Little House on the Prairie (1974–1983): Season 4, Episode 2 - Times of Change - full transcript

An excited Mary Ingalls accompanies her father to the Chicago Grange Convention to surprise her true love, John Edwards, by accepting his invitation to a cotillion in person. But, surprises are in store for everyone as both Charles and Mary experience a trip very different from the one they each expected.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Laura: Mary, wait up!

Wait, Mary!

Wait. You should
have waited.

It won't be announced
till tomorrow,

but miss beadle put the
best essay up on the board.

Well, don't you even care
whose it was?

Oh, yeah. I'm sorry. Who won?

It was yours,
you big silly.

Said right on it,
"by Mary Ingalls."

Nellie oleson was green
with envy.

She was sure
she'd win.

Her mother wrote it
for her, you know,

but I know
yours was better.

You can write as good
as miss beadle.

Charles: Hey, everybody!


You lovely ladies
like a ride?

Thanks, pa.

Come on,
Carrie. Up.

How was school today,
Carrie? All right?


Oh, by the way, Mary,

uh, I got
a letter for you.

It's from Chicago.

It's from John!

What's he say?

Well, aren't you going
to read it to us?

I don't think that's a reading-aloud
kind of letter, half-pint.

John's letters to Mary
are kind of personal.



Laura: Mary won the
essay contest at school!

Caroline: Well, well!
Congratulations, Mary.

Thanks, ma.

She doesn't seem
very excited about it.

She got a letter
from Chicago.

Oh? How's John?

Who knows?
It's still Mary's secret. Oh.

I have a little secret of my
own, too.

Oh? What's
your secret?

You know the grange is
going to meet in two weeks

to decide
state regulation,

and since Luther
Douglas is sick,

I am going to
represent the district

at the convention.
Oh, Charles!

I mean, the grange!

"Recently I attended
a performance

of Felix mendelssohn's
songs without words."

"The lilting melodies
of the piano

"reminded me so much
of you, my sweet Mary,

"and the peaceful
surroundings of walnut grove.

"Mendelssohn's title no
longer seemed appropriate

as music brought words
flowing into my mind."

He always writes
such sloppy things.

Falling in love is
such a waste of time.

I'm going to stay right here
with pa forever and ever.

Do you want
to hear this, or not?


"The university
is holding

its annual cotillion"...
That's a dance...

"on the 14th
of this month.

how proud I would be

"to escort you on
such a grand occasion,

but I fear
that is only a dream."

If only I could go.

Caroline: Girls?


If I ever got a chance
to go to Chicago,

I wouldn't waste my time
at some dumb old dance.

Your father has an
announcement to make.

Well, I just thought you
might be interested to know

that I'll be
representing walnut grove

at the grange convention
next month,

and your ma's
going with me.

Charles, but...

Well, now, hold on.
It's a free trip.

We're never going to get
a chance like this again.

Laura: Oh, pa,
how wonderful!

You bet.

It sure is.

But what's
a grange?

Honey, that's
an organization

that does
an awful lot of good

for all the people
that belong to it.

Which is practically
every farmer

in the whole

Mary, is something
bothering you?

No. I'm fine.

It's just that
she's in love

and miserable
because she can't go

to the dance
with John.

It's not just the dance.

I miss him so much.

It's been so long.

Well, you just might
be interested to know

that the convention that
your ma and I are going to

is going to take
place in Chicago.


That's right.

Then you'll see John.

of course we will.

You can tell me

Where he lives,
how he looks,

if he's changed at all.

We'll tell you

The shirt! The one
I made him for Christmas

when he was supposed
to come home.

I was going to send it
to him by mail,

but... but now you can
take it to him in person.

Well, you don't
have to get it now.

Well, there's so many things
I want you to tell him,

things I can't fit
in a letter.

It'll be almost as if
I was really there.

Charles, I need
to talk to you.

Is something wrong?

No. I-It's
about Chicago.

I think I should
stay here.

Oh, now, Caroline,
come on.

If it's because
of the children...

No, it isn't.

At least,
not the way you're thinking.

Well, why wouldn't you
want to go?

We'll never have
a chance like this again.

I don't mean
to seem ungrateful.

Oh, I'd love
to see Chicago,

but it would be
seeing it with you

that would make it
so special.

Isn't that why
you invited me?

Of course it is.

I want Mary
to make the trip.

I can see Chicago on
a picture postcard.

It means
that much to you?

And to her.

more important

than being with
the one you love.

Don't I know that.

It'll be worth it just to
see her face when I tell her.

Well, then what
are you waiting for?

Why don't you
go tell her?

Thank you.


I really do love you.

Mary, would you come
down here, please?

Need some help?

What do you think?

It's beautiful.

Oh, I remember the
first time I wore it.

I was
about your age.

Your pa and I were
not yet married.

We hardly even
knew each other.

He was
so handsome...

And I was
so young...

Painfully shy.

He and father
were standing

by the fireplace

And I came in...

this dress...

And he looked at me
and said,


"You are
the prettiest thing

this side
of heaven."

It was
a spring dance...

May, I think.

He brought me cornflowers
from the Meadow,

and I put them
in my hair.

Oh, I fell in love
with him that moment...

And I've loved him
ever since.

I kept it
tucked away

in the trunk
all these years,

keeping it nice,

saving it for something
really special.

Maybe you should
try it on,

see if it needs
any adjusting.

But why are you
giving it to me?

You're going to need something
nice for the cotillion.

Well, don't just
stand there.

We've got a lot
of work to do

before you and your pa
go to Chicago.

Oh, ma!

Ma, thank you.

Thank you.

Conductor: All aboard!


Here you go,
sit right in there.

All right.

Think I can get
this one little bag to stay up.

Mr. Ingalls?
Mr. Charles Ingalls?

Right here.

Mr. Ingalls?


Would you please
follow me?


Here you are, Mr. Ingalls.

I hope you and your daughter
will be very comfortable.

Oh, pa, look.

There's, uh, there's got
to be some kind of mistake.

See, I've just got
these two coach tickets.

No, there's no mistake,
Mr. Ingalls.

The accommodations
have been arranged for you

as a grange member.
Have a good trip.

Isn't it beautiful?

It sure is, but nobody said anything
about a special compartment.

What the heck.
Might as well enjoy it, eh?

Have I thanked you enough
for letting me come?

Hey, come on.
Don't thank me.

I'm just happy
I can bring you.

And we're gonna
ride in style.

Ha ha!

Charles: Yeah.

Your lunch, sir.

Oh, hold on.
I didn't order any lunch.

Oh, it's all
taken care of.

Uh, roast beef,
green peas and rolls,

and, uh,

blueberry pie
for dessert.

Well, that's all
very nice, but who...

Just following
my orders, sir.

Enjoy your meal.

I don't know
what's going on here.

Will you look at that?

But what about
ma's sandwiches?

If your ma could see that,
I don't think she'd mind.

Come on. Let's eat.

Some hotel, huh?

What a lovely day.

See? Isn't that nice?

Now, here we go
for a little walk.

There you are,

Come along, Rodney.
Come along.

Don't drag your feet,
darling. Come along.

Down the step.
That's a good boy.

Here we go, baby.
Come along.

Pa, did you see that?

What's that, honey?

That dog.
It has a coat on.

Ha ha ha!

I don't think bandit would
put up with that, would he?


Your baggage, sir.

Of course it's my baggage.
What do you think?

Come on, honey.

Another farmer.

Man: Good afternoon, sir.
May I help you?

Yeah. I'd like
two rooms, please.

If you would sign
the register, sir.

All right.

Ah, yes. Mr. Ingalls.

Mr. Charles Ingalls,
walnut grove.

With the grange,

Yeah. That's right.

We've been holding
your rooms for you, sir.


Uh, just a minute.
I didn't make a reservation.

A reservation
is not required.

Your accommodations
are paid in full.


Enjoy your stay,
Mr. Ingalls.

Thank you.

This way,
Mr. Ingalls.

May I help you, sir?

Thank you. You're welcome.

Oh, pa!

Where's the bed?

Your room's
over here, miss.

I never had my own room before.

And the bathroom
is through there.

Your room
is this way, sir.

Oh. Thank you.

These rooms
are very nice,

but, uh, are you sure
they're the right ones?

Oh, yes, sir.
Suite 232.

If I can be of service,
the cord by the fireplace

will signal me
down in the lobby.

Oh. Thank you
very much.

You're welcome.

I knew Chicago
would be wonderful,

but I never
expected this.

Well, neither did I.

Private compartment on the
train, big suite of rooms.

Luther Douglas never
said anything about this.

Pa, when
can I see John?

How does 5 minutes sound?
Just enough time for us to freshen up.

Sounds great!

Ha ha ha!

This is it.

This is
where he works.

Just think
of it, pa...

John working for a big
newspaper like this.





Oh, I can't
believe it!

What are you
doing here?

Mr. Ingalls,

Nice to see you
again, John.

Nice to see you,

What are you
doing here?

Man: Sanderson, aren't
you supposed to be doing

that music-festival

Mr. Hancock,

this is Mary and
Charles Ingalls.

Well, I'll be.
How do you do, Mr. Ingalls?

Mr. Hancock.

Mary. I feel like I've
known you folks for years.

What brings you
to Chicago?

I came
to see John.

Oh, naturally.

You were right, John.
She's lovely.

I'm here representing my district
for the grange convention,

which reminds me I really
should be on my way.

Mr. Hancock,
it was a pleasure to meet you.

Maybe we can talk
again sometime.

John, you'll take Mary
back to the hotel, right?

Of course, sir.
Good to see you again.

I have an idea.

Mr. Ingalls, why don't
you and your daughter

join me
for dinner tonight?

Uh, you, too, John,
of course.

Could we, pa?

That's very kind of you.
We'd appreciate it.

Thank you, Mr. Hancock.


Fletcher. I really
should be going.

If you could just point
me in the right direction.

I'll do better than that.
I'm heading in the same way.

I appreciate it.
John, we'll see you tonight.

This your first trip
to Chicago, Charles?

Yes, it is.

Well, I think
you'll like it

if you get a chance
to look around.

Oh, I have
missed you, John.

And I've missed you.

Oh, I almost forgot.

This is for you.
I hope you like it.

It's from you.
I'll like it.

Hey, how about
seeing where I work?


It's really a big place
they got here, huh?

I suppose it is.

Ennis O'Connell.
Bloomington, Illinois.

Charles Ingalls.
Walnut grove, Minnesota.

It's my first time in Chicago.
It's quite a town.

Yeah. It looks a lot
better since they rebuilt

after the fire
in '71.

See, my place
isn't too far,

and I'm on the main
railroad line,

so I get here
pretty regular.

Where... where'd
you say you're from?

Oh, walnut grove.
It's a real small town.

It's about 3 days
outside of mankato.

You mean,
that's your nearest railroad stop?

No, no. Springfield's
the nearest one,

but there's
no grain elevator there.

It's one of the things I'm hoping to
talk about here at the convention.

Man: Gentlemen!

Take your seats, please!

Listen, maybe we can talk
about that later, huh?

Hey, I'd like to very much.
It's a pleasure to meet you.

Nice to meet you.


Take your seats!


Take your seats!


Let's come to order,

Miss anything?

No, no.
Just getting started.


Here we go.

Charles Ingalls,
walnut grove.

Blake Simmons,
"Chicago register."

Members of the grange...

It is my pleasure
to welcome you to Chicago.

All right. Now,
let's hear it from you.

How do you feel
about the grange?

Mary: And tomorrow John's going
to show me around the city.

Fletcher: You're not going
over to the university?

There's really
nothing much to see,

just a lot of buildings.

We spent
the whole afternoon

on his article.

He even let me
write part of it.

We've got to remember
to take a copy back with us.

I'm sure
you won't forget.

It's been a long time since you've
been back to walnut grove, John.

You gonna come see us
this summer

or go out to California
to see your folks?

I don't know, sir.

With work, it may be
difficult to get away at all.

Well, you need
some time off, John,

just let me know.

You have to.
You didn't come at Christmas.

I explained about that.
I had exams.

Charles: Well, nobody's
gonna recognize you

by the time
they set eyes on you.

I supposed.

You notice any difference
in Mary?

Oh, no, she's exactly the
same as when we got engaged.

I grew a whole inch
since then.

Fletcher: Ha ha!

I'm sorry.
I couldn't really tell.

Wait till you dance with me
at the cotillion.

Then you'll see.

Fletcher, this was
a delicious dinner.

Well, I'm right glad
you enjoyed it.

But I hope you left space
for dessert.

They bake a pie here
made of pecan nuts

shipped all the way
from the state of Georgia.

John: So what do you
think of Chicago?

Mary: It's so big!

Walnut grove is like
a park next to it.

It's really amazing.


Two of these,

Here you go.
Thank you.


What is it?

It's called
chewing gum.

They just started making
it a couple of years ago.

Well, what do you
do with it?

Well, like it says,
you chew it.


But don't
swallow it.

Why not?
Is it poisonous?

Of course not, but it's chewing
gum, not eating gum.

Anyway, it's delicious. Go on.

Mmm! It is good.

I ought to take some back to Laura.
She'll love it.


I didn't expect
to see you in town.

Glad I caught you.
I have your anthropology notes.

Oh, thanks.
I almost forgot about them.

Who's the pretty lady?

Oh. Wesley Cox, this
is Mary Ingalls.

You must be a new student.

I'd never forget
such a sweet face.

Oh, I don't go
to college.

This is Mary Ingalls
from walnut grove.

Oh, the country girl.

Uh, John, don't you
have an appointment

at 11:30
with miss Lawrence?

Oh, yeah.
I'd completely forgotten.

Mary, um, she's one
of my professors.

I'm going to have to take
you back to the hotel.

Uh, no need for that.

I'd be more than happy
to escort Mary for you.

Would you?
Of course.

Oh. I'm sorry to have to
rush off like this, Mary.

Will I see you
after your appointment?

Yeah. At about,
uh, 3:00.

I have another class
at 2:00.

Thanks, Wes.

May I?

You're late.
I was about to leave.

I'm sorry.
The newspaper.

Yes. I know.

I got my dress for the
cotillion tomorrow night.

It's beautiful.

You'll pick me up
at 7:00?

Where in heaven's name

did you get
that silly shirt?

You look like
a farmer.

You're not dressed.

John has a function
to go to.

He didn't know we were coming,
and he couldn't cancel.

Oh, darn it. I wish
I didn't have to go

to this convention

We could have done
something together,

just the two of us.

Don't worry about me.
John gave me this book all about Chicago.

You sure you'll be
all right?

I'll be fine, pa,
and tomorrow night,

I'll be going
to the cotillion.

All right.
I won't be late.

Have a good time.

Maybe John
got off early.

Mr. Ingalls?

I'm Angela.

Uh, I... I think you must
have the wrong room.

This is 232,
isn't it?

And, uh, you're Charlie
Ingalls with the grange?

Oh, hi, honey.


Kind of young,
isn't she?

That's my daughter.


Now, who sent you here?

Hollister, silly.
Who'd you think?

Who's Hollister?

Stanley Hollister.
With the railroad.

I see. Well, I'm afraid
there's been a mistake.

Ok. I get it.

Shame, though.

I'm sorry
for the inconvenience.

Bye, sweetie.


You, uh,
take good care of your pa here.

O'Connell: Hey, Ingalls!

Ingalls, over here!

You're late.
The bar's been open for hours.

No, thank you. I'm sorry I'm
late, but something came up.

I get it.
You got Hollister's message, huh?

Do you know Hollister?

Uh, listen, I want
to talk to you.

Uh, let's go over
here where it's quiet.

Here. Have a seat
right here.

Thank you.

Looks quiet enough.

I talked to some people
about, uh...

That grain elevator
of yours.

Might be able to pull
a couple of strings.

Oh, listen,
I'd really be beholden to you.

It'd mean
an awful lot

to the farmers
of walnut grove.

Well, like I said,
I talked to these friends of mine.

I think
it's almost settled.

I don't know
how to thank you.

Just one thing, though.

Uh, you do plan
to vote no, don't you?

Well, vote no? Of course not.
Why would I do that?

Well, uh, these friends
are influential.

Do a lot of favors,
not just for you.

They, uh, kind of expect
something in return.

Who are
these friends, huh?

Oh, you don't know them.

Uh, Virgil Bradley
and Phillip dewltt...

And Stanley Hollister.

Stanley Hollister?
I'll be right back.

Hey! Hey, Ingalls!

Hey, ing...

Man: Morning paper here!

Paper! The register!

Get your morning paper!

Paper! Paper?


2 cents.

Get your morning paper!

Chicago register!

Papers! Morning papers!

Read all about it
in the morning register!

Come in.

Well, Charles!
Good morning.

Fletcher. Look,
I know you weren't

at the convention dinner
last night.

Sent Blake Simmons,
one of my best men.

I know. We met,
but when I read this article...

Are you trying
to tell me

how my reporters
should write?

No. Not how. What.

I mean, it just never
happened this way.

I'm not sure
I understand you.

Fletcher, the dinner last
night was a nightmare.

I mean, drunken farmers,
fancy women.

But the worst part was the
bargaining going on under the table.

People making deals,
bribes, and with railroads.

Look, Simmons was there.
He heard every bit of it.

Then I read this article,
I think the whole thing was a nightmare.

There's nothing
about it in here.

I just thought
you ought to know.

Like some?


I'm aware of what
went on, Charles.

See, I have a responsibility
to the grangers.

What about your readers?
Don't you owe them something?

The grange is a
respectable institution.

Oh, nobody believed that
any more than I did.

Well, if I reported
every time they play

a few games
here and there,

I'd give them
a bad name.

What went on...
So you see,

I'm really just protecting
people from hearing things

it wouldn't do them
any good to know.

Fletcher, you don't
really believe that.

Look, Charles,
I know what I print

sometimes isn't
the whole truth,

but my advertisers,

large organizations
like the railroads,

well, they keep me
in business.

I see.

That may be hard for
you to understand.

Living out
in the country, it...

Yeah. You're right. That is hard
for me to understand, Fletcher.

See, where I come from,
we tell the truth.

Mary: What time
is it, pa?

It must be
almost 7:00.

Mary: I'm almost ready.
I don't know what time

John will meet me
at the cotillion.

I hope he doesn't
have to work too late.

I guess I better
get used to it, though,

if I'm going to be
the wife of a newspaperman.

I suppose.

Whew! Just look at you.

Oh, that is beautiful.

I've always been
proud to be your pa,

but never as proud
as I am tonight.

I love you, pa.

Oh, I love you, too,

I don't want to mess your hair.

You look beautiful!

Hey, that John's
a lucky fellow.

Oh, speaking
of which,

this came while you were getting ready.
John sent it over.

Oh, he's so kind.

This is going to be
the best night of my life.

Look at that. Hmm?


Want me
to pin it on?

All right.

It's just like the
years never passed.

You look just as
pretty as your ma did

when she wore that
dress for the first time

we went
to the dance.

I'm scared, pa.

What do you have
to be scared about?

You're going to be

the prettiest and the
smartest girl there.


Miss Ingalls?

Your wrap.

Thank you.

Here we go.

See him anywhere?

There he is over there.

John: Good evening,
Mr. Ingalls. Mary.

Ah, you look mighty dapper
tonight, John.

Thank you, sir.

You two
have a good time.

Oh, Mr. Ingalls,

I hate
to ask you this,

but I'm covering the
cotillion for the paper.

They want it in
the morning issue,

um, so I have to
leave a little early,

and I was wondering if you
could come and get Mary.

Oh, John.

Hold on a minute.
You just told me

you had to get used to being
married to a newspaperman.

I'll come back
right after the meeting.

Thank you, sir.

Why don't you two start
dancing so I can have a look?

Thank you
for the flowers.

They look beautiful.
So do you.

I love you,

May I?
If Mary doesn't mind.

Of course not.

I'm sorry to keep
running out,

but I have to cover the
cotillion for the paper.

That stupid paper is all
you ever think about.

You can't even
keep your mind

on where we're dancing.

I'm sorry.

Let me tell you

As soon as you have time to
think about me for a change,

let me know.

Until then, I'd rather not
dance in the shrubbery.

Thank you.

Order. Order.

Now then, if there are
no further questions...

Uh, Mr. Chairman,

I would like to make
one final statement

in favor of a no vote
on state regulation

and begin by asking
who is more familiar

with the affairs
of the farmers...

The railroads,
with whom we have worked in the past...

Or those bureaucrats
in the state government?

Now, in light of my conversations
with various sources,

I have excellent reason
to believe

that the railroads are willing
to work with the grange

on this matter
of shipping charges.

How much are they
paying you

to talk like that,

Sir, you are
out of order.

No, sir, I am not!

Because what I have
to say is important

because nobody's
paying me to say it.

You know, I've been proud to
be a member of the grange.

I was honored
when I was asked

to represent my district
here at the convention.

But this isn't the
grange that I knew.

This isn't the close-knit
rural organization

that it used
to be...

Because it's been
corrupted by the railroads

and the power
of the big cities.

Sir, that is
a libelous statement.

Well, then sue me!

Go on, O'Connell.
Sue me.

My farm's worth
about $100.

What's $100 to you, O'Connell?
It's nothing.

Well, it means
a lot to me,

and I'd still rather lose
my farm than lose my honor.

Mr. Chairman, these heroics are
wasting this convention's time.

I agree with Mr. O'Connell,
Mr. Chairman!

I'm sure it is a waste of
this convention's time.

I mean,
why waste your time being honest

when you can make so much
more money by being dishonest?

Now you're talking
like a fool.

Well, of course
I'm a fool!

I'm just a dumb
farmer, O'Connell!

A stupid,
dumb farmer!

Well, I got news for you
and for the railroad.

I didn't come to Chicago
on a load of hay.

Now, I don't care how the rest
of you are voting tonight,

but this dumb farmer is going
to vote yes on state regulation!

And I don't care
what it costs.

Now, gentlemen,

Now, just calm down.

Gentlemen, please.

Mr. Chairman.

Do you think
I could have some punch?

Oh, of course.
Why don't you sit down,

and I'll get it
for you?

Hi. Having fun?

How about
the next dance?


I'm sorry, John.

Um, won't your friends be
wondering where you are?

Oh, they're
so boring.

You know I'd rather be with you,

but you're
always so busy.

Why don't we go out
on the terrace?

It's much cooler
out there.

All right.

Um, you go out.
I'll join you

as soon as I get
the punch, ok?

Don't be long.

Excuse me a minute, Claire.

Oh, Johnny.

Please. Not now.

Again? But, John!

Just excuse me.

I've had a bad evening,
young man,

and right now,
I'm about as angry

as I've ever been
in my life.

I know, sir.

All right. You know.
What kind of game are you playing?

It's not
a game, sir.

I didn't know you
and Mary were coming.

Oh, am I supposed
to understand that?

You're supposed to be engaged
to my daughter. Do you love her?

I care for her

I asked you if you're in
love with my daughter.

No, sir.

How long have you known?

I'm not sure.

When you're
far apart,

it's easy to avoid
knowing the truth,

but seeing her

I knew.

And I did plan
to tell her.


In a letter when she got
back to walnut grove.

When she got back
to walnut grove,

and I'm supposed to
understand that, too.

I'm a writer.
The words come easier on paper.

When you first told my
daughter you loved her,

did you write her
a letter about it?

This is different.
I... I can't face her.

John, Mary has a right
to hear it from you.

She has a right
to tell you how she feels.

I think you owe her
that much.

Yes, sir.

I just don't know
what I'll say.

The words will come.

Yes, sir.

I'm really sorry.

I'm sorry, darling.

I wish there was
something I could do.

His letters...

I believed them.

I know you did.

You know, sometimes
things happen

when there's a lot of
distance between people.

Maybe he just
wrote you the things

that he thought
you wanted to hear.

But I feel the same, pa.

I love John.

But he's not
the same, darling.

He's changed.
He's different.

He's a city boy now.
He has different needs.

I could learn to be
what he wants.

I could change, too.

Oh, now, hold on.

Changing's not always
for the better.

You know, there's only
one thing in this world

you can do better
than anybody else.


Just be yourself.

Being yourself
hurts too much.

Ah, if you didn't feel a
little of the pain of sorrow,

how would you know how
good it felt to be happy?

I don't think I'll
ever be happy again.

Oh, yes, you will.

I know you don't
believe that now,

but you wait and see.
One of these days,

this'll be over
and forgotten.

You'll meet
a new Beau,

and you'll fall
in love again.

No, I won't.

Love is too painful.

Oh, come on.

Nothing makes sense

Shh. Shh. Shh.


Why don't we
go home, huh?

I just don't think
you and I belong here.

Here. We'll sit
right here, Mary.

Won't be the same
this time.

I don't think they'll be
serving us any fancy lunch.

It doesn't matter.
I just want to see walnut grove again.

Conductor: All aboard!

Would you like
a sandwich?

No, thanks.

Go ahead. My aunt Polly
made them for me.

She always fixes
more than enough.


It's a good idea.
You'll be needing it.

It's going to be
a long trip.

Where you headed?

I'm going
to poplar point myself.

Bet you never
heard of it.

Oh, well, sure I have.

It's only about a half
an hour from my house.

Is that right?
Excuse my manners.

My name's Patrick.
What's yours?

Mary. Mary Ingalls.

Where you from?

Walnut grove.

Walnut grove?

That's where I'll be
going to school.

There isn't one
in poplar point.

Oh, you'll really
like it.

Miss beadle's
a really good teacher.

Not too tough?

Not if you do
your homework.

Then I'm in trouble.