Lost (2004–2010): Season 4, Episode 14 - There's No Place Like Home: Part 3 - full transcript

In the season finale, the Oceanic Six find themselves closer to rescue.

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Previously on Lost:

Goodbye, John.

You're gonna have to lie.
It's the only way to protect it.

It's an island, John.
No one needs to protect it.

It's a place where miracles happen.

There's no such thing as miracles.

We gotta get every ounce of
extra weight off this chopper now!

Anything not bolted down
toss it out!


There's enough C4 here to blow up
a bloody aircraft carrier.

This is a radio receiver.
It triggers the bomb remotely.

I took out a bit of
a life insurance policy, Ben.

You killed my daughter.

- You just killed everybody on the boat.
- So?

Excuse me, sir, I'm sorry to bother you.
Do you have the time, please?

Yeah. It's 8.15...

- Sayid?
- Hello, Hurley.

- I think visiting hours are over, dude.
- This isn't a visit.

I want you to come with me.

- Come with you where?
- Somewhere safe.

Now why would I go anywhere with you?

I haven't seen you in, like, forever.

Because circumstances have changed.

What circumstances?

Bentham's dead.

- What?
- Two days ago.

- What happened?
- They said it was suicide.

What do you mean
they said it was suicide?

And why do you call him Bentham?
His name is...

Don't say it.

We're being watched.

Dude, I've been having regular
conversations with dead people.

The last thing I need now is paranoia.

I just killed a man who's been perched
outside this facility for the last week.

I'm finding paranoia keeps me alive.

We're not going back, are we?


Just somewhere safe.

OK, then.

Hold on a sec.

Checkmate, Mr Eko.

- Where's the freighter?
- I don't know. I stayed on course.

They must have it on the move again.

How much fuel?

Four, five minutes' worth,
unless somebody else wants to jump.

Soon as we get to the boat
we'll go back for him.


There it is, the boat! I see it!
It's behind us!

Ben, help me. If he dies,
everybody on that boat dies.

It's not my problem, John.

Hang on, man. Hang on!

Wherever you go...


...he'll find you.

Not if I find him first.

Hey, no, no. Hey! Hey!


You two need to go now.

Get everybody off the boat. We have
maybe five minutes left in the tank.


You go. Go!

I stay.

Oh, bloody hell.

Don't land! You can't land!

Go back!

Go back! There's a bomb!

There's a bomb!
Go back, there's a...

- Get away! There's a bomb!
- Did he say "bomb"?

Go back!

- What are you doing?
- I don't care what he's screaming!

I'm flying on fumes!
I gotta put this bird down.

No! Don't land!

No, no! Look, you don't understand.

Jin and Michael are doing everything
they can, but there's no time!

You've gotta get off the boat now!

How long till we can fly again?

Somebody patch the other hole!

- Give it to me, I'll do it.
- Here. Somebody pump some gas!

- I'll handle the fuel.
- Come on!

Let's go!

Hey, Sun!

Sun! Where are you going?

- Jin's below with Michael.
- There's no time.

- I won't leave him!
- OK. Get the baby on the chopper.

I'll get Jin, all right?

Pump till I get it started.
It'll be enough to get to the island.

Jin, you gotta go.

- There's nothing more we can do.
- No, I can find...

Come on, it's over.

I'm almost out of this stuff.
Listen, you are a father now.

Get to your wife and get her home.

Thank you, Michael.

You're welcome.


- Hey...
- Your buddy said we got five minutes

three minutes ago. If you're going,
this is it. Let's go!

- Kate!
- Jin's still inside!

Jin's still inside. Can't leave him.

I'm not leaving without you.
We gotta get out of here now.

Let's go!

- Give me a minute! No!
- Where's Jin?

It's Jin!


- Jin! We have to go back! Turn around!
- We can't do it!

But we have to! We need to go back!

You can go now, Michael.

Who are you?



All right, guys. Thanks.

Excuse me, Mr Widmore?

- Yes?
- I'm Sun Kwon.

Mr Paik's daughter. I'm the
managing director of Paik Industries.

Yes, of course. How is your father?

Excellent, thank you.

Quite the golfer. I believe I owe him
dinner after our last game.

Are you really going to pretend
you don't know who I am?

I don't know what you're
talking about, Ms Kwon.

Yes, you do know, Mr Widmore.

Just like you know we've been lying
all this time about where we were...

...and what happened to us there.

You and I have common interests.

When you're ready
to discuss them, call me.

As you know, we're not the only ones
who left the island.

Ms Kwon.

Why would you want to help me?

Go down lower. We have to go find Jin.

- Sun, there's nobody down there.
- We can't see anything from here!

We didn't get enough fuel!
We can't go back!

- Sun, I'm so sorry.
- He's down there!

I know he's down there!
No, I'm not leaving him!

- Sun!
- No, we're not leaving him!

- We're not! Turn back around!
- Sun! It's gone.

He's gone.

Lapidus! Fly us back to the island.

You got it.


No! No!



Why what?

Why did you kill him when you knew
it would destroy the boat?

I really wasn't thinking straight.


...good command decisions
get compromised

by bad emotional responses.

I'm sure you'll do a much better job
of separating the two than I ever did.

What are you doing?

I asked you a question!

If I were you I'd duck.

I'd better change.

Nice day for a swim.

What are you doing here?

Decided to take a dip.

What you celebrating?

I'm not celebrating.

Is that our boat?

It was.

What's that for?

I'm going somewhere cold.

And where is mine?

You don't need one because
you're not going with me.

- Yes, I am going with you.
- No, John, you're not.

Jacob told me what we had to do...

He told you what to do
but he didn't tell you how

because he wants me to suffer
the consequences.

What consequences?

Whoever moves the island
can never come back.

So I'd like you to get on the elevator,
John, and go back up.

Richard and my people will wait
two miles east of the Orchid.

- Waiting for me?
- Ready, willing and able

to share what they know...

...and then they will follow
your every word.

Goodbye, John.

I'm sorry I made your life so miserable.

What do I tell them to do?

You'll find your way, John.
You always do.

Hello, John.

Welcome home.

I hope you're happy now, Jacob.

What is that?

Where's the island?

Where's the island?!

- Where the hell's the island?!
- It's gone.

Where the hell am I gonna land
this thing?

There's another smaller island
close by they took us to.

I got news for you, doc! There's nothing
but water in every direction.

Doesn't matter now.
That's it, people, we're out of fuel!

Get your life vests on! We're going in!

Brace yourselves!

Desmond, the life raft!

Hold on!

- Sayid, are you all right?
- Yes. Jack?

- Sun? Where's Desmond?
- Get the baby.

I got it.


Jack, give me a hand!

Get him to the raft,
get him to the raft!

Get him up.

- We gotta get him up.
- Is he breathing? Is he breathing?

Oh, my God.

Oh, come on, Desmond.

One, two, three, four...


- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Yeah, you're all right.

Sit up.

You're all right. That's it.

It's OK.

It's OK. We're alive.


Hello, who's there?

Don't move.

Don't you touch my son!


- How did you?
- Don't bring him back, Kate.

Don't you dare bring him back.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Is he OK?

He's fine.

It's a miracle.

I can't believe he did it.

Who did what?


He moved the island.

No, he didn't.

Oh, really?

'Cause one minute it was there,
the next it was gone,

so, unless we, like,
overlooked it, dude,

that's exactly what he did.

But, if you've got another explanation,
man, I'd love to hear it.

God Almighty.

There's a boat.

There's a boat out there!


- There's a boat! You see it?
- Hey!

- Hey! Over here!
- Does it see us?

I think it does.

- Hey!
- Hey!

Is it turning?

It's turning! Hey! Hey!

We're gonna have to lie.

- What?
- We're gonna have to lie.

- Lie about what?
- Everything. All of it.

Every moment since we crashed
on the island.

Jack, now I know I'm new to this group,

but isn't this the place where everybody
jumps and hugs each other?

Your freighter, those men came
to the island to kill all of us.

Our plane was discovered
on the bottom of the ocean.

Someone put it there, someone who
wants everyone to think we're dead.

So what do you think will happen to us
when we tell them that wasn't our plane?

What do you think will happen
to the people we left behind?

Jack, we can't.

We can't pull it off.

Just let me do the talking.

Ms Widmore.

Throw them a rope.
Take them around to the stern.




Are you OK?

I'm fine.

I'm fine.

How did you find me?

Your phone call.

I have a tracking station.

I love you, Penny.

And I'll never leave you again.

This is Penny. This is... Kate.

- And Aaron.
- Hi.

This is Sun. Sayid.

- Hurley.
- Hi.


And Jack. Jack, this is Penny.

It's nice to meet you, Penny.


But we need to talk.

What's this place called?



Why are we doing this, dude?

Sailing 3,000 miles to another island.

Because it's the only way
to keep them safe.

- How long till we'll hit land?
- Well, if the wind's not too brutal,

eight, nine hours.

Just long enough to give you
a nice, convincing sunburn.

Well, it's been a pleasure, Frank.

- Hope we never see each other again.
- Roger that, doc.

Bye, sweetheart.

You sure about this, brother?

Are you sure?

As long as I've got Penny...

...I'll be fine.

Don't let him find you, Desmond.

I'll see you in another life, brother.


All right.

Let's go home.

Hello, Jack.

Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you.

Did he tell you
that I was off the island?

Yes, he did.

When did you speak to him?

About a month ago.

And Kate?


Yeah, he came to see her too.

And what did he say to you?

He told me...

...that after I left the island...

...some very bad things happened.

And he told me that it was my fault...

...for leaving.

And he said that I had to come back.

Yes, I heard you've been flying
on passenger planes.

Hoping that you'd crash.

It's dark, Jack, very dark.

Why are you here?

I'm here to tell you that
the island won't let you come alone.

All of you have to go back.

Are you...

Sayid, I don't even know
where Sayid is.


...is insane.

Sun blames me for...

And Kate...

She won't even talk to me anymore.

Perhaps I can help you with that.

This is the way it has to be, Jack.
It's the only way.

You have to do it together, all of you.


I have a few ideas.


I said all of you.

We're gonna have to bring him too.