Lost (2004–2010): Season 3, Episode 18 - D.O.C. - full transcript

An unlikely person helps Desmond save the life of the mysterious woman who crashed onto the island, and Juliet helps Sun find out whether she conceived on the island or before the plane crash.

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Previously on Lost:

Is that a helicopter?

Is that how a helicopter's
supposed to sound?

Get away from her!


What's wrong?

- What's wrong is I'm married.
- Right.

You're pregnant.


Good morning, Jack.

Need a hand?

Thank you.

I came by your tent earlier.

Is Jin gone?

He went off with Charlie,
Hurley, and Desmond.

- Did you need him?
- Actually, I was looking for you.

I wanted to see how you were doing
with your pregnancy.

I'm doing fine. A little tired,
but that's normal, right?

- Sure. Any morning sickness?
- Not anymore.

Any bleeding?

Why are you asking me
all these questions, Jack?

I'm just checking in.

Now that I'm back, I just wanted
to make sure that you were doing OK.

Thank you. I'm OK.


- Who is she?
- I've no idea.

She seems to know you, dude.
She just said your name.

I've never seen her before in my life.

She's waking up.

She's trying to talk.
We should get her some water.

- Give me a hand.
- Yeah.

- What's she saying?
- Don't know.

- It's Spanish, dude.
- Do you understand her, then?

She says she's dying.

Oh, my God!

A branch.
She must have hit it on the way down.

Get her pack. We haven't
got much in this first-aid kit.

- See if there's anything we can use.
- What if this is a rescue?

What if she came for us?
Is she gonna be OK?

Just go. Start looking.

- We get Jack. Jack.
- She could be our way off the island.

- If we move her, it'll make it worse.
- We just let her bleed to death?

- No, we need to bring Jack here.
- It's an eight-hour walk, one way.

- Then I'll run.
- Are you out of your mind?

It's not safe.
Who knows who's out in this jungle?

People on this island
are trying to kill us.

Nobody knows we're here.


- How's this?
- That's perfect. Thank you.

What do you think happened to Jack
while he was with the Others?

Since he's been back,
he seems different.

He says that he was
pretty much a prisoner,

and he only cooperated 'cause he thought
they'd let him off the island.

Do you believe him?

Why wouldn't I?

He came to me,
asking about my pregnancy.

- What would that have anything to do...
- What if...

What if the Others want my baby?

He's been there alone for over a week.

How do we know
he isn't working with them?

He's not working with them.

Do you know something, Kate?

It's Juliet.

She was their doctor, their fertility
doctor, studying pregnant women.

And when Claire was sick,
she told me and Jack

the reason the Others wanted her baby
was for research.

Sun. Wait. You don't have to do this.

Go away, Kate.

I want to know about your research.

- Sun...
- What happens to pregnant women?

You're pregnant?

- Are you sure? How do you know?
- I asked you a question.

Everyone might be all right with you
washing your clothes, eating our food.

But I want to know what's going on.
I want answers.

What are you people doing?
Why are you taking children?

What happens to pregnant women
on this island?

- What happens...
- They die.

They all die.

Sun, come on. Let's go.

- What's she saying?
- Chinese, not Korean.

- Maybe we should pull it out.
- You'll make it worse.

Have you forgotten what's at stake,
or is this another flash?

- Who's getting an arrow in the neck?
- Lest you forget, she said my name.

She had a photo of me
and my girlfriend.

I understand better than the lot of you.

Hey, guys, chill.

We've wasted enough time already.

- You're not leaving us.
- Get out of my way.


Hey, Jin! Jin!


Who are you?

I said, who are you?

He's the guy who shot Sayid.

Kate told us he lived out in that
station Locke blew up. He's an Other.

I thought Locke killed that guy
with the electro-fence thingy.

You've got five seconds to talk
or I fire this gun, brother.

That's a flare gun.

And how do you think it'll feel

taking a flare to the chest
at this range?

As your friend pointed out,
I already died once this week.

- You understand her.
- She's speaking Italian.

She said she's dying.
She needs help.

I was a Soviet army field medic.
I can offer you my services.

- Wait. What are you doing?
- I'm saving her.

This branch has punctured her lung.
It's filling with blood.

If it is not ventilated soon,
she is going to die.

Well, do it. Help her.

If I fix her, you must let me walk away
as if I never came upon you.

What do you need?

Be quiet. Don't move.

You want me to help you
and your baby, I have answers.

But you have to
come with me right now.

Just you and me. Nobody else.

If what you said was true,
that means I'm already dead.

- Why should I go anywhere with you?
- Because there may be hope for you yet.

Where are we going?

There's a medical station.
They have an ultrasound machine.

Claire and Kate
told me about that place.

It was abandoned.
They found nothing there.

Well, that's because
they didn't know where to look.

What are you going to do to me?

I'm gonna look at your baby
and determine the DOC.

Date of conception.

The ultrasound will tell me when
you got pregnant, give or take a day.

If you got pregnant off the island, then
you and your baby will probably be OK.

But if you got pregnant here...

We'll cross that bridge
when we come to it.

When was the last time
you and your husband had sex?

- I would rather not talk about that.
- I know it's personal.

- But if I know when, I can figure...
- Isn't that what the machine will do?

- Yeah.
- Then let's keep walking.

What do you know about her? Did she
have anything besides the flare gun?

Just a book, a fancy radio phone thingy.

Does it work?

Like I'd tell you.

One of you must help.
The rest, clear the way. I need space.

I'll do it.

Wipe away as much of the blood
as you can.

We need to evacuate the air now.

Hold her steady.

- Steady!
- Yeah, I heard you.

Is that normal?


Tape it. Be careful.
The covering needs to be hollow.

The wound needs to breathe.

What did she say?

"Thank you. "

She said, "Thank you for helping me. "

It's right down here.

Why are you doing this?


Helping me.

Once upon a time,

I told women that they were pregnant,

and their faces...

It was the best news
they ever got in their entire life.

Then I came here.

I've lost...

...nine patients
in the last three years.

I'm helping you
because I want to tell you

that you and your husband
got pregnant before you came here.

I'm helping you because
I want to give good news again.

I slept with another man.

Before we got to the island.

Jin and I, we were having...


We weren't...

And I had a friend.

It was a mistake.

We all make mistakes.

Which way?

Will you help me move this forward?

Why is this room hidden?

- Don't worry about it.
- What is this place?

Tell me.

It's where we brought the women to die.

She's fine. Keep the wound
as clean as you can.

- She should be better in a day.
- A day? Her lung was punctured.

On this island,
the rules are a bit different.

Maybe a day and a half.

I did as I promised. She will live.

- You're considering letting him go?
- Just go.

- He's one of them.
- So what would you have me do, Charlie?

We've got to make a stretcher and
carry her. How do we bring a prisoner?

- I'll take responsibility.
- Phone. Phone!

- No, Jin!
- Phone!

- Jin, it's all right.
- No, let him, Desmond.

Let him!

Jin, it's all right! Jin!

Let him go. Jin, let him go!


You stole this?

How could you respect me
if I didn't try?

How about I take your other eye?
Would you respect that?

Sorry. What?

- Charlie, don't! Charlie, let him go!
- This is a mistake.

- We can't keep letting these people go.
- We gave him our word.

Go on. Get out of here.

The baby isn't Jin's.

We tried to have a baby
back in Korea and couldn't.

And the doctor...

He told me Jin was infertile.

- And then you came here.
- What?

Did you know
that the average male sperm count

is between 60 and 80 million?

But on this island,
it's five times that.

We call that good odds.

You ready?

- Yes.
- OK. Wanna lift up your shirt a little?

It's cold.

- Will I see the baby?
- Maybe.

It's your first trimester,
so it's a little iffy.

If you don't see a heartbeat,
don't worry about it, it's just early.

How does it work?

Well, I take a measurement of the fetus,

and that will tell us
when your baby was conceived.

And then we'll know who.

You OK?

I lose either way.

If I'm going to live,
that means the baby's not Jin's.

Do you still wanna do this?


OK. The moment of truth.

There it is. There's your baby.

You see?

I can see it.

- Is it a boy or a girl?
- It's a little early.

But do you see that little flutter?

That's the heart beating.

It's very strong. It's very healthy.


You crashed here 90 days ago.

The baby was conceived
about eight weeks ago, so 53 days.

You got pregnant on the island.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Sun.

I will do everything that I can.

It's Jin's.

So how long do I have?

Most of the women made it into
the middle of their second trimester.

Nobody made to their third.

That gives me two months.

I am...

...very happy the baby is Jin's.

You gave me good news, Juliet.

It was my pleasure, Sun.

I'm gonna go back inside
and make sure I didn't miss anything.

I don't wanna take the chance
that we didn't cover our tracks.

Do you wanna wait out here?

All right.


Thank you.

Ben, it's 6 AM on Saturday morning.

Kwon is pregnant.

The fetus is healthy and was conceived
on island with her husband.

He was sterile before they got here.

Still working on getting samples
from the other women.

I should have Austen's soon.
I'll report back when I know more.

I hate you.

You can't trust them, you know.

- What's that?
- The Others.

The one you let go, he'll be back
tomorrow with five of his mates.

We should've killed him.

- Charlie. Tight.
- OK.

You know, brother,

by my count, you've killed more of them
than they've killed of you.

They started it. Just 'cause
one comes back with Jack and Kate

doesn't mean that we can trust them now.


Where am I?

- You had a branch...
- Where am I?

I don't know.

You're on an island.
Are you here to rescue us?

Are there more of you?
Can you make your phone work?

- Who are you?
- Hugo Reyes.

I crashed here on Oceanic Flight 815.
A bunch of us survived.

Is that why you're here?
Were you looking for us?


Flight 815? The one from Sydney?


No. That's not possible.

Yeah, I know. It wasn't easy, but we
found food and a hatch and more food...

Flight 815... They...
They found the plane.

There were no survivors.

They were all dead.
