Lost (2004–2010): Season 2, Episode 22 - Three Minutes - full transcript

Michael's whereabouts during his 13 days in captivity in the "Others" camp are detailed while in the present, he tries to convince Jack to help him mount a search party for his son Walt still being held captive. Meanwhile, Locke struggles with a choice whether or not to abandon the hatch.

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-I'm coming, Walt. I'm coming.
- [Jack] Locke.


Stay in there. Stay...

- Michael, what are you...?
- Stay in there, Jack!

- Hey, whatever's going on...
- Look, I'm going after my son.

I'm going after my son and nobody
is going to stop me, OK? OK?

That is my right.
That is a father's right.


[strikes flint wheel]

[metallic squeak]


- What are you doing out here?
- Nothing. Just getting some air.

Come on. We should talk.

- How many?
- Rifles and pistols? Eleven total.

- That's it?
- That's it.

- They took five of 'em right off us.
- How long to get to their camp?

We leave now, move fast,
middle of the night tomorrow.

They have no idea I know where they are.
They won't be expecting us.

So we get the guns and we go.
Right now, just the five of us.

No. Five's not enough.

You said there's
at least 20 of them with our guns.

- We're not sure if what you saw was...
- Hey, I know what I saw.

We take too many people,
they'll hear us coming.

I'm not taking a damn army
across the island.

Sure you're in the best place
to be making decisions now?

You got a son, Jack?

They're dead.

Ana Lucia and Libby are dead.

I mean, we haven't even buried 'em yet.

Me and you'll take Libby, OK?

- Can you...?
- Yeah. Of course.

- Sawyer, would you...?
- Yeah.

You should stay here.

We'll bury them tonight...

then we'll figure out what's next.


Put your hands up.

Put 'em up. Don't move.

Relax, buddy. I ain't moving.

- Why don't you just put that...?
- Shut up.

- You're WaIt's old man, aren't you?
- What?

What are you doing? We need him.


Bag him, quick.
His friends are right behind us.

[water splashes]


- I didn't hear you come in, man.
- I left my shoes outside.

They were muddy.

- Did you find him? Henry?
- No.

I hear you're a priest.


Guess you believe in hell, then.

For a brief time,
I served in a small parish in England.

Every Sunday after Mass

I would see a young boy
waiting at the back of the church.

And then, one day,
the boy confessed to me

that he had beaten
his dog to death with a shovel.

And he said the dog had bitten
his baby sister on the cheek,

and he needed to protect her.

And he wanted to know
whether he would go to hell for this.

I told him that God would understand.

That he would be forgiven
as long as he was sorry.

But the boy did not care
about forgiveness.

He was only afraid
that if he did go to hell,

that dog would be there waiting for him.


[gasps for air, coughs]

[Jack] Hey.

- You all right?
- Yeah.

I was coming back to check on you.

Yeah, man. I had to get out of there.

I just... I have to get my son back.

We're gonna help you do that, Michael.

It's gotta be the way I said, man.
Just the five of us.

Otherwise it won't work. It won't work.

- We're gonna figure that out.
- I have already figured it out.

It's gotta be just the people
who already know.

You, me, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley.
That's it.

Anybody else...
Look, it puts him in more danger.

You don't get to decide this.

It's my son. It's my call.

And that's the way it has to be.

Then that's the way it'll be.

[baby coos]


Hey, Aaron. Hey, big guy.


- Have you seen Eko?
- No.

You know, we're building a church.

Is there something you want, Charlie?


I found something in the pallet
I thought you might need.


I don't know what we need vaccine for,
but if anyone should have it,

you and the baby should.

It's all right.
It's a pneumatic injector.

You just put it into your leg,
and... [makes hissing noise]

it goes right in.

- Quite painless, really.
- You seem to know a lot about it.

I tried it.

I wanted to make sure it was safe
before giving it to you and the baby.

Well, how do you feel?

I mean, did it do anything?
What did it do?

I don't know. I feel fine.

Anyway, it says you're supposed to
give yourself a shot every nine days.

All right? So, I mean, there's enough
here for you and the baby for a while.

That's it.

- All right. I'll put it...
- Yeah.

- Thank you.
- Welcome.

I should really feed him.

Yeah. Hey, Claire, do you think
maybe you and I could...?

Oh, my God.

Michael's back.

[speaks Korean]


[woman] Look, there's Michael!


[Jin speaks Korean]

- OK?
- Yeah, yeah.

It's good to see you, too.

- Are you all right?
- Yeah. I'm... I'm fine.


[Kate strains]



Ana Lucia and Libby.

- [speaks Korean]
- What happened to them?

They were murdered.

[fire crackles]

[Michael grunts and pants]

Hey, there, Michael.

Not gonna hold that against you.

Fair's fair. I took your boy.


- But don't do that again, OK?
- Where is he, you son of a bitch?

Hey, looky what I found.
She was following her friends.

They're about half a click behind us.

You make one sound...

you'll never see your boy again.

Gag him. Get ready with the torches.

I'm gonna go talk to her people.

- I think we'd better head back.
- What?

- Find the trail, John.
- I've lost it.

You don't just lose a trail.
You just don't want to find him.

That's right. I've been running through
the jungle toward the sound of gunfire

because I don't care about Michael.

You know what happens
if we turn around and go back?

We're never gonna see him again.

And that's gonna be on us.
On you and on me.

[bearded Other]
You're exactly right, Jack.

- Who are you?
- He's the son of a bitch

- that shot me on the raft.
- Why don't you point the gun down?

It's OK. He's just delivering a message.

He has to scare your friends to do it.

- I don't believe you.
- You don't believe what?

I think there's more of us
than there are of you.

That's an interesting theory.

[shouts] Light them up!

Give me your weapons,
turn around, go home.


I hoped it wouldn't come to this.

Bring her out, Alex.

- Go on.
- You.

- Come on, Alex.
- Please?

Let's go. Up. Up.

- Is Claire OK?
- [murmurs]

Did she have the baby? Is it OK?

Is it a boy or a girl?

Like I said, curiosity.

You and me ain't done, Zeke.

His friends are going home.
Divvy 'em up.


Hey. Hey.

What do you say, Doc?

And here I was thinking
the lrish drink when somebody dies.

- I'm not lrish.
- Neither am l.

So what happened
out there in the jungle?

Exactly what he said.
He found the camp...

I ain't talking about Mike.

You and Freckles.

Before you found him.
You were gone all night.

We got caught in a net.

What's the hell's
that supposed to mean?

It means we got caught in a net.

That what they're calling it these days?

Is it true? Henry is gone?

- Yeah.
- Who's going after him?

- Locke and Eko went in the night.
- We ain't seen either of 'em since.

Those are the guns?
What are you doing with them?

What do you think we're doing?
It's time to finish this.

- When do we leave?
- In the morning.

You're not coming, Sayid.

- Excuse me?
- Michael wants to keep it small.

Me, Kate, Hurley and him.

Well even though Pippi Longstocking
and the damned Grape Ape

are ideal candidates
for The Dirty Dozen,

we might wanna bring the Red Beret.

It's Michael's call.
He knows where we're going.

It is not his call, Jack. It's ours.

Welcome aboard.

[intermittent beeping]


So... you wake up
in the middle of the night,

grab your Jesus stick,
and race off into the jungle.

You don't call, you don't write...

I'm sorry. I had work to do.

Right. Yeah.

Charlie, would you do me a favor?

I was hoping you could
bring my things from the beach here.

What for?

You moving in here?

Fancy yourself a little bachelor pad?

Yes, I am moving in here.

Well... what about the church?

You said we were supposed to be
building it together.

I am supposed to do
something different now.

And what am I supposed to do?

Bring me my things.

- Bring your own things.
- Charlie, please.

You'd better leg it, mate.
Clock's ticking.

Got some good news for you.
Captain Arab's in, too.

Cavalry rides at sunrise.

- You told Sayid?
- Yeah, I told Sayid.

- You shouldn't have done that.
- Oh, I'm sorry.

I figured if we're going to war, we'd
want the one guy who's been in a war.

That a problem?

No. It's not a problem.

All right, then.

- Get off of me.
- You got a problem, Michael?

You march me a day and night
without any rest, yeah.

My problem is I'm tired.

Well, I'd offer to knock you out
and carry you, but we're here.

Put him right over here.

Tell her we're here.

I can't promise this won't hurt.

What the...? Ow! Damn it.

- Relax. Just taking some blood.
- Taking some blood? For what?

Who are you people? Where's my son?

That's it. All done.

See you in the funny pages.

- Hello, Michael.
- Where's my son?

My name is Miss Klugh.

I was hoping you might help me
answer some questions.

- About Walt.
- Where is he?

- Is he your biological son?
- What?

- Are you his father?
- Yes, I'm his...

How old was he
when he started speaking?

I... He...

Did he have any illnesses growing up?

- Headaches? Fainting spells?
- What? No.

I don't... I wasn't there.

He was halfway around the world.
Why are you asking me?

Did Walt ever appear
in a place he wasn't supposed to be?

You say he was halfway around the world,
but did you see...

I want my son.

You bring him to me right now.

I wanna see my boy.

For someone
who wants his son back so badly,

you don't seem to know
much about him, Michael.

[cocking of gun]

Hey. You're not coming.

- Welcome back, Michael.
- Look, I know Sawyer told you.

But it's not gonna work.
You're not coming.

And why is it that I'm not coming?

Because you're going after
the guy who escaped,

and I'm going after my son.

Are you implying I'd let a desire
for revenge compromise WaIt's safety?

I'm implying that I decide
who stays and who goes, and you stay.

I know you wanna help, right?

But I gotta do this my way.

Of course.

Good luck, Michael.

Yeah. Thanks.

Bloody hell.

Are you kidding me?

Did someone put you up to this?


You were supposed to come right back.

You were out all night.
What happened?

We were unable to find Henry's trail.

Yeah, I got that.

- Where's Locke?
- I do not know.

We're burying
Ana Lucia and Libby at sunset.

Thank you.

I will mourn them in my own way.

Who's gonna talk?

- What?
- At the funeral. Who's gonna talk?

I'm sure Hurley'll wanna
say something about Libby.

I never even knew her last name.

Ana Lucia.

- It was Cortez.
- Cortez.

Well, there you go.

I screwed her.


It's how she got my gun. Ana.
She jumped me.

We got caught in a net.

Why are you telling me this?


Because you're about the closest thing
I got to a friend, Doc.

And because she's gone.

Well, at least now
we get to kill somebody.

- Jack fill you in on the plan?
- What plan?

We're leaving first thing tomorrow.

Back across the island to their camp.


And what about you, man?
You coming with us?

Why would I wanna go?

- Because they killed her.
- Michael, come on.

What do you say, Hugo?

I'm sorry about Walt, dude,
but I'm not coming.

- You're sorry about...
- Michael.

[quiet chatter]

[door opens]


When are you gonna do it?

- When am I going to do what?
- Kill me.

I've seen where you live.
I know how to get here.

You have been asking me questions
I don't know the answers to for a week.

I don't even think my son is alive.

He is alive, Michael.
He's standing outside right now.

What, do you think I'm stupid?

There's been a development
since you came here, Michael.

One of our people was captured by yours.

- So go get him back.
- We can't do that.

But you can.

And, if you do...

we'll let you and Walt go free.

- I want to see my son.
- Michael...

I want to see him.
If he is out there, you bring him in.

You bring him in here right now.


[approaching footsteps]

You have three minutes.

- Walt?
- Dad.

Let him go. Let him go.
Get your hands off him right now.

- Dad, don't.
- Are you OK? Huh?

- Yeah.
- Are you... Did they hurt you?

- They make me take tests.
- They make you what?

We're not gonna talk about that.

- How's Vincent?
- Well, Vincent's...

He's great.
He's great. He misses you.

Hey, don't be scared, man.

Don't be scared.
It's gonna be over real soon.

- I'm gonna get you out.
- They're not who they say they are.

They're pretending.

- Want me to put you in the room?
- Pretending? Pretending what?

OK, that's it. We're done.

No, wait. Hey, wait, wait.
Come here, Walt. Wait, come here.

Dad, don't leave me.
Help me, please. Don't leave me.

I won't, man.
I'm gonna get you out of here, OK?

- I promise you. I will get you out.
- Dad! Dad!

- Let him go! Walt, wait! Let go of him!
- I love you!

- Walt, I'm gonna get you out of here.
- I love you!

- I love you too, Walt.
- Put me down! Let me go! Dad!

I'll get you...


After you release our man,
I'm gonna need you to do something else.

[sobbing] I'll do it.

I'll do whatever you want.

I'm writing four names down.
Four of your friends.

We need you to bring them here.

You have to bring only these
four people, Michael. Just them.

If you don't bring
all the people on the list...

you'll never see Walt again.


Do you understand, Michael?

Yes. What do I tell them?

Doesn't matter.

Make up a story.

They'll be angry enough
to believe whatever you say.

Who's James Ford?

You know him as Sawyer.
You know the rest of them?


I know them.

If I do all this...
If I do what you say.

You'll get your son back...

and you both go free.

And I want the boat.

When the plane crashed, I was on my way
to Los Angeles to bury my dad.

- I'm sorry to hear that.
- Yeah.

It seems like such a long time ago now.

I was gonna go right from
the airport to the cemetery, but...

I had no idea
what I was gonna say.

And here we are again.

I think Michael has been compromised.

- Let's keep walking, Jack.
- What do you mean, compromised?

His actions are not those
of a man telling the truth.

Why would he lie to us?

Because I believe
a father would do anything for his son.

Because I believe that Michael
may have freed Henry,

and because I believe
he's leading you into a trap.

You believe a lot, Sayid.

And I also believed
that Henry was one of them.

- All right. Let's go talk to him.
- No. He must believe he's in control.

- Why the hell would we wanna do that?
- So we can create an advantage.

- How?
- I don't know yet.

But we have one more night
to figure that out.

Ana Lucia Cortez was...

Before we crashed,
she was a police officer.

I don't think it was
easy for her being here,

but I think she did the best she could.

She was a woman of few words
and I'm gonna follow her example.

Rest in peace, Ana.

Libby was...

She was...


Libby was a psychologist.

Or a psychiatrist.

One of those. Either way,
she probably helped a lot of people.

She helped me.

She was my friend.

It's not fair
that this happened to her. It's not.

I'm going with you.

Goodbye, Libby.

