Lost (2004–2010): Season 1, Episode 6 - House of the Rising Sun - full transcript

Jin tries to beat up Michael for no reason at all; Jack wants to move the survivors over to the caves, although some people disagree; Sun reveals to Michael that she can speak English.

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I'm gonna have to ask
that you open the door.

How about we talk
about that other thing?

The transmission
Abdul picked up on his little radio.

The French chick that said,
"They're all dead."

- We have to tell the others.
- What?

No one tell them anything.

If we tell them what we know...

...we take away their hope.

So we lie?

Now, I found fresh water
up in the valley.

I'll take a group in at first light.

If you don't wanna go,
find another way to contribute

because "Every man for himself"
is not gonna work.

Excuse me.

Have you...
Have you seen my boy?

I am going off,

away to hunt.

And I was wondering if you

could keep an eye on my boy

until I come back?

You're cool with this, right?

- I just want to know.
- Well, you're not gonna know.

- What's the big deal?
- It's not a big deal.

I had my reasons.
I don't want to put it out there.

It's just that you and your tattoos...

...don't add up.

You're one of those hardcore
spinal surgeons?

That's me. Hardcore.

If you're finished verbally copulating,
we should move.

There's a beach of people waiting
for us to get drinking water for them.

And the great white hunter's
getting restless.

OK. Let's do this.

Hey, Charlie,
ask Jack about his tattoos.

You guys have an inside joke.

How absolutely wonderful for you both.

Stop! Hey! Stop!

Get off of him! Please!


Stop! Get off of him!

Do something!
He's gonna kill him!

Stop him, please!

No! Stop!

Stop him, please!
He's gonna kill him!

The handcuffs!
From the Sky Marshal!


What happened?

Water's this way.

How'd you find this place?


This is it.

- It's amazing.
- Absolutely.

It's totally you.

Guys, shouldn't someone
look through this stuff?

There could be
something useful in here.

He's got a point.

- I do?
- Yeah. Bring me your bottles.

And keep an eye out for any
medical supplies, drugs in particular.

Drugs. Right.

Don't move.

I was just gonna take...

Do not move.

What's going on?

He's standing on a beehive.

What's a beehive doing there?
Beehives are supposed to be in trees.

- What now?
- If he moves, he'll split the hive.

I don't like bees, OK?

I have an irrational fear of bees.
I'm allergic...

Please be quiet.

We need to get something
to seal the hive.

- To cover it?
- Yeah, hurry.

I am getting tired of saying this.

I was just walking the beach
with my son,

and all of a sudden
this dude is all up on me.

I didn't do anything.

Surely there must be something
you're not telling us.


Where are you from, man?


- Iraq.
- OK, I don't know how it is in Iraq,

but in the United States of America,
where I'm from,

Korean people
don't like black people.

Did you know that?

So maybe you ought to talk to him!

The cuffs stay on.

- Louder, Omar, maybe she'll understand.
- Guys.

That Chinese dude's gonna get
pretty crispy out here.

- How long are you gonna keep him?
- He tried to kill Michael.

We all saw it.
The cuffs stay on until we know why.

Come on, man. Let's go.

Hurry up.

Just keep still, man.

I'm gonna try to cover the hive.

This is the most crap idea ever.
It's never gonna work.

- Pull yourself together, son.
- It wouldn't be an irrational fear

if I could pull myself together.

Who is he?
How did he get here?

I can't exactly perform an autopsy,

but there doesn't seem to be
any major trauma to the bones.

We got another one over here.
Someone laid them to rest here.

- Who?
- I don't know.

Where did they come from?

Didn't you guys shoot
a polar bear last week?

- Yeah.
- Where'd that come from?

- Any idea how long they've been here?
- Long. It takes 40 or 50 years

for clothing to degrade like this.

What is it?

Hello! Anybody there?

Everyone all right?

- A few stings aside.
- You two run away fantastically.

I'm glad my diversion spared you.

I was only stung
several hundred times.

Oh, and...

...someone left this.

It was... It was full of bees.

I'd have thought "C's", actually.


Bloody hell.

Are these the people
who were here before us?

What are you talking about?

Well, just...

You know, there could have been
people here before us, right?


But who were these men?

Actually, one of them is female.

Our very own Adam and Eve.

One of us should stay and help
Charlie salvage the wreckage.

- You offering?
- Sure.

Give me a chance to get to know him
a little better.

We should move out.
People are probably getting thirsty.


Forty-six people need to drink
a half gallon a day each.

Carrying all this water back and forth
is gonna be a real pain in the ass.

You're starting to make me
regret volunteering.

These caves make too good a shelter
just to be used for burial.

Adam and Eve,
they must have lived here.

Their plane crashed,
or maybe they were shipwrecked.

They probably found this place
and knew they could survive here.

Unlimited supply of fresh water.

The tree canopy keeps
the temperature down,

shields out the sun.

The openings are narrow, easier
for protection against predators.

We don't need to bring
the water to the people.

We need to bring the people
to the water.

I think we can live here.

Hey, what are you doing?

Did you say something to my boy?

Yeah, nice talking to you too.

Move it, Walt.

- How come he doesn't like us?
- What?

You said people like him
don't like people like us.

Oh, man. No...

Look, that's not true and...

I don't think like that anyway.
I was...

I was angry.

- What did you do to him?
- What did I do to him?

You tell me.
I've been with you since we crashed.

Have you seen me do anything
to anyone?

What kind of man
do you think I am, anyway?

What did your mother say about me?

She never talked about you.

You don't know anything about me,
do you?

- You don't know anything about me.
- I know a lot.

Yeah? When's my birthday?

August 24th.

When's mine?

Forget it.
Come on, man.

- Are you checking me out?
- What?

- There's no harm in it, if you just...
- Trust me,

if I was checking you out,
you'd know it.

Yeah? So then what
were you thinking, right now?

- I sure as hell wasn't thinking that.
- Don't stop to think, just tell me.

I was thinking that if we were
living at the caves,

we could build a dam
around that spring

so that everybody
could have fresh water,

and we could get the infirmary
off the beach.

- You think it's a bad idea?
- No, no, it makes sense.


- No "but".
- Good.

A lot of people are still hoping
a rescue boat's gonna show up.

They aren't thinking
about their own safety.

We're gonna have
a lot of convincing to do.


You still haven't convinced me yet.

- Are you following me?
- Yes.

There's no need.
I'm just going to the loo.

Is there something
you want to tell me, Charlie?

I'm going to the loo.

It's dangerous out there.

Until we get back, I'm not
breaking line of sight with you.

Bugger off.

I know who you are,
and I know what you're looking for.

Drive Shaft.
You played bass.

And guitar.

On a couple of tracks.

- You've really heard of us?
- Because I'm over 40

doesn't mean I'm deaf.
I have both your albums.

Although, I thought
that your self-titled debut

was a much stronger effort
than Oil Change.

It's a shame
what happened to the band.

- How long since you played?
- My guitar?

Eight days, 11 hours.
Give or take.

You miss it.

Well, a lot of wreckage.
It might still turn up.

Undamaged? Still playable?
I don't think so.

I wish, but there was this bloke
at the counter who made me check it in.

- No.
- Yeah.

There wasn't enough room in the cabin.

You'll see it again.

Oh, yeah?

- What makes you say that?
- Because I have faith, Charlie.

It's about time.
I am dying of thirst.

I think I'll let him sit in the sun
a while longer,

then I'll take his wife aside,
find some way to communicate.

- She knows why he attacked Michael.
- Sure you don't want me to talk to her?

If you've got that under control, I'm
gonna talk to people about the caves.

I might be able to get a few
to go with me before nightfall,

start setting up camp.

You're serious?

Is there a reason
you didn't consult us

when you decided
to form your civilization?

I'm talking about
moving to the valley.

What happened to
"live together, die alone"?

Digging in is the only way
we'll survive.

Our best hope is in being spotted
by a plane or a ship.

For that, we need to organize
to keep that signal fire burning

while others scout for supplies.
Digging in anywhere else is suicide.

It is the only source of fresh water
we've found, Sayid.

And staying on the beach in the sun,
without water, that's not suicide?

I am not going to admit defeat.

Now what?

I already gave you
my statement, sheriff.

I came to apologize.
I shouldn't have been suspicious.

You were the victim in the attack.

I appreciate that.

But I can tell you didn't come all the
way over here just to say you're sorry.

People are considering
following Jack to the caves.

I'd like to know where you stand.

Right here.

I got one priority, and that's
getting my kid off this island.

A boat passes, I'm not gonna be
on the hook for missing it.


Slowly. Just a little bit at a time.
A little bit.

Glad you're coming.

Hey, man,
I go where the boar's at.

So, what up with you and Kate?

You guys gonna move
into a cave together?

- Am I in high school?
- Well, that wasn't a denial.

Just get your stuff together.
We gotta get out of here soon.

Well, well, well,
if it ain't the belle of the ball.

What's it like having the doctor
and Captain Falafel fighting over you?

Just call 'em how I see 'em, Freckles.

Truth be told, I'm not the only one
wondering where you're gonna weigh in

on this "moving off the beach" thing.

Are you going with the pessimist,
or waiting for the rescue boats?

- Are you going?
- Well, that's the real trick, isn't it?

We all pack up stakes for the caves,
the next day a plane passes by,

they'll go on their way
and be none the wiser.

On the other hand, stay here,
get eaten by boars, fall off a rock...

...there's not gonna be anyone
to answer that 911 call.

- You haven't answered my question.
- You didn't answer mine.

And I asked first.

Great, look who came to chat.

I need to talk to you.

You speak English?

- Yes.
- Wait.

You speak English?

- Why didn't you say anything?
- My husband doesn't know.

Why would you learn English
and not tell him?

He has a bad temper.

What my husband did to you today,

- it was a misunderstanding.
- No, I got it.

- Loud and clear.
- It was the watch.

Your husband tried to murder me
for a watch?

I found this watch two days ago.

It belongs to my father.

Protecting that watch
is a question of honour.

Trying to kill me
in front of my kid is honour?

You don't know my father.

I need your help.

Listen to me, you old git,
I'm going in the jungle.

A man has...
a right to some privacy.

Just hand it to me.

You're gonna run out.

My guess is sooner rather than later.

Painful detox is inevitable.

Give it up now,
at least it will be your choice.

Don't talk to me like you
know something about me.

I know a lot more about pain
than you think.

I don't envy what you're facing,
but I want to help.

Do you want your guitar?

More than your drug?

More than you know.

What I know is that this island just
might give you what you're looking for

but you have to
give the island something.

You really think
you can find my guitar?

Look up, Charlie.

You're not gonna ask me
to pray or something?

I want you to look up.

It's almost time to go.

I don't want to be Eve.

No one's asking you to.

I just can't...

...dig in.
- Why not?

Someone else can stay here.
Keep a lookout. Wait for rescue.

Why does it have to be you?

- That's not it.
- Then what is it?

Kate, how did you get to be this way?

Just what is it that you did?

You had your chance to know.

If you need me,
you know where to find me.

You know where to find me too.

I know you can't understand a word,
and I'm not the talking-out-Ioud type,

but since I have a captive audience,
I hope for your sake you pay attention.

I'm not exactly having
the best month of my life.

I barely knew my son,
and now I gotta be his daddy.

And then to top it off, I have a
deranged Korean guy trying to kill me,

and for what?

Look, I get it, all right.

It's the watch. Mine broke.

I found this in the wreckage

and I figured, hey, why let
a $20,000 watch go to waste?

Which is ridiculous since time
doesn't matter on a damn island!

Son of a...

Stay away from me.

And my kid.

In 16 hours, I need to land in LAX,
and I need that coffin to clear customs

because there is going to be
a hearse waiting there...

Final boarding call for Oceanic Flight
125 non-stop to Singapore,

leaving from gate 40.

All ticketed passengers should be
aboard for imminent departure.

Thank you.


What's this?

New tenants.

A short walk. They lied.

Can I ask you something?

Anything you want, man.

When's your birthday?