Little Bird (2023): Season 1, Episode 1 - Episode #1.1 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Now, he's really gonna hurt.
Mosquito bite right up here.

Yeah. And then
he scared the little bird.

And then, he said, "AAAH"!

You're only gonna be
gone for the day.

Maybe I'll just stay here
instead, just like this.

You're gonna make me
a coffee or what?

I can't do it
while you're kissing me.

I'm going to the tents.

- Oh, get ready.
- I'm coming.

Mama? Mama?

May I have some milk?

Yes. Can you go get
your brother some milk?

I got this.

I wanna make a castle.

I can't, it'll just fall.

Here, you love red team.
I love red too.

- Yeah, I'll be red team.
- Just make everything...

He's nervous.
He's not even talking to me.

He'll come around.

He's been waiting for this
a long time.

- Ah.
- Mm-hmm.

I love you, you know?

You do?

- Yeah.
- I still can't believe it.

We have four kids.

It's not enough.

Need more.

Do you think he's gonna
kill a deer today?

- No. Hahaha!
- Haha!

Well, one of you better
come back with something.

Now get, your dad's
gonna be mad.

Well, maybe later,
you can boss me around.

- Jeez, get.
- All right, then.

Leo, let's get
a move on, my boy.

- Kill your first deer, Leo!
- Kill it! I'll eat it all up.

We'll be home after dark.


Oh, they're so pretty!
Come look at them,


- Come see. This is so pretty.
- I like it.

Niizh, we were looking at those!

Hey, can you two
get me some water?

Go inside now! Go!

Go, go, go! Go!

I mean, really,
I'm just very busy.

Okay, David,
can I take a moment to talk

- to you as my future son-in-law?
- Uh-oh, here we go.

- Dad, come on.
- All I want to say is

I wish on you
even half of the joy

I've had being Esther's father.

It's all I want to say.
But I will add

that she just aced
all of her end-term exams.

- Dad, stop.
- What? First-year law school,

I didn't ace all my exams.
She aced torts.

She aced contracts.
She aced property law.

Yeah, that's what it means
when you say

I aced all of them.
Means I aced all of them.

She's gonna win every fight,
you know that, don't you?

- Oh, I know, I know.
- Oof!

Okay, that's good,
that's enough.

I'm gonna go check on Mom.
Don't say anything else.


- She already wins every fight.
- Yeah. What do you expect?

She's a daughter of two lawyers.

Mazel tov, Esther.
Beautiful simfa.

You look beautiful, Esther!

Oh, hey. Hi there.

How are you doing?

- Are you doing okay over here?
- Well, I'm good, I'm good.

I don't like
any of these people.

Mom, a lot of them
are from shul.

They don't know anything
about art, politic,

- culture.
- So, small talk with them.

I don't know why you try

so hard to fit in
with these boring people.

Who else am I supposed
to try to fit in with?

What. Do. You.
Want. To. Make?

I got you.

That's fine.

Good morning.

- Auntie Brigit!
- Auntie...

- I brought a little something.
- Oh, thank you.

Oh, hello, doll.

- She's a little bit hot, huh?
- Yeah,

she's got a little bit
of a fever.

Oh, my.

I was on my way to town
to run an errand,

and I thought I'd
bring you some fish.

Ooh... bannocks.


You're not feeling good, huh?

And your shirt's all dirty.
How come her shirt is

- all dirty?
- Oh,

- I know, I gotta wash it.
- Oh, look.

It's okay. Come here.

Oh yeah, she's got a bad fever.

Uh, do you want me
to stick around and help?

No, no, it's okay. You go.

- Take some bannock with you.
- Okay.

- See you.
- Bye, Aunt Brigit.

Don't turn it up

- so loud, Niizh!
- You two, outside,

both of you. Go pick some cedar
for your sister.

- Big shoe, go first.
- Nooo! the rabbit like I said!

Just wait, Niizh!

I'm going faster than you.

Hey, Niizh, you wanna play...

...dig the dog?

Esther? Esther?

I just thought of a story about
David that I had to tell you.

Oh, come on, Dad, she doesn't
want to hear your story.

Ha! So,

a couple of years ago,
we're trying

to get David to go to the youth
group dance at the shul.

You know, so he could
meet a nice girl.

- Yeah.
- And he says, "No way."

But then all of a sudden,

he is very excited to go,
and we can't figure out why.

Until we found out

that Esther Rosenblum is going.

Oh, my God!

I love that story every time.

Ah, Esther, what a dress!

- It really suits your colouring.
- Mom!

Oh, God. You... you know
why I think you and David

are such a good match? It's
'cause you're both so sensitive.

Tammy? Tammy,

hasn't your brother
always been so sensitive?


Oh, no. Davis is
the sensitive one

but Tammy here...
Tammy's moody.

- Right, Tam-tam?
- Hmm... I'm not moody,

I'm just annoyed by you.

- See?
- Well, Abby. Abby, come here.

Have I introduced you?
This is my future

daughter-in-law, Esther.

Isn't she so gorgeous?
She's so exotic.

- Mom, Jesus Christ.
- What?

She's got a shin to put 'em
right here. Right here.


- Pa?
- Hmm?

What if I don't get anything?

Well then, everyone's
gonna laugh at you.

Not a competition, my boy.

We hunt for food,

to take care of our family.

If I do get one,
Mom's gonna be real proud.

Haha! She sure will.


- Hey, Pops!
- Oy.


today you become a hunter, huh?

You guys heard Thomas here
got a payout?

The hell for?

- Off the reserve.
- How much did they give you?

Come on, tell him.




to get rid of you?
Not bad.

You know, if they pay us
to move off the reserve,

there'll be nothing left.

We ain't got nothing
left anyway, Uncle.

- This is true.
- Stop kidding yourself.

Let's go in.

All right, boys,
let's get a deer.

Yeah, let's do that.

- Sellout.
- Hahaha!

Okay, you lovebirds,

- speeches in 20 minutes.
- I have convinced

your father to say nothing,
you'll be happy to hear.

- Why? What was he gonna say?
- Uh, well,

he's your father,
so he was gonna embarrass you.

Haha! Yeah, a lot
of single entendres.

- You know your dad.
- Please excuse me for

a moment. I'll be right back.

Goodbye, darling.
Bye, sweetheart.

Mom, why are you
standing over here all alone?

Where should I be standing?

Go socialize.

And why is this party
so many people?

With so much display?

They have to let us know
how much money they're spending?

Mom, please lower your voice
and please don't say that

- to anybody else.
- Who am I talking to?

Look, there is Dad and Cheryl.

I can't talk to him.

You don't have to see him;
I'll talk to him.

He should live and be well.

Hahaha! You go, you go.

Dad, you didn't tell me
Cheryl was coming.

- Are you having a great time?
- Mm-hmm.

Thank you so much for coming.
You know, why don't you

go get a plate and I'll
be back in a minute.

Wait a sec. Not done bragging
about you. Where are you going?

- Hildie!
- Esther!

Hey, how is everyone behaving on
scale from terrible to terrible?

- Neh.
- Yeah.

Well, you look like a rock star
and fuck 'em, right?

I gotta show her something.

Aw, is it your dick?


- David, where are we going?
- Shh, shh, shh.


How you doing?

I'm good. I'm fine.

I am.

You, uh...

You only have in one earring.

Oh my!

How are you doing?

- David...
- Okay, okay, okay,

I'll drop it, but you're lying

and it's not even...
good lying.

- What did you want to show me?
- Wanted to show you the stairs.

This is the stairwell. Welcome.

And, uh... I wanted to give you
a little break from the party.

I like this dress.

I can reach right up it.

Yeah, we probably should
get back to the party.

It's right through there.

Or we could stay.

Oh yeah.

We could stay, huh?

No, you're right,
you're right, you're right.

You're right.

I'm sorry.

I fucking love you.

Hi, everybody.

- Hi.
- Hi. I'm Hildie.

Um, I'm gonna make a bitchin'
speech at the wedding.

But for now,

a quick introduction.

Esther is consistently

the most beautiful
person I know.

And, uh, David's all right.

And now the happy couple!

- Lehayim
- Lehayim

That was great.

- You all right, Antsy Pants?
- Mm-hmm.

Niizh, no!

Jesus Christ!

So, for all of Esther's
friends from law school,

I'm a resident
at Beth Israel General

- in emergency medicine.
- My son the doctor!

Thanks, Dad. Yeah.

There have been
some interesting shifts.

Uh, like the guy who took
an axe to his own forehead

and was bleeding
all over the ground.

And then when I come home and
I tell Esther all about this... I slipped in the blood,

how I started vomiting outside,
how the axe guy saw me vomiting,

and I had to sort of pretend
like I wasn't vomiting

because of him.

Esther puts up with a lot.

She puts up with
all that and more.

When I'm with Esther,
I feel happy.

Without her, I don't know
what happiness even is.

Uh, that's what I mean

when I say that I love you.

To Esther.

- To Esther!
- Mazel tov!

Mazel tov!

Did you think this
is funny? Hey, this is cracked!

- Go! Run home!
- Stop!

- Come on! Go get 'em!
- Hey, come back here!

Hey, stop running!

I'm not kidding,
you need to stop right now!

No, Niizh, don't stop!

To, uh...

Sorry. Nervous.

To Marvin and Lea...


Thank you for
this beautiful party.

It's huge. I don't know
how the wedding can top it.

David is my bashert.

For all the non-Jews,

all one of you...

Where are you going?

He is my destiny...

...the other half
of my soul.

I could talk about him
for hours,

but at this engagement party

among friends, I want to say...

My mother, Golda...

...she had a sister,

and her name was Esther.

She died... in Poland.

My mother was 12

when her whole family was...

So, I guess

I do feel there is meaning
in all of this

in a future with David...

...and in a new
Jewish generation

and in bright shining lives
stretching out ahead of us.

A prayer and then I'm done.

I'm gonna dance.

AAAH! Let me go!

- Don't touch me!
- Hmm! You're hurting me!

Let me go! Don't touch me!


Oh, let me go!

Let me go!

- Let's go.
- Let me go!

Let me go!

Let me go.

Did you hear her out there?

She and David are the answer
to the Holocaust?

So she's just like
a regular Jew?

- Mom!
- I know, okay? I know.

David is very happy with her.

She makes him very happy,
I know that.


So it's not about that.

It's about all the other things.

We don't know anything
about her family.

Why was she given up
for adoption?

What was the problem there?

I think we know
what the problem was.

Well, exactly, exactly.

Now what? What? Now she's gonna
be a mother of her own,

and that's... that's
just gonna go fine?

Look, I think you got
one of the good ones.

She's a lawyer.
I have a cousin

who adopted one of them,
and he's into the drugs

- and all that stuff.
- Mom, it's too late for this.

No, it's too late, okay?
That's the whole point.

I didn't realize it was
gonna go this far.

I thought she was like
a little number.

That's disgusting.

Esther... Esther...

don't take it the wrong way.


Okay. No, that's fine.

I'll get someone to clean it up.
It's fine.

What's going on?

I just dropped a glass.

- It's okay, okay.
- Oh, God!

Someone's gonna
clean it up. It's fine.

- I got it.
- We're fine!

- Thank you, Mildred.
- Esther?

Mom, can we go home?

- Why?
- It's fine, I just had enough.



Nice to see you,
Reggie. This is Miss Halpern.

You were delighted
to get our call?

Hmm. These are
the two children?


Were you the one that
threw the rock at their car?

Where was your mother while all
of this was happening, dear?

Hmm? You don't know
where she was?


And where is she now?


They cracked
our windshield, Jeannie.

Oh yeah.


Well, let's get these two
into the car.

- I want to go home!
- Let me go.

Yes, that's exactly
where we're going right now.

Get in the car.

- Ow! It hurts!
- Get in the goddamn car!

Okay, okay, he's in.

- You okay?
- Adele?

You want us
to go in with you, Jeannie?

Generally, yes.

We like to have you
in these situations.

We don't know what kind of...

- Or worse.
- Yes, exactly.

And we don't know the mother.
Better safe than sorry.

- Hmm...
- Hey, it's okay.

It's okay, it's okay.

- I wanna go inside.
- Come on, let's go!

Just like we practised, okay?

You don't come out
until I get back.

Don't talk, don't move, okay?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

I love you.



Ugh, I wanna go in my house!

Hey, hey, hey!
Go in in our car!

- No, I'm not!
- Are these your children? We're

- from child protective services.
- Ma'am, no!

- Let go of my hand!
- You cannot do that!

Follow me!
Come on! Come on, baby!

- The hell she doing?
- Where are you going?!

We just want to talk!


My baby. It's okay. It's okay.

- Hey, come back here!
- Niizh!


- Want one?
- No thank you.

Can get lively.

But don't you worry,
he's gonna catch her.


- No!
- Ah, there you go.


Get down!

Let me go!

Okay, okay.

- It's over, it's over.
- No, no, no, no, no!

- Give me my daughter!
- Mom!

- It's okay.
- Let me go now!

- I'm right here, baby.
- Let me go!

My baby. My baby.


Where did you say
you were from again?


Um, originally from Saskatoon.


Although I did
my B.A. in Toronto.

In social work?

- I just graduated.
- Oh, you don't say.

It's okay,
I'm right here, right here.

Let's go!

Leave her alone!

My baby! Give me my kid!


Ma'am, your son damaged
federal property.

Why did you just run
from the police like that?

All right then.

I think she might be
too upset to speak.

Are you taking my children?!

Ma'am, what is your full name?

Patri... Patricia.

Patricia Little Bird.

"Little Bird."

Hey, Mrs. Little Bird,

we're child case workers with
the child protective services

in Saskatchewan.
Do you understand?

We're here to determine
if you're a fit mother.

All right, shall we go inside?

- No, I want my kids.
- Let's go.

- I won't let you.
- Adele.

- Please!
- Let us out!

- Leave her alone!
- I'm sorry!

Adele, this is
your chance to learn.

Mrs. Little Bird,

how often do you leave
your children unsupervised?

I'm sorry.

What's your answer?

There's always someone around.

Aunties, cousins.

Leo, my eldest.

He's 10.

He looks after them.

And where is he now?

Hunting with my husband.

Oh, man.

No fridge?

No electricity.

No one has that here.

There's no phone.

My auntie has a phone.

- We go there to make calls.
- Let me go!

I'm sorry!

They're fed.
They don't go hungry.

There's no plumbing.

No one has that on the reserve.

But how do you provide
your children with clean water?

Rain barrels,

haul it from the river.

Should we look
at the rain barrels?

If there's water in them,
then they have water.

One bedroom?

Three children?

Yes, one bedroom.

The main things are...

lack of fruit,
lack of clean water,

general poor conditions.

It's what these three ticks
are here. And then the client.


We're going to have to
apprehend your children today,

Mrs. Little Bird.

Are you listening?

Mrs. Little Bird?

- Please...
- Ma'am, stay seated!

I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry.

Is there someone else
in this house?

No. No.

- We should take a tour?
- Mm-hmm.

Please. Like I said,

my husband has gone hunting.

Jeannie? Get over here.

Okay, come on.


Come on, kid.

Hey! Hey! Stay back, Ma'am!

- Grab Niizh.
- No, no, no!

Nooo! No!

- Give me my children!
- If you don't calm down,

we're going back inside.

- That's it!
- Let me go!

Get away from my son!

- Come on, I'll quiet you down.
- Calm down.

Oh! Nooo!


- MOM!

- NOOO! Let me go!
- Hey, hey, hey!

- Mom!
- Nooo!

- Mom!
- No!


They're idiots.

They've always been idiots.

Twenty years I've known them,

they've been idiots
the whole time.

Lea, she likes the attention.

She likes everybody
listening to her.

Oh, poor Lea, it's so hard

to have this trouble
with your daughter-in-law.

It's not a good quality.

But you're not marrying Lea;

you're marrying her son,

and David is not
like his mother.

So she said a few words.

So she said a lot of words,
that's Lea for you.

This is not your problem.
This is their problem.

You are...
a beautiful person.

Lea is an old lady
who likes to complain.


And that's David calling,
I'm sure.

Come on,
you're not gonna answer?

Esther, you're not gonna answer?


We're almost there.
This is where you'll be staying.

You'll meet a lot of other
children who are just like you.

- Adele, help them out of the car.
- Right.

Come here. Okay.

- Can we go?
- Who do you have for us today?

- Three new wards.
- Here we go.

All right.

- Let's go.
- Yeah, you go with her. Go.

Excellent. Come on.

Yes. Yes.

No, no, don't worry.

I know, I know.
It's not your fault.

It's bedtime.

It's okay, Dora.

- It's okay.
- Back in bed!

It's okay.

She has a fever.

You see all
the other children lying down?

Yeah, but she's still crying.

She'll stop. It's bedtime.

Lie down.

She's still crying.

Like I said, she'll stop.

Bezhig, please.

Bezhig, help me.
