Lincoln Rhyme: Hunt for the Bone Collector (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 9 - Open Warfare - full transcript

The Bone Collector's name and face are all over the news. Staying one step ahead of our team, The Bone Collector puts his ultimate revenge plan into action by targeting those closest to Lincoln, including Amelia.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

‐ Previously
on "Lincoln Rhyme"...

‐ Agent Cutter.

‐ So you're the dog
with the bone flooding my inbox

every day with your thoughts?

You're smart, and you're good,

but if you can't play
on the team,

you'll only be so good.

‐ I read your file.

Sounds like you're just putting
in the required three years

so you can get in the FBI.

Then what,
be a profiler?

‐ The FBI rejected me.

‐ This is... Jane.

You're the bone collector.

‐ I am.

‐ You know that if you kill me,
it'll torture you.

‐ I've been looking through
the files from Westchester.

‐ Oh, my God.
You found something.

‐ A victim who got away who
might still be alive.

‐ You think it's
the Bone Collector?

‐ I need that name.

‐ Peter.

Peter Taylor.
‐ I know him.

[dramatic tone]

‐ ♪ What to do now that she
doesn't want me ♪

♪ That's what‐‐ ♪


We have a search warrant.

‐ ♪ What to do to keep
from being lonely ♪

‐ Living room clear.

‐ Peter Taylor,
show yourself.

‐ ♪ What to do ♪

♪ The record hops ♪

♪ And all
the happy times we had ♪

[tense music]

♪ ♪

Show me your hands.

‐ Careful.

You know how he is with traps.

♪ ♪

‐ Oh, my God.
That's his wife.

‐ Danielle Taylor,
maiden name Crocker.

‐ Bastard killed his own wife.

‐ We need a crime tech in here.
‐ No, we don't have time.

This doesn't look like
his other kills.

There's no sign of trauma.

No blood.

‐ Her hand.

‐ [gasps]

‐ Her ring finger‐‐
he took out the bone.

He wanted us to know

this marriage
meant something to him.

‐ Check the other hand.

‐ [breathing heavily]

Red fabric.

Leather maybe,

and some sort of residue
on her palm.

[phone ringing]

‐ It's coming from her body.

‐ Have Sellitto answer it.

I want to watch.

[ringing continues]

‐ We know who you are,
Peter Taylor.

‐ Detective Sellitto,
it is you, isn't it,

the man who put
his partner in danger?

You let him go into that
warehouse three years ago

without backups?
‐ You son of a‐‐

I want to talk
to Lincoln Rhyme.

‐ Patch him through.

Peter Taylor.

‐ Lincoln Rhyme.

We finally get
to play out in the open.

‐ Your face is going to be
plastered all over the city.

You won't be able to get
a cup of coffee

without someone calling 911.

‐ You don't know
what I'm capable of.

I was under your nose
for years, right next to you,

but the great Lincoln Rhyme
was too focused on himself,

his book, his fame,

to pay attention
to a lab tech like myself.

‐ Trying to get his location.
Signal is scrambled.

Keep him talking.
‐ Is that what this is about?


‐ Gods suppressed
become devils.

‐ So you consider
yourself a deity.

‐ I consider myself
superior to you.

‐ Really?

Looks like you just killed
the one person who trusted you.

‐ I spared her the madness
of what's to come.

‐ You murdered her.

‐ You're missing the point.

‐ You delude yourself
that there is a point.

There is only your psychopathy,
your insanity.

‐ Now you're profiling,

which tells me I'm winning.

You're grasping
at the academic

because you have
nothing concrete to find me.

‐ You overestimate yourself.

‐ Now you're showing
your arrogance,

your‐‐your fatal flaw.

There's a new game, Lincoln.

You still have your clues,

but I'm not stopping
at three bodies.

I'm going to keep killing
so the world knows

your insignificance.

‐ We're going to stop you.

‐ There, that's my point.

You can't stop me.

[foreboding music]

♪ ♪


‐ Peter Taylor.
‐ A forensic tech.

I barely knew he was there.

‐ Well, he remembers you.
I need everything you have.

I want the bone collector.

‐ Not to put too fine
a point on it,

but are you squeezing us out?

‐ As Lincoln can tell you,
I believe in the team approach,

something I'm happy
you've embraced.

‐ A lot has changed since
we last saw each other.

‐ I see that.
You look good, Lincoln.

‐ So do you.
‐ Mm, even the gray hair?

‐ Gives you character.

‐ To answer Detective
Sellitto's question,

we are not taking the case.

We are working in step
on this for now.

Talk to me.

‐ Felix.

‐ Peter Taylor.

Date of birth
February 10th, 1968,

Worked as a lab tech
with the NYPD

from 2005 to 2017,

married Danielle Crocker 2011.

‐ Now his wife's
in the morgue downtown.

‐ We have an arsenal of clues
on this one; we can stop him.

‐ But looking at this report,
I may have something.

‐ Amelia Sachs,
my eyes and ears

and sometimes my second brain.

‐ Agent Cutter, I'm actually
a huge fan of your work.

I audited your forensic
psychology course.

It changed the way
I thought about crime.

‐ And did anything you learn
give you insight

into our suspect?

‐ It did.

He married in 2011,

started the Bone Collector
kills in 2012.

This relationship anchored him.

5 years, 15 murders,

no mistakes,
then suddenly he stops.


The object of his competition,
Lincoln Rhyme,

is no longer in the game.

Then Lincoln comes back,
jolts the Bone Collector.

He moves back to New York City,
starts making mistakes.

He even...

kills his wife.

‐ Meaning what?
‐ Meaning that,

while it's obvious
the Bone Collector

is fixated on you,

without his anchor,
he starts slipping.

‐ Unless he finds a new anchor.

‐ That's impressive,
Detective Sachs.

‐ Officer.
‐ Then we find the next anchor.

We have a location
on the parents, in‐laws?

‐ His parents are both

Danielle Crocker's parents
live in Queens.

Uni is on the way
to notify them now.

all: We're not putting
unis on this.

‐ Sellitto, Danielle's parents,
not just a notification.

We need to find out everything
they know about this guy

and if they've seen him.

‐ I'll send agents with you.
We share information.

What I know, you know.
What you know, I know.

If you ever think about
a career in profiling,

give me a call.

‐ [blows]

‐ Clue number one:
goatskin leather, red dye.

Nothing special except traces
of polytetrafluoroethylene,

commonly known as Teflon,
on the underside.

‐ Teflon.
‐ Bulletproof vest, maybe?

‐ It doesn't seem dense enough
for a vest.

‐ More likely waterproofing

or possibly a Teflon tape
of some kind.

What about the residue
on the wife's hand?

‐ Clue two: epinephrine.

‐ Adrenalin.

Did the victim
have food allergies?

‐ Working on medical records.

‐ We didn't find any evidence
of it at the scene.

There was no EpiPens,
no medications.

‐ But it was highly diluted.

I don't think we're dealing
with injectable adrenaline.

‐ Teflon‐coated leather...


two clues, not enough.

What's the third? Song?

‐ That would be my bet.
He left it on repeat,

which means
he wanted us to hear it.

‐ Felix, pull it up.

‐ ♪ What to do now that
she doesn't want me ♪

‐ "What to Do" by Buddy Holly.
Lyrics mean anything?

‐ Maybe it's not the lyrics.

It was one of Holly's
final recordings

he taped at his apartment
in Greenwich Village.

‐ Goatskin leather, adrenaline,
Greenwich Village.

[traffic sounds]

Hard Times Boxing Gym.

‐ Excuse me?

‐ Red leather.

From a boxing glove.

They often contain Teflon.

Adrenaline, used to treat cuts
during a fight.

The song, recorded
in Greenwich Village,

the location of Hard Times Gym,

my gym from back in the day.

These clues are about me.

He's connecting them
to my past again.

Amelia, I want you
and Eric there now.

I'll have Cutter meet you.

‐ Hey. What did Sellitto
get on Danielle's parents?

‐ Nothing that helps us.

‐ Never had a clue that Taylor
was anything other

than a good guy,
good husband, go figure.

‐ No one at NYPD
had any idea either.

He compartmentalized.
‐ Yeah.

Damn freak, he could just be
out here walking around

like normal.

‐ Look familiar?

‐ 30 years,
the place hasn't changed.

‐ Office clear.
‐ Spend a lot of time here?

‐ Kept me off the street,
out of trouble.

‐ You, trouble?

‐ Oh, I have a past.

‐ Locker room clear.

‐ Love to hear
about it sometime.

‐ [gasps]


‐ Cutter.

[dark music]

♪ ♪

‐ [gasping]
I never saw him.

I... I didn't see him.

Someone brushed against me,

and I woke up here, like this.

‐ It's okay.
‐ No, no, no.

‐ We're gonna get you out.
‐ No, no, no!

‐ Wait.

He set up a motion sensor.

The pipes are rigged to burst
if you come too close.

or I stand up.

The steam will cook you alive.

‐ We have to do something!

‐ It's a stomach wound.
She's bleeding out.

We can't.
She's in bad shape, okay?

I can't let you put yourself
in harm's way.

‐ Okay.
We just need to figure out

what he wants us to do
and do the opposite.

‐ It's too late.

It's too late.
This is a no‐win situation.

‐ Amelia, I know
what you're thinking,

but even if you figure it out,
we can't save her.

‐ We just need to find where
the sensors are

and disable them.

‐ Amelia, no,
it's too dangerous!

‐ Lincoln Rhyme would
find another way.

‐ Lincoln Rhyme ended up

looking for another way.

‐ Well, he's not invincible,
Lincoln, okay?

Peter Taylor is not

We can do this.

‐ Amelia, I've been doing this
a long time.

You have to know

what part's bravery
and what part's futility.

‐ I am not giving up.

She is not gonna die.

‐ No, we can't, Amelia.
We can't. We can't!

That will kill you.

‐ I'll be damned if I'm going
to let him do

to you what he did to Linc‐‐


‐ Amelia!



[somber music]

♪ ♪

‐ Amelia.

‐ Watching someone die...

Someone I knew...

someone I looked up to.

‐ Hey.

‐ I know.

I know we don't have time
for emotion right now.

I have to put it aside
until this is done.

‐ I'm not putting
my emotions aside.

‐ No?

‐ Hell no.

I'm angry.
I'm furious.

So if you want to be sad,
be sad.

Let it fuel you.

If you want to be mad,
let it motivate you.

‐ [scoffs]

Yeah, I like that.

The Bone Collector
won't know what's coming.

‐ One more thing.

I'm no longer
calling him that,

the self‐anointed,
self‐important title.

You know who he really is?

Peter Taylor,

the small man
behind the big name.

We're going
to make sure he pays

for what he just did to Cutter.

‐ For what he did
to all of them.

‐ Mm.

[dramatic music crescendos]

♪ ♪

‐ Three clues left
at the boxing gym.

Here's number one.

It's an electronic key card
of some kind.

It's not your standard hotel
one as far as I can tell,

which might work in our favor

'cause it could make it easier
to narrow down.

‐ Which you're doing right now?

‐ I just wanted to keep you
in the loop.

Which I'm doing right now.
I'll do a deeper dive.

‐ Clues two and three
are a pair.

I'm so sorry.
I should've cropped that.

‐ No, I need to see everything.

Keep going.

‐ A flower petal.

I am running the DNA through
a horticultural database.

‐ Flower DNA?
‐ All living things.

‐ What's near the petal?

‐ Water and wheat flour, maybe
from a flatbread or a cracker.

‐ So he's literally
leaving us bread crumbs.

‐ And all I can tell you
right now

is that there's some sort
of imprint on it,

maybe a letter I.

‐ I'm working the image.

I'll try to enhance it
once I run down the key card.

‐ Lincoln.

‐ Claire, what's the matter?

‐ It's Naia and Camden.
‐ What's wrong?

‐ They're here.

‐ Surprise!

‐ Hi.

‐ You changed everything
in here.

It's like a high‐tech Batcave.

‐ I thought you'd be past
your Batman phase by now.

‐ I'm in my Steph Curry phase.

I can do
the two‐handed dribble.

‐ His team had a tournament.

Steph Curry here
wanted to surprise you.

‐ Well, I'm surprised.

Camden, do you want to give
your mom and I a minute?

Claire keeps the fridge
stocked, plenty of good stuff.

‐ What's going on?

‐ We ID'd the Bone Collector
last night.

You didn't see anything?
‐ Oh, God.

We got to the airport at 8:00.
I've been in airplane mode.


who is he?

‐ He was a forensic specialist.

We were in
the academy together.

‐ You knew him?
‐ He was...

innocuous, forgettable,

but still, I should have‐‐
‐ What?

‐ Found him, caught him,
put him away.

He just killed an FBI agent.
He killed his wife.

This time, he's not stopping
until I catch him.

‐ Or until he catches you.

‐ What you're really looking
for is in the drawer.

‐ Sellitto's not gonna
like that.

‐ Hm, yeah, well, don't tell
anyone I told you.

‐ His kettle corn, you have it?

‐ Oh, yeah.
Legendary, right?

Hey, let's you and I
get out of here.

There's not enough to share.

‐ Get Naia and Camden
to a safe house.

Set up the best team you know.
No one gets in.

No one gets out.

‐ I'll do you one better.
I'll stay there myself.

‐ Sellitto's new partner?

‐ Detective Eric Castillo,

Bone Collector isn't gonna get
anywhere near your family.

Whenever you're ready.

[somber music]

♪ ♪

‐ [inhales]

‐ Camden, here's the deal.

I'm going to be
honest with you.

The Bone Collector
is back in New York.

He's coming after me,
and I'm going after him.

You scared?

Me too.

‐ But my money's on you.

‐ I love you.

I'll see you when this is over.

We've had time; we need
to figure out the three clues.

Key card?

‐ Here's what I found.
The magnetic strip tell us

the card
is manufactured by NPC, Inc.,

National Plastic Cards.

The type is the NPC 42.

Three dozen hotels
in the area that use it.

‐ Kate, please tell us
we're closer

on the breadcrumbs.
‐ We are.

The imprint wasn't
the letter I.

It was this.

‐ A communion wafer.
‐ And according to the imprint,

this specific one was made
at a cloistered monastery

in Philadelphia.

‐ Well, he's not sending us
to Philadelphia.

What's the flour?

‐ A peony, a white peony.

‐ You know what it means.

‐ It's not the monastery.

It's the church where you
take communion

at a Catholic wedding

but have the reception
at a hotel.

If you check that list,
you're going to find

the Marcy Hotel
across the river in Jersey

uses the NPC 42 key card.

The peony is a flower
often used in boutonnieres,

which I know because I wore one

at Sellitto's last wedding,

where I was best man.

I had him check the house
where Peter Taylor grew up.

He should have
been back by now.

‐ No answer.

I got to move.
‐ Take the key card.

Whatever it's for
at the Marcy Hotel,

that's where you'll find him.

‐ [whispers] Okay.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪


‐ NYPD‐‐I need you to tell me
which room this card opens.


Come on, come on.

‐ It's not for
any of the guest rooms.

It's for roof access
for maintenance.

‐ Thank you.

Let's move!

I'm on the roof.
‐ All right. Find him.

‐ Sellitto! Sellitto!
I don't see him.

‐ He has to be up there.
Amelia, watch every step.

‐ I see him!

‐ Oh, God, no.

‐ Carefully.
‐ Move fast.

‐ Sellitto!
‐ Amelia, wait! Dammit.

‐ Careful.

‐ What do you expect?
You trained her.

‐ He's breathing.
I need some help over here.

[blade slices]
‐ Got you. Okay.

Got him.

Okay, breathe.


‐ I think he wanted me
to swallow that.

‐ You okay?

‐ Um, all things considered,
no, but...

there are more important
things at the moment:


Things, you know...

‐ We need to get
you checked out.

‐ I'm okay.

Just give me a minute.

[dark music]

♪ ♪

‐ Are you seeing this?
‐ What is that, a‐‐a mirror?

‐ Whatever it is, bring it
back here with the casing.

‐ We still need to find
the third clue.

‐ There may not be one.

Sellitto is still alive;
there was nothing rigged

to take you down
when you found him.

‐ Do you think
we interrupted him?

‐ Maybe he had a camera
in the lobby

and saw you coming in
or heard you,

but knowing him, no way
he'd leave Sellitto alive.

‐ Hey, are you okay?

What are you doing here alone,

‐ I let him down.

‐ Sellitto, you were drugged
and kidnapped.

It's not your fault.

‐ Sure it is.
I let it happen.

‐ What are you talking about?

‐ Ever since the
Bone Collector's been back,

it's been about Lincoln:
his book, his professor.

You heard the call
this morning.

‐ I know.
‐ So we all know

that puts
a target on our backs.

You, you send Rachel
out of town.

Camden and Naia
are in lockdown,

and me,
I didn't see him coming.

‐ You said he was hiding
in the back of your car.

‐ Yeah, I had just checked out
his old house.

I got back in the car.
I went to turn on the ignition.

I felt a sting
in the back of my neck,

and that's all I remember
until I woke up on the roof

with your flashlight
in my face.

‐ Again, not your fault.
Come on. Come on.

‐ I put us all in danger

because I let that son
of a bitch

get the better of me,
and that will not happen again.

‐ He didn't talk to you,
taunt you?

Taunt you?

‐ After the car,
everything went black.

Claire, you don't have to
take care of me. I'm fine.

‐ Lincoln's worried.
I help you, I'm helping him,

and in case you're wondering,
Camden took your kettle corn.

‐ [chuckles]
‐ Thank you.

Look, I wish I had more.

I wish Kate found trace.
I wish I knew the third clue,

but I have
nothing else to offer.

We have to work
from what we have:

the casing and the metal plate.

‐ It's a daguerreotype.
‐ A what?

‐ A primitive photograph,
a process invented in 1839,

a photo developed on
a silver‐plated copper surface

sensitized with iodine and
exposure to a mercury vapor.

‐ So what's the picture?
‐ Felix is working on that.

‐ I always wanted to do this.
‐ Glad someone's having fun.

‐ We're exposing the plate
to mercury fumes,

and I have to fix the image

in a sodium
thiosulfate solution.

Otherwise, it will disappear.

‐ Thanks for the primer.
Trying to work the casing here.

‐ Anything?
‐ Nine millimeter Parabellum.

Striations say it was fired
from a Glock 17,

residue says sometime
within the last 12 hours.

‐ Anything on Sellitto's clues?

‐ No trace I can pinpoint
to the Bone Collector,

and we still don't have
a third clue.

I'm not sure how it works
if we only have two.

‐ Maybe a little heat.

And as Monsieur Daguerre
himself might say, "Voila."

I'm running an image search,
see if we can identify them.

‐ Stephen A. Halsey, noted
fur trader from the mid‐1800s.

‐ Go on.

‐ Halsey also famously sold
his land to John Jacob Astor,

the wealthiest man in America
at the time.

It became what is now known
as Astoria, New York.

‐ Astoria.

So we have the location.

‐ And with the shell, we have
a possible murder weapon.

The problem is
we don't have a third clue.

[cup and saucer rattling]

‐ Still
a little shaken up is all.

‐ Amelia, get Sellitto
to the nearest emergency room.

‐ I'm telling you,
you're overreacting, Lincoln.

‐ And I'm telling you,
it's like what you said.

You don't exactly know
what happened from the time

you were taken
to the time you woke up.

He injected you with something.

It's also possible
there was something else

in the shell casing
besides just a bullet.

If we all know Peter Taylor,

I don't think we interrupted
him before his third clue.

It's you.
You're the third clue.

‐ Look, I'm fine, Amelia.
Just take me home.

‐ Sellitto, shut up. Sit down.

NYPD emergency,

I need a doctor,
and I need them now.

‐ What's the problem?
‐ No, it's not for me.

It's for him.

‐ [shivering]

‐ Sellitto?

Oh, my God.

We need a doctor, now!

‐ Doc!

Sir, sir!
Can you hear me?

‐ What do we got?
‐ Unresponsive.

[overlapping chatter]


[soft dramatic music]

♪ ♪

‐ What's his status?

Don't look so surprised.

He's my partner
eight years.

You think I'm not
coming down here

to tell him
to wake the hell up?

‐ He, uh...

he's stable for now.

Lincoln, they still
don't know what it is.

♪ ♪

‐ I hate hospitals.

When I was...


I was in a bed like this
for an eternity.

They told me I had visitors,
but I turned them away.

Sellitto kept coming back
no matter

how many times I told him no.

I think he thought I didn't
want him there

because I blamed him.

But that wasn't it.

I was angry I couldn't be
what I used to be.

Three years, I felt that way.

He kept coming,

kept trying...

and finally,
he brought me you.

‐ Well, he needed you.

And you needed him.

‐ Coming here, I realize
why he kept coming.

It's not guilt, but pity.

It's friendship.

I'm here to give him mine.

‐ I think you should
tell him that.

‐ I just did.

‐ How is Eric taking it?

‐ [chuckles]
He knows we've got this.

Said he has a job to do.

He's not going
to leave my family.

‐ Atropa belladonna.
‐ That's the poison?

‐ And they can treat it.
They're on their way.

I lit a fire.

‐ Okay, so it's a plant
with highly toxic berries.

‐ And quite a tradition of use
in murders and assassinations.

‐ He‐‐he's gonna be okay.

‐ They're treating him
with physostigmine now,

which has its
own complications, but‐‐

‐ But he's strong,
he's pig‐headed,

and he will not let the‐‐
Peter win.

‐ Okay, so we have
the third clue:

somewhere in Astoria,

and a shell casing
from a Glock 17.

‐ I don't know.

‐ Okay, think.

This is about you,
so just let your mind drift.

It'll come to you.

‐ I know that.
I just...

I'm drawing a blank.

A‐ I've got your journal here,
so let's‐‐

let's work it through.

Has a long history of use
as a poison.

Ancient Roman warriors would

apply it
to the tips of their arrows.

‐ Macbeth used belladonna
to poison

the troops of Harold Harefoot,

King of England, forcing them
to retreat to their ships.

‐ It's used in medicines,
in cosmetics, in eye drops.

Women used to use it to dilate
the pupils of their eyes

so they could appear
more seductive.

‐ Belladonna, it's also
referred to

as deadly nightshade.

It's a perennial
herbaceous plant.

‐ Wait, what's it called?

‐ Nightshade,
deadly nightshade.


‐ You know what it is.
‐ I know what it is.

I know where it is,
and I know who.

‐ Amelia?
‐ The Night Shade Cafe

in Astoria‐‐

it's the new name of the diner
where my parents were killed

with a 9‐millimeter
round fired by a Glock 17.

‐ That makes no sense.
It's indicating you.

You're right here.

‐ I know,
and I just called Rachel.

She's safe, but I'm going.

‐ The hell you are.
He's targeting you.

‐ Taunting us, yes,

but what I know is
that there's someone out there,

someone out there that I can
save if I get there in time,

just like we saved Sellitto,

just like we saved
that woman at Grand Central.

‐ You're not going.

‐ Sellitto is out
of commission,

and Eric isn't
leaving your family.

Lincoln, I need your eyes
and ears

in that cafe
to end this once for all.

‐ The ESU‐‐

‐ The ESU could destroy

if they go in there alone.
That's what you always tell me.

‐ The answer is no.

‐ I am not asking you, Lincoln.

Whoever he has there tied up
or poisoned

or clinging to life,

I can stop it,

and I can stop another person
from dying in that damn diner.


[helicopters whirring]

[sirens wailing]

‐ You need to talk her
through this, Lincoln.

‐ I couldn't talk her
out of it.

You think I can talk her
through it?

‐ Yes, I do.
She's waiting for it.

‐ Amelia, all that this place
means to you,

everything it represents,

you need to put it away now.

‐ I'm fine.
‐ No, you're not fine,

but you can do this.

‐ All right.

It's just another...


[tense music]

♪ ♪

‐ The restaurant where the Bone
Collector may have laid a trap,

so you are to hang back
and let ESU do their job.

‐ Yes, sir.

‐ If we see something
to help, fine.

No chances, no risks.

‐ Kitchen's clear.
‐ Bathroom's clear.

‐ Amelia.


‐ All right,
show me the room.

‐ Okay.

‐ What do you see?
Just let me see it.

‐ Okay.

‐ Amelia,
stay with me on this.

But if this is about you,

tell me what's the same,
what's different.

‐ The layout.

This is it.

The decor, everything,
it's‐‐it's Lasky's.

‐ Okay.

Now, where did it happen?
‐ Lincoln.

‐ He's brought you here
for a reason.

Where did it happen?

‐ It was right here.

Julie, she was coming
to our table.

She was smiling at me.
Then she brought us the check.

Whitehead came in,
and when he called her name,

she turned...

And he shot her.

My father stood up

and tried to stop it,
and he shot him.

And my mother leaned in
to shield me...

[dramatic music crescendos]

♪ ♪

‐ [indistinct shouting]

And she got shot.
It was here.

[solemn music]

♪ ♪

He shot them right here.

‐ There's something on that
smoke alarm right there.

‐ Tell her not to move!

‐ Wait, don't move!

‐ I felt something when
I stood on the booth.

‐ Can you see what it is?
‐ Tell her to get out of there.

‐ Amelia.
‐ It's the job, Lincoln.

You would do it
if you were here.

Now work with me.

Don't move.

‐ What is it?

‐ It's a trigger,
a wire going down.

Here, help me get this up.


Set a perimeter!
Don't let anyone else out!

[device ticking]

‐ What is it?
‐ What it is is the same device

from the warehouse
the day I fell.

‐ Well, what is it?
Why didn't the dogs smell it?

‐ The dogs have to be trained
for each substance.

A‐234 is a Russian
nerve agent, Novichok.

‐ Lincoln, you know
what this is.

You did it before,
and you know how to disarm it.

Tell me what you did.

‐ I pulled the white wire.
‐ That just means‐‐

‐ That means we don't know.

He knows I know
that stopped him then,

so is it the red wire
this time,

the green one,
or would he think

I think it's the other wires,
so it's white again?

Or is it neither?
Well, you stop it,

and the floor falls out
from under you.

‐ We have to make a choice.
She can't stand here forever.

‐ Lincoln.
‐ Not now, Claire!

‐ This is exactly your problem,

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

You're always looking for me,
but you never really see me.