Little House on the Prairie (1974–1983): Season 5, Episode 22 - Someone Please Love Me - full transcript

While out of town to buy horses, Charles Ingalls boards with Brett Harper, a man who is emotionally withdrawn from his unhappy family and trying to lose himself in work and whiskey, blaming himself for the accidental death of his oldest son in a riding accident four years earlier.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
How goes it, Sandy?

Aw, busy, Charles.

Is gargan around?

Inside. Don't bother
trying the door.

He's got his money box
out again.

It's bolted
6 ways from sunday.

Ha ha ha! Thanks.

Gargan: Sandy, get
away from that door.

You know I'm busy.

It's Charles Ingalls.
I came for the money.

I'll be right out.

He's probably digging another
pit under the floorboards.

He's moved that money box
of his so many times,

it ain't safe
to walk in there.

Ha ha ha!

Sorry to keep you,

Uh, personal business.

I understand, sir.

Well, you ready to go?

Yep. Ready to go.

All rightie.
Here's the money.

$250 cash money.

Uh... you be careful
with it.

I will, sir. I wish
you would have

gotten a check
from the bank.

Don't trust them.

I give them money,
they give me a piece of paper.

That doesn't
make sense to me.

Now, you make sure you see all
the horses Harper's got to offer.

Just don't buy up
the first 10 he shows you.

I won't.
Don't worry about it.

I never met the man,

but he has a reputation
for fair dealin'.

So I don't trust him.

Why not?

Well, folks
with good reputations

can cheat from you
a lot easier

than folks
with bad reputations.

You understand?

Sort of. Yeah.

All right, on your way.

I'll see you
in a couple of weeks.

Sandy, get moving.

We've got
a lot of work today.

You want it right
or you want it quick?

You want to get paid
or you want to get fired?


Good afternoon.

What can I do for you?

I'm Charles Ingalls.

I'm supposed to see Mr. Harper
about buying some horses.

He's not in the
office right now.

Could you tell me
when he'll be back?

Uh, not today.

Uh... if you want
to talk to him,

go down a couple
of doors.

He'll be
in the saloon.

Thank you.

Mr. Harper?

Yeah, yeah.
What can I do for you?

I'm Charles Ingalls.

I believe you had
some correspondence

with Mr. Gargan
from walnut grove

about buying some horses.

Oh, yeah. Sure.
Of course. The horses.

Sit down, Mr. Ingalls.

No, no. I don't
want to interrupt.

I just wanted you
to know I was in town,

and we can start
talking business tomorrow.

Nonsense. Now I insist
that you sit down.

before business.

Again, thank you
very much,

but I've got to get my team down
the livery and find a hotel room.

Nope. No hotels for you.

When you do business
with Bret Harper,

you stay at his place.

I don't want to impose.

Well, we have
plenty of room.

Huh? No arguments.

All right. You got
yourself a houseguest.

Good. Now please
sit down and join us.

Tell you what.
I'd like to have a look around the town.

I'll just wait
for you outside.

Ok. Suit yourself.

I won't be long.

Harper: You want horses,
you come and see me.

I'll give you all the horses you
want, all right?

Oh, Mr. Harper,
you're wonderful.

Good night.

Mr. Harper?

Yes? What do you want?

I'm Charles Ingalls.

Yeah, I was waiting
for you outside.

Yes. Ingalls.
My houseguest.

Yes, sir.

You got a wagon?


I think it'd be better if
we both went in your wagon.


Hey, you all right?

Here. Come on.
I'll help you up.

I can...

Can get up by myself.

I'm going to bed.

this is Mr. Ingalls.

She'll show you
to your room.

I'm sorry about
that mess, ma'am.

It's all right.
I'm used to it.

I suppose there's
never a dull moment

working for a man
like Mr. Harper.

I don't work for him,
Mr. Ingalls.

I'm married to him.

I'll get your room ready.

Girl: No! Timeout!

Boy: No! Witches don't
get timeouts.

Now, you slow down.
I've got to catch you.


Come on! Slow down!



No, you stop!


I'm going to get you!

No! Stop!

No! Timeout!

No! Witches don't
get timeouts.

Now you slow down.
I got to get you.


Come on!
Slow down!


Charles: Morning.


Can I fix you something?
Some eggs?

No, no. I'm fine.
Just some coffee.

You sure?

Just take it black.

Beautiful morning.


Thank you very much.

You're welcome.

I want to apologize
about last night.

No need, Mr. Ingalls.

No, I think it was
probably my fault.

Your husband and I
got to talking,

and then we ordered
a few drinks.

Some men just hold their
liquor better than others.

Please don't make
excuses for my husband.

Last night
was nothing new.

If you hadn't
been with him,

he just wouldn't
have come home at all.

Boy: Give it to me!

Girl: No!

I had it first!

No, you didn't!

Give it to me!


What's the matter
out there?

I was playing witch,
and Samantha tried to take my broom.

It's not his, mommy.
I had it first.

Did not!

Did too!

Just a minute,
both of you!

The fact
of the matter is

it's my broom, and
I left it outside.

Now, Thomas, if you can play
nicely with your sister,

I'll let you use it.

Is that understood?


And you'll share with your
brother, Samantha?

Yes, ma'am.

And I'll make sure
Thomas doesn't break it.

It's amazing what
children can argue over.

It sure is.

Would you like
some more coffee?

No, this is plenty.
Thank you.

I should be
getting to work anyway.

My husband won't
be up for a while,

but you're more than
welcome to look around.

All right.
I think I will.

I'll call you
when he gets up.

Thank you. And
thanks for the coffee.

You're welcome.

Come on.

Oh, hi there.

Let's see. You must be Thomas,
and you must be Samantha.

How'd you know
our names?

Magic. That's how
I knew your names.

Well, we don't
know magic,

so you'll have to
tell us your name.

Oh, I'm Mr. Ingalls.

But that's kind of formal,
so you can call me Charles.

Nice to meet you,

Nice to meet you, Sam.

Her name's not Sam.
It's Samantha.

I know what her name is.
Sam is short for Samantha.

But that's
a boy's name.

So what? You were
playing a witch,

and witches are ladies.

Yeah, with big warts
on them.

You're lucky.
You got a short name.

Well, we can shorten
your name up, Thomas.

How about
if I call you Tom?

Mmm. That sounds good.

I like it.

I wish my pa'd
call me Tom.

I'm sure he would.
Just ask him.

I'd better not.

Why not?

our pa's sick.

He falls down
and all.

Well, we're not
supposed to bother him.

Well, maybe when he's
feeling better, huh?

Mrs. Harper:
Thomas. Samantha.

Don't you be
bothering Mr. Ingalls.

They're not bothering me,
Mrs. Harper. It's all right.

Well, you just shoo them off
if they bother you. Ok?

I will, ma'am.

Want to see us
play witch?


Ok. I'll be
the witch.

I got the broom.
I've got the broom.

What did your
mother say?

It's her broom, right?

Oh, yeah.

How about ladies first?

Ok. She looks more like a
witch, anyway.

You can't catch me!

Mr. Harper?

Yes. Come in.

Your wife told me
you were up.

Yeah, in a manner
of speaking.

Did you have a look
around the place?

Yeah, a little bit.

What do you think
of my horses?

I'm afraid to be
honest with you.

You might raise
the price on me.

I don't do business
that way.

In that case,
I think they're some

of the best-looking
animals I've seen.

Good. Good. You're an
intelligent man.

But that's just a sample.

It'll take a few days to round up
all the horses I want you to look at.

Take your time.
I'm in no hurry.

Man's got to take time
to pick out good horses.

Oh, I'm sorry.
You want some Irish coffee?

No, thank you.
I'm fine.

A little hair
of the dog.

Bret? I don't want to
bother you if you're busy,

but the children are
ready anytime you are.

Ready? Ready for what?

Oh, for the picnic we planned
for this afternoon, remember?

What do you mean,
do I remember?

You think I have nothing
else to think about today?

A picnic?
I'm running a ranch.

I know, Bret. I...
I just...

Well, you promised them,
and you keep putting it off.

I'm busy.

Look, if you two
have something planned,

why don't you go ahead with it?
I'm not in any hurry.

It would make the
children so happy.

I told you I'm busy.

I've got to go
into town today.

Isn't it
just like a woman?

Wants all the things
money can buy,

but just can't understand
why her husband

has to work all the time
to pay for them.

I'll have all
those horses rounded up

and in the corrals

and you
can take a look.

Thought I smelled a little
fried chicken cooking earlier.

Children love it.

So does
your houseguest.

Sure like
to join you.

I've got nothing
to do around here.

That's very kind,
Mr. Ingalls, but...

It has nothing
to do with kind.

I'd like
to come along.

All right.

I'll hitch up the team.

Hey, you kids want to
go on a picnic or not?

Yeah, if we play games.

Well, that all depends.

Thomas: On what?

You help me
hitch up the team.

Ok. Let's go!

Charles: Hey, hey!
Come on, you guys!

Save me!

They're going to get me!

Ha ha ha!

Oh, no! All right!
You got me!

We'll be it again.

Oh, no. No. Come on.
I got to rest.

Come on.
Just once more.

We won't ask again.

You've said
that all afternoon.

You've worn Mr. Ingalls out.

All right. Look.
I'll tell you what.

You two
go find a dragon,

and when you find him,
I'll help you catch him.

There's no such
thing as dragons.

Well, of course
there is.

You seen lizards,
haven't you?

Yeah, but lizards are small,
and dragons are big.

Well, a lizard is
nothing but a baby dragon.

Hey! That's right!

Come on. Let's go.
We'll find one.

All right!

You look hard, now.

Take a lot of time.


Ha ha ha!

I'm glad they bought
that dragon story.

I feel like I've been
plowing since sunup.

I can imagine.

You have been at it
all afternoon.

Truth of the matter is,

I quit 'cause I was losing.

I can't stand to lose.

Ha ha ha! We have
some tea left.

I'd love some.


They wore me out.

Here you go.

Oh, thank you.



Nope. Save the rest
for the young ones.

Dragon hunting
is very thirsty work.

Are you married,
Mr. Ingalls?

Uh-huh. Yeah.

You have such a way
with children.

You must have
some of your own.

Oh, yeah. I've got
4 girls and a boy.

Do you have them
believing in dragons, too?

Long as I can, I will.

I haven't seen the children
that happy in a long time.

You know, one of those days
when a stranger comes along,

plays real hard
with your kids,

then goes on his
merry way down the road,

and the kids expect you to play
that hard with them every day.

The only other stranger
they know is their father.

I'm sorry.

I'm afraid I'm not
much fun at picnics.

My husband wasn't always like
this, you know.

It's a silly thing
to say... "you know."

How would you know?
You're a stranger.

You know, sometimes it's
easier to talk to strangers.

Bret was a...
Was a fine husband.

Devoted to his children.

He spoiled them too
much, but he loved them.

Especially Michael.

He was the oldest.

Beautiful boy.

Steal your heart
in a minute.

He went everywhere
with his father.

Bret would put him in
front of him in the saddle,

and they'd ride
half the day.

One morning,
the horse stumbled.

It's no one's fault.

Our son died
that night.

My wife and I
lost a son.

Charles junior,
about 5 years ago.

How does a person
ever get over it?

I don't think you ever get
over anything like that.

I suppose that's why faith
is so important to me. I...

Just don't think a person can
handle something like that alone.

How do you get
that kind of faith?

By wanting it
bad enough.

Wanting to believe.

Thomas: Mr. Ingalls, come quick!
We found a dragon!

I'm coming.

You can even see a dragon
if you believe hard enough.

Can I heat that up
for you?

Yeah. Thank you.

You two finish that milk.

Been at it long enough.

Fooling around with it.

It's time to get to bed.

Thomas: Can't we stay
up just a little longer?


But we want to tell daddy
about the dragon and all.

I told you your father
may have to work late.

How come daddy has to
work late every night?

He just has to.

Now finish that milk.

I tell you what, you hurry up
and finish that milk,

I'll take you upstairs
and tuck you in

and give you a little dream
to dream,

if it's all right
with your ma.

Is it all right?


All right. Get going.

Charles: Come on.
Hurry up and down it.

Your sister's
beating you.

Ha ha ha!

All right.
There you go.

I'll make it quick.

This is my bed.

And this is mine.

They're nice, too.

Give me that robe.

You better sit on my bed
to tell us our dream.

He wets his.

Thomas: I do not.

You do too,
and you know it.

Well, now, wait.
What's so bad about wetting the bed?

Lots of people do.

They do?

Well, sure they do.
I did.

Are you making up
a story?

Cross my heart.

Do you still?

Of course not.
I grew out of it,

just the way
Thomas will.

I hope you're right.

I am right. Don't
worry about it.

Now I'm going to give you that dream.
Are you ready?


All right. This
dream takes place

way, way up
in the clouds.

Don't make it scary.

I'm not making it scary.

You are too,

because when we're up in the
clouds, we're in heaven,

and we're dead.

This isn't heaven.

This is a different
kind of place

and different kind
of clouds.

'Cause these clouds are
made out of marshmallows,

and you can eat as many
of them as you want.

Then we can run around,
play hide and seek around the clouds,

and if
we get real tired,

we just
close our eyes,

lie down on a cloud
that's just like a pillow

and sleep
and sleep and sleep.

And that's what I want both
of you to do right now.

about those dreams.

But don't
eat too many clouds,

or you'll
get stomachaches.

Mr. Ingalls?

Yeah, Tom?

You weren't funning
about wetting and all?

No, I wasn't funning.

And it will stop?

I guarantee it.

Thanks. Good night.

Good night, Tom.

I tell you,
that's quite a pair.

Yes, they are.

After that workout
you gave them today,

they'll sleep
like logs.

I guarantee you
I will.

I'm sorry about
what happened today.

I was feeling a little
sorry for myself, I guess,

and I just wanted someone
to feel sorry along with me.

Ah, I think we all feel sorry
for ourselves sometimes.

I know I do.

I think people have to
work hard at being happy.

I sound like I'm giving
a lecture now, huh?

No. You're right.

It's just so easy being
happy for so long.

I guess I never learned
how to work at it.

Never too late to try.

Good night, Leslie.

Good night.

I don't believe it.

I told you it would take a few
days to get all the horses.

now I can see why.

I hope you don't
expect me

to go through
that whole bunch

to pick out
the 10 best.

Oh, no. I brought them all
in for the army to look at.

They want a thousand.

Why don't I have rod and the
boys pick out the 10 best?

I'd appreciate it.

Get right
at it, sir.

Hyah! Get along there!

Hyah! Get back
over there!


Oh, hi.
You're done early.


How did it go?

Fine. I think I bought the best
bunch of horses I've ever seen.

Did Bret come home?

He'll be along soon.
He's helping

the drivers bring in
the horses.

Good. That'll give me time
to get everything ready.

Mmm. That smells good.
I hope you made a bunch.

I did.
Oh, I forgot the pie.

Here. I'll get it
for you.

Don't want you to put your
pretty hands in that hot oven.

There you go.

I haven't had
a compliment like that

in many a year,
Mr. Ingalls.

Like what?

What you just said.

I hope you haven't
forgotten already.

About my hands.

Oh. I always
speak the truth.

And my hands are dirty
along with the rest of me,

so I think I'll wash up.

Mmm! That smells good!

Leslie: Bret?

No, nb, it's me.

That was my stomach
you heard growling.

Doesn't get home soon,
I'm going to start dinner without him.

I could serve you up a
little to tide you over.

No, no.
That's all right.

Well, look at you.

It's all your fault,
you know.

Oh, mine?

Well, you told me to
work at being happy.

Woman can't feel happy unless
she feels like a woman.

Well, then, you must
feel very, very happy.

I am.

Bret: Rod, rein them and
put them all in the corral.

Bret's home.

Have a good day?

Yes, it went fine.
Ingalls around?

There you are.

Well, they're all in the corral
now, safe and sound.

That's fine.
Thank you.

Bret, dinner's ready
anytime you want.

No. I'm not very hungry.

Well, I made
your favorite.

I said I'm not
very hungry.

We can, uh, settle up
before you leave in the morning.



Yes, Leslie, what is it?


Nothing at all.

Uh, I have a lot
of paperwork to do.

I just...

Don't exist anymore.

Mommy! Mommy!

Samantha's staying over at
Patty Benson's for supper.

I told her not to without
asking, but she wouldn't listen.

It's all right.
She can stay over.

What's the matter?

I'm just tired.

Ma cries a lot.

I can hear her at night.

How about you and I
take a little ride

and let your ma
rest before supper.


Thomas: Why do you suppose
my ma cries all the time?

Charles: It's hard
to say sometimes.

I think it's because
of my brother.

He got killed.

I know.

That's why my pa won't
let me have a horse.

He never
lets me ride one.

Maybe he will
when you're bigger.


My pa didn't give me
a horse till I got big.

You got a pa?

I did. He died
a few years back.

Did your pa dream?

Sure. Sometimes.
Everybody does.

I don't mean
regular dreams.

I mean those happy ones
like you gave us.

Oh, yeah. He dreamed
those kind, too.


I was just wondering.

Speaking of wondering,
we best get back

before your ma starts
wondering what happened to us.

Thanks for taking me.

You're welcome, boy.

Man: Your father's been
looking for you, Thomas.

Thomas, how many times
have I told you

not to get on a horse?

How many times?

It's not the boy's
fault, Mr. Harper.

You stay out of this,
Ingalls. Now answer me!

How many times?

I didn't mean anything
wrong, Mr. Ingalls.

I didn't.

I know
you didn't, son.

You go on now.
You go on in the house.

You had no reason
to do that.

I asked the boy to
go riding with me.

If it was wrong,
it was my fault.

You have no right to tell
me how to discipline my son.

I do if you don't
treat him like a son!

can have a child.

That doesn't make him
a father.

How does that Ingalls go putting
my son on a horse without asking?

Stop it!

In the name of heaven,
stop it!

go to your room.

What do you mean acting like
that in front of the child?

What do I mean?

It never seemed
to bother you

to stagger around drunk in front
of your children half the day,

never speaking to them,
never being a father to them!

Michael wasn't
your only child,

or did you forget that?

I told you never
to mention my son's name.

Your son?

I was his mother.

I carried that baby
inside of me!

When he died,
part of me died, too.

Then why can't you
understand the way I...

I can't understand!

Because your children
need a father!

Because your wife
needs a husband.

Bret, I just can't
stay here anymore.


Don't leave me.

It won't work
this time, Bret.

You mean you won't even
give me another chance?

Another chance.

Then another...

It's been too long.
I'm tired.

A stranger came
to this house...

And in a few days
gave your children

more love
and understanding

than you've given
them in 4 years.

For the first time
in their lives,

they know what it's like
to have a father.

So it's Ingalls.

He's the reason why
you're leaving, isn't he?

I'm leaving
because I have to.

Come in.


I was hoping
you weren't asleep.

No, no.
I wasn't tired.

I'm sorry
about the trouble.

I... I just
didn't know.

Don't apologize
for Bret.

It won't work, Charles.

You asked me try,
and I did,

and it just won't work.

You're sure?


When you leave
in the morning,

I'd like you take me and
the children to town.

We'll stay there until
the divorce is worked out.

Do the children

Not yet.

I'll them
in the morning.

And it won't be easy
for them at first, I know.

And the longer I wait,
the more difficult it will be.

They, uh...

Need someone
to love them.

So do I.

My husband...

Accused me of leaving him
because of you.

I told him it wasn't true.

I do envy your wife.

Good night.

Mr. Ingalls, we want
to talk to you.


Ma said you're
taking us to town.

Your ma asked if I'd give you a ride
in, and I said I would.

Our pa's not going,
is he?

No, Sam, he's not.

Are we going
to see him anymore?

I don't know, son.

You tell him.

We didn't tell you
the truth about our pa.

We didn't
tell god the truth

because we didn't want
god to be mad at him.

Our pa's not sick.

He drinks whiskey
because he's sad.

Mama never told us,
but we knew.

He doesn't mean
to be sad.

I guess he just forgot
how to be happy.

But you could help him,
Mr. Ingalls.

I wish I could, Sam.

You can help.

Give our pa
a dream to dream,

like you did
with us.

It's just not
that easy, boy.

Won't you even try?

I'll see
if your ma's ready.

I'm all ready,

and there's one bag left
in the children's room.

I'll take care of it.

Leave that one there.
I'll get them all.

I'll wait outside.

I'll be leaving now.

Here's your money.

A bill of sale.

You know, Ingalls,

I've been sitting here
for the past few hours

trying to figure out a way of
stopping my wife from leaving,

everything from pleading
with Leslie to fighting you,

and neither one of them
seems to make much sense.

You just can't make
another person love you.

You never really tried,
did you?


Not since Michael died.

I suppose
Leslie told you

I killed my own son.

She said
there was an accident.

It was 4 years ago.

But no matter how
many years ago it was,

for me,
it's always yesterday.

Do you think you're
the only one

in this world
who's ever suffered?

I'm not asking for your
sympathy or your forgiveness.

Well, good, 'cause you're
not going to get either.

You know, for 4 years
you haven't been a father,

you haven't
been anything.

You got two children
sitting out there who need

an awful lot of love to make up
for what you haven't given them.

You think these past 4
years have been easy for me?

I told you
I killed my own son.

Do you think you
could live with that?

Aw, come on, Harper.

You're not punishing
yourself with that guilt.

You're punishing your wife.

You're punishing
your children.

Destroying their love
was no accident.

Get out.

You don't love your wife.

You're just afraid
of being alone.

I'm not afraid of
being alone, Ingalls.

I've spent the past 4 years
working very hard at being alone.

Leslie, could I see you
for a minute?

Wait in the wagon,

What's wrong?

Nothing's wrong.

I just want to talk
to you for a minute.

I'm not going
to take you.


I'm not going
to take you into town.

If you want to go,

you'll have to have
somebody else drive you.

Is it because of something
Bret said to you?

Because he's in there drunk
and you feel sorry for him?

He's not drunk,
and I don't feel sorry for him.

Then what is it?

It's because he loves you
and you love him.

You're wrong.

Am I?

Just look at me and
tell me you don't love him.

It's as simple as that.

Look at me and tell me
you don't love him.

If only
he were like you.

I... I need...

You need someone.

You've needed someone
for a long time.

But, Leslie, needing and loving
just aren't the same thing.

Some of the things
you see in me

are the things you used
to see in your husband.

Remember I told you once

that a person has
to work at being happy?


I think your husband's
ready for that work.

But you got to
give him a chance.

If only
I could be sure.

You're sure you
love him, aren't you?


And you know
your children do.

I know.

And what else do you
have to be sure of?

Come on.

You're not leaving?


I won't make
any promises,

and I won't plead.

But I will try.



All right. Everybody out.

Where's ma?

She's inside
with your pa.

She's not going.

She's not?

That's right. She isn't.

Why don't you get on in
that house and give her a hug?

Samantha: Ma! Pa!

Oh, Mr. Ingalls,
I knew you could do it.

You gave our pa a dream.

Aw, I didn't give
him a dream, boy.

I just kind of woke him up a
little, that's all.

I'll never forget you,
Mr. Ingalls. Never.

Nor will I you.

Now go on.
Get in that house.

I love you, Charles!

Laura: Pa got a letter

from the Harpers
two years later.

They wanted pa to know
they'd had another child...

A son.

They named him
Charles Michael Harper.