Lost Girl (2010–2016): Season 3, Episode 10 - Delinquents - full transcript

Bo, Dyson and Kenzi go undercover at an urban camp to catch a Fae serial killer preying on at risk youth. A blast from the past greets Tamsin, but the visit may not be purely social. Bo receives some emotional news that is hard to accept.

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[ music ]

I feel different.

I feel good.

Oh, this is gonna be fun...

Kenzi: Bo, get up!
Bo, you're up! Okay, good...

Now, I need you
to get your game face on

because someone is
breaking into the house!

[ banging on door ]

Uh, I'm sorry...
Am I interrupting your soft ball game?

Could you please grab a Big Girl weapon?

Uh, Kenzi, I am a big girl weapon.

What, you think I can't
handle a few robbers?

"Robbers", my fine Russian ass.
This is probably payback because

you and Dyson cheated
on your Fae Finals...

Hey, I did not cheat!

...and now they've sent some revenge
Fae for our skin! Or our tonsils.

[ banging on door ]


[ music ]


[ clatter! ]

- Lauren!
- ..."ta da"?

Surprising you with breakfast
went a lot better in my head.


The Dawning...

Intense, huh?

Intensely reinvigorating.
I feel reborn, Lauren.

Like I had this moment
of realization that I am

part of something bigger than myself.


Kenzi: Is everyone in here non-naked?

- Sorry, I just forgot Geraldine.
- I love you guys!


You are always playing
the domestic goddess.

- It is my turn.
- You're gonna... cook?

I'm pretty sure I can
crack an egg, Kenzi.

How hard can it be?

[ whispering ] This is
not the Bo that I recall.

So, what d'ya say, Doc?
Body swap?

Morrigan parasite?
Last night's sushi,

which I totally might've
gotten at the dollar store...

The Dawning has changed her
and we knew that it would.

The important thing
is, she's still our Bo.

- Right?
- Yes...

...they're not gonna change me.

They can make me write
my feelings in a journal,

play team-building games
'til I'm blue in the face.

But they will not take
the brat outta Matt.

That reminds me...
take your top off.

Okay, but for the record:
I still think this is stupid.

Yeah, well, stupid things
can be sexy too. Look at me.

[ laughing ]

Alright... close your eyes.

I'm telling you, it makes
all your sense sharper.

Fine. Pervert.

Tell me what you feel.

That's your breath.

That's your mouth.

- Grass?
- No...


[ giggling ]

You're right, this is kinda sexy.

[ tense sound ]



[ music ]


Very funny!

Get me all hot and
bothered and then leave?

Yeah, you were right about one
thing, Matt! You are stupid!

Ahhhh! Ahh...


[ struggling ]

[ muffled ]
Help me!

Ahhh! Ahhhh!

Life is hard when you
don't know who you are.

It's harder when you
don't know what you are.

My love carries a death sentence.

I was lost for years...

Searching while hiding.

Only to find that I belong
to a world hidden from humans.

I won't hide anymore.

I will live the life I choose.

3x10 - Delinquents


Where is this "camp?"
And why does Freddy Krueger live there?

Well, I know you said
they're just teenagers,

but they still seem so young.

And yikes...
these are some crazy rap sheets.

Yeah, most of these kids
slipped through the system.

Had to fend for themselves.

Why isn't Tamsin in on this?

She's out for a few days.
Some dustup in a Dark Fae bar.


[ laughing ]

Kind of my fault.

Funny story, great ending. 'Nother time.
Why do you need us?

Well, the latest death was this morning.

Matt Michaels, 19.
I'm going over the crime scene,

but I need a protection detail
for the rest of the campers.

Kenzi, wondering how you feel
about tapping into your inner juvie?

- Camp's not really my thing...
- Come on...

- I'll make it work.
- Thank you.

And, Bo...
I was wondering if...

...please say camp counselor.
[ laughing ]

- If you wanted to be a camp counselor.
- Yes!!!

- You're okay with that?
- I'm awesome with that!

Camp Chipewa, voted most popular
counselor three years in a row.

Should have known...
Ok, you guys got bags to pack.

Yes, and I have to tell Lauren!
Kenz, you comin'?

Right behind ya.

- What's that look for?
- This look wonders...

how the wolfman is
doing post-Bo's Dawning.


Ehhh! I'm afraid that's
not the answer we were looking for!

Really, Kenzi. I am...

- Fine.
- Fine.

Ow... Good, you're tapping
the inner juvie already.

Go get 'em, badass.

Two dead, a monster-y
maniac on the loose

and a gaggle of juicy teen
campers, ripe for the picking.

We didn't have any of
that at Camp Chipewa.


Suddenly I'm glad I opted
for space camp when I was a kid.

This "Treeman" is about
to get chopped down.

He ain't got nothing on Lady Lumberjack.

[ laughing ]

Are you worried about me
going undercover with Dyson?

Because you know
that you can trust me.

I was just hoping that we
could have this weekend to talk.

I'm sorry, I just...
I sort of need this. You know?

To take down something big
and ferocious and murder-y.

We've just been a little bit
out of sync lately, that's all.

I know.

And that is my fault.

But now that The Dawning is over,
things are gonna get better.

I promise.

You know that I would much rather
be spending the weekend with you.

Blame Tamsin!

[ music ]


- Acacia?
- Hey lady.

And here I thought I'd taught you
to never drop your guard.

Well, you also taught
me to respect my elders.

Oh, you cheeky bitch.
How the hell have you been?

And you've never looked better.

Damn straight.

So, what brings you to my
corner of our Dark little world?

I am here to deliver a message.

He knows you found her.

Now it's time to finish the job.

[ music ]

- Bo: This is camp?
- I'm thinking this one begins

with the letters P, O, W.
This is nature?

Discovery Channel led me
to believe there'd be more green.

You go first. Go ahead...

- Camp Chipewa?
- Uh, yeah...

When I took the job, I sort of thought
it would be another kind of camp.

- Devoid of murder you mean?
- Look, I'm sorry about Matt.

Do you want to talk about what you saw?

No one cares what
someone like me thinks.

It might be hard for
you to believe, but...

I am someone like you.

Oh yeah?
You ever stab anyone?

Yes... actually.

Look, the thing is, I didn't "see"
anything. My eyes were closed.

That was the whole
point of the stupid game.

- What game?
- Matt got me to close my eyes while he...

...y'know. Said my other
senses would be "heightened".

[ whispering ]

Were they?

Actually... yeah.

- That's why I smelled smoke.
- What kind of smoke?

Like when you're... straightening
your hair and you burn it.

I-I don't want to sound
flaky but there's something

about this place that's just off.
I mean, even more "off" than me.

Della, what you've gone
through is not your fault.

And if you ever want
to talk about it ...

I'm here.

[ under breath ]

- Can I go now?
- Sure.


This is where we found him.

I hope we can learn
more from the autopsy.

Dr. Lewis is very good.

Are there any registered Fae in
this zone with this sort of M.O.?

None that I haven't already ruled out.

Besides, all the kills
have been different.

One was stomped to death, another
burned, a few were strangled.

[ sniffing ]

If there's a pattern
here, I can't see it.

And where were you when
the attack took place?

I'm attached to these grounds literally.

- Lares?
- You got it.

You never seen anything
like this before?

Probably just some human litter.

Maybe. The campers,
they're free to roam around?

Within reason, yes. Why?

I don't think it's safe.

We're gonna have to do
something about that.

[ music ]

[ stereo music playing ]

- What up?
- Yep... She's a narc.

Narc-ing's not really my style.

What are you in the program for?

Theft, explosives, devil
may care attitude...

Explosives, huh?

Pipe bombs: What do you make 'em with?
Talc, or baby powder?

Talc ...unless you're
bombing diaper rash.

Easiest lock to pick: Cylinder or rim?

They both suck, but I prefer a rim.

Alright, your turn:
you're walking down the street,

you see a sweet cherry '92 Jag.

You get in, you hear sirens,
you have three minutes.

You take the car, or the pieces?

- Both.
- Trick question. You take nothing.

Market's been cold on
British imports since '02,

so you're better off ripping a domestic.

Only a punk or a poseur
would risk getting collared

for half a hun' of dead
merch they can't push.

- Are we cool?
- Yeah...

- Nice ink, man.
- Yeah, it's my girlfriend's name.

In what, Klingon?

Something like that.
We're forever.

So, what do you guys do
around here for kicks?

You lead one battalion
astray and suddenly

the entire War of 1812
goes to the Canadians.

[ laughing ]

Well, they wanted it more.

Plus you were the one who brought
the maple syrup whiskey.

- Yes, and I also brought Tecumseh.
- Mmm... Tecumseh.

- Now there was a general.
- Mmm... There was a man.

They don't make warriors
like that anymore.

They made you, Acacia.

[ chuckling ]

All right... enough for me.
I'm drivin'.

How long are we going to pretend
that you're not in serious trouble here?

- I'll figure it out.
- Really? How?

Please, regale me with
your brilliant plan.

I don't know!

I'll find someone else he wants
more and I'll make a trade.

Name one person he wants
more than this girl.

- You've never choked before...
- And I'm not choking now!

Look, this is not just
some skip we're bagging.

You know what happens when
we deliver a mark, Acacia.

Mmhmm... We get paid.
I buy things.

The world keeps spinning.

It's what we do, Tamz.
We find people and we bring them in.

That's the job.

Look... even if I wanted
to, she's been through

the Dawning.
She's too strong, now...

He has thought of that.

- What the hell is it?
- Rune glass.

"One hair from someone she loves.
Two from someone she trusts.

And three from her own head."

Put 'em in the bottle,
and the Druid will do the rest.

- "Do the rest" how?
- Bitch, do I look like a wizard?

I don't know, put the whammy on her!
Make her putty in your hands.

I took this gig because I thought
it would be easy money

talking sense into you.
Don't let me down.

And don't get any deeper
in this than you have to.

Just bring in the girl. Okay?

- Okay.
- Okay.

Well, it's a beautiful day...
I think I'll walk.

[ music ]

Ok, so we'll start with
a good old-fashioned game

of basketball to really
get our heart pumping,

and then we'll talk a
little bit about how we feel.

Um, I feel this is
amateur hour bullshit.

Yeah, I feel like not getting murdered.
Which we might, out here.

Okay, so, um, let's, let's...

Everyone on your feet!
Okay, let's try something different.

It'll be fun... We're gonna
work on team building and trust.

So, get up, everyone!
Pair up!

Uh, so, who wants to be my partner?

- Okay, how 'bout you, Kenz?
- Lame.

Ok, so when I fall, I know
that she will catch me,

because I completely trust my team.

Three... two... one!

Bo: Ugh!

[ laughing ]

Can I talk to you for a second?

Of course.

Are you seriously going to pretend
that wasn't the funniest shit

in the history of both
"funny" and "shit?

I need these kids to respect me.

Au contraire, mon frère: {*fra}
you need them to trust me.

And after taking down The Man,
I am like a folk hero to these delinks.

- I am like their Che Guevera.
- Do you even know who that is?

Dude in the beret.
Designs tee shirts for angry youth.

Ugh... So tell me, Che,
any intel so far?

Well, Della is obviously, a mental mess.

Uh, this one kid, Nelson,
he's semi-confrontational.

And the rest are just
various remixes of angry.

Yes, they are tough kids, but they can't

defend themselves against
whatever is stalking them.

- They got skillz.
- From where, the street?

Hey! Don't knock the streets, lady.
The streets taught me a lot.

- I got skillz. I can be badass.
- I'm sure you can.

But this isn't a human monster, Kenzi.

This is a monster monster.
As in serious. As in you need

to come get me and Dyson
if things get real. Okay?

- Fine.
- Okay?

- Yes.
- Good.

Okay, everyone let's meet
Jolene in the lunch room.

It is taco Tuesday!

[ music ]

[ door opening ]
[ music ]

Come on D-man...
a wolf's gotta shed...

[ music ]


[ music ]

Anyone else think that
these deaths might be

some sort of freaky animal attack?

Like a wolf?

A wolf wouldn't leave the body intact.

Yeah, not to mention,
they're really lame.

- Oh, really?
- Yeah, and surprisingly girly.

I think you protest too much.
I think you love wolves.

Wolves wish I loved them.

- Enough with the weird wolf talk.
- Yeah, who the hell are you?

- Name's Dyson. I work with Jolene.
- Another social worker? Great.

Just what we need to protect
us from a crazed killer.

Yeah, what are you gonna do?
Pipe self-actualizations

through the intercom 'til the
killer surrenders to a group hug?

No, but we do have a plan

and it involves all of
you staying together.

I hope you realize this
is for your own good.

What the hell do you
mean you threw it away?!

You have to take care of
that unaligned Succubus bitch!

- Her name is Bo!
- Are you shitting me?

It is my problem and I
will deal with it in my way!

It was your problem.

Until I guaranteed that
you would finish the job!

Why would you do such
a dumb-ass thing?!

- Because I trust you...
- I never asked you to!

Do you remember who we're dealing with?

If you betray him, there
is not a place in this world

that his freaky little
minions will not find you!

Or you.

Finish the job, Tamsin.
Deliver the Succubus. Or I will.

Even if I have to go through you.

[ music ]

We gotta break out of here.

Yeah, and find the
creep that's stalking us.

- We'll all gonna die.
- That is not happening, trust me.

No one cares about us.

They've got all the power
and we've got nothing.

They like us weak.
They like us dependent on them.

Yeah, until something
like this come along,

then it's good luck, sayonara,
you're all on your own.

Like I said...
We're all going to die.

We're gonna get out of this room

and we are going to
show that murdering freak

- why you don't mess with delinquents!
- I'd slow clap if that wasn't so lame.

- One exit strategy coming up.
- Uh, no, no, no! Honey... Honey!

It's ok, it's ok...
Uh, somebody got a stolen credit card?


Oh, okay, alright,
guys, what's the plan?

I think it's best if we stick...
Stick together! Guys!

Guys, I said stick together!

So, Matt's entire body
was full of leaves?

And twigs, and bark.

Oh, that is horrible.

The worst part is that
it would have taken hours

to stuff his body.

Oh, God...

He wasn't only killed, he was tortured.

The strange thing about this
particular foliage is that

it comes from a species of tree
that no longer grows in the area.

But why toy with him like that?


Send him a message?
I don't know, Bo.

But whatever it is,
just please promise me

- that you'll be careful.
- Yes, of course.

And when this is over, babe,

I think you and I should get away.
Maybe someplace with sand.

You ever seen Egypt?

- Actually, twice.
- Oh! Sorry Miss Blasé World Traveler.

You could at least fake some enthusiasm.

It's just that I'm busy with my stuff

you're busy with your stuff...

Yeah, but your stuff is my stuff
and my stuff is your stuff and...

Well, now I'm just confused.

- Bo!
- But, I...

- Bo!
- Ugh...

No, no! Oh God!
[ Bo struggling ]

[ phone ringing ]


Dyson, it's attacking her!

Lauren, slow down...

Bo is in her room!
It's attacking her, just go!

I'm on my way...

[ Bo struggling ]

[ slam! ]

[ music ]


Bo: Ugh!

[ muffled ]

[ slam! ]

[ Bo struggling ]


[ rawr! ]
[ glass breaking ]

[ Bo coughing ]

I'm fine... Go after it.

[ tense sound ]


Fancy meeting you here...

Ok, the good news is
we're all still here.

Bad news, we've all kind of scattered.

Come on, stay close...
Do not fall behind.

You guys find anything?

Just our favourite
shit disturber here...

Kenzi, where are the other campers?

They're ... around.

- What?
- Burning hair.

- I say run, you run.
- No argument from this one.

[ music ]

[ tense sound ]

[ gagging ]


[ music ]

smell of burning hair. Oh God...

Sounds like a Tikbalang to me.

Albert Einstein!

Your door was open...

Yeah, I was trying to...
What did you call it? A Tik-what?

They're forest creatures.

I hunted them in the Phillippines.

It says here that they disorient

travelers to lead them away.
That they're as strong as a horse...



What are you doing here?

You're not really a...
big fan of me, are you?

Well, in light of recent events, no.

Is this about the kiss?
Between Bo and I?

[ music ]


Because it was only that once.

Wasn't really that big a deal.

Heck ... she didn't even feed off of me.

[ music ]

[ slap! ]

Guess I deserved that.

Get out.

[ music ]

If it wasn't for me,
Della would still be alive.

That is not true. If you're
gonna blame anyone, blame me.

I was sent to find this monster
in a puppet costume but I failed. Me!

No, it doesn't even matter.

Either way, the campers
are not gonna trust me now.

They'll be here any minute.

Maybe I should go.

Lauren: No one's going anywhere.

Not with what we're dealing with.


- It's a Tikbalang.
- A tickle bang?

Sounds strangely fun and easy to beat.

Yeah, it's not.
I looked it up.

The only way to beat it is
to literally smoke it out.

Once you catch it, you
have to cut its mane.

That's where its willpower lies.
No hair, no fight.

Translation: We smoke it
out and give it a makeover.

The makeover we can do.
And the smoke...

Dyson: Come on in!
Put your bags in a pile.

We'll figure out sleeping
arrangements later.

Wow, we're just moving from
one shithole to another.

I'm not gonna stay here to be
bait for whatever's out there.

- You can't go.
- Watch us.

Kenzi: Guys!

Look, I know you're scared.
I am too. But my friends?

They are really good at this.
Stronger than me.

- They will find this murderer.
- Bo: She's right. We will.

What if they could make the killer pay

for Della and Matt? What if you
could help them do it?

Kenz, where are you going with this?

- You have some sort of genius plan?
- Actually, I do.

So, who here knows
how to make pipe bombs?

[ music ]


- I hope this works.
- Smoking prey out is a hunting technique

that's been used since
the beginning of time...

Do we need to talk about
what happened at the Dawning?

Because I need to talk about it.


I need you to know...
that I appreciate so much...

what you were willing to risk for me.

I also need you to know that

I am still in love with Lauren.

- All right.
- "All right"?


I think the tales of my romantic heroism
may have been slightly exaggerated.

You volunteered to be my Hand,
knowing you weren't getting out alive.

Then why aren't I dead?
We've been through a lot together, Bo.

And the main thing I've
learned in that time?

Is that the people who
underestimate you...

...always lose.

When I volunteered, I
wasn't risking my life:

I was trusting that you would save it.

Tell me the truth...

Was it hard dating me?

It was harder losing you.

[ music ]

Y'know, even after everything
that we have been through...

I'm really glad we ended up here.

[ steam escaping ]

- That's our cue.
- Go. I'll go around the side.

[ whack! ]

Not fun fighting for air, is it?


You let me go!

Why don't I think about that?

They deserve to die.

And you deserve a haircut.

[ slice! ]

[ crying ]

Classic hunting technique.

[ music ]

[ humming sound ]

'Sup, Doc.

[ music ]

They're called caltrops.

You still workin' on it?
You wanna tell him?

Yeah, sorry, Trick, we
just closed the case.


Well... they're pretty
fascinating actually...

part of an old Fae hunting game.
Used by an obscure Fae sect.

They mark the prey with the caltrops.

I've seen this before.
This is... Klingon.

It's the Filipino language of Baybayin,

a pre-Spanish Phillippine
writing system.

Blah, blah whatever writing system...

Nelson had a tatt in
this language on his arm.

Said it belonged to his girlfriend.

- Uh-oh.
- What uh-oh?

Mates hunt in pairs.
Which means......

Nelson's going to kill again.

- Uh-oh, the Doc...
- What about her?

She was talking to Nelson,
all kinds of smack about Jolene...

I don't know about you,
but I'd be supremely pissed.

Call Dyson, tell him to
meet me at Lauren's...

Oh... brother.


[ whack! ]

[ heavy breathing ]

Get up... come on, come on...

There we go, I got you...
get up!

What do you want from me?

Nothing personal, just the chance
to end the game with a little dignity.

[ choking ]

Hey, hey, shhh shhh shh shh...

Doctors know about
symmetry, right? Right?

Well, your girlfriend took my
girlfriend, ruined our game.

So now, I'm going to ruin you.

[ wheezing ]

Are you gonna kill me?

Yeah, I have to. It's the rules.

Here, look... look...
just look...

I marked you for my girl, see?
[ Lauren choking ]

Now she's gone...

But you're human...

Well, you know what it's like!
You know what it's like, I mean...

You're nothing, nobody, then one of them

comes along looks at
you and catches you.

How do you go back
to a mortal life after that?

[ struggling to breath ]

Any last words?

This precious game of yours...

It's over, asshole.


[ music ]


Bo! Let him go!

[ coughing ]

It's okay, it's okay...
You're okay...


Let go of me!

[ music ]

That's the best I can do...

- You need to see a doctor.
- I am a doctor.

Seeing you all beat up like
this kinda breaks my heart.

Bo, can we forget the first
aid for a minute, please?

- If you insist...
- No, Bo... Bo...

I'm not happy.


But you...
you are.

- Yeah.
- Yeah...

After The Dawning...
I feel new... Lauren.

I want to be happy.

I want to live, I want
to travel the world.

But I only want to do that with you.

I'm just, I'm so tired, Bo.

These last few years with the Fae, I...

the Garuda...
and Nadia...

I feel like I'm losing myself.

Well, I don't want you to feel that way.

I want you to feel amazing.

I want you to feel the way that
I feel whenever I'm with you.

You just...
Tell me what you need.

Babe, I'll do anything.

I think that we need a break.

From us?

I am so sorry, Bo.

But I think that I'm always
going to be asking from you

more than you can give to me.


If that's what you
think you need, then...

I understand.

I'll give you space.

Of course you're tired, you've
just been through hell, that's all.


And it has been all about me...

We need to focus on you to
make you... the priority.

And if space is what you want then...

You, um...

You take all the time that you need.

I'm not going anywhere.

[ music ]

This is just a break...

[ music ]

[ music ]

You know, we uh, we got the guy.


Our sociopathic Romeo, Nelson.
He's going away for a long time.


You okay?

Do you know that...

I thought that you were
the enemy for a while there.

That you were gonna swoop
in and... take her away.

Turns out I've done a fine job
of screwing it up all by myself.

Yeah, we're gonna need shots...

We're on a break.

Well, uh...
If you're looking for distraction,

I'm partial to bar fights
and howling at the moon.

[ laughing ]

Don't know if that's
your cup of tea, though...


For what it's worth?
She really does love you.

I can tell.


Whatever happens ... it's not like
she's irreplaceably perfect, right?

She's so stubborn.

She can be bitchy.
[ laughing ]



Noble hearted.

Best sex I'll ever have.
[ laughing ]

Gods, yes.

How could I ever get over her?

I'll let you know.
[ music ]


[ music continues ]

[ knocking on door ]

Unless you're Kenzi or a pint
of tequila-spiked ice cream ...

please Fae off.

- That is a sad, sad little box.
- Yeah, well...

it's some stuff that Lauren left here.

Can't say we're not
having problems... but...

we will work through it.
I will fix this.

If that's what you want, you bet.

Think it'd be ok if I kept it
for just a little while longer?

I think she'd be good with that.


I'm so, so sorry.

I didn't figure you Valkyries
for the sentimental type...


Sorry... my hand just
got caught in your hair.


I'm about to get ragingly drunk,
would you like some wine?


[ music ]

[ door opening ]


[ music ]