Les Miserables (2018–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Episode #1.5 - full transcript

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Your father was one of
Napoleon's bravest colonels.

I never knew him because of you!

Get out! I never want
to see you again!

I've seen nothing of the world yet...
I want to see for myself.

I want to be a citizen
of the Republic,

not a subject of the King.

We'll all be fighting to
the death about that.

What side will you be on,
my friend?

What's your name?

You could find out where they live.

The old man and the girl.
The girl you're sweet on? Depends.

What do I get?

I am convinced that he is
still alive and here in Paris.

You wouldn't want no harm to
come to your pretty daughter now...

You dare to threaten my Cosette?

Now do your worst!

Shame you missed the real prize,


I shall never be at peace
until he is back in chains.

Liberte! Liberte!

I want more men on the street,

Now that we know he's here,
it's imperative that we find him

and get him into custody! Coat!

Sir, if I might suggest...
Suggest what? Speak out, man!

Surely, sir, it's more important

to respond to these
intelligence reports.

We've got workers' groups openly
discussing violent revolution.

Three illegal arms factories
unearthed this week.

He is here, Rivette.

He has been in Paris all
this time, laughing at us.

Well, this time he will
not get away.

With respect, sir, we're facing
severe problems of public order.

Surely our focus should be
on these larger issues.

There is no larger issue, man!

Mark my words,

wherever you find unrest, he
will be at the very heart of it.

So what orders am I to give
the men, sir?

I want that man found,

arrested, and brought to justice.

And as for that scoundrel Thenardier...

...go and arrange for his
transfer to the prison hulks.

You should never have gone back there.

Those people there - they are evil.


But I had to.

I had to go back.

I hope I never see them again.

Step back from the gate! Back!


That's me!

Jondrette, Azelma!

Jondrette, Eponine!

Come on, girls, come on.

Not you.

Jondrette Rosalie! Check your
list! Have a look at it!

Assaulting a police officer
with intent to murder?

I don't think so!

Get back or you get this!

You two, out!

You can't take my daughters from me.

You can't take my daughters from me!

They're saying General Lamarque is dying.

He won't last more than a couple of weeks.

One old soldier on his last legs?

I mean, what difference does that make?

Lamarque was one of the last heroes
who stood up for the common man.

He fought in the Revolution

and he's been on our side ever since.

There's bound to be a huge
demonstration at his funeral.

That'll be where it starts.

Workers are coming out all over Paris.

And they are ready for new leaders.

This is where we can take our
place in history.

We have arms, and we have ammunition.

If we can provoke the army to attack,

the people will rise up in anger.

Found you!

Found you!

I've been looking everywhere for you.

I've got to say, you're a
bit of a sorry sight.

You've got straw in your hair.

Fiddle. And I was trying
to look nice for you.

You don't look very pleased to see me.

I could make you happy if I wanted to.

Remember you promised me
anything I wanted,

if I found you a certain address?

Well, I've got it.


The address of that young lady.

Give it to me now.
I could take you there.

Swear to me you won't tell
your father where they live.

You don't have to worry about
him, he's locked up in jail.

All the same, swear it!
All right! I swear!

Good. Take me there now.

Ooh, you're keen, ain't you?
Remember what you promised me.

Anything I wanted.

Yeah. Right.

Where's the prisoner?

Didn't you hear? He snuffed it.

Cholera, we think. It's
been spreading like wildfire.

Come on.

He was fine the last time I saw him.

Come on!


I have to go away for a couple of days.

Will you take me with you?

It wouldn't be safe.

Don't worry - the Thenardiers
are all in jail,

and no-one else knows we're here.

But are you well enough?


Don't leave the house until I'm back.

When do you leave?

This evening.

Don't worry. Toussaint
will look after you.

This is really it?
You're sure?

I'm sure.

Thank you.


It's all I have on me. I'm sorry.

I don't want your money!

Don't you understand anything?

Oh, come on!

I'm really very grateful!


So you just let him walk out of here?

I thought he was dead, sir.

I'm very sorry, sir.

He got away.
You are dismissed.

Yes, sir.

When we capture Jean Valjean,
there can be no mistakes!

The master escapologist!

The man they couldn't hold!

With one bound, he was free!

Here in my subterranean kingdom,
I rule!

I challenge!

Oh, shut your hole!

You nearly got us all done.

But I'll tell you one thing.

I'm going to get my own back on that
old sod who stole my stepdaughter.

He was the one that almost
got us done, if you remember!

He's got a big house round here.

All secret and tucked away.
We've seen it.

We followed him...

...after he jumped out of
your window.

Well, we'll do his house...

...then we'll do him.



Are you careful to
bar the shutters at night?

Oh, you needn't worry,
Mademoiselle. No-one can get in.

And if they did, you'd be killed
before you knew anything about it.


Just saying-

"Does she still come
to the Luxembourg Gardens?

"What a terrible thing,

"for a man not to know
the address of his soul.

"I live in darkness now.

"There is someone who went away,
taking the sky with her.

"Oh, to lie in that same tomb,
holding hands,

"and gently to caress each
other's fingers in the shadows,

"that would satisfy me
for all eternity..."

It's him!

He's found me!

Forgive me, forgive me.

Did you read my letter?


Do you remember?

The Luxembourg Gardens,
when we spoke?


Of course.

What's the matter?

I can't feel...

Oh, Cosette.

Thieving little brats!

Go on! Scum!


Come here. What's the matter?

Please, sir, we're lost.

We've got nothing to eat
and nowhere to sleep.

And you go begging in a barber's
shop? What did you think you'll get?

A free haircut?!

You'd better come along
with me. Come on.

Bonjour, monsieur!
No begging here.

We're paying customers,
my good man!

Five centime's worth of bread
for my young friends and me,

if you would be so good.

Merci, monsieur! Au revoir!

Remember. If you're begging
for food,

it's the baker, not the barber.

Au revoir, mes petites!


General Lamarque is dead.

Everyone will be coming onto
the streets for his funeral.

They are ready in Les Halles,
they are ready in St-jacques.

We have promises that half
the army will be with us.

Another revolution? Is it
really going to happen?

Don't take my word for it.

Hear it from the workers.

Despiat? Is it going to happen?

Well, it's happening already,
my friend, and if you're not with us,

then you're part of the enemy,
so make up your minds.

You rich students can go back
to your families in the country,

but the poor, we have to live here.

We've been squeezed so hard,
we have nothing to lose.

I am ready to die in this fight.

Are you?

Is it really going to come
to all that?

Go home, Grantaire.
This isn't a game.

Co u rfeyra c?

You can count on me.

And Marius Pontmercy?

Oh, no. He's in his own world.

He's found his angel.

He's been staying with me
and speaks of nothing else.

I don't see him on the barricade.

Well, we have no need of his sort.

All we need now is a spark
to set off the powder keg,

and all Paris could go up in flames!

And the government will be torn
to bits!

I'm with you!


To the death.

To the death.

Lamarque is dead.
Good riddance to him!

The last hope of the left!

To think, they expected him to be
buried with full military honours,

in the Pantheon, no less!

He can rot in hell
for all I care.

Along with the idle scum
who follow him!

Come on, Gillenormand.
What do you say?

Oh, absolutely.

Ag reed, agreed!

Poor fellow.
He's not the man he was.

Welcome home, monsieur.

Thank you, Toussaint.

Is everything all right?


And Cosette?
Oh, fine.

Thank you.
I can get you, Monsieur?

No, thank you. Thank you, Toussaint.

Welcome home, Papa!
My Cosette!

You're safe.

Come on, I have something
important to tell you.

So that's how you do it.

This is the house.

This is the house.

Ha! Not bad!

Do you know if they've got a cab?

A what?
A guard dog.
Has he got one?

Well, I don't know!

I've got some meatballs soaked
in sleepy juice, just in case.

And a knife for the
old man's throat.

It's an old door.
We'll soon be through that...

No, you won't!
The dog'll have your throats out!

Jesus Christ, who's that?!

Your daughter.

So you got out of jail, did you?
Straight back into trouble.

Give it up! He's got guns!
He'll blow your heads off your shoulders!

He won't know we're there
till it's too late.

Help! Monsieur!

You go in. I'll stay
out here with the girl.

If she makes a sound,
she gets this.

Yeah, well, it's
all the same to me.

You'd let him slit my throat?
Your own daughter?

Fine father you are!

Oh! Now look what you've
gone and done!

I don't fancy this.
I'm out.

Come on, lads.
What d'you say?

There's always tomorrow night.

Right, let's just go,
all right?

This is all down to you,
this is!

Yeah, all right!
Tomorrow night!

And you! Keep your
beak out of it!

I'm not scared of you.

My darling!

Papa's back, and he told me to
make ready. We're going away soon.

Going where?

To England.

For how long?

I don't know.
I think he meant for good.

I won't let us be parted.

I couldn't live
without you anyway.

I'll find some way for us
to be together,

here or in England.

Now listen. I have to go.

There's something I've got to do.

But tomorrow, at the stroke of five,
I'll be here, in the garden.

But what's your plan?
How are we to be together?

We will.

We will somehow.

Oh, Cosette. Cosette.

Until tomorrow, my love.

Psst, Monsieur.

What are you doing here?

How did you get in?

Anyone can get in, you've
got a wonky railing. Listen.

I've come to warn you,
a gang's coming to rob you tomorrow night.

So you better move, and sharpish.

Why should I believe you?
You better.

My dad's in the gang.

Bye-bye, Mister.

Monsieur. Will you receive
Monsieur Marius?

He's here.
He wants to talk to you.

Well, didn't I always
say he'd be back?

He wouldn't forget
his old grandfather!

Show him in, show him in!

The rascal!

Monsieur Marius.

Have you come to ask my forgiveness, eh?

Have you come to your senses and
realised you were in the wrong?

Is that it?

Come on, boy. Spit it out.

What is it?

Monsieur. I've come to ask
your permission to marry.

To marry?


Who's the girl?

Her name is Mademoiselle Fauchelevent.

Never heard of her.

But, er... She's, er...


Penniless. So!

You want to plunge into misery
with a woman round your neck, do you?

And you need my money, no doubt.

Well, sit down.

Tell me all about it.

You rogue. You've got her
in trouble, haven't you?


I've had affairs like that,
my boy, and plenty of them!

Well, the young must live,

and the old must die,

that's the way of it.

Here's 2,000 francs.

You can set her up in a
nice little love nest,

if you're so fond of her.

But you don't want to marry her!

Make her your mistress,
you silly boy!

That's the way it's done!

Monsieur, the last time we were
together, you insulted my father.

Today, you insult my wife.

I shall never ask anything
from you ever again.


What's the matter with him?

What have I said?


Marius, come back!

Let's discuss this like men!


Don't leave me!

He's gone. He's gone.

Just mind your heads...

Get ready, Marius.

For what?

It's General Lamarque's
funeral procession today.

Are you coming, or not?

Aren't you supposed to
be a Napoleonist democrat?

Lamarque fought for Napoleon.

He should be buried in
the Pantheon as a hero!

But instead, they're
treating him like dirt.

What would your father
want you to do, Marius?

Are you with us or not?

I can't.

Leave him.

We don't need any
romantic daydreamers,

or lovesick schoolboys.

We are going to force
the army to strike.

This isn't for the likes of you.

There might be some rough stuff.

Come on, lads.


What's wrong?
We must move today.

We can't stay in this
house any more.

To England?


That'll take time.
It's not safe to travel.

We're moving to a secret
address, here in Paris.

But how would anyone know
how to find us?

Is there someone you
wish to be found by?



Make yourself ready.

We leave in an hour.

We will take only the essentials.

Be ready as soon as you can.
Of course, Monsieur, right away.


Do you know the address
of where we're going to?

Papa did tell me,
but it's slipped my mind.

Rue de I'Homme-Arme, number 7.

Don't worry my dear,
all will be well.

"My beloved Marius.

"We go to Rue de I'Homme-Arme,
number 7.

"Please come, or
send word tonight.

"I love you.

"I love you, I love you."

Not the finest view in the world,
but it's not so bad, this place.

What is it, Cosette?
What's the matter?

Nothing, really,
it's nothing.

They'll try to trap us
in Bastille.

They won't.

This is it.

Lamarque to the Pantheon!

Lamarque to the Pantheon!

Get out!

Get back! Get out of our way!
Go no further!

Lamarque to the Pantheon!


Somebody help me!

Citizens! Citizens!

Your hand, your hand!
Hold that.

Citizens! Citizens!

Citizens, now is the
time to make our stand!

We must build a barricade!

Our fellow fighters will be
doing the same across the city.

We must divide the focus
of the military,

and make this city ungovernable!

And defend this barricade
to the death!

It's very handy that it's
right next to a pub!

Welcome, Despiat.


This is the perfect place.

There's only one line of attack.

Gather everything you can
and start building!

Come on, comrades!

Well done, Matelote.

Come here.

I embrace you as a comrade.

Get off me, you ape!

Sir, the army has lost
control of the city.

The streets are in chaos.

It's more than likely that
Valjean has fled Paris by now.

I doubt that. He'll be
in the midst of them.

And that's where I'll find him.

I beg you, sir, this is
too dangerous. Send someone else.

I wouldn't trust anyone else.

Monsieur! You don't want
to be outdoors today!

Oh, I think I do, my boy.

Be careful with the gunpowder.

Here. Pass this on.

20 bullets per man, no more.

Use them wisely.

Good work, citizens.

Monsieur, best go home.

No, I don't think I will.

Time to do my bit.

Good work.

Is a man named
Jean Valjean with us?

Not that I know of.

He'll be in the thick of it,
mark my words.




Let me go!

I can't let you go!
It's not safe!

Listen! Listen!

There's fighting all over Paris!

You can't keep me
shut up here forever!


Where will you go?
Let me go!
Let me go!

I hate you!


Monsieur Marius?


There's no point
waiting around here.

She's gone.

And your pals are over at the
barricade on Rue de la Chanvrerie.

It's just me and you.

I've lost everything.

My life is over.

Ah, come on, Monsieur Marius,
don't be like that.

Rue de la Chanvrerie, you say?
That's it.


That's as good a place
to die as anywhere.

You don't have to get yourself
killed, Monsieur Marius.

Keep your head down,
and live to fight another day.

What's the point in living,
if I've lost Cosette?

Monsieur Marius...

Just leave me alone!

Vive la Revolution!

Looking good, comrades.

Good to see you too, comrade.
I thought you'd given up on us.

Not me.


He's a copper.

Seize that man.

Get off me!

Where is he?!

Your leader!
Jean Valjean.

I've never heard of him.

Inspector Javert.

There are no leaders here.
That's where you're mistaken, my friend.

You've all been led astray.

Can I shoot him?

We're not assassins.

He can stay where he is.

He can tell us what he
knows about the army's plans.

They're coming!


All right, boys, this is it.

Company, halt!

Present arms!

Get down!


Wait for my signal!

Present arms!


Fixed bayonets!

Stop! Hold your powder!

Get down!

Wait for them to advance!

Save your bullets!






They're pulling back!

Tend to the wounded!

Oui! Tout suite! Tout suite!

Re-load the arms.
Yes, comrade.

Let's get that flag back up!

I can do that.

No, no. That's no job
for an old man.

I said I'll do it!

Long live the revolution!

Vive la Revolution!

Long live the Republic...!

Monsieur Mabeuf!




Take him inside.

Come on!

We need more weapons!

More weapons!

Give me that torch!


Move back, or I'll
blow up the barricade!

Oh, yes? And yourself with it?

Myself too!

You don't believe me?

My God, man. You're crazy!



He's crazy! Get back, get back!


Well done.

I didn't know you
had it in you.

It's easy enough when you
don't care about your life.

Watch out!

You see, some of us still
value your life, Pontmercy...

...even if you don't.


At your feet.


What are you doing here?

The soldier was shooting at you.

I tried to stop him.

Don't move me.
Stay with me, please.

I don't want to deceive you.

I got a letter for you.

I didn't want you to get it,
but now...

Have you got it?


Will you promise me...

...to kiss me on the forehead
when I'm dead?

I will feel it.

Don't be sad.

We're all going to die.


It's coming back.

I can't breathe.

I really did love you.


"My beloved Marius.

"We go to Rue de I'Homme-Arme,
number 7.

"Please come or send word
tonight. I love you.

"I love you.

"I love you."

She's gone.

In her heart, she's gone.

Bonsoir, Monsieur.
Got a letter for number seven.

Give it here.

This is for a young lady.

Mademoiselle Cosette?

That's the one.

Where have you come from?
The barricade.

Rue de la Chanvrerie.

Lot of dead men there, comrade.

Not the one who wrote that letter?
Still alive when I last saw him.

Was he?


Hi -

Hop it!

All right, keep your hair on!
I'm off!

"My darling, I hastened to you.
But you were no longer there.

"I thought I'd lost you forever.

"I am now on the barricades
with my friends.

"If I die, I die loving you.

"But if I live,

"I will find you and we'll
be together for eternity.

"When you read this,

"my soul will be nearer
to you and you'll smile.

"I love you.
