Lost Girl (2010–2016): Season 2, Episode 22 - Flesh and Blood - full transcript

Before Bo can lead a daring raid on the Garuda's secret lair, Trick is abducted by the fiery beast. Countless lives hang in the balance as Light and Dark work together to save their own kind.

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Muah! One Ziggy
for good luck.

One battle axe,
good condition, right?

We got one dagger...
broken tip.

One set off brass knuckles,
keepin' it real, you know.

Uh...a bull whip.
No comment...

And, uh, one crazy,
curvy thing with--

Ew, what is that?

Troll blood.

All of these weapons
and not one of them

will do us any good
against the Garuda.

Bo, don't worry--

Kenzi, I am serious!

You have seen
how powerful he is.

Even if Lauren can
save Lachlan's venom,

I don't know if I can get close
enough to him to deliver it.

Bo, I want to help you,
I do, I just--

I don't know how.


That is not exactly
what I had in mind!

Bo, that wasn't me.


Son of a--



I'm sorry,
am I disturbing you?

Oh, wait-- It's the
other way 'round.

What part of you're a guest
here do you not understand?

The part that allows me
a peaceful night's sleep.

I mean, it's bad enough I'm
stuck on this butcher's block

you call a couch, but I
have to listen to you two

whine about the bloody Garuda--
"Oh, what should we do?

He's so mean
and unstoppable!"

Nobody said that.

Well, he is.

Still, it's enough to make me
want to cut my own ears off.

Well, let me save
you the trouble.

Ah, careful, darling.

You might do something
that you regret.

Oh, Ziggy...

Maybe you would get a more
peaceful night's sleep

back in the
Morigan's prison.

I'll be here, trying
not to think about

what's left behind
on a Succubus' couch.


Trick, hey,
what's up?

Sorry for calling
so late--

I was hoping you could come
and see me at the Dal.

I need to talk to
you about something.

And, Bo--

Bring the cane sword I gave
to you for your birthday.

What's all this?

This batch is from
a few hours ago.

Evidence that the
Garuda has resurfaced.

Let me guess, a trail of dead
with the lingering scent

of burnt chicken?

I've been trying to pinpoint his
location and I'm getting close.

That's why I
called you here.

I'm concerned
about your plan.

You and me both.

This extra power you're going
to be taking on is dangerous.

You could lose yourself to
the darkness within you.

And you may
never make it back.

That's a risk I have
to take if I have

any chance of
defeating the Garuda.

I know.

May I?

This belonged
to Isabeau.

I inherited my
grandmother's name?

And much more.

I want you
to have this--

Her life essence.

The liquid can cure
illness, neutralize poison,

it can even stave off
the darkness from within.

It has incredible
curative powers.

It's where you got
your ability to heal.

I've hid it for years, waiting
for that right time to use it.

And I think that time
is quickly approaching.

We survive this...

I want to hear
all about her.

About everyone.

Keep this safe.

And if you feel the darkness
taking hold, drink it.

It'll restore you
to the Bo we love.

I don't now what
I'd do without you.

Me too.

Is someone up there?

The bar's closed
for the night.

Ah! Ah!



Life is hard when you
don't know who you are.

It's harder when you
don't know what you are.

My love carries
a death sentence.

I was lost for years,
searching while hiding.

Only to find I belonged
to a world hidden from humans.

I won't hide anymore.

I will live the
life I choose.

I'm guessing
they were Rabisu.

UnderFae that
hide in the shadows.

Looks like the Garuda's
got friends in low places.

Well, whatever they
were, they got Trick.

I checked the abattoir.
No sign of the Garuda.


Okay, well, Trick
says he was close

to figuring out the
Garuda's location.

There are stacks of maps
and papers in the lair.

I got a "D" in
geography, babe.

Kenzi, this is important.
We have to find Trick fast.

Okay, come on,
I'll give you a hand.

What's so important
about Trick anyway?

Yes, he lets
you drink for free,

but it's hardly worth
you putting your lives,

and more importantly
my life on the line.

Trick is
Architect of the Peace.

You're trying to tell me
that imp is the Blood King?

I never touched this.

Now you know why
finding him is so important.

And why we're the only
ones who can pull it off.

Blimey, we really
are buggered.

I gotta go talk
to Lauren, okay?

Bring her up
to speed.

What language is this?
It's like a cross between

hieroglyphics and a
doctor's prescription pad.

Okay, I am gonna
make a list of marks

and then look
for patterns.

So we got a
sideways house...

A pair
of broken glasses.

And a skinny guy lifting
weights at the beach.

You think this is the most
efficient way of doing this?

Please-- I was Queen of
codes at Greenside High.

I invented my own language
for passing cheat sheets.

Of course you did.

Lachlan's venom.

Well, what I was
able to salvage.

How many
doses is this?


The other samples
were just too degraded.

Talk about putting all your
eggs in one basket...


You're the only person
in like a thousand years

who managed
to even get this.


You promise me
one thing--

You make
the Garuda suffer.

He has
my Grandfather.

And the things that he could
make the Blood King do--

Do you know how
powerful Trick is?

Almost as powerful
as you.

You have faith
in yourself, in your heart.

It's not my heart
I'm worried about.

I love you...


So much.

Then be
what we need.

A leader.

Hey, how's it
going down there?

Not great.

Do you have any fancy
Siren moves for a sore neck?

say you do--

How about the
old fashioned way?

Oh, thank you...

No problem.

Oh, go ahead and merge
naughty bits already.

I mean, seriously,
am I the only seeing this?

You're all here.

I want to talk
about my plan.

Thank you--

The last time we
went after the Garuda,

he manipulated us into
fighting with each other.

Dude was like a
Fae Jerry Springer.

But I have an
answer to that.

My blood.

No mi comprende--

My blood has
a unique quality.

You saw it with Ryan.
He became mine.

Okay, whoa, whoa-- You--
You want to enslave us?

I want to unite us.
In one common goal.

Eliminate individual
doubts and conflicts.

It is our only hope.

Hang on a minute--

You want
to put that in here?

I mean, no offense, darling,
but I don't know you've been.

Nowhere worse
than you.

Oh, yeah?

Well, at least I draw the
line at sleeping with dogs.


Stop it!

This is exactly what
I am talking about!

We need to put aside our
differences if we want to get

close enough to the Garuda
to deliver the Naga venom.

My package has arrived.

You're released.

You're wasting
your time.

You can't force me
to rewrite the laws.

You've got it
all wrong, Blood King.

I have no intention of
forcing you to do anything.

Planning to beg?

Before the day is through,
you'll be the one begging.

My castle
at Edenderry?

Where you took your final stand
during the Great Fae War.

What sort of trick
is this?

No trick.

Well, actually
two Tricks.

What is the point
of this charade?

You say you acted in the
best interest of the Fae

to use your blood
to end the War.

I'm here
to prove you wrong.

With another manufactured

With the truth.

If you're so convinced
you acted nobly,

what's the harm of
reviewing the decision?

My liege--


How goes the war?

I bring grim news.
The forces of Lady Almaith

have defeated our
armies at Rosecrea.

Damn that Almaith!

She's making
a fool of me!

Her success has
been remarkable,

but our armies are
amassing at Portlaoise

to intercept her and
that Dark viper Horvis.

If we prevail there,
we turn the tide of war.

A man of your greatness
deserves victory.

That boot-licking mole
was my war chancellor.

He was feeding
information to Almaith.

I banished him to the
underworld because of it.

I was so blind.

And yet your true
blindness is still to come.

How's it going?

So far I've figured out that
the broken dog bone is a "T."

Or an "L," or both.

We need to talk.
It's important.

Lauren's upstairs injecting
the others with my blood.

That's good, right?

Trick warned me that binding
so many other people to me

could cause me
to change--

To turn Dark,
like my mother.

As long as you don't
turn beyotch--


Are you listening?

Yes. Yes, I am.

If you see my
start to lose it,

you need to unbind
the others right away.

No prob, Trick
showed me the shortcut.

All I need to do
is cut one of them,

wrap the wound
in gossamer.

If that doesn't work,
you need to be prepared

to do whatever
is necessary.

You're freaking
me out--

Oh, Kenz...

If you can't
break the bond...

you need to kill me.

Yeah, right--

You're serious.

We both know what could
happen if I go too far

and I cannot
live like that.


is gonna happen.

But what if is does?!

It is not!


Don't ask me
to do this--

You're the only one
I can trust with this.

You are
my best friend.

Promise me.

Promise me!

I promise--

You'll start to develop
feelings for Bo.

You'll want to
protect her at all costs.

Is that gonna be
a problem for you?


No. I'm good.

to Team Bo.


Well, I guess that
just leaves you.

Must we?

How's it going
up here?

So far so good.

I'm just administering
the last shot now--


For crying out loud,
I haven't got all day!


Sharpen the tips
next time!

Or don't they teach you that
in remedial medical school?


Alastor told me about
Rosecrea. I'm sorry.

This war will be
the death of me.

Perhaps I should just end it
once and for all with my blood.

Don't even
contemplate that.

You know writing
laws in your blood

carries unforeseen

There's another option.

I've sent word to Horvis,
leader of the Dark Army.

We discussed this--

You know of our
families' past friendship.

I'm certain I can convince
him to return with me here,

to broker a peace
with you.

I strictly forbid it!

Horvis cannot
be trusted!

Do you
understand me?

But Isabeau went
anyway, didn't she?

Yes...she did.

Hey, Dyson--

Bo, sleep with me.


You need the strength
for the battle

and I can give it
to you.


As much as you need.
As much as you want.

Dyson, I can't.

It will
confuse things.

My mind
is perfectly clear.

It's clearer than it's
been in a long time.

It's the blood talking.

I am not going to
take advantage of that.

As much as
I would love to.

I did it!

The broken dog
bone was an "F!"

What are you
talking about?

I cracked the code.

I know where the
Garuda's hiding.

It's an abandoned asylum
the criminally insane.

The place is huge,
Trick could be anywhere.

I think that the Garuda
is keeping Trick here.

It's easily guarded
with limited access.

Oh, I get it, so
it's a death trap?

If the Garuda's victorious,
you'll be lucky you died early.

We'll split into teams,
try to draw the enemy apart.

We need to get as
far in as we can

without sounding
the alarm.

You really think we can take
down an entire facility?

I mean,
just the six of us.

You mean seven--


Baba Yaga
wasn't available?

I brought gifts.

Courtesy of the Santiago
family vault.

These weapons have
seen my family

through countless

Sweet-- Daddy-o
came through, huh?

Thank you.

Hey, come here--

What are you
doing here, Val?

You're supposed to be
at the stronghold--



I'm going with you
and that's that.

I can be very useful.

Stealing voices?

Have you forgotten
my skill with a sword?

Three time finalist at the
Light Fae Invitational.


Go see the doc
about some blood.

I want you all to know
how much it means to me

that you're willing
to fight by my side.

For all sides.

I know that we have lost
friends in this battle,

and there's no guarantee
we'll make it out alive.

This is supposed
to be motivating--

But if we pull together--

We can defeat
the Garuda.

It's dangerous.

But we have to do this.

And we cannot fail.


We are all 100%
behind you.

Bo's the best!

It's okay...

to be working.

Then let's go
kick some eagle ass.

You feel that?

Yeah, it's flat-out
creepy in here.

Oh, no weapon,
eh, Dyson?

Try to hang
with the big boys.

Let's see who's standing
at the end of the day, Vex.

Save it
for the big show.

Why don't we put on
a show right now?

Touch her,
you die--

Stop this!

Guys, it's the Garuda.
He's doing this again.

Your blood may not
be enough

to counteract the
Garuda's influence.

That's why we need
to stay focused.

Dyson, Vex--
Hale, you're with Val.

Lauren and Kenzi,
you're with me. Come on--

So...you and Bo, huh?

You know,
I've always wondered

what it would be like
to tap that succu-butt.

Shut up
and keep moving.

Oh, come on.

Just a little taste.

You know I'll never
have the pleasure.

Unless, of course, you invite
me to join you sometime.

Are we
going in circles?

'Cause all these hallways
look the same.

It's no surprise he
picked this place.

All the pain and misery,
it's a Garuda buffet.

Bo, how are
you feeling?

You don't have

to keep asking me
every five minutes--

Actually, I do.

I feel the same as always,
which doesn't make any sense.

we've got company--

I got this!






I'll handle this.

I can fight
my own battles.


Huh, huh,
huh, huh!

My turn--

See, loverboy?
I told ya--



My arm!

Come on, Vex,
we gotta move!

Are you having
a laugh?




We ran into
some trouble.


What happened?

He has a bad break.

In fact, several--

He could go into shock.
I have to stay with him.

What? No!

Bo, he can't travel.
He needs care.

We'll find a place to
stay until you get back.

No! I'm not
leaving you!

Bo-- Trick is still in danger,
you have to go.

I'll be alright.

Let's go.

This is a mistake,

I've known Horvis
since childhood,

I'll be perfectly safe.

What do
I tell the King?

Tell my husband that
I'm losing him to this war.

The man I love is
becoming a man I fear.

She feared me?

They all feared you at
the end, Blood King.

You would
have me tell him?


He can't know
where I've gone.


You know the King's
mood on this.

If we don't find peace soon,
I fear the consequences.

I'll keep your secret.

I am as always
your faithful servant.

A faithless coward
is what he was!

She was so brave.

Why didn't
I see that then?

Show me
no more of this!

Ah, but you're
missing the best part.

What is he doing?

What was
in that dispatch?

You really don't know,
do you, Blood King?

Back here again...


Everything okay?

Are you kidding me?

It's better than
Call of Duty 3.

No, Kenzi!

Hey-- Hey--

Is it--
Is it, is it bad?

Do you know
how your wife died?

She was killed by
Lady Almaith's men

after assassins
murdered Horvis.

Actually, Assassins killed
both Horvis and your wife.

Under your
sealed orders.

The dispatch that
Alastor sent--

What your wife
must have felt

when she saw the bandits
bear down on her,

and realizing
she'd been betrayed.




The slaying of Horvis
under the King's seal

was a watershed moment,
both Light and Dark

condemned the action
and turned against you.

Do you see it now?

How you wrote the laws
to enforce the peace

in order to save
your own hide?

Horvis' death would have
ignited centuries of conflict!

No. Light and Dark were
united in their outrage.

They would have
danced at your execution.

Together and with this, the
conflict would have resolved.

Instead, you chose to
hide behind your blood,

like a child within the
folds of his mother's skirt.

I didn't know!

Now, you can
make it right.

The ceasefire you created
could implode at any moment,

because it is based
on a false premise.

However, if you
unwrite the laws,

and allow fate to
take its final course,

a true and everlasting peace
will eventually take hold.

Do it, Blood King.

Before it's too late.

For your wife,
for your Grand daughter.


How are you doing?

Oh, peachy, yeah--
Laying down

has relieved the pain in my
shattered arm completely.

Hey, doc, you
gotta help her!


Oh, God, we need to get
them in there, but I can't--

Do it, Blood King.

Do it now.

Trick, stop!

Finish it before
it's too late!


He's filling you
with lies.

I don't know
what's true anymore.

Listen to me--

Unwriting the laws will
cause nothing but pain.

Deep down, Trick,
you know what is right.

I made a mistake
back then.

But I won't make
another one now.

How dare you
interfere with Garuda?!

Buddy, you really
need to stop talking

about yourself in
the third person.

You are
wasting your time.

Without the Naga venom,
you cannot kill me.


The Wolf Spirit told me
the Garuda would be

most vulnerable when he
thought he'd already won.

What? NO!

No, Dyson,
he'll kill you.

it's meat to be.


You can't hurt me.
I'm all-powerful.

First Lachlan,
now the Wolf--

How many fools have sacrificed
themselves for you?

You're no champion.

You're just a girl,
too scared to pick a team.


Allow me
to choose for you.

Join your friends.
In death.

We got trouble!

There's a group of
berserkers headed this way!

Hello! We gotta
get out of here!

We can't move her, Vex!
She'll bleed to death!

Well, we're not
leaving her.

Or, Bo.

To hell with Bo!

Her scheme got us into this
mess in the first place!

How could you
say that? Huh?

Easy, siren--

Wait-- He's right.

If you were truly bound
to Bo that thought

wouldn't have
crossed your mind.

You didn't take the
blood, did you, Vex?

Listen, I didn't mean
any harm, but--

Take over,
apply pressure--

But, it's a bit mad,
isn't it?

The binding isn't whole. There's
a weak link in the chain.

Gimme your arm!

Well, you better
get comfortable,

'cause I'm gonna shove this
arm so far down your throat,

you'll be mesmerizing
your own bowel movements.

Oh...when you put
it like that--

Oh... Now,
there's power.

Oh, you're clever.

Cutting off the turmoil
that I feed on!

But, it won't
help you now!

I think it just did.


How are you?

Eh, liking life,
loving that succubus,

but it doesn't
solve the problem

of the approaching hordes,
now does it?

Little Mama,

Come on, please--

Hale...you please--



Your siren whistle.

Can you raise the
frequency high enough

to cauterize
her wound?

I don't think
that's a good idea.

Hale, we have
to do something.

If we don't,
she is going to die.

You have to try.


You're strong!

But I have waited and starved
too long for this war!

And the visions have
made you weak,

allowing me
to enter you.

Just like Nadia.

What? No--

No! No, no!

That's it, brother--


What happened?
Did I get roofied again?

No, no, no, you're
gonna be just fine.

You saved my
life, didn't you?

Listen, don't want to
interrupt this Hallmark moment,

but uh, we gotta
get a move on.

I have to find Bo.

No, no, no, Kenzi, we
have to get you out of here.

No, it's important--

I promised.

Will you help me?

I got this.

Is that my blood...?


Not here, I'm afraid.

You son of a bitch--

He had strong
feelings for you.

His darling

What happened? Where--
Where's the Garuda?

He's inside of Trick!

Well, what are
we waiting for?

Stab the little bugger!

It won't do any good!

It'll just kill Trick
the same way it did Nadia!

She's a smart one.

Now, if you don't mind,
I have some laws to rewrite.

Of my own free will.

Oh, no you don't!

Wait-- The blood tests
you ran on Nadia,

they showed Fae DNA--

Because she was infected
by the Garuda, yes--

Well, if the Garuda's DNA is
inside of Trick, then maybe--

The venom might work, but it
could end up killing them both.

The Nain Rouge's prophecy,
she showed me a vision

where I killed Trick.

Ladies! I can't hold
him off forever!

What is that?!

Gift from Lachlan.

Leftover Naga venom.

What have you done?

Oh, Trick--

Trick! Trick, no!

Trick, come back
to me, please!

Trick, please,
come back to me!

I'm so sorry.


I should have killed
the Garuda sooner.

Him and every single
one of his minions.

I will seek them out
and kill them all

and anyone who tries
to stand in my way--


You're losing control,
time for your meds. Okay?


No, no, Bo!

I know
what I'm doing--

Please work--

Please work,
please, please, please--


The Garuda--

He's dead.

What have you done?

I couldn't lose you,
I couldn't lose you--

But you could
lose yourself!

Unbind her quickly!

You got it--
Siren, hand!

My strength
is unmatched.

I will reign as Queen

and you shall all tremble
before my power!


With harm to none,
thy will be done!

Thou cannot
harm them, Bo!

Bo, Bo!

It's okay!

That's a good sign.

You're cleaning now?

a party upstairs.

I don't feel much
like celebrating.

Don't tell me you actually
believe what the Garuda said.

Well, maybe
he was right.

Maybe the Light and the
Dark would have united

over my death.

A wise man
once told me

that you can't put any
stock in visions.

I believe it was you.

And yet the Nain Rouge's
vision came true.

Not entirely.

You're still here,
aren't you?

I need to make
amends, Bo.

And I will help you.

That's what
family's for.

She was beautiful.

Yes, she was.

I miss her so much.

Come on--

Let me buy you
a beer, Grandpa.

Come on--

How you holding up?

Oh, you know,
stabbed, almost died,

stitched up with a Siren
whistle-- The usual.


I just wish I could get rid
of this pain in my arm--


What is that?

I don't know.

You come in contact
with something?

You should definitely let
doc take a look at that.



No, I'm fine.

I'm just gonna
get some air, okay?

All hail
the champion.

It was
a team effort.

It was a team
lead by you.

Seriously, hasn't
the binding worn off?

Accept the
compliments, kiddo.

You know, all I have
to say, darling...

I'm very impressed
with you.

You didn't let me down
nearly half as much

as I thought
you would.

Well, turns out you were the
right man for the job, Vex.

You know, it's gonna take them
a while to select a new Ash.

Now might be
your best chance.

To do what?

Be free.

I know how much
that means to you.

Well, I appreciate
you looking out for me.

You're gonna have
a lot of fun with that.

Hey, have you
seen Kenzi?

Yeah, she went
out for some air.

Is she okay?


hold my drink--

I'm gonna go
check on her.
