Little Witch Academia (2017): Season 1, Episode 12 - What You Will - full transcript

As Luna Nova prepares for their annual Samhain Festival, during which the most exemplary student is crowned the Moonlit Witch, Diana is put in charge of the committee while Akko's group is ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
They say that the Nine Olde Witches

sealed the Grand Triskellion
in the Forest of Arcturus.

To unseal it, you need the Seven Words

and a wand with seven stars.

Day seven of our early morning lessons!

-Are you ready, Akko?

A monkey!

Metamorphie Faciesse!

Not too bad.

Next, an elephant!

Metamorphie Faciesse!

Okay. That's good.


Oh, my!

Hey! Don't come near me!

Professor Ursula,
thank you so much as always.

I think it was perfect
until halfway through.


I'm going to keep practicing,

and when I've mastered
transformation magic,

I will become a Moonlit Witch
like Chariot!

Chariot was chosen as the Moonlit Witch
at Luna Nova's Samhain Festival.

The Moonlit Witch...

The most exemplary witch
is crowned with that honor!

I heard Chariot was chosen for
her miraculous transformation magic.

I thought you'd know that,
Professor Ursula.

You're right!

That's correct! Yes, yes.

Hey, the festival is coming up soon!

I'm going to practice very hard
so I can be like Chariot!

Now, what should I
transform into tomorrow?

Akko has revived the first word.

Now she has revived two.

There are a total of seven words.

Revive the rest of them.

Chariot, you must help her.

I'm gonna be the Moonlit Witch!

Extra! Extra!

The list of the witches attending
the festival has been released!

Miss Marjolaine, the rock star?

Minister Dorlin
of the East Mogiana Republic!

Madame Ural, too!
What an amazing lineup!

Madame Ural is a Nobel Prize-winning
authority on magic novels.

Witches from all over the world!

I'm so excited!
I can't wait for the festival!

Does Akko know?

I can't tell her now.

I can't wait to see the worldly witches!

On October 31,

we will celebrate the Samhain Festival,

which has been
our school's tradition for 1,600 years.

It's a perfect time to show the ability
of Luna Nova students to our alumni!

Students will be divided into teams
to work on their presentations.

This is from the last festival.

Boiling of toads for enchantments.

Memorizing 10,000 incantations.

The ancient dark dance.

A full course medieval magic dinner.

-Is the festival really this lame?

And at the end of the festival,

the most talented witch will be chosen
out of all the students,

and crowned the Moonlit Witch.

The Moonlit Witch, just like Chariot.

Now, each one of you will be assigned
a duty at the festival.

Team leaders, please come forward
and draw fairy lots.

-Who's going to draw?
-It's gotta be Akko.

No! I have such a bad luck
with these things!

Me, too.

Hi! You are in charge of the fireworks!

Fireworks magic?

-You are so lucky!
-Oh, man, they got that one.

You are in charge of the decorations!

I guess that's all right.

You are in charge of summoning magic!

Summoning magic?
It's the highlight of the festival!

You are in charge of cleaning!


The rest of the team leaders,
come forward, quickly!

We have to decide!

-It's gotta be Akko.
-I can't!

The leader of the team over there,
come forward now!

-Sucy! No, it's Lotte!
-Right now!


Let's see...

This one?

Wait, I don't feel good
about that one. Or--

Hurry up and pick,
or I'll tear out your fingernails!

Fine! There!

You get sacrifice duty.

Sacrifice duty?

What is that?

For those in charge of the sacrifice...

This vase contains an old ghost,
Vajarois the Grieving.

Vajarois the Grieving?

Vajarois will wake
at the stroke of midnight

and go on a wailing rampage.

-That's why we make a sacrifice.

Once Vajarois eats the sacrifice,

it will go back to sleep
until the next Samhain Festival.

Are we going to die?

There is no danger to your life.

The sacrifice passes through
the ghost's body.

No way!

That's hilarious! Sacrifice duty!

There's nothing more perfect for Akko!

Be quiet!

It's time to take the festival seriously.

If you want to chat, do it later.

That's right.

And Diana Cavendish,

after a vote was cast the other day,

you were chosen
as Luna Nova's youngest ever

Samhain Festival executive
committee chairman.

-Amazing, Diana!
-Way to go, Diana!

Everyone, let's do our best to help Diana
make this festival a great success!


Sacrifice duty? What the heck?

I thought the festival
was supposed to be a fun event.

The ritual where the ghost
eats the sacrifice... What's with that?

"Vajarois the Grieving was a member

of the royal family of the Book Kingdom
back around 200 B.C.

She was surrounded by good friends
and had a happy life.

But after losing her friends
in her later years,

Vajarois cried over how sad
the world had become,

and became the grieving ghost."

That's the only reason?

She cries even while sleeping,

which is why she gets so hungry
and has to eat the sacrifice.

Do you want some?

Hey, Vajarois!

This is all because
you are such a crybaby!

Jeez! I'm the one who wants to cry!

I've been practicing so hard so I can be
the Moonlit Witch like Chariot!

You mean, you want to be chosen
as the Moonlit Witch?

That might be difficult.

I bet Diana will be the Moonlit Witch.

I think so, too.


How can you guys say that?

I mean, she comes
from a prestigious witch family.

She was born with so many talents.

So you don't want to be
the Moonlit Witch, Lotte?

I'm only here to learn magic
so I can take over the magic tools store.

What about you, Sucy?

I'm actually excited about passing through
a ghost's body.



-This is unbelievable.

Not that.

You can't even fly a broom,

but you're dreaming of being
the Moonlit Witch? Unbelievable.

-That's true.
-I guess.

It can't be helped.

It was a lottery.

You were just getting ahead of yourself.

It suits you perfectly.

Well, then, let's have
the sacrifice team meeting now--

You guys are awful!

We're in charge of the mirror
for the festival.

That's what we wanted to talk
to you about, Diana.

We gathered all the mirrors we can find,
but we're not sure which one to pick.

So we want you
to pick the best one for us.

Of course.

Out of all these...

Let's see.
This one has the strongest magic.

But it seems to love pranks.

If you polish it with fairy powder,
you can keep it under control.


I'll talk to the professors.
We can go get it together.

Thank you, Diana!

No wonder you're
the executive committee chairman!

We can count on you!

You will definitely be the Moonlit Witch!

Thank you.

But we still don't know who will be picked
as the Moonlit Witch.

That was close!

Wait. Why do I need to hide?

Don't be so stubborn.

You wish you were born
with many talents, don't you?

Like this.



-Oh, Diana.

This schedule you've made for the festival
is impressive.

Let's discuss the details.


-My stomach...
-Are you all right?

Will you... Will you excuse me
for a moment?

How did this happen?



We've got a problem.

We can't figure out
how to read this summoning spell.

It's this page.

Can you tell us, please?


This is terrible.

Since you both saw this spell,
you are already under the curse!

-A curse?

You will become 82 years old
within 24 hours if you don't do anything.



Please help us, Diana!

Put both hands on top of your head.

Like this?

That's right! And now I'm going to...

write a spell on you to release the curse.

This is it!

If you leave it on until tomorrow morning,
the curse will be broken.

-Until tomorrow morning?

Now, I have other things to do.

-Thank you, Diana!
-You saved us!

Oh, crap...

Oh, Miss Diana, sorry about that.

I just finished cleaning your room.

Oh, right. Diana's room is down the hall.

Miss Diana.

Aren't you heading to your room?

Oh, that's right.
I'm heading to my room right now!

That was close.

So this is Diana's room.

I guess it's not very nice
to go into someone else's room.

-Miss Diana.

I forgot to mention earlier.

Your friend stopped by
while I was cleaning.

-I see. Thank you for letting me know.
-Goodbye now.

Thank you so much.

Jeez, what the heck?

This is amazing!

Is this Diana's diary?

No, no! I can't read it!


-I heard a voice inside.
-She must be back.

We're coming in!


We need your advice!

What kind of advice do you need?

This is the welcoming artwork
for the festival.

We were able to bring the statue
of the Great Witch, Jennifer,

but the professors want us
to change her pose.

We want to use the giving-life magic,
but it's too hard for us.

You're the only one who can help us.

Of course you can count on me!

There is nothing I can't do!

Thank you, Diana!

Stay back, everyone!

I can do this.

I've been practicing
the transformation magic so much!

So this should be...

Ansolew Airo!

Ansolew Airo! Ansolew Airo!

What happened, Diana?

Are you not feeling well?

Isn't it the wrong spell?


Ansolew Airo!


I'm back?

I can explain.

I bet it's because of that mirror.


By the way,

I just had a meeting with Lotte and Sucy
about your sacrifice duty.

You forgot, didn't you? How irresponsible!

I'm sorry.

I was just so disappointed
about having to do the sacrifice duty.

So that's why you played a prank?

You get mad and lose interest
as soon as things don't go your way.

You want to be like Chariot,

but you know nothing
of the history or tradition of magic.

You have no right to study here!

I have what it takes!

I'm serious
about wanting to be like Chariot.

Serious? You?

I'll prove it.

My passion for magic is stronger
than anyone here!

I, Atsuko Kagari, will be chosen as
the Moonlit Witch at the Samhain Festival!

-What was that?
-No idea.

Diana is amazing.

Long ago, the world was filled
with the power of good magic.

Now, however, the power of magic
continues to decline.

By finding the Grand Triskellion,

I want to contribute
to the revival of magic.

Compared to her, I'm such a...

I hear you declared in front of everyone
that you will be the Moonlit Witch?

Professor Ursula.

I just blurted it out in the moment,

even though I know I have zero chance.


I hate to admit it, but they are right.

Diana is amazing.

She's mature beyond my imagination.

She's someone I can't even reach.

Compared to her, I'm still such a child.

Yes, you have a tendency
to not consider the consequences,

but that's something you can work on.

But I would imagine

that Chariot also made many mistakes
and felt down sometimes.

I wonder what Chariot would do?

The Big Dipper is so beautiful.

Beyond that twinkles
the North Star, Polaris.

Professor Ursula?

If Chariot was here,
she might say something like this.

"Don't compare yourself to anyone else.
There are some things only you can do."

Please take care of it.


-Professor Ursula--
-Well, good night!

Something only I can do...

This is...

This is...

It's the same place from before,

the Fountain of Polaris.

Please tell me!
What is something only I can do?


You're here!

What's with that outfit?
It's so old and dirty!

This must be a vision of someone
who once knew Chariot.

Oh, jeez.

-Chariot is having so much fun!
-Watch this! When I chant,

I get so much energy!

Arae Aryrha!

Oh, no! My head is spinning!

Jeez. Come on.

Arae Aryrha!

Open the mind!

Chariot is amazing!

Let's laugh together!

Arae Aryrha!

Maybe Chariot wasn't practicing her magic
just to be the Moonlit Witch.

Maybe it was for a simpler...

Arae Aryrha.

Wait. It's a spell?

This is...

I got it! I know what I can do!

Translated by: Lana Sofer

-Tomorrow morning.