Lost (2004–2010): Season 2, Episode 15 - Maternity Leave - full transcript

When Claire's baby falls ill, she becomes determined to find out what happened to her to regain her memory during her captivity with the Others, triggering flashbacks to her experience among the Others, and her ordeals concerning her baby. Also, Mr. Eko learns about Henry Gale and asks Jack and Locke to give him a meeting with their captive.

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Previously on Lost:

We were together for only one week.

They came.

They came and took her.


They took my baby.

Somebody please help me!

He had this... this thing,
like... like a needle!

He stabbed me with it!

He was trying to hurt my baby!

We got a problem. The manifest.
The names of everyone who survived.

l interviewed everyone.
One of them isn't in the manifest.

Hello there.


- l think they've been taken.
- Claire!

l don't remember Ethan.
l don't remember what he did to me.

Help me!

Don't believe a word he says.
He's one of them.

l have no idea what she's talking about.

For a long time, he will lie.

l don't know why you're asking me
these questions. This is a mistake.

Tell me who you are!

- What if he's telling the truth, John?
- What if he's not?


Hey, it's OK, sweetie.

Sweetie, it's all right.

- John! John. Wake up.
- What... Claire? What?

He's burning up,
and he's got a rash and...

l need to find Jack.

He's... He's on shift at the hatch.

- OK.
- Uh. No, Claire, wait.

- Claire, wait!
- No, l can't, John. The baby...

No, no, you're not walking through
the jungle in the middle of the night.

l'll go get Jack.
l'll send him right back here.

- OK.
- Don't worry.


- What's going on?
- The baby's got a fever.

- A fever?
- Claire was coming here.

- He asleep?
- Not a sound all night.

l'll get back here as soon as l can.

Hey, hey, sweetie.

lt's OK, it's OK.
Mummy's just gonna cool you down, OK?

OK? Shh. lt's OK.


What are you doing here?

- You stay away from us.
- He's infected, isn't he?


- Your child. He's sick.
- Just get away. You get away from us!

You don't remember, do you?

lt's a vaccine,
we don't want him to get sick.

Hey, get back! Get away from her!
What do you think you're doing here?

What are you doing here?

Just get out of our camp!

What happened?

What did she say?

She said there's
something wrong with him.

lt's just not like him.
He always sleeps through the night.

- This rash... Something's wrong.
- Babies get sick.

- What about the fever, cough...
- lt's normal.

- And he hasn't been eating at all...
- Claire. He's OK.

lt's probably roseola.

lt's a virus
that's common in children his age.

- And the rash is a sign of it.
- OK. What if it's not?

What if he caught something really bad?

- Like some kind of infection?
- lnfection?

Where did you get that idea?

Rousseau was here.

- What did she say to you?
- She said she knew he was sick. OK?

- That he's infected.
- Claire, there is no infection.

We've been on this island for two months
and no one's gotten sick.

Rousseau's crazy. We're gonna
let the fever just run its course.

He's gonna be fine. OK? Trust me.

l'm gonna get back to the hatch,

but l'll come back in a couple hours
and check on him again, OK?

- OK?
- Yeah.

Hey. l'm sure that if there was
something wrong, Jack would know.

Are you sure about this?
We don't really know her.

l think she can help me.

- Hey.
- Hey, guys.

So, you're a shrink, right?

l'm a clinical psychologist,
but ''shrink'' works, too.

Can you help people remember things?

l guess it depends
on what you need to remember.

So, it was
our second week on the island.

l was out in the jungle, and l...
l thought l was having the baby.

Charlie was with me,
and there was this man, Ethan.

We thought he was one of us
from the plane, but he wasn't.

So, he took me. He took both of us.

And l don't remember...
l don't remember anything.

When Jack and l found Charlie,
he was hanging from a tree, by his neck.

l have no idea what happened,

and now l'm seeing these flashes
of things and...

You know, l have amnesia.

There's two weeks missing from my life.

Claire, l don't think you have amnesia.

when something terrible happens,

a little switch in your head flicks on

to protect us
from having to deal with it.

Maybe your memories aren't gone.

Maybe you're just blocking them.

Then l need you to unblock them.

Because my baby's sick,
and they did something to him.

- Do you have to go to the bathroom?
- No.

- Well, just let us know when you do.
- Yeah, l'll look forward to that.

Thought you might like
something to read.


- You don't have any Stephen King?
- Mm-mm. Library's a little outdated.


Well, thanks.

What's with the book?

Just something to pass the time.

Did you know that Hemingway
was jealous of Dostoyevsky?

No, John, l didn't know that.

He wanted to be
the world's greatest writer,

but convinced himself
he could never get out

from under Dostoyevsky's shadow.

Kind of sad, really.

What are we doing, Jack?

- What are we doing?
- We can't hide him down here forever.

Changing shifts will
make people ask questions.

l just want to know
what the long-term plan is.

Well, John, let me ask you this:

we don't have a long-term plan
for the button,

but we keep pushing it, don't we?

Look, until we know who he is,
whether or not he's telling the truth,

we have to keep doing what we're doing.

lf you've a better idea, let's hear it.

How about you let me go?

Now we're away
from all the noises of the camp.

Just breathe.

Let your whole body relax.

Good. Listen to the waves.

Good. ln...

...and out, slowly.


Keep your eyes closed.

Very relaxed, Claire.

Just keep breathing.

Now, l want you to visualise yourself
when you were pregnant.

Keep listening to my voice.

Think about what you see.

We don't want him to get sick.

When was your last checkup, Claire?

Oh, l haven't been in a while.

l've been busy.

- l'm going to Los Angeles.
- Really?

- Yeah.
- Travelling in your third trimester,

- that's not usually recommended.
- Well, there's a family there.

l'm, uh,
giving the baby up for adoption.

Oh. Of course. l understand.

The sedative l gave you was very mild.

l know these exams
can be very stressful.

l'm going to give you a shot now,

A little medicine for your baby.

Don't worry,
you're just gonna feel a little pinch.

lt's OK! You're all right!
lt's OK, it's OK.

lt was Ethan! l saw Ethan!

l saw him! lt was Ethan!

lt's OK.

- No!
- You're all right.

No! l'm not all right!
lt was Ethan!

- What happened? What did you do?
- Nothing! She...

- Do it again. Do it again!
- No, Claire, you were screaming.

But l remembered! OK?

l saw Ethan. He was there
and he was giving me an exam.

What you saw could be combining
experiences from before the crash

- to things that happened to you here.
- No! No! This was real. OK?

l was drugged.

- They did something to me.
- Calm down.

- lt's not good for Aaron...
- You know what? Aaron is sick.

l need to find that place, that room.

lt's real. lt's real. OK?

And there's medicine there for the baby.

l need to find it. l need to find it.

Kate, please help me find it.



What's the...



Hello, John.

- You are alone?
- Not anymore.

- How many...
- Shut up.

l was hoping to borrow a saw.

Absolutely. Right this way.

l need a gun,
and you don't get to ask why.

Well, Thelma, seeing as
l got all the guns, l do get to ask why.

- No, you don't.
- Yes, l do.


- Why?
- Just give me a gun, Sawyer.

Check it out. Found a new pair of
glasses, damn near my prescription.

You like 'em?

All right, l'm going into the jungle
to track down Rousseau.

The French chick? What for?

Claire thinks she knows where
there might be some medicine.

The baby's sick.

- Well, hell, l got medicine.
- She thinks he's really sick.

As in ''quarantine'' sick.

- What do you think?
- l think she's a little too worried.

But she's going after Rousseau
with or without me.

No boys allowed, huh?

All right, what do you want?
Nine millimetre or rifle?

l don't think this is a good idea.
Maybe you should listen to Jack.

What if Jack's wrong? He said
the fever would break. lt hasn't.

- He's getting worse.
- Just because it hasn't broken...

How long am l supposed to wait, Sun?

A mother should not leave her child.

l'm sorry, are you a mother?


l'm not.

are you sure you want to do this?

- What did you say?
- Are you sure you want to do this?

- You need to be sure.
- You have to get out of here.

Do you have to put that in my tummy?

lt really, really hurts.

l know.

l wish there was another way...

but the baby needs it, Claire, OK?


There. All done.

That wasn't so bad, was it?


And now,
because you've been such a good girl,

l think it's time for a surprise.

Claire, this way, here we go.

Over here.

What is this place?

lt's for your baby, Claire.

Oh, it's amazing.

What happened to Charlie?

Charlie? Oh, he's fine. When we got far
enough from camp, l let him go back.


So, where did it all come from?

Ha! l'd love to explain
everything to you, Claire,

but l'm afraid it would be
a little overwhelming right now.

Go ahead. Turn it on.

- Ethan!
- Wait here, l'll be right back.


What the hell happened?

You were supposed to make the list
and then bring her in. Was l unclear?

lt's not my fault. They knew l wasn't
on the plane. They had a manifest.

Well, what am l supposed to tell him?

Do you know what he's going to do
when he finds out? Damn it, Ethan.

Get out. Get out of here.


Claire? Are you all right?

l, um...

Ready to go?

Sweetheart, shh.

Mummy's gotta go now, sweetheart, OK?

Shh, don't cry, don't cry, it's OK.

l'll be back really soon and l'll make
you feel all better, OK? l promise.

- Thanks.
- OK.

- You OK?
- Yeah.

You're sure this is her trail?

We started at the exact spot
where we chased her off the beach.

- So, what do you know about Rousseau?
- Not much.

You spent time with her
when you went to the Black Rock.

You must have talked about something.

Just about her ship crashing here
and her research team getting stranded.

What happened to them?

They died.


- Tracks are gone. Trail ends here.
- Kate, how did they die?

- She killed them.
- What?

- Why would she...
- Because they were infected.

You believe me now, don't you?

l want you to take me back there.

- Back?
- To where l scratched you.

- Claire...
- No, OK, she knows l remember.

OK, l remember a lot of it now.

l remember the room,
the medicine, a teenage girl...

OK? So don't lie and make out
you don't know what l'm talking about.

My baby is sick. You're gonna
take me there to get what he needs.

Right now.

lt's not far from here.

Jack, may l have a word with you?


- Who is he?
- What?

The man that you are keeping
in the hatch.

- Did Locke...
- Locke did not tell me anything.

Who is he?

- l wish to speak to him.
- Speak to him about what?

l wish to speak to him alone.

Can you arrange this?

Why should l do that?

Because you wish to keep this a secret.

Why are we stopping here?

This is where you scratched me.

But there's nothing here.

- Where do we go next?
- Why are you asking me that?

- You need to tell me where to go.
- Where is this room?

How can you be saying that?
OK, you grabbed me.

l scratched you because
you were taking me back to them!

ls that what you think?

You said you remembered!
That's why l brought you here!

- You lied!
- Hey! Get your hands off of her!

Go ahead.


Do it.



Wake up.

- How's it coming?
- One down, one to go.

All we need is a little foot
to put it on, huh?

Tell you what. What do you say
we sneak out of here and take a walk?


Whoa! l'm sorry this is the first time
l've managed to get you out.

- My friends are afraid you'll run away.
- Whoops!

- Whoa! Don't tell on me, OK?
- OK.

Whoa. Easy now. All right.

- Easy. Easy!
- Whoo!

- Whoa.
- Yeah!

OK, here, this'll help.

Oh, thanks.


- That is really sour.
- ls it?

l hadn't noticed.

Oh! Hey, he's kicking!

- May l?
- Yeah.

- Claire, can l tell you a secret?
- Yeah.

l'm going to miss you. l...

l wish you didn't have to go.

Well, maybe l don't have to go.

We've been through this, Claire.

There's not enough vaccine
for you and the baby.

- But l'm not... l'm not sick.
- Thank God.

And once you've delivered,

you can go back to your friends
and hopefully you'll stay that way.

But, what...
What if l want to see the baby?

Hey, nobody is going to take him
from you unless that's what you want.

You have a choice.

We're good people, Claire.
We're a good family.

But if you're going to trust us with
your child, l want you to be sure.



There you are.

Where are you going?

l know this is it. lt's here.


- Leave her alone.
- Excuse me?

- Let her look.
- Look for what?




No lights. l'm gonna see
if l can turn the power on. You OK?

This way.

What is this place?

lt's where they were going to keep him.

Wake up!

Wake up.

- Who are you?
- Shh!

They'll hear you.
Look, you have to get out of here.

- What?
- You have to get out of here. Now.

- What? No, no, no. l can't leave.
- Yes, you can.

- l can't leave! No!
- Come on.

- What are you doing?
- Shh!


Don't scream.

- They're gonna do it tonight.
- What? Do what?

- Shh!
- What are you talking about?

You are going to die.
They are gonna cut him out of you.

l can get you back to your camp,
but we have to leave now.

Hey, you're lying!

- You're lying! OK? l'm sure about this!
- Shh!

- l want to talk to Ethan.
- Stop!

- Ethan wouldn't hurt me.
- Shh!

You'll thank me for this one day.

lt's a vaccine.

We don't want him to get sick.

lt's here. The medicine's here.

Help me.

Help! Kate! Come here, l need some help!

- Help me out with this.
- What is it?

lt's in here. The vaccine's in here!

OK, come on.

OK. One, two, three!


lt was in here! The vaccine was in here!

Where is it? Where is it?

The vaccine was in here! Where is it?

You were bringing me back here!
Where is it?

You know where it is, don't you?
Tell me! Tell me where it is!

Tell me!

Ethan? Ethan?

Ethan? Ethan, l'm sure!


Hey, hey, Ethan! Ethan!

l'm... l'm sure!
l want you take the baby.


Who are... Who are you?

- Claire?
- Yeah! l'm here!

- l can hear you! Where are you?
- Quiet!

- l'm here, Ethan!
- Be quiet.

l have to give him to them.

l have to give him to them
so he'll be safe. OK?

Help! l'm here! Ethan!


Claire! Where are you?

You weren't trying to take me back,
were you?

You were trying to save me.

l carried you on my back to your camp.

l left you where they would find you.

l'm sorry.

Where are you going?

You're not the only one who didn't
find what they were looking for.

This is as far as l go.

Your baby...

...was it a girl?

- Yes.
- What was her name?



l remember a girl.

A girl with blue eyes.

She, uh... She helped me. She saved me.

Just like you did.

She wasn't like the others.

She was good.

l am sorry that you didn't
find what you were looking for.

And l hope your baby is not infected.

But if it is...

...l hope you know what must be done.

Back for more tools?

He knows, John.

Well, there you go.

Just be careful what you say to him.
He's smart and curious.

- Just give us a shout when you're done.
- And if the alarm goes off...

...don't tell him what it's for.

What is it for?


l am Mr Eko.

Henry Gale.

Do you mind if l sit, Henry?


How long have you been in here?

- Two days.
- Are they treating you well?

Treating me well?

l'm a... a prisoner.

- And l don't know why or for what or...
- You are a prisoner

because they are being careful.

They are being careful
because they believe you are lying.

Why would l lie?

They think l'm one of these Others?

- Other what?
- Please stop talking, Henry.

The first night l spent on this island,

l was dragged into the jungle
by two men.

They never spoke a word to me,
nor l to them.

l killed these men.

Smashed in their head with a stone.

Felt their blood on my arms.

l need you to know
how sorry l am for this.

l need you to know
that l am back on a righteous path now

and that l regret my actions.

l ask you for your forgiveness.

Why are you telling me this?

Because l needed to tell someone.

He looks good. Fever's broken.

- The rash has even started to fade.
- Thank you so much.

l didn't do anything.

- l'll check back in a coupla hours, OK?
- OK.


Mummy made this for you

when you were still inside her tummy.

You know, l wanted them to take you.

But now l know. Now l know
that we're supposed to be together.

You and me. We're supposed
to take care of each other, OK?

You're mine.

And l love you. l love you so much.


- No cheeseburgers, huh?
- No cheeseburgers.

Bon app?tit.

ls that true
what you said about Hemingway?

- You have good ears.
- You have thin doors.

- You read Hemingway?
- Sure.

Guy ran with the bulls.
Fought in the Spanish Civil War.

Stuff l can wrap my brain around.
This, l can't get through five pages of.

Dostoyevsky had his virtues, too.

He was a genius, for one.

Bullfighting isn't everything.

So which one are you?

- l'm sorry?
- Are you the genius?

Or are you the guy who always feels like
he's living in the shadow of the genius?

l was...

l was never very much
into literary analysis.

l just don't understand
why you let the doctor call the shots.

No one calls the shots.

Jack and l make decisions together.

Right. OK.

My mistake.