Lost (2004–2010): Season 2, Episode 8 - Collision - full transcript

Tempers flare when Ana Lucia and her group stumble upon Sayid and the other castaways.

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Previously on Lost:

Tequila and tonic.

- Ana Lucia.
- Jack.

We'll have the next drink on the plane,

- 42F.
- 42F. Right.

All right, all of you get up.


Help me make a stretcher.
We're gonna carry him.


- Walt!
- Shannon!


So, how you doing?

Well, the family
with the screaming baby moved.

Well, you must be thrilled.

Actually, it's too quiet now.

So, how's Danny?
You two trying to work things out?

There's nothing to work out. He left.

You OK with that?

I guess you could say I'm one of those
people who's just better off alone.

- So how was the firing range?
- Good.

How did it feel to hold a gun again?

- Very good.
- All these steps count, Ana.

You've come a long way
since we met four months ago.

She say?

You know, when I can come back to work?

She left the final determination
up to me.


Do you think you're ready?

What do you think?

Welcome back to the force,
Officer Cortez.

Sayid! Sayid, no!

- He's one of us!
- No!

Let go!

Stop! Stop!

Let go!

Hey! Hey!

Don't move! Nobody move!

Nobody move! Nobody!

Does he have anything else on him?

- What?
- He just had a gun to your neck.

Check to see if he has
anything else on him.

- Hey, put it down.
- Stop.

- Don't point that at me.
- I said, stop.

- What is your problem?
- Ana!

Get back! Get back, both of you!

Are you crazy?

- Ana.
- Now!


We need to tie him up.

- I'm not tying him up.
- He tried to kill you.


You. You do it.

Tie him.

- Use the vines from the stretcher.
- If we take that thing apart,

- we won't be able to...
- Shut up!

Ana, Sawyer needs a doctor,
or he'll die.

I know what I'm doing.

I hope this is all of it.

- That's all we've got right now.
- OK.

Thanks, Captain.

Come on in.

Hey, look who's here. Good to see you,
Ana Lucia. Welcome back.

Thanks, Raggs.

I'll, get you those IRs, Captain.

- Today.
- You've got it.

How are you?

Good. Fine.


Your assignment.

You're putting me behind a desk?

- That a problem?
- I want patrol.

- I don't care what you want.
- Just put me in a car.

You were in an
officer-involved shooting. No.


I need to be back on the street. Please.

I put you in a car,
everyone's gonna know I pulled strings.

You don't want me to treat you
like my daughter? Don't ask for favors.

Then transfer me.

You don't get the transfer,
but I'll give you the car.

- Happy?
- Sorry to bother you, Captain.

Ana, there's a call for you.
They say it's real important.

Thanks, Raggs, I'll be right there.

They got you a cake.

Try and act surprised.

Jack, nice to see you out of the hatch.
You could use more sunshine.

- I'll take that under advisement.
- Little fruit might do you good, too.

Good for the constitution.
Least that's what they say.

Well, if that's what they say.

Where did you get these?

Just 'cause you're excited,
don't talk with your mouth full.

Past the hanging tree,
double or nothing.

You sure?

There's no way
you're hitting it that far.

Hurley, the woman's on bloody steroids.

Double's 10,000 bucks.

That's nothing to someone
worth $150 million.

He'll build you your own course.

- What's he talking about?
- Ignore him, he's an idiot.


You hooked it.

Try keeping your left arm straight.

You're giving me tips?

Kate. I'm a doctor.

So you think you could do better?

Anyone can hit a ball. That's not golf.

And what's golf?

Golf is accuracy.

Well, why don't we play a few holes and
see which one of us is more accurate?

Fighting talk.

- You're kidding, right?
- Three holes. No handicap.

We play for bragging rights.

What are we waiting for?

Ana, let's just get to their camp.

It was an accident. They'll understand.

They'll understand?
I killed one of them.

Those two move, shout.

Wait. What are you doing?

Untie me.

- I'm not...
- Untie me!


What are you doing?

I'm taking him back to his camp.

Don't leave.

If that were you, he'd let you die.

I am not doing it for him.

I am doing it for me.

1 -Adam-7, assault with a deadly weapon

convenience store on Alvarado and
Reservoir. Please respond, code three.

So, that shrink give you any good drugs?

Not that kind of shrink.

- Did you miss me?
- Boy, did I.

I heard about you and Danny.

Want me to go kick his ass for you?

Nah, it's better this way.

What are we doing in Westwood?

Thought a change of scenery
would be nice.

Nice, safe neighborhood
for your first day back.

- This was her idea, wasn't it?
- She is the captain.

8-Adam-9. Please respond to a domestic
disturbance call, 2210 south Veteran.

This is 8-Adam-16.

- That's not our call.
- Go ahead.

We're just three blocks away
from that call on Veteran. We got it.

Copy that, 8-Adam-16.

Where are you going?
What are you doing?

Not the TV, Travis! The TV is mine!
You bring that back!

- I bought it with my money!
- Liar!

- Did you call the cops?
- What?

Do something useful, Shawna, shut up!

- Arrest him! He's stealing my TV!
- She hit me! She hit me!

- Hey! Enough! Both of you.
- Shut that kid up!

What are you gonna do? Hit me again?
Hit the baby?

Shut that kid up!

- Both of you!
- Put your hands where I can see them!

- Get down on the ground!
- All right.

- Officer Cortez!
- Ma'am, get your baby upstairs.

- Ana Lucia!
- Hands on the ground!

Ana Lucia!

- It's all right! OK, OK!
- He is down.

- I'm down! I'm down!
- Holster your weapon.



- I think you should let him go.
- No.

- He's gonna come after me.
- You don't know that.

I killed someone he loves.

Sit down. Now.

I'm bringing him water.

You wanna shoot me? Shoot me.

Don't even think of untying him.

Who is that woman?

Her name is Ana Lucia.

She was on the plane. Tail section.
They all were.

- We were bringing them back.
- Where is Walt?

They took him.

The Others.

- What do you mean they took him?
- From the raft. The night we left.

Hey, man...

Hey, we're gonna get out of this, man.

- Guess you're first.
- Lucky me.

The ladies' tee at my club back home
is ten feet closer...

Shut up, Jack.


You're up.


You really put it in there.

We have more balls.
You can take a drop.

I'm good.

Got it.

You may wanna move.


Where is the doctor?

I got him. I got him.

- Where we headed?
- Bathroom.

He's burning up. We've gotta get him in
the shower and bring this fever down.

What can I do?

OK, go through the medical stash,
there's a bottle of ofloxacin.

- Ofloxacin.
- Little white pills.

Bring the alcohol
and some gauze patches,

then strip that bed and make sure
it's got clean sheets on it.

- Kate!
- Yeah, yeah.

What happened?

John, the button.



What are we doing here, Ana?

I mean, their camp has gotta be close.

I just want to get back to my wife.

How long have I kept you alive out here,

That's right.

- So cut me some slack.
- Hey.

We just want to know what you're doing.
What's the plan?

She has no plan.

She only has her guilt and a gun.

You want a plan?

Do you have any ammo
back at your camp?

- What?
- Ammo, for the gun.

Do you have any, back at your camp?

- Yeah, a couple boxes.
- All right. I want it.

At least half.
And I'll need a pack, a big one.

A blanket, some medicine, clothes,
jeans and socks.

- You getting all this?
- I got it.

All right.

You bring all of that stuff back to me,
and I'll let your friend go.

- I'm not leaving them.
- Michael, you should.

- No. We stay together.
- Go.

I'll be back, man.

Ana, what are you doing?

You can't live out here alone.

I'm already alone.

I'll sign us out.

- What, you're talking to me now?
- I just wanna go home, AL.

Hey, I ordered that guy to stop twice.

So every time we run into some yoyo
with a TV in his hands

- you're gonna draw down?
- Hey, Ana Lucia.

Your guy? We got him.

His name is Jason McCormack.

We picked him up on an assault
on an elderly woman in Echo Park.

His fingerprints matched a partial
from your crime scene. He confessed.

The DA's ready to file charges.
All he needs is for you to ID him.

- It's not him.
- He confessed.

- I don't know him.
- Can you guys give us a minute?

- Why are you doing this?
- Because it's not him.

He put four bullets into you.
Hollow points through your vest.

He tried to kill you.

You want a list of his priors?
You want him back out on the street?

It's not him.

What happened?

Out there, what happened?

- There was an accident.
- What kind of accident?

A girl was shot... and killed.

- What did she look like?
- She was tall, with blonde hair.

- There was an Arab man.
- Shannon.

There were five of you
from the tail section?


Why didn't the rest of them come
back with you? And Michael, Jin...

They cannot come back right now.

Can you take me to them?


Here you go.

What's happening?
Why is he shaking?

He's septic. The infection's
gotten into the blood stream.

If the antibiotics don't bring the fever
down, he'll go into shock.

Hold him up.

OK, I got him.

No, swallow it, swallow it.

- Damn it.
- Here, I'll do it.

- No, no, I got it.
- I can do it.


It's Kate.

You need to listen to me, OK?

The only way that you are going
to get better is if you take this pill.

So I need you to swallow it, OK?

OK, here we go.

Now swallow.


Good, good. That's good.

Nice job.

We didn't learn the "whisper-in-the-ear"
thing in med school.

What are you doing?

I'm going, Ana.
I don't want to be a part of this.

I know everything you've done for us.

And I wouldn't even be alive
if it weren't for you.

But I'm going.

What about you?

I just don't think
you're the best judge of character.

I was with you
when you put Nathan in the pit.

All right.

You wanna go? Go.


You, go.

Get out of here.



Listen. It's all right. Jin is OK.

What happened? Where is he?

He's fine. And I'll explain.

But right now I need to find Jack.

Where are they?

I said where are they?

- Jack, it's not his...
- Shannon's dead! I'm not...

You're gonna take me back out there.
Right now.

He isn't the problem.
He brought Sawyer back.

Half dead with a bullet hole
in his shoulder, John!

Are you gonna talk to me,
or are you just gonna sit there?

Anything I say will only make you angry.

So yes, I will sit here.



We got a problem, man.

- Remember how to get out there?
- I think so.

We should stop and think about this.

Think about what, John? Shannon's dead.
Sayid's being held at gunpoint.

You want to sit here and hope that
situation resolves itself, be my guest.

- You know how to use this?
- Guess so.



What do you want?

- Excuse me?
- Peace, revenge, justice?

And you are going out
with all these guns.

- What do you want?
- All of our people back here safely.

- Your friend...
- Ana Lucia made a mistake.

What did you say?

Ana Lucia made a mistake.

Ana Lucia?

I will take you there.

But only you.

And no guns.

Let's go.

Where you from?

Where are you from?

I'm from Iraq.

You have any kids?

Why are you asking me
if I have children?

- I'm curious.
- I do not. Do you have children?


Are you going to kill me?

That's what you're thinking about,
isn't it?

Should I?

Almost 40 days ago on this very island,

I tied a man to a tree
and I tortured him.

I tortured him as I tortured many men.

Men whose voices
I still hear in the night.

Should you kill me?

Maybe you should.

Maybe you are meant to.

I'm a cop.

I was a cop.

One night, my partner and I
responded to a burglary call.

We were the first ones there. I covered
the front and he went around the back.

I was there a minute, then this kid
comes right through the front door.

I tell him to put his hands up.

And he says I'm making a mistake.

That he's a student.

And he wants to show me his ID.

I believed him.

I just...

I let him reach.

All I remember was a pop.

By the time I hit the ground
I thought I was dead.

I feel dead.

What happened to him?
The man who shot you?

- Oh, yeah!
- Who's up next?

- Way to go!
- Catch you later, man. See ya!

Yeah, on the flip.



I know you?

I was pregnant.

What happened to him?

Nothing. They never found him.

Go ahead.

Pick it up.

I deserve it.

What good would it be to kill you...

if we're both already dead?


Hey, can you hear me?

You're gonna be OK.

You're gonna be all right.

You're home.