Lost (2004–2010): Season 2, Episode 17 - Lockdown - full transcript

When the hatch suddenly takes on a life of its own, Locke is trapped alone in the bunker and is forced to enlist the help of an unlikely ally: the captive Henry Gale to try to free him. Meanwhile, Jack faces off against Sawyer in a series of card games for supplies. Also, Ana Lucia, Sayid and Charlie find out the truth about Henry in the jungle.

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Previously on Lost:

I met my real father. Great news, right?

He pretended to love me
just long enough to steal my kidney.

I followed you last night.
Is it your father's house?

Promise me that you're not
gonna go to that place anymore.

All right.

You think you're the first person
that ever got conned?

You needed a father figure
and I needed a kidney.

- Hey, Helen...
- You're gonna have to choose.

Him or me.

My name is Henry Gale.
I'm from Minnesota.

You draw up a map to your balloon.
We go out there, we find it.

If I mess up, they'll crucify me.

Do you or do you not know where it is?

I went back there to bury my wife.

- It's to his balloon.
- This is at least a day's walk.

- We should get going.
- This is where he said it would be.

We need to be sure.

If I was one of them, these people
that you seem to think are your enemies,

there'd be no balloon, so I'd draw a map
to a real secluded place.

And when your friends got there, a bunch
of my people'd be waiting for them.

I guess it's a good thing
I'm not one of them, huh?

So, what did I do to deserve this?

What? Can't a fella take his girl
out for a picnic lunch just 'cause?


That's right. Fella.

So, where you taking me?

I'm not telling, so just quit asking.

Can I be of any help?

You just read your obituaries
and drink your coffee

and I'll take care of the everything.

Don't knock the obits;
it's the nicest part of the paper.

No one ever says anything mean
about people once they're dead.

And here I am thinking the funnies
are the nicest part of the paper.


John, what's your father's name?

- Why?
- Is it Anthony? Anthony Cooper?

Yes. That's right.

He's dead.

Draw it again: The map to your balloon.

I was joking. I was making a joke.

There's nothing out there
besides my balloon.

I was just frustrated.
It was a stupid thing to say. I'm sorry.

It's too late anyway.
She's already long gone, Jack.

- So, what's done is done?
- That's right.

Put him back in the armoury.

Why do you let him
talk to you like that?

- Hey, wait, I...
- Shut up.

John, I'm sorry.


Maybe he's wrong. We should
search the other side of the cliff.

We've been searching for three hours.
This balloon does not exist.

- Charlie!
- Then Why'd he draw the map?

You said you'd protect him
whether we found the balloon or not.

You've given him two more days to stall,
to figure out how to escape.

We're done.

- Charlie!
- Over here! This way!


He said he buried her, right? His wife?

Why isn't it raining here?

- Hurley, have you seen Ana Lucia?
- She took off into the jungle

- with Charlie and Sayid yesterday.
- Yesterday?

She say anything about
where they were going?

Well, that would, like, assume
anybody actually tells me anything.

Maybe if I were in the loop,
I could be more helpful.

There is no loop, Hurley.

Excuse me, Jack. He's been really hot
and fussy. Do you mind having a look?

- Yeah. Sure, sure.
- Thanks.

Loop, dude. Loop.

- So, the fever's completely gone?
- Completely.

You're not just saying that, right?
You seem a bit distracted.

I'm fine. And so is Aaron.


Doctor still in?

I was grabbing for mussels in the
tide pool, pissed off a sea urchin.

Well, doesn't look infected.
A little Neosporin wouldn't hurt.

Yeah. Right. Neosporin.

I think the current rate of exchange
is ten loads of laundry for a tube.


What was that?


What's the matter?

You sure you want to do this?

We could just go on that picnic,
you know.

Soon, I promise.


Maybe he left you his kidney.

"For we who are alive, who are left,

will be caught up together with them in
the clouds to meet the Lord in the air,

and so we will live
with the Lord forever."

We commit the soul of Anthony Cooper to
you, that we shall never be separated.

And now we are united with Christ
as we go toward him. Amen.

Do you wish to say anything, John?

I forgive you.

Please proceed...


Hey, you out there?

What's that noise?
John? What's going on? Talk to me.

- Will you be quiet?
- Tell me what's happening.

- What the hell is...
- Will you shut up?

Ten, nine, eight,


- six, five, four, three, two...
- Maybe you should get Jack!

- I said, shut up!
- ...one.

What happened?

- I bet four papayas.
- You can't bet. I just bet.

You can either call, or raise,
or lay 'em down, muttonchops.

Don't look at me.

Lay them down, Hurley.
He's got you beat.

- Dude. I've got a killer hand.
- No, you don't.

- But you don't know...
- You got a baby straight.

He's got the flush.

What about me? What do I got?

Hard to say, but you're just playing
for the fun of it.

Well, fun's not bad.
You should try it sometime.

Don't call him, Hurley.

Hey, Amarillo Slim!

You think because you watch poker on TV
you can tussle with the big boys?

- I've gotta head back to the hatch.
- Hatch ain't going nowhere, Doc.

So how about you put your mangoes
where your mouth is?

I guess I could play a hand or two.

Hey! What's going on?

Are you still out there? John? John?

I'm here.

What were those noises? What's wrong?

- Did something...
- Nothing is wrong.

So what's the verdict, Mr. Locke?

The seismic bolting is all first-rate,

there's no visible mould, no dry rot.

It'll all be in my report,

but I think you and your husband
got a pretty nice house here.

If I had a husband,
I'm sure he would be happy to hear that.

If you'll just sign this invoice.

Hello, Son.

What do you want?

Look, John...

I know what I did to you was wrong.

You stole my kidney.

I was dying.

You could have asked me.
You could have just asked me.

What do you want from me?

I killed myself off because there are
two men who were going to beat me to it.

Oh! What did you do, steal their livers?

No. I took them for 700,000 dollars.
Retirement con.

I put the money in a safe deposit box,

but these two guys might be sitting
on the bank to see if I show my face,

which is why I need you to go in there
and get it for me.

Do you think I'm stupid?

I want you to take 200 grand of it.

It won't make up for what I did to you,

but it's the best I can do.

I'll be at the Flightline Motel, near
the airport, until tomorrow afternoon.

And then I'm gone, money or no money.

And, John, if I don't see you again...

I'll understand.

We're locked in.


These blast doors came down.
The whole living area is sealed off.

I can't get out.

- Did you try to pry...
- Yeah, but I couldn't...


- Maybe if the two of us...
- You want me to help you?


And if I do help you
get these doors up...

then you're gonna lock me back in here,
aren't you?

That's right.

Then I'm going to need your word, John.

I'm gonna need your word that you
won't let your people do anything to me.

If you're who you say you are,
what are you worried about?

Things have happened to them,
things that I had nothing to do with.

But they've got no one to blame,
except for me.

So, I'm gonna need your word...

that you'll protect me.

No matter what.

Who are you?

My name is Henry Gale.

I'm from Minnesota.

And I crashed on this island
just like you.

All right. You have my word.

- Dude, you got me.
- I'm out.

Think you're in my head, Doc?

You've still got three papayas.

Call or fold.

Well, you're in trouble now, Cool Hand.

Pocket Queens makes me a set.

Kings wired.

Whoa, dude.

But at least I'm not in your head.

- Well, I guess that's it.
- What do you mean, "it"?

Sawyer, you're busted. I got it all.

Wouldn't be fair for you
to go and pick more mangoes.

Well, I got a hell of a lot more
than mangoes.

You wanna play real stakes? Name 'em.

- It's a pile of fruit, man.
- And I want it back.

Should I go and get a ruler?

Fun time's over, Mongo.
Why not hit the buffet?

- But, I wanna...
- Come on, Hurley.

Let's go.
Leave these boys to their sandbox.

One more hand, Doc.

What's it gonna take?

The medicine you stole from the armoury.

All of it.


Ready? One, two, three.

Let's go.


I'm losing it!

The tool box!
Get the tool box. I'll hold it.

- You sure?
- Get it!

Come on! Come on! Put it under!

John, wait. Don't you think...

You have to stop the door.

Put something else under the door!

Come on, come on!

Stack 'em, stack 'em.
You have to stop the pressure.

Come on, come on, come on!

All right, all right. Let's get you out.
Let's get you out, come on.

No! No! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!

All right, we'll wait until somebody
comes down. All right?

It's only a matter of time. Yeah?

No, we don't have time.


Put on your Sunday best.

- I'm taking you out to paint...
- John...

We have visitors.

These men say they knew your father.

Hi, John, I'm Jimmy Bane.

- I didn't really know him.
- She told me.

But I'd like to ask you
a couple questions, if that's OK?

Sure. Of course.

Have you seen your father since he died,
Mr. Locke?

How... Have I...?

Well, we were thinking possibly
he's not dead. And maybe you know that.

I mean, for his son, you didn't look
too shook up at his funeral.

How dare you? If you had any idea
what that man did to him,

- what that son of a bitch...
- Hey, Helen, Helen.

We were there to get past him,
to get on with our lives, to let him go.

- Get out of here.
- OK, OK.

Just one thing before we go.

What's in the bag, John?

Work papers and stuff,
I'm a home inspector.

You mind if we take a look?

Well. There you go.

Thanks for the coffee, miss.

Helen, I'm sorry. Are you OK?

Were you lying to those men, John?

No, I was scared. I was...

I was scared.

So, where'd you learn
to play cards, Doc?


What the hell
were you doing in Thailand?

What, you don't think
I know where Phuket is?

Just 'cause I dropped out of ninth grade
don't make me an idiot.

Far East, huh? I wouldn't have
taken you for a world traveller.

That where you got
the art on your shoulder?

- How about you deal again?
- What?

This time from the top of the deck.

Well, I had to try.

- What does it do?
- We're not exactly sure.

- And you push it...
- Every 108 minutes, yeah.

- How soon does this alarm go off?
- Very...

Which is why I need you to go up
through the grate and into the vents.

- Grate's bolted shut. I tried.
- Yeah.

There's a grate in the pantry.
Get through there.

Take the vent into the dome.

- Maybe we should wait for...
- We can't. It'll go off any minute.

I trusted you, Henry. Now you gotta
trust me. That button has to be pushed.

OK. What do I do?

Once you're inside,
you'll hear the alarm beeping.

And you just have to enter the numbers:

4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42.

And then you press "execute."

Exactly those numbers
in exactly that order.

Do you...

4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42.

- I got it.
- Go.

All right.

Can you reach it?

I think so.

Be careful.



What's going on?

Jack and Sawyer
are finally gonna beat each other up.

Ten mangoes.


I'll call you with the aspirin,
and raise you a bottle of Amoxicillin.

Do you even know what Amoxicillin is?

You may have been to Phuket, Doc,
but I been to Tallahassee.

Let's just say something was burning
and it wasn't from the sunshine.

I'm all in.

Well, that's the move of a man
who wants me to lay it down.

You're not gonna lay it down.

I'm not, huh? Why's that?

Because there's a bunch of people
watching us right now

and you don't want them to see you lose.


Well, all right.

I call. What you got?

A pair of nines?
You pushed in with a pair of nines?

You caught me. Let's see 'em.

- Guess it was enough, huh?
- Son of a bitch.

I'll come get the meds later.


When I asked you what you wanted for
stakes, why didn't you ask for the guns?

When I need the guns...
I'll get the guns.


Get up, damn it!


- Henry, are you all right?
- What happened?

Listen to me,
you have to get up into the vents

and enter the numbers in the computer.

- How long was I...
- Please! Go right now.

We're running out of time.

OK. Yeah.

Be careful!


Henry, can you hear me?



Yeah, who is it?

It's John.

- Can I come in?
- Yeah, of course.

- Any problems?
- No.

Your date at my funeral, she got a name?


That's a nice name. Pretty girl, too.

I'm going to ask her to marry me.

- Tonight, actually.
- Well, good for you.


Yeah, thanks.

Your share.
Should buy you a nice honeymoon.

I didn't do this for the money.

Then why did you do it?

Well... All right.

My plane... I got a cab waiting.

You don't want the cash,
the maid's gonna get a hell of a tip.

Bye, John.

Are you him?

Listen, sweetheart, I...

How could you?
How could you do this to him?

We were moving past this.

Helen, wait.

You don't understand.

- I was gonna tell you.
- You lied.

- I can explain.
- You looked me right in the eye

and you lied to me.

You've made your choice, John.
You need his love more than mine.

No! My choice is you. I was gonna...

I love you. I...

No, no, please, please. Please, Helen...

Please. I love you
and I want to spend my life with you

and I can't live without you, Helen.

So, will...


Will you marry me?






Please say something.



Anybody here?

Is anybody here?


You came back.

What, did you think
I was gonna leave you here?

- Come on. Can you stand?
- I don't...

I think so.

Thank you, Henry.

Thank you for not leaving me.

You're welcome, John.

Hey. Hey, Jack. Wait up.

You heading back to the hatch?


Mind if I join?
It's been a while since I had a shower

- and I was just hoping that...
- Actually, the plumbing's busted.

- Busted?
- The water's been running muddy.

I guess we got a cracked pipe, but it's
gonna take some time to find it.

Oh. Well, I guess I wasted a trip then.

Well, I'll let you know as soon as we
get things worked out down there.


I'm glad you beat Sawyer.

You know what?
The hatch can wait until morning

if you'd like me to walk you
back to the beach.

- Do you see that?
- Yeah.

It's a parachute.


It's food.

What the bloody hell is that?

What did you find?

I gotcha. Easy, easy.


What did you do? What did you do
to end it and make the doors go up?

I did what you told me to.

I punched in the code
and I pressed the "execute" button,

but nothing happened
other than that clock flipping back.

I was just climbing back into the vent
when the lights went out.

Ten seconds later the doors went up.

I didn't do anything.

You think it was all just random?

Don't look at me. It's your hatch.

Get away from him.

- Wait, you don't...
- Step back, right now.

- Sayid, it's OK.
- I said, get away!

It's all right. I let him out. There was
some kind of lockdown or something.

He was helping me.

- Couldn't you find my balloon?
- Yeah. We found it.

We did find your balloon, Henry Gale.

Exactly how you described it.

We also found the grave you described.

Your wife's grave.

The grave you said you dug
with your own bare hands.

It was all there.

Your whole story. Your alibi.

It was true.

But still I did not
believe it to be true.

So, I dug up that grave...

and found that there was not
a woman inside, there was a man.

A man named Henry Gale.