Leverage: Redemption (2021–…): Season 2, Episode 6 - Episode #2.6 - full transcript

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Ms. Dewitt, please.

Just stay a little longer.

Look, the scouts are
coming to see Travis play,

I'd hate to see him
miss this opportunity.

You're worried about
your team's season?

No! Of course not.

Jess, you know me.

This isn't about football,
it's about this town.

It's worth fighting for.

I watched you and your
sisters grow up here.

You think this was
an easy decision?

I have two sons I
have to think about.

Look, I've been
gathering evidence.

Working to shut that
fracking rig down.

But there's no
guarantee, is there?

- No, there's no guarantee...
- And in the meantime...

how many more
people end up sick?

Look, I'm just saying that it's
not like you to blow off the gloat.

I mean, you're the one who taught
me that seeing the mark defeated

is the, um... what
did you call it?

Curtain call?

Curtain call. Sophie Devereaux
missing a curtain call?

Well, maybe I'm seeing
things differently now.

How so?

Well, before we met you, you...
you had a moment of clarity.

When you looked back

and realized you didn't feel good
about some things you'd done.

Oh, you mean helping the rich
and powerful do horrible things?

I think I could've picked
up on that a little sooner.

Well, maybe I'm having
a similar realization.

You help people, I was hurting
them, that's not the same thing.

I don't know.

Sometimes I wonder

if I haven't considered how
what we do affects other people.

The people we don't think about.

Collateral damage?

Look, I know that this Arthur
Wilde character brought up

a whole bunch of stuff for you, but...
but you are a good person, Sophie.

You getting it?

Hmm, almost have it.


- Oh, there!
- Y'all got me?

Yeah, babe, you're a
little close to the camera.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just
wanna make sure y'all ready.

Ready for what?

- Ah.
- Oh!

Look at this.

Uh, I'm out here, I'm in orbit.

I'm in a satellite, floating.

- I'm weightless.
- Wow.

Oh, wait, watch, watch.

- Wait, oh.
- Uh-oh.

- Oh, no.
- Okay. Okay.

- There you go, there you go.
- Use your core.

Come on.

Wait. Oh. Oh.
Wait. There we go.

- Yeah!
- Hold it right there.

Hold it right there,
that's perfect.

Ah, it's just a little
tight up in here

It's so cute. It's like
a vent with gadgets.

I didn't think that satellites
had life support systems.

This one does now.

So that, that stuff that you had
me build, that's actually working?

Oh, yeah. I never had any doubt.


So how long do you have
to be up there for?

That solar flare did
some pretty real damage.

I can get it fixed pretty quick,

but I'll have to stay up
here a while to monitor it.

It's not practical to
come back up later.

And besides, up here,

I can get hacking access
unlike anything on Earth.

Can you get high-tech
banking schematics up there?

Babe, I... I can get that
down there, yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, yeah,
yeah, it's cooler up there.

Everything's cooler
in a satellite.

- Yes.
- Hey.

Dorks in Space.

I've seen this movie.

You going someplace?

I'm gonna be off the grid
for a few days, so...

Everything all right?


Just got some unfinished business I
need to attend to, so it's just...

Is Eliot off to kill someone?

Something I gotta do.

Uh, excuse y'all, I'm
calling from a satellite.

Don't nobody wanna talk to me?

- Hey, hey, wait. Where are you going?
- What?


You do know that Hardison's on a
spy satellite and we can track you

anywhere, so maybe just tell us?

I'm going to Oklahoma.

What's in Oklahoma?

What's in Oklahoma?

His father.

He has a father?

- Hey, Eliot!
- What the hell are you doing here?

Sophie said I should come
along to give you something.

- What?
- Emotional support.

What the hell?

Hardison wanted me to make sure

she knew what
emotional support was.

What's this unfinished
business with your father?

I gotta tell him something.

Why don't you just call him?

Because it's complicated.

Yeah, Eliot hasn't
talked to his dad

- since he joined the army.
- All right.

Wait, you haven't talked
to your dad in 60 years?

It's been... I'm not that
freaking old, Breanna.

Aren't you, though?

Good job on the
"emotional support," guys.

So if you haven't seen him
in all this time, why now?

I told you, I gotta
tell him something.

This is a lot more Smallville

than I imagined your
childhood to be.

What did you imagine?

Hmm, Gotham.

Right there.

I used to work at that
hardware store every day

when I wasn't at
football practice.

Stop the truck.


You see, with the right
combination of vodka...

couple shots of oil...

and a bit of chili pepper.


Pepper spray.

- Oh. Ugh.
- No.

You okay?


What are you doing here?

Wait, you know this guy?

This is my father.

Oh, thanks.


I'm all right, really. Thanks.

So what's the deal
with those bikers?

Those guys weren't bikers.

Wait, so they were just
dressed like bikers?

Uh, I recognized them.

They work security
for GreenSlate Energy.

- Oh.
- I guess this was their poor attempt

at a disguise.

Why would security guys from
GreenSlate Energy wanna rough you up?

They work at the fracking rig
right on the edge of town.

Ever since they got here,
we've had, um, earthquakes,

uh, people getting sick, hospitalized
even from the contaminated drinking water.

I've been leading an
effort here in town

to get the rig shut down.

Oh, so they were
trying to shut you up?

Well, listen, I don't
scare that easy.

I've lived my whole
adult life in this town.

It means something to me.

The people here...

mean something to me.

They're worth fighting for.

So, um, yeah, how do you go
about shutting them down?

Well, we have enough signatures
to petition the state.

Convince the state's Attorney
General to force the fracking company

to put up a $60 million
bond for reparations.

And set up an
independent committee

to review the environmental
impacts study that they've ordered.

So you've already won.

Well, we'll see
what the study says.

The company that they've hired
to do it, Enviro Defense Group,

they don't pass the smell test.

So you think they were bought
off by the fracking company?

Well, uh, I think we
know what we need to do.

- No, I... I...
- Mm-hmm.

Why are you here, Eliot?

I have something that I...

No, no, no... never
mind. Never mind.

What did the kid mean when she said,
uh, "I think we know what to do"?

I work with them.

We help people.

- That's what we do.
- I... I didn't ask for your help.

Whoa. Wait, wait,
wait, wait, come again?

Eliot's father?

- Yeah.
- Yeah. Yeah, yes, yes.


What about my father?

You know, that your dad... that
your... That your father is...

Bruh, you never told me?

I didn't tell you what?

That I'm adopted?

I'm adopted. All right?
It's not that big a deal.

My mother worked at the
hospital where they...

dropped me off.

She brought me home
and they adopted me.

See, I knew... I knew something
special about that boy.

I said, "That boy special."
You know what, bro?

Welcome to the cookout.
You're in the family.


So, considering how he's
reacting to you being here,

you still wanna help him?

I grew up in this town, too.

What do we got?

Okay. So this is Peter Marsh.

He's the operator of
GreenSlate Energy.

They almost got shut down a few years
ago because of some safety concerns,

but then the case just
suddenly disappeared.

Well, fracking provides tens of
thousands of jobs across the country,

but there's a catch. Most
of those jobs are temporary.

See, the companies, they hire
300, 400 people to build the rig,

then they lay them off in favor of a
handful of engineers to keep it running.

A small town like this, I
mean, even short-term work,

that many people, it's
gonna make a difference.

Not if
it's hurting people.

I mean, fracking?

That causes pollution,

it messes up entire
ecosystems, poison the water,

cause cancer.

Actually, it's kinda hard to prove
the whole cancer thing in court.


I'll add it to the list.

- Mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm.


All right. So Oklahoma's
Attorney General, James Hodgins.

He owns a home in Carson.

He's the one that ordered the study
and suspended the rig's permits.

Everything that I've
seen, every article,

every case study, it says he
goes after all people equally.

So he will shut the rig down then
if the study shows negligence.

Right. But these are
the guys running the study.

And, uh, they have
very little experience

and all the backgrounds of
people running it, shady.

I tried hacking GreenSlate to
see if they had any connections

to Enviro Defense Group. Nope.

Both companies are
completely offline.

They're operating on closed systems.
So we can't get in there remotely.

All right, Sophie.
What's the play?


uh, right.

Harry and I'll go to the
capitol, get a read on Hodgins.

Uh, Breanna, penetrate
Enviro Defense Group.

Eliot, Parker, break
into GreenSlate.

You okay?

You know Eliot.

He wears this,
this coat of armor.

His relationship with his father
is one of his only vulnerabilities.

We mess this up,
Eliot blames himself.

Eliot will be the
collateral damage.

I can't have that.


You all right?

I don't know.

I'm here if you need me.


I appreciate the ride to town.

I gotta make these
deliveries anyway.

How long have you
been doing this?

Couple months.

People need fresh
drinking water.

We had a few folk end
up in the hospital.

What are you... what
are you doing on that?

Oh, see, when I go over
there, I'm going to be

Kelly Johnson, the new IT member
of the Enviro Defense Group.

You're hacking their website

and creating an entire social
media profile on a tablet?


Why aren't you in college or
working for Google or something?


You know, you should
think about your future.

I see why you and
my son get along.

Eliot never wanted to follow
the path we set for him either.

Is that why you two
stopped talking?

That's them.


What is it you need
to say to your dad?

Look, we go in, we bug Marsh's
office, and we get on his computer.

Let me see that.

Are we going as pirates?

I love pirates! Arr, matey.

Keep up!

Everybody, calm down!

All right? I'll find 'em.

Ma'am, I need you to calm down.

Hey, excuse me, I... I...

Has anyone seen a python?

I lost Eddie at the vet
next door and they lost him!

- Did she say "python"?
- Yes, sir, she sure did.

- He's this big.
- I tell you what, snakes are slippery.

Slippery son of a guns.

You know what I mean? But it's
okay, Eddie's a sweetheart, okay?

He only attacks if you
get too close to him.

You know what I mean? I
learned that the hard way.

You know what I'm saying? You
gotta get everybody outta here.

Everybody out! Let them
find the snake! Come on!

Hurry up!

Look out!

Are you dying?

Oh, my God.

Are you?

No, I'm not dying, Parker.

You don't look well.


You know, maybe your
dad would stop ignoring you

- if you told him you were dying.
- Well, I'm not gonna do that!

Ah. Hmm.

Well, if you are dying,

please let me know so I can have
Hardison prepare your robot body.

Hmm. Check this out.

This can't be good.

Hey, yo, the office
sent me to check out your tech.

Nothing is uploading! They
even tried calling you.

We don't upload data.
We use a closed system.

HR just sent over
the new guidelines,

hence, why they've been
trying to call you.

- H...
- Keep up, man.

Dammit, I don't have a signal.

Let's see if these
guys are working with GreenSlate.

Remember, politicians
are ambitious by nature.

Give them an opportunity and they'll
often reveal their true selves.

- Thank you very much.
- James!

I've been looking everywhere for
you. You almost missed our meeting!

- What, uh, what? What...
- We set up the whole thing up

with your secretary.
Didn't she tell you?

- What... who are you?
- Douglas Aaron. We met last year

at that crazy convention,
State Party Legal.

Now, listen, the world doesn't
want another candidate.

They want a man of the
people, you understand?

- Candidate for what?
- I'm sorry, we're running

a little bit late.
Aubrey Harford,

can I introduce you Attorney
General James Hodgins?

Oh, I've been,
uh, looking forward to meeting you.

Douglas gave me some background
and told me about, uh,

all the jobs you've
created in your hometown.

Well, it's, it's nice
to meet you, too.

I'm embarrassed to say that,
uh, I'm a little ill-prepared

- for this meeting.
- She wrote the profile piece

that got Obama the speech at the
Democratic National Convention.

I've been, uh,
following your career.

You're quite the maverick.

It seems you don't just
follow partisan party lines.

That's right.

I believe my responsibility is to the
people, not to any one particular party.

That is rare these days.

With the incumbent congressman
stepping down this year,

I'd say James Hodgins here might
be the man to fill that seat.

- I, uh, I read about the fracking rig...
- Mm-hmm.

That went up in
Carson, creating...

- Uh, what was it?
- Three hundred.

Three hundred
new jobs in the community.

That is impressive.

Yeah, my home is in that district, and,
uh, when I first learned of GreenSlate's,

uh, intention to build in
Carson, I was skeptical.

Fracking is... uh,
it's controversial.

But when handled correctly,

it can be safe and, uh, create
an enormous amount of jobs.

What about, uh,

reports that the rig is damaging
the environment, making people sick?

Those reports are troubling,

which is why I suspended
GreenSlate's permit

and I ordered an environmental
impact study that will be reviewed

by a local independent

You spend a lot of time in
your home in Carson then?

Of course, he does. He's very
close to his constituents.

Okay, then.

I think, uh, I'd
like to follow up

on this story at
your home in Carson.

Well, uh, I... I
don't know about that.

I'm... I'm... I'm stuck
up here at the capitol.

Why don't you just call my office
and we'll set something up.

We can finish this
whole thing in Carson.

- What...
- I'll see you there.

What, what, what is all of this?

I don't have time to be
hanging out in Carson.

Oh, now, now, spend a night

or two in Carson, let 'em
see that you have a house

in the district you're
gonna be representing.

Committee's gonna get behind a
candidate in the next couple of weeks.

It oughta be you.

Don't you think?


Okay, so we didn't find
anything from the Enviro Defense Group

or on Marsh's computer to suggest that
they were in league with one another.

But a map that Parker found

led to these permit

already filled out.

The Xs on that map are where Marsh
plans to put new fracking rigs.

Yeah, we can't let that happen.

seems genuinely

proud of all the jobs
that the rigs create,

so I got the impression that
he, he really would shut it down

if he thought there
was a problem.

Okay. So this whole thing still rests on
what the Enviro Defense Group guys do?

Well, Hodgins agreed to meet Sophie
and I at his house in Carson.

Look at that. His house
is right next to a rig.

I think we need to show him what
it's really like living there.

If he is who he says he is, he's not
gonna let his constituents live like this.

Let's go flip the
Attorney General.

Oh, good morning.

Good morning, uh...

Some fresh eggs.

Got you some grits.

Homemade biscuits and red-eye
gravy, like Mom used to make.

You made all this?


Today's the big day.

Everybody ready?

Yup. Parker and I prepped the
house before they got home.

Let's do it.

I went to the
market this morning.

Uh, I saw all you had was beer
and pickles in your fridge,

so I got you some
better pickles.

There's nothing wrong
with my pickles.

These are better. They're
rustic, they're good.

Made by a local vet.

Why didn't you go
with your friends?

I figured I'd stick around in
case your biker pals stop back by.

I don't need a babysitter.

Remember, we just wanna show
him what fracking can do.

We don't wanna hurt anyone.

Um, so far, it's
just some buzzing.

And all the people Billy talked to
reported hearing this weird buzzing sound.

It gave some of them nosebleeds.

What? I... I'm not gonna
give anybody a nosebleed.

You were totally gonna
give someone a nosebleed.

Just a little one.

- Well, just leave this out for the...
- Okay.

guests. That's...

I'll be right there.

- Ha! There he is!
- Hey, come on in.

Alicia and my daughter have set out
some hors d'oeuvres in the living room.

Oh, um, actually,
I'd really like a house tour.

Really get a feel of the
man at home in Carson.

Yes, of course. Let... let's
start in the living room.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.

Y'all hear that?

What is that? Is that... does, does
Carson have a locust problem, Mr. Hodgins?

I certainly hope
not. Right this way.



I've heard so much
about you both. Welcome.

You have a beautiful home.

Uh, have you lived here long?

We split our time.

We... we always love
getting away from the city for a bit

to reconnect with our
people in the district.

Play the pipes.

Pipes are played.

But you like it here really?

Um, ooh, uh...

It's just some... just some
creaky old pipes, you know?

Shall we move to the kitchen?

- Mm-hmm. Oh.
- Please, right this way.

You sure everything's all right?

Oh, yeah. It's just some
run-of-the-mill plumbing issues.

We actually haven't noticed anything
too disruptive since being back in town.

And sink.

Oh, this is gonna be nasty.

Ask for a glass of water.

Um, actually, can I have a
glass of water before we go on?

I have a little dry patch
from that delicious mushroom.

Of course.


Uh, actually, I prefer tap.

Are you sure? Because we have ice cold
and filtered built right into the fridge.

Tap is fine.

Just a second.

- Whoa!
- Hold the front page.

Is that coming from
the fracking rig?

The hell is all of this?

Well, let me get this straight.

Even with the light and
the... And the plumbing issues

and the... and the noise, you
still think the jobs are worth it?

Well, well, we don't know
definitively that this is happening

because of the fracking

or if there are other
infrastructure problems in town.

We have to wait to see
what the report says.


Breanna, I told you not to go crazy.
We're not trying to hurt anyone.

That, that was not me. I hadn't
even turned on the shakers yet.

That is
it! We're leaving!

You're right! This is insane!

- Come on.
- I wanna get out of this town.

And he's calling Marsh.

I don't care what you are doing.

Drop everything, wait there!

I am coming over now!


Oh, Hodgins is pissed.
Marsh squashed our bug.

We're deaf.

Is, uh, is there
anything we can help you with?

No, I'm sorry, I need
to cut this short.

This is unacceptable and I'm
gonna speak to someone right now!


I think AG Hodgins is
sufficiently motivated.

Oh, what I wouldn't give to be a fly
on the wall when he gives it to Marsh.

I got it handled.

Where are you?


I'm hanging with the AG.

You tell those Enviro
Defense Group nerds

that that report will
be ready tonight.

I'm not spending another night
in this god-forsaken town.

I am not giving these
hillbillies $60 million.

I poured all my money into that rig.
It is time it started giving back.

Fix it!

We're not getting any of this.
Hey, Parker, what are they saying?

Hodgins is in on it.
They rigged everything.

Why would the Attorney General suspend
their license and form a committee

if he was in on all this?

Got half a dozen more
rigs they wanna open.

The approval process could've
taken months, if not years.

Yeah, but a big
public validation,

they would've rubber
stamped them right away.

Okay. I found these legal
bills on GreenSlate's servers.

Seems like there was a major case
against them that suddenly evaporated

when Hodgins was named
Attorney General.

Yeah, as Attorney
General, he gets to decide

which cases the state pursues
and which ones they don't.

My guess is he did so in exchange
for a lucrative piece of the company.

How did we miss this?

It was wiped from the entire system
when the charges were dropped.

All right. Look, listen,
we'll take the proof tonight

to the committee meeting, okay?

And we show them that
Enviro Defense Group,

the Attorney General, and
GreenSlate are all in bed together.

Anonymous trusts withholding
interest in anonymous LLCs,

that's the stuff
I used to draw up.

No, no, that paper trail
would take forever to unravel.

And we don't have time. That
meeting is in two hours.

What, what, what
does all this...

What a waste of time.

I knew I should have taken
care of this mess myself.


How does this happen?

Well, Breanna feels
terrible. I think...

No, no, no. No, no,
no, no, no, no. Me. Me.

I mean, how did I miss this?

I completely misread
him. That is not me.

That is not what I do.

Well, reading people,

spotting their strengths and
weaknesses is your superpower.

But self-doubt is
your kryptonite.

And as I've been saying, you've
been second-guessing yourself

ever since Arthur
Wilde showed up.

This, this, this is
feeling really complicated.

It's not over. Not yet.

Why are you here, Eliot?
Why did you come back?

Because I have something
I wanna say to you.


After all these years?

Now, after all these years.

Well, I don't wanna hear it.

If you have something to say to me, you
should have said it a long time ago.

I'm sorry I wasn't
here for Mom's funeral.

Is that what you
came back to say?

Look, I know you didn't want
me to join the military,

but I joined anyway.

They put me in a special
unit, made us do things...

Some things that
I am not proud of.

They didn't allow me to
come back when she died.

And I wasn't here for you.

All I want to say is I am sorry.

You knew I didn't
want you to sign up.

- Why'd you do it?
- Why did I do it?

Because the stories you told.

Your time in the military, how you helped
everybody escape from that prison camp.

I wanted to be like you.

My service got me a bum hip

and killed my chances
to play professionally.

You had a chance.

You were a natural athlete.

And you were a hero.

A hero? Oh, shit.

You know they awarded the Medal
of Honor for that prison escape,

but they didn't give
that medal to me.

A lily white boy from
Kentucky got that.

All I got was a medical discharge
and a lifetime of fighting the VA

for my medical benefits.

I wanted more than that for you.

Your mother wanted
more than that for you.

I know.

Hey, guys. I think
we've got something.

Parker lifted a key card
from Marsh's office.

- A key? What is...
- To the fracking rig.

Breaking into the computer at
GreenSlate's corporate offices

was easy, but of course
we found nothing.

That's because they didn't keep
anything important in there.

Anything worth keeping
secret, they kept at the rig.

All the high-tech
security is there.

It's nearly impenetrable.

The fracking rig is like
one big gigantic safe.

But the RFID key card gets
us into the security station,

and from there, I can
do a lot of damage.

Everything we need is
in that rig. Right.

- Here's the plan.
- No, stop, stop, stop! Enough!

I've had it with all your plans.

It's gotten us nowhere, and
that meeting is starting soon.

Okay. Dad, where you going?

I'm going to that
committee hearing

and I'm going to tell
them everything I know.

I still have some
weight in this town.

I'll convince them.

They have a restraining
order against you.

They can arrest you.

Let 'em try.

What just happened?

Like father, like son.

There's way less guards
here than there were before.

Hey, Eliot, heads up.

My bet is that they're waiting
for your dad back in town.

Yeah, I'll keep an eye out.

You're not getting inside
that meeting, Billy.

Did you forget how
this went last time?


No more fracking!
Kill the drill!

No more fracking!
No more fracking!

ask for action and wow,

they call an emergency meeting.

Well, I believe the people of
this town have waited long enough.

If this is the fault of
the fracking rig, so be it.

If it's not, we have
other issues to address.

And the report just happens
to be ready tonight.

Just a fortunate, uh,
coincidence. If you'll excuse me.

Are you sure you want
to rush this now?

I mean, if we wait
just a minute,

we can get press from all
over the state to attend.

Don't worry. We will
have our press event.

Trust me.

Hey, Eliot.

Yeah, Dad.

What smells like a fracking
rig and screams like a girl?

That's a classic.

Yes, Mr. Chairman. We're
ready to present our findings.

And we'll answer any questions
the committee has at this time.

Parker, what do you have?

Breanna is going through
their files right now

and I've gotten
everything else rigged up.

And on the matter of
methane in the water,

we found no evidence that
this is related to fracking.

The data points to all
methane in the area coming

from bacterial decomposition
of vegetable material

and other natural sources.

Not bad for a man
with a bum hip.

Well, it looks like you learned a thing
or two in the last few years yourself.


Eliot, the committee
is about to make a ruling.

- You ready?
- Yeah.

Saw what we
needed. On our way.

Too late, old man.

Not only do we get to
turn the rig back on,

but I'll be building six
more across the state.


Wait! Wait! Listen to me!

Listen! I have more evidence.

We can stop them. We
can shut them down.

We need to get these people
back to work as soon as possible

and I think the people
will be comforted to know

about all the new
jobs being created.

Exactly. We'll be setting up a
press conference in the morning.

We'll have reporters
from all over the state.

we can do this.

We can stop this thing! We can
stop them, we can shut them down!

But we have to work together!

Do something!

So you're not worried about
the stories coming out of the town

about water quality
or health issues?

Of course, we were concerned.

But the report confirmed that the
fracking rig has nothing to do with it.

Now, to keep that rig closed any longer,
it just hurts the people of this town.

Now, speaking of
jobs, Mr. Marsh...

And with this wonderful news, I
finally feel confident in announcing

that GreenSlate will be
opening six more rigs,

bringing us thousands of jobs.

- Why are we here?
- Just...

All right, Mr. Marsh.
Now, without further ado,

let's turn it on.

There you
have it, folks.

Damn! What
the hell is happening?

I don't know. I had the engineers
test it. It was fine last night.

Are you absolutely sure
that we have to blow it up?

Blowing stuff up is cool.

When the rig starts,
the water will flow.

The lithium is going
to hit the water,

initiating a chemical
process that creates a flame.

Since the water is
already full of methane,

it's gonna causes a chain
reaction and go boom!

See, we're not blowing it up.

It's blowing itself up.

You're certain no
one was inside that?

We cleared the rig of any people

and locked it up, made
sure no one got inside.

Attorney General Hodgins,

what do you think
caused the explosion?

Do you think that the Enviro
Defense Group report was wrong?

No, of course not.

This is clearly a
machine malfunction

and that there will be a
full-scale investigation.

I bet he did it. He's
hated us since we got here.

Hodgins, you wanna bet

that the methane that's been causing
our town's water to catch fire

caused that explosion?

The water that the company you
hired claimed was methane-free.

a momentous occasion.

You should think about
doing your press conference

in front of the rig
being turned back on.

That would be amazing press.

Excuse me.

You and GreenSlate should cut
your losses and get out of town.

By the time the rest of the country hears
about you clearing GreenSlate's charges

so you could fund
your next campaign...

you're done.

My what? I don't know
what you're talking about.

Once we realized that you were funding
them and not the other way around,

it didn't take very long to
find your secret bank account,

and connect that to your
brother's secret bank account,

and connect that to the
Enviro Defense Group.

You see, you're gonna have to give
the great people of this nice town

$60 million for their trouble.


Good luck with that.

Uh, this, uh...

Been a real pleasure,

Oh, it was so good
to finally meet you.

I hope it's not as long
before the next time.

Me, too.

Next time, I'll finish
telling you about the robot bodies.

Damn it.


Don't forget what I
said about your future.

I won't forget.

What about your future?

Uh, he just reminded me
to keep my options open.


Well, it all seemed to work out.

Thank goodness.

It was a bit close for comfort.

It could have been a disaster.

Thanks to you, Eliot
was able to do something

he hasn't been able to
do his entire adult life.

Be happy.

For what it's worth,

if you hadn't ignored
me and joined up,

you wouldn't be
where you are today.

Doing good for a lot of people.

I'm proud of you.

We wasted a lot of
good years, huh?


We still have some
years ahead of us.

Let's make 'em count.

You know, in our line of work, we
don't get recognition for what we do.

We have the satisfaction of
knowing that we made a difference.

And you may not have gotten
a medal for what you did,

but in the eyes of all
the guys you saved...

you're a hero.

And for what it's worth...

in my eyes, too.

Try to stay out of trouble.

No, sir.

That's my boy.


Are you okay?

- Parker.
- Hmm?

We're going to be here
longer than expected,

then I'm not gonna
waste a single minute.

Breanna, I need more snowflakes!

Good Stewart
Trucking is a piece of work.

We have a couple of Scrooges who are
bleeding their father's legacy for profit.

The books are showing several
regular anonymous shipments

that don't match with what's
on the original manifest.


smuggling something.

You ready? This
is the fun part.

We have got a big shipment
of guns sitting on the dock.

We have to move the
guns off the dock.

If we don't do this, we're dead.

These shipments are off limits.