Let the Right One In (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 7 - More Than You'll Ever Know - full transcript

The mystery of Eleanor's origin story as a vampire is revealed.

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Previously on
Let the Right One In...

Tonight is all about honoring
the past. So I just want to

take a moment to recognize
this restaurant's

founding executive chef.

Dramatic music

I almost blew this one up
to hang out there tonight,

but, uh, seemed a little private
for that. Remember that?

It's the day we bought
this place.

But I like that shot 'cause
of how happy Eleanor looks.

Looks like you can use
someone to talk to.

How long has it been since
your last confession?

Ten years, nine months
and four days.

Why so long?

What happened ten years,

nine months and four days ago?

"Hablemos el Mismo Idioma"
by Gloria Estefan

[stove clicks, flames whoosh]

[singing in Spanish]

[chuckling] I was
just telling Uncle Zeke

he should come with us
to mass tomorrow.


Uh, well, yeah.
Thank you, sweetheart.

But that's one of
the perks of being a grown-up

is you don't
have to go to church.

Oh, what a beautiful sentiment

coming from our
child's godfather.

- [chuckles]
- [Mark] May I now present

your first course.

- Uh-huh.
- Ooh.

Ooh, smells really good.

Mm, what do you got there?

That, my friend, will become
our signature dish.

Oh, yeah?


Just a little variation
on my mother's mole.

[Zeke] Ah. Well,
I like the sound of that.


That's funny.

- Where's the rest of the dish?
- [laughs] That is the dish.

Brother, we are not putting
a bowl of sauce on the menu.


While you guys talk about food,

you mind if we eat some?

Excellent idea.

[Mark] Yeah, exactly.
Try it first.

All right.


You like it?


Oh, my God.

Oh, it can't taste that good.

Oh, what the...

I knew there was a reason
we kept your dad around.

- What the hell is in this?
- [Mark laughs]

- Hmm?
- Ellie? Come on.

Oh, here they go.

- Wait. What's happening?
- How many ingredients?

- Fifteen.
- [Eleanor] Okay.

Starting with the obvious...

Salt, water, onions,

tomatoes, love.

Now we're counting love?

When you can taste it.


At first it's sweet,

that's chocolate,

cinnamon, nutmeg?




- Yes.
- Oh. [Laughs]

Oh, wow.

Then it starts to get spicy.

- That's the chiles, right?
- Yeah.

Chilhuacle rojo,
amarillo y negro,

but I'll give you credit
for all three, all right?

Now, one more ingredient,
starts with a P.

- Plantains.
- [Mark claps]

- Ooh.
- That is why you will have

- a Michelin Star someday.
- [Eleanor giggles]

- Dad, we've talked about this.
- I know,

but do you really want to be
an astronaut, huh?

Because you could
drop out of school

and start cooking tomorrow.


Well, I'd-I'd like to
propose a toast.

- Yeah.
- [groans]

Oh, I... I work tonight.

- Ah, ah, ah, ah. [Laughs]
- Oh, oh, oh, oh...

I work tonight!

- Oh, my God.
- Yes, but, uh...

Well, you can just call
another nurse

and have her take
your shift, right?

No, I cannot.

I'll have Mom's.

No... No, no, no.
Nice try.

What? You let me have
communion wine.

That is not wine,
that's the blood of Christ.

More like Franzia.

- [laughing]
- Or Three-Buck Chuck.

[chuckles] See, that's why
I don't go to church.

Never trust a place
that serves wine in a box.

- Mm. Mm, that's right.
- [Zeke] Okay.

To the first

of many amazing dishes.

And, uh, what is about to be

the best new restaurant
in New York.



Mm, uh, since it's just you
and the boys tonight,

what're we thinking?
A horror movie marathon?

I think you're finally
old enough for The Shining.

- [Mark] Yeah.
- [Elizabeth] Uh...

- She's 12.
- [Zeke] That's when I saw it.

Gave me nightmares for weeks.

- [laughing]
- [Eleanor] I can't tonight.

Mom's helping me set up
the telescope

before she goes to work.



And proud of it.

Eh, with all this
light pollution,

what can you see anyway?

How's it look?

See for yourself.

Hey, do you think we could find
the Sea of Tranquility?

[clucks tongue]

Oh, I wish I could stay
and find out,

but, um... [sighs]
I got to go to work.

- [chuckles]
- Ah...


I'm gonna get Dad, okay?

All right.

Have fun tonight.

Suspenseful music

[Mark] You're cramming
too many tables in there.

Restaurants need customers.

Yeah, well, it's not always
about the bottom line.

Says the guy who hasn't invested
his entire savings.



[branch snapping]

Hi. Can you, uh,

- join your daughter, please?
- Sure.


I want her in bed
by nine o'clock.

9:30 at the latest.

Mm, she's got you
wrapped around her finger.

- Mm. You and her both.
- Mm-hmm.

[Eleanor screaming]



[Eleanor screaming]


[both grunting]

- [Elizabeth] Elevate her head.
- Oh, come on! Come on!

Ellie! Sweetheart.

Zeke! Call 911!

No, no, no, no, no.

- Ellie, look at me. Ellie?
- Ellie?

Eleanor. Eleanor.

Stay with me, Eleanor. No!

[indistinct P.A. announcements]

[Dr. Madigan]
Eleanor's out of surgery.

- She did very well.
- [sighs]

She's stable?
She's gonna be okay?

She'll need some time to heal,

but she's gonna be fine.

- Can we see her?
- We're setting her up in a room,

you can be with her
in a few minutes.

Now, most of your daughter's
injuries were superficial.

They looked worse
than they were.

But the bite wound
on her neck...

Any time there's an animal bite

we have to consider
the possibility of infection.

Did you see the animal
that attacked her?


She was alone. I'd, um,
I'd gone in the house when...

This wasn't your fault,

I should've been
out there with her.

We live in the middle of a city.

I don't understand
what could've done this. It's...

If I had to guess, a coyote.

They'll come into crowded areas
if they're hungry enough.

I'm gonna order a rabies panel

and put her on
broad-spectrum antibiotics,

but it's purely a precaution.
There's no need for alarm.



It's okay.

Intriguing music



Oh, no, no, baby.
Don't-don't do that.

You got to let your cuts heal.

- Feel okay?
- Yeah.


Mm, you look a little pale.

Let's let some light in here.


It's too bright in here already.


Breakfast is served.

Good, I'm hungry.

Um, she can only have broth
or applesauce. It's...

This is applesauce.

But none of that processed,
served in a plastic cup,

- nonsense.
- [Elizabeth] How did you...

I went to the cafeteria

and talked the cooks into
letting me in the kitchen.


How many ingredients?


I don't know.

- Well, start with the obvious.
- No, Dad.

I-I can't taste anything.


Hey-hey, hey...

You okay?

- [retches]
- Honey.


I'm so sorry.

Dramatic music

[monitor beeping]

[Dr. Madigan] Eleanor, we think
the animal that bit you

must've been carrying something
pretty nasty inside it.

So I've asked my colleague,
Dr. Jensen, to join us.

She has some questions for you.

Hi, Eleanor.

I know you told Dr. Madigan
you didn't see the animal

that bit you, but we're still
hoping to find it.

You know why?

So you can find out
what it infected me with?

[Dr. Jensen]
You're a very smart girl.

But it's even more than that.

Sometimes the animal has
these things called antibodies

that make it immune from that
nasty thing it's carrying.

And you know what that means?
It means the host is the cure.

[Dr. Madigan]
I called Animal Control,

they'd like to send
someone to your house

later today.

- Could you meet them there?
- Of course.

[Dr. Jensen]
In the meantime, Eleanor,

can you tell us
what you do remember?

I heard something...

- [branch snapping]
- [growling]

...up in the trees...

- [growling]
- [grunts]



- [grunting]
- [Mark] Eleanor!

Dramatic music



- [grunts]
- Oh, my God.

I saw its eyes.

They were glowing in the dark.

What your daughter's describing

is called tapetum lucid um...

More colloquially known
as cat eyes.

Though felines
aren't the only animal

to exhibit the characteristic.

Deer. Dogs. Ferrets.

Doesn't seem like
the work of a ferret, though.

The doctor thought
maybe a coyote.

- Wasn't a coyote.
- Why not?

Your daughter said
it dropped from the trees.


You know a lot of coyotes
that perch in trees?

We don't...
know a lot of coyotes.

So, what animals
do perch in trees?

Mountain lions.

Hard to believe
you'd find one here,

but one never knows.

You said it tried to drag her
under the fence?

Over here.



Certain animals
will wound their prey,

and then bring it back
to their den

where they can feed in peace.

Are there any
large parks nearby?

Uh, Kissena...
about a mile from here.

[Bart] It wouldn't be
taking her that far.

Then where was it taking her?

- That's the question.
- [Mark] Just... please.

Best guess.

What did this to my daughter?

I have absolutely no idea.

I'm hungry, Mom.

I know, baby, we've been trying.

Hey, any luck?

[smacks lips]
What is this?

[Elizabeth] She wouldn't stop
scratching her wounds.

They keep poking me, Dad.

I know, honey. I'm sorry.

They need your blood
to get tests, baby.

- Can I talk to you a second?
- Yeah.

Should we consider
transferring her

to your hospital?

'Cause these doctors
don't seem to know

what the fuck they're doing.

They are doing
everything they can.

Dr. Madigan just added
another antibiotic, so...

[Mark] No.
He's only guessing, Liz.

At this point, transferring her

would do more harm
than good, okay?

We should know by morning if...
If the new medication worked.

You're saying she might not
make it through the night?


Hey, sweetheart.

I'm hungry, Uncle Zeke.

Zeke? It's time to pray.

Uh, okay, well, uh,
I'll give you two some space.

You're her godfather.
You'll pray, too.

In the name of the Father,
and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The Lord is the Everlasting God.

He gives strength to the weary,

and power to the weak.

Even when children grow weary,

those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.

They will soar on wings
like eagles.

[heart beating]

They will run
and not grow weary.

Suspenseful music

They will fly and not be faint.


Get away from her, Liz.

- [Elizabeth] Ellie, baby.
- [Zeke] Don't touch her.

Zeke, what the hell
is happening?

Elizabeth, I want you to go
to the supply cabinet

- and grab a syringe.
- [Elizabeth] What?

[Zeke] I want you to take
a vial of his blood.

Do it now!


Look at me.

- What?
- Go to Elizabeth now.

[grunts] Eleanor.

I know you're still in there.

That's right.

I can see you.

- [growling]
- Elizabeth, hurry.

Eleanor, just keep fighting.

- Got it.
- [Zeke] Bring it over.

Intense music



[Eleanor panting]


[vial clinks]

[monitor beeping]



...actually saw the...


Oh, fuck.

I couldn't help it.

When I saw your...

It's okay.

It was like there was something
inside of me and I couldn't...

Hey, everything's gonna be okay.

Look, you're feeling better now.

That's all that matters.


Look at me.

Do I look worried?

I am...
I'm gonna go chat with Dad,

but I'll be right in the hallway
if you need me, okay?


Somber music


- [crying]
- It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.


I don't believe it.

You look fantastic.
How're you feeling?

So much better.

It had to be the antibiotic
you put her on.

We can't thank you enough.

[Dr. Madigan] I'm of course
thrilled at her recovery,

but I'd still like to keep her
here a few more days.

- What?
- Mostly for observation,

but we'll need to run
some tests to really...

I don't think that's necessary.

With respect,
it's not your call.

Actually, it is.

Eleanor is now able to
keep down food,

she can walk without assistance,

and she has a mom
who works at an ICU.

So you and I both know

there is no reason
not to release her to our care.

We are profoundly grateful
for everything you've done,

but my daughter has been through
trauma and she needs to be home.

Gentle music

This is the last one.

- Anything else?
- [Zeke] You do realize...

Well, I mean, I'm...

I'm guessing based on
movies I've seen.

I don't really know
what the fuck I'm talking about.

You were right back
at the hospital.

[clucks tongue]

Listen, I...

I was thinking about the blood.

You know, we can get a pretty
good supply from a butcher,

but in most stories like this...

...the blood has to be human.


Liz is grabbing some supplies
from the hospital,

so she and I can give our own.

And you know
I'll give mine, but...

But what if it's not enough?


She thought of that, too.

Gunshot, chest. BP is 60/20.

Respiration's at 15 and shallow.

Where you want him?
Twelve here?

All right.

Pulsing, dramatic music

Yeah, and what if
that's not enough?

I don't fucking know.
What do you want me to say?

Brother, what are you gonna do?

[scoffs] About what?


What happens when she doesn't
go back to school?

Uh, well...

Summer break's in a few weeks.

We-we could keep her home
till then.


No, I just, I just...

You know I'd push
our opening if I could.

You think I give a shit about
the restaurant right now?

- Of course not, I'm just...
- Jamie can

run the kitchen while I'm gone!

Sure thing.

We'll keep the seat warm
for you.

[vehicle approaching]

That's them.

I'll go throw this stuff away.



There she is.

[Mark mutters]

I bet you're ready to jump
into a nice, clean bed.

You washed the sheets?

Yes, I did.

You never wash the...

Sweetheart? What is it?

Baby, what's wrong?

- Honey?
- Oh, baby...

- Ellie, talk to me.
- Honey, honey.

[Eleanor panting]

- Baby?
- Honey, baby. Talk to us.

No, no, no, no, no.

What is this?

Baby. Eleanor. Talk to us!

- Honey.
- No, no, no, no, no, no.

Please, God, help.

What the hell?

I don't know,
she started bleeding

a-as soon as she walked in!


Eleanor, you are welcome here.

You can come inside.

[Mark groans]

[breathing slows]

That's it, baby, breathe.

Here. Here, sweetheart.

- [spits]
- Oh.

Baby, you've got to drink,
you lost a lot of blood.


Honey, what's wrong?

The blood, it's no good, it's...

Not fresh.

Gentle, optimistic music


Nice to get cleaned up?

Come on, let's get
you tucked into bed.

- Mom.
- Hmm?

What's happening to me?


And don't tell me
everything's gonna be okay.


Do you know who this is?

San Raphael.

Do you know why I wear him?

He's the patron saint of nurses.

That's right.

He is also

the patron saint
of miraculous cures.

Do you know what
the name Raphael means?

It means "God heals."

I don't know
what's going on, baby.

God doesn't always
give us the answers,

but He never leaves us
without hope.

Do you remember
what that doctor said?

If we find the creature
that bit you...

- We can find the cure.
- Yeah.


[sighs deeply]

What if it was
one of these houses?

If the guy was right

and this thing was trying to
drag Ellie back to its den...

He said the den
should be close by,

and the only thing close by
are these houses.


You saw what happened to Eleanor

when she tried to get
into her house.

And I don't think this thing
would live so close

to where it hunts.

Then where was it taking her?

Okay, uh...

This thing doesn't want
to get noticed, right?


it wants to be mobile,

but it has to stay
out of the sun.

- So...
- Motherfucker.


Slow, suspenseful music

- Oh, hell no.
- Safety in numbers, right?

- Fuck you.
- She's your goddaughter.

Almost there.

I'm gonna hope this is water.

Dead end.

Now what?


What the fuck was that?

Are those...?



[Mark mutters]


[door creaking]

- Shh.
- [noise echoing]

Something in there.


[scurrying fades]

[Zeke] We have done a lot
of stupid shit in our lives,

but this has got
to take the cake.


[noise echoing]

Oh, shit. Oh, shit.



[train whistle blows]

Oh, fuck, shit!


It's all interconnected.

Sewer tunnels run
on top of rail lines.

- It's one big world down there.
- You're...

You're saying that, from that
sewer grate in our alley,

this thing could have hopped
on a subway train,

it could be anywhere
in the city by now?

It's not just the subway.

There's rail lines
down there for Amtrak.

So this thing could be
anywhere by now.

Slow, dramatic music

According to the guy
at Animal Control,

there's been ten
animal attacks on humans

within a few
hundred miles of here

in the last year alone.

So I figure I start there.

There's a decent chance
at least one of them

was an attack like Ellie's.

- Listen, honey...
- I was also thinking,

we know this thing moves
underground, right?

And there's homeless
living in the subway tunnels,

so I'm just gonna go down there,

talk to people,
maybe someone saw something.

We don't have
enough blood to feed her.

I've been keeping track
of how much she consumes,

and best I can tell,
she needs about

one liter every other day.

And then we keep giving
in rotating shifts.

You, Zeke, me...

Our bodies can't replenish
fast enough to meet her demand.

Pretty soon we won't
have a liter to give,

and less and less
and less as time goes by.

She's going to slowly
starve to death.

And, uh...

how long until it happens?

Two months... maybe three.

Okay, then we'll figure out
another way to feed her.

How? We already tried
animal blood...

- Just...
- ...and we know it only takes

one hour after the blood leaves
the body till it goes bad.

So there's only one other way
that I can think of to feed her.

No, it's not gonna come to that.

Then how?

- Now, just...
- How are we going to feed her?

Just calm down.

Don't fucking tell me
to calm down!

I'm just saying
we'll figure it out.

[sighs] In this family,
that usually translates to

I figure it out.

Oh, fuck you.


Just say it.

Say what?

It's my fault this happened.

I knew you had to go to work.

And I left her out there alone.

[inhales sharply]
We both did.

Slow, somber music


I will chase down
every one of these leads,

and if I strike out ten times,

then I'll push the map
further out.

I will go into subway tunnels,

into sewers.

I will find us answers.

And I swear to God...

...I will never stop
until we get our daughter back.


- Okay.
- Okay?


Be good to your mom
when I'm gone.

- Drive safe.
- I will.


I love you.

I love you, too.

"I Love You More than You'll
Ever Know" by Donny Hathaway

Good afternoon.

I was hoping I could

talk to you about your son.

If I ever leave you, baby

My son is dead.

You can say "I told you so"

And if I ever hurt you


[knock on door]

You know, I hurt myself as well

Is that any way

For a man to carry on?

Do you think

I want my loved one gone?

Said I love you

More than you'll ever


More than you'll ever know


Hi, folks, are you having
a good time?

- Yes.
- Good, please come back.

When I wasn't making much money

You know where my paycheck went

"The secret of a good old age
is simply

an honorable pact
with solitude."

You know I brought it home
to you, baby

And I never spent a red cent


Is that any way for a man

To carry on?

Do you think I want
my loved one gone?

It was a family hunting trip.

He got between a mother bear
and her cub and...

And do you know that for sure?

Excuse me?

Were you there when it happened?

- [Arthur] Claire?
- Yes.

I'm s... I'm sorry,
is that a yes?

Can I help you?

This man's asking about Peter.

Our family's made it clear

we'd like our privacy
as we grieve.

I'm not trying to be

Just any kind of man

No, I ain't

I'm just trying to be somebody

You can love

Trust and understand

I know, I know,
I know that I can be


A part of you

That no one else could see, yeah

But I got to hear you say

I got to hear you say

It's all right

I'm only flesh and blood

But I could be anything
that you demand

I could be king

Of everything

Or just a tiny grain of sand...

[sighs] I wish I had
more to give.

Is that any way
for a man to carry on?

- Do you think

That I want my loved one gone?

I love you

I'll, uh...

see you in six days.

Ellie will be dead in six days.

Grab a seat.

What's this?

It's a registry of
sex offenders in New York.

This one lives
less than a mile away.

Yeah, I, um...

- I don't...
- Ellie could be dead by tomorrow


...she gets a proper meal.


- What are you doing?
- She doesn't know, does she?


What is it?


He's planning
on murdering someone

so that Eleanor can live.


Yeah, he just asked me to help.

I thought you were my brother.

I am your brother.

Why do you think
I just told her?

'Cause I knew
you'd never listen to me,

but you sure as hell
would listen to her.

Liz, it shatters my heart

to say it, but you have done

everything you can for Eleanor.

- She's just suffering now.
- Her suffering will end

- when I get her a proper meal.
- Do you...?

He is talking about leaving
this house and killing someone.

I'm talking about
a piece of shit

who raped a nine-year-old.

Liz, Liz, I am begging you,

for Eleanor's sake,
you've got to let her go.

- She's not your daughter, Zeke.
- I know that.

And Liz is not your wife.


Get the fuck out of my house.

I'm-I'm serious.

Go back to your restaurant.
You're not welcome here anymore.


I am your brother.
That's why I won't help you.

[door opens]

[door closes]

How long?


Have you been thinking
about doing this?

- [sighs] Baby...
- What? Hmm?

Been thinking about it
ever since you told me

she only had
three months to live.

- What was your plan?
- [stammering]

No, you-you don't have...

You'll want to talk it through
so you don't make a mistake.

Suspenseful music

I wait outside his place.

I-I've been there

maybe a dozen times.

He lives in a basement unit.

He's the only one down there.

His door's on a safety hinge,

so... it closes nice and slow.


[zips pants]

[toilet flushing]




[both groaning]

Son of a bitch.

[muffled grunting]

[Mark panting]

How do you plan
to collect the blood?

I thought of doing it
in the bathtub.

Won't work.



[Elizabeth] You have
to make sure he's upside down

so the blood rushes to his head.

Come on, come on.

[panicked yelps]



[breathing heavily]

Shit. Shit.

[hitting self]

Come on, come on.

[breathing deeply]

[keys jingling]

[engine not turning over]

Come on.

Come on, come on, come on!

[engine starts]


- [car horn honks]
- [cars crash]

What the fuck?!


- [driver] What the fuck?
- I'm so sorry.

- It was entirely my fault.
- No shit.

I'm sorry.

- Hey, call the police.
- [Mark] What?

No. No, no, no, no, no.
Just hold on one second.

I saw the whole thing.

He pulled right in front of you.

What? No. No, no, no, no, no.
Just listen to me, please.

I have to go.

I-I'll give you my insurance

and my contact information,
but I have to go.

What are you talking about?

I have to go.
You have to move your car.

Why are you trying to run?

No. I'm-I'm giving
you my insurance.

What do you mean I have to...?

- No. I'm not running.
- [siren chirps]

Thank God.

Officer, this guy pulled
right in front of me.

This lady here
saw the whole thing.

- [officer] Hold on.
- Officer, this was

- completely my fault.
- Sir, hold it right there.

- Sir, hold it.
- Okay. Yes, yes, yes.

Okay, but I...

I need you, sir,
to wait by your car.

Got my insurance in my car,
right here. Okay?

Just wait by your car.

Just, there's been an emergency.

- Sir, wait by...
- My daughter is sick!

- You have to listen to me.
- Wait by your car

or I will put you inside mine.


Slow, contemplative music


What's wrong?

What is it?


No, no, no, no. No...

Maybe it's still good.

You were right.


What happened?


I don't know.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

I'm truly sorry.

It's okay, it's...


Hey. Hey. Hey.

It's okay.

It's okay. It's okay.



I'm gonna... go back out.


I'm gonna find someone else.

- No, just-just...
- I'm gonna find someone else.

Just-just wait.
Just sit down for a minute.



I'm gonna go check on Eleanor.


And I'll be right back.

- Okay.
- It's okay.






You think we could see
the stars there?



You think I'll get to go?



We'll all be there
together someday.

All three of us?


What do you think it's like?

I think...

...it's where
all sad things come untrue.


"A Song for You"
by Donny Hathaway


Love you in a place

Where there's no space or time

I love you for my life

You're a friend of mine

And when my life is over


When we were together

We were alone,
and I was singing this song

To you

We were alone

And I was singing
this song to you

We were alone

And I was singing this song


Singing this song to

[holding note] You...

[song ends]