Little House on the Prairie (1974–1983): Season 7, Episode 3 - A New Beginning - full transcript

John and Andy Garvey move to Sleepy Eye and have to deal with a gang of thieves.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Jonathan: I'm going to
have a last look around.

All right.

I'm going to miss you.

Same here.

But sleepy eye
isn't that far.

Yeah, I know.

Maybe you could
visit for the summer.

A lot of fun things to
do in a town like that.


I hate to go,
but it's better for pa.

I'm not going to say good-bye.

I know you're coming
into sleepy eye

with a delivery
next weekend.

I'll see
you then.

All right.

Albert, take care
of yourself, son.

I will,
Mr. Garvey.

See you,

Charles: I'll get the place all
cleaned up for the new owners.

Thank you,

Well, there you are.

The complete

Incoming shipments,
outgoing orders.

I think you'll find
everything in order.

Well, it sure
seems to be.

The bank thought so.

They didn't give me a
minute's trouble with that loan.

Well, they recognize a growing
enterprise when they see it.

Why, you'll soon have enough
business from mankato alone

to be as much
as you can handle.

You're going to miss
handling all this?

No, no,
Mr. Garvey.

You see, I've got a
well-developed talent for laziness

when it's
called for.

- Hi, son.
- Hello.

- Sam.
- Oh, Pete.

Hey, Pete. Meet Jonathan garvey,
the new owner.

Sam: This is Pete rawlins,
our one-man peacekeeper.

The sheriff, huh?

No, no, I'm a private
security officer.

Well, you see,
our sheriff,

he's a well-meaning old codger,

but he's
kind of useless,

and the deputy's job don't pay
enough for anybody to take it.

So I expect you'll be needing my services,
Mr. Garvey.

And what services
are those?

Well, you know,
sleepy eye is not much different

from any town
growing fast.

New folks coming
in every day,

some of them
bad apples.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Well, anyway,
being a retired lawman,

I inquired around
and found out folks

are willing to pay
for my services.

it's worth every penny of it, too,

if I do hate
to say so.

You see, I patrol all night,
7 days a week.

Can I sign you up?

No, I don't think so.

I'm pretty handy at
protecting my own property.


Well, suit yourself.

Well, I'd best
be running along.

I'd kind of like
to have you

join me for supper,
Mr. Garvey.

Well, thank you,
Mr. Pendergast,

but the folks that run the
blind school are old friends,

and they've invited
the boy and I for supper.

then I'll just wish you the best of luck.

- Thank you.
- I'll walk out with you, Sam.

Oh, Mr. Garvey,
if you change your mind, just holler.

I'll do that.

Come on, Andy.

Let's get that wagon unloaded.

Yeah, I've got
tons of stuff.

Hey, you looking for trouble,

Jonathan: Past your
bedtime, isn't it?

Mary, you're
going to spoil me.

That's just
a great dinner.

Oh, thank you. There's
plenty more in the kitchen.

I think I've made a
pig of myself already.

Look, if you
don't eat it,

I'm just going to end up being
stuck with it for tomorrow night,

and the night
after, and...

Adam, stop it!

You're being awful quiet, Andy.

Jonathan: I think
he's just tired.

That right,


Adam: You think you're
going to like living here?

I guess.

That doesn't sound
too convincing.

It's just going to take a
little getting used to, is all.

Does this kind of thing
go on here all the time?

Adam: Enough of the time.

Mary: Sometimes all night.

They just laugh if
you say anything.

They don't even pay
attention to the sheriff.

I hear the crime rate
in town is pretty high, too.

Adam: Well,
it's gone down some since

Mr. Rawlins started
making his rounds,

but it's
still bad.

Somebody even
broke in here.

Robbed the blind school?

You think that bunch
out there did it?

That's the word,

but nobody's been
able to prove it.

But I don't think
they'll be trying it again.

Hester-sue almost
caught whoever it was,

threw a hammer
at them

after they went
out the window.

That's hester-sue.

It's getting late,
son. We'd better be heading home.

Oh, Mary, your pa is
coming in next week.

And I'd like to return the favor
and take you all out to supper.

Sounds good.

Thanks for having US over.

Good night
to you.

Mr. Garvey.

I can't tell you what it
means to US having you here.

We feel
the same way.

It's good to be with
friends. Thank you.

- Good night, Adam.
- Good night.

Come on, son.

I'm just about
through, son.

I'll have that lamp
out in a minute.

Don't matter.

come on. It's your first night in town.

It's going to
get better.

It's not
the town, it's...

It's what?

I don't know, pa.

Seeing Mary and
Adam tonight, I...

It's all right.

There ain't nothing we
can't talk about. Go ahead.

I felt angry.

Angry at them.

I know it's wrong, but...

All I could think
of was their baby.

And if it hadn't been for them,
ma would still be alive.

She would have gone with the others,
and she'd still be alive.

I know it's
not right.

I can't
even help it.

It's all right.

It's all right.

Sometimes when
we're hurting...

We think some
crazy thoughts.

I can remember
when your ma died.

I was blaming god.

Now here you are,
angry at Adam and Mary.

When you
lose somebody,

like your ma...

It leaves some
awful scars, Andy.

Because we loved
her so much,

and she was
so special.

We're going to
hurt for a while.

But in time...

In time we won't
blame anybody.

We won't
blame anybody.

I'm going to go...

I'm going to go and
put out that lamp.


Yes, son.

Do you think you could stay
up with me till I fall asleep,

like you did when I was
little and ma was away?


Sure, son.

What was that?

Stay there, son.

- Sheriff?
- Hmm?

You the
sheriff here?


And pike
is the name.

Now, who
are you?

My name is garvey,
and my warehouse was just broken into.

Oh, I'm sorry
to hear it.

Any idea who it was?

Yeah, I know
who it was.

That same bunch
of hooligans

that was raising all the
ruckus on the street today.

Did you see them?

No, not exactly,
but I heard them.

Well, now, I'm
sorry, Mr. Garvey,

but unless you
actually saw them,

I'm afraid
I can't do a thing.

Look, I'm telling you,
I know who done it!

Like I said, I'm sorry,

but you'd just better buy
yourself a stronger lock.

Are you telling me you ain't
going to do nothing about this?

Without positive

yep, I'm afraid
that's it.

Well then, sheriff,

I'll be thanking
you for nothing.


Mr. Rawlins.

I'd like you to meet
our town banker.

This here's
elija pattman.

Nice to meet you.

I just want to
say how sorry I am

that you were
robbed, Mr. Garvey.

Your first day in town,
too. It's shameful.

I plan to make it a little tougher
on them if they try it again.

Yes. Well, that
looks plenty strong.

Elija here is about the only one
in town that hasn't been gotten to.

That's right, and I plan
to keep it that way.

That's why I carry
this at all times.

Elija: Protecting this town
is something I take seriously.

I don't mean to argue with
the thought of that, Mr. Pattman,

but somehow carrying a gun
like that is just asking for trouble.

Mr. Rawlins here
carries a gun.

Well, that's different.
It's his job.

People expect it
of him.

I don't think I'm likely to
shoot anyone unnecessarily.

Maybe not,
but if you left that thing at home

you wouldn't have to worry about it,
would you?

Well, I guess
I don't mind

a difference
of opinion.

I'd best get back to the bank.

Just wanted
to say hello.

Nice meeting you.

A pleasure.

Nervous little
fellow, ain't he?

Yeah. And for what it's worth,
I agree with you.

Elija is not the
type to be armed.

can we be on a first-name basis?

That's fine with me.

Well, Jonathan,
I just want to say

that I take no
satisfaction in this robbery,

in view of how
you were warned

about what can
happen around here.

I just don't want to
see it happen again.

Believe me, it won't.

I sure hope not.

You still don't
want my services, huh?

Look, Pete, I don't
mean no disrespect,

but there's some things that
I'm just mule-stubborn about.

And when I'm paying
good hard cash dollars

for a sheriff's

it just sticks in my craw if
I have to pay double for it.

All right,
I won't insist,

but I just want you to know
that, client or no client,

I'm not going to be
turning my back on you

if I see somebody trying
to break in here again.

Well, thank you
for that.

All right.
I'll see you later.


Time to make
your delivery.

It's just
the same as before.

Without any witnesses,
I can't do a thing.

I don't
understand you.

What don't you understand,
Mr. Garvey?

You're wearing that badge,
but you're no sheriff.

Boy: Come on out!

Don't you hear them yelling
out there and laughing?

They're laughing at US,

and they're
laughing at the law.

How can you just sit there
and not do anything?

Well, what would
you do in my place?

All right,
I'll tell you.

We both know who broke
into my warehouse.


Jonathan: And we know that the
goods didn't disappear into thin air.

That's right.

I'd go out there and search their houses,
that's what I'd do.

Boys: Whoo-hoo!
Come on out, sheriff!

That makes sense.

Well, why in god's name
don't you do it, then?

it's not because I'm a coward,

if that's
any help to you.

I'm not a fool, either.

A joke, maybe, but
that's not my doing.

You see, I don't like
to take any chances

without somebody
backing me up.

Now, $30 a month is what the
town council allows for a deputy,

and I can't find a
qualified man to fill that job.

So it's just me.

And those hooligans
out there know it.

The minute
I take any action

against them
without solid proof...

Why, you can
bet your boots

that tonight or
tomorrow or the next day

I'd find myself
waylaid in some alley

and beaten senseless
or else killed.

And I don't put that possibility
to pasture, either. No, sir.

So, if I could just
find myself a deputy,

well, things just might
start changing in this town.

Boy: Come on out, sheriff.

That punk out in
front. What's his name?

Tim mahoney.

He's the leader
of that fine bunch.

He lives with
his father.

They've got a big
spread outside of town.

Lots of money.

Okay, all right.

I'm not going to
have a lot of time.

I'm starting up
a new business,

and I'm going to
have some problems,

and I'm definitely not doing
this for the $30 a month.

hold it. Just what are you saying?

What I'm telling
you, sheriff pike,

is that you've got
yourself a deputy.

What's my boy
charged with?

Well, nothing
yet, Mr. Mahoney.

But there's
reason to believe

that he's been involved
in the break-ins in town.


Why did he want
to Rob anybody?

I provide to
all his needs.

Mr. Mahoney,
I want to look in Tim's room.

I'm in that room every day,
Mr. Garvey.

You're not going
to find anything.

Then you don't mind my looking there,
do you?

Of course not.
Come on.

Well, Mr. Garvey?


I already knew that,
Mr. Garvey. Now you do, too.

Tim's known as a hell-raiser,
that's sure,

but he's
not a thief.

Mr. Mahoney,
is there any other place

that Tim spends
a lot of time?

A workshop, something like that?

A workshop, Tim?
Oh, not likely.

What's up there?

An attic,
Mr. Garvey.

Been storing a lot of stuff
that'd be best thrown out.

You mind
if I look?

Suit yourself.

How do you
get up there?

Let's use
that table.

Mr. Mahoney,
I think you'd better come up here.

Yeah. Yeah, it appears that everything
is here that was stolen from me,

except the
silver service.

Abel: That's a mighty
expensive item to lose, but...

I'm at least grateful
to get this much back.

Sheriff, what'll
happen to the boy?

I'm going to have to lock him up

till the district marshal

can take him to
mankato for a trial.


Shut your mouth.

- But you've got to help me.
- Why?

You tell me why.

A common thief
is all you are.

I've never done anything like this before.

You saying you didn't
break into my warehouse?

It wasn't me,
Mr. Garvey. Honest it wasn't.

Mr. Thorn,
I wasn't going to take so much

from your store.

I don't know
why I did.

Well, then
don't ask me why.

It'd be different if you came
from a poverty-stricken family.

But the son of
Arthur mahoney?

Why in the world
would you need to steal?

I needed to buy
something real special

for my grandparents'

They were coming
into town next week.

Pa, you've got
to help me.

You can't let them
send me to jail.

That's enough.

- Pa, you've got to...
- I said that's enough.

Abel, uh...

I don't imagine you
look forward to spending

all that time in
mankato testifying.

Well, no, but...

Of course,
he could be telling the truth

about never doing this before
and promising to not do it again.

Wait a minute.

Are you asking me to
withdraw the charges?

That's what
I'm asking you.

Mr. Mahoney: You got
your merchandise back...

Well, most of it.

And I'll pay the difference
from what you lost, and...

Plus a fair amount
for the inconvenience.

I make a solemn
promise to everybody here

that I'll...

I'll disown my son

if he ever does anything else
to disgrace the family name.

It's up to
you, Abel.


You think it'd be legal and proper,

it'd be stretching things a mite.

my deputy here

would be
within his rights

to press charges without
the presence of Mr. Thorn.

Mr. Garvey?

I think he should
go to trial.

I'm telling the truth.

I just did it this once.
I'll never do it again.

Mr. Garvey,

I know it's not
much of an excuse,

but he's just a boy.

Are you telling
me the truth, son?

I swear on my
mother's grave.

I won't press
the charges.

Let's go.

You swore on your
mother's grave,

and that story about your
grandparents' anniversary...

I had to give them
some reason, pa.

Well, now, son,
you give me one.

Why should you
need to steal?

So I'd have my own
money, that's why.

And you call stealing
having your own money?

I don't know.

Mr. Mahoney: Don't
I provide for you?

I mean real money,
like you have.

Oh, I see.
I see.

And what's your impression
about how I got all my money?

The clouds opened up,
and a giant hand came down? No!

Nobody gave it to me,
and I didn't steal it.

I worked for every
single penny...

Don't you turn away
from me! I'm talking to you.

Now, Tim, one day
you may learn

that working is the
only thing in this life,

and if you never learn it,
god help you.

God help you.

I end up with a pretty good load for you.

Yeah, I wasn't
expecting anything.

Well, you
saved me a trip.

I'm glad you were
free to take it on.

You never heard of me turning down work,
did you, sheriff?

Deputy. And I don't even
want you to call me that.


I'd like you to meet a friend of mine.

This is Charles Ingalls
from walnut grove.

Pete rawlins.

- Oh, glad to know you.
- A pleasure.

Say, that was a fine
piece of work you did today.

Now that
you're deputy,

maybe my job will get easier,

I hope so.

Well, I've got

to meet you.

Nice meeting you.
Take care.

See you, Pete.

Seems like a nice enough fellow.

Yeah, Pete's
a good man.

Oh, I made a list
of all the items

that've been
stolen in town.

I figure they've got
to turn up somewhere.

Maybe if you could keep
your eyes open for me.


That's quite a list.

I'm surprised somebody
doesn't get suspicious.

Well, the sheriff figures that
maybe there's a middleman involved.

Somebody to take
the goods out of town

and put them back on
the legitimate market.

Well, I'll check
around for you.

Say hello to
the family for me.

Well, I'll do
that... Sheriff.



I've been waiting
for this shipment

for about
a month now.

what is it?

Telephone pads.

I saw one in mankato.

They have "while you
were out" printed on them.

And then you fill in
what time they called,

who it was,
and what they wanted.

I don't know. It makes people
feel important, I guess. I don't know.

Oh, Charles!
How nice to see you.

Mrs. Oleson.

I don't
suppose that

nels has shown
you my little triumph?

No, not yet, Harriet.
He just got here.

She's practically hauling people
in off the street to show them.

Oh, really?
What is it?

Well, mostly,

it's a lesson in
how to do business,

something that nels
could learn very well.


But come inside.
You must see it.

The secret is all in knowing
how to drive a hard bargain.


Isn't it

Well, it
certainly is.

Well, I will say at least she
only paid half of what it's worth.

I'd put it at lower than that.

It's still
a lot of money.

Oh, nels.

You have absolutely
no sense of value.

when are we ever going to use it?

What good is it?

Well, if nothing else,
we'll look at it and admire it.

if it's polished every week, fine.

I already know
who's got that job.

Mrs. Oleson,
I hate to tell you this...


I think this could be
stolen merchandise.


Now, I said
could be.

But I bought this at the
general store in lamberton.

What, Mr. Jenkins' place?

- Yes!
- He wouldn't deal in stolen goods!


Well, either this silver
service or one exactly like it

is on the list of stolen
property that Jonathan gave me.

Take a look.

Charles: They've had a rash of
robberies there in the last two weeks.

I could take this service over to lamberton

and check it out with Mr. Jenkins,
if you'd like.

But, Charles,
what if this is stolen property?

Do I get
my money back?

Of course not! It goes
back to its rightful owner

and you get nothing.

Isn't that right,

I'm afraid it is.

Oh! Oh, dear!

Big bargain!

Oh! Oh, my god!

A fellow named
spokes sold it to me.

Deals in unclaimed
freight and such.

You do a lot of
business with him?

Well, the last
few months, I have.

It's hard to believe
Mr. Spokes would be crooked.

What's this fellow
spokes look like?

Well, he's a big,
friendly sort.

Neat dresser.

He's got a strange-looking
scar on his right cheek.

Do me a favor, let me see
what else he sold you, all right?


You know, I always thought
his prices were more than fair.

Guess now
I know why, huh?

Hey, I hear you
were looking for me.

Pike: That's right.

Oh, hello there,

What's this?

That's the missing
silver service

that was stolen from
Abel Thorn's place.

I asked Charles to
keep an eye out for me.

He found that over at lamberton.

Well, I'll be.

You know, Jonathan,
you keep going like this,

you're going to put
me out of business.

Mr. Jenkins.

Mr. Spokes.

You are out
of business.

He starts talking,
we could be in for some big trouble.

It's all
because of him.

Well, sheriff,
part of the job's done, anyway.


You did a good
job, too, deputy.

Mary: The town's just
buzzing over what you did.

I didn't
do that much.

Adam: That's not
how we heard it.

You know,
there's even talk of firing sheriff pike

and putting you
in his place.

That's plain

Why, pa?

mostly because sheriff pike is a good man.

This town just
never got behind him.

And the other thing
is I'm too darn busy

to do anything but
be a part-time deputy.

Help yourself
to more pie.

Thank you, Mary.
I think I will.

Not me. I'm about
ready to bust.

How's school
coming, Andy?


about school,

did you finish
your homework?

Most of it.

most of it is not good enough.

If you're through eating,
maybe you ought to head back,

get it finished
before it gets too late.

Yes, sir.

Thanks for
the meal, Mary.

Oh, you're
welcome, Andy.

See you later, Andy.

- Andy.
- Yeah.

You forgot
the key.

Thanks, pa.

- Garvey?
- Where is he?

- Who?
- Your son.

Well, he's not home.
What's wrong?

Him and his bunch waylaid my
son and beat the daylights out of him.

Are you sure
it was Tim?

I'm sure.

They all wore bandanas
over their faces,

but Tim's slipped down,
and Andy recognized him.

Let's find him.

They're in
the saloon.

I'll handle this.

All right, Tim,
all right!

Tim: Hello, pop.

It's being said that
you and this scum

beat the garvey boy.

Who's saying it?

I need to know
if it's true.

Of course not.

Don't you
lie to me!

Aren't you ever
going to believe me?

Just tell the truth
for once in your life!

I am, pa.
I swear it.

You beat him,
didn't you?

I did not.

Didn't you?
Didn't you?

Didn't you?
Didn't you?

All right.

Tim: It's true,
but he deserved it!

Him and his pa
coming in here,

bringing US
all this trouble.

Why, you...

No, it's not the way,
Mr. Mahoney.

It's not the way.

A young boy...

Near half your size.

A lonely,
little child

trying to live with
the loss of his ma.

And you beat him.

Mr. Mahoney: What a shameful
piece of nothing you are.

A liar, a thief,
and a coward!

I won't live
with the disgrace

of you being
my son any longer.

Now, you get to the house and
pick up your things and get out.

And I don't want to
see your face ever again

in my lifetime.

- Pa, I...
- Get out!

Get out!

How are you
feeling, son?


It's going to be a
while before you look it.

I guess.

I just want to
get even with them.

Ah, don't you
worry about that.

Pete rawlins has
testified against them.

And there'll be some federal
marshals here soon enough

to take
care of them.

- Good.
- Mr. Garvey.

I don't mean
to interrupt,

but I want to give you the news.

The town council
met this morning,

and you've been
elected our new sheriff.


Mr. Pike has already
been given his notice.

Elija: I've got to get
back to the bank.

Congratulations again.

Mr. Pattman!

Son, will you
be all right here

for a little
while alone?

Sure, pa.

Okay. Now,
I've got something I've got to do.

We're going to
Rob the bank.


You heard me.
The bank.

It'll be easy.

This time
I'm going to get

as much of my pa's
money as I want.

Tim, robbing a place
at night is easy

when it's a store
or a warehouse.

But how are we supposed to get
into the bank and open up a safe?

We don't.

We Rob it in
broad daylight,

just like
Jesse James.

Are you crazy?

Old Mr. Pattman always
has that gun with him.

Oh, yeah?

So do I.

Oh, no.

You don't think that
scared little rabbit

is going to
use his gun?

You think
you will?

That depends.

Now, do we do it?

I don't know about
the rest of these guys,

but I'm not having anything
to do with any shooting.

Me neither.


Not me.

Not US.

All right.

If you're all
that yellow,

I'll do it myself.

I thought you
was my friend.

I am, and that's
why I'm here.

I wanted you to know I didn't have
anything to do with your being fired.

Well, what's
the difference?

You can have
the job as of now

I'm clearing out.

Well, that's the other
thing I wanted to tell you.

I'm not taking
the job.

Oh, really?

They'll have to find
themselves a new sheriff.

Hey, that crazy mahoney
kid is holding up the bank!

Put that gun down.

No, you.

I'll shoot.

No, you won't,
but I will.

I swear I'll
pull the trigger

if you don't
put that gun down.

Then we'll both die.

I didn't mean to fire.

It just went off.

It just went off!

"Yea, though I walk
through the valley

"of the shadow
of death,

"I will fear no evil,

"for thou art with me.

"Thy rod, thy staff,
and they comfort me.

"Thou preparest
a table before me

"in the presence
of mine enemies.

"Thou anointest
my head with oil.

"My cup runneth over.

"Surely goodness and
mercy shall follow me

"all the days
of my life.

And I will dwell in the house of the lord,


Tim was denied

He had everything.

How could it be?


What are you
going to do?

Oh, drift some place, I guess.

Something will turn
up. Always does.

Mr. Garvey,

you warned me.

I swear I'll never
carry a weapon again.

That frightened boy
wouldn't have shot anybody.

I know that.

If I hadn't
had a gun...

From now on,
I'm going to leave things to the law.

That's nice,
Mr. Pattman.

But just
a little bit late.

As of now,
there ain't no law in sleepy eye.

You fired
the sheriff here,

and I ain't working
without him.

Well, if that's the case, I'm sure the
council would reverse that decision.

I think you're getting a
little ahead of yourself.

You'd better ask him first
if he wants the job back.

Would you stay
on, sheriff?

With you
and Mr. Garvey

getting those hooligans
hauled off to jail,

it'll be
a lot easier now.

I'll let you know.

We'll be waiting.

You mean you don't
want the job anymore?

Sure I do.

But I don't want you
taking a job permanent

just to save
an old man's hide.

Is that what
you think?

Of course it is.

You told me

Well, I've
changed my mind.

On account
of me?

No. On account of ever
since I put on that badge,

my young son
thinks I'm a hero.
