Lethal Weapon (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 21 - Family Ties - full transcript

On Murtaugh's first day on the job as interim captain, the wife of a popular businessman is abducted and the squad finds a connection in the case to Riggs' father (guest star Rex Linn). ...

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Anybody home? Trish?

The lamps were flying

and glass was shattering

He got one tiny piece
of glass in his face

and he started bawling
like a baby.

He's still like that.

Like, "Dad, Dad,
take me to a doctor."

Oh, but, you know, Martin was
a good-looking kid, though,

when he was little,
except when he cried.

He was a, he was an ugly crier.

- No.
- Yeah.

What the hell
are you doing here?

Well, I'm just making myself
at home, son.

They're like your
family, right?

Well, that makes them mine, too.

I'll tell you what.

- Huh?
- Come down here.

We were just about to watch TV.
You remember this?

- Oh.
- Oh, this was a fun day.

- Yeah?
- That's my boy's bat. I love that bat.


Oh, that's gonna leave a mark.

Come here.


Oh. Popcorn's ready.

Trish, be a doll.

- I got it, I got it.
- Rog.

Well, that's
a nice couple.

Oh, son.

It's all over.

You can't save 'em.


Okay, Riggs, what do
you think the dream means?

Well, that's an easy one, Doc.

I invited a monster
into my world

and now he's gonna blow it up.

Don't have to be Freud
to figure that one out.

Your father's been here
how long?

Six weeks, three days,

and nine hours.

40 miles down the road.

Have you been
to see him yet?

Only in my dreams.

You know the worst part
about it?

They're always at the Murtaughs.

You don't have to be Freud.

I knew it was a mistake
bringing him out here.

I did it anyway.

Your father
had been stabbed.

Riggs, do you really think
you had a choice?

Could've left his ass in Texas.

Where he would've
been killed.

Why do I care?

He's family.

Some messes you sign up for
simply by showing up.

That's a bold move.

Talking about the tie?

No. The James Brown.


The captain sets the tone
for the office, Bailey.

That's a fact.

And don't you steal none of my
dance moves at the police ball.

Right, okay.

James Brown is the tone. Got it.

Hey, look, I know what
they're saying out there.

That I'm only here
because the LAPD charter

requires an interim captain

while Avery is out.

And that a mannequin
could do your job.

They're... that's...
who said that?

Look, I'm just reporting

what everyone else
was saying, not me.

You know what? Fine.
You know what?

Maybe I can't hire
or fire anyone.

You definitely can't, no.

But I do have
some authority.

I can requisition the
hell out of stuff.

Look at this. The catalog.

All the gear that only
a captain can order.

Motocross bikes,

K-9 unit.

Right here.
LAPD Ferrari.

- O-Okay, Murtaugh, this really seems like a bad idea.
- What?

Bailey, are you here
to undermine me?

You want me to play "The Big
Payback"? Is that what it is?

No, I'm here
to deliver a message

that the commissioners
are requesting the captain

on the executive floor.

The executive floor?

I've never been
invited to the exec...

I heard they have
an omelet bar up there.

I'll bring you back some cheese.

It's gonna be a long week.

Oh, fiber, fiber, fiber.

Let's see.
We have hot cross buns

and a prune strudel.

Here's the situation,
Interim Captain Murtaugh.

just call me Captain.

Why waste time
with extra syllables?

You know?

Do you know the Conlon family?

Conlon family.

Of course.

An hour ago,

Mark Conlon's wife, Lisa,

was abducted from their
Holmby Hills estate.

We got lucky.

Neighborhood kid accidentally
filmed the whole thing

on a toy drone.

Not good.

All right, Rog,

where's this omelet bar?

You know? Hey, I was
thinking of getting maybe

like a, like a little
scramble or something,

maybe with some onions
and some jalapeños.

Riggs, what are you
doing up here?

The executive floor

is for captains and above.

We invited Detective Riggs.

What? Why would you...?

Gentlemen, take a look.

We got two distinct leads
from the drone video.

The first is this van.

Note the mismatched panels.

And the second

is our perp's tattoo

identifying him as...

Aryan Fraternity of Texas.

Since Detective Riggs

has a family relationship
with a ranking A.F.T. member

currently incarcerated

right here in the state
of California.

We're counting on you

being able to get a line in
with these guys.

Well, if you're counting on me,
Ted, then we're all screwed.

Sorry, guys.
I'm family in name only.

A.F.T. is his family, not me.

He'll never help.

We think he will.


Conlons carry a lot of weight
in this city.

In exchange for information
leading to Lisa Conlon's return,

the State is prepared to release
your father from prison.

Mr. Conlon,
we're monitoring your phone

for ransom demands.

Trust me, we are aggressively
pursuing all leads.

I appreciate it, Captain.

This whole thing,
it's, it's terrifying.

Yes, yes.

Well, these detectives will
not rest until Lisa is back.

Aye, aye, Cap'n!

Mazel tov.

There he is.

The LAPD's newest captain.

"Mazel tov" is just Jewish

- for "Right on."
- Uh, Leo,

I'm in the middle
of escorting Mr...

Conlon Pharmaceuticals.

Look at you.

Hobnobbing with the power
players on day one.

That's a baller move.

Mr. Conlon's wife was abducted.

Day one?


But emotionally,

I've been captain
for years now.

And we're definitely gonna get
your wife back.

Roger. Kidnapping within
the first couple hours.

The memoir writes itself.

Leo, why are you here?

I am here to celebrate you.

And to get a great big hug.

You know why?

'Cause there is
nothing, nothing

better in the world
than friends working together.

We're not friends

and we're not
working together,

and put your shoes on 'cause
it smells like corn chips.

Such a stickler. Yes,
we are working together.

You know why?

I happen to be handling

a huge class action lawsuit

with dozens of Angelenos

who have suffered collateral
damage from debacles

caused by two of the most

- debacle-prone detectives...
- Which two?

Oh. Is-Isn't that cute?
Isn't that cute?

But you...

you are in
the unique position now

to disavow yourself
from yourself by writing

a generous check.

Get out.

Well, this woman they
grabbed must have some juice,

seeing you in here
with an offer like that.

Yeah, prominent family.

Donated a lot of money
to the city.

So, there's quite a few people

who'd like to see her
get home safe.

Oh, that's nice.

Wouldn't it be great

if you had a whole city
that gives a crap about you?

I'm not gonna do this.

You got, what? 13 months left
on this armed robbery bid?

No, it's aiding
and abetting.

All I did
was plan it.

The trigger-happy idiots...

All right, listen,
when I walk out this door,

the offer walks with me.

So, yes or no?

Your people will
honor the deal?

Because let me
tell you something.

These boys are gonna know
who talked.

And protective custody or not,

you can bet your ass
they're gonna get to me.

If the information you provide

helps get her home safely...

then you're a free man.

Free man?

There's a truck stop
off 14 and Palmdale.

Bartender named Travis.

He hears everything.

Tell him I sent you.

And you better get
a move on, son.

These guys don't
mess around.

And the odds are,
as soon as these guys

get whatever they want,
they're gonna kill that girl.

A bartender in Palmdale.

I have my second and third
best detectives following up.

That's, uh, Detective Riggs?

So I should expect to hear

Palmdale is burning
any second now?

I've read his file.

Captain, I want live
minute-by-minute reports

from Palmdale.

Yeah, well, that's not
my leadership style.

I'm more into
empowering people,

giving them the tools
and the encouragement,

- the freedom, you know.
- Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Open line to Riggs.


Murtaugh. You feeling left out?

I need an update on Riggs.

What level of damage
has he caused?

Okay. He's been in the bar
for about ten minutes,

so I would say maybe DEFCON 5.


Holy crap!

No, five's the best.
One is the worst.

It goes backwards.

- Goes backwards.
- It goes backwards.

- Well, that's counterintuitive.
- Not really.

I mean, there's a lot of
angry parents out there

that want to know why you're
serving their children alcohol.

I told you.

I don't serve minors.

How would you know?

You don't check IDs,

which is becoming
a really big problem.

I wouldn't do that.

See, I haven't shot
a dumbass all day

and I got quotas to meet.

As a matter of fact,
when I come back in here,

I'm gonna be checking
everyone's IDs.

And lay 'em here on the table,
and no Canadian ones.

All right?
I'm looking at you.


- Get your ass outside!
- Hey, I got kids of my own.

I wouldn't dare do
anything like that.

Hey, hey, here.

That'll cover the damages.

All right?
Lisa Conlon.

She was kidnapped
this morning.

What have you heard?

Who says I heard anything?

Nathan Riggs sent me.

He's my dad.

You're Nathan Riggs' kid.

I should have recognized
the crazy in your eyes.

You got one hell of a family.

Look, I need to find Lisa.

So, whatever you know,
start talking fast.

Local A.F.T., they got
this unbreakable pipeline

that's running through Mexico,
pulling meth, and...

The pipeline broke.

I heard they panicked,
grabbed a girl...

Raise some cash,
buy their way out of trouble.

I need a name, Travis.

- Yeah, I don't have one for you.
- Travis...

I need a nickname,
an address...


- Turn around.
- What?

Turn around.

There's something.


This your van?

Um... no, it's my friend's.

He said I could
borrow it.

Do some errands.

Right. Yeah.
It's good-looking.

I been thinking about
getting myself one.

I was curious how much
storage they had in the back.

Hey, Riggs!


Why you talking
to that cop?


Go, go, go, go!
Bailey, move!

Go, go, go, go, go, go, go...

Is this about the van?

What you need to think about
is what didn't blow up.

Like the bar.

Or the gas station.
Or the palm trees.

Well, one palm tree.

No, this is about me
saying I'm sorry.


You finally seeing
the whole temporary

captain thing for
what it really is?

I mean, you know
they went alphabetically

until someone finally
said yes, and, I mean...

Riggs, I'm sorry

that I didn't go
with you to Helendale

to see your dad.

Come on, Rog, you know
I wouldn't let that happen.

- What you got, Bailey?
- Well, I found something,

but it doesn't really
make any sense.

The explosion destroyed almost
all the evidence in the van.


Well, CSIs found a thermos
with some DNA on it,

and I ran it through
the DNA database, and, um...

our perp has a 50%
match to Nathan Riggs.

That's impossible.

He's been in prison
for four years.

I know, but
the match indicates

that he's a child
of Nathan Riggs.

Yeah, but that's...

You mean there might be
two of them?

So, what's his name?

Garrett Riggs.

- He's 19.
- His mother?

She's out of the picture.
Got her own set of problems.

Now, listen to me, son,
he's not like you.

He needs looking out for.

Oh, yeah?

And is that some of the
looking after that you gave me?

'Cause, boy, that's some
tough love right there.

I learned from my mistakes,
all right...

I've done right by Garrett.

Tried to keep him out of this
whole A.F.T. thing, you know.

Even from jail.

Ain't that sweet.

Where is he?

He's with a friend that
was supposed to make sure

to keep him out
of this crap.

Does your good friend
got a name?

Son, you got
to listen to me.

Garrett's not part of this.

You got to promise me
to watch out for him.


Llewyn Cooke.

So, where is she?

You didn't get her
any clothes.

There was no time.

We had to split because
you let that dumbass Garrett

get rid of the van.

Then all of these cops are...

Oh! Oh...

Get the girl a blanket.

I need her to record
a message to the husband.

It'd be nice
if she could speak.

Now, do you have
any more complaints?

This is Monty.

Is that... is that
short for Montgomery?

- Monty Jenkins.
- Just Monty?

Okay, 'cause I know there were
civil rights atrocities

in Montgomery, and I'm woke.

What the hell is this?

Oh, Captain,
won't you join us?

This is perfect timing because
I'm just deposing Montgomery

in the class action lawsuit.

The lawsuit
against me and Riggs?

No, actually, correction.

The lawsuit is against
Detective Murtaugh,

not Captain Murtaugh,
so you're fine.

And, uh, Monty here was just
telling me about the grenades

that you borrowed from Property.

- That was Riggs.
- Mm-hmm.

I don't remember it like that.

Oh, by the way,

I'm also adding Mark Conlon

to the class action suit.

Leo, please tell me
you are not harassing

a guy whose wife
was just abducted.

No. No.

First of all, we don't say...

we don't say "harassment"

'Cause that means...
touching stuff.

But, no, I've just been
starting a dialogue with him,

trying to... mostly I'm just
following him around.

But I tell you, he's not happy.

And you can see it
in his posture.

Like yours.

Shut up, Monty.

Actually, we followed Conlon
to three different pawnshops,

and he was very brusque
with the owners.

That is not a happy man.

What was he doing?

Mostly just selling art, but now
he's got a great big duffel bag

full of cash.

We know what that means.

The duffel bag
of litigiousness.

Show me that cheddar.

He's making a ransom drop.

What were the pawnshops?

Ooh, um, Casa Empeña?

- Write 'em down.
- Okay.

Are my feelings hurt?

A little.

You were supposed to
get in touch with me

- if the kidnappers called.
- You can't be here.

So, that's a yes,
they were in touch?

They e-mailed a video of Lisa.

Told me to bring
$600,000 in small bills,

and they didn't want to see
a single cop.

They say anything about,
like, two cops?

'Cause we could
have a loophole.

I guess that would be
for you.


Get on the bus.

Now, Conlon.

You stay with Conlon.

Uh, excuse me.

Shh, shh.

Sir, you need
to step behind the line.

It's the cops.
Get out of here, go!

Yeah, excuse me,

I-I need you
to follow that car.

Sir, that car is
not on my route.

And this bus is not
going anywhere

until you step
behind the line.

I am a police captain.

I don't care
if you're a general,

you step behind the line!

I'm behind the line.
Follow the car.

Okay, I'm calling
the police.


- Hey!
- Hey.

Watch out, man.

- Easy, man.
- Garrett!

Hey, Garrett!


Garrett! Hey!

Somebody call the cops!

He says he is the police.

We've been commandeered,

Hey, no cause for alarm.

This is being handled
by a LAPD captain.

Who's never driven
a bus before.

Not gonna make it.
You're not gonna make it!

Help me!

Oh. Whoa!


Yo, you crazy, man!

Everybody, get off the bus!

Get off the bus.

Are you all right?
Look at this...

Oh, my God.

He said his name was Murtaugh.

Captain Murtaugh.


- Don't call him.
- Captain Murtaugh!

Murtaugh, people.

- It's Murtaugh.
- Huh.

So, not... I didn't hit nothing
over there.




I didn't want to do it.
They-they made me do it.

Look, I just want
to talk to you.

I didn't have a choice.

The fallout has been

The kidnappers
remain unidentified.

Except for the
one in a coma.

And Lisa Conlon?
Still missing.

Her husband is raising
hell with everyone,

- and the governor himself is now involved.
- If-if I might.



...guy with glasses,

the world

is an imperfect place.

Were mistakes made?


But to save Mrs. Conlon,

we had to be able to act
at a moment's notice.

And I think
we can all agree,

that as captain,

I improvised a solid plan.


did my detectives hit
a few speed bumps?

You were one of the detectives.

You destroyed a city bus

and half a dozen vehicles.

Yes, but as detective,

I am heartbroken

that I let
my captain down.

- But next time, I...
- Oh, no! No.

There will be no next time.

The FBI is taking over.

So, Interim
Captain Murtaugh,

Detective Murtaugh,
any other Murtaughs

that might be in RHD
are to stand down.

Is that clear?

Say the words.

"Stand down" or "it's clear"?

Did you find him?

What happened?

What'd you do?

What did I do?

It was a ransom drop-off.

And he was right
in the middle of it.

No, I don't believe that.

Hey. He was holding
the money bag.

Well, where is he?

Did you arrest him?

He ran out into the street.

Never saw the car coming.

How bad?

Doctors don't know.

He still ain't woke up yet.

I want to see him now.

- You can't.
- The hell I can't.

I help you,

and you get me out.

Now, I held up my end
of the bargain, Martin.

You messed it up, and then
you got my boy run over!

You're not gonna
blame this on me.

Oh, man.

This is like Christmas morning
for you, isn't it?

You've been lying
in wait for a chance

to get back at me
for such a long time.

How does it feel?

I'm sorry about your son.

You're sorry
about my son?

Well, how about me, Martin?

You think the A.F.T. guys
haven't figured out

who's talking?

It's on you!

Hey. I heard
you were still here.

Trying to figure
out what you used

to look like without
the mustache?

Just wanted to see
if there was any change.


Any change?


Doctor said maybe a few
weeks before he wakes up.

Hey, Riggs, you know,
he put himself here, right?

Anyway, the executive floor
took us off the kidnapping.

It's just the FBI now.

And are we gonna
stand for that?


Why not?

Because we never stand for that.

Look, I know this deal

with your dad got complicated.


It's not

Like you said, Rog,

the kid had it coming.

I'm fine with that.

Okay, maybe you are.

But the point is,
I'm still captain.

So if you're interested, we can
ignore the executive floor,

and bring Lisa
Conlon in ourselves.

You know?

Give you a shot at holding
up your end of the deal

with your dad.

I'm not interested.

Thanks, though, Rog.

What are you doing in here?

Oh, I got up early.

So I started pulling names
of Llewyn Cooke's associates,

- anyone with local A.F.T...
- No, what are you doing

out here?


Kind of felt out of the action.

- Ah.
- You know, it's a gilded cage

in there.

I'm gonna take your office.

You got a couch
in there.

I can go
take a nap.

Yeah, it was getting
crowded in there.

Also, I, uh,

ran out
of wall space.

Hey, Riggs, you wouldn't
believe what I can requisition.

Avery's been
holding out on us.

battering ram.

- A...
- $31,000 in small bills.

- What?
- Mark Conlon's duffel bag

can't hold more than $31,000.

That's impossible.

He said the kidnappers


Need to talk to Conlon.

Uh, wait.

I thought they said
we're off the case.

Yeah, but he's captain,
so we can do whatever we want.

You acknowledge I'm captain.

- As long as I can do whatever I want.
- Yeah, but I'm captain, though.

I really just want
to do whatever I want.

The captain
will let you do

- whatever you want.
- Okay, yeah, bye, I'm walking.

Sean? Sean!

Sean Banks?

Sean Banks. Hey.

Leo Getz, attorney at law.

Today is your lucky day,

'cause I'm about to make you
a bunch of money.

Yeah, I'm not interested,
all right?

Well, were you, were you
on a city bus yesterday

that was negligently
commandeered by the LAPD?

- You've got the wrong guy.
- No, I don't think I do,

lucky for you,
because, actually,

I got a shot of you here
from the bus' security camera.

And, uh, my friend
at the NSA can use that...

What the hell
do you want, huh?

I've got a class action lawsuit
with all the passengers.

And all I want to do is make you

a $40,000 to $50,000
cash settlement.

I said I'm not interested.

- Okay.
- Don't...

make me say it again.


- Okay?
- Check.


That-that is you, though.

Hey, Sean, if you change
your mind...

When I leave here, my first call

will be to the mayor,
the governor,

and the police commissioner.

Then, that's three calls.

Hey, hey. Hey.

- Let me out of here.
- Hey.

There was way less

than $600,000 in that bag.

So, either you were lying,

or you thought these guys
just couldn't count.

Which one?

Or you expect us to believe

they threw her in a van
at gunpoint for 31 grand?

What did they want?

What was in that bag?

A truck route.

The route,

departure time,

the ID number
for one of my trucks.

Conlon Pharma makes
a decongestant

that contains a compound...

That makes meth.

Riggs said the A.F.T. pipeline
just shut down.

And they want
to hijack your truck

so they can make their own.

- What truck?
- No.

You can't.

They said they'd let go
of Lisa once they have it.

Mr. Conlon,

if you want to get Lisa back,

then you have to tell us
what truck it is.

Leo? This better not be
about your lawsuit.


I found the 19th bus passenger
for my lawsuit.

Okay, I'm hanging up.

No, no, no, wait,
wait, wait, wait.

Conlon Pharmaceuticals
beach bag.


He's got a Conlon
Pharmaceuticals beach bag

in his car.
I'm following him right now.

A fairly unpleasant man
named Sean Banks.

Okay. He must've been on the bus
monitoring the ransom drop.

Okay, Leo?
I'm gonna regret saying this...

keep following that car.

Does this mean you're
officially deputizing me?


Uh, does it mean I can get
a bubble light for the car?


If I have a bubble light,
can I use it?

Hello? Hello, hello?

You sure
you need all of this?

Mm, about
to find out.

Got the grenades, too.

Do you even know
what you're doing?

So, two things.

You requisitioned
the LAPD Ferrari?

I thought you were making
that up. LAPD has a Ferrari?

- Yes, it does.
- Second,

the commission
is dumbstruck and furious,

because you brought
Mark Conlon in.

And it's a good thing
we did.

Because now we know
why his wife was kidnapped.

They're going
after his truck.

- So we need to get out...
- Stop.

Tell me you understand what
"The FBI is taking over" means.

you sent Riggs

to find out
what his father knows.

Well, here's what
he found out:

these people,
they don't mess around.

Once they know the truck
is clear, they're gonna make

that one phone call,
and she will be dead.

So if you want
Lisa back alive,

let us do what we do.


Where are you now?

Okay, I followed him

into the Citrus Grove Motel
on Evans Road.

There is a tiny bit of citrus,
and a very diminutive grove.

Okay. Damn.

He's stopping the car.


Leo, we're ten minutes
away. Sit tight.

Five. Remember
what you're driving?

The truck is mine.

As soon as I tell you I'm in the
clear, take care of the girl.

Leo, you still there?

I'm gonna follow him, okay?

No, Leo, get back in your car.

- Shelter in place.
- Don't you worry about me.

Leo Getz is a chameleon.

I move like the night.

And he's talking to somebody.

Maybe he's heading
into a room.

But I can't see what...

Move and you're dead.

Is this where
the Mendelbaum bris is?

I'm looking for the bris.
I'm so... Okay.

Okay, guy.
Okay. Okay.

Easy, easy.

Easy, easy. Hey, hey, hey! Hey.

Get up. Get in there.

This is as fast
as I can go.

- Don't move.
- It's cool, it's cool.

All good.

All good.

It's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be okay.

Look, I don't know, okay?
It-It's some lawyer.

You let a lawyer
follow you from Glendale?

Who'd he call, the cops?

Look, who knows, okay?
All I know is

I'm not sticking around here
to find out,

so what do you want me
to do with them?

I want you to take
the both of them

- out the back...
- Hi!

Hey, I didn't hear
what you said.



I just want to take a moment

to tell you that this
is your last chance

to join into an amazing
class action lawsuit.

Okay? That is,
I guarantee,

going to make you more
than you're making right now.

- Lisa Conlon, are you okay?
- I think so.

All right, the EMTs
are on their way.

I got your back, Murtaugh.


- Don't point it at me.
- I found it fair and square.

Mrs. Conlon, you are a really
amazing, amazing hostage.

If you got to be a
hostage with somebody,

boom, this lady.

Hostage numero uno.

I'm gonna get you
a cash settlement,

or at least, maybe, a couple
nights here at the hotel,

whatever works out.

Okay, thank you, Leo.
Are you okay?

So what do we
do now, Martin?

We got a car coming for you.

Yeah, it's like an Uber,
only with handcuffs, so...

You just sit there
and be quiet.

You know he's
a dead man, right?

Your dad.

In jail, out of jail,
it doesn't matter,

someone will get
close to him.

As soon as I'm booked,
that's the first call I make.

You see,
the thing is, Martin,

doesn't have to be that way.

You let me go, I guarantee
nobody touches him.

Old Nathan gets
to live a long, long life.


Maybe you don't want him
hanging around, huh? Is that it?

I mean, who could blame you?

Like I said,
I heard the stories.

Oh, he was quite
a piece of work.

You must carry
a lot of anger.

Do you ever get rid of that?

I don't think that car's
coming after all.



Good luck.

Well, for the record,
I voted no.

That this committee would
offer you the actual,

for-real captain job is...

Even you must admit
that that is insane.

Captain Murtaugh, can you
at least please look at me

while you gloat? No?

Wait, did I
hear correctly?

The commission is offering me
the captain position?

Avery's job?


Avery's continuing education
was actually him

taking two days off
to interview campaign managers.

Wait, Avery's
stepping down to...

To run for office. Yes.

And the plan was
to use his absence

to quietly test drive
his replacement,

and there were so, so many
better candidates.

But you brought
Lisa Conlon back.

And results are what matters
around here, so whatever.


When does he get out?

Uh... right about now.

You okay with it?

If nothing else, the man
has survival instincts.

Trust me, he won't stick around.


But on the other hand,
he's family.

And family has a way
of surprising you.

There she is.

Baby, you wouldn't believe

- the day I had.
- You and me both.

I just want to
crawl into bed.

They offered me
the captain's job.


- No, no, no. No.
- Wait a minute, no, hold...

You first, you first.
They offered...

Avery is leaving
to run for office,

and the commission wants me
as RHD captain.

Not interim, permanent.

- No.
- Mm-hmm.

- Honey, that's huge.
- I know.

What did you say?

I didn't say
nothing yet.

I wanted to talk
to Riggs and Avery

and, of course,
I wanted to talk to you.

I want to hear about
this whole captain

thing, baby, come on!

Like, who made the offer?
Are you thinking about it, baby?

- Tell me.
- I think I'm thinking about it.

You should.

I mean, it would be
a big change.

- Yeah.
- But...

maybe I'm ready for that.


- And there's also the whole...
- Oh.

The people calling
you "Captain."

- Yeah, that thing, you know what I'm saying.
- Yes.

- I do.
- Of course, you and the kids

will not have to
call me that.

Except maybe, uh,
on the weekdays

when it would be official.

Not a chance.


See, see how good that sounds?

I do. I'm so proud of you.

Hey, Junior.

You, uh...

You didn't want to come in?

Looks like you got everything
under control in there.

Well, in case
you're worried,

the doctors say
he's out of the woods.


Give this one
a chance, okay?

Look, son,

I appreciate everything
you done for me.

You went over
and above.

Getting me out of prison,
taking care of Llewyn Cooke.

It couldn't have gone better
if I'd planned it.

Did you?

I'll be seeing you, son.