Lethal Weapon (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 19 - Leo Getz Hitched - full transcript

When Leo decides to 'Getz' married, 'surprisingly' nothing goes smoothly.

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All right,
this is your last chance.

Drop the weapon...

or things aren't going
to end well for you.

Make my day.

You know,
you're a fast learner, kid.

But how's your hand-to-hand,

How's that?
Huh? Huh?

What are you gonna do with your
hand-to-hand? Huh? Give me that!

- Huh? Huh?
- Yeah?

♪ Don't worry about by me ♪

♪ I've got another hour or so to kill ♪

♪ Don't worry about me... ♪

You got my dad.


How about that?
Better, right?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.


Oh. Come on.

- Boys!
- Oh!

- Hey! Hey! What's this?
- What? What?

You know the rules:
no guns in the house.

Oh, you mean this gun.

Well, um...
you know,

that was just,
you know, a little, uh...

- a little SEAL training.
- Yeah.

Hmm. SEAL training
for my nine-year-old son?

Well, it is his birthday,

you know,
and he's man of the house, so...

Yeah, man of the house!


Ooh, the man of the house! Hah!

Hey, um...

not to send up any red flags,

but I think
Ben might be getting ready

to pop the question.

- Not sure who the lucky lady is, but...
- Ugh. That

kid collects all kinds of crap

- from around the house.
- Hmm.

Uh, it's Jake's promise ring.
You recognize it?

No. I mean, but you know,
Jake never gave me a promise ring.

It's a nice rock.

Well, don't feel bad

I've got a
special place for it.

In the junk drawer.

Blech. So, what are you
doing for Ben's birthday?

Birthday lunch
at Chauncey Cheddar.

- Lucky me.
- Chauncey Cheddar?

They've got the best
mozzarella sticks in town.

And their ball pit rivals
any in the city.

Look, if you can
smuggle me some out,

- Just do a smuggle grab.
- I'm just saying it'd be nice.

- Yes.
- I will try.

- Yeah?
- I will try. Yeah.

You know that car?

No. Any reason
that I should?

I saw it drive by earlier.

I am not worried.

Hey, I have got two
trained SEALs protecting me.

Right. Mm.

- See you later?
- See you later.


I don't like it.

What kind of man

invites you to his wedding
the day before,

and then turns you
into a giant billboard?

The same kind that books it

at a hotel
near the airport.

Leo Getz.

I feel like a runner-up
at some damn beauty pageant.

Hmm. Clearly, the judges missed
the swimsuit portion.

I'm gonna take that
as a compliment.

Let's go. You know, the best man
can't be late, honey.

I'm not the best man.

You are the best man.

Hey, Rog,
you win a beauty pageant?

Not in the mood, McNeile.

Keep your jokes and your trash
on your side of the line.

Well, someone's not
winning Miss Congeniality.

Honey, I...


Is-is that a pickle and
peanut butter?

I had a craving.

Is-is everything okay?



this wedding's gonna be rough,

but I am dying to see the kind
of woman that marries Leo Getz.

♪ La-la-la-la, lasagna... ♪

Hey, I'm surprised.

You know?

- Look at this.
- Mm.

Food and... drinks.

Can I make you
a plate of sushi?

Here... have some.

No. No.

You sure you don't want...?
Hey, what about a drink?

I know you don't want
to do this sober.

- No, I'm fine. Baby.
- You sure?

I'm fine.

- Hi.
- Hey.

- How are you?
- How are you? Oh, Roger.

You look as bad as Todd.
He's throwing up in the bathroom.

- Don't eat the sushi.
- Don't eat the sushi.

Isn't this place amazing?

You would never know that
it has a serious rodent problem.

Oh, my gosh,
have you tried the sushi?

Mwah. And whatever I don't use,

I just mail it right back
in the same box.

- Congratulations, Leo.
- Thank you.

So, listen, when are we
gonna meet the bride?

Uh, Nina.

Uh, s-soon.
Very, very soon.

I'm hoping it's soon.
I just want to quickly

have a-a little chat
with my best man here.

- I'm not your best man.
- My really good man.

- Mm...
- My man friend.

Roger, I just want to

- talk to you, please.
- Congrats, Leo.

Hi! Always wear
the neck brace, remember?

- In public, you're supposed
- Okay, I will. Yeah.

To be wearing the brace.

So, um, it's normal for the bride

to be late to the wedding, yeah?

- She's not here?
- No.

When's the last time
you talked to her?

Uh, 7:00 last night...
after I gave her all the cash.

The cash?

Yeah, the cash,
the cash for the-the bar

and the-the fish meats over
there and the accordion player.

That guy. He does only
Weird Al covers.

He's the most expensive one
you can get.

But that's... She just said,

"I want to hold onto
the cash until the day."

And that seemed to make...
That's normal, right?

Nothing about your wedding
is normal.

Oh, God, Gary's out.

Oh, he's heavily sedated.

That's good news.

Don't get anywhere
near Gary's mouth.

Is everything okay?

The bride-to-be is a no-show.

Oh, no.
Did you try calling her?

Yeah. Every five minutes,
but no answer.

I'm sure
there's an explanation.

- Think there's...
- Yeah, of course.

A million things could have

She could have fallen into a
sinkhole. Those are in the news

- all the time these days.
- You want us

to put out an APB
on a sinkhole.

- Yes.
- Honey, why don't

you go to her place?

Maybe she overslept.

Yeah. Hey, you know what?

When Riggs gets here,
we'll go

- investigate.
- Oh, Riggs is not coming.

- You sure?
- Oh, yes. He RSVP'd "Firm no."

He wrote those words...
"Firm no."

Who does that?

I-I thought you said
this was an emergency.

Yeah, an emotional emergency.

You RSVP'd "No" and left me
to do the thing all alone.

"No" was the obvious choice.

- But you left me alone.
- What do you mean?

You had to go
because Trish is going.


Nina Delillo?

Looks like she left in a hurry.


Just what I figured:
a case of the runaway bride.

Hey, Rog?



Rog, I am nervous
as a hen over here.

Did you find anything?

Yeah, we did.

And it doesn't look good.

Oh, God.


It's not another man, is it?

Well, not one

- you have to worry about.
- No.

Season 02 Episode 19

Episode Title : "Leo Getz Hitched"

Meet Carl Yoon:

contract enforcer and hit man.

Causing death.
Cerebral puncture

via a single white stiletto.

Oh, God.

Hey, hey, Leo,
not here.

We vomit in the hallway.

I'm not gonna vomit.

I'm worried sick.

My bride is out there alone,
terrified, defenseless.

Not to nitpick, but she did
take out a hit man with a shoe.

- Not so defenseless.
- Right. As long as

she's not barefoot,
we know she's armed.

Sir, a little bit
of empathy, please.

We're talking
about the woman that I love.

And if you're implying
that this is anything other

than self-defense,
oh, ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho.

- Oh, oh.
- In the interest of finding Nina,

can we just admit that
she has a past?

Guess what.
Fake news.

We all have a history.
Sir, we all have a history.

- Everybody.
- But hers includes theft,

- Oh, wow.
- Grifting.

- Wow. Nope.
- Two years in Chino for possession...

Okay. Well, our prisons...
our prisons are overflowing

- larceny and distribution.
- With the wrongfully convicted.

- According to, uh, what? To...
- Witnesses.

Uh, uh, uh, wow. So many witnesses.

Look, Leo, this is a convicted felon

who fled with your money after
leaving a dead man in her home.

Come on, man.
How long have you known this woman?

I have spent the most intense

six and half weeks with her.

- Six weeks?
- Six and a half. And a half.

And I know her heart

better than my own.

And that, gentlemen,

is not a metaphor.

Okay, I know you're concerned

about your girlfriend,
but this is a slippery slope.

The car was suspicious

so I would like for
you to run the plates.

Suspicious because it was parked
outside of your girlfriend's house?

And it drove by twice. Okay?
Plus, I've got, like, the whole

you know, gut instinct

- thing happening, so...
- Wait.

It was reported stolen
two weeks ago.

I'm-I'm sorry. What was that?

It was reported stolen
two weeks ago.

Yes. See? Instinct.

All right, put a protective tail
on Molly.

A tail? You don't want
to do that.

Why not?

Because she's your girlfriend,
and I actually like Molly.

Tail it.

How about you discuss it?

No! I worry so
she doesn't have to, okay?

Tail. Now.


Everybody, call off...

Call off the hounds,
stop the clock.

Mystery is solved.

I found, uh, Nina.

She's with her ex, uh, Victor,
at his fight club.

And how do you know that,

Because I feel

like my heart has been
ripped out by jackals.

And I traced her phone.

You have her password?

I have all of her passwords.

Our entire relationship
was about transparency.

Hey, text me the address
of that club, would you?

Hey, the case is closed.
Why do you need the address?

Because I have to arrest her for murder.

The whole shoe, head, right?

I'm OK... Don't look at me.

Don't even look at me.


- What?
- This kid that I'm having.

- Uh-huh.
- That's the year they graduate.


Well, upside, you can get 'em
a hoverboard for graduation.

I'll be 70.

74 by the time he
or she graduates college.

And by the time
I'm walking he or she...

What are you laughing...

Look, Rog, you're never
gonna make it to 74.

You got nothing to worry about, pal.

Good news,
we're in the right spot.

♪ My anger rush through veins corrupts ♪

♪ The brain and what remains
is just too dangerous ♪

♪ I paid enough, let's change
the rules, we make 'em up ♪

♪ You take from us and
we rage, rampage ♪

♪ Serenade for the renegades ♪

♪ Run up in your face
with the savages ♪

♪ Oh, naw, hell naw,
we ain't having it... ♪

Hey, guys!

We're closed.

Ah. I certainly hope so.

this place sucks.

We got a problem here?

I don't know.

Let me guess. Victor Ivanov.

Can I call you Vic?

Or do you hate that?


We're looking for Nina.
Is she here?

No, she's not here.

So why don't you get
the hell out.

Well, the problem is,

her phone is here
and her car's out front.

So you mind if we,
uh, look around?


I mind if you look around. Also,

- get the hell out.
- I know. We heard you the first time.

So, are you always like this

or just 'cause
my partner called you Vic?

Hey. Riggs.

Whose lovely wedding dress with blood

- all over it?
- That's mine.

- Yours? I don't know.
- Oh, come on.

Maybe 125 pounds ago.

- Yeah, that's not gonna fit you.
- Victor


I'm here to fight for my bride!

- Nina!
- Who the hell is this?

- Leo, what are you doing?
- "Who the hell is this?"


I am a man

with a certain set of skills.

And you...

Oh, my God.

Her dress.

You killed her!

You think we should get involved?

Eh, I don't know.
Let'skind of see how it plays out.

Might end up
being self-correcting.

All right.

- Now we get involved.
- Oh!


You're alive?!

I'm standing here, aren't I?


What do you guys say
we call a draw?!

They never want to call it a draw!

I thought that you'd ditched me!

How dare you think that.

The-the passport

and the plane ticket.

Two passports, two tickets.

You said you'd go to the
ends of the earth for me.

I'm so sorry, my chicle!


Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

Where you guys going?

Tierra del Fuego.

Yeah, I think we're gonna need
to make a stop first.

Leo, it's been 20 minutes, and
your client's still not talking.

Mm, the guy can read a clock.
He's gifted.

Oh, look at that. She's talking now.

Not to him, I'm not.

Okay, um,

my client, as I said,
is a smidge uncomfortable

around law enforcement, so she may
need a moment to get comfortable.

Well, I need an explanation

about the dead guy
in your house

and the kilo in your bag.

Leo, you remember
what I told my cousin Susie

at the wedding that one time?

That she could take a...

and stuff it into a...

and call it a hat trick?

Okay, but I can't say that to Roger,

because Roger was the
best man at our wedding.

I wasn't your best man.

The people
who you surround yourself with

are a reflection of who
you are, Leo.

- Remember that.
- You remember that.

You remember that.

You're tearing me apart here.

Baby, tell Ro...

tell Roger your version of events.

For me.

For you?


I wait tables at an
underground poker game.

The kind where you can use
anything as collateral... cash,

- art, jewelry...
- Drugs.

Wow, your best man's a genius.

- All the connections he makes.
- I'm not the best man.

Careful. Yes.

The night before the wedding,

two players got into a fight

and a bag fell in my lap.

Inside was collateral.

- You stole the cocaine.
- Leo,

- he's twisting my words.
- Let the record state

that my client borrowed

- an unknown substance.
- Mm-hmm.

She is no laboratory.

Borrowed from whom?

Jimmy Lee.

Jimmy-Jimmy Lee, the gangster?

Well, I figured he wouldn't notice.

And he figured out it was you,

so he sent a killer.

And then you took out the killer
with your shoe.

Baby, baby.

Chicle, why?

Why did you steal cocaine
the night before our wedding?

For us.

I saw your bank account,
and 28 bucks

- ain't gonna last long.
- I had a lot of...

- And currently...
- Oh, don't you do that.

Don't you sell yourself short.

This man may not be rich
in cash, but he is

rich in his words.

And he moves me.

I sold the coke to get enough
to start our life together.

See that, Detective?

This is a crime of love.

- Of passion.
- Mm-hmm.


Hey. Hey.

Hey, hey, hey!

There's cameras in here.

Get me the tape.
Can you get me...

You have access to the tape, yeah?

Hey, so,

I got a update on that uni that
was trailing your girlfriend.

She didn't go to Chauncey Cheddar.

What do you mean she never went?

She was at a supermarket
parking lot

with that stolen Trans Am.

Did we find out who's in the vehicle?

Uni didn't get a look.

But, apparently, there was a
conversation and then the car took off.

I'm gonna call her.

Wait, wait.
You're not gonna call

Molly about
a secret surveillance of Molly.

That's a bad idea.

See, this is why you know
nothing about relationships.

Oh, hey.

Everything all right?

Yeah! Yeah. I was just, uh,

you know, curious
how the festivities down at

Chauncey Cheddar were going.

Oh, that. Uh...

We didn't end up going.


Capacity issue?

Actually, yeah, it was that.

Booked solid.

Everybody loves Chauncey.

Of course they do.

So, uh, what'd you guys do

Check out a movie or, uh...

maybe meet up with an old friend
in a parking lot?

How do you know I was in a parking lot?

Oh, my God, Riggs.

Are you following me?

No, I was not, okay? Um...

But, you know, I may have put
a protective tail on you, yes.

A tail?

Why the hell would you put
a tail on me?

Look, because I was worried
about you, okay? It...

Because it's...

Uh, affection is what
I was showing you.


It's a violation.

Suddenly, you don't trust me?

Of course I trust you.

- Ask Bailey. Bailey will say...
- Bailey?

Bailey knows about this?
Who else?

Well, you know, I mean,
the uni that was following you.

Um, there was this lady

from Dispatch that...

She-she hung up on you?

Yeah, she hung up.

Yeah. Figured that.

Go away, please.

Nope. Because I have
an update on the case.

There's a poker game
today at Hu's Laundry

down in Chinatown.

Nina said that Jimmy Lee's
gonna be there.

That's the address.

♪ Round here,
every day is a gamble ♪

♪ How much do they expect us
to handle? ♪

♪ When everybody's... ♪

♪ Everywhere's the wrong place
and wrong time... ♪

So who was in the car?

I didn't ask.

What do you mean
you didn't ask?

Conversation went really bad, Rog.

Aren't you even curious
about who was in that car?

Come on, Rog. Sometimes
you're better off not knowing.

Gentlemen, password.

One sec.

You know what, you're right.

Sometimes it is best
if we don't know.

If I didn't know
about that pregnancy test...

You would be living
in a happy state of denial.

- Yes.
- Hey.

Give me a password
or get out.

- Happy.
- Denial.

♪ Nah, they a-pull pistols
and peel them ♪

Open sesame.

♪ Murder, robbin', and stealin' ♪

♪ The children had a childhood
but they missed it ♪

♪ They learned to ride a bike... ♪

Hey, y'all! What y'all doin'?

- Uh-uh-uh-uh.
- Watch it.

Here for Jimmy Lee.
He's the lucky winner today.

Ooh, well, I don't know, Rog.

Pocket twos.

This guy's even worse.
All he has is red parallelograms.

Check out all this collateral,

That's just a lot of loot.


Whose is this?

Who brought this ring?


Should've folded, Jimmy Lee.


What happened?
You okay?


Yeah, I just, uh...

got punched in the gut.

Hey, Cap. Got a sec?
You know that, uh,

paternity leave situation
we have?

No way.
You guys are pregnant again?

Trish must be over the moon.

Well, I haven't talked to her
about it yet, but I know

because I found a test.

But you know this is good,

Yeah, I mean, of course,
but, you know,

we just got out of diaper duty.

Now we have to relive that again.

Roger Murtaugh, in the 20-plus
years that I've known you,

the happiest
I have ever seen you

were the days
your children were born.


Don't you think the world
will be a better place

with another little Murtaugh
running around?

We do have good genes.

- Yeah.
- Thanks, Cap.

I'm gonna get home to Trish
if that's it.

Almost. So I saw that there's
a BOLO out for Jake Voss.

Jake may have showed up
to the poker game.

When were you gonna
tell me this?

I-I didn't think
it was my place.

That's Riggs' friend.

Well, I don't know
about "friend,"

'cause Riggs is the one
that submitted the BOLO.

Guess the situation changed.

Son of a bitch.

It's the one thing Ben
asked for on his birthday,

a chocolate soufflé,

and they keep collapsing.

You saw him?


Why didn't you tell me?

Why do you think?

Because you're a cop,

Martin. He's a fugitive.

Cops catch fugitives.

Well, that's not
how it worked last time.

You let him go.

Maybe I didn't want
to put you or...

put us in that position again.

But that's not your call to make.

When it is about my son,
it is.

I gave Jake his ring back
and I made it clear:

if he wants to see Ben again,
he can turn himself in.

Did it occur to you
that maybe I should know

that Jake's in Los Angeles?

Oh, I don't know, Riggs,
did it occur to you

that maybe you shouldn't have
had a damn cop follow me around?

Listen, I was trying to
protect you.

Oh, well, guess what. Me, too.

How'd that turn out?

You know what? We can try
to not mess this thing up

as much as we want,
but in the end, it's...


Where's he staying?

A motel in Simi.


Do me a favor and
get rid of that.

Hey, you.

You know, when I'm done
with the briefs,

you want to go grab
some dinner?

Dinner can wait.

How about some of this?

Oh, okay.

Mmm. This is the Roger
I like.

Yeah, well,

Trish, I want you to know

I'm all good with it.


The whole pregnancy thing.


Oh, God... you...
I'm not pregnant.

- No?
- No.

Then why am I doing this?

- I was out chasing bad guys all day.
- Oh.

You should be rubbing
my bunions.

Okay. What is this?

Why would you think
I'm pregnant?

I found a pregnancy test

in the trash.

Well, it's not mine.

You serious?

I'm serious.

Thank God.

I don't think
I had another Swedish crib in me.

Oh, please.
You loved building that crib.

Ah, this is so great.

Wait. If...
if you found a pregnancy test

in our trash and it's not mine...

Hey, guys,
I'm skipping dinner tonight.

I've just been feeling sick

since this morning.

- ♪ Funky ♪
- ♪ Do-do-do ♪

- ♪ Funky ♪
- ♪ Do-do-do-do ♪

- ♪ Funky ♪
- ♪ Do-do-do. ♪

He's having a good day.

She told you.


You knew she would.

Well, uh,

you still a pepperoni guy or
have you gone gluten-free on us?

You know why I'm here.

Yeah, to steal my freedom,

like you stole my wife
and my kid.

Hell, Marty, you want my shirt?

I'm running out of
things for you to take.

Why'd you come back?

To see my son.


What'd you get for him?

- I mean, today's his birthday.
- You know that, right?

So, what'd you get him
for his birthday?

Maybe a shiny new red bicycle?

Or maybe that
BB gun he's been wanting.

What, so-so
you're a family man now?

Playing catch, buying
presents for my kid.


You know that ain't gonna last.

Why are you really here?

I got business.

Are you kidding me?

You got business?

It's who I am.

Do you realize I've
got to arrest you now?

And then I'm gonna go home
and explain it to your son?

You ain't calling the shots
no more, Marty.

Who is this guy?

Nobody to me.


Leo, I need to talk to
your client.

Or Palmdale...
I'm sorry, not right now.

She's being taken
to the courthouse.

- Leo, honey, baby.
- Yes, my love.

- You said we had ten minutes.
- Nina.

This will take less than
five minutes.

Okay. Maybe you don't
understand, Hopalong,

this could be the last time
that Nina and I are alone

for one to four years,
and we need a room

to, uh, prepare legally.

- So...
- Right, right.

Leo, so help me God,

if I don't get a minute with her,

you're never gonna
prepare again.

- Make it quick. Quick. Go quick.
- Yeah.

- Quick, quick.
- I already took my...

the pill I was supposed to take.

This business again?

The sooner you answer him,
the sooner he's gone.


It's an invitation to a monthly
card game for high rollers.

$250,000 buy-in.

"Rochambeau" is the password.

Okay, wonderful. If that's
everything, uh, Detective.

Then, honey, gum.
Spit out the gum.

You recognize this guy?

He's a new player.

Yeah. He-he was there

the-the night those two idiots
got into that fight.

Was he involved in the fight?

Oh, come on, don't sit. He's sitting.

Nah, he was hiding over by the
safe while the guards locked it.

Okay, seven minutes.

Clothes are coming off, that's it.

Is it possible that he
could see the combination

from where he was?

It's possible.

Shirt on, pants off.

Sorry, Detective.

The time to prepare...

is... now.

All right, look, I need a list

- of all possible gambling locations.
- Okay.

Querida, I'll do the usual spot?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.


Here, that's better. Ooh, ooh.

Just text me the locations.

Shh, shh, shh. Here he comes, shh.

- What the hell is this?
- We thought

we would introduce you
to a concept

you may want to learn about,


It's Riana.

She's who's pregnant, Riana.

Ah, that's a terrible joke, Scorsese.

Everybody back to work!

Everybody go. Come on. Leave it.

Leave it. Get back to the morgue.

- I could just... Okay. Cool. Yeah.
- Go back to the morgue.

That was a well-intentioned
prank. I'm so sorry.

- Not as sorry as I am.
- Hey.

So I got a hit on that BOLO for Jake.

His car was spotted outside

of Kim's Travel Agency
in Koreatown.

That's one of the places
on Nina's list. Go.

I'll tell Riggs.

Hey, Murtaugh.

Make sure
you bring protection.

Now, go. Go.

I bid $5,000.



All in.

I got to take a leak.

I don't know about y'all,

but I feel like a winner tonight.

Hit the ground, hit the ground!

Everyone stay cool!
Hands where I can see 'em!

Get down now!

Right now!

Hands up.

Stay down! Stay down!

It's payday, boys.



I didn't hear from you all day.

You went after Jake
last night.

Are you okay?

I'm okay.

Good. That's good.

So now can I go back
to just being mad at you?

Yeah, carry on.

Look, Molly...

Jake's got himself
in some real trouble.

You just need to prepare yourself
that it's not gonna end well.

Well, you just make sure
it ends well for you, okay?

'Cause as I said,

I plan on being able to be mad
at you for a long time.

Months. Years.

You may never get over it.

I hope not.

Talk to you soon.

We're clear.

Let's go.



You want to fight, Grandpa?

Who the hell told you?

♪ Tonight ♪

♪ Everybody just have a good time ♪

♪ And we gon' make you lose your mind ♪

♪ We just wanna see you... ♪

Welcome to Chauncey Cheddar.

Make sure to try
our delicious mozzarella sticks.

♪ Shufflin', shufflin' ♪

♪ Step up fast ♪

♪ We get money, don't be mad ♪

♪ Now stop, hatin' is bad ♪

♪ One more shot for us, another round ♪

♪ Please fill up my cup... ♪

Don't make this harder
than it's got to be, Jake.

I already went to prison
for you once, Marty,

I ain't going again.

♪ Get up, get down ♪

♪ Put your hands up to the sound ♪

♪ Get up, get down ♪

♪ Put your hands up to the sound ♪

♪ Put your hands up
to the sound, to the sound... ♪

Jake, calm down. Please.

♪ Put your hands up, put your hands up ♪

♪ Party rock is in the house tonight ♪

♪ Everybody just have a good time ♪

♪ Put your hands up. ♪

You two should be ashamed.

You know you're gonna
screw it up with her.



maybe not.

How can you be so sure?

I love her, Jake.

LAPD. Let's go, out
of the way, folks.

Make way, make way, folks.

All right, hands
behind you back, come on.

All right, let's go.

- You ready for this?
- No.

- We got to be.
- You go first.

No, you go first. You stop.

Cloudy with an 80% chance
of precipitation.

Don't think
it's gonna affect us too much...




So, um, baby,
before we say anything,

we just want you to know

- that we love you.
- Love.

- And we support you...
- Support you so much.

No matter what.

No matter... what.

What's wrong?

Well, we just
want to talk.


You know, talk about,


We want to talk about...

- the baby.
- Yeah.


- Baby.
- The baby.

What, what-what baby?

just give me a name.

I w... I won't kill him.

- I might kill him.
- No. The baby needs a father.

Wh-Why do you think
I'm pregnant?

Oh, my God. You think I'm fat?

- Riana, no.
- No, no, no.

These jeans just shrunk
in the wash, and...


your father found
the pregnancy test in our trash.

- Trash.
- And we just want you

to know that it's okay.

- Yes.
- No.

No, guys, I'm not pregnant.

I've never been pregnant.

I swear.

- You swear?
- Yeah.

Don't you think I would have
come to you if I was?

You guys have done it
so many times.

You're, like, experts.

- Well...
- I mean, I'm pretty good at what I do.

Well, yeah, you know
I'm good at what I do.

Yeah, and that
dress you're wearing...

No. Yeah, sorry.
You're not pregnant.

- No.
- That's wonderful.

But if it's not yours

and it's not your mom's,

then whose...

Big Rog.

Peace offering?
Coffee or booze?

What's the catch?

Oh, no-no catch.

Lois has come back home,
but she's on this weird cleanse.

Oh, okay.


I'm glad your wife is back.

I guess that silly singles cruise

was just something she had
to get out of her system.

A-And now she's not drinking
caffeine or liquor?

No raw fish or
soft cheese, either.

She says it's good for her skin,

and, wow, it is glowing.

Y-You know, it almost sounds
like Lois is pregnant.


Well, that is impossible. Yeah?

Two years ago,
I got a vasectomy.

I mean, it is impossible, right?


It's impossible.

But why don't you hang on
to this...

and this.

You know?

Just in case, you know?


Hey. Psst.

Have you seen a little monster
running around here with a...

I know
you're not about to say

Nerf gun.


- I was not gonna say Nerf gun.
- Uh-huh.

I was gonna say...

the books

that we were gonna read... Hey!

I told you no guns in the house!

This guy,

- he just...
- Oh!

- Oh.
- I'm so sorry.

- You did not.
- I'm so sorry.

- I'm sorry.
- Just...

Oh, God. Okay.
Hold on, hold on, hold on.

- Riggs!
- Hold on, hold on, hold on.

- Okay, h-hold on.
- Should I just...

- lean?
- Yep.

Lean. Lean into it. Lean into it.

Oh. Riggs.

Oh. Hold on.

See, that's not that bad.


It's actually incredible.

What? Well, even when I think

I've got it handled,

I make another mess.

Hey. Well, maybe
that's our thing.

Right? Maybe
we-we make the best messes.

Who's gonna beat us?

Mmm, nobody.

No one.

♪ And I'm so sorry ♪

♪ I couldn't speak ♪

Love is weird.

Love is complicated.

One day you're getting married

at a reasonably priced
hotel by the airport,

and the next,

you're getting hitched
between felony cases

before your wife takes
a little vacay...

just a little vacay upstate.

But no matter what the day,

I would follow this woman...

to the end of the earth.

All right, I have a full docket.

So, if anyone objects
to this union, speak now

or forever hold your peace.

Don't you dare.

So, by the power vested in me,

I now pronounce you
man and wife.

You may escort the bride
to booking.

♪ I'm so sorry I couldn't speak ♪

♪ So sweet. ♪

So long, counselor.

Mi querida.

Watch her head.

Careful with the head!

I'll see you on visiting day.

Leo, I, uh...

can't believe I'm saying this,

but I think you two have a...

a bright future.

Right, Roger?

All right.

Sync corrections by srjanapala
