Lost Girl (2010–2016): Season 2, Episode 7 - Fae Gone Wild - full transcript

Bo's latest case involves a Fae stripper who is wanted for murder, and Lauren finally reveals her painful secret.

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Kenzi: Open it.

Bo: I will.

You better.

I can't!

Come on!
Grow a pair.

It could be a trap!
It could be rigged

to release DNA-
unscrambling toxins.

Or house some kind
of insect that will

breed itself into
a worldwide infestation.

Or...it could send
Lauren into the arms

of her secret girlfriend.

Same diff.

It's not even really
mine to open.

Good point.

Then I say we just
get rid of it.

Throw it out.
Set it on fire.

Feed it to the troll.

Hey, that would be
underhanded and selfish--

None of the things
that you are, my darling.

I could be those things.


It's good to have dreams,

Officer: Just gimme 2 minutes
alone with that cop-killer.

When's he being moved?

Maybe we've got time
to show him some real justice.

(phones ringing)

(dance music playing)

Life is hard when you don't
know who you are.

It's harder when you know
what you are.

My love carries
a death sentence.

I was lost for years.

Searching while hiding.

Only to find that I belonged
to a world hidden from humans.

I won't hide anymore.

I will live the life I choose.

Alright, buddy,

and out of our sight.

Dyson: What the hell
is going on, guys?

Hale: Oh! Officer,
where are your pants??

We got bigger problems, Hale.

Dyson: Hey,
check this out.


Hale: Who is that?

Try again.



Looks like one of these
girls is helping him out.

Whole thing was
a set-up.

So, these girls,
they come in here,

seduce enough
clothing off our guys

to dress Zephyr like a cop
and march him out of here.

It screams Fae.

Damn right it does.

Know what, it smells like it
too, but it's weird, it's faint.

What I don't get is why would

three Fae women
break out a human killer.

Yeah. And who
the hell are they?

More specifically,
who the hell is she?

(Kenzi reading) "According
to a disgruntled source,"

"sexism is to blame
for the security lapse

"at 39 Division.

"The young woman featured
in the leaked footage

"helped the accused
murderer escape"

"by flirting with the
male officers present."

My Sheri wouldn't do that.

We're just simple Treefolk.

Well, the girl in the photo
is wearing a mask.

Are you sure
it's your daughter?

A mother knows.

Even after ten years.

What happened ten years ago?

She was headstrong.

I was stubborn.

We fought like normal
mothers and daughters do,

but this one fight--

She left
and she never--

I never heard from her again.

Not a phone call,
not a postcard.

And when I saw this
on the news--

The Fae in town
say you're the best.

That you can find my Sheri.

Kenzi: Not to be
a buzzkill, but, uh--

this photo-op of your Sheri
with Mr. Killer-of-the-Year?

Kind of screams


The police are gonna think
she's with this monster.

I mean, we may just
be simple treefolk,

but I have to protect her!

I'm her mother.

Well, I gotta admit,
I'm a sucker

for a good
mother-daughter reunion.

We'll try and find her.

But if she's working
with Zephyr,

we're gonna have to turn
this case over to the police.

God bless you.

We'll be in touch.

"Simple Treefolk"--

She said that like fifty times.

You buy it?

When have the Fae ever
been straight with us?

I say:
Buyer beware.

And there's the small problemo

of Sheri's last known

being on Dyson and Hale's turf.

Which means we have
to go digging

in their backyard
without them knowing.

Lying, sneakery,
killers on the loose--

I'm feeling a distinct lack
of joy for this one.


He's Russian, right?



Well, then lighten up,

I got peeps.

(Kenzi on phone
speaking Russian)

I don't know!!!

Find out where
he parks his car!

Yes, I know,
"big favour", I know!

Thank you
very much--

Detective, you're telling me
after the women

entered the station
you remember nothing?

"All...I remember is--

waking up with a pup tent
in my pants."

Why didn't you immediately take
these intruders into custody?

(reading) "I thought Ricky
sent them for my birthday."

How about a description
of the woman?

"36-24-28." Yes--

Woo, yeah--

Thank you,
Officer Horndog--

Got an APB out
on that right now--

The snitch
came through--

Got a 20 on Zephyr's last
known whereabouts, let's go-


If this is the right van, you tell your
cousin we owe him a twinkie.

Oh, Sheri--

(tires squealing)



Dyson: Bo!



Yeah, officers, I'd like to
report a murder.

Are you?

I haven't see you
in a while--

Is that a new haircut?

That's nice.
That's cute.

What are you doing here?

Well, it's sort
of a funny story

slash coincidence
kind of thing.

That's great.
I love funny stories.

I'm investigating
a missing person's case.

What missing person?

I can't say.


Client confidentiality.

This guy has nothing to do
with your missing person.

What with Lefty
over here? No, hell no.

Hale: Hey--

The van's empty
and it looks like

someone cleaned out
the glove compartment.

Well, I should let
you guys get back to it.

I don't want to contaminate
your crime scene so--

Good luck, guys!

She's definitely
holding out on us.

Yeah well, I hope
you're wrong, man.

Because as nasty
as Zephyr was--

whoever did this
to him is even nastier.

It looks ritualistic.

I gotta get this
body to Lauren.

You think that dancing queen

and her chick clique
got together

and did this to him?

I gotta find her.

Glove compartments are
the boho bags of men.

Packed with crap and not
nearly the practical

carry-all you hoped for
when you got it on sale.

think I found a rib.

As in human?

As in Memphis dry rub.

If these people are Treefolk,
shouldn't they be, like,

you know, communing with nature,
making their own granola,

not hanging cop-killers
from rafters?

Unless they're not
Treefolk at all.

Either way, the cops
are one step behind us.

And if Dyson finds out
I lied to him--





Trick, your most expensive
bottle of scotch.

What's the occasion?

Closing a business
deal in Zurich.

I'm investing
in a medical institute

and, well, thought
I'd celebrate.

Trick: The MacLeroy
coming up.


Whoa, whoa, whoa--

What is she, a millionaire?

Multiply that by
a couple thousand

and you'd be right
on the money.

She practically ran her
husband's security company.

And now after
he's passed, she owns it.

So Dyson's new girlfriend
is a billionaire

and I live in a house
with no walls.


Get ready for some
serious cheering up,

Lady Blah Blah.

A VIP membership to Naughty
Lady's Gentlemen's Club?


Yes, did you forget?
Our missing minx

was last seen dancing
for the boys in blue?


Come on.
It'll be fun!

Lap dances, implants
strippers, oh my!

So...guess which
upstanding officer

recently lost his keycard?

Boyd, huh--

Hey, wait a minute,
wait a minute, wait a minute--

Dyson: Okay,
check this out.

Does that look like
they know each other?

Hale: Yeah.

Something tells me
that ain't the first time

he's plucked
that g- string.

(dance music playing)

See? Told ya.

Like Vegas for crotch.

We're here on a job.

Sure, sure--

Ladies, start your


Who knew-- I think
I might actually dig chicks.

be careful--

I think you
and all of these guys--

Sort of hypnotized?


good for us.

I bet the cops were too.

Yeah, but by who?

By a simple Treefolk

with pastie power
and killer moves.


Baby, my hair could be on fire,

and I would not care.

All there is
what she's selling.


You don't feel it?

Horny, yes, but not hypnotized.

Her mojo must only
work on humans.

She must have
cranked it up to 11

to bust Zephyr out
of the cop shop.

She looks so haunted.

Try hunted.

As in for possibly
hacking up a dude,

taking a trophy hand
and hanging him up to dry.

Well, we need to talk to her.

Kenzi, what are you doing?

You got a lap,
she likes to dance--



Hey there, lovely.



So, uh, so have you
worked here long?

Let my body do the talking.

You just sit back and relax.

you are beautiful.

And, uh


Um, you're very talented.

So, what do you do
in your off-time?

You a cop or something?

Oh, no, Bo--
Bo hates cops.

She's just uh,
she's looking for a job--


Oh, well you're gonna
wanna talk to Lewis.

Lewis: Yes?

Lady wants a chat.

No problem.

Aren't you a pretty thing?

What can I do
to you-- for you?

I'm Bo.

I was hoping that
you had an opening.

I do.

And I can see you
headlining in no time.

Of course, there's a price.

All the girls that
dance here have to pay it.

You definitely have
the currency.

Actually, I was thinking about
something more behind the bar.

Your call.

A beautiful thing
like you can only make

my customers happy
and me richer.

I can't believe I'm gonna
go work for that scum-bag.

Yeah, but not
for realsies, right?

You're not actually
going to go back, are you?

Why wouldn't I?

Because our mission,
which we chose to accept

was to find Donna's daughter.

And we did.
Fait accompli!

Yeah, but why did she
help a murderer escape?

And then kill him--

And then go
right back to dancing?

All very good questions
for the po-po to answer.

Sheri doesn't have
anyone else in her corner.

I am not turning
my back on her.

And that's what makes you, you.

You know--
I get it, dude.

You know, man wants to cool
down, maybe have some fun,

so he hits the clubs.
Ends up meeting

a few girls he can
add to his inventory.

And just maybe one of those
girls sweet talks him

into giving up his
key card. Happens.

But then she uses
that key card to get

into the station
through the garage.


Well, yeah, yeah--
We traced your key card number.

It was used in the garage
right before the big show.

It was a set-up.
It must have been.

Or maybe Zephyr
brought you in on it.

Paid you to make it happen.

No! I swear.



Now, let me ask you something

is that gonna make you
a jailhouse hero,

or someone's jailhouse bitch?

Just stop!
Just stop--

I go to this place.

Naughty Lady Gentlemen's Club.

That girl in the photo?


I might've told her that
I was transferring Zephyr.

Maybe she took my key card.


Why don't we just start
with that strip joint address?

So the Light Fae nuns
attacked the Dark Fae customers

at a charity clothing drive??


Thanks for getting back to me.

Let me know if
anything else happens,

or otherwise.


Everything okay?


How can I help you?

Let's say I know of a
murderer who's been hanged.

His hand's been hacked off

and he's got
a real bad haircut.

Yeah, he was kind of fileted.

It was a gross, Trick.
It was disgusting.

Yeah, someone's making
The Hand of Glory.

That isn't what it
sounds like, is it?

It's a candle--
a talisman for thieves.

Whoever lights it can
break into anything they want.

For as long as
the candle stays lit.

Yeah, it's a good idea
to keep your vault drafty--

The only thing that
extinguishes it is milk.

Of course--

So this Hand of Glory
seems like

every robber's wet dream.

Why doesn't everyone have one?

Because the Hand retains
the deviant qualities

of the original

And because making it
is a grisly affair.

Hand of what?

A Hand of Glory.

You take the hand of a murderer

who's been recently hanged

by the neck until dead.

You marinate that hand
in a mixture

of rare herbs
and essential oils.

That serves as a base
for the candle.

Any particular kind of candle?

One made from the
murderer's rendered fat.

And the hair?

Used for the wick.

Of course.

There's something
you should know

about this particular Hand.

The more vicious the killer,

the stronger the powers
of the hand.

Given the Zephyr's history,
this is going

to be one powerful talisman.


One other thing--

Have you spoken to anybody
else about this case?

Like who?

Thanks for the autopsy.


Would you mind if I hang here?

I just need some personal time

before the guard dog
escorts me back.

Take as much time as you need.

(phone ringing)


Lauren: Bo?


Hey, Lauren.

Uh, I've been
thinking about you.

What's going on?

Lauren: Something's
come up--

I was just consulting
with Dyson

about the Russian
Strangler case.

He wanted
to know if I had talked

to anyone about it.

I think he meant you.

Oh. Yeah, we're
working the same case.

Just different angles.

Is that all?

Actually no--

The corpse of this Zephyr
guy is missing a hand.

We think it's going
to be used to make--

The Hand of Glory,

So you know?

Bo: Yeah.

Was that it?

Well...it's a little
bit awkward--

No, no, go ahead.

Have you had any luck getting

the so-called solution
to my...predicament?

All I ended up with
was a lot of questions.

Was there something else
that you wanted to tell me?


Are you alright?

I'm fine.


How'd you know?

After that last sleazoid
I saw you grinding on,

even I needed a drink.

Yeah well, after Lewis
raised the entry fees,

you have to make
it up somewhere.

Why not just score a gig
at another strip joint?

I was planning

on leaving the
business completely.

Starting something of my own.

That's great.

Probably gotta raise
a lot of cash for that.

What are you planning on doing?

Robbing a bank?


Lewis: Up next, the shimmering
seductions of Sheri!

Gotta go.

What can I...
get you guys--



We got a special on body shots.

So, what is this
another funny story

slash coincidence
kind of thing?

Because you better have
a damn good reason

for interfering
in my investigation.

Two G&Ts coming up, guys!

Will you keep it down?
You're gonna blow my cover.

You told me you were
on a missing persons case!

I was!
I am.

Lewis: Show some love
for your headliner,

putting some motion
in your ocean--


Looks like Bo's
missing persons case

is our missing persons case.

You knew where she was
the whole time--

I was gonna to tell you.

We got someone
to take in--

Okay, no, Dyson wait!

I know Sheri is in trouble,

but if you arrest her now
we're never gonna find out

why she made The Hand of Glory.

We'll get it out of her.
It's what we do.

Okay, how
about this--

I stay undercover,
I snoop around,

I keep you guys in the loop.

Come on, Dyson--

You need me on the inside.

I need you?

You've been lying to me.

I don't even know
if I can trust you.

On this you can.

Look, something big
is going down here

and I can find out what it is.

Then you're gonna
tell us everything.


And be careful.

Wow, someone
really likes fish--

What the hell are
you doing in here?

I uh, I was just admiring
your amazing trophies.

When I was a little, my dad
used to take me fishing,

but we never reeled in
anything this impressive.

Not many women
appreciate my collection.

Well that's because
they don't have a clue

what it takes to reel in
a marlin or a sailfish.

Or a hammerhead.

I had to wrestle that
for five hours.

Almost got away twice.

That one I baited
with my best lure,

you know, had to put
on a real show for her.

You know...
This one?

Practically jumped
into my arms.

You know each catch
has its own story.

And I would love
to hear them all

but I left a couple
of customers dry at the bar.

And if they don't get
their Singapore Slings,

they're gonna be
really grouchy.

Hale: You want me
to blow up a picture

of an invisible safe?

Not entirely invisible.

It was sort of shimmery.

Shimmery, so you mean,
kind of there but not there?


Oh, wait a minute--

Okay, here she comes.

Wow, I haven't seen
one of these in years.

What is it?

A holographic safe made
by the Nibelung dwarves.

They're the best
metal-smiths in the world.

Someone found
a way to bind iron

so it can exist
between two dimensions.

Yup, nobody gets in
one of these. Ever.

Unless you've got the Hand
of Glory to help you out.

(phone ringing)

Fingerprint results from
Lewis' scotch glass are in.


His real name is Kobe Ah Ket.

He's Dark Fae, a Bunyip.

One of those water spirits who
gets off on abducting women.

Well, sounds about right.

I say we nab his watery
miscreant ass now.


There's something in
that safe that Sheri needs.

And if Lewis is the only
one with access to it,

there's a good chance
she'll never get it.

What aren't you telling us, Bo?

I know how to figure out
what Sheri wants to steal.

Okay, you've got
until noon tomorrow.

Not one second more.

You have to tell us
what Sheri wants to steal.

What have I done?

Even if I did see her she'd,
probably never forgive me.

I think she would.

And you know why I think that?

Because I would forgive my mom.

You're a runaway?

Still am, I guess.

Turns out the whole
stepdad thing wasn't for me.

I told my mom to choose
and she did.

Sheri probably thinks
I chose my husband over her.

Well, you'll never know
what she thinks

unless you tell us the truth.

You are not Treefolk, are you?


We're Selkies.

That's like...some
kinda mermaid, right?

More like seal shifters.

Years ago I fell in love
with a fisherman--

And I gave away my pelt
to be with him.

But I thought that Fae
couldn't mate with humans.

Legally speaking.

Well, Selkies, we're
in a bit of a grey area.

Once we remove our pelts,
we're mostly human.

Except for your super
seductive snatch power.

So was Sheri's father human?

No, the fisherman
isn't her father--

I was pregnant when I met him.

Then when
Sheri was born I--

I hid her pelt away as well.

Well didn't she
want it growing up?

Didn't she miss it?

You never told Sheri
she was a Selkie, did you?


When she was fifteen,

She found her pelt.

Which triggered the
great mother- daughter

crap storm of 2002.

Donna, what happens if
you don't have your pelt?

You can't ever
go back to the sea.


Bo: Sheri.

Club's not open yet--

So why are you here?

This is about
your pelt, isn't it?

Lewis stole it
from you and you plan

to use the Hand Of Glory
to get it back.

Okay, who are you really?

Your mother hired me
to help you.

Look, you can either deal
with me or the cops.

But I'm not the one
who's going to try

to bring you in
for Zephyr's murder.

Zephyr used to come
in here and get drunk--

He beat up Crystal once,
really bad.

When he was arrested
and we found out

he was a killer?

I did what I had to do to
save me and my sisters.

Wait, all the girls
here are Selkies?

So how did you end up here?

We had plans--

We had plans to buy this
little beachside hotel and bar.

You know, someplace
where we could visit

the water whenever we wanted.

But that took money.

So that's where Lewis came in.


Stupid Bunyip tricked us.

He said he had
an investor friend

and that we should turn human

and use our
"charms" on the guy.

But there was no investor.

Lewis stole our skins.

And he promised us that
if we danced for a year

he would give them back.

But he didn't.

So you finally decided
to take matters

into your own hands...
or "hand" as it were.


All we needed was
a murderer, a dumb cop

and a way to get
into the station.

I guess you know the rest.


What I want
to know--

is what are you going
to do about it?

Like I said--

Your mother
hired me to help you.

So whoever lights it
pulls off the theft.

And no one can stop them.

Then you'll come
to see your mother?

Did she really send you?

She loves you.

She just wants a chance
to talk to you again.

Lewis: What is this,
a knitting club?

Uh, group warm-up.
We're good.

Well, I'm not.
My back door's busted open.

Someone tell me
what's going on here.


Dyson: Nobody move!

What the hell?

Dyson, you said
we had until noon!

Not one second more.

Hale, you got him?

Grab on--

Come on--

Bo: Let's go--

Looks like no one's
gonna stop us.

That hand's even better
than advertised.

Bo: Okay,
Hand of Glory, check--

Frozen people:

Weird impenetrable
holographic safe: check.

Now what?

It's supposed
to work--

Okay, so we're winging it.
We can do that.

Maybe the hand
knows what to do.


(lock clicking)

Oh, atta boy--

thank you--

Come on, let's grab the rest
and get out of here!



Girls: Oh my God!
Our pelts!

Girls: Oh my God!

Get your hands off those pelts!

Hey, they belong to me!

Hale: No, they don't--
Turn around!

Dyson: Hale,
get him out of here.


Those are mine!

You girls all owe me!

Bo: You're free.
You're all free.

Not quite!

Miss, you're gonna need
to come with me--

Dyson, please--

Sheri saved these women
from virtual slavery.

Look at them!


Zephyr's murder was
very public, very sloppy--

And one hell of a mess.

The Ash is going to want
someone to answer for that.

But who says he ever
even has to find out?

You're suggesting
that I conceal this?

Tell me--

What's going
to happen to Lewis?

Either from the Light or Dark,
he'll get what's coming to him.

And that will be justice.
Because Lewis is scum.

Sheri saved these women
from servitude.

She deserves to be free.

Our pelts are who we are.

To have something so
special taken from you--

Do you have any idea
how that would feel?

Then you and I,
we've got some work to do.

We've got to get
Zephyr's body from Lauren

and create a new crime scene.

Thank you.


Sheri: Thank you.


Thank you
so much--

(phone ringing)



How many were hurt?



This is Fitzpatrick

I'd like to speak to Lauren
if The Ash will allow.

I'm sorry, sweetheart.

It was selfish what I did.

It was.

And I should have told you
what you really were

but I was afraid
of what might happen.

I know you did it
to protect me.

I realized that
after I ran away.

But I couldn't come back.

You got your stubbornness
from me, and your pride.

It's what I needed
to free me and my friends.

So we're okay?


Thanks to this one here.

Hey, all I did was
bartend a little.

I know what you did for me.

Without you I would be
stuck on dry land forever.

I better get going.

Are you sure about this?

Yeah, I'm sure.

The water's where I belong.

But I'll visit often,
I promise.

Okay, but once you
and your friends

open up the bar, you call me.

And you watch out
for those storms--

And you look after
each other, okay?

And don't take off your pelt
for just anyone-

Hey, Mom--
I'll be fine.

It's still heartbreaking
watching her walk away from me.

Don't you dare!

But it might
be important--

All of your calls...
are important.

Well I'm a very powerful woman.

With a soft side
as well--

I noticed.

Thank you for the painting.

Isn't it lovely?
Picked it up yesterday.

You don't have
to buy me things.

I know.
I bought it for me.

Turns out I don't
have to travel

to Zurich as much as I thought.


Not with video conferencing.

And I figure, while I'm
here spending hours

on business calls,
I might as well have

something pretty to look at.

I'm not pretty enough?


Oh, and I ordered a throw rug.

Because, as you pointed out
so delicately last night,

my toes are
"icicles of pain."

Enough talk--

About a week ago,
I noticed an escalation

in hostility between
the Light and the Dark.

And, like the nuns
you mentioned,

it's always unprovoked?


Have you come across anything
that might cause this?

Nothing that would trigger
the blind rage you describe.

I'll do some research.

I'd appreciate that.

And thanks for coming down
on such short notice.

Are you kidding?

These calls are
like field trips.

Out here it's the real world.

In my lab, it's petri dishes

and infectious
disease smears and--

Bo: Blocked
phone numbers?

Something like that.

Can we talk?

Oh come on, buddy.
Five minutes.

Let me buy you a beer, friend.

I owe you an apology.

No, you don't.

I was angry with you.

And it was unfair.

But it was only in reaction
to you being unfair as well.


The Morrigan gave me that.

She says it's the key
to saving Nadia.

Your girlfriend.



Actually, I'm relieved.

It's been killing me,
not telling you.

But how do you turn to
someone that you care about

and say, "Oh by the way,
I have a girlfriend"

and she's lying
in a coma."

She's in a coma?

For how long?

Five years.

Because of me.

Tell me.

I was in the Congo
on a research grant.

Nadia was with me
taking pictures

of refugees for a magazine.

I had promised her
this grand adventure.

Five months in an illness

swept through
neighbouring villages,

very sudden, very deadly,

and I went to help.

It turns out that
the people being affected

by the outbreak
weren't people at all--

they were Fae.

That's when you
learned about the Fae?

Nadia became...
terribly ill.

She was the only human
to get sick.

The Old Ash was there
at the time--

and he offered me
all of his resources

to help find a cure for her.

But in exchange

Your complete servitude.


This could be
the cure for Nadia.

It would change everything.

You haven't opened it?

I thought we should
do that together.

What the hell is that
supposed to mean?

I have no idea.