Lost (2004–2010): Season 4, Episode 10 - Something Nice Back Home - full transcript

Juliet is forced to perform an emergency appendectomy on Jack, Jack's post-rescue relationship with Kate is revealed, and Sawyer, Claire, and Aaron head back to Jack's camp with Miles.

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Jack? Jack?

Jack! Jack!

Jack? Jack?

Jack, I need you to wake up.

Jack! Jack!

Can you hear me?

You okay?

Come on! come on!
I just wanna know why.

What happened?

He knows somethin'!

I want the truth!
I don't know. that's the truth.

I'm telling you, I don't know why,
but there's no signal now. signal?

What, there was a signal when you
called them last night. that's right.

So--so--so what?
now they're just ignoring us?

How are we supposed to know
why they're not answering?

Oh, who's talking to you?
and in case you haven't noticed,

We're not on the bloody boat, are we?
just watch your tone, red.

I just wanna know why. hey!

Everybody just needs to calm down,
okay? jack,

These people are lying to us.

I know they're lying.
I know it.

Sooner or later, their people
are gonna come back for them,

And when they do,
we'll be waiting for them.

Unless they run off again.
listen to me.

Jack, are you all right?
no, I'm fine.

We just have to
be patient, okay?

I've gotten us this far.

I said I was gonna get us
off the island--all of us.

I promised that I would.

Jack? Jack? Jack?
Jack? jack? jack?

Jack Jack.

Is he all right?

Jack? Jack?

Jack Jack.


Dr. shephard?

Just confirming your 11:00
consult with ms. berenberg.

It was moved up yesterday,

And I know how you are
with your calendar.

Yeah. yeah, I remember, jane.
I'll, um... I'll be in there.

Thank you, doctor.
all right. bye.

Ow. son of a bitch.



Morning yourself.

I bought you a razor.

What, you don't
like the scruff?

Razor's by the sink, jack.


"alice took up the fan,
and as the hall was very hot,

"she kept fanning herself

"all the time she
went on talking,

"'dear, dear.
how queer everything is today.

"'and yesterday,
things went on just as usual.

"'i wonder if I've been
changed in the night.

Let me think. was I the same
when I got up this morning? '"

"'but if I'm not the same,
the next question is,

"who in the world am i? '

Aha, that's the great puzzle. "

You're a natural.



My old man used to
read me that story.



It's just...

It's just sweet hearing you
say nice things about your dad.

I don't say nice
things about my dad?

Well, he was a good storyteller.
I'll give him that.

You okay?


Just, i...
I love seeing you with him.

I'm so glad you
changed your mind.

I'm so glad that you're here.

Me, too.

Keep him in the shade.
I'll get him some water.

Give--give him some air, guys.

You okay?


I'm fine. I'm good. I'm good.

Hey, what happened?
he passed out.

You fainted?

I'm fine. I'm just, uh...
just a little dehydrated.

No, jack. you're not okay.
you're burning up.

I'm fine. I'm fine. I just...

Just need to get a
little rest. jack--

I'm fine.

You okay?
yeah, just a bit woozy.

How's your head?

It's better. bit of a headache,

But at least I'm not
seeing things anymore.

Yeah? what'd you see?

Back off, donger.

I'm just making conversation.
let's make some time.

I wanna cover more ground
before we gotta camp tonight.

If we hoof it, we can make it
to the beach by noon tomorrow.



Who's danielle and karl?

Y-you mean rousseau?
the french woman?

Oh, my god.

Is this your french woman?

Karl Karl.

How'd you know they
were down there?

Your buddies do this?

They're not my buddies, man.

I didn't sign up for this.

Can we just--can we just get out
of here, please? can we just go?

Yeah, yeah, of course.
but don't worry.

Once we get back to the beach,
everything's gonna be fine.

All right?

Come on.

Let's go.

I hate being sick.

What do you think it is?

It's food poisoning.

What makes you think that?

I've got some cramping,
dehydrated, nausea.

I respectfully disagree.

Do you?

You want to lift your shirt up?

If it's food poisoning,
you got nothing to worry about.

It's your appendix, jack.

When did the pain start?


Has it ruptured?

Not yet.


I guess we're just gonna
have to take it out.

Do you remember where
the medical station is?

-Or don't you?
-Yes, I remember.

These are the instruments that
I need you to bring back.

-You'll find them in the drawers in
the exam room. -"clamps"? sutures"?

Juliet, I don't know
what these look like.

I can help you.
I'm familiar with surgical instruments.

I thought you were a physicist.
Yeah, well,

I've done some animal autopsies,
too, so if--if-- no.

We can't trust them.
-See, Dan? I told you.

They're convinced we're
trying to kill 'em.

-Might as well keep playing the part.
-Damn it, charlotte.

That right there,
that right there.

Your--your attitude--
your very bad attitude--

It's exactly why
they don't trust us.

Come on.

Juliet, please.

Don't blame us for--for this,
for whatever is happening.

We're scientists.
We don't want anyone to get hurt.

We just wanna help.
Please let us help.

Either of them tries to run?
Shoot 'em in the leg.

Get back here as fast
as you can. Okay.

Thank you.

We need to create a
sterile environment.

Find a hard surface,
wash it down,

Gather as many
tarps as you can.

Hey, juliet.

If everything that we need
is at the medical station,

-Then why don't we just bring jack
there? -Because if we move him,

There's a good chance that
his appendix will rupture.

And if that happens,
he's gonna die.

Don't even think about it.


Don't look at her.
Don't talk to her.

Don't mess with her.

You got a restraining order.
20 feet.

What are you, her big brother?

No. I'm the guy who's gonna
put a boot in your face

Unless you say, "yeah.
I getcha. "

Yeah. I getcha.

Honey, I am sure Jack
is gonna be okay.

An appendectomy

Is just about the most common
kind of surgery there is.

That's not what I
was thinking about.

I was thinking,
"why did he get sick? "

Why? It's just--
it's just bad luck.

The day before we're all
supposed to be rescued,

The person that we
count on the most

Suddenly comes down with a
life-threatening condition,

-And you're chalking it up to bad luck?
-Well, what are you saying,

That--that Jack did
something to offend the gods?

People get sick, Rose.
-Not here.

Here, they get better.

When was the last
time you did this?

An appendectomy or
shaving a man's stomach?

In my residency.

I did a lot of 'em back then.

Then you know the
incision needs to be

2 inches lower than
where you're shaving.

I'm just cleaning the area.

Thank you.

I wanna talk you through it.


I don't want to be unconscious.

We can use the lidocaine

To numb the area.

And then I can
watch the procedure,

Help you out.

And, uh,
how are you gonna watch

Flat on your back with my hand
in your abdominal cavity?

We can use a mirror.
kate can hold it.

If someone's going
to be in there,

Shouldn't it be someone
with medical experience?

-Bernard's a dentist--
-No, I want it to be kate.


Don't worry, Ms. berenberg.
You're in good hands.

Thank you.

-I'll see you tomorrow at 5:00 a.
M. ? -Mm-hmm.

And remember,
no solid food. okay?

-Thank you, doctor.
-Have a good evening.

Jack? Jack?

Jack? Jack?

Will you take a
look at this x-ray?

-Uh, it's in the L4. I wanna know
what you think. -The L4. yeah. yeah.

Oh, Dr.
Shephard, there's a call for you.

It's a dr.
stillman from Santa rosa hospital,

Says it's about a
friend of yours.

He's refusing to take his meds,

And he's stopped sleeping.

What about his
therapy sessions?

Therapy's... been
rendered useless.

And why is that?

Because he doesn't
think I exist.

Hey, hurley.

Hey, jack.

Why aren't you
taking your meds?

Cause we're dead...

All of us.

All the oceanic six--
we're all dead.

We never got off that island.

Hurley Hurley...

That is not true.

What'd you do today?

What did I do today?

I, uh...

I woke up, took a shower.

Uh, kate and I fed the baby.

I thought you didn't want
anything to do with aaron.

I changed my mind
after the trial.

Living with kate...

Taking care of aaron...

It all seems so perfect...

Just like heaven.

Just because I'm happy

Doesn't mean that this
isn't real, hurley.

I was happy, too, jack...

For a while, anyway.

Then I saw charlie.

He likes to sit with
me on the bench

Out on the front lawn.

It's pretty cool, actually.

Okay. so what do the
two of you talk about?

Well, yesterday,
he told me you were gonna be coming by.

He wanted me to
give you a message.

A message?

He made me write it down
so I wouldn't mess it up.

"you're not supposed to raise him,
jack. "

Does that make any sense?

No, that...
doesn't make any sense.

Do you think he means aaron?

Take your meds, hurley.

Just take 'em.

Hey, jack?

Charlie said someone's
gonna be visiting you, too.


We're here.

Why don't you let me go first?

Um, you know,
make sure everything's safe.


Be careful, dan.


Do you think she
knows he likes her?

She's a woman. She knows.

Jin. Come on.

Where do you suppose all
this power's coming from?

Add that one to the list, dan.

Let's just grab the equipment and go,
shall we?

Are you all right?

This is where
Juliet brought me.

This is where I saw our baby.

They're not going
to help us, Jin.

Don't worry about them.

I promise you Sun.

I will get you and our
baby off this island.

Whoa! hey,
you want a hand with the baby?

Oh, no, thanks. I'm fine.

You sure? I'm good with kids.
what part of "restraining order"

Don't you understand?

Get behind me, claire.

Who the hell are you?

-Lapidus? -Miles?
Lapidus? miles?

You two know each other?

You gotta hide, man,
right now. what?

Keamy's coming back,

And if he sees you,
he'll kill all of ya.

And he's close, man.
you gotta hide now!

Go! hide! come on.

Just hide!

Come on. come on. let's go!

Where's the chopper?
it's about a click back that way.

Did you bring the kit?
yeah, it's right here.

Jeez, man, he looks bad.
what the hell happened?

You do your job. I'll do mine.


It's gettin' dark, man.

We gotta leave now.

Mr. keamy,
we gotta get back to the chopper.

Keamy, we gotta get back,
cause I'll tell ya right now,

I am not flying faraday's
bearings at night.

I'm not gonna do it.

So if you wanna get back,
we gotta leave right now, sir.

Fine. you lead the way.

Come on.

Okay. come on.

Watch it now.

The tent's all set.
everything's ready.

Good. thanks.

Listen, I could use an extra
pair of hands in there.

You wanna help me out? um, I don't...
I don't think that's a good idea.

It's just holding a mirror.

Jack wants to watch the surgery,
"talk me through it. "


I'm just surprised

He's not taking it
out of himself by now.

Jack Jack.

What are you doin'?

I don't need a stretcher.
I can walk 50 feet. I'll help you.

They're gonna be back with
the instruments soon.

We need to be ready to go
as soon as they get back.

See you in there.

So it looks like I'm
gonna be your nurse.

Wouldn't be the first time.

Listen, um...

If something happens to me--
shut up, Jack.

Fair enough.

Kate? Kate?

Kate? Kate?

Wake up, Kate.

What time is it?

It's late. I just got home.

Were you working?

No. i...

I just...
had to stop and get something.

It just took a while.

What's going on? what's wrong?

The other night,
when I was reading to aaron,

You said...

That I was a natural.

Do you really...

Do you really think
that I'm good at this?


You're good at this.

Will you marry me?


Of course I will. yes.

Look, they're back.

Did you find everything?

Yes, ma'am. entire list.

Is he okay?

For now.
sun, we need to sterilize these.

There's a pot of water
boiling over here.

Charlotte Charlotte.


I konw you understand me.


I know you speak Korean.

You smiled when Sun
and I talked about you

And you were listening
to us at the station

I'm sorry.

Perhaps I can get your
wife to translate--

If you continue to lie...

I'm going to hurt
your friend Daniel.

I'm going to break his
fingers one at a time.

Do you understand that?

What do you want?

When the helicopter
comes for you...

You're going to take my
wife off this island.

What about you and the
rest of your friends?

Just get her on the helicopter.

You know, Jack,

They found some chloroform
at the medical station.

I could knock you out.

Wouldn't you rather be dreaming
about something nice back home?

No, I'll manage
with the lidocaine.

Kate Kate.

Just hold it right there.

Okay, now this is gonna numb
the area of the first incision.

After that,
I would like to be able to tell you

You're not gonna feel a thing, but...
you will.

You ready?

Okay. here we go.

Okay, Jack. one more.

Oh! okay, try not to move.

Just stay still.

Spreader. Kate,
i-i can't see it.

Sorry. don't worry about the mirror.
just stay still. spreader.

That's good. that's good. yeah.

This is it.

That's good.

Knock him out, bernard.
no! no. hey.

Not wanna be unconscious.

You don't want to be
out of control. Kate.

Kate, you need to leave.
bernard! no. Kate.

Kate, you need to go.
bernard! please. no!

Kate, get out of here!
bernard. Kate...

-Jack -Kate Jack. Kate.

Kate, get outta here!
damn it, bernard! knock him out!

I'm sorry, Jack, but I agree.

Ryan Laker Laker, ryan.

Patient is male, 36.

Osteoblastoma is present

In the posterior
area of the lumbar.

I am recommending biopsy for...

Jack? Jack?

Jack? Jack?

You okay?

Uh, yeah. I'm--i'm... I'm okay.

I, uh...

I just, uh...

The, um,
the smoke detector was...

Was beeping, and I just...

Okay. thank you for
keeping us safe.

Erika, um...

Do you mind doing me a favor?

Yeah, sure.

Can you write a script for...


For you?

Yeah, um...
I just got a lot going on right now,

And I'm just a
little snowed under

With all my caseload,
and Kate and I got engaged.

Just... not sleepin' very well at night,
you know? just...

Thank you.

You know, getting engaged

Is supposed to help reduce stress,
not create it.

Yeah. you're right.

Maybe you should
talk to someone.

I'll do that.

Good night.

Good night.

Yeah, I'll just
have the nanny stay

For an extra couple hours.

Jack's never home
before 8:00 anyway.

I could stay for
at least an hour.

I-i gotta go.
Jack's home. Yeah, okay.

I'll call you later. Bye.


Hey. You scared me.

Sorry. I thought
you'd be in bed.

Who was that?

That was Noreen.

Noreen? Noreen?

Yeah. She's one of the
moms from the park.


Nothing. I just...

Never heard you
mention her before.

Well, now you have.

I'll see you upstairs.



Don't worry.

It went well.

She did good.

She said you could go back
inside if you want to.

Thank you.


He didn't lose that much blood.

I got the appendix out

And put everything back
where it belongs, I think.

So he's gonna be okay?

He should be fine.

We just have to talk
him into resting.

Good luck with that.

I'm sorry I yelled at you.

Don't worry about it.

You had enough going on.

You know, he kissed me.


The other day,
when you came back

From the other side of the island,
Jack kissed me.


It was nice.

But it wasn't for me.
it was for him.

I'm pretty sure he was
trying to prove something.

Prove what?

That he doesn't
love someone else.

Thank you, Juliet.

Thank you for saving his life.

I know you're awake.



You're home early.

Where's Veronica?

I sent her home.

The baby's asleep.


Why was she here?


The nanny.

She only works till 4:00.

I came home at 6:00.

I had to run some
errands, so...

I asked her to stay
a couple extra hours.

What's going on, Jack?

Why are you home so early?

I went to see Hurley.


Last friday.

Why didn't you tell me?
I would've gone with you.

Because he's crazy, Kate,

And I didn't wanna upset you.

Where were you today?

I'm gonna ask you...

To trust me.

Trust me. Just leave it be.

Where were you?

Jack, don't.

No, I heard you on
the phone last night.

Who were you talking to?

Just let it go.

-No, no, I wanna know.
-No, jack.

I wanna know where you were.
I wanna know who you were with.

It doesn't matter,
Jack. please.

No, tell me. Tell me!

I was doing something for him.

For who?

For Sawyer.

I made him a promise.



It doesn't matter.
It has nothing to do with us.

Then why won't you tell me?

Because--because he
wouldn't want me to.

But he's not here, is he? no.

No, he made his choice.

He chose to stay.

I'm the one who came back.

I'm the one who's here.

I'm the one who saved you.

Jack Jack.

You can't-- you can't do this.

If you have problems,
you need to figure them out.

All right? 'cause I can't have
you like this around my son.

Your son?

You're not even related to him!

Hey, sweet pea.



It's way too early for chinese.

Where's Claire?

Ladies' room?


She just walked off
into the jungle.



In the middle of the night.
Just got up and left.

-You let her go alone?
-She wasn't alone.

Well, who was she with?

She called him "dad.
" I'd have followed them,

But I have a restraining order.

Claire! Claire!

Claire! Claire!

It's okay. It's okay.

I've got you.

Claire! Claire!

Claire! Claire!

Claire! Claire!

Claire! Claire!