Little Women (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 9 - Episode #1.9 - full transcript

In-joo is in grave danger following an encounter with a mysterious visitor abroad. In-kyung offers to make a deal to save her older sister.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I want to see…

my 70 billion won

before I go.


You had a tough time bringing it here.

Of course, you can see it one last time.


love it when you make that face.

You're like a little child

who lost her toy.

I was having so much fun
until just a moment ago.

Did you think I'd be that stupid?

Did you seriously think that I'd believe

Hwa-young was alive?


To think that you could
do something with that thing…

You really must be stupid.

No matter what you do,
this story will end with your death.

If I die,

how are you going to find
the 70 billion won?

That chump change
doesn't mean anything to me.

Do you think this is about money?

I'm an artist.

I'll just imagine that I filmed
a 70-billion-won blockbuster.

Did you do it?


I got bored while waiting.

Don't you know that you could get fined
just for littering in Singapore?


Are you here for the money?

Too bad. It's not here.

I have a good idea.

You two fought over the money.

Then she ended up shooting you

and jumped to her death.

It's a nice ending, wouldn't you say?

You saved me the trouble
of searching for our dirty rat.

I'm not here for the money.

Honey, stop.

What the hell?

Your phone was off.

So I'm only here to pass you this call.

Why do you keep butting in?

You're so annoying!

You promised not to cause a fuss
until the election was over.

This won't cause a fuss.

My preparations were thorough.

Everything will wrap up nicely.

I can't give up on this one!

You can,

since your entire fortune is on the line.

What fortune?


This is reporter Oh In-kyung.

I've secured the ledgers
of the slush funds managed by your family.

I stayed up all night going through them.

I knew it'd be a lot,

but I didn't expect to see
numbers in the trillions.

Who do you think you are?

How dare you do this to me?

Honey, can't you just kill her?

I've made sure that the ledgers
will be revealed if I die.

This is an exclusive that could turn
the entire country upside down,

so it wasn't easy for me either

since I had to choose between this
and my sister's life.

I'm getting the shorter end of the stick,
but let's make a deal.

The ledgers for my sister.

No. Don't do it, In-kyung.

Be quiet before I change my mind, In-joo.

I absolutely hate them!


Director Shin Hyeon-min,
who wrote these ledgers,

was the first among us to fall from grace.

More than 3 trillion won
was embezzled over 25 years.

You're talking as if he did this alone.

This proves that you were all in on it.

We don't call those
who save money for our organization

as having "fallen from grace."

People who "fall from grace" are those

who fail to give up their lives
when the need arises.

Director Shin's fear of death
got him into gambling.

His father was a strong soldier
who saved a general's life in the war.

But his son was a weak man
for some reason.

By "organization,"

do you mean Jeongran Society?

Are members of Jeongran Society
who receive the orchid forced to die

if they do not voluntarily choose death?

Do you know

that I deeply respect you, Ms. Oh?

I've met countless reporters
throughout my political career,

but none of them
have made me nervous like you do.

I'll take that as a yes.

Have you ever wondered

why you're still alive?

Are you asking me if I know why
you people haven't killed me yet?

You can never harm me.

The savings bank case ended
with you being fired,

and your question about my real estate
only made me more popular.

One might even think

that you're working for me.

Wait and see.

The day will come when I'll be reporting

about Jeongran Society
on the nine o'clock news.

When you were a trainee,

you were famous among the victims
in the savings bank case.

For doing such an earnest job

when you knew
the story wouldn't make the news.

That's why you got so many tip-offs.

So I asked the desk

if it was okay to leave you be.

Here's what they said.

"It's better to keep her here
for us to see how far she gets."

You're not talking about

Department Head Jo Wan-gyu, are you?

Typhoons, fires, family suicides…

Have you ever wondered
why they made you report

only those kinds of stories?

What Mr. Jo said was interesting.

"She should have given up by now,

but she's so tenacious
because she grew up poor."

I don't need the broadcasting station.

There are other ways.

That's right.


without these ledgers,

who would believe your story?

No one has believed you so far…

and no one ever will.

Mr. Choi.


is dead.

I'm sorry.

You must have been startled

after I ran away with the money.

It's my fault.

I should have considered
all the possibilities.

I never expected you to betray me.

I thought you trusted me.

It's not that I didn't trust you.

It's just that…

I wanted to see Hwa-young so badly.

I was going to split the money later.

But where's the money?

And what are those bricks?

The 70 billion won…

is at MacPherson Station,

in locker number six.

Mrs. Foster brought me those bricks.

This is the key to the locker.

I'm giving you this
because I completely trust you.

I think

I might pass out soon.

If I die like this…

You won't.

But still…

If I never wake up,

please make sure

my sisters receive their share.

I beg of you.

Park Jae-sang told me something about you,

but I don't believe him.
It has to be a lie.

By any chance,
do you know about Jeongran Society?

You're the one who taught me
what it meant to be a reporter.

You taught me how to gather information
and how to write articles.

You told me not to give in to anyone

since we pursue the truth.

You said we had nothing to fear
except for history and the public.

After I got fired from HTN,

I managed to get by for three years.

But I came to a dead end
when my wife got sick.

A cousin of mine drove a tow truck.

I followed him around for months to learn.

Guess how that turned out.

There were many days
when I couldn't get any work.

That's when

our CEO came to me asking,

"Shouldn't you keep working
as a reporter?"

That's when I received an orchid

and met General Won Gi-seon.

The pledge was simple.

"I entrust my life and death
to Jeongran Society."

"It shall remain confidential
unless otherwise authorized."

As long as I stayed loyal
to Jeongran Society,

I was able to enjoy
full freedom as a reporter.

I was given the discretion to report

according to my conscience.


You rejected all my stories
about the savings bank victims repeatedly

saying it wasn't newsworthy.

When I was known as a troublemaker,

you tried to make me give up

by making me cover typhoons,
fires, and family suicides,

knowing that they were my weaknesses.

You're right.

I tried to make you give up.

So that you'd understand
that there are other paths in this world.

Did you do that to get me to join

Jeongran Society?

When I hung my orchid on the Father Tree,

I felt free for the first time.

Those from poor families will understand

that only children with wealthy parents
can play around freely.

How would things have been
if you had a father who could support you?

You would've made your name
as a brilliant young reporter.

I wanted

to give you a father like that.

Someone who could raise you--

I don't need a father like that!

In fact, I don't need a father at all.

Being a reporter is nothing.

Who says I'd go that far
to become a reporter?

If I were you,

I would have done anything
to become a tow truck driver.

If I couldn't,
I could have driven something else.

Everyone needs a father like that.

A world where you can go
from the lowest to the highest place

regardless of who your parents are.

That's a world
that is truly equal and just.

If Park Jae-sang becomes
the mayor of Seoul and then the president,

everyone can be
a part of Jeongran Society.

You must have lost your mind.

I had no idea this was who you were.

I was even ready to go
to the depths of hell if you told me to.

You'll find out soon

how big

and how powerful we are.

Ma-ri will become the mayor's spokesperson

and someone will have to
fill her position.

Think about it.

Don't you want to be able to cover
all the stories you want as a reporter?

Or you can keep your head down
and live a quiet life.

If you don't, you'll die.

And your death is going to be meaningless.


am I supposed to go on

now that I know
what kind of person my mom is?

There's something I promised myself…

when my mom

took off with the money for my field trip.

"I'm going to live without my mom."

Let's run away, In-hye.

Let's go far away and never come back.

Then let's leave right away
before anyone finds out.

Right now?

Tomorrow after school.

We'll come up with a plan until then.

We'll tell the academy
that we're practicing for our play.

Then no one will notice
that we're gone until 11 p.m.

And we'll have to land
in another country before then.

How about we go to Japan

and hide near a hot spring
in the countryside?

We'll go to Tokyo
and take a train to Hokkaido.

From there, we'll enter Russia.

The Rubens Room at the Hermitage Museum…

While we sit there,

we'll be able to forget
that we have no moms.

After that, let's take a ferry to Finland.

We'll spend the summer
in a small cabin in the woods

like the Moomins.

We'll pick raspberries and blueberries

and sell our paintings at the market.

Can we really do that?

It sounds like a dream.

He turned out to be such a scary person.

It was my lifelong wish
to have him compliment me just once.

What was I doing all this time?

And for whom?

What kind of news did I want to report?


Do you want to go to the States with me?


My grandpa's test results came out
and he's fine.

And he's nagging me to go get my degree.

You wanted to study too, right?

What is that supposed to mean?

Is this

something similar to what you said before?

I want you to put
Jeongran Society behind you.

You've done enough

and it's too dangerous.

I want you to move on with your life.

It seems

that everything is so easy for you.

When there's trouble,
you can always go to the States.

But this seems to be
the only place I can live in.

So I'm going to stay here until the end
and solve all my problems.

Back then,

when we were 24,

I really wanted to study abroad.

It was my dream.

But you said you were going abroad
not because you wanted to study,

but because you had nothing better to do.

You also said that if I married you,
I could come with you.

And that we should study together
with your father's money.

Do you know how much
I hated you for saying that?

I stopped talking to you for years

because I couldn't tell you
how miserable that made me feel.

"Everything comes easily
when you have money."

"Life must be like a game to him."

Back then, I was young
and made it sound like a joke.

But I should have been more clear

and said that I really liked you.

And that I wanted to marry you
because I couldn't see myself

in love with anyone else.

You must have been mistaken.

We went through a lot together
at an early age.

Like your mother passing away
and your father getting remarried.

The way you felt about me
was what psychologists call "attachment."

And biologists call it "imprinting."

But that's different from romance.

It's much closer to kinship.

What is romance anyway?

Doesn't marriage make two people a family?

For me…

When I'm with you,

my brain produces alpha waves.

The peaceful waves you get
when you're meditating or resting.

Romance is meant to be
exciting and thrilling.

It increases your heart rate.

In-joo was right.

I should have been the one
to draw the line.

Let's call it a day.

Do you think you couldn't go abroad then
because of money?

It was because of your family.

I wanted to take you someplace far away.

I wanted to see
who you'd become in a different world.

You can do that now.

You can let go of your guilt now.

That's what I wanted to tell you today.

You were right, sir.

I can't do this

through the news.

What happened?

I handed over the ledgers
to Park Jae-sang.

And now,

I have nothing.

That's good.

Once I kill Park Jae-sang,

you can tell the world my story.

Let me join you

in killing Park Jae-sang.


Oh, my gosh!

What are you doing?

Why were you watching me sleep?

In case you might die.

I slept so well.

I put the money in a paper company
under your name.

You're the CEO and I'm the director.

We'll fly over to Greece today
and split the money sixty-forty there.

A broker found a place
where you can stay temporarily.

It's a consulting company that I trust.

They'll help you settle
when your sisters arrive.

This accountant will get in touch
with you about your assets.

I've made a plan for you

so you can live off your assets
without losing a cent.

Are you going somewhere, Mr. Choi?

You're talking as if
we'll never meet again.

Director Won Sang-a gets bored easily.

Once she gets back to Korea
and finds a new goal,

she'll forget all about you.

But she'll never forget about me.

Things are much more complicated
between me and those people.

After the transaction has been finalized,

it's best if we never meet again.

It's for your own safety.


I thought we could stay in touch
through social media.


Where have you been?

Dad scolded me
when he found out you were gone.

I'm sorry, Hyo-rin.

Did I put you through too much trouble?

Have you been well, In-hye?


To make it up to you,
I brought a ton of gifts.


You know I attend
the Orchid Festival every year.

I was going to skip it this year
because of the election,

but then I realized

that I didn't want to
give up living my life

just because your dad became a politician.

What did you do there?

I had my eyes on this particular orchid,

but I failed to get it in the end.

I don't regret it though.

I've been forcing a smile
in front of cameras every day.

But while I was there,

I felt alive.

I get what you mean.
I'm practicing for a play these days,

and I feel something like that.


What role do you play?

A serial killer.


I wouldn't call Macbeth a serial killer.

I mean, a few people can be killed
for one to become king.

Is that so?


You must be tired from the flight.

I got some sleep.

Have you been outside?

I came home from Garak Market to see you.

I heard you were joining my visit
to the children's hospital.

You can rest if you're tired.

Why would I be tired?

I can make it.

She brought gifts?

That makes me sick.

I've always wondered

why everything felt so fake at home.

But it turns out
everything really is fake.

All of it.

That was some stellar acting back there.

I pushed myself
because I didn't want to lose.

Do you have all the cash,
bankbooks, and bonds with you?


Can you keep them for me?

You know how forgetful I can be.

You have to leave in seven minutes, sir.

You're leaving already?

-Come with me for a second.

I have something to show you.

What is it?

Five minutes, sir!

Five minutes is enough, right?

I've been thinking about you
the entire time.

You promised to protect me no matter what.

How far

can you go for me?

I can do anything for you.

I'll prove it to you.

You know that, right?

That reporter.

Kill her.

I'm going to.

I have a plan.

Just kill her now.

Don't hesitate.

I was humiliated.

Are you okay with your wife
living in humiliation?

Can't you do that much for me?

I can. I will.

Get rid of Reporter Oh In-kyung today.


I thought you wanted to wait
until the election was over.

I want it done before I get off work.

Yes, sir.

Jong-ho, what is it?

In-kyung is gone.

What do you mean?

I came to her house
because I couldn't contact her.

The house was a complete mess.

There are footprints everywhere,

and the parrot…

Did you call the police?

They said she's not been gone for long,
so I can't report her missing.

But they said the fire station
can track her phone

if a family member requested it in person.

When can you come?

Even if I leave right away,
it'll take at least seven hours.

Could you visit
the emergency centers around Seoul

and see if In-kyung is
among the car accident patients?

Also, tell the Han River patrol
what she looks like.


You don't think anything bad
happened to her, do you?

Can you wait for a moment

until I come up with a plan?

No, I can't.

I'm grateful for the offer,

but I'm going back to Korea.

It's my fault if something happens to her.

You're in danger too.

We need a plan before we go.

It's because I can't come with you.

Mr. Choi.

What happens to the money if I die?

When the CEO dies,

as the director,
I will be in charge of the money

under commercial law.

Then I will say this before I go,
just in case.

Among all the people I've met in my life,

you've been the kindest to me.

So I'm putting my trust in you.

If something happens,

please make sure
my sisters receive their share.


How is't with me,

when every noise appalls me?

What hands are here?
Ha, they pluck out mine eyes.

Will all great Neptune's ocean
wash this blood clean from my hand?

No, this my hand will rather

the multitudinous seas incarnadine,
making the green one red.

No, this my hand will rather

the multitudinous seas incarnadine,
making the green one red.

Lady Macbeth?

In-hye, it's your turn to appear on stage.

Ma'am, I haven't seen In-hye
for a while now.

Where did she go?

Did she go home early today?

Try calling her.

Her phone is off.

What happened?

Hyo-rin, are you okay?


We'll go to Tokyo
and take a train to Hokkaido.

From there, we'll enter Russia.

The Rubens Room at the Hermitage Museum…

While we sit there,

we'll be able to forget
that we have no moms.

Tell me, Hyo-rin.

What happened?

The Immigration Office said
that In-hye left for Japan today at 4 p.m.

Did you know about this?

Your bankbooks, bonds,
and cash are gone from your safe.

In-hye took them, didn't she?

If you don't tell me,

I'll have to call the police.

Is that okay?

I gave them to her.


I told her to go far away

and see all the paintings
that she wanted to see.

But you two were planning
to study abroad together.

Why would she leave so far away

alone with all that money?


I've been to countless galleries
around the world since I was young.

But In-hye has never been abroad.

That's why I told her to go.

She'll be back in a few days.

In a few days?

We'll hear from her soon.

So please…

don't call the police.

"The room that I locked myself up in
a long time ago."

"I can never…

leave this room."


You're up already.

Have this if you get hungry.

What did you tell Hyo-rin?

That you left alone for Japan.

I couldn't tell her

that I kidnapped you from school, could I?

Did she cry?

How long will it take for her to forget?


Do you think

you won't be able to leave this room?

It was 2,922 days.

How did that person manage

to live that long in a place like this?

How do you know about that?

I saw it in your album.

She was cut out of every picture.

She's your mother, right?

There are so many pictures of her.

She was so close to you.

No one knew

that my mom once lived here.

You'll end up

just like her.

I told you, didn't I?

That I like secrets.

"Closed room."

Will I end up…

hanging myself there?

I'd love to paint that scene.

She couldn't have run away from home.

The security cables happened to be cut off

and the CCTV cameras were turned off.

No ordinary person
would kill a parrot like this.

She was definitely kidnapped
by a professional.


People are not kidnapped that easily.

Does the missing person have a boyfriend?


I'm not her boyfriend.

-Ms. Oh In-kyung's phone has been tracked.
-Let's see.

Her phone was last used
somewhere in Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do.

Does she know anyone there?


Let's see.

"St. Benedictus Psychiatric Hospital"?



Hello, I'm calling from
St. Benedictus Psychiatric Hospital.

Is this Ms. Oh In-joo's guardian?

I'm Oh In-joo.

You are?

Where are you?

You suddenly disappeared
from the hospital, so I was worried.


Yes, it's her.

That's my sister.

She came to the hospital alone, right?

And she checked in as Oh In-joo?

Yes, she said
she wanted to be hospitalized.

That's ridiculous.

Why would she want to be admitted
to a psychiatric hospital?

She wanted to be treated
for her alcoholism.

Then where on earth is she now?

How can a patient just disappear
from a hospital?

You're on the right track,

but you're asking
the wrong questions, Ms. Oh In-kyung.

Instead of asking
how much Park Il-bok's land was worth,

you should have asked why he had it.

Did you know that most of
Park Il-bok's land that you found

profited greatly through
the City Development Project?


Thank you for your email.

Who are you?

Could I talk to you in person?


Thank you for your email.

My name is Won Sang-woo.

I'm General Won Gi-seon's son
and Director Won Sang-a's brother.

I'm in a place
where no one can enter or leave.

I wrote everything in my previous email.

I hope this helps you cover the story.

This is my last chance. I want to take it.

If he testifies in public,
it will have a tremendous impact.

He is General Won Gi-seon's son

and Wonryeong Industry's former CEO.

He is also at the center
of the Bobae Savings Bank case.

Is Sang-woo

at St. Benedictus Psychiatric Hospital?

How did you know?

I know that hospital well.

I oversaw its construction when it was
called the Seonjin Welfare Center.

I was also the supervisor
when it became a hospital in 1998.

Give me a second.

The first three are the plumbing plans
for Seonjin Welfare Center.

The next three are the air duct plans
for St. Benedictus Psychiatric Hospital.

Because of the floor area ratio,

we added new floors to the building
with the original pipes intact.

Back then, every air duct in the building
was connected at the center.

The central ventilation system is
installed in the kitchen.

Think of it as a terminal
to all the vents in the building.

And there is a duct
big enough to fit a person.

Have you ever received guerrilla training?


Are you athletic?


Can you stay in dark
and dirty places for a long time?

That, I can do.

This is no ordinary psychiatric hospital.


It says that it was remodeled
from the Seonjin Welfare Center in 1998.

In the 1980s, the Seonjin Welfare Center
illegally confined and enslaved

vagrants, street vendors, alcoholics,
and even ordinary people.

Director Sim Jae-seung,
a member of Jeongran Society

died in a car accident
after being exposed in 2004.

In-kyung might be locked up
somewhere in here.

How else would you explain
those footprints and the dead parrot?


I believe In-kyung entered
this place on purpose.


Why would she do that?

To see someone here.

Did you sleep well?

The new meds are doing wonders for me.

I slept soundly through the night.

Then let's keep you
on the same meds for now.

See you tomorrow.

Thank you.

Mr. Won Sang-woo.

I'm Reporter Oh In-kyung.

What's going on?

I'm sorry to show up like this.

Could you open the vent
using that screwdriver?

Why go to such lengths to see me?

I really wanted to ask you something.

And I also had something to tell you.

I was told you were tenacious
when it comes to doing the right thing.

I'm sorry?

That's what someone told me about you.

Anyway, go ahead.

I believed you were at the center
of the Bobae Savings Bank case.

You were in charge
of financing the project

and pocketed the 140 billion won
that was borrowed illegally.

But why are you locked up in here?

What do you think is at the core
of the Bobae Savings Bank case?

Business-government collusion?

Corruption in issuing permits?

Non-performing loans?

The worst thing about this case is

that they ran the bank to the ground
when they failed to receive a permit

and their business came to a halt
despite their incessant lobbying.

So the bank run wasn't caused
by non-performing loans?

They made the bank go under on purpose?

When a bank goes bankrupt,
the loans don't have to be paid back.

The government, insurance companies,
and account holders

are there to cover the damages.

I ended up here

while trying to expose that.

Why do you think they want
their own as the mayor of Seoul

and also as the president?

It's because they learned

that permits are at the core
of every business venture.

What do you think will happen
if Park Jae-sang becomes the mayor?

Keep your eye on the projects he approves,

and the owners of the land
involved in those projects.

You were focused on
how much Park Il-bok's land was worth,

but the real question is
what became of the lands he owned

and what they will become in the future.

We need you to testify, sir.

Who would believe what a lunatic says?

I'll back you up with proof.

I'll look into the evidence,
the circumstances, and the witnesses.

I believe the truth is bound to come out.

All you have to do
is testify with courage.

How will I even leave this place?

Even if I did,
I'll become a target right away.

I'm here to get you out.

I'll keep you safe outside.

We have the support
of someone we can trust.

How could you not have
recognized Oh In-kyung in the first place?

She slipped by using her sister's name.

It's Mr. Park's biggest concern.

If we fail to catch her here,
we will both face a grim future.

I'm sorry, ma'am.

We will end up in a very dark place.

In-kyung hasn't been caught yet.
She's safe for now.

I can't let someone like her
catch my sister.

We have to stop her.


By any means necessary.

Have you checked up on the VIP?

Yes, his doctor saw him ten minutes ago.

He slept well and is doing fine.

What's that?

It's the fire alarm.




-Security! Follow me!
-Yes, sir.

Tell them to get that woman.

Yes, ma'am.

In-kyung, run! It's In-joo!

A dangerous woman is here!
She's here to get you!



Run, In-kyung! Hurry!

Let's go to the rooftop.

Damn it.

-Open up!

Ms. Go, I believe I owe you something.

How many strikes did I take?


It was five!

I'm a bookkeeper, so I can't stand it
when the numbers don't add up.

I lost my two billion won
after getting hit five times.

I didn't think
I'd ever get to pay you back.

Do you think you'll be able
to deal with the consequences?

My men will be here any minute.

What do you plan on doing?

If I'm going to die soon,

I'll hit you five times before I do.

I think I finally get what you told me.

You said that everyone is honest
when they're faced with violence.

Damn it.


What are you doing?

Let go of me!

-Stay away or I'll drop her!

In-joo, call the police.

Hold on a second.

-Get her!

Fine. Let go of me!

The VIP is gone.

They were trying to distract me.

Lock them in the basement
until we find the VIP.

Are you okay?

Yes, I'm fine.

That way.


My sister was at the hospital.

I need to go get her.

I sent someone there just in case.


What's going on?

Let's get out of here.

Why are you here?

I tried my best to come up with a plan.

But I couldn't, so I just came.


You crazy little…

I almost died because of you.

What happened to you?

It's nothing.

Are you all right?

Are you not hurt?

You're hurt.


Mr. Won, have you been well?

Yes, what about you?

I never sent you
a picture of my winter coat, did I?

Oh, right.

I'll show it to you now.


I won't ask you for anything else.


Peace is all I ask for.


In three days,

Park Jae-sang will be holding
a large rally somewhere in Seoul.

I'm planning to be ready by then.

Do you have to kill him?

If we don't, none of us will be able
to carry on a normal life anymore.

But the situation has changed.

Mr. Won Sang-woo is here.

If we reveal the truth

behind Park Jae-sang and the savings bank
in the next three days--

Didn't you say yesterday that you
couldn't do this through the news?

That was when I was about to give up.

But I'd no longer
be a reporter if I did that.

I'm going to use the news.

Okay, I get it.

Then you're out.

Everyone having second thoughts
is free to go.

I was going to do this alone anyway.



Have you tried to reach her?


I think we have to go and bring her.

I'll go.

Let's ask someone in Park Jae-sang's house
to see what's going on.

I'll come with you.

Be careful, In-joo. I'll call you.

How could you lose that sneaky reporter
and let Sang-woo…

out into the world?

I'm truly sorry, sir.

I'm genuinely curious.

How in the world
could you let that happen?

It was careless of me.

I'll do a better job from now on.


It's Sang-woo.

Where are you now?

I never wanted this.

I never planned to join them
in the first place.

You know me.

I'm not someone
who can stand under the spotlight.

I'll come to you. Tell me where you are.

I want compensation
for the time I've spent inside.

Prepare some cash and my ID.

I'll go far away.

I want to live a quiet life.

You can do that much, right?

Don't worry.

I'll make sure you have enough.

Just tell me where you are.

Do you remember the food stall by the sea?

The place where I picked you up

when you failed to get into university?

You called and said you'd kill yourself.

Please come alone.

Don't tell Sang-a anything.

Let's have some soju together
one last time.

I'll be there in two hours.

Don't think about doing anything stupid
and keep in touch.


Go look for him.

How have you been, Jae-sang?

It's been a while.

Do you think he went
to kill Park Jae-sang himself?

Please don't tell my sisters
and Hyo-rin that I died.

Are you prepared to?

We need to move the money to a safe place.

Sign there.

Let me give you some advice.
Do you trust Choi Do-il?

It doesn't matter where you are
or whatever you're doing.

-You need to call me right away.

Can you make it so that
we can leave immediately?

Why don't we let them live freely
if even for a short while?

You can't do this with the news.

Wars are fought using guns.

Subtitle translation by: Min-jin Kim