's not possible.

We would have seen a sign,

or the robot
would have said something, or...

What is that?

Some kind of... tunnel.

Cool. Yeah.

So I agree with whoever suggested
we just cover this up

and pretend we were never here.

- No one suggested that, Penny.
- Well, they should have.

Do either of you think it's a coincidence
we found this the day Robot goes missing?

There's only one way to know for sure.

Someone has to go in.

You really think it's a good idea
to bring a robot back from the dead?

Haven't you guys read Pet Sematary?

This is as far as we can go
on the Chariot.

We're gonna have to travel
the rest by foot.

Okay, Don, that's us. Let's gear up.

Can I just suggest, once again,
my original plan,

which is me staying here
and Maureen can go out with you? You...

Maureen''s the only one
who knows what we're lookin' for.

We'll be pretty much blind out there.

She'll be monitoring
both our cameras from in here.

Okay, but if we end up
with a robot zombie on our hands,

I want it on the record
that it was Admiral Don West...

You're not an admiral, Don.

- Brigadier Don West...
- No.

- Ready?
- Sure! So excited.

I'll find us a spot in the shade,
set up a picnic. It'll be great.

Did you bring the pomegranate juice,
or was that my responsibility?

I never remember,
'cause I did mango last time.

Well, see you both soon.

Okay, I'm reading you both.
Keep straight ahead.

ground's a little unsteady here.

- Don, watch your feet.
- I can't even see my feet.

Fade 20 degrees to your right.

Right 20.

Don? Don, you're a little loose.
Tighten up.

This is disorienting.
Is John to my left or my right?


Don, just look for my light.



His picture cut out.


Can you hear him?

His audio cut out too.


Don? I... I barely...

Wait, I think I see something out there.

John. John, be careful.



I don't like this.

I... I think I'm gonna...


- Oops! Sorry about that.
- Oh... Oh, God.

What's goin' on?
There's nobody answering me.

Hey, I thought we lost ya.


John, wait.

- Turn back to your left.
- Yeah.

There! Right ahead of you.

Yeah. Yeah, I got it. I see it.

There's, uh... there's nothing here.

Just keep digging. Maybe...
Maybe it's been buried by all the...

Uh, there's nothing.
It's just solid...

If SAR's not here, where the hell is it?

Sure it's a good idea to have both
acting cocaptains here at the same time?

This is exactly the kind of thing
captains are supposed to do.


I thought it was more about
ordering people around and pointing.

Just relax.

Feels like
we're walking in poo.

It's just mud built up on the ground.

We're gonna be fine.

I'd like to take a second to remind you
the last time I was stuck in a tunnel,

I was drooled on by a bat monster
that wanted to eat my face.


Smith, are you still there?

Of course!

- You sure we're doing this right?
- Absolutely!

In the Girl Scouts,

this is how we kept track of each other
on nature hikes.

Once you're out of earshot,
if anything goes wrong,

just tug on the line,
and I'll know you need help.

You were in the Girl Scouts?

Is that so hard to believe?

Okay, then answer me this.

Do you have any Thin Mints?

- Penny!
- What?

You know cookies help me when I'm nervous.

Just come on.

Just keep going.
I'll be here the whole time.


Are you here?





It... It looks like
they could belong to an alien robot.

Okay, uh... Yeah, so that's my cue.

I just think that
we should get out of here.


Penny! Will!

No, no, no.

- What happened?
- I don't know.

I just hit, like, a button
or a switch or something.

I don't know, maybe if I hit it again?

Um... Smith!

Smith, help!

It's okay, right?

Smith is outside, and she knows
where we are, and she can help us.

Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. Of course she will.

- Will, these prints look really fresh.
- I don't know.

It's a cold, damp room.
No light, little airflow.

It's the perfect conditions
for preservation.

- Wh... which means what?
- Which means they could be old.

Buzz Aldrin's boot prints are still on
the moon because there's no atmosphere...

I appreciate
you're using history and science

to try and bore me into submission, but...

Listen, Will,
I saw the robots on the Resolute.

They know your name.

So if they're here somewhere,
you're in serious danger,

and we both know that.

So, please, just be honest with me.
Could these be recent?


Yeah, it's... it's possible.

Uh... believe it or not,
back in the day, this was cool.

- No, some people still think they are.
- Hmm.

My little brother wore one on
our last Halloween before we left Earth.

- Where you going?
- Come this way.

If the crew's wake systems
were compromised like mine,

we can't risk triggering them.

And it's not like we can
walk the pods back to your camp, so...

This has been on ice for 20 years.

Yeah, well, so have I.

Right, which is why I wouldn't strap
800 pounds to your back

and ride you across a meteor minefield.

Odd metaphor, but okay.

Here's the thing.

You said the launch window off this planet
won't hold for much longer.

So the question is,

do you wanna walk back,
or do you wanna ride?

- Is everything all right?
- Oh, yeah. Sorry.

Shen. He and Faith, the woman
you saw on the Fortuna, they were...

You know, when you train
for a deep-space mission like ours,

people can get close.

- Can I ask you a question?
- Yep.

When you made the decision to leave Earth,

was there... was there anything
that was hard to leave behind?

You know, anything that you miss?

Part of the job was teaching yourself
not to miss anything.

It was the farthest space travel
anyone had ever attempted.

For our mental health, we had to commit
to leaving everything and everyone behind.

Okay, that's not totally true.

There was something from back home
I thought about all the time...

the rocky road ice cream
at McConnell's in Pasadena.

- The one across from the bookstore.
- You know it?

Yeah, my mom
used to take us there all the time.

- Rocky road was actually also my favorite.
- Hmm.

Small world.


Better get movin' before the meteors do.

Depressurizing cabin.

I thought these suits
are supposed to be airtight.

I got sand in places where it's not
supposed to be without my permission.

It's okay.
We'll go back, get reinforcements.

We'll get enough people and equipment
to capture one of those robots.

I'm not worried about that right now.
I am worried about our son.

I'm worried about all our kids,
but right now, we need to focus on how...

John, you weren't there in that cave.
That robot, it... it wanted Will.

It was... it was like it was personal.

If SAR is back,
he'll find a way to get to Will.

- Will, what is it?
- Something strange.

I actually don't think
these were made by the robots.

What do you mean?

These prints have chitinous striations
and textured joints.

They're shaped like the alien robots,
but... but they weren't made by metal.

They're organic.

Then, if the robots didn't make those,
who did?

Penny? Will?

If you want me to stay out here
where it's safe, just say nothing!


I mean, we just walked into a dark tunnel,
with no idea what was inside.

How stupid do we have to be?

Sometimes you have
to walk into dark places.

Sometimes you don't have a choice.

There's always a choice.

Not if it's the only way
to protect the people you love.

That's what Mom and Dad would do.

Will, Mom and Dad aren't here, okay?

And neither is Don, and neither is Judy.

She's on the surface,
and I don't even know if she's okay.

We don't even know...

And me saying this right now
is reminding me

that I'm a really crappy older sister
because I'm supposed to be comforting you.

Why aren't you scared?

Who says I'm not?

Then why don't you ever talk about it?

Oh, Will, what is that?

Sorry I'm late.

No way was I coming in here unarmed.


Are you okay? Where'd you go?

Really? Isn't he the one
who's supposed to be rescuing you?

I think he wants us to follow him. Why?

Danger, family.

So, you've been gone
for almost two years now.

Any idea what's goin' on back on Earth?

Maybe a way to contact someone back home?

No. Unfortunately, no.


My mom,

she'd be almost 80 by now.

She was always worried
about me going into space.

Can't wait for that big "told you so."

What about your parents?

Um, my parents are in space.
They're headed to the colony.

At least, I think...

Whoa! Feel that?

- Yeah.
- Felt like it's somewhere close.

I could almost feel it in my stomach.

- No!
- What are you doing?

One of the pods got loose.

Just keep moving. I got this.

Be careful.

- How you doin' back there?
- Just keep driving.


Hold on! I got you!


I know.

You need to buckle up now!

- Where did you learn to drive like that?
- Actually, my mom.

- Where'd you learn to be so brave?
- I guess...

...my dad.

The sandstorm's starting to die down.

Its kinetic energy
won't be masking us much longer.

Hey, Don, let's start powering down

in case any of those robots
are patrolling the area.

Listen, the most important thing
we can do right now

is find out if SAR is functional again.

Well, even if he is,
even if he's here on this planet,

it doesn't matter because Will isn't,
which means he's safe.

- All the kids are.
- Are they?

I mean, I know we've spent the last year
telling ourselves that they are, but...

what if they're not?


It's... it's the not knowing.
It's the hardest part.

Hey, guys. Were these marks here before?

There's something on the ship.

What is he looking for?

I don't think
he's looking for anything.

I think he wants to show us something.

Well, I really hope
it's the way out.


Is this where you're from?

He looks like he's trying to remember.

Do you think whoever made this place

made you?

Yes, Will Robinson.

More importantly, are they still here?


Does that make you sad?

Just because someone made you,
doesn't mean you're sad when they're gone.

Sometimes, you're better off without them.

Not everyone can have parents
like John and Maureen Robinson.

Yeah, maybe robots and humans
aren't so different after all.

Both only as good
as the ones who programmed us.

But we can break our programming.
I mean, look at Robot.

Look at you.

That's sweet, but at the end of the day,

I fear we are...

who we were built to be.

Hey. Hey, where you going?

Help family.

Uh... our family or his?

- What are you doing?
- You said we needed a robot.

Yeah. To be fair,
she says a lot of crazy things.

Your plan can still work.
All the parts are in one place.

Only difference is,
that place is on our ship.

That's not the only difference.

This robot is alive
and could kill you, John.

Yeah, it's also alone.

If we were ever gonna get a chance
of capturing one of 'em alive,

of ever seeing our kids again, this is it.


Why'd you bring us here?

Danger, family.

You keep saying that,
but we don't know what you mean.

Danger from what?


The Danger System.

Is that the Jupiter 2?

Our parents. Is that who's in danger?

Are you looking for my son?

Who is that? What is that?


Why would you show us this
if we can't help?

Come on.

- Help family, Will Robinson.
- I don't know how!

- We have to do something!
- I... I'm trying!

Help family.


Dad! Mom!


- John, wait!
- No, this is our one shot!

- Mom!
- Will!


What's happening?


John, stand down. I...

I... I think it's okay.

Mom? Mom, is that you?

This is some kind of trick.

Dad! Dad, I can hear you too!


Will, I... I don't know what's happening,
but we're talking to you through a robot.

I think it's Scarecrow.

Will, did you send him to us?


Robot did.

We were about to defend ourselves.

- If you hadn't stopped us...
- That's what danger was.

They didn't understand
that you were trying to help.

Penny... Penny, is that you?

- Yeah. Mom. Yeah. Hi, it's me.
- Oh, my God!

We miss you so much!

I miss you too.

Guess what. I read your book.

Uh, four, five times already, and...

Oh, all I've wanted every day

is just to tell you how brilliant it is
and how brilliant you are.

Penn, Will,
it's so good to hear your voices.

How's Jude?

She's fine.

Is she with you?


No. No, she's...

- she's busy.
- Uh, busy captaining.

You know, heavy is the head
that wears, um...

whatever captains wear.

How's Alpha Centauri?

Well, don't freak out,

but we're not quite there yet.

- What?
- No, we're fine. We're fine. We just...

we just got a bit sidetracked.

What? For a year?

It's fine. I was sidetracked
for most of my 20s.

We had to repair one of our thrusters,
but we should be there in a couple days.

What about you guys?

We, uh...

We need two things
to get to Alpha Centauri,

and now we have one of them.

Well, he's on our ship.
I don't know whether we have him.

Help friend.

Help family.

I think Robot's saying
you can help each other.

Will, you're breaking up.

- Same here.
- Will, I need you to listen.

When you get to Alpha Centauri,

you need to turn that engine off
so no one can find you.

- Okay?
- That was always the plan.

I know. I know, but now it is...
it is more important than ever.

SAR might be alive.

Mom? Mom?

Mom, can you hear me? I love you...

They're okay. They're okay!

They are.

They are.

Oh, man!

So, what do we do about this guy?

We get to work.

I thought you said
getting across the surface

was the hard part.

Yeah, it was.

We're a two-mile vertical drop
from your camp.

Unless you have
one hell of an airbag there,

- this is officially the hard part.
- Don't worry.

Every problem has a solution.

Wait, what did you just say?

Nothing. It's just...
something my mom always says.

I used to know a woman
who used that phrase a lot too.

There's something I have to tell you.

I know you said that... that maybe
you don't want any more news today,

but I think you deserve to know
the reason why I chose you

to do my report on back in school.

The assignment was to talk about
somebody that was a hero to us,

and I couldn't decide between two people.

One was my father, a Navy SEAL

and probably the bravest and best dad
that I could ever ask for,

and... and the second was
someone that I never met

but was kind of always a part of my life.

His mother would come over
every Thanksgiving, and...

she was there that day

that I gave that report.

My mom worked with him at NASA,

and... when she would talk about him,

she would say that...
that he gave his life to space.

But... that he gave her life something more.

He gave her me.

And he never knew that I existed,

and... I never referred to him as my father

because, well, that job was already taken,

but I always wondered what he would say
if he got to hear this story.

I think...

he would start by saying,
"Nice to meet you."

Nice to meet you too.

Come on! We have to go back to camp,
tell everyone the good news.

Okay, I'll be right there.

I noticed you didn't mention
to your parents that I was still alive.

No offense, but there were
more important things to talk about.

I have another theory.
I think you were being a protector.

Protecting me from getting in trouble
for being a stowaway

and protecting your parents

so they wouldn't worry about the fact
that you were alone with me.

Interesting theory.

You're a good person, Will Robinson.

Even being on your own this past year,
the values your parents instilled in you,

your original programming,

it stuck with you.

I guess it's a good thing
we didn't take off sooner.

What do you mean?

Well, if we hadn't been stranded here
for so long,

we never would have found this place,

and you never would have connected
with your parents.

Sometimes, things work out for the best.

So, finding Scarecrow to help my parents,

was that your way of saying sorry?

Well, either way,

thank you.

What's out there?

The other robots,

do they know what happened to this place?

That whoever made them is...


No, Will Robinson.

Then that's how we end this.

When the robots attacked us,
it's not what they wanted to do.

It's what they were programmed to do.

Those orders, their original programming,

it's obsolete now.

We have to find a way to prove it to them.

Danger, Will Robinson.

You're thinking about SAR.

Do you think he'll remember me?

Find Will Robinson.