Lost Girl (2010–2016): Season 2, Episode 14 - Midnight Lamp - full transcript

The Ash sends Bo to capture a Jinn who holds the secrets to defeating a powerful enemy. To accomplish her mission, she'll need help from a dashing Fae trickster.

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Hey, Kenzi, where's
the sharpening stone?





I forgot that you were
taking off today.

I hope you and Nate
are having fun

living the Rock
and Roll dream.

I was just wondering,

how many spoonfuls
the coffee maker takes?

And whether or not I should
become Lachlan's champion

against this evil thing
that's coming our way.

Morning, Bo.


Sorry to barge in,
but I need you

to do me
a little favor.

I need you to bring
someone to me.

Someone who has wisdom
on how to tackle our enemy.


That was amazing.

I mean, it's just
totally unreal that

I'm actually here
with Sadie.

I mean, I have watched
the Lethal Grace series

a hundred times.
I mean, I can

recite every movie

Me and my friends,
we measure up

every girlfriend we've
ever had against you.

If we had
ever had any.

That is so sweet.

What is your
website called?

I mean, our readers are
so stoked that you're

gonna be in an
R-Rated film again.

I do it all
for you guys.

I'm so lucky to have
such a devoted fan base.


Are you alright?

Yeah, yeah, fine, fine--

I just uh--

I'm so happy
you're here with me.

Don't worry.
It happens all the time.

I'm sorry--
I just--

I told myself that
I wasn't gonna do this.

You with the headset?

I think this guy's
having a stroke.

Life is hard when you
don't know who you are.

It's harder when you
don't know what you are.

My love carries
a death sentence.

I was lost for years.

Searching while hiding.

Only to find that I belonged
to a world hidden from humans.

I won't hide anymore.

I will live
the life I choose.

She's an "Afreet."

Subclass of the Djinn.

Like genie in a
bottle, Djinn?

More like trap her
in a magic lamp

and force her to spill
all her secrets,

that kind of thing.

You think she knows
something about the Garuda?

The Afreet are
malevolent, powerful beings.

With such
great, great wisdom.

Well, can't we
just ask her advice?

Wow, that is good.

It's not bad, huh?

Well, we could yes, but um,
the Afreet will only cooperate

if they're enslaved.

Look, I am not into the
whole enslaving thing.

I thought you'd
have noticed

given the whole
Lauren situation.

Sometimes a leader has to
make very hard decisions.

The doctor has a very
important role to play...

in the coming battle.

I've placed a tremendous
amount of faith

in her ability
to deliver.

If we defeat the
Garuda, then you and I,

we can revisit the
whole Lauren situation.

Oh, you know
we will.

The Afreet usually stay within
their own plain of existence.

This Sadie character has been
crossing back and forth now

for a millennia, causing a lot of
mischief and a lot of grief,

so it's time she
answered for it.

You want me to
stroll onto a movie set

and kidnap a celebrity?

No, it's better to catch her
unaware at the Swarga Lounge,

she's been spotted there
every night this week.

Okay, great.

So, just hand
over the magic lamp.

You're gonna have
to get that off Lambert.

Who's Lambert?

Ryan Lambert,

the guy I sent to your
little birthday party.

He's the inventor type,

he's actually very
good with his hands.

Of course.
You sent him.

Hoping you two
hit it off.

He's not really keen on
parting with his creations.

You are such a--

I am the Naga.

With all of Faedom
to save.

I'm counting on you
to be my champion.

Baby steps.

So, what did you
see in your vision?

The Garuda.

The Garuda?

They died off a
long time ago.

Not all of them.

All through the
Great Fae War,

this Garuda was
feeding on our violence,

our hatred and
we never knew it.

Yeah, but you
ended the war.

I cut off its food
supply, but it didn't die.

And like a starved dog,
it's meaner than ever.

And it's coming
for me.

What's it want?

It knows
I was the Blood King.

It wants me to
unwrite the laws

so that it can
start another war.




"Hell yes, will call

Ah- Love you
like a sister too.

Hey, Trick-

Bo, I know what's
coming for us.

Yeah, so do I.
The Garuda.

How do you
know that?


Listen, I can't
talk right now,

because I'm kinda
on a mission for him.

The same Lachlan you
wanted to kill yesterday?

Well, a girl can
change her mind, Trick?


Come see me as
soon as you can.

I will.

What's up?

Not sure.

Lachlan's been
confiding in Bo.

He's bound up
in all of this.

You think he's
on our side?

I don't know.

And I don't
like not knowing.

What about you?
Everything all right?


You're nursing tea.

When we went to
see the Luduan,

I had a moment alone with
her and she forced me

to speak a truth.


I said
I can't love Ciara.

Not that I don't.
That I can't.

I know this is
difficult for you,

but with the
Garuda at our doorstep,

we need you
at your best.

If you can't
love Ciara,

then you have
to move past her.

I don't want to move
past her, Trick.

I had
to move past Bo!

And if there's anyone
else in this world

that I should be able
to love, it is Ciara.

This just doesn't
make any sense.

Only you know
what this all means.


There's another.




That bracelet
looks amazing on you.

Well, I wear it all
the time. I love it.

Just wish you could
have stuck around

the party
a little longer.

So, someone should have called
ahead for me about a lamp?

Uh huh--

Hold this--

I want you
to hit me.

Excuse me?

This? Cutting edge

It'll protect me
from all impacts.

I won't feel a thing.


It needs
a few tweaks.


I'll fix it.

So, you're here
for a lamp?



Lamps, lamps, this one
is only half finished.

And that one, that one's got a
spontaneous combustion problem.

What kind of Afreet did you
say you were looking for?

The movie star type.

that's a long list.

Afreets love
the spotlight...

You know Sadie,
Deadly Grace?

Faithful grace?

Yeah, whatever.

Femme Fatale,
devious, mercurial,

ahhh...probably feeds
on adoration--


This one should
do the trick.

That is not a lamp.

And you are not Alladin.

The whole lamp thing
is just a metaphor.

You know, genies don't actually
go inside this, right?

Yeah, well it's more
like a containment vessel--

It's complicated.

Look, you do this--

And presto, your evil
Afreet is trapped.

Inside a music box?

It's not a music box.

You gotta think of it in a way
that's not three-dimensional.

Can you--

Bottom line, when you
marry ancient science

and modern
Fae technology,

you get some pretty
surprising, effective results.

Okay, great.
Thank you.


So, you just come in here
in and you're dressed

in your bracelet and you're
trying to butter me up,

you didn't send
me a thank you card,

by the way, I'm starting
to feel used.

You said it was
from an admirer.

You didn't even
tell me--

You didn't even tell me
who the hell you were.

You're supposed to be
some kind of detective.

Just sayin'.

Are you gonna give me
that thing, or not?

I don't give
anything to anybody.

But, I will sell it
to you.

How much?

Well, for the
Ash's errand girl,

I'll put it on
the Ash's tab.

I am nobody's
errand girl.


Here you go.


Sometimes it takes a
little bit of finesse.

I could give you a workshop
actually over dinner.

How about
over my dead body?

Hope not.

That would be a waste
of a fine body.

Well...you certainly
have started a fire.

Oh, yeah?

Down there?

Over there.


God damn!
Oh, man!

Hey, Kenz!

No, I can't hear you.

Yeah, I know it's loud.
I can't hear you.

Yeah, Kenzi just move
away from the speaker.

I gotta go, Kenz-

I'm star-gazing.


Get on over here,

Come on.

Sadie, this is Bo.

She is an extra
special client of mine.

I love your hair. Where
do you get it done?

Oh- Um-
My bathroom.

Oh, well then I'll have to send
my stylist to your bathroom.

You're so pretty.
What's your story?

Um- Well, I do, uh,
mostly freelance...

Um, you know,
sort of-

Well, you wouldn't
be interested.

Bo is a consultant.

High level, hush-hush,
international intrigue,

that kind of thing.

It's very impressive.

Love it.

You are so adorable.



Oh, yeah-
Um, excuse me.

Hey, uh, hey, Ryan-

Hey, babe!

Let me buy
you a drink.

Be right back.

How 'bout a pint of
what the freakin' hell

are you doing here?

I'm more of a bourbon man,
actually, thank you.

Hey, sweetie.

Comin' Saturday?

Wouldn't miss it--
Oh, no, I'm sorry.

I got a lunch date in Buenos
Aires, can't make it.

I thought you're not
allowed back there.

You're the one who's not
allowed back there, you minx.

And the lovely
lady's drinking?

I will have a water.



And an explanation.
Why are you here?

A man is not allowed to
come to his favorite place,

and just drink
and share a laugh?

I'm not laughing.

I noticed.

You're a buzz
kill, you know?

You ran off without
the 'user guide.'

And...I never got
your number.

And you know this whole
playing hard to get thing?

I am not
playing hard to get!

I thought you said all I had
to do was turn the crank.

Hm- I also said it
takes finesse.

Oh, and there's
an incantation.

Which is?

I'll tell you if
you let me watch.

I've never seen an
Afreet get trapped.


You don't even know if
this is gonna work??

Well, the theory's sound.
Should be a piece of cake.


But if it's not, you're gonna
want me around, right?

I mean, just in case.



What is this incantation?


I'm a sucker for
tradition, that's all.

So, how long have
you known her?


Are you jealous?

I'm not jeal-

What can you
tell me about her?

I don't really know what
her powers are exactly.

It's different
for every Afreet.

Most can turn
people into animals,

um, some can turn themselves
into fire-breathing dragons,

or inanimate
objects. It's cool.

Nice bag of tricks.


And every Djinn can be
controlled in one of two ways:

One, stick them
in a lamp,

two, put your
mark on them.

What kind of mark?

Primitive stuff.

Like scars,
brands, tattoos.


Okay, let's just stick
to the lamp, okay?

What are you
doing for breakfast?


We could go
for breakfast.

Oh, wow-

Are you--

Are you actually trying to pick
me up with a private jet-


Boy, did you
misread me.

Oh, come on.

Every woman, no
matter how independent,

secretly wants to
be taken care of, right?

And every guy secretly
wants a boot to the face.



Back to offer up another
sacrifice so soon...

But you have
nothing left that I want.

What foolish deal do you
wish to make today?

Don't speak
to me of deals.

You took more than
you claimed you would!

He who has the manhood to
accuse a Norn of treachery

may soon find himself
with no...manhood....at all.

How'd I wrong you,
pup? Hm?

You said you were
taking my love of Bo.

You overreached, you took
my love of Ciara as well.

I took exactly what I
said, no more, no less.

Speak plainly, crone.

You know well that
when a wolf mates,

he mates for life.

When you gave your love
to this woman, this Bo,

you gave her all of it.

Which you then
sacrificed to me.

You have no
love left to give.

Bo, wait!



Just wait up!



This girl needs
a doctor!

Nothing any doctor
can do for her now.

And what? Sadie just
teleported away??

No. We still don't know
what her skill is.

You know,
I really hoping to uh,

spend some more
time with Sadie.

You know, she just
seemed so fascinating.

Why are you
following me?


Nothing personal.


No, the words have
to come with the music.

You didn't say that!

I thought
it was obvious!


No, you gotta
start over again.


Give it to me-


Let me try


No finesse

What is this?

You dickheads
stuck me in a lamp?!



Why don't we just
talk this through?

And then we can sit around
and toast marsh mellows.

No talk.
Both burn.


There's a trigger for a
sliding wall right here.


Use the bracelet.


Use the bracelet!

Wasn't that worth
a thank you card?

Hold her off.

Whatever you're doing,
could you hurry it up??

You're doing
great out there.

Just give me
3 more seconds.

Those are 3
very long seconds!

A little help here!

Will you hurry up?!


That is a lot of stairs.
I'm sensing a theme.

Yeah, it's a bit
of a maze in here.

Helps keep prisoners from
getting the lay of the land.



Well, the driver's
behind this wall,

but this wall is
supposed to be a door.

Oh, fantastic.

Oh, man-

What was I doing,
what was I doing...

When I built this--

Oh, no.



I was sampling single
malts trying to decide

which distillery to buy.


Well, there's
maintenance hatch

in every one of
these rooms. I'll find it.

What kind of Fae did
you say you were again?

I didn't.

I'm a Loki.


As in the Norse God
of mischief, Loki?

Not THE Loki,
A Loki.

There's a great
big family of us.

And the whole God thing, that
was just PR back in the day.

You know humans, they are
very, very, very gullible.

And what about the
whole mischief thing?

Oh, that part's true.

Gears? This thing
runs on gears?

It's amazing, isn't it?

God, I love being me!

Hey, what about you?
I mean, a succubus?

Come on,
how great is that?

Well, actually, it's not
always so much fun-

No, don't- Don't spoil
my fantasies. Please.

Feeding on sexual energy,
that is a diet I can get behind.

Hey, how does it work
when you pleasure yourself?

Uh, buddy, we have not known
each other long enough

for this conversation.

No, seriously.

I mean, when you get
hungry you feed on sex,

and sometimes
you get hungry,

but you're all alone.
Can you satisfy yourself?

Come on, when am I ever going
to meet another succubus?

Actually, it makes
me even hungrier.

I can give you
something for that.


Did you just
find us a way out?

Not yet, but I did
turn the outer shell

into a wireless relay.

Which means I can respond
to the five hundred texts

my roommate
has sent me.

Or, who do you
have on speed dial?


Dyson, I'm trapped
in a magic lamp,

but it's not a lamp.

It looks like a music box.
Just go with it, it's a metaphor.

Last time I saw it,
it was in the private room

at the Swarga Lounge.

Bo, what the
hell's going on?

It's a long story,
just get me out

and I'll share it with
you over many beers.






Sounds like.

No surge protection!



Going down.


Up it is.

Where are we now?

Top floor.

The attic?

Don't be so literal.

It's a Turkish bath,
spa kind of thing.

Well, were you sober when
you designed this part?



I guess not.

Oh, great!

What do we do now?

Well, try not to use
up too much oxygen,

because there's not a lot
of ventilation in here.

I'll...fix this.

Yeah... Yeah.


Oh, God, it's-

Fixing this.


I thought you were supposed
to be good at this stuff?

I am good.

You know how I
know I'm good?

Because e I built a trap that
even I can't get out of.

Oh, that's
so comforting.

What's your problem?

We're on a genie hunt here,
aren't you having any fun?

This isn't
some adventure!

All of Faedom
depends on me.


Wow, I mean, someone takes
herself a little seriously.

Maybe...a bit.

The Ash is
wearing off on me.

Hey, what's the deal
with you two anyway?

He kinda, sorta wants
me to be his champion.

That's the word
he keeps using.

I think it sounds more
like being owned by him.


I mean, it makes
sense that he wants you.

You're awesome.


No, really, you
don't want to be owned,

and that's what's
amazing about you.

When you go off trying
to save the world,

you're not doing it
for Light or Dark,

you're doing it
for you.

You put
your ass at risk,

not because you're
someone's puppet.

You do it because
it's your ass to risk.

I'd ride to hell and back
to support that.

Plus, I just really
hate being bored.

I'm a total idiot.

Wait a minute-

I was pulling
the wrong gear.

I give you
our exit strategy.

Come on--
Grab your jacket.




There's your exit
strategy, darling!

And now
it's your turn.

Nicely done!

Our only chance of escape
just got the shaft!

Don't you know
your stories?

There's always some
chump coming along

to rub a magic lamp,

and make a bad deal
with a genie.

We're stuck here now.


No, that's impossible.

I need to be out
there in the world,

adored by humans.
How will I feed?

That's a good question!

You just killed the
guy who built this!

What are you doing?

Screw you.
Screw this lamp.

I'm done here!

done how exactly?

I'll burn so hot,
I'll destroy everything.

No, you can't!

Not when I finally have my
chance to spend time with you.


Are you a fan?

Oh, I am your
number one fan.

I love you.

You are the greatest
star that ever lived!

Not feeling it.

Must have something
to do with that.

How's that?


Now, tell me...what's your
favorite thing I've done?



I can't believe it--

This really is
a prison lamp.

And it's broken.

If Bo is trapped-

You'll free her.

It would require an
alchemist skill to fix this.

The Afreet is powerful
and we have her trapped.

If we can contact her,
we can control her.

Not while the
lamp's broken!

Well, what the hell
do we do, Trick?!


You all know I got
perfect pitch, right?

I know this song.

I cried so hard when
you died at the end.

And then when you
came back to life,

I cried even harder.


You should have seen
me in my theatre days.

Oedipus Rex...

Sophocles wrote the part
of Jocasta for me, you know.



What's going on
in there?

I'm trapped.

I'm trying to keep an
Afreet from going supernova.

Where is
the Afreet now?

Ah, she's here.
And she is so wonderful.

You like me.

You really like me.


I'm letting her feed off me
to try to keep her happy,

but it hurts, Trick.
It hurts.

How do I fight her?

Djinns do the bidding of the
one who controls the lamp.

Bo doesn't
control the lamp.

Neither do we.

Oh, no--
There's another way.

How do I put
my mark on her?

Through branding,
scarring, tattoos--

But the mark has
to be personal,

it has
to be charmed.

I have an idea.

Get me back inside.

Hale, Siren the
tune backwards.

Oh! I'm sorry!
I didn't mean that.

It's just being with
you is so overwhelming.

I get that a lot.

You know what would really
make my dreams come true?

One kiss.

How could I refuse
such a fan?

Who's your
daddy, bitch? Huh?

No way--

Oh, yeah,
I'm afraid so.

You got something
you want to say to me?

Your wish
is my command.


A girl could get used
to the sound of that.

Your mark
will fade eventually,

and then we'll
see who's laughing.

We'll be laughing.

From the
outside of this lamp.

I thought
you were dead.

Come on--

Told you I'd fix it.

Well, now that you got
the Genie under control-

Nice work by the way-
We can use her.

The main power supply is
way, way down there.

Just command her to burn hot
as she can straight down.

This whole place
will go boom.

That sounds painful.

Might be.

Or it might be that we
get released unharmed.



You'd rather stay
here forever with me?

Burn it.
Burn it all.


I'm right here.


This is a nice crib.

Could use a little
color, though-

Thank you, guys.

I'll give you the whole
debrief later, okay?

Was that
Lethal Grace?

There's supposed to be a
lamp in this equation.

I don't set foot in a lamp for
less than a million dollars.

Here's the deal, you get
the info you need from her,

and then
she goes free.

She's dangerous.

I'll command her to go
back to her own plain

where she'll never
hurt anyone again.

And you'll never get
your hands on her.

a battle coming.

Yeah, I know.

And that battle is
only worth winning

if we keep being
the good guys.

We don't take slaves.

So, you've decided
to be my champion?

No, I won't.

I've gone this long without
playing by anyone's rules,

and I am not
gonna start now.

Maybe I didn't
clearly articulate

what's coming
after us.

No, I get it.

And I will face it
with you.

As your partner.

Hey, it's my
mark on her.



If I'd known engineering
paid so well,

I never would
have dropped math.

Thanks for that.

The Ash sends
his thanks.

So, was he able to get
what he wanted from Sadie?

I don't know.

I didn't ask
and he didn't say.

So, after what we went
through, I certainly hope so.

I, um-
I had a good time.

It was weird,
but fun.

From where I was standing
that was the best night

that I have had
in a decade.

Thank you.

So, let me
take you out now.

Show you
a good time.

Come on.

I, um-
I've just come through

some pretty complicated
emotional stuff.

So...thank you,
but I have to pass.


For the record-

You are the most
enthralling, inspiring

and seriously
ass-kicking person

that I have ever met.

And I'd be happy to
make sure you knew that.

Every second that I
was in your company.

If you ever invite my into
your company again, that is-


Also, I don't come
with any baggage.

And I'm not really
interested in yours.

So, clean slate.

That's refreshing.

So, um, if I hear from you
again, or if I don't-

I'll be thinking
about you.


I'm sorry--

I'll fix it--

Dyson, I thought
I'd find you here.

Where have
you been?

Why haven't you
returned my calls?

I meant to-
It's been crazy.

Things always are with you.
What's going on, Dyson?

Talk to me.

Not here.

Stop putting me off!

Say whatever it is
you need to say

right here, right now,
or I'll fly to Zurich

and I'll stay there and
you'll never get the chance!

I learned today that there's
something broken inside of me.

Something that
can't be fixed.

What happened?

I went
to see a Norn.

I know
about the Norn.

I heard the rumors and I don't
blame you for Stephan's death.

I'm glad you didn't
deal with the Norn,

no one ever should-

I did deal with her!

Just not then.
It was recently.

To save Bo's life.

What did she take?

I offered her
my wolf.

But she took my
love instead.





I did what I had
to do, I'm sorry.

Everyone knew,
Trick, Hale?


I'm the only one
who wears this.

No one else.

Ciara, I can't-
I can't love you.

But I swear
if I could, I would.

Just don't.

You couldn't give up your wolf
to save your best friend,

my husband, who you knew
for a hundred years,

but you were willing
to give up your wolf

for this woman you've
known for a few months?

You were willing to give
up everything for her?


You should have told me
right from the start.

And you know it.

You're not the man
I thought you were.

Ciara, please-

Just don't.



Oh my God-

Wow, wow, wow.

That was um-

Uh huh-

Holy cow.

That thing you did with
the sucking of the chi--

And the blowing-

And it is true, you are
very good with your hands.

Thank you.

You know, inhibitions, they
get in the way, don't they?



Have you ever been
with one of us?

Am I your first?

First what?

You don't know,
do you?


I'm Dark Fae.


I'm Dark Fae.

No! No, no-

I mean, I assumed because you
were working with the Ash that-

I work with a lot of
people that I shouldn't.

That's why we're
good together.

I'm like you.
There are no rules.

Perfect, just perfect.

I thought you
were unaligned.

I am!

So, what's
the problem?

You think all
Dark Fae are bad?

All Light Fae are
good, is that it?

No, it's just the Dark have
not exactly been my BFF's.

Well, I'm not
defined by my clan.

Listen, there
are no rules here.

No strings attached--

You wanna walk,
go ahead.

Well, with the way
my legs are shaking,

I don't think,
I could right now.

No rules.