Lost (2004–2010): Season 1, Episode 12 - Whatever the Case May Be - full transcript

Kate and Sawyer discover a briefcase and the race begins to win ownership of it. Charlie is still depressed over Claire, and is given a sharp talking to by Rose.

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Son of a bitch!

- What are you doing?
- What are you doing?

- You practically busted my knee.
- Are you stalking me now?

Stalking you?
I was protecting you.

From what,
Southern perverts?

Yeah, whatever.

- I can't believe you.
- It's not that bad.

It's my knee.
I'll tell you how bad it is.

What the hell are you doing
all the way out here?

This is the only place
the trees aren't picked clean.

You shouldn't be here alone,
not after...

No, I'm fine.
I can take care of myself.

Oh, of course.
"I don't need protecting.

I can take care of myself.

Me Kate.
Me throw rock. "

What, you smell blood
on the wind?

You don't hear that?

What are you doing?

I need to soak
my sore knee.

Come on, Freckles.

After all we've been through
on this damn island,

don't we deserve
something good?

What, you're gonna say no?

Are you some sort of navel-gazing,
no-fun, mopey type?


It's chilly.
Come on, girl!

It's nice, huh?

Come on,
let's go to the rock.

Are you OK?

Yeah. You?

Yeah. I'm gonna go
check 'em out.

- Check 'em out for what?
- See what they got on 'em.


Got myself a wallet.

- You're disgusting.
- He ain't gonna miss it.

Help me with that case.

Oh, I'm disgusting,
but you're not?

It's mine.

You wouldn't happen to have
your key on you, would you?

That case ain't yours,
is it?



You wouldn't mind if I just...

- Take it.
- I don't care.

That's not what it looks like.

Something you want to tell me
about this suitcase?

Take it.

Everything is getting washed out to sea!

This can't be normal.

The tide shifting so suddenly.

Rising in so short a time.

There's a lot not normal
around here.

The rate this beach is eroding,

the fuselage is going to
be underwater in days.

We need to get all this stuff
off the beach before nightfall.

I hope moving up the coast
will make a difference.

It'd make a difference
if everyone moved inland.

I think you'll find people
slightly wary of entering the jungle

after what happened
to the pregnant girl,

not to mention
whatever that thing is.


I need you to take me back
to the Frenchwoman, Rousseau.

Claire's still out there.

Now, Rousseau mentioned
that there are...

- ... others on this island.
- Her mind is gone.

- You heard them.
- I don't know.

- You said that you...
- The wind.

It was the wind playing tricks.

Then what about the papers
that you took from her then?

Documents, maps. Isn't there...

I'm skilled at mathematics, but these
are beyond anything I've ever seen.

There are these notes in French
accompanying the maps and diagrams.

If I could translate them, I might be
able to make sense of it, but...


Perhaps some things
are best left untranslated.


Maybe you should
tell him that.

You're doing something productive.

- Where have you been?
- What do you mean?

You and Locke have been leaving before
sunrise and coming back after dark.

What are you doing out there?

Is he your new boyfriend?

- We're looking for Claire.
- I thought there was no trail,

- that no one knew where to look.
- Yeah, at least I'm doing something.

Don't you see the way they look at us?
We're a joke.

I'm trying to contribute something.

And you're just...
you're useless.

OK, Miss Ryan,
if you'll just give me some ID,

we'll get started
on your loan app.

OK. Here you go.

So, what brings you
to New Mexico?

- My work.
- What line of work is that?

- I'm a photographer.
- What do you photograph?

I've been commissioned
for a coffee table book.

Pictures of old theatres
in small towns.

There's a fantastic one
down in Rio Doso.

You can't miss it.
It's off the main road.

I'll have to make sure I give you
an acknowledgement, Mr... Hutton.


Everyone down on the ground!
Down on the ground now!

Don't even think about it!
Let's go!

Shut up and move over there!
Let's go!

- Who's back there? I see you!
- Big boy, get your ass down there!

Get out! Let's go!

All right!
Hold it right there!

All right, girlie, get up
and get over there! Let's go! Move!

Stay there!
Get down on the ground, bitch!

Are you the manager?

- I said, are you the manager?
- Yes.

Good. Now let's open
the money cage now

before people start getting killed.

- Don't look at me! Look at the floor!
- Down right now!

I said, down!


Get off of me.

I hate to bicker about positions,

but I think
you're the one on top.

Maybe you're not here
for the case at all.


If you wanted to play rough,
all you had to do was say so.

You wanna try for it again?

Give it to me.


We're quite close to the equator.

The sun might be stronger
than what you're used to.

I have a pretty good base.

There was a matter
I was going to ask you about.


I need a favour.

I need your help translating papers
I took from Rousseau.

- Who's Rousseau?
- The Frenchwoman.

The distress call we intercepted.

- Did my brother put you up to this?
- Your brother?


The papers contain equations
with notations in French.

- If I can understand the notations...
- Sorry, I can't do it.

You're the only person
who speaks French.

- I barely speak French.
- Please, Shannon.

Can you at least try?

Son of a bitch.

You're wasting your time, man.

If you pick the lock on a Halliburton,
I'll put you on my back and fly.

You better find yourself
a runway, daddy,

'cause there ain't a lock
I can't pick.

- What's he trying to do?
- Pick the lock on a Halliburton.

Good luck.

The only way you're gonna open that case
is with pure force, impact velocity.

- What's that mean?
- You gotta hit it with something hard

like a sledgehammer.
Or the axe.

- You got it.
- Yeah.

Right there.

Isn't there an easier way
to get there?

The easiest way
isn't always the best.

- Did anybody see you take it?
- No.

- I don't think so.
- Well, which is it?


"No," or "I don't think so"?

- No.
- Good. Let's get to work.

Hello, Charlie.

Oh, that's right.

You're not talking much
these days.

But it doesn't mean
you get to be rude.

Excuse me?

Everybody else

is helping us
move the camp up the beach,

- except for you.
- Are you serious?

You're the only one
with something to be sad about?

I got sob stories for you,
so why don't you grab

the other end of this thing
and help me?


Come on.

Come on.

Impact velocity...

Physics, my ass.

All right.

Son of a...


Don't even think about it.

Damn it.

Hell, Freckles, I knew you wanted it.
I just didn't know how bad.

You're gonna have to come up
with a new move.



OK, this is just silly.

Hold on.
I got a proposition for you.

You tell me what's inside,
and I'll give it to you.

Are you serious?

Hell, no way
to open the damn thing.

At this point, all I care about
is satisfying my own curiosity.

Easy, sweetheart.
I don't really care what it is.

What's burning me up
is why it means so much to you.

Last chance.

All right.

Give me the key now.

I'm tired of asking nice.

Give me the money cage key now.

You're going to kill me.
Why would I...

You think we're having
a conversation here?

Everybody be cool!
Do you wanna go home?

Don't look at me! Look at the floor!
Everybody calm. Stay down.

Listen to me, I am not
gonna ask you again.

I want that key!

- I can take him.
- What?

The tall guy,
he's not watching us.

It's now or never.
Keep your head down.

Hey! Watch out!

Pick it up!

Pick it up!
Shoot him!

What's wrong?
Shoot the gun!

- Cover him!
- Shoot him!

- Turn off the safety!
- Gimme that.

It's on the side!
Turn it off!

I don't know
how to use a gun!

You wanna get shot, fat boy?

- OK, hero.
- No, please, don't.

Shut up! Let's you and me go talk.

Right in here.
Let's go.

"I don't know how to use a gun"?

That's classic.

You never said anything
about math.

You worry about the French.
I'll take care of the math.

I can't do this.

If you really put your mind to it,
I know you can.

Where did you learn
to speak French?

I knew this guy.

- This guy?
- In France, in St Tropez.

I kind of lived there for a while.

Well, they say that is the best way
to learn a foreign language.

All right.

Let me see.


What is this?
What is it for?

A headache.

Oh. Cool.

All right.

- We got a problem.
- We have a problem, or...

...you have a problem?

You're the only one
who knows about me.

Before I left for Sydney,

the marshal who was escorting me,
he had this silver case.

The airline wouldn't let him
bring it on the plane.

It was hard enough trying
to convince them to let him wear a gun.

But the case,
they made him check it.

What was in the case?

Some travelling money.
Some of his personal stuff.

And four 9 millimetres
with a few boxes of ammo.

- Guns.
- Guns.

- So, where is the case now?
- Sawyer has it.

- He hasn't been able to open it.
- Lucky for us.

He will.
Sooner or later.

So, what do you need me to do?

I know where the key is. He...

The marshal kept it
in his wallet,

in his back pocket.

- I buried him, Kate.
- I know.


- So, what else is in the case?
- What?

What else is in the case?


- That's the truth?
- Just the guns.

If you want my help,

we're gonna open
the case together.



- Why are you smiling?
- Am I?

You look happy.

Well, I guess I must be then.

There's no reason.
Things are awful.

- They're not awful.
- We're stranded on an island.

- No one's coming for us.
- You don't know that.

Well, what I do know

is there's something in that jungle
that eats people.

Just because we've not heard from it
doesn't mean it won't get hungry again.

And I know there's a person or people
that are trying to hurt us.

- Charlie.
- And...

Nobody blames you.


For what happened to Claire.

It's not your fault.

You did everything
that you could do,

and you came very close
to dying yourself.


Maybe I should have died.

You know what I think, Charlie?

You need to ask for help.

Who's gonna help me?

So why didn't you
put him with the others?

When you burned the fuselage?

Because I needed
to bury him.

- So you ready to do this?
- Hell, yeah.

By now their imaginations
are running wild.

Don't hold back. He won't talk
if the details are off.

You and your details, Maggie.

- OK, hero.
- No, please, don't.

Shut up!
Everybody just relax!

- I said quiet.
- OK, Mr Manager,

you want to be a hard-ass?

Protect a vault that doesn't
even belong to you?

There's gonna be consequences.

- He's gonna kill me anyway.
- I swear, if you don't shut up.

You got three seconds
to give me that damn key.



- Three.
- All right.

I'll give it to you.

Good. Let's go.

Right around here.

Let's go.

- You all right?
- Compared to what?

- You want me to...
- No. I'll do it.

Oh, God.

- Did you get it?
- Yeah.

The key isn't in here.

It isn't?

That was real good sleight of hand
distracting me with the wallet.

Open it.



"The sea of sparkles"?
No, wait.

"The sea of silver sparkles
that change. "

- It's the same as the last one.
- Are you sure?

The equation is different.
It doesn't relate.

What you're saying
doesn't make any sense.


What about this one?

It should say something
about latitude.

- Something about the stars.
- Give me some room.

"Next to the pond... blue... "

"Blue eternity. "

No, wait, no.
"Blue infinity. "

- "Blue infinity"?
- "Blue infinity".

There's something about this
that is so familiar.

You've been telling me what sounds
very much like nonsense

for the past hour,
and now it seems familiar?

I told you
that my French sucks.

And B: This isn't
my nonsense, OK?

Do you ever think that after 16 years
on Mystery Frickin' Island,

your friend might not be
quite adjusted?

This was a mistake.


Haven't you heard?
I'm completely useless.



So, what can I do you for?

Figured she'd get you
to do her dirty work for her.

So, what?
We gonna wrestle for it?

No, you're gonna
give it to me.

- Am I?
- Yeah.

I'm just gonna give it to you?


- Why would I want to do that?
- Cephalexin.

Yeah? Go on.

That's the antibiotic I'm giving you
for the knife wound in your arm.

You're in the middle of a cycle.
If I keep giving you the pills,

you're gonna be
as right as rain.

But I'm gonna stop
giving you the pills.

For two days you're gonna
think you're all good.

Then it's gonna start to itch.

The day after, the fever will come
and you'll see red lines

running up and down your arm.
Day or two after that...

...you'll beg me to take the case
just to cut off your arm.

That's a nice story, Jack.

And even if it were true,

I don't think you could do it.

You're wrong.

She tell you what's inside?

Yeah, me neither.

Hope you got yourself some jaws of life
back in Cave Town.

That's what it's gonna take
to pop this bitch.

I'll figure something out.

I know you think
you're doing her a favour,

but however she talked you
into doing this,

she lied, brother.

We're gonna do this together.

- Why?
- Because that's what I said we'd do.

What are you waiting for?
Open the damn thing!

Hell, now we're talking.
Don't move.

- Please don't. I...
- Shut up.

I let you in.
Now please let the girl go.

Let the girl go?

Man, you have no idea,
do you?

The girl is the one
who set you up.

The girl picked this bank.
Picked this vault.

This whole thing
is the girl's idea.

- What are you doing?
- Easy, Maggie.

Just cleaning up after myself.

You shoot, I shoot.

- Wait. What?
- I said no one gets hurt.

I know you're cold, baby.

But you're not that cold.

What the hell is going on here?

- You shot me, you stupid bitch!
- Shut up, Jason.

I told you not to trust her!

I need the key
to safety deposit box 850 now.

- Who are you?
- The key to the box now.

You need two keys,
the bank's and...

If you had the customer key, why...

I'm not on the signatory card.

You put me up to this
to get into a safe deposit box?

I swear to God,
you better kill me,

- 'cause if you don't...
- My name's not Maggie. Now go.

Anything you want to tell me?

All right then.

Is this it?

Is this what you wanted?

What is it?

- It's nothing.
- What is it, Kate?

You wouldn't understand.

I want the truth.

Just this once.
What is it?

- It belonged to the man I loved.
- The truth.

It belonged
to the man I loved!

Stop lying to me!
The truth!

It belonged to the man I killed!

Your husband was in the tail section
of the plane.

Yes, he was.

But he'll be back.

You think he's still alive?

I know he is.


I just do.

It's a fine line
between denial and faith.

It's much better on my side.

Help me.


I'm not the one
that can help you.

Heavenly father,

we thank you.

We thank you for bringing us
together tonight.

And we ask,

that you show Charlie the path...

The guy from St Tropez,

he had this kid.

A real snot,
who hated me.

His name was Laurent.

He watched this movie
over and over and over again

every day, all day, like kids do,
900 times.

It was the cartoon about fish.

You know,
one of the computer ones.

Why are you telling me this?

The movie was dubbed in French,

and at the end,
there was this song.

Those notations,
they're song lyrics.

And your Frenchwoman,

she's just like Laurent,

'cause she wrote them
over and over again.

What's the song?