Lost (2004–2010): Season 5, Episode 12 - Dead Is Dead - full transcript

Ben and Locke return to the island, where Ben says he is going to summon the Smoke "monster" and atone for his daughter's death. In addition, the falling-out on the island between Ben and Charles Widmore is revealed.

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Previously on Lost:

- Is that Benjamin Linus?
- We need you to save his life.

If I take him, he's not ever
gonna be the same again.

He will always be one of us.

Get your ass out
here right now...

or I'm gonna kill your daughter.

I stole her as a baby
from an insane woman.

She means nothing to me.

So if you wanna kill
her, go ahead and...

This guy is dangerous.

Sun, that boat I came here
on was filled with commandos

whose only mission
was to get him.

And how'd that work
out for everyone?

- You know him?
- Yeah.

He's the man who killed me.

- What have you done, Richard?
- Calm down.

This has nothing to do with you.

So it's true?

You brought one of
them to our Temple?

He's a boy. He was dying.

- You should have let him die.
- Jacob wanted it done.

The island chooses
who the island chooses.

You know that.

Yes. Yes, of course.

What's his name?

Hello, Benjamin.

What happened?

You were injured.

- How?
- You don't remember?

Where am I?

You're among friends.

We're going to take care of you.

My dad, is he here?

You'll be back to
him soon enough.

No. No, I don't want to go...

- OK. Easy, easy.
- No...

I don't want to go back.

I want to stay.

I want to be one of you.

Just because you're
living with them

doesn't mean you
can't be one of us.

You should be dead, Benjamin.

But this island...

it saved your life.

Who are you?

I'm Charles.

Charles Widmore.


Hello, Ben.

Welcome back to
the land of the living.

My God.

- You're alive!
- Yes, I am.

I knew it. I knew that
this would happen.

Then why are you so
surprised to see me?

Because it's one thing
to believe it, John...

it's another thing to see it.

Then why were you trying to
run away to the main island?

I broke the rules, John.

I came back to the island.

I was going to answer
for what I've done.

I was going back...

to be judged.


By whom?

Well, John, we don't
even have a word for it.

But I believe you
call it "the monster."

- Morning.
- Hello.

What's in the crate?

Just some stuff we
need to get moved.

- Need a hand?
- Oh, thanks. We got it.

OK. Have a great day.

How are you feeling, my friend?

Like someone hit me
with an oar. But I'll live.

- What do you make of him?
- I'm not sure.

What has he told you?

When you were out cold
he was watching over you.

- And he said you killed him.
- I killed him?!

Really? He looks fine to me.

You know, I don't really
remember him from the plane.

- Do you?
- No. I don't.

What if...

he was already here
before we crashed?

If he thinks I killed
him, then he's insane.

We may be dealing with a man
who is dangerously deranged.

Then, the question is, what
are we going to do about him?

Don't worry, my friend...

I have your back.


Pleasure to meet
you, Caesar. I'm Ben.

- Do you want me to do it?
- Shh!

I can do it if you
want me to, Ben.

Shut up and stay here, Ethan.

Don't! Don't do it!

You're the one who
infected us, aren't you?!

- No!
- Shh.

It's OK. It's OK, baby.

Please... don't take my Alex!

- Do you want your baby to live?
- Why are you taking her?

Be grateful you're still alive!

Now you listen to me...

If you try to follow me or if
you ever come looking for me,

I'll kill you. And, if you
want your child to live,

every time you hear
whispers, you run the other way.

What's that?

Just something sentimental.

So this is your old office, huh?

I never pictured you
leading your people from...

behind a desk.

Seems a little...


Was there something
that you needed, John?

Well, Ben, I was hoping
you and I could talk about

the elephant in the room.

I assume you're referring
to the fact that I killed you.


It was the only way to
get you back to the island...

along with as many of
those who left as possible.

You do remember
that's why you left,

to convince them to come back.

But you failed.

And the only way to bring
them together was by your death.

You understood. It's why
you were about to kill yourself

when I stopped you.

If all I had to do was die,
then why did you stop me?

You had critical information
that would've died with you.

And once you'd given it to me...

I just didn't have time to talk
you back into hanging yourself.

So I took a shortcut.

And look at you,
John... I was right.

You're here. You're back.
So are the rest of them.

I don't know where yet,
exactly, but they came. It worked.

And that's why I did it...

because it was in the
best interests of the island.

I was just hoping
for an apology.

I've decided to help you, Ben.

Help me do what?

Do what you say you
were on your way to do.

- Be judged.
- That's not something
you want to see.

If everything you've done has been
in the best interest of the island...

then I'm sure the
monster will understand.

Let's go.


- What are you doing?
- We're taking a boat.

- Where?
- Over to the main island.

I don't think so, my friend.

- Are these your boats?
- Are they yours?

Caesar, right?

I was under the impression
these were found here.

So I'm just going to borrow one.

I'm happy to leave
the other boat for you

in case you want to follow us.


- Are you going with him?
- He didn't give me a choice.

I'm sorry, but I'm
calling the shots here,

and I said you're
not taking anything.

You are going to sit down and
tell us how you know so much

about this island, my friend.

You're in the habit of
calling people "friend,"

- but I don't think you mean it.
- Step away from the boat.

No. I'm not going to
step away from the boat.

I'm going to take it. You're
going to let me, my friend.

You're not taking...
You looking for this?

This gentleman and
I are taking a boat.

Does anyone else have
a problem with that?

Consider that my apology.

Home sweet home.

Looks like we're not the first
ones who decided to tie up here.

That'll be Sun and Lapidus.

I showed them
where the boats were

and Sun thanked me by smashing
me on the head with a paddle.

Is she the one
that hurt your arm?

I noticed you were
favoring it on the way over.


Someone else hurt my arm.

You just make friends
everywhere you go, don't you?

Well, I found,
sometimes, that friends

can be significantly more
dangerous than enemies, John.

Is that why you shot an
unarmed man in the chest?

The man was unarmed
because I'd stolen his gun.

The gun he was
going to use to kill you.

- Couldn't let that happen.
- No sense in me dying twice,

You're welcome.

We're going to your
old house, aren't we?


It's the only place
I can summon it...

the monster.

Once it arrives, I'll
either be forgiven...

- or I won't.
- I think you're lying.

- Lying about what?
- That you want to be judged

for leaving the island
and coming back

because it's against the rules.

I don't think you
care about rules.

What do I want to
be judged for, John?

For killing your daughter.

Well? Did you do it?

We had a... complication.

I'm sorry, is that a... baby?

Your orders were to
exterminate that woman.

Why? She's no threat to
us... she's insane, Charles.

Besides, you didn't
tell me she had a child.

What was it I was
supposed to do?

- Kill it!
- It's not an "it."

This is a child.

You might find this difficult
to understand, Benjamin,

every decision I've made has
been about protecting this island.

Is killing this baby
what Jacob wants?

Then here she is.

You do it.

So whose idea was it to
move into these houses?

- Excuse me?
- Your people were living
in the jungle,

then after you murdered the
Dharma folk, you relocated here.

Just wondered if
it was your idea.

Do you disapprove, John?

Just doesn't seem like
something the island would want.

You don't have the first
idea what this island wants.

Are you sure about that?

That was your house, wasn't it?

Yes. And that's Alex's room.

Well, I... I suppose
you'd better go over there

and check it out.


- What are you doing here?
- This used to be my house.

I saw a light turned on.

What are the two
of you doing in here?

That was taken in 1977.

Are you telling me your friends
were in the Dharma Initiative?

You don't know about this?

Of course not. Where'd you
get this? Who gave this to you?

We met some crazy
old man outside.

He said his name was Christian.

He told us to come in and wait.

Wait for what?

He said if I ever wanted
to see my husband again,

I had to wait here
for John Locke.

But considering he's dead.
We ain't holding our breath.

You might want to look outside.

What you're saying,
it's... impossible.

But here I am.

I don't know how, I don't why,

but I'm sure there's a
very good reason for it.

As long as the dead
guy says there's a reason,

then I guess everything's
gonna be peachy.

Forget the fact that
the rest of your people

are supposedly 30 years ago,

now the only ones who are
here to help us are a murderer

and a guy who can't
seem to remember

how the hell he
got out of a coffin.

Sun, please... Let's
just go back to the plane.

See if I can fix the radio
and maybe we can get help.

If you leave with him, you'll
never find your husband again.

I'm all the help you need.

Are you saying you
know how to find them?

- How to find Jin?
- I have some ideas.

I'm sorry to say it, but I'm
leaving with or without you.

If there's any chance of finding
my husband, then I have to stay.

All right.

Well, for God's sake,
watch your back.

All right.

How do we find Jin?

Ben has something to do
first. Isn't that right, Ben?

- Yes, John. That's right.
- Better get to it then.

I'll be outside.

- Again, Daddy! Again!
- OK, OK.

Wow, Alex, any higher and
you're gonna fly right off the island!

- The sub's about to leave.
- Higher, Daddy, higher!

- All right.
- You don't have to see him off.

- Yes, Richard. I do.
- Higher, higher, Daddy.


- I came to say goodbye.
- No, you didn't.

- You came to gloat.
- Don't act as if I wanted this.

You brought this on yourself.

Are you certain you
want to do this, Benjamin?

You left the island regularly.

You had a daughter
with an outsider.

You broke the rules.

And what makes you think
you deserve to take what's mine?

Because I won't be selfish.

Because I'll sacrifice
anything to protect this island.

You wouldn't sacrifice Alex.

You're the one who
wanted her dead, Charles.

Not the island.

I hope you're right, Benjamin.

Because if you aren't,

and it is the island
that wants her dead...

she'll be dead.

And one day, you'll be
standing where I'm standing now.

You'll be the one
being banished.

And then you'll finally realize

that you cannot
fight the inevitable.

I'll be seeing you, boy.

Where did John go?

He said he has something to do.

Did he say what it was?

No, I didn't ask.

- Jack must have lied.
- Excuse me?

About Locke being dead.
I don't know why he would,

but that's the only explanation.

Jack didn't lie. John was dead.

Just because he was
in a coffin doesn't mean

- he couldn't have faked...
- Trust me. I'm sure.

So you knew this
would happen to Locke

if we brought him back here?

Sun, I had no idea
it would happen.

I've seen this island
do miraculous things.

I've seen it heal the sick.

But never once has it
done anything like this.

Dead is dead.

You don't get to
come back from that.

Not even here.

So the fact that John Locke
is walking around this island...

scares the living
hell out of me.

- You may want to go inside.
- Why?

Because what's about
to come out of that jungle

is something I can't control.

- Any luck?
- It hasn't shown up yet.

Last time we
didn't wait this long.

It's not a train, John. It
doesn't run on a schedule.

Well, if it's not going
to come to us, then...

I suppose we'll
have to go to it.

It doesn't work that way. I
only know how to summon it.

I don't know
where it actually is.

I do.

It's weird for me, too.

- Excuse me?
- I realize how strange
this all is.

Me... here.

But I assure you, Sun, I'm
the same man I've always been.

- Are you ready?
- Lead the way.

- Hello.
- Charles?

- It's Benjamin.
- How did you get this number?

It doesn't matter,
what matters is

I'm going back to
the island today.

The island won't let you
come back. Trust me.

I've spent 20 years
trying to return.

Well, Charles...

where you failed,
I'm going to succeed.

Just as soon as I do one thing.

- What's that, Benjamin?
- Kill your daughter.

In fact, I'm looking at Our
Mutual Friend right now.

I Don't know what
you're talking about.

The name of the
boat that Penny is on.

- Don't you dare.
- Goodbye, Charles.

- May I ask you a question?
- Shoot.

How is it you that you
know where you're going?

I just know.

- How does that work?
- How does what work?

The knowing. I mean, did
it come upon you gradually,

or did you wake
up and understand

the mysteries of the universe?

- You don't like this, do you?
- What?

Having to ask questions
you don't know the answers to.

Blindly following someone

in the hopes they'll lead you
to whatever you're looking for.

- No, John. I don't like it.
- Well...

Now you know what
it was like to be me.

We should keep moving.

Yes, we should.

I think I know where
we're going now, John.

Do you?

It's the same place they
brought me as a child.

It's where the island healed me.


Let's hope it's as
generous this time around.

What is it?

It's the wall around our Temple.

- What Temple?
- - About a half mile from here.

They built this wall to keep
people like the two of you

from ever seeing it.

We're not going into
your Temple, Ben.

We're going under it.

After you.

I need to ask a
favor of you, Sun.

If you can ever
get off this island,

find Desmond Hume for me,

tell him I said I was sorry.

Sorry for what?

He'll know.

Hey! What are you doing here?



- Des?!
- Don't move! Not another word!

Hello, Penelope. My
name is Benjamin Linus.

I'm sorry you're caught
up in the middle of this,

- but your father...
- My father and I have
no relation...

Your father is a really
terrible human being.

He's responsible for
the killing of my daughter.

That's why I'm here.


Charlie, go back inside,
babe. Go back inside.

Please! Please, whatever
you do, don't hurt my son!

Please don't hurt my son.

- Mommy? Mommy?
- Charlie, go inside!

Captain Lapidus!

Captain Lapidus!

You're back, thank God.

They found guns.

What are you talking about? Who?

Ilana and three of the others.

They said they
were in charge now.

Where are they?


What's going on?

What lies in the
shadow of the statue?


Answer the question!

What lies in the
shadow of the statue?

I have no idea what...

Get everyone else, tell them
it's time. Then tie him up...

He's coming with us.

You know, you were right.

- About what?
- Why I need to be judged.

When Charles Widmore's men
came, they gave me a choice.

Either leave the island
or let my daughter die.

All I had to do was walk out
of the house and go with them.

But I didn't do it.

So you were right. John...

I did kill Alex.

And now I have
to answer for that.

I appreciate you
showing me the way,

but I think I can
take it from here.

You got it.

I'll meet you
outside, if I live...


Are you all right?

Never better.

Hang on. I'll find something
to get you out there.

John, wait!

You didn't tell me
that she had a child.

What was it I was
supposed to do?

- Kill it.
- It's not an "it."

This is a child.

Higher! Again, Daddy! Again!

Higher! Higher, Daddy!

I hate you! I hate your
guts. I wish you were dead.

These people, you
said they're dangerous.

More dangerous than you?

Dad... they're serious.

They killed Karl and my mother.

Please, Dad...

- Help me!
- She's not my daughter.

She means nothing to me.

So if you wanna kill
her, go ahead and...



Hi, Dad.

Ohh... Alex.

I'm so, so sorry.

It was all my fault.

I know.

Listen to me, you bastard.

I know that you're already
planning to kill John again.

And I want you to know that
if you so much as touch him,

I will hunt you down
and destroy you.

You will listen to every
word John Locke says,

and you will follow his every
order. Do you understand?

Say it! Say you'll follow him!

Yes, I will. I'll
follow him, I swear.




What happened?

It let me live.