Lion Pride (2017–…): Season 1, Episode 16 - Episode #1.16 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Uncle Hsu, good evening.

Hey. Good evening, Chiang-wei.

You're also here, Hsiao Chien.


Wow, you study really hard.

Yes, I have to.

She is...

She's my aunt, the one who took care of me
since I was little.

He's the owner.

-Hi. Welcome.
-Hi, sir.

I especially brought her here
to try your dishes.

Since your aunt is here,
I'll make some special dishes.

-Thank you, Uncle Hsu.
-It's nothing.

That's impossible.

You're always lying to me.

You said my dad was the chief before.

Now you're saying that Uncle Hsu
is the chief.

They're both not the chief.

Who exactly is the Chief?

Lien Chong-yen,
who did you say the chief is?

Before, you said it was Wang Yu-ming.

Now you say it was Lin Shang-hsun.

He was the mastermind

and he was involved
in the Wang family murder case?

Is that so?


That's right.

You're really good at making up stories.

You're really shrewd.


I'll give you a chance.

Provide more details.

See if I'll believe you.

When I was young,

I wasn't good.

I was a local gangster.

Lin Shang-hsun arrested me many times.

Because of his...

threats and temptation,

I became his source.

That day, he came to me.

He told me that there are many
valuable items in the Wang family home.

Because of his cash-in-transit assignment,

he got to know the surrounding environment
as well as the geography.

He was also monitoring the Wang family.

He knows that they're going to Hong Kong.

They won't be home for a few days.

So he came up with a plan.

He wants me to find more people
and guarantee the success of the plan.

I thought

it was a good opportunity.

We searched and took a lot of things
from the Wang family's house.

We didn't expect

that the Mr. and Mrs. Wang
would suddenly come back.

They saw us.

-Who are you?
-Mr. Wang and Hsiao Chan fought together.

-Call the police.
-Hsiao Chan stabbed and killed him.

-Mrs. Wang wanted to call the police.
-Don't shout.

Old Yen couldn't handle her.

So I took out my gun

and shot her.

In order to destroy the evidence,

Hsiao Chan and I set the house on fire.

Old Yen was so scared.

He ran away.

Hsun saw us set the fire
and was also very surprised.

The fire was already too big.

We couldn't put it out.

We heard the firetruck from afar

and slowly getting near us.

So we left.

And went our separate ways
to the meeting place.

On my way there,

I saw you and your dad.

Don't tell me what I already know.

What happened next?

When we got to the warehouse,

I heard a gunshot.

I panicked and fired
in the direction of the gunshot.

I never expected I would hit Hsiao Chan.


What to the first gunshot?

Wang Chiang-ta.

You're so smart.

You're asking the obvious.

At that time,

the situation was nerve-wracking.

I didn't figure it out.

Later on, I calmed down

and found out that a cop

was found dead outside the warehouse.

That's when I understood what happened.

So I asked Hsun what happened.


Did you kill the cop

outside the warehouse?

I accidentally did.

Yu-ming is my best friend.

I didn't do it on purpose.

I didn't do it on purpose.


I have to surrender.

Wait, sit down.

Sit down.

If you surrender,

never mind that you'll destroy your life,

but what about your wife?

Isn't she still in the hospital waiting
for the money for her surgery?

What should I do, then?

Is there a way

to put all the blame

to the dead cop?


I can't do that.

He's dead already.

But at least if he can save your wife,

his death would have a cause.

-Didn't you say he's your best friend?

If he knows about this,

he would surely do this for you.

But the point is,

can you put all the blame on him?

Didn't Hsiao Chan get arrested?

I'll handle Hsiao Chan.

So can you do it?

In the end,

I told Hsun...

that we're already on the same boat.

It's not good for any of us
to expose each other.

He also said that he doesn't want
to have anything to do with me.

We lived our separate lives

and stayed out of each other's business.

Actually, I also figured some things out

when I went back to Tainan.

I remembered what happened back then.

You remembered?


Actually, when the incident happened,
Auntie and I were home.

It's just that I was in shock,
so I forgot about it.

In order to protect me,

Auntie told everyone
that we came from outside.

So you witnessed what happened?

I was lying in bed with a high fever.

So I didn't see anything.


Auntie saw it.


At that time, I was really worried.

I was afraid that Hsun
might get muddle-headed and surrender.

But he didn't do it in the end.

He has a wife and a kid.

How can he care
about someone else's wife and kid?

If a person doesn't think of itself first,
even the heaven would go mad.

What a nice saying.

I don't believe you.

But there is something very important

that I clearly saw

when I was hiding under the bed.

One of the perpetrators
have an identifying mark.

Hsiao Chien.

Go upstairs and do your assignment.

I don't want to. Why?

Don't listen to those things.

-Go upstairs.
-I'm still having a chat with Chiang-wei.

Go upstairs!

Go upstairs.

-Go upstairs.
-Come on, go upstairs.

-Come on.



You're being ridiculous.

Why are you treating me like a child?

You can't know about certain things.

-You're so annoying.
-What's so annoying about it?

Silly girl.

Lien Chong-yen,
don't be too pleased with yourself.

You've misled the police's investigation.

You'll get an additional charge.

I'll ask the judge to impose
a more severe penalty on you.

It doesn't matter to me.

My life already turned out this way.

It doesn't matter to you.

But have you ever thought
about your daughter?

Have you ever considered Si-te?

You tried so hard to give a good
life to your family.

You wanted to give Si-te
a comfortable life.

But don't you realize
that you're destroying her life right now?

You're destroying her love for you.

Do you know that?

Because of you, she's living...

with so much guilt every day.

She blames herself every day.

She lives in pain every day.

Do you know that?

Do you even know how she's doing lately?

She looks so haggard, you know?

As her dad, do you know that?

You're lying!

You're just saying that to provoke me.

Let me tell you.

I'll take responsibility
for what I've done!

What does it have to do with my daughter?

Stop bothering her.

I can only say
that you're really ridiculous.

You raised your daughter all her life,
but you don't really know her at all.

She's a kind, tender,

and loving girl.

Do you know how much she cares about you?

Do you know why she ran away
from your house?

Because she doesn't want your dirty money!

Because she doesn't want you
to break the law for money!

She was thinking for your sake.
Do you know that?

Because she doesn't want
a dad who's a criminal.

You don't deserve to be a father.

Do you know that?

Now, you're in prison.

And Si-te's out here.

She'll be happy spending your money

and live a peaceful life.

Is that what you think?

Is it?

I feel so bad for Si-te.

Prosecutor Tieh.

I'll cooperate in your investigation.

I hope you can let me see Si-te.

Si-te also wants to see you.

But while the investigation
is still ongoing,

it would be not possible.

But I'll try everything within my power
to arrange a meeting for you two.

Prosecutor Tieh.

Anything else?

I want to ask a favor.

Look after Si-te.

Make sure she won't hurt herself.


You don't need to tell me that.

Mr. Hsun, I suddenly remembered
that I need to meet my friend.

We might not be able
to eat your food anymore.

How much is it? Let me pay you first.

Why are you paying me?

I won't accept it.

Chiang-wei is not a stranger.

Besides, no matter how urgent it is,

you should eat first.

Let me treat you this once.

Are you okay?

I'm okay.

I'll investigate what Lien Chong-yen said.

I'll apply for a warrant of arrest,

and ask Uncle Hsun for an explanation.

Hsiao Tieh.

I think I should talk to Uncle Hsun first.


I forgot to buy dried bamboo shoots.

When you get old,

you'll have trouble remembering stuff.




Buy Mr. Hsun dried bamboo shoots.

I can't leave you here alone.

Leave now.

So you can ask for help.

Okay, I'll make a call
as soon as I get out of here.

Uncle Hsun.

I'll buy dried bamboo shoots for you.


Don't buy anymore.

I've been studying
how to make Tainan food lately.

Can your aunt give me some pointers?


No problem.

Chiang-ta, don't you think it's strange?

We found Li Sung-lin
and got clues about Uncle Hsun

because Uncle Hsun himself gave us a hint.

And Uncle Hsun intentionally told us
about it,

so can find him.


If Uncle Hsun is really the mastermind,

it's not logical for him to do so.

I'll go to the case room to check.

Chiang-ta, I've decided to return early.

Because I remembered some things.

They're very important.

I must tell you face to face.

Chiang-ta, I'm on the way there.
Traffic is a bit heavy.

I'll arrive at around 6:00 p.m.
or 7:00 p.m.

Chiang-ta, I'm back.

I brought Auntie with me.

I'm going to take her
to Corner Restaurant.

If you haven't had dinner,

join us.

-Yes, then.

Uncle Hsun, slice this lemon later.


-Add some lemon juice.

Then add this.

It would taste better.

Okay. Hey.

Chiang-ta's calling.

Let me play a prank on him.

Hello? Chiang-wei.

Wrong guess.

Guess it again.

Uncle Hsun.

It's me.

Chiang-wei and her aunt are here.

They told me that they remembered
new details

and some evidence about the case.

Do you want to come here now?

Maybe it can give answers
to your doubts lately.

Uncle Hsun.

Can I talk to Chiang-wei?

Chiang-wei is not here.

Uncle Hsun, don't do anything.

In that case,

come here immediately.

Uncle Hsun.

How should I dice this?

Thank you.


It's Ms. Si-te.


Are you crying?

What happened?

Maybe this is my karma.

So the things Dad gave mom

were the ones he stole
from Chiang-wei's house.


I'm sorry. I might not be able
to make it up to you.

Don't talk about karma.

Don't think too much.

You're not a bad person.

The real bad person is...

Anyway, just calm down.

Don't let your imagination run wild.

Just remember, no matter what happens,

I'll be with you.

I'm your best friend forever.


Let's talk about this some other time.

It seems like you and your aunt
already know the truth.

Chiang-ta will be coming later.

This is God's will.

It has been 23 years.

This moment has finally arrived.

It's time to end this.

Uncle Hsun, where's Chiang-wei?

Chiang-wei's fine.

Sit down first.

Answer my question first.

Did you find anything?

Lien Chong-yen said that you're the chief.

But I want to hear it from you.

Is it true?

It's been 23 years.

I should have done this a long time ago.

I really regret...

not ending this sooner.

Hsiao Chan,

Old Yen,

Black Ghost,

and now Lien Chong-yen

have already paid their price.


it's my turn.

I had a deal with Lien Chong-yen,

but I know that he'll expose me
sooner or later.

But I didn't have the courage
to confess it to you directly.

The only thing I can do

is to let you catch
the real perpetrator yourself.

Why you?

That year,

my wife suddenly had an acute illness
and got hospitalized.

I needed money urgently.

My salary is not that much.

It's not enough to pay
for the medical bills.

My house had already been mortgaged
when we had our second child.

I didn't know where to get
that much money.

What are you doing? You want to escape?

I'm running because you're chasing me.

You don't know what's good for you.

I'm giving you a chance to be my witness.

You're even dealing drugs behind my back.

You got a lot of nerve.

What can I do?

I need to support my wife and child.
I even need to pay for my dad's debts.

I have no choice.

How about I give you half of the money
that I'm going to earn in this?

No, I'll give you 70%, I'll take 30%.

Just please leave me alone.

Are you trying to bribe me?

If I get indicted this time,
I would surely go to jail.

My wife would surely leave with my child.

I can just earn a little this time.

Would your wife be that ruthless?

My wife thinks
that I'm doing dirty business.


Aside from dealing drugs,

do you have any other ways
to earn a lot of money?


You need money?

Aside from dealing drugs,

the best way to earn money
is to smuggle firearms.

I can't do that.

How can you earn a lot of money
without any risks?

Next is robbery.

Then stealing.

You have to choose one.

It must be really urgent.
That's why you're considering this.

Don't be shy.

Take this.

If you want to do anything, just tell me.

I would surely help you.

From that day on,

I've been thinking hard
about how to earn a lot of money.

In the end, I came up with what I thought
would cause the least harm to the society.

Which is to Rob an empty house.

Everyone, he's the chief.

I was responsible
for checking around the house.

I didn't know how much time passed
before I heard the gunshot.

I immediately went
to the living room to check it.

Wang Po-i and his wife were...

-Why did you shoot? Who did it?
-...already lying on the floor.


Didn't you say the house is empty?

Why are they here?

You didn't have to kill them.

We already did.

We're all involved here.

And the big mistake has been done.

I told Lien Chong-yen to take them
and the stolen items away.

I was afraid that he'll shoot again.

So I checked around the house.

But I feel bad about it already.

I just wanted to steal the antiques
and sell them,

but two people are dead.

I brought them here.

It's all my fault.

What should I do?

What are you doing?

I'm setting the place on fire, Chief.

You're stealing antiques and pieces
of jewelry that are worth millions.

You think you don't have to pay for this?


This is what you have to do
to get away with it.

You're crazy.

Instead of checking around,
just set everything on fire.

Isn't that better?

Destroy the evidence as well.

If you don't leave,
you'll die here in the fire.

Lien Chong-yen and I
went our separate ways

to the meeting place.

I never expected to meet your dad...

outside the warehouse.


Raise your hands!

What are you doing here?

Yu-ming, I'm sorry.

I just needed some money
for Chia-chia's surgery.

I never expected things
to turn out this way.

If I get caught, Chia-chia would die.

Please let me go.

What exactly are you doing?

I didn't kill anyone.

I didn't set the house on fire.


I called an ambulance. Hang on!

Go... go surrender yourself.

Please look after Chiang... Chiang-ta.


My friend.

I'm sorry.

The stuffed toy I took
from Chiang-wei's room

was found on your dad.

So he became my scapegoat.

I thought I got lucky.

So it was less likely for me to surrender.

You know what happened next.

Uncle Hsun, if what you said is true...

Why didn't you say anything
in the last 23 years.

You and my dad were really close.

You were best friends.

He has been labeled as a corrupt cop
for 23 years.

He took the blame for your crime.

Do you know how much
this has affected our family?

How can you not say anything?

I really...


-Uncle Hsun.

That's not what happened.

Chiang-ta, that's surely
not what happened.

My dad is lying.

-Hsiao Chien, go upstairs first.
-I don't believe it.

I don't believe it.


Tell Chiang-ta that what you said
isn't true.



Ms. Hui-lan is also here.

Dad, what are you doing?


Do you want to know
what happened back then?

Of course.


When Chiang-ta arrives,
you'll know the answer you're looking for.

Hsiao Chien, stay with them.

Uncle Hsun, let me ask you something.

In my mom's diary, she said...

she found a diamond ring back then.

So she thought that my dad did it.

Did you plant that diamond ring?


Your dad made some investments
and he lost some money.

But, one day, he gladly told me

that he earned some money.

And wants to give your mom a surprise.

I think he bought that ring
during that time.



This is from your house.

I should return it to you.

I'm sorry.

So the other ancient lion paperweight
is with you.

You even took this out?

Now, the witness and evidence
are right here.

Uncle Hsun, you know I can't help
but believe you, right?



Why didn't you say it earlier?

Why didn't you say it back then?

When you were bringing Mom and me
to a lot of hospitals,

why didn't you tell us?

You watched her die just like that.

Everything would be fine
if you told us earlier.

You dragged it on for so many years.
You didn't say anything.

You could have saved her, you know?

People can't take the wrong path.

Once they do, the following steps
would all be wrong.

Dad, stop it. Just leave.

Hsiao Chien.

I made a mistake.

Chiang-ta is all grown up.

So are you.

It's time for me to accept my punishment.

So I can't leave.

Hsiao Chien.

I'm sorry.

Please forgive me.

Uncle Hsun.

You're really the chief?

Hsiao Chien, your dad can't leave.

If he leaves, his penalty would be
even more severe.

I don't want my dad to go to prison.

My dad won't go to prison.

My dad won't go to prison, okay?

My dad won't go to prison!

Hsiao Chien, your dad must admit
the crime he committed!

Hsiao Chien!


Hsiao Chien!


Uncle Hsun.

-Uncle Hsun.

-Get off.
-Uncle Hsun, are you okay?

Uncle Hsun.


Hsiao Tieh.

-I'm sorry, I really didn't see him.
-Call an ambulance.

Chiang-ta, come and help.

-Uncle Hsun.

Ask Chiang-ta to come here.

I want to tell him something.

If I don't tell him,

I might not have a chance anymore.


Wang Chiang-ta!

Haven't you been searching for the truth?

You've found it now,

yet you forgot the reason
why you did it in the first place.

The reason you were searching
for the truth is for justice.

It's not for revenge, is it?

The person who committed the crime

should be punished,

but Uncle Hsun has already been punished.

Your forgiveness is not just for him,

but also for yourself.

I hate the chief.

Of course, I would hate him.

I also miss my parents.

But you're the one I care about the most.

Can you please let all of this go
and just move forward...

with me?


I made a big mistake.

I should use my life...

to atone for my sins.

The heaven is good.

They used my life to save you.

I don't have any unfinished business now.

I'm worried about Hsiao Chien.

Please look after her.


I'm sorry.

Uncle Hsun.

Uncle Hsun.


What's the situation?

His heart and lungs stopped functioning.
He died before arrival.

Efforts to resuscitate him failed.

I understand.

Thank you.


I was just about to call you.

I never thought you would be here.

Why are you in the hospital?

Something happened, boss.

What is it?

Si-te is now in the ICU.

Her condition is very serious.

How is Ms. Lien?

Ms. Lien has chronic myeloid leukemia.

Even though we discovered it early,

her myeloid tissues
have signs of deterioration.

I told you about this before.

Our best option is to do
a bone marrow transplant.

This is impossible.

Why didn't Si-te tell me?


I'll donate my bone marrow.

I can do it.

Boss, donating bone marrow
isn't as easy as you think.

Am I right, Doctor?

I'm not afraid.

What are you talking about?

Use my bone marrow.

We would surely match.

Okay, Doctor?

Boss, calm down, okay?

What are you doing?

Your forgiveness

is not just for him,

but also for yourself.

Can you please let all of this go

and just move forward with me?

Dad, Mom, what should I do?

Are you still thinking about Uncle Hsun?

I keep thinking...

That night...

I think there were some regrets
in Uncle Hsun's eyes...

when he passed away.

Did I do something wrong?

You didn't do anything wrong.


You're a kind person.

If you're willing
to forgive Uncle Hsun now,

I believe that he'll know it.

But I'm still afraid.

Of what?

I'm afraid that if I forgive Uncle Hsun...

I would be betraying my parents.

But if you don't choose to let go,
your life would always be stuck here.

You know what?

Our lives should be spent to love people,

not to hate people.

I believe that your parents

surely wouldn't want you to live this way.


You're so handsome and incredible.

Catch all the bad people
and don't ever let them harm people.

I don't catch bad people

to imprison them,

but to let them change
to become good people

by receiving their punishment.

Because if this society gains
one more good person,

there would be one less bad person.

But they're very bad.

It's not enough to just rely on the police
for the peace and order.

So good people need to step out.

That way, people can live in peace.

We have to forgive bad people
who changes for the better

in order to have enough good people.

I don't understand.

It's okay.

You will.

I named you Chiang-ta

because I hope you'll have the courage
to forgive people.

Dad, Mom.

I've already found the truth.


Your name is clear now.

The police would also announce...

that the Wang family murder case
23 years ago

is now officially closed.


Back then, Uncle Hsun

didn't surrender as you told him.

However, all these years,

he's been living in guilt.

He passed away that day.

He's with you now.

I think he used his life...

to atone for his sins.

His sacrifice...

should have made up for his mistake.

All these years,
Uncle Hsun took care of me.


I think you had already completed
your assignment back then.

She's Chiang-wei.

I also call her "Dorothy."

Because she helped

a cowardly lion like me
who just puts up a brave front...

to get my courage back.

However, this lion also helped me

find my way back home.


I won't disappoint you
in giving me this name.

I would live a life based
on how you named me, Wang Chiang-ta.


Hsiao Chien.

My condolences.

If you need anything,

let me know.



Hsiao Chien.

Hsiao Chien.

Brother Chiang-ta.

Can I still call you that?

Can you forgive my dad?

I'm sorry.

Hsiao Chien.

It's not your fault.

All these years,

I've been very though.

I know how you feel.

I won't let you suffer...

like I did.


Of course, you can still call me brother.

Uncle Hsun.

I'm sorry.

There were some things...

that I didn't have enough time
to tell you.

I'm now learning...

to forgive people

and to forgive myself.

I've already forgiven you.

Thank you...

for being with me as I grew up.

And for looking after me.

I'll continue taking care of Hsiao Chien.

Just like you took care of me.

Don't worry.

Let me show you these two things.

These should be your mother's stuff.

This is my mom's bag indeed.

This stitched pattern design
is very unique.

All these years,
I kept trying to find a similar one,

but I couldn't find any.

That is also why I like this brand.

Me too.

This music box.

This music is very familiar.

I'm really... I'm really very sorry.

Don't say that.


Your dad's crime...

has nothing to do with you.

Don't put all the blame on yourself, okay?

I know...

your current condition.

You haven't recovered yet.

Why can you accept--

I've already decided.

He's my dad.

I should do these things for him.

What have you decided?

Why won't you let me take care of you?

Hsiao Tieh, I really can't
drag you down anymore.

This is something I must do.

Let me do it.

Ms. Si-te.

These two things

are for you.

What? Aren't they memories of your mom?

They're also memories of your mom.

Actually, when the incident happened,

I was still very young.

So I don't have deep memories

about these two things.

However, you're the same.

These two things grew up with you
on your mom's behalf.

So I think they should stay with you.

That's the best arrangement.

You're so good to me.

It makes harder for me to face you.

Don't feel like you owe me anything.

I hope that our friendship is equal.

No one owes the other.


Keep that bag.

It's like your mom is still with you.

Then I'll keep the music box.

Let's each keep one, okay?


Hsiao Chien.

Think about the previous step again.

There's another way to solve it.

Since you're late to our appointment,

that means you're already prepared.

Go and solve that problem.


No, Professor.

I'll help him solve it.

Let's have lunch together later.


-How about some pasta?

-That newly-opened restaurant seems good.
-Is that so? Okay.

See you later.


You ruined the mood.

I ruined the mood?

Lin Chien-yu.

Why don't you just focus on studying
at such a good school?

I think you're just focusing on dating.

And that guy a while ago
is exactly like Hsiao Tieh.


In university, there are three things
one must experience.

Studies, student organizations, and love.

You can't miss out on any of them.

And Chiang-wei wanted me
to study, have fun, and date.


Chiang-wei really said that?


I don't care. You're still too young.

I didn't date when I was your age.

-Chiang-ta, wait. I need to do something.
-I was studying all the time.

I'll go ahead.

Hey, Hsiao Chien.

Uncle Hsun.

Hsiao Chien is doing really well now.

Her grades are also quite good.

She's also very popular in class.

I think you can feel at ease.

I hope you keep protecting her,
so things would go smoothly for her.

Anyway, Uncle Hsun,

don't you think it's too early
for her to date?

Freeze, all of you! Police!
Men on the left, women on the right.

The one with the bob cut,
flat on the wall.

Don't you get tired of that spiel?

I haven't said it for a long time.
Can't you bear with me?


It's almost over anyway.

What's almost over?

Tell me clearly. What?

We'll never be over.

I mean, my class is almost over.


I have a big case to discuss with you.

Check this out.

There's a flyer to study abroad
and work part-time.

And those victims took a picture
with the company's staff.

Recently, Hsiao Chien also mentioned
studying abroad and working part-time.

Let me tell you.

How about those who reported the case?

They're all new graduates.

They went to that website
and saw that they can work part-time

with a high salary.

And they can even go on tour.

Do you know how exaggerated it is?
The processing fee is NTD 80,000 each.

They paid and flew over.

But they end up being sent to provinces
and lived with illegal immigrants.

Even worse,

their passports were withheld.

There are over 100 victims.

You know so much.
Why don't you go and investigate?

God, who knew

that when the police went
to check on them,

that agency's office is already empty.

Do you know where the website was set up?

It's in the Middle East.

How am I supposed to investigate that?

Don't touch my ball.

These are the only clues.

If there are lots of clues,
would I come to you?

Thank you for thinking so highly of me.

Hsiao Tieh, look at this person.

His left sleeve has wrinkles.

It seems like a prosthetic hand.

In the picture, his left hand
is holding his right.

He used his right hand
to shake hands with people, though.

It shouldn't be a prosthetic hand.

This picture was flipped.

Look at that brand name closely.

The words were reversed.

Fei didn't check it clearly.

That way, our search
would be narrowed down.

First, I'll check

hospital amputation records
and prosthetic limbs companies.

Chiang-ta, thank you.


Go on.

What do you mean? You're coming with me.

Let's go and investigate.

I'm coming too?

Wang Chiang-ta, don't forget.

Tieh Pu-fan and Wang Chiang-ta
are the best partners.

Jade bangle.

Rich lady.

Coffee shop.

They're so familiar.

Is there a problem?


There's no problem.

I'll start appraising them.

This time, it's real, though.

What do you mean?

I was just talking to myself.

You don't have to mind me.


If I auction that,
how much should be the base price?

Mrs. He.

I advise you not to auction
this jade bangle first.

Excuse me, let me take this call.


Hello? Chiang-ta.

I'm doing an appraisal.

Aren't we meeting tonight?

Chiang-wei, I can see you right now.

Leave that coffee shop immediately. Hurry.

You can see me?

Just leave.

I'll be right over.


That's strange.

I won't go wrong with him.

Mrs. He.

I'm sorry.

Please keep... this jade bangle first.

No, you...

I'll contact you later
regarding the price.

Police, freeze!


Don't panic, everyone.

You're under arrest.

My feet.

Don't turn the table over!

-Run again and see.
-I'm fine.

-Are you hurt?

Thank you, everyone.

What are we eating today?

I want to order this.

-Chiang-wei garden.

The usual for me.

Lion Price Meal.

Okay, no problem.

Our big eater is loyal indeed

to this heavy
Wang Chiang-ta exclusive meal.

Because this is the only meal
that matches my apetite.

You're right.

-Big Cat.

Have you noticed
anything different with me?

Is there anything different?

Look at me closely.

There's something different.


Your outfit is new.


Try again.

Your make up is different.

Who said so? It's the same.

I'm giving you one last chance.

You didn't wash your hair.

What? I did.

It's this one.

I see.

You wore the necklace I gave you
as a ring.


You're so good with theories.

You can't even observe
such a minor detail.

And I even gave you three chances.

How disappointing.

I'm using my heart to date you,
not my brain.

When did you start being
such a smooth talker?

I'm serious. I'm not lying.

All right.

Eat your good.

May I ask if you're satisfied
with today's food?

Our restaurant has good lighting
and ambiance.

And the food is delicious.

And you'll get more than
your money's worth.

I never thought that it would become
your date place.

Today, I'll be your server.

Hsiao Tieh.

Aren't you really good
with cooking beef noodles?

Why aren't you working
in the kitchen instead?

God, I'm not good with Western food.

And it is really delicious.

I think you just want to be a third wheel
and don't want to go home.


I'm hungry.

I want to enjoy these foods with you two.

Can't I do that?

Ever since you two started dating,

sometimes, when I go home

and watch the television,

or play video games...

I would feel really alone


and lonely.

I don't even want to have a vacation.

I think you feel that way
because of Ms. Si-te.

You got it.

Hsiao Tieh.

You still have no news about Si-te?

Stop it.

I'm fine being alone.

I have you guys and these delicious foods.
That's enough.

Former mayoral candidate
Lien Chong-yen's daughter, Lien Si-te,

continuously sold all
her father's business in two months

and donated everything
to form an educational foundation.

The aim is to assist in education
at remote provinces.

This is the interview
we've conducted earlier.

The objective of this foundation

is to promote education
in remote provinces.

I want to help them and give them hope.

-This mosquito...
-Stop spraying. That's mine.

-Save it a bit, okay? Spray some on me.
-Give it to me. This mosquito is fierce.

-Spray some on me. Just a little.
-You want more?

-I'm sorry.
-That's enough, you two.

-Mind your manners.

Hi, Ms. Lien.

-Thanks for your assistance.
-You're welcome.

Hi, Principal Chi.

-Let's talk along the way.

-Here. This way, please.
-Okay, thanks.

I think the kids here

not only lack knowledge
in academic subjects.

They also need Physical Education,
Arts, and Music.



Actually, you might not know it,
but I'm quite knowledgeable about singing.

And I'm quite confident
in physical expression.

When I was in New York,
I worked at an art gallery.

So I should be able to handle Arts.

We only lack Physical Education now.

Actually, I always go to the gym.

For Physical Education...

I've already found

a PE teacher who's willing to come
to remote places

and teach the kids.

Is that so?

-He should be here soon.

Hey, Teacher.

You can come in now.

Prosecutor Tieh.

You can't be solving crimes
in an elementary school, right?

Long time no see.

I finally found you.

I saw your educational plan on the news.

I've been following it.

I know you've been working hard on it

and that you also found Old Yen.

Through Old Yen,

I found you.

And I told him that if he needs any help,
I would surely help him.

Basketball, Physical Education,
I can do all that.

I know we haven't been
in contact for a while.

I've been working really hard
without any vacation.

My boss felt that I'm too tired.

So they gave me two months leave.

I don't know where to go by myself.

And I don't want to travel.

I quite like it here.

The air and the environment are nice.


Most importantly, you're here.

So I've decided...

that you'll be my partner...

during this vacation.

And every day in the future.

Lien Si-te, from now on,

I, Prosecutor Tieh Pu-fan,

won't ever let you go.

Okay, I'll go order.

Thank you.

Hi. Here is your water.

Thank you.

Sir, what are you reading?

It seems interesting.

Advanced Calculus.

Advanced Calculus.

Let me see.

Why are you reading this?

You're incredible.

Are you a student?

I'm a university professor.

A professor?

What a young professor you are.

If my professor is as handsome as you,
I would surely study hard.

Can you teach me?

How old are you?

Are you single?

What kind of girl do you like?


-I think I...

Little Girl.

I think you won't understand
Advanced Calculus, right?

Give it back to him.

My boyfriend is already taken.

And he happens to just love girls like me.

If you want to chat a guy up,
find someone else.

Be good.

By the way,

this is your water glass.

Take it back.

We ordered green tea.

-You're so fierce.


If you came back a bit later,
I might be lured away by her.

I mean, my book might be
lured away by her.

You know?

She can take away your book, but not you.

And you can't always be the one
who protects me.

I want to protect you too.


And you're my man.

How can I let other girls try
to steal you away?

My beloved Big Cat.


I'm your beloved Big Cat,

then you're Dorothy,

whom this lion loves the most.

And, in love, you need to take initiative.

Do you still remember our conversation
when we first met?

Dark Queen.

Speaking of love.

In a man's world,

if you love me,

you wouldn't leave.

And I won't persuade to stay.


In a woman's world,

if you love me,

you should find me.

So I won't turn around.

Of course, I remember.

You know, I've been thinking
about it lately.

I think I was mistaken back then.

Because when I finally met my true love,

I felt...

that no matter where she goes,

and whatever happens,

I would surely find her.

And I would do everything to get her back.

I would also wait for you.

I'll keep waiting.

There's a saying

that Wang Chiang-ta overcame
the 0.01 chance

and met Wang Chiang-wei.

And Wang Chiang-ta couldn't help

but fell for Wang Chiang-wei,

which led to a result.

That result is...

What is it?

I love you.

The best thing in this world
is when you embrace someone you love,

and that person embrace you even tighter.

Please come in.


Hsiao Chien.

I sorted my dad's things again
and found this box.

There's a letter inside
with your name on it.

I think Dad wanted to give this to you.

To me?



Happy birthday.

This is the 23rd birthday

that I'm greeting you
on behalf of your dad.

Every year, I also prepare

a birthday gift for you
on behalf of your dad.

However, I can't give you
this greeting and gift.

Because I know

that love without forgiveness

is not meaningful at all.


Lion, Wang Chiang-ta.

Real courage is having the ability
to forgive.

And giving real forgiveness
towards yourself and others

will make you strong.

I am the Lion, Wang Chiang-ta.

Subtitles translation by Coleen Chua