Lethal Weapon (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 10 - Wreck the Halls - full transcript

Murtaugh's Christmas vacation in Hawaii is put on hold when he and Riggs are called to a homicide and the victim is an old friend.

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* Jingle bell, jingle bell

* Jingle bell rock

* Jingle bells swing

* And jingle bells ring

* Snowing and blowing

* Up bushels of fun

* Now the jingle hop
has begun *

* Jingle bell, jingle bell...

Lincoln 12, did you copy...

Dispatch, this is Lincoln 12.
That's affirmative.

Know why we pulled
you over, sir?

End of year quota?

Broken taillight.

But why don't you give
us a tour just for fun?

Couldn't find anything
your size?

What the hell?

Call this in.

Damn it. Come on.
We got to move!

It's burning too fast.

* Oh, the weather outside
is frightful *

That one.

* But the fire
is so delightful *

* And since we've no place...

I mean, what's the fun in this?

They're already cut down.

I mean, we passed
some respectable trees

on the way here.

Yeah, that was a park.

I'm pretty sure

they send people like you
to arrest people

who chop those down.

Oh, yeah.

* Let is snow, let it snow,
let it snow *

* Let it snow

Is he okay?

The holidays are
always tough on him.

And this year,
with the move

and Jake's parole,

I think he was hoping things
might be different, but...

* But if you really hold me
tight *

I-I don't, I don't know
if you're aware of this.

A-Are you familiar
with the Christmas rule?

All right,
so apparently,

the size of the
tree determines

the amount of gifts
that go under it.

Look, uh, Santa made this up,
not me. I'm just trying to,

you know,
follow the rules.

That one right there.
Oh, yeah?


That was a
quick turnaround.

I think I just got hustled?

A hundred
percent you did.
Beautiful family.

Want a picture?

Oh, we're okay, thanks.

We'd love one.

Get in here, boys.

Squeeze on in, Dad.

Say "gingerbread"
on three.

One, two, three.


What's wrong with it?

I love you, but your vacation
shirt isn't a substitute

for a vacation mindset.

And it's hard to look at.

Hey, at least we're actually
going to Hawaii this time.

Hey, less yapping,
better packing.

I am not paying
for two checked bags.


Riana, one bag.

And, honey, what
did we just say?

We're letting the
little stuff go.

McNeile airport
shuttle service.

Next stop, Hawaii.


Are you guys
ready to head out?

Hey, Riana, your
boyfriend's here.

He brought his dad.

RJ, stop.

Trish, Big Rog,

I just want to say again
how nice it was of you

to invite Robbie.
Yes, it is.

And I also want
to talk sunscreen.

Oh, okay.

Robbie, he's, uh, kind of a
burner. He's got this flaky spot

on his back to reach.

It's kind of the shape
of Rhode Island.
Where's the phone?

No, Dad.
And so, if you or Riana

could actually apply

SPF 45...
TRISH: Okay.

No, they will not be
rubbing sunscreen

on your son's flaky bits.

Where's the phone?

Oh, here it is. Hello.

Oh. Diego.

Yeah, he's right here.

Who's Diego?

Oh, a kid my dad busted
dealing drugs.

Hey, Diego. How's it going?
I'm good.

Pretty good.
Still got that job.

Yeah. At the Howard Club, right?

The Harold Club.

I knew there was an "H"
in there.

Yeah. Anyway,
I was hoping to get together.

I need some advice.

Okay. You all right?
You in trouble?

No, nothing like that, but...

I could use someone to talk to.

All right. Well, my family's
about to catch a flight.

I'm on a later one.

If you want, I'm around all day.


You know what? It's the holidays
and I'm overreacting.

How about we just talk
when you're back?

Are you sure?

I'm sure.
You have a good trip.

I'm charging by the hour,
guys. Let's hustle.

How's Diego?

Good. We're gonna catch
up in the new year.

That's very good, honey.

I wish you were
flying with us.

Yeah, me, too.

But you guys go get
Hawaii ready for me.

I will be there
in the morning.

Vacation mindset.

Starts now.

It starts now.

Hey. I got that phone number

you asked for, and a...

Are you doing paperwork?

Mm-hmm. I'm trying to help Rog
get to Hawaii.

"We bashed in the door.

"The bad guy was a dick.

I shot him."

Yeah, it's
pretty good, right?

Feel like I was there.

Morning, Murtaugh.

You, uh, you might want to check
your partner's paperwork, here.
Zip it.

I have vacation mindset.

I'm on a beach in Hawaii.

He's calling the bad guy...

On a beach in Hawaii,
holding a drink

with a little
purple umbrella in it.

Sipping... can't find the straw.

Happy holidays, gentlemen.

But not quite yet;
you got a case.

What's another word for dick?

It's okay. I can
use "dick" again.

You're on a homicide
in Inglewood.

That's on the way
to the airport.

You know what?
I can save on an Uber.

Come on. We're on it.

Let's go.
All right, got it.

I think it's their

that I love the most.

Vacation Mindset.

That's a
Chevy Chase movie, right?

No, it's a state of being.

See, while my body is
flying off to Maui tonight,

my mind is already...

All right, what have we got?

Uh, looks like the kid

was another idiot
selling on the wrong corner.

Hey. Go get me somebody

who knows what
they're talking about.

Hey, the kid had
enough coke on him

to give us all
a white Christmas.

Hey, hey.
The kid had a name.

A name.

What's with him?

He just got back
from vacation.

No drug residue found in system

despite the presence of cocaine.

He was clean.

Why can't you just say
he was clean?

I-I did.

That's what I said.
You said "drug residue."

You said "presence
of cocaine."

Scorsese, can you give us
a minute?

Look, I know you were
close with him.

He was on the right track.

The kid was clean.
He had a kilo

of cocaine in his backpack.

Which makes no sense.

If they killed
him over drugs,

why leave them?
Your family's in Hawaii,

and I have a department full of
detectives who can handle this.

Good. Put them on other cases,
because this one is mine.

I got something.

There were two sets of prints
on the drugs,

Diego's and this guy,

Jasper Evans.

Busted for dealing
three years ago,

and works downtown
at the Harold Club.

That's where Diego worked.

Is Riggs upstairs?

You know about the Harold Club,

It's all old money
and heavy hitters.

Future governors.
Tread lightly.

Do you think he'll, uh...

Tread lightly?

It's the season
for miracles.

The sign said
"take one."

Oh, well, that's
for members.

This is for Molly's
kid, you know?

Look, these guys love
helping kids, right?

Do you think Ben wants
your stolen candy canes

and borrowed cookies?

Thanks for ruining it.

Can I help you, gentlemen?

Or are you too busy
helping yourselves?

Oh, yes.

We were just wondering when
you were gonna refill

the little table full
of candy over there.

This is a private club.

LAPD Robbery Homicide.

We're investigating the murder
of a Diego...

Diego Cabrera.

Arthur, it's fine.

We'll call them my guests.

No, why don't you just
call us the cops.

Unless guests get
free candy. Hi.

Grant Davenport,
board chairman.

I was, uh, so sorry
to hear about Diego.

It really hit us hard.

He was a great kid.

One of a kind.
Yeah, he was.

Did you know him well?

Diego was a bar-back upstairs.

Yeah, we talked a lot.

He wanted to go into
some kind of business.

Sporting goods.
He wanted his own store.

Can you tell us where we can
find Jasper Evans?

Dress codes.
Do people really do that?

I don't know why
you're complaining.

I'm gonna get buried
in this one day.

Jasper's shift

starts about now.

Well, he's occasionally late.

Oh, drug dealers.

They're so unreliable,
aren't they?

That's his locker over there.

Uh, we have a master key

We'd prefer you don't
manhandle the locker.

Oh, was I manhandling?

You know, why don't
you go grab the key

and, uh, we'll
wait here patiently.

I don't know what it is
about this place,

but I hate it.

Hey, what caliber
killed Diego?

.38, why?


Hey, what the hell

are you doing
in my stuff?

Hey, you must be Jasper.

Is this your stuff, Jasper?
Okay, that's not mine.

Okay. Hold on, hold on.

But is... is this yours?
The cocaine?

All right.
Let's go.

What are you doing?!

Go! Go after him!

Why didn't you jump?!

Why didn't I...?
Why don't you jump?

Because I don't jump!

You're the jumper.

Sometimes I jump,

sometimes I don't jump,
but that's my choice.

The one time I needed you to...

Why didn't you jump?!

'Cause I didn't want
to die today.

Okay? I'd like to see
Ben have a nice Christmas.

You happy?

No one's dying!
The guy's fine.

Good call.

This came early.
I like that you solved

this case so neat and tidy.

Too neat.
You had weapon.

You had motive.
What-what did he say?

Roger's not

Jasper said
it wasn't his gun.

Yeah, but they always say that.

Am I right? They always say,
"This is not my gun."

It's not my gun.
It's not my gun.

It just doesn't feel right

that this is how Diego died.

Diego was a good kid.

Any problems
he may have had recently,

his choices--
they don't...

they don't erase that.

Go be with your family.

Yeah, right? Come on. Come on.

He's gone. Let's go.

What is that?

That's, uh,
Diego's personal effects.

There's no family
in the system,

so we're looking
for next of kin.

Hey. I'm gonna go pick up Ben,
do a little holiday shopping.

You good?

My flight's in 90 minutes.

Just packing up.

Hey, sorry about your friend.

Thank you.

And I'm serious.

Look, I want
pictures, all right?

Coconut bra, grass skirt.

All right? The
whole thing.

Yup. I'm right behind you.

Hey, if you
don't like that,

we can turn around and
go get whatever you want.

Here it is Christmas day...

I'd have gone
for the bike.

You made that pretty clear

when you tried to ride that
out of there.

That security guard was faster
than he looked, wasn't he?

If you feel the way I do...

You know, me and your dad--

we tried to save up
for bikes one year.

We was cutting grass
and collecting cans,

looking for
loose change.

I'm surprised
he didn't steal one.

For all I want...

Look, Ben...

your dad isn't perfect,
all right?

But he's a good man.

He's done some
really good stuff.

You don't have to say that.

Have no arms

For me to hold
I know who he is.

No lips to whisper softly...

Look, Ben,

just know that
your daddy--

he did something for me that
I can never repay him for.

What did he do for you?

To find you
underneath my tree...

Your daddy saved my life.

Oh. How did he do it?

For Christmas,
dear, is you...

You're just gonna have
to believe me, all right?

Right, and if I don't?

Let hear it once more
for Candy on the pole!

* I still won't
tell you my name... *

You looking for Krystal with
a "K" or Crystal with a "C"?

"C." I'm here
on business.

Police business, not...

this business.

Have a seat.
I'll find you.

* 'Cause tonight
I'm living in a fantasy *

* My own little nasty world

* Tonight,
don't you wanna come with me? *

* Do you think
I'm a nasty girl? *

* I'm livin' in a fantasy

* My own little nasty world...

Hey, baby. Well, um, Hawaii!

Look, you made it!

Baby, you did good. Look.

Oh, dibs on the walk-in closet!

Hey, listen, can I...?
I can't

really talk right now...

This fridge is loaded!

Baby, this place is...

It's amazing!

Wow! Well, you deserve amazing.

And, um, I can't wait
to get there.

Tis the season, folks.
And, um...

Don't forget to give...

Uh, I have this work thing,
though, that I have to handle.

A work thing? You're supposed
to be at the airport.

Yeah, well,
this place is on the way.

What place is that exactly?

Um... it, uh...

It, uh...

A all-you-can-eat buffet.

Gentlemen of The South Pole,
open your hearts

and wallets for Trixy!

Roger, are you at a strip club?!

Um, it's...
Ew! Dad!


Ooh, let me see!
No. Step... step back.

It-It's... it's a work thing.

Hi. I'm Crystal.
You asked for me?

Did you ask for Crystal?!

Um... yes and no.

But this is... It's a...
it's a case that I'm on.

Tell her that
I'm work... on...


She's not gonna work.
She's just...

We're just gonna talk.
I'm on a case.

Uh, I'll call you later.
I love you.

Ro... Roger!


Detective Murtaugh.

Please have a seat.


I need to ask you
about Diego Cabrera.

Why? What
happened to him?

He was killed last night.

No. No, no, no, no.

Don't say that.
I'm sorry.

I knew it.

I knew it.
They killed him.


Look, I can't talk
to you right now.

Wait. Who killed...
I can't talk to you.
You have to go.


You got to leave.
You're upsetting the employees.

And you're upsetting me.

I'm a police officer,
and I need to talk...

You got a warrant?


Hey, Trish.
What's up?

Are you and Roger
working on a case?

What? No.
Roger's at the airport.

Roger is at a strip club

called The South Pole.

Oh, right, that case.

Uh, yes, um...

And-And Trish,
just for the record,

The South Pole is a very
tame, you know, mild,

uh, I think topless only.
No cabaret.

Get him out of that strip club
and on an airplane.


Yes, ma'am.

What was that all about?

How do you feel
about a buffet?

(distant horn blaring)

You know, it's a lot more fun
if you go inside.

I got kicked out.

I'm waiting on a dancer,
Crystal, to get off from work.

All right. Wow.
So, uh...

...this is a lot worse
than I thought.

Listen, Rog...
She's Diego's girlfriend.

She knows something
about why he was killed.

Oh, got ya.

All right, look, um...

Here, hold this.
Watch the kid.

Hey, uh, buddy,
you come here often?

Yeah, yeah, we have that.
Mm-hmm, sure.

Guess what, players.

And Marion's coming on stage
in 15 minutes.

Hey, can you tell me
where Crystal is?
In the back.

What the hell were you
doing talking to that guy?

He just wanted
a dance.
He's a cop!

I didn't say anything
to him, I swear!


Uh, are you guys almost done

with this pretty lady in here?
Because, look,

I've been wanting to dance
with her all night...

She doesn't want to dance.

What does that mean?
Do you want to dance?

You want to dance
with me there, big...?

Ben, looks, we got
a situation here.
What's going on?

Here. You put this on.

And you're gonna get down there.

Here's a little hat.

And you're gonna
stay there. Okay?

Until I come back.

Don't move!

Nobody moves!

Well, nobody move?

That's a terrible motto, buddy,

for a strip club.

Stay there.

Told you all the fun was inside.

Is it safe?


I'm just here for the ribs.

Mm, mm, mm.

Anyone who says this happened

because Diego was involved
in drugs is a liar.

He didn't touch them,
he refused to be around 'em.

But it's hard to avoid
when you're spending a lot

of time in a strip
club, no offense.

He wasn't a customer.

He... he only came in
to make deliveries for his boss.

His boss at the Harold Club?

Yeah, one of those rich
white dudes.

Um, like, Grant something?

Davenport. Grant Davenport.

Yup, that's him.
He's, um, in business

with one of the owners
of The South Pole.

Diego ran documents
and cash and whatever else

back and forth until something
blew up a couple days ago.

They had a falling out?

No, one of his trucks--
it blew up.


And... you know,

Diego wouldn't
tell me anything.

But, um...

he was scared.

Rumor had it, those guys
were Aryan Fraternity.

You think he had him killed
to shut him up?


Diego was just, um...

...he was just a good soul.

Oh, here she comes.

Okay. Hey, Mom!

Uh, am I in the right place?
I'm looking for the "adult"

who took an eight-year-old
to a strip club

while he was supposed
to be babysitting.

Uh, it was more
of a performance space,

you know?


Yeah, good job.
Hey, uh, Nelson.

Hey, would you, uh, take Ben
to grab a snack? Sugar-free.

So you gave him
a bunch of junk food,

kept him up all night,

and you brought him
to a gunfight at...

Uh, The South Pole.

It's a play on words.

Oh. Right. Right, right.

Is that everything?

Uh, yeah, that's everything.
Oh, and I told him

about Jake.

Jake came up.

In-in what context?

Um... you know, like, my dad.

That whole context.

You told my son
about how his dad

shot your father?

Listen... I know what
you're thinking.

That an eight-year...
my eight-year-old,

is too young to hear that?

That I have thought long
and hard about how and when

I would ever tell him?

What gives you the right
to do that?

Molly, I just
wanted him to know.

What, what--
that his dad's a hero?

He was a hero to me.

I like being with you, Riggs.

It makes me happy.

But that kid in the other room

is my whole world.

So if you can't
get past this, I...

We're doing
Christmas Eve dinner.

I want you there.

But if you're gonna
bring Jake, don't come.

Hey, bud,
let's go.

We're dealing with it.

They got the stripper,
but we ID'd the cops.

A Detective Murtaugh.

Get this--

a Detective Martin Riggs.


What a treat.

Help yourself to some eggnog.

I thought this was
a made-up drink.

Like, I'd seen it on TV,
but I didn't know

it was, like,
a real thing.

It's delicious.

Uh, these gentlemen were, uh...

they were just...
We were just

expressing our condolences
for the truck that blew up.

You know, the one you were
smuggling the meth in,

with the Aryan Fraternity?

A little holiday joke

from the mayor, folks.

Would you excuse us
for a moment?

Can I have a word
with you?

So, uh...

I don't, uh, want any trouble,
and I'm sure you don't either.

How do we get you to go away?

Let's come to terms.

Uh... Are...

Is-is he offering
us a bribe?

Hmm, I think so.

Okay. Uh...

$12 should do it.

And here's how
we want it:

a five,
four singles,

and quarters for parking.

You've got your foot
in a hornet's nest.

If you were smart...

Oh, we're not.
Just ask anyone.

We already have you
for meth trafficking, murder,

and we're just
getting started.

No, you have the word
of a stripper

and her deadbeat boyfriend.

A good kid you killed

and pinned on someone else.

Diego trusted you.
Hey, you know what, Rog?

He's right.

We really don't
have it all.

I think that we should
hang out here,

walk around the club,

and talk to everyone,

about Grant.

Right? I might even
apply for membership.

Not... not likely
to go your way.

Tough vetting process.

Any skeletons
in your closet,

we'll find them.
Friends, family.

Ah, sweet, I-I don't
have much of either.

Well, now, you know
that's not true.

Your family.

You write 'em off,
move away--

they're still yours.

Everybody comes from
somewhere... right?

Hey, you know what, Riggs,

it's okay.

I'll get in,
and then you will be my guest.

Ow, awesome!
Slam dunk.

My, you do like
the charity cases, don't you?

Excuse me?

Let's hope your partner

fares better...

than Diego.

You know, uh, I changed my mind.

I think I will try the eggnog.


Ho-Hold on,
hold on, hold on.

Stop, stop, stop,
stop, stop, stop, stop.

need right...

There you go.

Uh, safe to say we're not ever
gonna get invited back in there.

Hmm. It's possible
I may have overreacted.

I strongly disagree, sir.


What did he mean back there?

Davenport, when he
went after you

like he knew something
about your family.

I told you about my dad, right?

Yeah, you told me
he was a son of a bitch.

Well, he was a son of a bitch

that may have had
one or two friends...

in the AFT.

That whole circus
of meth heads.

The Aryan Fraternity?

He had a friend or two,
or he was actually...


That's messed up.

Uh, it's really a sliding scale
of "messed up," you know?

Tall in the saddle

My old man would beat
me up when he drank.

And he drank all the time.

And, uh, one night,
he had tied on a good one.

And, uh...

I think he was
dead-set on killing me.

All of the good gifts

Given today

But my boy Jake slid in

and shot him in the
back of the head.

Nearly blew
his face off.

Jake, your best friend?

Molly's Jake?


That's complicated.


All I know is
my family is on Maui

and I'm not.

So I'm an idiot.

But if being with Molly
makes you happy

and she wants you there, then...

Riggs, don't you think
you deserve to be happy?

* Have been opened today

* Ours is the sky

* And the wide-open range

* It's Christmas for cowboys

* And the wide-open

* Plains.





Did you break in here?

What? No. No.

I used the key you gave me
when you first moved here.

What a lapse in judgment.

Okay, yeah, fine.

Next time you go on vacation,

don't ask me
to collect your mail.

I didn't.

Why are you here?

We need to talk about
the strip club, Rog.

No, McNeile, we do not need
to talk about the strip club.

I wasn't there for the ribs.

Lois left me.

The wheels have come off.

I need a friend.

I-I... got a
Salisbury steak, man.

I wasn't attentive enough.

She was angry.
She reconnected with

her old surfing instructor
on the Facebook.

Well, maybe she's back,
you know?

A car just pulled
into your driveway.


Damn, McNeile.
How mad is she?

Okay, it's one guy
with a gun.

We got him
outnumbered, right?

Hey, Rog.

Interesting timing.

Hey, Riggs, I got
a situation.

Let me guess--
Santa's helpers on Harleys.

Damn, you, too?

You think this is what Grant
meant by a hornet's nest?

I bet you wish you was in Hawaii
right now, right, bud?

No, I'm thinking...

I'm lucky I didn't go.

You know, that sun--
it'll kill you.

Hey, look...

tell me you're gonna
see me soon.

See you soon, Rog.

Copy that.

That door's not gonna hold.

I don't want to die
here with you.

Well, you're not my
first choice, either.

What are you doing?

You'll blow up the whole block.

It's called a Hail Mary.

I'm not covered for Hail Marys.



Any chance you guys got
the wrong truck?

Is this a panic room?

It's a closet. Get in here.

Is it... is it flame-resistant?

We're gonna find out.


If I die, tell Lois
that my wallet was stolen.

I used my credit card
at the strip club... Roger!

I know you're
running low, Detective!

Might as well give up!

I was just about
to give up on you.

I'm glad you didn't.

I'm sorry, uh...

I'm gonna be late.

Riggs, is everything okay?

Oh, yeah, it's all good.

Just got held up at work.

Uh, we'll wait

for you.

No, don't.

You guys go ahead and eat

without me, okay?

Riggs, what's going on?

Look, I just want you
to know that I...

I want to be there
with you and Ben.

Tell Ben Merry Christmas
for me, okay?

What, no video this time?

You calling from jail?
Hey, I, um...

I'm sorry about the strip club.

Yeah, well...

you can make it up to me
when you get here.

Yeah, um, actually...

No, Roger,

don't tell me
you're not gonna be here.

What is going on with you?

It's Diego.

Someone killed him yesterday.

Honey, I'm sorry.

You shouldn't be alone
right now-- I should be there.


Mm-mm. You should be
right where you are,

(loud banging)
with our beautiful family.

Let me know
if you need anything.

Just wanted to hear your voice.

But I got to go, okay?

Come out, Detective!

I'll do you
like I did Diego!



Like putting down a dog.

You sure you want that?


Lucky son of a bitch.
Let's go!


Hey, Rog, are we alive?

SPF 45.

It's a lifesaver.


All right.

Just cosmetic.

Nothing structural.


You okay?

What the hell did you just do?!


You called and said
you had a situation.

MURTAUGH: No. I had a situation.
That's over.

Well, then you
should have called back.

now I have another situation.

Well, it's nothing
a little spackle

won't fix, you know...
Oh, Murtaugh.

See, now...
the situation's handled.

Go ahead and back it up.

Yeah, yeah, you're good.

Yeah, so, uh...

we're-we're gonna rebuild
this wall

and replace the windows

and all
the wrecked furniture.

You think the city's
gonna pay to fix your house?

Uh... an LAPD officer

employed by the city drove
his truck through it.

Uh, yeah.
This is

a super sweet
house, Murtaugh.

Well, it was.

What do you have, four bed,
three and a half baths?

How come you never have
any of us over?

I've been over.
I was at the big barbecue

last year-- where were you?


There was a big barbecue?


Like... how big?


Roger Mayfield Murtaugh!

Hey, baby.

You're-you're home.


I heard something in your voice

and thought something
could be wrong.

But silly me.


What happened
to our house?


I had Riggs over.

Leaving so soon?

I told you, you don't
have enough to charge me.

I just wanted you to get
a lay of the land.

That way, when I do get
enough to charge you,

you know where
you're going,

and that day's
coming soon.
I doubt it.

You know, we shut
your trucks down.

I don't know how useful
you're gonna be

to the Aryan
Fraternity now.

You know, and they just don't
strike me as a loyal bunch.

Clearly, they're loyal to some.

You have friends in low places.

But I think you know that.

I'll see you soon, Grant.

Should old acquaintance

Be forgot

And never brought...

C-Can I, uh...

take the time
to apologize once again

for ruining our vacation
and our house?

Honey, you don't have
to apologize.

It's fine.
We're together.

And that is
what counts.

And we... look, we've
got a place to sleep.

For auld...

Hey, hey, hey,

going on here?

My room's still smoky.

As long as we're remodeling,

what about my own
private bathroom?

Okay, guys, this is not...
the bed is not big enough...

Oh, it'll be like
our trip to Mexico.

Oh, when Dad got that room
with one bed.

You know what? That was a
very memorable vacation.


So is this one.

Get over here.

Yeah, I guess
it is.
Yeah, it is.

Uh, it-it...

wha-what happened, um...

is it fell out of the truck.

Right? I had to turn around
and go get it, but...

the contents
should be, uh...

Ah, he's even cooler this way.

Ben battle!


Maybe it's time
for bed, buddy.

What do you say to Riggs?

Merry Christmas, buddy.
Thanks, Riggs.

Merry Christmas.

Lang syne

You, too.

Merry Christmas.

Of kindness yet

For auld...

We... got something
for you, too. Homemade.

We two have paddled

In the stream

From morning sun...

Oh, you definitely...
shouldn't have.

No, oh, don't worry,
that's just a copy.

See, I'm keeping
the original.

Oh, there's two of 'em. Great.
Well, yeah, see,

that's how I like to
picture you: terrified.

Auld lang syne, my dear...

Let me get Ben to bed, and then
I'm gonna get my mistletoe,

and we'll see
what's what.

We'll see what's what.

Take a cup of kindness yet

For auld lang


For auld lang


Well, you're
a tough man to reach.

Ah, well, now, sooner or later

every boy needs his father.

Saved your life, kid.

Ain't you got nothin' to say?

Merry Christmas, Dad.