Lost (2004–2010): Season 2, Episode 13 - The Long Con - full transcript

Survivors fear that "The Others" may have returned when Sun is injured during a failed kidnapping attempt. Meanwhile, Sawyer is an amused, but highly interested, bystander when tension escalates between Jack, Locke, Kate and Ana Lucia over control of the hatch computer, and the storage of the weapons.

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Previously on Lost:

- Charlie. Give me the baby.
- Who the hell are you, John?

Aaron's not your responsibility.
Where were you when he was born?

Where were you when he was taken?

You're not his father.
You're not his family.

Neither are you, Charlie.

l'm sorry.

This is not your island.
This is our island.

And the only reason you're living on it

is because we let you live on it.

Right here, there's a line.

You cross that line,

we go from misunderstanding
to something else.

lt's your call, Jack.

- Sayid tells me that you're a cop.
- l was a cop.

- Can l ask you something?
- Shoot.

How long do you think it would take
to train an army?

- ls that all of them?
- All six of them.

Plus one box of ammo.

At least we don't have to worry
about running out anytime soon.

Jack, l'm grateful that you decided
to keep them all in the same place.

l had to take them from Charlie.
His heroin stash.

l figured it might have therapeutic
value, if it ever came to that.

You're just gonna leave it all
in the statues?

You wanna break seven Virgin Marys,
be my guest. l'm superstitious.


The combination.

l'm gonna assume that you're asking me

because you're worried that l might
fall off a cliff or something,

that it's irresponsible for just one
of us to have access to this room,

rather than this being
an issue of trust.

Well, there are a lot of cliffs
on this island, John.

All right.
But l think we should agree, Jack,

that if either of us need to open
this door, we consult each other first.


Right seven, left 33, right 1 8.

- You need to write it down?
- No. l got it.

All right.

And, Jack, you may want to consider
locking the medicine in here, too.

Why would l need to do that?

Well, well. Look who had to relocate
to the suburbs.

Ain't that just like a woman?

She keeps the house
and you get the cheap-ass apartment.

Man, l thought these people hated me,
but l gotta hand it to you.

Stealing the baby
and trying to drown it?

Now, that's a new low.
You even made Locke take a swing at you.

Hell, that's like getting Gandhi
to beat his kids.

Shouldn't you be more worried about Jack
ransacking your tent right now?


- What the hell you think you're doing?
- You stole these from the hatch.

- You stole them from me.
- What?

They were in my stash.
l took back what was mine.

These belong to all of us, Sawyer.
To the group.

- You don't have a stash anymore.
- Doc, you don't wanna do this.

Just give me the pills,
we'll forget it ever happened.

Are you threatening me?

Last chance, Doc.

What do you want, right now?

Just you.

Oh, damn it.

What is it?

l'm gonna be late
for that meeting l told you about.

Meeting, huh? You got another date,
you can just say so.

l can only wrap my mind
around one woman at a time,

but l appreciate the permission.

Back in a flash, gorgeous.

You weren't exactly
supposed to see that.

Are you serious?

- What?
- You're not serious?

You just happen to have
a suitcase full of cash,

and you go to pick it up
and then the lock just happens to break?

- Give me that.
- lt's not even real.


Are you trying to con me?

What, l ask you what all the money's for

and you do some song and dance
about an investment or something

and then l say,
''Hey, oh, l've got some money.''

Look, you got me.

Good for you.

No harm, no foul.

You should've done your homework.

l didn't take anything from him
in the divorce.

l'm not even worth your trouble.

Well, shame on me.

l want you to show me what you do.

Show me what you do.
What you really do.

And what do l do?

Show me how to con people, Sawyer.

l like what you've done with the place.

Maid's day off.

You wanna move?

- Heard Jack took your painkillers.
- Guess me and the doc are on the outs.

One less Christmas card
l'll have to send this year.

Maybe that'll cheer you up.
lt's from the hatch.

l know you're hard up
for reading material.

Well, as much as l'd like to learn
to ''feather my hair,''

l lost my damn glasses on the raft.

You wanna read it to me?

You got an appointment or something?


All right. ''Ten Ways To Tell
lf He's A Sensitive Man.''

- This ought to be good.
- Morning.

Hey, John.

Now, there's a sensitive man.

- Claire asked him to sleep down here.
- Come on.

Locke's got himself needs,

just like anyone else.

Not everyone is like you, Sawyer.

Guess that's why El Jacko and Ana Lulu
didn't ask me to join their revolution.

What? You didn't hear
about their little army?

Guess l'm not the only one
on the outs with the doc.

Hey, man.

You gonna put the lime in the coconut,
drink them both up?

Lime in the coconut?

The song?

What do you want, Hurley?

l'm over at Rose and Bernard's tent...

Did you know he's a dentist?

Well, that's not all
he's been holding out on us.

He picked up Boone's signal
from the Norwegian plane.


Right. Anyhow,
he picked it up with this.

That is a shortwave radio.
lt's a glorified walkie-talkie.

Yeah, but can't you switch a blue wire
with a red wire and make it stronger?

We tried to send a signal
with the plane's transceiver

and all we got was
the French woman's message on a loop.

- Why would l bother?
- Come on, man. l mean, it's worth...

lt's worth nothing.
lt's a waste of time.

l was just trying to cheer you up, dude.

l don't need cheering up.

OK, man. Sorry. No problem.



- Hey.
- You get the combo?

Nice. Didn't think it'd be that easy
convincing your pal to give it up.

That's the nice thing about you people,

you're not scared enough.

- Not scared enough?
- Same reason no one'll join the army.

Everyone around here
actually thinks they're safe.

Trust me, Ana, no one thinks we're safe.

So, Jack, what's the combo?

l was just kidding.

Oh, Vincent.

What are you doing out here?

Oh, man, it's really coming down.
Get under here, Freckles.

- l like the rain.
- Yeah, me too, from under here.

- What the hell?
- lt's Sun.

- ls she all right?
- She's breathing.

Go get Jack. Go get Jack.


- What happened?
- Where's Jack?

Was she conscious at all?
Did she say anything?

Nothing. Not a word.

She's OK. She's going to be all right.

You need to let me take care of her,
all right? Please.

- How'd you find her?
- l heard her scream.

She was out cold,
and her hands were tied.

What do you mean, her hands were tied?

They're back.

- They said they would leave us alone.
- They broke their promise.

- We don't even know what happened.
- Do we need to know?

- Where'd you find her?
- Just outside her garden.

We should take a look around. With guns.



We arm up, we're just as likely to shoot
each other as we are one of them.

OK. We'll wait for Sun to wake up.
She'll tell us what happened.

Then we're gonna do something about it.

Sounds like a plan.

They usually don't leave any trail.

lt's worth a look.

Let me ask you something.

This whole scenario make sense to you?

What do you mean?

Think about it.
First off, how'd she get away?

- Woman doesn't weigh 1 00 pounds.
- She was fighting for her life.

- People are capable of anything...
- You couldn't get away.

And you versus Sun,
hot-oil death match?

My money's on you, Sheena.

Thanks for your vote of confidence.

lt's a hood, just like the one
they put over my head.

No, it's not.
This one's black. Different weave.

lt's all in the details,
and they're wrong.

Well, if it wasn't them, then who?

What are you saying, one of us did it?
Who the hell would wanna go after Sun?

Not much upside
to scaring the crap out of 46 people.

Unless you're trying to con them
into joining an army.

Those necklaces are junk, Sawyer.

A five-year-old could tell that.

They ain't gonna look at the necklaces.
They're gonna look at the price.

lt's all in the details, Dimples.

- What if we get caught?
- We ain't gonna get caught.

Anybody goes to the cops,
the only thing they're gonna remember

is a guy who looks like
he's been in a bar fight.

- You're scared, huh?
- A little bit.

Well, here's the good news, baby.
Everybody's scared.

And the thing they're scared of most
is missing an opportunity.

- This is all they had.
- Let's try down the street.

Hey. You guys
wanna buy some necklaces?

- Where'd you get them?
- Where do you think?

You want to buy them or not?

- Forget it.
- Hey, how much?

- Hundred a piece.
- For any of them?

Yeah, yeah. Taster's choice.

l'll take the $1 ,200 one
and the $1 ,300 one.

- Thanks.
- Hey, wait.

- Wait up, man. l'll buy some of those.
- Yeah, me too.

lt's Dana's birthday next week.

They love their jewellery.

Five, six, seven hundred.

Pulse is good, strong.

You just need to watch her.

She's gonna be OK, man.

That bump on her head, do you think
she fell or that someone hit her?

l don't know.

Jack, how well do you know Ana Lucia?

l was just... The Others...

l was out there with you.

l heard that man say if we stayed away,
they'd leave us alone.

We've left them alone, so why would
they attack us a few days later?

lf it wasn't them, then who was it?

Like l said,
how well do you know Ana Lucia?

l got a couple more people
interested in joining up.

Yeah? Who?

The big guy
who lives behind Sayid, and Scott.

You mean Steve. Scott's dead.

Scott, Steve...

The point is, after what happened,

people are finally willing
to do something.

Where were you this morning?

- Lots of places.
- During the rainstorm.

You think l had something
to do with Sun getting grabbed?

Now, where would you
get an idea like that?

Jack. Jack.

Sun's awake.


How's your head? Any pain? Dizziness?

- Just a little bit.
- Do you remember anything?

l was working in my garden
when Vincent ran up.

lt started raining, then there was a bag
over my head, and l was being dragged.

- How many were there?
- l don't... l didn't see anything.

l kicked and l fought, and l just ran
as fast as l could. And then l fell...




Hey. What's going on?

Looks like the good folks of lslandtown
are about to form a posse,

get themselves armed up.

l wouldn't be surprised
if Jack didn't find that horse of yours,

start leading the charge
in a big white hat.

The guns.

This is all her play
to get her hands on the guns.

Locke. You need to go
and tell him they're coming.

l need to tell him?

Sawyer, please.

- So, what's next?
- Next?

The next play.

- l'll show you the pigeon drop.
- We already did that. Twice.

And the Tulsa bag scam,
and the Looky-loo.

- l wanna do a big one.
- You wanna do a big what?

A big con.

lt's called a long con.

OK, a long con. How does it work?

lt works by getting someone to ask you
to do something like it's their idea,

but it's your idea.

But none of that matters,

cos the one thing you need
for a long con, we ain't got.


l have money.

Sorry, Cassie. 40 grand
in some mutual fund ain't money.

Remember when l told you that
l didn't get anything from the divorce?

l kind of lied.

You kind of lied how much?

600 grand.

With that kind of money,
let's go find an island somewhere

and sit on the beach
drinking mojitos till we go toes up.

Sawyer, for the first time in my life
l'm actually happy.

And it's not really about the action
or the money.

lt's about doing this with you.

Come on.

One long con.

And then the mojitos.

l'll think about it.

Why don't you think about it in here?

Hate to interrupt
whatever the hell it is you're doing.

- What are you doing?
- l'm alphabetizing.

Oh, sure.
Sun gets attacked in the jungle

and you figure it's a good time
to start the Dewey decimal system.

- Good thinking.
- How can l help you, James?

Well, actually, John, l'm here
to help you, give you the heads up.

Heads up?

Jack's on his way over
to open your little gun closet

and take whatever he needs.
You should know he's not alone.

Whole camp's pretty shook up
about what happened to Tokyo Rose.

l'm guessing everybody's gonna
wanna play cowboys and lndians.

And once those guns are out and about,

something tells me
they ain't never going back in.

Why are you telling me this?

Because it'll piss off Jack.

But if l were you,
l'd change that combination pronto.

But that won't work.
The door will just slow him down.

lf Jack wants to get in, he'll get in.

Will you help me?

Help you what?

Move the guns.

Move them where?

Fine. You don't wanna trust me,
lots of luck.

But l can't leave the hatch unmanned.

Sure. You move the guns,

and l'll stay here
and push your damn button for you.

How long till they get here?

Well, that ain't my problem, Hoss.
lt's yours.

Steak sandwich. Two beers.

- Thank you.
- Aw, shucks. You got a beer for me?

You want one, ask the lady.

Well, hell, l do want one.

And could l get a plate
of chicken salad, white meat only,

and please, God, no celery,
OK, sweetheart?

That's how we make it here, darlin'.

So, tell me you got her.

- Yeah, l got her.
- All 600 grand?

All six.

You fell for her.

- You gotta be kidding me.
- lt's got nothing...

- l found that bitch.
- Her name is Cassidy.

l waited six months
while you played house.

l ain't doing it.

Know what's making you stupid?
lt's your damn hormones.

You think you're in love,
but you're not.

A tiger doesn't change
his stripes, James.

You're a con man, just like me.

And it's not what you do,
it's what you are.

Do l make myself clear?

l'm sorry, man. l just can't do it.

No, you're gonna do it.

Because that girl,
she doesn't know you one bit.

But when she finds out who you are,
who you really are,

she's gonna hate your guts.

Yeah, well...

Enjoy your chicken salad, Gordy.

Wait a minute. You don't walk away now.

You owe me. You don't wanna pay me?

l'll put one in your ear, James.

You and your little friend Cassidy.

- What are you doing here?
- One second.

l'm like this close to the high score
on Donkey Kong.

Now, what can l do you for?

- Where's Locke?
- l don't know.

l think he said something about going
to the store for a pack of smokes.

Looks like we got ourselves a theft.

- Who's gonna call the cops?
- Where are they?

Don't look at me.
l was just pushing the button.

Oh, yeah. l believe these are yours.


John. Where are they?

You moved the guns. Where are they?

We had an agreement.

An agreement you were about to violate.

Yes, l moved the guns.


Where? Where, John?

Are you going to start handing them out?

How many? Who gets them?

How much time before
there's an accident? Another accident?

l made a mistake teaching Michael
how to shoot, and now he's...

He could be dead for all l know,
and that was my fault.

l take responsibility for that, so l'm
taking responsibility for the guns, too.

- l want two guns.
- That's the way it's gonna be, Jack.

Tell me where they are right now.

You gave him the guns?

No, l hid them.

That's right, Jack.
He's as stupid as you are.

You were so busy worrying about each
other, you never even saw me coming.

So, how about you listen up?
Because l'm only gonna say this once.

You took my stuff.

While l was off trying to get us help,
get us rescued,

you found my stash,
and you took it, divvied it up.

My shaving cream, my batteries,

even my beer.

And then something else happened.

You decided these two boys were gonna
tell you what to do and when to do it.

Well, l'm done taking orders.

And l don't want my stuff back.

Shaving cream don't matter.

Batteries don't matter.

Only thing that matters now are guns.

And if you want one, you're gonna
have to come to me to get it.

Oh, you wanna torture me, don't you?

Show everybody how civilised you are.

Go ahead, but l'll die
before l give them back.

And then you'll really be screwed,
won't you?

There's a new sheriff in town, boys.

Y'all best get used to it.

What's going on? Where were you?

Sawyer, what happened?

- You see that black car?
- Who is it?

- His name's Gordy. My partner.
- What partner?

lf l don't walk out with that briefcase
in two minutes, we're both dead.

That's the guy from the Mercado deal?

There is no Mercado deal.

l knew about the 600 grand
you had tucked away from the get-go.


You were the long con.

Son of a bitch. Go to hell. Go to hell.

You gotta understand.

Everything that's happened between us
in the past six months,

all of it, that was real.

- Get out. You get out.
- Listen.

You can hate me all you want later,

but right now you gotta listen to me.

He's gonna kill us.

Cos l told him
l wasn't gonna take your money.

- Oh, my God.
- Look...

OK. This is what we're gonna do.

Go out back through Evan's yard.

There's a rental car parked out front.

Go to Sioux City.

l want you to check in
to the Sage Flower Motel.

lt's off Highway 29.

Watch TV, have a drink, and wait for me.

l'll be there in the a.m.
lt'll all be over.

- Let me just pack a few...
- There's no time.

You remember when you said
l was all you ever wanted?

Well, now you know better.

l love you.

l love you, too.

Go. Go.

How'd you do it?

How'd l do what?

Locke said that he left you in the hatch

when he went to hide the guns,

and we both know
you can't track worth a damn.

So how'd you get them?

Magician never tells his secrets.

You played us. You played me.

All that stuff you said about Ana Lucia.
You knew l would go to Jack.

And you knew l'd ask you to go to Locke.

Now how in the world
would l know all that?

Did you have anything to do with Sun?

What kind of person do you think l am?

What kind of a person
do l think you are?

l don't think
this has anything to do with guns,

or with getting your stash back.

l think you want people to hate you.

Good thing you don't hate me, Freckles.

Why do you have to do this?

You run, l con.

A tiger don't change her stripes.

Hey, check this out. l found
a manuscript in one of the suitcases.

- lt's like a mystery book.
- l want to show you something.

- Cool. You fixed it.
- We'll see.

Hold onto this.

Don't expect anything.

The chances of getting a signal
are slim at best.

- Static's good, right?
- No. Reception is good.

- What's that?
- lt's Rousseau's signal.

- Oh, crap.
- But this radio has a wider bandwidth.

Oh, wait. Stop. Do you hear that?

That was the... Just A-Settin'...

...Duke Ellington Orchestra,
featuring Cootie... the trumpet.

Up next on WXR,

the Glenn Miller Orchestra
with Moonlight Serenade.


You hear how clear that is?

That's gotta be close, right?

Radio waves at this frequency
bounce off the ionosphere.

They can travel thousands of miles.

lt could be coming from anywhere.

Or any time.

Just kidding, dude.

He never saw you, huh?

No. He was more worried about
his sodding guns than being followed.

Figured you'd want your friends back.

lf l wanted them, l would've taken them
before l told you where they were.

That's not why l did it.

- lt's not, huh?
- l wanted him to look like a fool.

To feel like a fool.

Well, well. Looks like Johnny Locke's
got himself a nemesis.

Sun can never find out
what l did to her. Never.

Don't sweat it.

They got bigger things
to worry about now.


This idea, all of this, what we did,

what made...

How does someone
think of something like that?

Now, go.

One Mississippi,

two Mississippi,

three Mississippi,

four Mississippi,

five Mississippi...

l'm not a good person, Charlie.

Never did a good thing in my life.