Lethal Weapon (2016–…): Season 1, Episode 17 - A Problem Like Maria - full transcript

Riggs and Murtaugh team up again with DEA Agent Karen Palmer, and together they gain inside knowledge of dangerous new cartel operations. As Riggs' attachment to Palmer deepens, so do his ...

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And where are you headed?

Thought I'd head down to the spa,
maybe get me one of those seaweed wraps.

You're going to work.

The idea had crossed my mind.

You want breakfast or something first?
We can order room service.

I'm sorry. Does that make you nervous?
Is it too much like a real date?

Only thing that makes me nervous
is the prices on that menu.

It's $36 for some scrambled eggs.

- We'd have to rob a bank.
- I mean, I could be into that.

Secret phone.

Keeping the mystery alive?

Well, it's just the other guy I have
stashed across town at the Four Seasons.


Yeah, I will be down in five minutes.

Okay, and bad news, my day off? Canceled.

Just when I was getting excited
about robbing that bank.

Aw, were you? I've got a new plan.

I'm going to keep the room.
We are going to go to work,

do the crime-solving and then you're going
to meet me right back here later tonight.

It's a date.

No, it's not, but it's much closer.

"Guillermo Azoulay."

Is that a made-up name?

I assure you, it is not.

VIP tickets to Coachella?

Are you kidding me? Who is this guy?

The biggest client
at your mama's former firm.

Not anymore.

I just got off the phone with him,
and he fired the firm because I left.

- What?
- Dad, you're gonna die.

Two dozen Wagyu Kobe ribeye.

This is the meat of kings.

It's like he can read my heart.

What does he want? What?

He offered me a job.

And he wants you
to convince me to take it.

- Sold.
- Mission accomplished, Mr. Azoulay.

And he is re-routing his private jet...

- He has a private jet?
- Did you say, "private jet"?

Yes, he has a private jet,
and he is rerouting it to Van Nuys

just in case I can meet him this morning.

Okay, let us recap here.

He runs a billion-dollar empire.

He fired the law firm
because they did not appreciate you.

And he is re-routing
his private jet for you.

- I'm thinking I should meet the man.
- Maybe you should meet with the man.

Okay. My work is done here. Roger out.

Hey, Big R09. you got a minute?

We really need
to talk about your palm tree.

Sorry. Haven't got no minutes.

Maybe you haven't noticed, but the tree,

it's dropping palm fruit,

the little berries,
all over my brand-new purchase.

A fully-restored...

1966 Mustang Convertible.

I totally forgot.

You're a big fan
of the old Mustangs, right?


Nah, it's just a car.

Just a car

or a work of art?

This is the K-code 289.

They made less than 600 of these babies.

Yeah, well, I've got to go.


Are you gonna do something about the tree?

The berries, Rog, they stain.

Don't look at them as stains.

Look at them as little, tiny works of art!

A 1966 cherry-red Mustang convertible,
limited edition.

Like the one
you've got on your screensaver?

Yeah, except now,
it's sitting in McNeile's driveway.

I think he got that car
just to drive me crazy.

- Now, I've got to look at it every day.
- Or you get to look at it every day, Rog.

See, that's your problem. You're always
a glass-half empty kind of guy.

I'm the half-empty guy?

That's some mighty rich words
coming from your mouth.

- Did we have a nice walk?
- We did.

Hey, Bailey, which one of us
is more of a half-empty kind of guy?

Do not put her on the spot like that.
You're just gonna get your feelings hurt.

And then we all have to deal
with you pouting.

You guys want
to hear about the body or what?

Yes, we'd love to hear about the body.
Thank you.

A DWP crew spotted it early this morning
and called it in.

Our killer couldn't even be bothered
to make it look like a suicide.

Hands are bound, bag over his head.

So what do you think?
He was hanging there all night?

- It's hard to say until...
- No.

He was alive this morning at 8:00 a.m.

And how would you know that?

'Cause that's when I saw him
talking to Palmer,

outside her hotel.

Are you okay?

No, I'm fine. I'm just...

I think I'm still adjusting to the whole
idea of a job interview at 30,000 feet.

And I can't tell you
how much I appreciate that.

The plane will drop me in Seattle,
turn around, take you back home.

Also, I have a parachute,
so we don't even have to land.

That's thoughtful.

But I think I'm the one
who's going to need the parachute

when I tell you I can't take the job.

- You've had other offers?
- No.

Leaving the firm
gave me a chance to breathe.

Catching up with my life, my family...

Look, I understand putting family first.

I bought this plane
to maximize time with my own.

So, before you say no...

Job offer.

There's nothing written here.

Because the offer is
whatever you want it to be.

Name it.

Salary, benefits.
Take whatever time off you need.

Set your own schedule.

You're worth it.

I don't know what to say.

Can I give you the best piece of advice
my dad ever gave me?

"Always err on the side of saying yes."

What do we know about him?

His fingerprints
peg him as Carlos Gonzalez.

Does that name mean anything to you?

Our database says that he was
a low-level foot-soldier for Tito Flores

before he disappeared.

Had to be Palmer's informant.

I'm assuming you called her.

Yeah. Voicemail. Her phone's turned off.

Okay. Well, that means nothing.
I mean, you're hard to reach occasionally.

Okay. Well, let's just swing by her place
and put your mind at ease.

I don't know where she lives, so...


But what about friends?
You know her friends, of course.

Okay, you're just taking it slow, I guess.


So what do you know?

Well, I know where she works, and they've
been dicks on the phone all day, so...

That means they just need
to see our smiling faces in person.

Again, you're not coming in
because your name's not in the system.

We told you. The DEA agent
who would put us into the system...

- ls the individual we're looking for.
- Yes.

So, if you could just please
pick up your phone and call upstairs,

- we could all go about our day...
- I'm not calling anyone

- because as I said...
- I swear to God,

if he says we're not in the system
one more time...

It's okay. It's cool. Look...

Could you just tell us,
did Palmer even come to the office today?

No, I can't.
You want to know why?

Well, you know I am LAPD, right?

No, I know you're not DEA,
which means you have no jurisdiction.

What's with you and these rules?

Where's your partner?

What partner?

I haven't seen Palmer all day,
but that's her desk.

I appreciate it. Thank you.

Step away from the desk, Detective.

My bad. You know what?
I did come with someone.

Detective, you're trespassing.

No, no, no. See, your colleague,

she fell off the map today,
so I'm doing my job and yours.

Look, Agent Palmer took a vacation day.

If she's not calling you back,
maybe it's because she doesn't want to.

Having just met you,
that makes the most sense to me.

It's okay. It's okay. Let's calm down.
Everybody, take five.

You know what? You're right, Rog.

We're uninvited guests in your home.

Please accept our apologies, Larry,

and thank you for your hospitality.


Unexpected tact and restraint.
I'm impressed, Riggs.

We don't need that jackass.

Palmer changed the locks
on a house in Chatsworth.

Address is in on the receipt.

Not exactly swimming in curb appeal.

I see why you two get along.


It's not her place.

It's a safe house.


Palmer was here!


I am trying to, Detective, so back off!

The time to help was
when I came to you this morning...

When Palmer went off the grid,
we followed protocol!

- You followed protocol?
- Yeah.

The only reason
I even knew there was a crime scene...

Was because you stole
the address of a DEA safe house.


Every resource is being allocated.
The city attorney's even on his way in.

Now, the DEA has information for us.

We can hear it,
or we can yell at each other.

Agent Chappel, please continue.

The autopsy and the forensics
from the safe house

all point to this man.

Gideon Lyon.

He's one of ours. He's part of a CIA group

that was sent to train
the Mexican military to fight the cartels.

Gideon went full Kurtz.

He sold his services to Tito Flores.

He is now in charge of
the Flores cartel's security wing.

Gideon is maybe the most brutal enforcer
I've come across in 20 years

of fighting drug wars.

His CIA dossier says
he enjoys delivering pain

and excels at it.

We got intel last week
that he had crossed the border...

Wait. What?

Where? Where did he cross the border?

San Diego.

So you knew this morning he was in country

when I came in there and walked
in the office

and told you she was missing...

- It would've changed nothing.
- You don't know that!

- Captain, what's happening?
- Your girlfriend's dead, Detective.

- Gideon killed her before...
- Martin!

I have a zero-tolerance policy
for this kind of behavior, Captain.

- I understand.
- Give me a break, Ronnie.

Chappel's gonna end up
getting somebody killed.

Was I addressing you, Detective?

Hand your gun and your badge
to your captain.

- You're suspended.
- Ronnie.

- Are you serious?
- Your badge and your gun.

Ronnie, I am not trying to replace her.

- Okay? Palmer's not my girlfriend.
- Give me some credit.

This has nothing to do with my daughter.

You assaulted a DEA agent.

You're lucky you're not in a holding cell.

Yeah, he's here. I'll call you back.

I heard about what happened.

Yeah, they locked me out of the database,
so if we could...


Palmer's still missing. All right?

So I just need some information
on this cartel guy, Gideon.

So, if you could just
make this thing work...

I can't get you onto the database.

Okay, so you're useless to me. Perfect.

You know what? I suggest you take a walk,
okay? Maybe step outside the office.

Try the parking garage, maybe Level D.

How's that?

Parking garage. Level D.

Thank you.

Let me guess.
You've been told not to talk to me.

No, I can talk to you.

However, I am not allowed to tell you
that Bailey hacked Palmer's phone

or that Carlos Gonzalez called her
from Dana Point this morning,

which is also where a cartel gunman
was found shot dead hours earlier.

I can't tell you that.


Are there any leads
you're not supposed to tell me about?

Yes, I absolutely cannot tell you
that this van that fled the scene

was just spotted in Boyle Heights.

It's information I can't divulge.

I'm going to get you
in a lot of trouble, Roger.

Yes, you will.

You didn't happen to bring me a bang stick
by any chance, did you?

Absolutely not.

So, Avery gave me
an interesting little factoid about you.

Delgado is Miranda's father.

Not that interesting.

No, what's interesting is,
you never told me that.

Yeah, well, you never asked.

Come on,
that can't be your whole answer.

I mean, why would it occur to me
to even ask you something like that?

"Hey, Riggs,
is the city attorney your father-in-law?"

- Rog, you're the detective, okay?
- Come on, man.

Fine. Hey, Riggs, is there anyone else
in local government that's related to you?

"'HeY. R0g_"

If you were a high-level cartel enforcer
looking for a, I don't know,

under-the-radar, crappy motel to hide...

Hotel manager said that they only
rented one room today. Number 31.

Corner unit, up high, makes sense.

Hey, look, we don't know
what we're gonna find up there,

so if you want to hang back...
I guess you don't.

Please don't hurt him!

Did we get the wrong room?

Are you trying to get killed?

Because it's called "radio silence,"
not "radio occasional phone calls."

- One call. One call.
- My God. Okay, listen.

Listen. I gave Carlos my phone
before Maria and I left the safe house.

He was supposed to meet us here.

When I couldn't get a hold of him,
I realized they got him.

- I had no idea it was Gideon himself.
- So why is Gideon going after Maria?

He's not after Maria. He's after her baby.

That kid is Tito Flores' son.

I was in a beauty pageant
when I was 19.

I was the runner-up,

but, lucky me,
Tito Flores was in the audience.

He found me after and said I may have
come in second, but I won his heart.

How did you not laugh in his face?

Because he's Tito Flores,
and if you do that, he kills your family.

I wanted to go to nursing school,

but instead,
I was Tito's mistress for four years.

How'd you get away?

I got Pregnant,

and I couldn't
let my baby grow up in that life.

My cousin, Carlos, he snuck us out,

brought us here,
put me in touch with the DEA.

It was quiet for months,
and then Tito's men found us.

The Dana Point parking lot.

You did good. You kept him safe.

The DEA will be here, and,
they're gonna bring you in.

It's my wife. She had a big day.

I'm gonna take it outside.

Hey, baby. We got news?

Please hold for Guillermo Azoulay's
new in-house counsel.

You got the job.


Hey, we're gonna celebrate this weekend.

Actually, how would you
like to celebrate tonight

in Paris?

What, did the job come with jet-packs?

Azoulay lent me his plane.

Said we can take it
anywhere we want to for the next two days.

We land in Van Nuys in half an hour.

Seriously? We could really do this?

Honey, all you have to do
is get off early.

I think I can swing this.

The DEA's coming to relieve us any minute.

I could be wheels up in 45 minutes.

"Wheels up."

Roger Mayfield Murtaugh,
you know what a girl likes to hear.

Honey, I might've been a little optimistic
about 45 minutes.

I've got to run. I'll call you back later.

Guys. We have
a rocket launcher situation out here.

HOW did he find us?

All right, look.

If Tito sent this guy to get the kid,
he's not gonna fire that thing in here,

- so we've got time.
- He will.

He'll have orders to kill Roberto
if he can't bring him back.

- Who knew where you were going?
- What, you think we led him here?

- You think you didn't?
- Hey, hey, let's debate later, okay?

Right now we've got
to figure out another exit out of here.


You have 60 seconds
to give me the child or everyone dies.

Is this housekeeping?

We have been trying
to reach you guys all day.

We need towels up in room 31.
Could you send some up, please?

Okay, we're out of time. We've got to go.

Who am I speaking to?

And I am
so confused about the towel policy...

You don't sound like DEA.

Local police, maybe?

So here's my thing. So, if the towels
I want to keep, I hang up,

and the towels that I... What, that
you guys were supposed to take to wash...

Those towels I hang up?

I'm just confused
on which towels to hang up.

Thirty seconds, policeman.

And also, which ones
do I actually get to keep?

Do I get to take them home?
How does that work?

Hey, I've got a tip for you.

Try to die in the initial explosion.
Don't linger.

They don't pay you enough
to be burned alive.

Gideon, when you love what you do,
you do it for free, right?

You good?

Yeah. You good?

Run. Come on.

Hey, Captain, pretend I'm Todd.

Hi, Todd, honey.

I'm kind of busy right now,
but it's really good to hear your voice.

What's going on?
It's Todd. It's Todd.

Gideon Lyon just blew up a damn motel.

Okay, we have Tito's kid and the mother.
We're safe.

But somebody knew where we were.

We have a big-ass leak.

Hands on your head, now!

Easy, Officer, everything's under control.

Put the weapon down!

I'm a contractor.
This was a scheduled demolition...

- Shut up and get on the ground!
- I have my permit right here.

Sorry the place is a mess.

The cleaning service that I hired,
they're just...

They're terrible. You know, they
don't show up when they're supposed to.

It's actually a lot better
than I thought it would be,

although I had you pegged correctly.

A man that owns more guns than dishes.


My theory's always been, how many dishes
does a guy really need, right?

So, for today's festivities, you know,

I was thinking
of going with, like, a long gun.

So would you go with the compressor
or the M-40?

That is not even a question.
The .308. That's just me, though,

although, if you don't have a zero stop
on your optics, honey, what's the point?

I'm sorry. Are you suggesting
that I have outdated optics?

Prove me wrong.

Is that your wife?


Told you.

He's too excited to sleep.

Happens every time we move.

I've got something for that.

This is a lifesaver right here.

Puts Harper right to sleep.

MURTAUGHI It's like baby-Ambien.

Roberto had all this and more
before I took him away.

He never even got to make a choice.

He's not supposed to.

We make choices for them.

That's the gig.

What if I was wrong,

and all I've done is
turn him into a target?

I almost got him killed today.

The man Tito sent
will never stop looking for us.

Yeah, well,
that's why we're going to stop him.

- How?
- Riggs and Palmer have a plan.

I don't know all the details,

but Riggs assures me
that I'm gonna love it.


I'm starting to feel like this is
not such a great plan.

All the best plans feel like that, Rog.

That's how you know it's a great plan.

I'm not sure that's true.

- Hello?
- Hey, baby, I just landed at Van Nuys.

Where are you?

You know, holding a fake baby
sitting in a deserted parking lot,

waiting on some cartel guys
to come shoot at me.


Is it possible I misunderstood
any of those words?

Come on, Rog. Don't worry the woman.
Tell her you're wearing a vest.

Riggs said to tell you
that I'm wearing a bulletproof vest.

That's great.
What if they shoot you in the head?

Hey, Riggs.
what if they shoot me in the head?

I mean, do you wanna wear a helmet?

It seems like it'd be a little obvious,
Rog, you know?

Riggs said the helmet would be obvious.

I'm not sure I agree with that.

Roger, the plane is refueling.

We won't make it to Paris by dinner,
but if we leave in the next hour,

we can wake up on the Champs-Elysées
by breakfast.

How does that sound?

That sounds amazing,

but I,
don't think I'm gonna make it.


I get it.

It was a pipe dream.

Who can just drop everything, right,
and fly to Paris?

That's not our life, right?

Wish it was.

Riggs, I know you can hear me.

I will understand my husband being late,

but I will not accept a late husband.

Yes, ma'am.

Hey, Riggs?

Next time, why don't you be in the field,

and let me be up in the cheap seats?

Come on, Rog.

You're gonna be fine. You're bulletproof.

I don't feel bulletproof.

You've got to believe you're bulletproof.
That's what makes you bulletproof.

Again, that's dangerously not true.

Hey, I

take a deep breath.

Bad guys approaching.

I gave up Paris for this? Stupid.

All right. Shoot them.

Not yet. Just a little closer.

They're close enough. Shoot them!

Three, two...

What's going on?
Why are they turning around?

Somehow they know you don't have the baby.

Well, how the hell did they know that?

Don't answer that.

Maria, what are you doing?

I can't make him live like this anymore.

I called Tito.

I made arrangements.

I'm giving Roberto back to him.

Okay, honey,
you're making a really big mistake.

My baby deserves a chance.

Turn around.

- Maria...
- Turn around!

I'm sorry.

Your house. Yeah.

I need you to find my phone,
the burner phone.

Maria's on her way
to take the baby to Tito.

Wait a minute.
What... How did that happen?

She sandbagged me, okay?
Let's just leave it at that.

But I need you to find my phone,
and she took the van, too,

so I don't have a car. Can you...

Track the phone, find Maria. On it.

- Hey, Palmer.
- What?

You Okay?

Well, I've been better.

Go find Maria.

I tracked Palmer's phone.

Maria's heading for the Convention Center.

Todd, speaking
of modern urban architecture,

you should check out
the Convention Center.

Yes, the LA Convention Center. Okay.

Okay, I know that wasn't Todd,
and I'm the only one in here,

so who are you performing for?

I think I just like doing it.

Okay, that's weird, but whatever.

Well, you might want to call Todd back

because that info you asked for...

Outgoing calls from our bullpen?

I noticed two curious international calls
from one particular extension.

We have a leak, don't we, Captain?

Which extension?

What the hell is your problem?

Who have you been talking to?

Your idiots lost our asset.
I'm trying to coordinate a response.

By calling Tito's people
and sharing every move we make?

I don't have time for this crap.

Take his gun and cuff him.

Welcome to the U.S. Citizenship

and Naturalization ceremony.

Once you have checked in,
we invite you to take a seat in Hall B.

Found her.

I was supposed to meet Gideon.

Don't worry. He's watching.

Hola, Roberto. Your dad misses you.

Hey, wait, Rog.

Gideon's here, up high.

How do you know that?

'Cause that's
where I'd be with a sniper rifle.

If anything happens to him...

He's got nothing to worry about.

You, on the other hand...
Tito's got a message for you.

You're not getting out of here alive.

We're out of time, Riggs.

They're about to kill her.

- Rog?
- I feel bulletproof.

My baby!

It's okay. We got him.

So, what, that's just your thing?
You just run over bad guys?

- You go with what works.
- Yeah?

You ready?

I know I owe you both an apology.

I can't tell you how sorry I am
for almost messing everything up.

Apology accepted.
I understand why you did what you did,

and it all worked out. Good guys won.

That's right,
especially that little guy right there.

I know I'll always be
looking over my shoulder

for the next person Tito sends for him,

but you're right. That's the job.

And you're very good at it. Remember that.

Seriously, honest truth,
you know anything about this?

Nope. Not a thing.

But look at it this way.

There's only 600 of those
in the whole wide world,

but how many of them look like that?

That, my friend, is a work of art.

Pretty amazing how Murtaugh was able
to single-handedly take down Gideon

and two gunmen all by himself.

I know. I'm really proud of him.

You know, he's come a long way.

I heard he had a little help from Palmer.

I mean, that's what I hear. I don't...

Just... Just Palmer?

Well, I mean, who else? I was suspended,

so, therefore, I didn't have a weapon,

and, I mean, where would I find a gun?

Yeah, I'm not buying that at all.

Really. Um, but I will accept it

because Gideon is in custody,
and our leak is plugged.

Now, the city attorney
would like to have a word with you,

so I will give you the office.
Please try not to break anything.

Thank you.

It wasn't personal. It was policy.

And I wanted to protect you.

I know how you react
when people you care for

are threatened, hurt, or worse.


the situation with Palmer,
it's not what you think.

For your sake, I hope it is.

For what it's worth, I approve.

I appreciate that.


I'm not sure
if I'm ready to care for someone.

Life moves in one direction, Martin.

You should move with it.

- Palmer.
- Riggs.

Yeah, I recognize the growl. What's up?

Are you hungry?

I'm always hungry.

You want to, I don't know,
maybe go to dinner tonight?

- Where?
- Restaurant.

- Eat-in or take-out?
- Eat-in.

Yeah, I could be interested in that.

- Okay.
- It's a date.

- Palmer.
- Yeah?

Glad I caught you.
I've got that file you requested.

Thank you, my lady, for the dance.
You're a wonderful partner.

Hello! Anyone home?

Hey, we're upstairs.

Your mommy's private jet just landed.


Hi, baby.

How was it?

Awesome. I love Las Vegas.

That Paris casino was
just like being in Paris.

Without actually being in Paris.
I'm saving the real thing for you.

I've got to go lnsta my loot.

All right.

So how was your day?

I survived.

As promised.


I'm sorry about Paris.
I mean, I wanted to go, but...

Honey, I know. Life got in the way.

Just undid all my work.

Stop. You don't have to apologize.
I get it.

Here, you take her.

Right now, it's me and you

against the world.
It's me and you against the world.

Rog, do something for me.

Try not to miss too much.

You are a great husband and a great cop,

and that job will always come first,

but it comes at a cost.

Twenty years from now, let's not look back
and be sorry about what you missed.

Sometimes, err on the side of saying yes.


- I love you.
- I love you, too.

I'm gonna go unpack.

Meet you in our room?

Yes, yes, I will.


Hi, I'm sorry I'm late.

No worries.

So they have tater tots
as appetizers here,

so this is basically, like,
my favorite restaurant, so...

What's up?

Is something wrong?

I have to tell you something, and I think,

once I do,
you're not going to want me to stay.

I doubt that, but you can give it a shot.

When I was in your trailer
and I saw the photo of your wife Miranda,

I thought I recognized her,

like I'd seen her before.

And I should have said something to you,
but I didn't.

I was really hoping I was wrong,

but it turns out...

Where have you seen her before?

In a DEA file.

Ten months ago,
Mexican police raided

the house of a known
cartel hitman in Juarez,

and it was Gideon Lyon's house.

Gideon escaped,

but they were able to recover documents

and e-mails and photos of murder victims,

and assigned hits,
hard targets of the cartel.

And her photo's in there?

Your wife's death wasn't an accident.

I think Gideon killed her.

I'm sorry.

English - SDH