Light as a Feather (2018–…): Season 2, Episode 5 - ..Silent as the Night - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
NARRATOR: Previously
on Light as a Feather.

‐ How could I have possibly
played that game again?

I just don't exactly remember.
‐ Because of the blackouts.

‐ I keep waking up
in these strange places,

having no idea how I got there.

‐ Well, is your mom still
tracking your phone?

‐ That's L.T.
It stands for Little Trey.

‐ You named it after me?
SAMMI: Yeah.

Maybe we could go back

to the way things used to be.

VIOLET: When did you become
such an artist?

‐ It's just something I started
doing in the hospital.

‐ Who are these people?

‐ I don't know.

Just faces
that come to me, I guess.

‐ So how did you know
that guy was gonna die?

Does it have something
to do with that game?

‐ No, it has nothing
to do with the game.

‐ You played Light as a Feather
with Violet?

‐ Who's Violet?

No, I played with
your friend McKenna.

This isn't over.

[suspenseful music]

‐ Nadia Abrams
always had a temper,

but this time,
it flared so bright,

she couldn't even
think straight.

‐ [screams angrily]

‐ She just wanted to get away‐‐

far away from this person she'd
so quickly learned to hate.

‐ [panting]

‐ And in that brutal

[glass shatters]

That's when it happened.

[objects clatter]

♪ ♪

In a flash...

[eerie whoosh]

♪ ♪

The skull‐crushing impact
that would end her life

at the hand of her unexpected
worst enemy.

[blood trickles]

Light as a feather,
stiff as a board.

GROUP: [together]
Light as a feather,

stiff as a board.

Light as a feather,

stiff as a board.

[fading] Light as a feather,

stiff as a board...

MCKENNA: Oh, my God.

I mean,
I knew Violet's parents died,

but from a gas leak
on Christmas Eve?

‐ I can't believe you went there
in the middle of the night.

‐ What? You think I can?

According to my tracker,

I haven't blacked out since,

I mean, who knows when
it'll happen again?

Who knows what I'll do?

‐ Are you gonna be okay?

I know your mom's working late.

Oh, yeah, I'm fine.

Even if she wasn't,
I don't need a babysitter.

‐ I know.
I know.

It's just,
it's our first Christmas

without Candace
and Olivia, and...

[inhales shakily]

I worry.

I love you.

‐ I love you too.

‐ What's that?

[touching music]

♪ ♪

‐ Oh, just something
Violet gave me.

‐ "An upgrade."
From what?

‐ My tracker.

I mean, think about it:

What's better than something

that tells you
where you've been?

‐ Something that shows you.

[camera beeps softly]

[mic rustling]

[intriguing music]

♪ ♪

[crickets chirp]

[mysterious music]

♪ ♪

[door clicks open softly]

[objects rustling]

[dark musical sting]

‐ What are you doing?

‐ [inhales sharply]
What the hell is this?

"House Fire Kills Teen"?

"Local Girl Dies
in Scooter Accident"?

This whole thing
is filled with this shit.

What is it?
Like, your trophy case?

MCKENNA: Give it back.
NADIA: Hell no!

[both struggling and yelping]

[dramatic music]


‐ Ah!

[both grunting]

NADIA: [grunts]
MCKENNA: [screams]

NADIA: [panting]


[eerie music]


♪ ♪

[ethereal music]

♪ ♪

‐ [gasps, exhales]

[breathes shakily]


[unnerving music]

[whispering] Oh, no. Oh...

♪ ♪

‐ I don't think you're allowed
to write in that until we buy it.

‐ Shh.
I'm drawing your portrait.

You're not the only artist
here, you know.

‐ Oh, yeah? Let me see.

‐ Okay, fine.

ISAAC: [laughing] Okay.
VIOLET: See? Perfect likeness.

‐ Yeah, that's good.
BOTH: [laugh]

‐ Oh, wow. Check it out.

‐ Whoa.

Who spends that on a notebook?

‐ Me.

It's a gift.

ISAAC: Oh, yeah.
It's Christmas Eve.

Kind of snuck up on me,
with everything happening.

‐ Just think of it
as a regular gift.

I don't really do Christmas.

‐ You don't do Christmas?

[cell phone ringing]

[intriguing music]

‐ I ended up falling
around here,

but I don't remember
anything else.

And there's no sign

of the camera.

‐ For the record,
I hate to say

"I told you so," but...

‐ Violet, what do we do now?

‐ Whoa. Since when do we
ask for her opinion?

In fact,
what is she even doing here?

‐ No. Nadia wouldn't have
known anything was wrong

if I had left her alone
like Violet said.

She knows how to handle this.
‐ Thank you.

Now stop talking about me
like I'm not here.

What happened?

‐ The last thing I remember,

I hit my head
and I fell on the floor,

but then I woke up in bed

and the camera
in my pocket was gone.

‐ Do you think Nadia took it?
‐ And how'd you get back in bed?

‐ I don't know.
Without the camera,
I have nothing to go on.

‐ Okay, so if we wanna find out
what happened,

we're gonna have to
talk to Nadia.

‐ You want me
to talk to the girl

who just brutally attacked me?

‐ We can't exactly
call the cops,

and we're definitely not
giving her another chance

to hurt you.

Oh, God.
‐ What?

‐ [inhales] I just agreed
with Violet.

[mysterious music]

[door buzzer sounds]

Are you sure
this is Nadia's address?

‐ Yeah, I got it off
the community service
contact sheet.

♪ ♪

[dramatic musical sting]

‐ Nadia! Oh, my God! [gasps]

VIOLET: Oh, God.
ALEX: Holy shit.

Nadia, no!
VIOLET: How could this happen?

‐ Oh, my God.
ALEX: No, stop‐‐

VIOLET: Mack, no.
‐ No! We have to do something!

‐ It's too late. Trust me.

♪ ♪

[object crunches]

ALEX: What are you doing?

♪ ♪

‐ This is my camera.

What is it doing here?

‐ Better question:

if it was on you,
how did you get here?

[car door slams shut]

♪ ♪

Oh, shit.

There's someone coming.
We gotta go.

‐ Wait. Leave?
Are you kidding me?

‐ What?
Would you rather stay here?

Hang out with the cops?

‐ Okay. Fine.
You're right.

Let's go.

‐ Ugh, damn it. It won't play.
‐ Are you sure it's yours?

‐ Yeah, it's definitely mine,

and I was definitely
wearing it.

So either I was here
when Nadia was killed or‐‐

‐ No. It's not possible, okay?

She probably took it off of you
after she attacked you.

‐ Or it fell as I was climbing
out her window.

Nadia said she was predicted
to die after a fight,

and look what happened.

‐ McKenna, this is what
I've been trying to tell you.

The curse makes you do things

that you never thought
you could.

‐ No! It's impossible, okay?

We'll just get
the camera fixed,

and you'll see it wasn't you.

‐ No, we're gonna
have to do that later.

I still feel weird
about leaving Nadia.

there's nothing we can do.

‐ We can warn Luke and Sammi
before it's too late.

‐ If you do that, it'll just
be Nadia all over again.

‐ No, if we tell them how
they're supposed to die,

they can avoid it
until we beat this thing.

That's what we did.

[long pause]

‐ Okay, fine.

You talk to Sammi.
I'll try to find Luke.

‐ Okay.

‐ 252 Greenacre Avenue.

Luke Chiba, right?

There's only one Luke Chiba
in Willow Falls.

Let's go.

‐ Wait! Just let me do it.

‐ So you can do something shady
behind our backs?

No way in hell.

‐ I need you to introduce me
to Sammi.

‐ [scoffs]
You're kidding, right?

You actually want me
to introduce you

to the girl I'm seeing?

‐ Trey, I'm serious.
This is important.

‐ How important?

‐ I played the game again.

[eerie music]

‐ What?

♪ ♪

[musical sting]

Oh, my God.

Are you okay?

‐ I played the game,
and two people are dead.

♪ ♪

And Sammi is in danger.

‐ Wait, you‐‐
you played with Sammi?


‐ I don't know exactly.

And I swear,
I wanted to tell you...

but the curse is supposed
to kill people I care about.

♪ ♪

‐ Wait.

That's why
you broke up with me?

To protect me?

You made yourself
go through this all alone?

‐ I promise you,

I will explain everything
on the way,

but Sammi is in danger,
and we need to go now.

♪ ♪

‐ I know that look.


‐ Remember
when I electrocuted you?

Good times.

Wait, wait, wait. This is it.

‐ What's wrong?
‐ Nothing.

There's a light blinking
on the camera.

VIOLET: It's Luke.
‐ Hey.

Don't I know you two?

‐ Um,
this is gonna sound weird,

but we need to ask about
the game you played
the other night.

‐ Light as a Feather.
We know you played it
at Ridge's lake house.

‐ Oh, yeah.

I mean, I heard them talking

about that slumber party shit,

but I didn't play.

‐ You didn't?
‐ So who did?

‐ Uh, it was
your friend McKenna,

that chick Nadia,

Ridge, punk girl,

and then some dude
in a red hoodie.

‐ [sighing]
Do you know who it was?

Someone from community service?

‐ I don't know.

♪ ♪

Look, I gotta go
meet up with a friend.

Sorry I couldn't be more help.

‐ Okay, if Luke didn't play,
who did?

‐ I don't know.

‐ Why is that the answer

to every question today?

‐ Maybe not all of them.

[intriguing music]

Let me see that camera.

♪ ♪

Okay, the light means
it's connecting to Wi‐Fi,

which means the footage should
be uploading to the cloud.

♪ ♪

‐ I have my laptop in your car.

I know all
of McKenna's passwords.

VIOLET: Voilà.

I mean, honestly,

what did you guys do
before me?

♪ ♪

‐ [groans in frustration]

[sighs] Ugh.

‐ [sighs]
This is taking forever.

Just let me.
‐ Yeah, right.

‐ What? After all this time,
you don't trust me?

‐ You really want me
to answer that?

God, and to think, for a second,
I actually felt sorry for you.

‐ What are you talking about?

‐ We read about
it online, okay?

We know all
about the gas leak.

About how your parents died
on Christmas Eve.

[stirring music]

‐ Oh, yeah.
You know all about it?

Like how I woke up
and found them?

♪ ♪

Like I can still see

my mom's dead eyes staring
back at me?

God, I feel so sorry
for you and McKenna.

You think you're so different,

but you could wake up
tomorrow morning

and be just like me.

Everyone you love could
be gone, and you're all alone.

‐ Look, I'm sorry
for what you went through.


But that's not
why you're alone.

Every chance you get,

you manipulate and lie.

That's why you're alone.

[computer pings]

‐ Download's done.

‐ ...thing is filled
with this shit.

What is it?
Like, your trophy case?

MCKENNA: Give it back.
NADIA: Hell no!

[static hisses]

VIOLET: What's wrong
with the picture?

‐ The beating it took must
have messed up the file.

NADIA: McKenna?
McKenna! McKenna!

‐ Okay, at least we'll see what
happened after Nadia bailed.

Oh, my God.
She got up?

[eerie music]

Wait, where is she going?
Is she leaving?

[static hisses]

‐ McKenna really did black out.

‐ And she left the house.

[door clicks open on video]

SAMMI: That's insane.


Either you guys are
on bath salts

or you're screwing with me.

‐ Look,
I know it sounds ridiculous.

‐ Oh, what's ridiculous?

That a middle school game
I played is gonna kill me?

Why would that be ridiculous?

‐ Sammi,
Nadia and Ridge are dead.

‐ [chuckles] I take it back.

You guys are way past
bath salts.

‐ Hey, you need
to listen, okay?

‐ Dude, what is your problem?

‐ Sammi, you need
to take this seriously.

‐ I'm sorry;
she's getting in my face,

and you're defending her?

‐ I'm not defending anybody.

‐ [chuckles] Look, I don't get

what your issue is, but it‐‐

MCKENNA: [gasping]

‐ Dude, seriously.
What the hell?

‐ [panting]

[crow caws, wings rustle]

[static crackles]

‐ The picture just keeps
getting worse.

[static crackles]

‐ Oh, no.

[static hisses]

‐ [groans] That's it?

‐ Okay, fine.
So... [stammers]

McKenna was there,

but we don't know
that she killed Nadia, do we?

‐ Yeah, but we don't know
if she didn't either.

‐ I don't need a video to tell
me that McKenna's innocent.

‐ Then what are you
so worried about?

‐ I'm worried because
if McKenna sees this,

she'll blame herself even more.

‐ If she sees it.

‐ The cloud's synced
with the camera.

So if it's deleted here...

it'll also be off the camera.

She'll never know.

[rustling paper sound effect]

TREY: And then they found Nadia
with her head bashed in.

‐ [exhales] So they...

they all died in the exact way
that she predicted.

‐ Yeah.
‐ [exhales]

Th‐‐this is crazy.
We should go to the cops.

‐ And say what?

‐ [exhales sharply]

I don't‐‐I don't know.

But w‐‐we‐‐

‐ Listen. Listen.

Nothing's gonna happen
to you, okay? I won't let it.

[crow screeches]

[eerie music]

‐ No.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

What happened?



MCKENNA: I'm so sorry.

NADIA: Don't touch me.

[crying] Y‐‐you‐‐you did this.

You‐‐you killed him.



[sobbing] I'm gonna die.
I'm gonna die.

[continues crying]

‐ Maybe you should... go.

♪ ♪

CHILD ON TV: Look, Daddy!
Paste it.

‐ He told me to write
a play for tomorrow.

["Hark! The Herald Angels
Sing" playing on piano]

♪ ♪

[mysterious music]

♪ ♪


[dramatic music]


CHILD ON TV: Hi, Daddy!

‐ [gasps]

What happened to you?

‐ [echoing] Dad?

[TV continues playing


♪ ♪

[crying] Dad. No.


♪ ♪

Daddy! Paste it.

♪ ♪

‐ [echoing] Mom.

[crying] Mom.



♪ ♪

[music fades]


[people chattering]

‐ Hi.
‐ Sorry I'm late.

It's okay.

I was just looking at
all the decorations.

They really cram it down
your throat, don't they?

‐ Yeah.

Look, I‐‐I‐‐I know you said

you're not the biggest fan
of the holidays, so...

I got you this.
It says "Eff Christmas."

‐ [laughs]

[chuckles sadly]

‐ Hey, are you okay?

‐ Yeah, I'm... fine.



I don't talk about it much,
but, um...

my parents actually died
a year ago tonight.

‐ Oh, my God.

On Christmas Eve?

‐ I...

I did everything I could
to try to save them.

[stirring music]

ISAAC: I'm so sorry, Violet.

♪ ♪

Thanks for trusting me.

♪ ♪

‐ He didn't say it, but...

I mean,
she could die because of me,

and‐‐and‐‐and not just her‐‐

whoever was in that red hoodie.

‐ Mack, calm down.

We'll figure it out, okay?

MCKENNA: God, that camera must
have really messed up.

None of the footage saved.

There's gotta be another way.

‐ [softly] Okay.

Mack, listen to me.

There is no way
that you killed Nadia.

‐ How do you know that?

‐ Come on.

You just spent all day
trying to protect

your ex‐boyfriend's
new girlfriend.

The girl who does that
doesn't just go around
murdering people.

‐ Yeah, but you heard what
Violet said about the curse.

‐ It changes people.


It doesn't matter if it's Sammi

or me or your mom.

You're always protecting

You're one of the good guys,

And the second you stop
believing that,

the curse wins.

‐ You're right.

[Will Cookson's
"Alone in the Dark"]

[hopeful piano music]

♪ ♪

‐ I hate to say it, but...

Violet's right about one thing.

Life's too short to waste it

♪ ♪

[doorbell rings]

COOKSON: ♪ Can't fight ♪

[rapid knocking on door]
PERI: I'm coming.

COOKSON: ♪ The dawn ♪

‐ Alex?

I‐‐I‐‐I was just about
to call you.

I left my phone in the studio,

and then‐‐

♪ ♪

COOKSON: ♪ Can't carry on ♪

♪ Without you anymore ♪

♪ ♪

‐ Wow.
ALEX: [chuckles breathlessly]

‐ Where did that come from?

‐ Just something I had to do.

COOKSON: ♪ I'll wait up ♪

‐ I had a really crazy day.

‐ Do you wanna come inside
and talk about it?

♪ ♪

‐ Actually, um...

‐ So you...

you don't wanna come inside.

‐ No, no, no, no. I do.

I‐‐I just don't want to...

[chuckles nervously]
Look, I really like you,

and you are the most normal
thing in my life right now.

And I could use all
the normal I can get.

♪ ♪

Does that sound crazy?

♪ ♪

‐ Yeah.


I kinda like crazy.

♪ ♪

[knock on doorframe]

‐ Didn't we go through that all
a million times?

‐ Um... yeah.

I mean, I have to do something.

‐ That was gonna be my line.

Look, if I'd known

you were doing this
to protect me,

I wouldn't have...

I mean‐‐
‐ Sammi seems nice.

‐ She is.

You'd like her.

[chuckles sadly]

I mean,
under different circumstances.

[tender music]

Look, I figured if there's one
thing I could do for all of us,

I could keep watch

and make sure you don't
black out and‐‐

and do anything crazy again.

♪ ♪

‐ I thought
all of this was over.

But now...

‐ It's okay.

We got your back.

It's only fair, right?
You've always got ours.

♪ ♪

‐ [quietly] Yeah.

♪ ♪

‐ Come on.

Get some sleep.

♪ ♪

What's wrong?

‐ Nothing.

Just... it's 12:02.

♪ ♪

Merry Christmas, Trey.

‐ Merry Christmas, McKenna.

♪ ♪