London Kills (2019–…): Season 4, Episode 1 - Episode #4.1 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Saskia Dunleavy?

Stay there!

I'm arresting you on
suspicion of murder.

You do not have to say anything,
but it may harm your defense

if you do not mention,
when questioned,

something which you
later rely on in court.

Why don't you talk us through
what happened last night?

I've said all I'm gonna say.

Did you give Vincent the tip-off

about George Stubbs
having drugs in his car?

Are you deaf? No comment.

If I don't get to talk to Rob,

you lot are gonna have
another murder to investigate.


You really wanna take the risk.

Excuse me. I'm a police officer.
I need to use your phone.

- Here you go, mate.
- Cheers.

Yeah, police, please.

It's Detective
Constable Rob Brady.

Yeah, I need police officers
and a murder investigation team.

A woman's been strangled.

Detective Constable.

Detective Inspector Rafiq.

Did you kill her?

No. Of course not.

So, what happened?

I don't remember. I
think I was drugged.

Saskia Dunleavy. She's
in the passenger's seat.

I checked her vital signs,

so there'll be some DNA
cross contamination.

Other than that, I've done my
best not to touch anything.

I'm sorry I've got to do this...

Rob Brady, I'm arresting
you on suspicion of murder.

You do not have to say anything,
but it may harm your defense

if you do not mention,
when questioned,

something which you
later rely on in court.

Anything you do say may
be given in evidence.

- Morning, Sarge.
- Morning.

- Any sign of Rob?
- Not yet.

Why are you asking?

Just wondering how his kids are

now that his family
are back and...

Detective Sergeant Cole.

Oh, hi, Yasmin.

Say that again?

I-Is Rob okay?

Thanks for letting me know.

- What's happened?
- You'd better come with me.

I'm actually pretty
busy right now.

Shut the door.

I've just had Detective
Inspector Yasmin Rafiq

on the phone.

Lucky you.

She attended a crime
scene in Epping Forest.

It was Rob that
called in the 999.

How come?

Well, it seems he
woke up in his car

next to Saskia Dunleavy.

Uh, sorry, remind me.

Their witness in the
Vincent Jarvis inquiry.

So, what was she
doing in Rob's car?

Well, not a lot. She's dead.

Been strangled, apparently.

Rob woke up next to a dead body?

- Yeah.
- Is he all right?

Well, youtell me.


You were asking where
Rob was just now.

It was obvious you were
worried about something.

I spoke to Rob yesterday.

I told him what Saskia Dunleavy
said to me the other night.

Go on.

She said if she didn't
get to speak to Rob

that somebody would end up dead.

Saskia told me she'd
met Rob before,

when she was just a kid.

Under what circumstances?

She wouldn't tell me. Only
wanted to talk to Rob.

So, what did you do?

I called Rob, left a message.

He rang me back
yesterday afternoon.

What did he say?

He took Saskia's number, and
he said he'd give her a ring.

My head's still swimming.

We can delay if you prefer.

No. Let's get it out the way.

So, when did you
last talk to Rob?

He rang me yesterday
evening, around 10:00.

And what did he say?

He'd just dropped a young
woman off in Limehouse.

As a favor to Saskia.

Where had he picked this
young woman up from?

A party. Uh, near
London Fields.

And what was
this young woman's name?

We... We shouldn't
be doing this.

Billie needs to make
a formal statement.

What was her name?


She lives in a squat.

Um, I think Rob said it
was on Thatchwell Street.

Number 22.

Now, Billie, come with me.

I'm gonna take you to
Detective Inspector Rafiq.

This isn't our investigation.

We need to stay away
from it for Rob's sake.

Whatever's happened, I
feel partly responsible.


No, you've done the right thing
coming to talk to us, okay?

Haroun will take your statement.

- This way.
- Thanks.

How's he doing?

Not great. He claims
he was drugged.

Can't remember much of
what happened last night.

Can he tell you
where the party was?

He's given us a name.

Gallery space. We're
checking it out now.

Whoever strangled Saskia, did
they leave DNA on her neck?

That could rule Rob out.

The lab are pretty sure that
Saskia's killer wore gloves.

Either you take me to Elaine

or I drag you down
the police station

and make your life
a living hell.


- Elaine, wake...
- Get off me!

I'm a police officer.

You're not in any trouble.

I just need to talk to
you about Saskia Dunleavy.

Witch. What's she done now?

She's dead.

What happened?

To Saskia.

I'm sorry to say that
Saskia was murdered.

When did you see her last?

Last night.

She was being a right

In what way?

I was at a party.

At Giles's place.

I'm a model.

He hires models sometimes.

It was a good laugh till Saskia
showed up with some copper.

Next thing I know, Giles
is throwing me out.

And what was the
police officer called?


He was okay.

Drove me back here.

It was Saskia who
caused all the aggro.

Why would she do that?

She got it into her head

that Giles was gonna
do something bad to me.

Which is mad because Giles
is a... a really lovely guy.

It was Saskia who
introduced me to him.

Before they fell out.

What did they argue about?

Some skank who went missing.

Saskia kept banging on about
how it was Giles's fault.

What was this "skank" called?


I don't know her last name.

When did she go missing?

Couple of weeks ago.

Giles seemed to think that
she went back up North, but...

Saskia was convinced
something terrible

had happened to her.

And your name is?

Giles Abercrombie.

- You live here?
- Upstairs.

What is this place?

Gallery, performance
space. You name it.

You had a party last night?

We certainly did.

Can I ask what this is about?

We're investigating a murder.

Saskia Dunleavy.


What happened?

Well, I was hoping you
could tell me that.

Was she here last night?


But she was fine when she left.

What time was that?

About midnight.

She left with one of your lot.

A police officer.

They left together.

You sure about that?


I was worried he was
too out of it to drive,

but I didn't dare say anything,

with him being a copper and all.

When you say "out of it,"
do you mean he was drunk?

No way. Not drunk.

That guy had taken something.

Do I have to do this?

Your friend has been murdered.

You need to make a
formal statement.

Detective Constable Farook
will look after you.

This way.

Who's that?

Elaine Latimer.

The young woman Rob
drove home last night.

I thought I'd save Detective
Inspector Rafiq a job.

Track the girl down
and bring her in.

That's very generous of you.

Well, you know me.

All heart.

I've spoken to a witness
who saw you and Saskia

leave the party together
just after midnight.

I don't remember doing that.


This is CCTV from a
camera on the street

where the party was held.

It was taken at five
minutes after midnight.

Is that you?

I don't know.

I don't think so.

But is... is that your coat?


But that isn't my baseball cap.

Are you sure?


We need to find this Kitty.

We should still have access

to Saskia Dunleavy's
phone records.

See if you can find
a Kitty in there.

I hate to sound like
a broken record...

I'm fully aware this isn't
our investigation, Sergeant.

If we find anything
useful, we'll pass it on.

Kitty McGuire. 17 years old.

Grew up in care.

Moved down from Manchester
three months ago.

I found a series of texts
between Saskia and Kitty.

Those texts stopped
two weeks ago.

When I spoke to Elaine, she
told me Kitty went missing

two weeks ago.

So Kitty could be dead.

Maybe that's why Saskia
was so determined

to get Elaine away from
that party last night.

Because whoever killed
Kitty was there.

So did that person
kill Saskia too?

And if they did, why?

To stop her talking, presumably.

We need to pass this on to
the official investigation.

David Bradford.

Yeah, of course, mate.
I'll be right there.

Rob has asked to see me.

Tell him we're all
thinking of him.

Will do.

What will I do with this intel?

Pass it on. I'm
not stopping you.

I'm not stopping you from
following it up either.

I'll talk to Detective
Inspector Rafiq.

Do you want me to carry on

looking into Kitty
McGuire's disappearance?

I don't suppose it
can do any harm.

Sit yourself down.

Billie said that Saskia was
desperate to get hold of you.

What was that about?

She told me that
we'd met before.

When she was a kid in care.

I'd arrested the bloke that
was abusing one of her friends.

But you didn't recognize her?

No. It was years ago.

According to Saskia, I saved her
friend's life back in the day.

Then last night, she told me

there was another girl
in serious danger.

She wanted me to go to a party.

And you went along with that?

Saskia was upset.

Really distressed.

When I got to the party, all I
did was flash my warrant card.

Asked the host to
chuck a girl out.

- Elaine?
- That's right. Elaine.

I drove her back to
her squat in Limehouse.

And what time was that?

About 11:00.

Just as I was about to head
home, Saskia texted me.

She was still at the party.

And what did the text say?


So you went back.

I asked the host,
Giles something,

where Saskia was.

He went off to find her.

Then someone offered me a drink.

And you accepted?

It had been a really long night.

You'll be glad to hear that
Elaine is safe and well.

I brought her in.


She mentioned a
girl called Kitty.

A friend of Saskia's.

No one's seen her for two weeks.

I don't want you anywhere
near this investigation.

Why do you think I called 999
instead of ringing your phone?

Tell me...

Have you got access
to the crime scene?

The place where
the party was held?

Witness statements? Forensics?


Well, then, how the hell
can you investigate?

You and I both know

all you're gonna do
is get in the way.

I want you to allow

Detective Inspector
Rafiq to do her job.

I just wish they'd given
it to someone else.

What's your problem with her?

Are you being serious?

Is there any female
officer in this service

that you haven't slept with?

It was ages ago.

Before I was married.

You're unbelievable.

Yasmin, um,
we've found some evidence

relating to the
Saskia Dunleavy case.

Has this got anything to
do with David Bradford

interfering with my witnesses?

The missing girl, Kitty McGuire,

it's got to be
worth following up.

It is. And we will.

And you want us to back off.

Look, if one of my team
was under suspicion,

I'd feel the same, but...

But you'd play by the rules.

I went back to that party.

After that, I don't
remember anything.

All I do remember is waking
up next to a dead woman.

They've got CCTV of
someone that looks like me

driving my car to Epping Forest.

Was it me?

I haven't got a clue.

This will be okay.

I promise.

Will it?

You and I both know
they are just words.

Aaah! Get off me!

Go, go, go, go, go!

Why the hell didn't your team
drive Elaine Latimer home?

- Sorry?
- She's just been abducted!

From outside this building!
Two guys in a van.

I've already circulated
the registration

and the photos I took.

- What, you were there?
- Yes, I was there!

But too far away to intervene.

She's a vulnerable witness.

You let her just walk
out the front door!

She wasn't under arrest.

She wanted to go. What
was I supposed to do?

I'm gonna go and find her.

- Detective Inspector!
- What?!

The minute you get a sniff
of where that girl is,

you hand your
intelligence over to me.

Bad news on the van.
The plates are false.

Well, it doesn't mean we
can't track it, though.

Of course. I'm still hopeful

it might show up
on ANPR or CCTV.

How did those guys know

that Elaine was
in this building?

They must have followed
you from the squat

I wasn't followed.

I'd know if I was
being followed.

Or Elaine told
someone she was here.

Which means she must
have made a call.

Elaine Latimer's
phone's switched off,

so no live cell site.

At 10:25, however,

Elaine made a call
on her mobile.

I brought her in here
at half past 9:00.

She was definitely
in this building

when she made that call.

Do you know who she rang?

Yeah. The subscriber
is a Giles Abercrombie.

Both Rob and Elaine said
the host of the party

was called Giles.

It's got to be the same guy.

I thought you'd want to know...

We found two sets of tire
tracks in the forest.

Rob's, obviously.

The other set were made by a
wider, commercial tread pattern.

A van.

Look, I'll level with you.

My whole team think
that Rob's been set up.

We reckon someone else drove
Rob's car to Epping Forest.

What we've been wondering is
how the other person got away.

- In a van?
- Yeah. That's how it's looking.

Giles Abercrombie has
to be one of them.

Elaine phones and tells
him she's in this building.

The moment she walks
outside, he grabs her.

Trust me. We'll find them.

I wouldn't trust
her to run a bath.

Elaine said Kitty went
missing two weeks ago,

around the same time
Giles Abercrombie

threw one of his parties.

So Kitty was there at the party.

Definitely. She posted
about a hundred photos.

There were loads of
her with this guy.

Who's he?

She tagged him as Xander.

A quick check on
Companies House tells me

that Giles Abercrombie
and Xander Gray

are joint directors
of three companies,

including the one
that owns the gallery.

So who is Xander Gray?


Due to inherit billions
when his parents die.

He was also at the
party last night.

And then there's this.

What was Gray accused of?

False imprisonment
and sexual assault.

The complainant was
a 17-year-old girl.

Do we know why the
accusation was dropped?

The complainant
changed her story.

Said it was a misunderstanding.

In other words,
she was paid off.

When she first went to
the police, she told them

that he got hold of
her by the throat.

Sounds like a
pattern is emerging.

Okay. Let's have a
word with Mr. Gray.

I spoke to his P.A.

She said he's on his
way to the gallery

that he owns in London Fields.

Oh, that must be the place
that Rob went to last night.

Right. We'll
meet him there.

Billie, you stay
here, man the phones.

We get a trace of that van,
I need to know straightaway.

- Of course.
- I want this locked down.

Sorry, sir?

I don't want Detective
Inspector Rafiq

knowing what I'm doing.

What... What do I
say if she asks?


Vivienne, come with me.

We so shouldn't be doing this.

Is this going to take long?
'Cause I am super busy today.

I'm Detective Inspector
David Bradford.

This is my colleague
Detective Sergeant Cole.

We'd just like to ask
you a few questions.

About what?

Where you were last night.

Between 10:00 p.m. and
1:00 in the morning.

I was here. At a party.

For some of the time, anyways.
I didn't stay too long.

With Giles Abercrombie?

Yeah. He's a business
associate of mine.

Do you know where
Mr. Abercrombie is now?

Right now? I'm afraid I don't.

Do you recognize...

this young woman?

No. Who is she?

Her name is Saskia Dunleavy.

Ring any bells?

None. Sorry.

She was found dead this
morning. Strangled.

I'm sorry to hear that.

I do hope you find
whoever is responsible.

What happened to your face?

It's my own stupid fault.

I've just got a
very lively puppy,

and I, uh, I got too close.

You should get those seen to.

They look... they look deep.

I'm fine.

Now, is there anything else?

'Cause I really
must be somewhere.

That's it. Thanks for
your help, Mr. Gray.

We'll see ourselves out.

Billie. Hi.

Um, Xander Gray's got deep
scratches on his face.

Can you find out from the lab
whether they discovered any DNA

under Saskia
Dunleavy's fingernails?

Yeah, thanks.

That was smart thinking.

Well, it's worth a try.

Anything to get Rob off.

Where's he going?

Let's find out.

Do you think
they've got Elaine in there?

I can't see the van.

There's only one
way to find out.

We haven't got a warrant.

Life is at risk.
We don't need one.

What? I'm not gonna knock
on the door and ask nicely.

What if these people panic
and injure the poor girl?

Or worse.

Please. David.

Wait for backup.

You do not tell me what
I should and shouldn't do

just because we shared a moment.

That has nothing
to do with this.


You seem to forget I'm
your senior officer.

You're accusing me of
being unprofessional?

What if you break in and there
and there is no sign of Elaine?

How will you explain that?

Unlike you, I'm willing
to take the chance.

Well, it won't just
be you in trouble.

You know, you're right.

That's why I'm
standing you down.

- You're doing what?
- Go back to base.

Well, how am I supposed do that?

I don't know. Take
a taxi. Or a bus.

I can't leave you on your own.

Just go. That is an order.

Who is he?

I'm a police officer...

Stop talking or I'll do
you some real damage.

What were you thinking?

Give me a hand moving him.

This is a nightmare.

This is David Bradford.
Leave me a message.

- What are we going to do now?
- Will you give it a rest?

I didn't tell the
police anything.

I swear.

Only because you thought you
could get some cash out of me.

Billie, it's me. I
need urgent assistance.


Ah, um, the search
team have found

a shallow grave
in Epping Forest.

We think it might be the
missing girl, Kitty McGuire.

So Saskia was right.


Where are you going?

What's your detective
inspector up to now?

Who's that?

Detective Sergeant
Vivienne Cole.

I'm looking for my colleague,

Detective Inspector
David Bradford.

- He's not here.
- I think he is.

Well, you'd better get
a search warrant, then.

Do you really want
to play this game?

I don't know what you mean.

I also have reason to believe

that Elaine Latimer is here.


This is all down to
Xander Gray, isn't it?

Is Elaine okay?


But your mate, the copper,
Xander locked him up.

I don't know what to do.

What the hell is
Giles playing at?

Do not move.

Hello again. Xander Gray, I am
arresting you on suspicion...


- Let him go, Giles!
- Get off me!

Stop! Police!

Hands behind your back.

Xander Gray,

I'm arresting you on suspicion
of the murder of Saskia Dunleavy

and Kitty McGuire.

You do not have to say anything,

but it may harm your defense
if you do not mention,

when questioned, something which
you later rely on in court.

Anything you do say may
be given in evidence.


Am I glad to see you.


We told the girls we could
get them modeling jobs.

All they had to do was
come to our parties.

Is that how you
met Kitty McGuire?


Saskia brought her.

Xander told me what
happened with Kitty.

They were having sex.

He said it was an accident.

Did you believe him?

Until last night.

When he strangled
Saskia Dunleavy?

I went upstairs.

She was just lying there.

Xander said I had to
help him move her body...

pin it on that police officer.

He said I was already
an accessory...

because I dug the hole
he buried Kitty in.

Who drove the car?

I did.

Xander made me put that
detective's coat on.

He followed in the van.

Look, I thought
he was all right.

I thought he was my friend.

But he's crazy.

You don't look too clever, boss.

I'll live.

Did you find out why Elaine
phoned Giles Abercrombie

from the police station?

She'd worked out it was
those two who killed Saskia.

She was asking for
money to keep quiet.

I think she's
learned her lesson.


- Hey.
- Hi.


We analyzed the DNA

found under Saskia
Dunleavy's fingernails.

It's a match.

With yours.

That will be because
I killed her.

And why did you do that?

Because she wouldn't shut up.

And Kitty McGuire?

The same.

Yap, yap, yap.

What did she say?

That I was hurting her.

Why couldn't she just
keep her trap shut?

Why can't any of you
women ever stay quiet?!

I hear the sarge saved my bacon.

It was a team effort.

I presume that means you didn't
listen to a word I said, then.

I did try to stay away
from the investigation.

- For about two minutes.
- I did.

I went for a coffee.

Next thing I know, Elaine
Latimer's being abducted

right in front of me.


Sure. I'll let him know.

That was Detective
Inspector Rafiq, sir.

She'd like to talk
to you in her office.

Sounds like you're gonna
get your legs slapped.

She should be down on
her knees thanking me.

We did her job for her.

Go home, mate.

I feel like a naughty schoolboy

reporting to the
headmistress's office.

Well, I should report you
after what you did today.

But you're not going to.

You know full well I can't.
Under the present circumstances.

I'm sorry.

You always are.

Can I buy you a drink?

Uh, I'm just gonna head home.

I think you might need one.

A mate of mine works
at London Central.

And when you were
there the other night,

something got caught on CCTV.


You and the detective inspector.

Has anyone else seen this?

I don't know.

What about Vivienne?
Does she have any idea?

No. She hasn't a clue.

- What about you and her?
- I've shut that down.

