Lethal Weapon (2016–…): Season 1, Episode 10 - Homebodies - full transcript

Riggs and Murtaugh end up in the middle of a turf war as they investigate the murder of a millennial "designer drug" dealer.

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♪ Bad man forward, bad man pull up ♪

♪ Bad man forward, bad man pull up ♪

♪ Bad man pull up, bad man pull up ♪

♪ Bomb, bomb, bomb a drop ♪

(electro house music continues)

♪ Ready for war... ♪

(phone vibrates)

(electro house music continues
faintly over headphones)

(gun clicks)


MURTAUGH: I keep asking, but I guess

the guy's got something better
to do with his time.

Better than come over
our house for dinner?

Yeah. I've got better things
to do, and I still eat here.

This is what you do.

Tell Riggs I haven't
seen him in a while,

and I'm asking him over for dinner.

I'm not easily offended,
but the guy's getting pricklier.

Oh, so you say. Every morning.

Not every morning.

Every morning.

Hon, clearly your partner
is going through something

right now, and it's starting
to consume you.

And in the interest of
talking about anything else

over breakfast, get ahead of it.

Hey, there he goes.

(laughs) Any updates?

Nope. Not talking about it.

- What?
- Your son

is sitting out his last
winter high school dance

because he hasn't asked
a single girl out yet.

(laughs) RJ is fine. It's generational.

No one asks anyone to dances anymore.

That's not true.

I got asked last month,

and it wasn't even my dance.

If it's anyone's business,
I actually did ask someone.


She never texted back, so...

Let's all just move on.

Oh, baby.

MURTAUGH: You don't text someone
and ask them to a dance.

You ask them. In person.

Like a human.

That's it. I'm out.

(chuckles) RJ.

I bet he used emojis. Rookie mistake.

(phone vibrating)

Uh. I got a dead body in Koreatown.

See? This is what texting is for.

Not asking a girl to a dance.
What's wrong with him?

Hey, and don't forget to invite
Riggs to dinner again!

(car horns blaring)

MURTAUGH: "Generational" my ass.

As long as there's dances,

there's gonna be kids who ask
other kids to the dance.

So he's gonna need
a little game. Am I wrong?

What? Who needs what?

You're kidding me. You didn't
hear anything I just said?

Sorry, Rog. Just white noise.

(sighs) I don't get you, man.

We're supposed to be partners.

Hey. We are partners.

No. Partners listen.

They engage.

They pretend to care.

Let's try it.

Hey, partner,
what did you do this weekend?


See, that's what I'm talking about.

Partners answer the question, Riggs.

I'm answering the question.

I did nothing.

You didn't go nowhere,
do nothing, see nobody;

you just sat in that little
tin coffin, that's it?

Blinking and breathing.

Trish wanted me to invite you to dinner.

And considering your social calendar,

I'm assuming you're available.

Can I think about it?

You're killing me. You're killing me.

BAILEY: Our D.O.A.'s name
is Adam Pressman... 26.

Business cards in his wallet

says he was a party promoter.

This can't be good for business.

That's helpful.

Single bullet, close range.

Small caliber... I'm guessing .38.

So, what's with
the fancy high-tech, uh...

Wireless headphones?

- Yeah.
- Came with the corpse.

(sighs) Huh.

Maybe he's from the future.

Maybe he hasn't been living under a rock

for the past five years.

Look like the future's in here.

(people whooping, no music playing)

Is it not just me,

but do you hear music?

That's evidence.

I know. It's not like I was gonna

crush it up and snort it or anything.


The party's over!
We're shutting this down!

They can't hear you.

I got the bass cranked up.

What is this? Some kind of a rave?

Rave? (chuckles) Cute.

It's a silent disco.

Oh. My favorite kind of disco.

You mind if I, uh...?

♪ I'll be on both sides, babe ♪

♪ High and low ♪

♪ High and low ♪

♪ If I had my way... ♪

DEEJAY: Everyone gets
wireless headphones,

and I beam the music directly
into their brains.

Their brains altered on what? Ecstasy?

That's a perfectly legal supplement.

There's nothing illegal happening here.

Can I get back to what I was doing?

Do you know Adam Pressman?

Yeah. This is his event. Why?

Yeah, well, we need to shut it down.

Hey. Not bad.

Get your own music, your own
drugs, nobody talks to you.

It's my kind of party.

(indistinct police radio chatter)

I don't know anyone
that would want to hurt him.

I mean, everyone loved that guy.

Not everyone.

What about you two?

Were you more than
just business partners?

We had a... partners
with benefits sort of thing.

He was really one of a kind.

You see Adam leave the club
with anyone last night?


It was a total mob scene last night.

Word spread that Adam had
a new supply of owls, and...

Owls? Like-like the birds?

Like the drug. Come on, partner.

DEEJAY: Legal chemical supplements.

They're named after Owlsly,

the chemist who made them for Adam

until they had a falling out.

I thought everybody loved him.
What happened?

All I know is that, for a while,
the supplements had dried up,

and then last night,
they started flowing again,

and the crowd followed.

So, where can we find this chemist?

He got a lab somewhere?

Nobody knows.

Adam did, but he was one of the few.

Owlsly's... super underground.

Ah. What a great thing to be.

Thank you.

SCORSESE: Owlsly is an artist.

A Leonardo da Vinci of chemistry.

I thought you said you
had autopsy results.

Oh, on this guy?

Simple gunshot wound. Open and shut.

I spent the rest
of the morning analyzing

that drug you brought back
from the club.

And by "analyzing," you mean?

I broke it down to basic compounds,

reverse-engineered it,
and then I field-tested

quite a few of them.

That's becoming clear.

Guys, I was blown away.

This isn't old-school MDMA.

The owl takes Molly
and (exhales) packs her bag.

Good-bye. Sends her to college,

'cause this is... smooth.

- Mind-expanding.
- Is it legal?

And it fixed the third act
of my screenplay.


My guy has to be half-man,

half-lizard, so when
he's fighting the lizards,

he is fighting himself.


Does this say what I think it does?

The drug's legal?

Completely legal. Every single compound,

diphenidine, ephedra,
is elegantly altered just enough

to stay on this side of the drug laws.

It's an exciting time to be alive!

You know what'd be really exciting?

If we can get an address
for the da Vinci of drugs.

Looks like he's already on it.

He's been searching shipping manifests

from chemical wholesalers.

Brilliant. Right?
Want to know how I got the idea?

Eh, you know what?

You should put it in the script.

Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah.
Murtaugh, good note.

Yeah. Yeah! In the lizard's...

I mean, I'll have to translate
it to lizard talk, but totally.


I mean, things... are good.

I mean, Roger's got a bug up his ass

about how I spend my weekends.

But other than that, it's all good.

What you got there?

(mumbles): I don't know.

Chopped kale with mustard vinaigrette?


Look, I saw it. I didn't...

There was no name on it or anything...

Well, no. There it is.

"M.C." Right there.

I'll-I'll write bigger next time.

Sorry. I-I didn't have breakfast
or dinner the night before,

or lunch, for that matter, so...

So, when you say you spent
the weekend in the trailer,

- you actually...
- I really don't see what the problem is.

In fact, I'm looking forward
to next weekend.

Which is kind of the problem.

You see, when what
you most look forward to

in this world is your next
opportunity to avoid it...


...that can be an indicator
of clinical depression.

You think I'm depressed?

It's a treatable condition.

Not interested.

In medication or in feeling better?

(phone vibrating)

Oop! Got to boogie.

And just when we were
getting somewhere, Doc.

Want the rest of your salad?

I'm good. Enjoy.

(strains): Oh. All right.

RIGGS: Scorsese gave you this address?

Yeah. And yes, he may have field-tested

one too many supplements
when he gave it to me.

Smile, Rog.

Hello. LAPD.

We're here to speak to an "Owlsy..."

Why are you having so
much trouble with that?



- Owlsly. What-what?
- (door buzzes)

You're just making noises.

Yeah, well, so is Owlsly.

Is that it?

(music playing in distance)

What do you want?

Uh, we're looking for Owlsly.

Uh, I don't know who that is.

I've never heard that name before.

Sorry. Can't help you.

Another question.

Could it be that you are Owlsly?

What are you looking at?

RIGGS: Oh! Look at that. A bunch of owls.

Good observation.

Yes. Yes. Fine, whatever. I'm Owlsly.

We'd like to ask you a few questions.


It's not really for profit.

I see it as a public service, providing

legal compounds to people who
want their reality supplemented.

Better living through chemistry, right?

Something like that, yeah.

I got to finish something up.


Between the hours of 8:00 and midnight,

where were you last night?

Wait. Y-You think that I killed
him? That's why you're here?

Uh, we just need
to rule certain things out.

Fine. Between 8:00
and midnight, I was here.

Also, before 8:00, also, after midnight.

And you never left the house?

Not just yesterday. I don't go anywhere.

I haven't left this loft in three years.


Nothing wrong with that. Right, Rog?

So, you don't even go to the parties

to see the masses
that you're medicating?

No need. Adam set up webcams.

If you have good Wi-Fi,
it's just like being there.

No, it is not.

He's got a whole thing on this.
Just continue.

There's a whole world out there.

Yeah, I've seen it.

And anything I want out there,
I can get in here.

Food, books, plants,

- you name it.
- Alcohol?

- Oh, dude, there's a great app for that.
- Really?

Yeah, no, it'll get to you
in, like, 20 minutes.

Beer, whiskey, whatever?

(clears throat, mumbles)

Yeah, we heard

from Jessica, the deejay,

that you had a fight with Adam
over something.

It was a business disagreement.

Adam was pushing to amp up production.

He was approached by a Koreatown gang

that wanted to distribute the owls.

Said we could both get rich.

So, why'd you say no?

They didn't just approach Adam,
they straight-up threatened him.

I saw it on the webcam. This one guy got

right up in his face.
He had a gun. It was scary.

I told Adam that if he wanted
to go into business with him,

fine, but I was out.

That's what the fight was about.

And now you're looking
for the guy who killed him

and you're starting with me?

Seriously? Find that guy.

So, you actually saw him
getting threatened?

Clear as day.


RIGGS: Keep going. You're doing great.

Seriously, how are these
mug shots not online?

Scan them and e-mail them to me.

Sorry, but everything's
down at the station.

Mug shots, sketch artists, database...

Double dose on beta blockers.

Getting spikes of anxiety,
mild tachycardia.

Okay, look, we're just right down here.
I'm not gonna make it.

RIGGS: Hey, guys, get on the ground.

Get on the ground!

(tires screeching)

RIGGS: Hey, you okay?

You okay?

This is why I don't leave my loft.

Hypothesis proven. People suck.

What I'm saying is, Koreatown
has both a rich complex history

and unique political challenges.

That's what you've been saying,

- and saying.
- (groans)

And, look, I could listen to you talk

about redistricting all day long,

but the blue Subaru that shot at us,

it's not gonna track down
itself, so if we could just...

Point is, I requested
some help for you guys,

and it just came through.

One of LAPD's

real hidden assets.

Detective Henry Cho, meet Detectives...

Murtaugh and Riggs, in the flesh.


I'm very thrilled to meet you guys.

So excited to get started.

Detective Cho is a true student
of the Koreatown community.

With all due respect,

Captain, uh, I just feel that

bringing a third person into the...

I-I agree with Riggs.

It's... I-I mean,

even two people is often one too many.

Well, not so much with that.

- That's a little dig, but...
- No offense.

None taken.

I'm very happy to find LAPD members

who have educated themselves
in cultural norms,

K-Town gang structures,

where to find the best barbeque
on Normandie...

Well, yeah, maybe
a couple hours won't hurt.

RIGGS: Yeah, yeah.

- Let's, uh...
- No, you first.

- No, you, please.
- No, no, please.

Oh, okay. All right.
Well, this is annoying.

If we could just all...

Bailey ran a DMV search,

came up with nine Subaru
owners with criminal ties.

Love it. Hit the ground running.

Also, sharp hat, Roger.

I mean it.

Thank you, Cho. Appreciate you noticing.

I'm with this guy all day long.

Not once has he ever complimented me

on one of my hats.

What's up?

Oh, look at that.
Did you just put that on?

I got a contact at a club
on Western, Road to Sung's.

The place is known for two things:

ginseng chicken soup and its clientele.

K-Town gang leaders love the place.

Perfect. So, we'll start
with the chemist,

see if she can I.D. the Subaru owner,

and then we hit that Road to Sung's.

- Sounds good to me.
- All right.

Or... a different idea.

Why don't we split up?

Split up?

What do you mean?

Rog, we don't have to do
everything together.

One of us can go to the club,

one of us can talk to the witness,

or... two of us

can do one of those.
I understand the concept.

- The captain said we...
- Added benefit:

we get twice as much done.

I'm not 100% sure on that...

it's math... but it sounds right.

Fine. We'll split up.


But, hey, Riggs, we-we
can meet up for lunch.

Or not.

Have fun!

Well, that's true.

We'll cover more ground.

Yeah, man, I understand the idea.

I-It's... it's how he expressed it.

I get that.

It's hurtful.

Yeah. Hurtful.

OWLSLY: What do you want?

I brought the photos to you this time.

So, uh, I notice the patrol cars

downstairs were gone.

I sent it away.

You-You sent them away. How?

I e-mailed law firms that
specialize in suing the LAPD

till I found a junior partner
willing to draft a letter.

Well, there's people
that are trying to kill you,

so if you'd like to stay alive,

- it might behoove...
- What if I don't?

I swear to God,

if you start talking about
the glories of Machu Picchu

or the smell of beignets at Jazz Fest,

I've got compounds right here

that are gonna knock me out

for a day, a month or forever.

You know, I've been to Jazz Fest.

It's really just Mardi Gras
for old people.

And beignets are just
fat doughnuts, so...

It's a modified benzo. Chill.

My dad used to say that the
only way to change the world

was through chemistry.

I was gonna be the chemist to do it.

Yeah? What happened?

Why? You gonna fix me?

Uh, no, that's not in my skill set.

You brought it up.

Everything's data, right?

My dad falls asleep at the wheel.

Dies after dropping me off at USC.

Head of my research lab
tells me he loves me,

then publishes my research as
his own, goes back to his wife.

Then, finally, when your
business partner's murdered

'cause you don't want to make
drugs for a Korean gangster,

that's called
inherently repeatable data.

Your theory's no longer a theory.

Help me find the man
who killed your partner.

It's not gonna make the world
a better place,

but it might make you feel better.

Let me see.


That's the guy who threatened Adam.

Thomas Kang.

All right.

Thank you.

♪ Na, na, na, oh, oh, oh... ♪

(Korean pop song playing)

Mmm, mmm, mmm.

Why am I not eating this every week?

I've always thought lunch is the
most important meal of the day.

Yes, it is.

But I've got a partner with
the palate of a 12-year-old.

Canned cheese.

- That's a delicacy to this guy.
- (speaks Korean)

(both speak Korean)

(speaks Korean)


Your contact is a doumi hostess.


Do we have a problem here?

Oh, no, not... Please, sit.

No disrespect.

It's just, it was my understanding

that the doumi culture was going away.

I read it in an article
on the LAPD Web site.

- You read that?
- Yeah.

I wrote that.

You... What?!

- Yeah, I wrote that.
- Yes? It was amazing.

- Guys.
- I know, it's...

The meter is running.

An hour to talk or karaoke with.

What we need is information
on who might be involved

in a turf war over club drugs.

A party promoter was
shot down yesterday.

Near Seventh Street?

Yeah. That's the one.

The guy you're looking for is
in the lounge next to the bar.


(women laughing)

We got three guys, at least two guns.

I'm thinking the move is...

Wait for backup.

Wait for backup.

Yeah, this is protocol.

There's a risk of collateral damage.

Plus, I already called it in.

Did I overstep?

No. It makes sense.

We never wait for backup.
Riggs hates waiting for backup.

- Oh, that's so counterintuitive.
- Yes.

Now, shouldn't we have heard from Riggs?

Of course we should've.

I text him that we found
our guy, like, three times.

Oh. It's like he refuses
to text me back.

- That's not okay.
- No.

- This is a two-way street.
- Two ways.

A partnership is a...

(whispers): Wait, hold on. No, no.

Put it behind you, put it behind you.

Okay, so, Owlsly I.D.'d Kang as our guy,

so we should be good to go.

MURTAUGH: Would've been nice
to read that in a text.

You know, the same way

that I text you that he was here.

You don't like the pork
skin in the sweet and sour?

Okay, this is cute,

but can we just get to it? Where is he?

Lounge three.

But we're waiting for backup.

Since when do we wait for backup?

Since now. Since it's protocol.

Mm-hmm. And-and since there's
a risk of collateral damage.

- That's right.
- RIGGS: Okay,

how about the risk of losing our guy?

Or the fact that we never
wait for backup?

- MURTAUGH: Why are you including him?
- There's... Guys! Shooter!

RIGGS: Oh, everybody down!

(people screaming)

(women screaming, sobbing)

- Oh, great.
- Congratulations.

You lost Kang.

You lost Kang.

See, that is exactly what
someone who lost Kang would say.

Hey, why don't you call me
when backup gets here?

It's a two-way street, Riggs!

- Yup!
- Two ways!

I want to calm down, but I can't.

It's his behavior,

his pathological refusal to communicate!

Breathe. Sit and breathe.

The guy you shot, Kang's pal,

we got his phone.

Bailey and Cho are working on it.

The day wasn't a total loss.

The problem is bigger than just today.

I mean, maybe he's not built
to be a partner.

I mean, you can't just
blindly roll the dice...

It wasn't a blind roll of the dice.

I could've put Riggs
with anyone; I chose you.


Do you remember our
first couple of weeks?

The crap that I was going through

when they put us together?

Man, you were a picnic
compared to this dude.

I was a mess.

My confidence was shot.

I'd been in a car with
Jenkins for six months.

(snickers) Jenkins.

The homophobic Swede.

And that's what he called himself.

(both chuckle)

Do you know what a centerboard is?

Centerboard? Mm.

It's a part of the sailboat
that you can't see.

But it keeps the boat upright
and allows it to be steered.

That's you, my friend.

It's why I put you with Riggs.

It wasn't an accident.


CAHILL: Grocery shopping
for next weekend?


I heard about Koreatown.

Yeah, you and the rest of the building.

Your partner does have
a voice that carries.

Maybe he needs some of those
weekly sessions with you.

Deal with his anger issues.

You think Roger has anger issues?

What, you don't?

The man's angry about everything.

He's furious about
how I spend my weekends.

Maybe that's not so much anger
as it is fear.

- Fear of what?
- Educated guess?

Knowing that he's your one
connection to the outside world.

I mean, that would
scare the crap out of anyone.

How's that my problem?


don't burn your one bridge
out of wherever it is you are.

(knocking on door)

TRISH: Roger, can you get that?

- Riggs.
- Hey.

What are you doing here?

Wait. I thought dinner was tonight.

You don't want me here now?

No, the point is you don't
want to be here. Trust me.

I didn't know you were gonna be here.

Roger thought you might not come.

So, okay, I want you

to meet a friend of mine, Kate.

Hi. This is Martin. Martin, Kate.

- Hi.
- Hi, Kate.

Nice to meet you.

So, I-I hope everybody
brought their appetites.

- Oh, yes.
- All right, come on.

(Trish laughs)

KATE: And the two of us
are stuck doing discovery

in a warehouse in Sylmar for a week.

(laughs) No air conditioning.


I must've lost, I don't know,
five pounds.

Matter of fact, I'm thinking
about going back there

next summer.


(both mouthing)

So, you're new to L.A.?


How are you spending your downtime?

I'm always looking for tips.


I don't really have any tips.

Of course you got tips.

Tell her how you spent your weekend.

I, um... (clears throat)

kind of tuned out this past weekend.

You know, I had a little
sabbatical with myself.

I think that's great.

It's healthy. There are
studies that talk about

how we need alone time to recharge.

It is healthy, isn't it?

You know what? Maybe Roger would love to

take a look at some of those
studies. Send them over to him.

MURTAUGH: You know
what's interesting about Riggs?

Is he can be on a sabbatical,

even when he's with someone.

Well, it's just easier with some
than others, you know?

Yeah. Well, you know when
he's really on a sabbatical?

Is when you're trying to text him.

- Oh, he's never healthier.
- Oh, wow.

- So now we're gonna bring up my
phone etiquette? - It's terrible.

It's terrible?
So what would you like me to do?

Maybe send a little smiley face

- and a bunch more emojis?
- TRISH: Guys, okay.

Enough. Oh, yeah, give
me a little hello...



I told you this wouldn't work.


That's what this is?

You guys playing matchmaker?

I'm sorry, Kate,
this must be a little, um...

Little bit.

Excuse me.

Thank you, Trish.

- Uh...
- (cell phone ringing)


It's Bailey.

Go, Bailey.

I pulled the last 12 hours
of text off the phone.

You need to hear the most recent.

I'm putting Cho on now.

I'm translating from the Korean,

but it's pretty straightforward.

It says, "I'm done waiting.

Get to the deejay and chemist tonight."

It was sent just before noon today.


All right, I'm going to get Owlsly.

Cho, we're gonna get the deejay.

Baby, I'm sorry about...

Consider it a mercy killing.


♪ ♪

(no music playing)

Hey, I got something.

She's still breathing.

Call an ambulance.

(quiet clattering)



Come on, Owlsly.

Come on.


There you go. There you go.

You all right?

Hey. Hey.



It's okay.

I need to text my part... Oh.

It's fine. No, it can wait, it can wait.


All right.

By the time I got to the crawl space,

they were already at the door,
and then...

it sounded like
the end of the world up here.

What do you think they were looking for?

I mean, other than you.

No idea. Whatever they could find.

You'll be happy to know I'm
taking your advice, getting out.

Sure you don't need
to see a doctor first?

OWLSLY: Whatever they can give me,

I'm already on a better version.

MURTAUGH: I-Is that, uh...?


- Our deejay's Instagram feed.
- Ah.

I thought I would see
if there was something

in there that might help.

I mean, how-how do you do that?

I mean, don't you need her approval?

How... how would I get that on my phone?

Roger, this is a genuine question.

Do you want me to explain it
to you or just do it for you?

Henry Cho, you get me.

She's awake again.

You can have ten more minutes.

Thank you.

Sorry. I keep drifting off.

So, you were saying there were two men?

One had a gun.

They forced me into the hallway

and started yelling,
"Where's the money?"

No one even noticed.

What money?

They said they gave Adam
half a million dollars

and they wanted it back.

A half million.

Was that true?

If it was, I never heard about it.

But they didn't believe me.

They just kept hitting me
and yelling, did I have it,

did Owlsly have it.

I told them I don't even
know who Owlsly is.

So, you lied to them,
like you lied to us.

I didn't... I didn't lie to you.

Well, if you don't know who Owlsly is,

then why is she on your Instagram page?


No, that's not.

That's what's-her-name.

That's Olive something

from-from our freshmen hall.

Was just some weirdo
that had a crush on Adam.

You and Adam were close.

We were business partners.

I told you.

You didn't tell me
you were in love with him.

Because the feeling wasn't mutual.

Come on, Owlsly.

You're not telling me everything.

He told me he had been
in love with me since college,

and I bought it.

Adam could talk anyone into anything.

Talked Kang out of
half a million dollars.

Talked you into making pills for him.

He said we'd start a life together.

I thought, for one brief moment,

(distorted): I was gonna be
a part of the world again.

But I was wrong.

He was still sleeping with Jessica.

I killed him because
he made me feel stupid.

I dropped my guard.

I let him in.

I'm gonna need you to put that bag down.

(distorted): No problem.

You should sit down, though.

You should, um...

How'd you do that?

Transdermal from contact.

The hug?

It's just gonna slow you down.

Nothing permanent.

I'm sorry. I... I just,
I needed a head start.

No, no, no, no, don't try to move.

Don't fight it.

Just enjoy the ride.

Owls-Owlsly, you're under...


...you're under arrest.

♪ Run, run, run, run, run ♪

♪ Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay... ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Oh, dear, what the... have we here? ♪

♪ These... all thorn, no rose ♪

♪ Egads, what a bad dream,
better not sleep ♪

♪ Take a No-Doz, do some... ♪

♪ What the hell have we done? ♪

♪ It's alive and it's hungry as... ♪

♪ Better hide all the snacks
and the dough... ♪

(Owlsly grunts)

Let go of me!

Get your hands off me!




♪ Ay, ay ♪

♪ And the crowd chants,
"Get that paper" ♪

♪ And the mob says, "Kill that witch" ♪

♪ This city get mad to the max,
better wave bye-de bye ♪

♪ To the high scrapes kids,
get a tinfoil hat ♪

♪ For the raining, hot water ♪

♪ From the roof to the basement ♪

♪ I'm-a smoke till the planet erases ♪

♪ Build a white flag
out of zig-zags, wave it ♪

♪ Often I'm smoking, coughing,
sip lean on a bean... ♪


After that whole thing,
he knows how I feel.

He still won't pick up his phone.

Wh-What's it gonna take?

Some people just can't change.

I mean, maybe it's my fault.

Maybe I push his buttons.


Stop it!

I won't let you!

You're right.

And to be fair, he has dialed back

some of the crazy since we've...

♪ Run the jewels, jewels... ♪

Hey, Rog!


(tires screech)

(tires screech)


What the... what the hell
are you doing, Riggs?

- Get out the street, man.
- Roger!

(engine revving)

Count it. Half a million...
it's all there.

Just count it and let me go.

Is that what you think happens now?

I'm gonna be squeezing a lot more

than a half a million out of you.

(siren wailing)

RIGGS: She worked us, Rog.

(slurring): I mean,

Kang didn't kill Owlsly.

I mean, Ow...

Kang didn't kill Adam.

Owlsly did.

She killed him and took Kang's money.

And then she drugged me.


What, did you know this already?

What, 'cause I told you?



(laughs): Shut up.

(siren wailing)

Hey, boss, they're back.

- Punch it, Rog!
- Whoa!

All right, hey, look,
get me close enough

so I can shoot out their tires.

Put that weapon down!

Hey, you don't tell me what to do.

You're in no condition to shoot a gun!

I'm a Navy SEAL; I can do
whatever I want to do.

(head thumps) Ow!


Okay, there's glass in the hole. I...

You got to shoot out the tires, Rog.

Should we call for backup?

There's no time for backup!
Grab the wheel!


(tires screech)

(grunting, groaning)

Don't move. Don't even try it!

- Hands where I can see them.
- Don't move!

CHO: Turn over.

RIGGS: Where's Owlsly?

- RIGGS: Owlsly?!
- Over there.

At the corner.

(sirens wailing in distance)

You hurt?

Not bad, I don't think.

All right, well...

EMTs should be here shortly.

They can take a look at you.

You know I got to take you in, right?

You won't.


unless you got enough of
that magic sleeping powder

to roofie all of us, you're wrong.


Just enough for me.

I already took them.

Trust me...

it's too late.

Here, look.

(breathing shakily)

It's slowing down.

There's no time to do anything.

Why would you do this?

Like you don't know?

I'm sorry about Adam.

I just keep making the same mistake.

I keep forgetting
how much this place sucks.

It just wrecks you.

(sniffling softly)

(whispering): Yeah.


(panting softly)



It's okay.

That dumpling just blew my mind.


This is one hell of a good-bye lunch.

Mm. Just another lunch.

We don't have to name it.

♪ ♪


I want to thank you for all your help.

And I'm sure Riggs wants
to thank you, too.

I tried texting him to see
if he would join us, but...

Look, Roger...

I'm just going to say it.

We only go around this world once,

so if ever you're thinking
of making a change...

I appreciate it.

And I do.

I think about it almost once a week.


But... (sighs)

I guess I'm just a "for better
or worse" kind of guy.

I mean, if I abandon this ship, then...

there's no one there to keep him afloat.


...the centerboard.

I hope Riggs knows how lucky he is.

(chuckles softly)

And I'm 100% sure he does not.

♪ ♪

You got company.

Heard it was a rough night.

Not for her. It's what she wanted.

The answer's no.

I know what you want to ask me.

And, yes, I look forward to
checking out of this place,

but, no, I'm not gonna
punch my own ticket.

Although I do understand the impulse.

♪ ♪

(knock on door)

- Hey.
- Hi.


So the guy at the store said

that this is a really nice apology wine.

I mean, he could be,
you know, full of crap

and just trying
to sell the bottle, but...

No, it's lovely. Thank you for the wine.

Look, um, I'm sorry about last night.

You know, not being
sociable with your friend.

Oh, I appreciate that,
but I shouldn't have pushed.

I was out of line.

No, you weren't.

Look, Trish,

at some point,
I'm gonna need a little push.



Your partner's here.


Is it Ch... (groans)


- MURTAUGH: Is that you?
- Wow.

You staying for dinner?

Uh, no. I just wanted to drop off

- some apology wine, and, uh...
- Thank you.

I got plans, so...

Plans? Actual plans?

Like "put on pants" kind of plans?

Yes, Rog, actual plans.

All right.

- Good night, guys.
- BOTH: Good night.


How are you feeling?

Are we on speaking terms yet?

I'd rather not talk about this.

Oh, we're talking about it.

If you don't tell Dad, I will.

Tell Dad what?


RJ got asked to the dance
by three different girls.

- What?!
- Three different girls?

- Three?!
- Are you serious?

They were all a part of this big crowd

that saw him get shot down by Lindsay.

And-and they felt sorry
for him. That's good.

- That's good strategy.
- No, they were impressed.

They said that they'd never...

Never seen a guy ask a
girl out in person. Yeah.

'Cause nobody does it.

Didn't I say that? What did I tell you?

- Fielding offers. Come on, now.
- You're welcome, Dad.

So which one you gonna pick?

You don't get to weigh in on this one.

Look, this is what you got to do.

Oh, I can't wait to hear this.
What would you do, Roger?

You got to learn to put
a little bass in your voice.


♪ ♪

♪ In dissolution ♪

♪ I found beauty ♪

♪ Colors that I have never seen ♪

♪ Soon... ♪