Lost (2004–2010): Season 3, Episode 15 - Left Behind - full transcript

With their secret location now compromised, The Others abandon camp and take Locke with them. But they also leave Juliet behind, handcuffed to Kate in the middle of the jungle.

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Previously on Lost:

There's a rental car parked out front.
Go to Sioux City.

I want you to check in at
the Sage Flower Motel.

Wait for me. I'll be
there in the a. m.

- I love you.
- I love you, too.

Go. Go.

I don't care what Jack said.

They've got him. We have to get him back.
I owe him.

Circumstances have changed. He
may not want to be rescued.

If he's shaking hands with
The Others, he has a reason.

We came to rescue Jack.

- Hi.
- What are you doing here?

- I came to get you.
- Get out of here.

- Get down! Get her down!
- Don't hurt her!

I made a deal with them.
They're gonna let me go.

- Where?
- Home.

Jack, we need to go.

Hold it right there!
Get your hands up!

Get down! I said, get down!

- What are you doing here, John?
- Sorry, Jack.

Sorry for what?

I was just bringing
you something to eat.

Enjoy your sandwich.

Been on the road awhile?

How long's it gonna take?

Well, your fan belt's shot.

It'll take two
days, maybe three.

Three days for a fan belt?

Welcome to Iowa.

- Name's Johnny.
- I'm Lucy.

They're all 18 karat gold. Typically
they retail for 500 bucks.

Come on, those don't look real.
I'm not buying.

...going out of business.
You'll never find...

If you need a lift, I'm
finished in an hour.

What con are you pulling?
I'll call the cops!

- Your loss.
- Hey, there a problem, buddy?

Yeah, there's a problem. I'm getting
scammed, that's the problem.

- I'm sorry.
- Do you think I'm an idiot?

Hey, you don't have to buy them.

Those are fake necklaces and
you're a rip-off artist.

- They're real.
- Call the cops.

- Sixty bucks.
- I'll take the one on the end.


- Thanks.
- Yeah.

Can I get my money back?


Why'd you help me?

Just one girl watching
another girl's back I guess.

Or you're stranded here

and for some reason you didn't
want that guy calling the cops.

I'll give you a ride into
town, you buy me a drink.



John? What are you doing?

- Did they capture you?
- Yes. But only temporarily.

I came to say goodbye.

- Goodbye?
- I'm leaving with them.

What the hell is going on?
What are they doing to you?

Are you brainwashed?
Where did Jack go?

Jack didn't go anywhere, Kate.

He's gonna have to
stay behind like you.

You can't trust them.

If they told you they're gonna
take you home, they're lying.

I don't want to go home, Kate.

I want you to know I made
a strong case for you.

I told them that you were a good person.
Reliable. Smart. Honest.

And then they told me who you
were and what you had done.

Let's just say forgiveness isn't
one of their strong suits.

Good luck.

- Where are you going?
- Coming out.

Hey... Just...

Where's Jack and where's Sayid?
Have you seen Rousseau?

John, please, what's
happened to you?

I'm sorry, Kate.

♪ S03E15 Left Behind (2007) ♪
Originally aired on April 4, 2007

Sync & Corrections by mapleleaves

What's wrong with you?

Don't look at me, and
pretend we're not talking.

- I'm not supposed to be here.
- Good, then scram.

Dude, you need to know that
there's been some chatter.

After Paulo and Nikki
and everything...

- Tomorrow there's gonna be a vote.
- A vote for what?

To decide whether or
not to banish you.

Banish me?

- Where?
- There was a debate about that.

But the consensus was half
a mile down the beach.


I'm only saying this because
there may be a way to fix it,

to like, make amends.

- I don't do amends.
- You might wanna ask yourself

about all the good stuff that comes
from being a part of this society.

I mean, you can't even feed yourself.
You use our latrine,

drink the water Steve brings
every morning to the trough.


You know how for three days,
ten hours, and 15 minutes

- I ain't allowed to use nicknames?
- Yeah?

Well, you, sir... Hugo...

...are rotund, annoying, and
you're ruining my damn view.

How's that for amends?

You're making a big
mistake, dude.

Banish me.

How about you tell me your name?

- It's Lucy.
- And what's your real name?

- Next time, don't think about it.
- I didn't...

Not even for a second.

So, why "Lucy"?

She's a saint.

I had to memorize them
in Sunday school,

so they're still rattling
around in my brain.

What makes a girl who went to
Sunday school scared of cops?

A few months ago I
killed my stepfather

and escaped from the Marshal
who arrested me for it.


Because he was a bad guy.

So, what the hell are
you doing in Iowa?

I want to talk to my mother.

You're gonna have a really
hard time doing that.

If you did what you
just said you did,

the feds are gonna be
watching her 24/7.

- I'll figure something out.
- Oh, you will?

What, you want to help me?



I fell in love with
the wrong guy.

And then I gave him
my life savings.

He conned me and embarrassed me.

He was a bad guy.

So, I'll help you get the
meeting with your mom, "Lucy",

because one of us
deserves something good.

I ain't gonna get
the Korean vote.

Shoot. What the...

Come here. Come on.

All right. Let's do it.

Do what?

I'm ready to do it. Make amends.

Change the vote.

I don't want to be banished, OK?
You happy?

Dude, you stink.

What is that? Fish?

- No.
- Did you try to gut one yourself?

How have you not learned that by now?
We've been here three months.

- Could we just do this?
- Do what?

Make nice?

Apologize for calling
me all those names.

I'm really sorry I
called you "rotund".

- Really?
- Oh, God. You're worse than a girl.

Come on, let's spread the love.

- What am I doing here?
- Why don't you tell me?

- I don't know.
- Well, I don't know, either.

So, why don't you
let go of my wrist?

So, what the hell happened?

I was making a cup of tea. A
canister came in through the window.

So, what did you do
to piss them off?

You're wasting your time.
The knife is too big.

- Use something smaller.
- We're going back.

What? They did this to us.
Why would we go back?

You say "they" like you
didn't lock me in a cage

and watch me break
rocks all day.

We're going back to your village because
my friends were probably gassed like us.

Your people are gone anyway. I
saw them all pack up and leave.

- What?
- Locke came in and he said goodbye.

They were going somewhere else.

Going? Going where?

He didn't exactly tell me.

Welcome to the wonderful world of not
knowing what the hell's going on.

Go, go, go! On the ground.

Get down. On the ground!

Let's see those hands.

- Get back in the house.
- Got her.

Let me see those hands.

Long time no see, Austen.

- Who the hell are you?
- I'm just selling Bibles.


They questioned me
for half an hour.

He confiscated my case.

He was asking me about
selling Bibles...

It's a good thing I
know how to lie.

Yeah. Now we know what
we're up against.

Now we know there were six guys
waiting to take you down, Lucy.

Yeah, it's OK. I'll
figure it out.

Figure it out?

That Marshal, I don't
know what you did to him,

but if he ever gets his hands on
you, it is gonna be you or him.

Look, if you've changed your mind, if
you don't want to help me, I get it.

No, I do want to help you. But
if I'm lying to federal agents,

so that you can have a
chat with your mom,

then I at least need to know that
there's a pretty good reason.

He used to get drunk,

and beat up my mom, so
I blew up his house.

I made it look like an accident.

A gas leak.

Took out an insurance
policy on the house...

...for her.

Set her up for life.

And then she gave me up.

Chose him over me.

So the reason I need
to talk to her is,

someone I love,

someone who's supposed to
care about me, betrayed me.

And I want to know why.


then let's go find out.

What are you doing?

Whoever dragged us out here left
a trail that will lead us back.

Let's go.

It's gonna rain. Don't you think
we should wait till morning?


- Why?
- Why what?

Why would they handcuff you to me and
then drag us out into the jungle?

Ben has a thing for mind games.

- Is that why he left you behind?
- Do we really have to talk?


Come on. If the trail
gets wet I'll lose it.

I hope you're not dragging me all the
way back there with you for him.

- Excuse me?
- I hope you're not going back for Jack.

Because I was standing right there
when he told you not to come back.

Now that you've ruined his
chance to get off the island...

Are you done?

I said are you?

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...

What the hell was that?

- Get up.
- You dislocated my shoulder.

Get up!

Come on.

Quick, in here. Come on.

Get in here. Quick.

Get down. Get down.

What the hell?

Are we safe?

You tell me.

- I ain't kissing no damn baby.
- Claire's really influential.

She votes for you,
you're home free.

Why wouldn't she vote for me? It's not
like I ever done anything bad to her.

No, but you never did anything
good for her, either.

And have you ever even
asked how Aaron is?

Well, I know how he is.

- He cries loud and he smells.
- That's what I'm talking about.

You're sarcastic.

- People don't like that.
- All right.

So I go over and do what?

Moms love it when you show
an interest in their babies.

So go over there, say something
nice, call her "Claire"...

...and give her this.

I know you can do it, dude.

Hey, Claire.


Hey there, little baby...


Is there anything
I can do for you?

No. I just came by to
say your baby's...

He's not as wrinkly as he
was a couple weeks ago.

Yeah, I guess he's not.


Oh, and this is for you.

- Thank you.
- I don't like...


- Well, good night.
- Good night.

Do you think it's gone?
Are we safe?

- Are you serious?
- What?

- You've never seen that?
- If you don't believe me

you can pull my other
shoulder out of its socket.

- I wasn't trying to...
- Don't flatter yourself.

This is the fourth time
it's been dislocated.

Gimme your hand.

- Why?
- I want you to pop it back in.

- I'm not gonna...
- You're gonna.

Right now it feels like there's
broken glass under my skin

and if it weren't for you, I would
be on my way home right now.

Jack told me not to come
back to protect me.

Because he didn't
want me to get hurt.

- Is that what you think?
- Yeah. That's what I think.

We have cameras on
the cages, Kate.

All of them.

He saw you.

You and Sawyer.

The reason Jack told
you not to come back

wasn't because he didn't
want you to get hurt.

It was because you
broke his heart.

So grab my wrist,

push up, and twist.

Why do we gotta be out
here so damn early?

You asked me to help
you catch a boar.

This is when they
break cover to eat.

Looks like they picked
today to sleep in.

- So what's your angle, brother?
- My angle?

Well, you haven't spoken
three words to me,

and suddenly you want to
be my hunting partner.

My angle is I've got hearts
and minds to change.

And politics is
all about bribes.

Since money don't mean
squat on this island,

I gotta give the people
something they like.

And people like meat.

How's your shoulder?

- Awesome.
- Then let's get going.

Thank you.

You're welcome, sweetheart.

Oh, my God.

I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

- No worries.
- I'm such an idiot.

It happens all the
time, sweetheart.

Oh, thank you.

Hi, Mom.

What are you doing
here, Katherine?

You look good.

I asked you what you
are doing here.

I want to know why you told
them what I did to Wayne.

I thought maybe you came because
you wanted to say you were sorry.

I'm not sorry.

He hit you. He treated
you like a dog.

You can't help who
you love, Katherine.

And for good or
bad, I loved him.

And you burnt him alive.

You turned on the gas
and you lit a match.

You murdered him in cold blood.

- I did it for you.
- No.

What you did, you
did for yourself.

I have to go back to work.

Because you are my daughter,

I'm not gonna tell the two
men sitting at the table

who've been following me for the
last month that you are here.

But I swear to God, Katie,

if I ever see you again,

the first thing I will
do is yell for help.


- Did he say that to you?
- Sorry?

That I broke his heart?

He didn't have to.

- You don't know anything about him.
- I know where he was born.

I know what his parents did for
a living, that he was married.

And who he was married to. I
know why he got a divorce.

I know how his father died.

I know his height, his
weight, his birthday,

and his blood type.

What do you know
about him, Kate?

Let's go.


Run! Run!

Get up. Get up!

Run, run! Come on!

- Stop. Wait.
- What are you doing?

I know what happens if you
step through those things!

- We go alongside.
- We don't need to! They're off!

- Damn it!
- What?

You're gonna want
to be over here.

Kate, come on!

We don't know what it is, but we
know that it doesn't like our fence.

You had a key.

They left me behind. They gassed me.
I know that you don't care,

but the people I spent the last
three years of my life with,

they just left me.

I thought that maybe,

maybe if I could make you think
that we were in it together,

Maybe I wouldn't get
left behind again.

It's delicious!

Just a little Dharma
A-1 and paprika.

I hope you'll remember
this at your meeting.

What meeting?

- Hurley told me about the vote.
- Vote?

Since when did anyone
around here vote?

You son of a bitch.

- There was never gonna be no vote.
- Right.

But wasn't it nice, being nice?

You tricked me
into being decent?

That's gotta be the lamest
con in the history of cons.

It wasn't a con, dude.

If you're gonna be our temporary
leader you need to do damage control.

Leader? What the hell
are you smoking?

Jack's gone, Locke's gone.

Kate and Sayid...

You're all we got.

Paulo and Nikki died.

We all look to you.

You totally tried to steal the diamonds,
but we wanted to look to you.

Look around.

- You made everyone happy.
- It's great!

Just for today, they
can eat boar, laugh,

and forget that they're
totally screwed.

And you did that for them, dude.

- What if I don't want to be the leader?
- I don't think Jack wanted it, either.

Sucks for you, dude.

Sayid's in one of those backyards
down there. I'll go get him.

You should get Jack.


Jack? Hey. Jack, wake
up, it's me, Kate.

- What happened?
- They all left.


- What?
- Because of me.

I'm so sorry.

I should have listened to you.
I never...

I wanted to come
back to help you.

But you didn't need me to.

And now, because of
me, you can't go.

I'm so sorry.

I am so sorry.

They just...


Even... Even Juliet?

No, they left her too.


You know her better than I do.

Now what?


Now we go back.

- Thanks for everything, Cassidy.
- You got it.

So, this guy who ripped you off?

Will you give me his name?
Tell me where I can find him?

You almost got arrested for me.
I want to help you.

I'm pregnant.


It's his. The baby's his.

- And I still love him.
- So call the cops. Have him locked up.

Will you ever forgive your
mom for calling the cops?


No, I won't.

Thanks, Lucy.

My name's Kate.

- Hey.
- Hey.

You OK?






I checked all the houses.

Everyone's gone.

No weapons, no trail.

It's like 50 people
disappeared into thin air.

We should take what we can find and
head out while we still got light.

She is not coming with us.

- Yes, she is.
- Why?

Because they left
her behind, too.