Lehiyot Ita (2013–2021): Season 2, Episode 7 - i swear i ain't a cheater - full transcript

Amos wants to come clean about events in Bulgaria, but Noa beats him to the punch, excitedly telling him that she has been accepted for a new movie role. And when Noa asks Amos to join her ...

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Should it bother me that
Amos and Eden flew to Bulgaria together?

Tzvika, my brother's a private eye.

Say the word
and I'll fly him out there.

Here's his card if you need it.

You cheated on your woman
with Vanessa.

On your brother, with Vanessa.

Wow, does this mean
you still want to marry me?

I'd never give you up.

I love you, Noa.

I love you too.
- The bitch isn't answering.

Noa, you're engaged

and you're alone with another man?

Give me one.

What if Amos is doing
the same thing in Bulgaria?

He's under guard 24/7.

Where are you going?

Is everything okay?

He fired me.

- You can go if you don't want me.

We need to talk.

I know what you're thinking.

What do you know?

What you don't know.

That really, truly,

nothing happened with Yair.

You believe me, don't you?

Then why didn't you take my call?

And why didn't you go
to Amsterdam with Tzvika?

We could've gone bike-riding
all over town.

Wait, Noa, I have to...
- Shut up.

I have great news.

I got a part in a movie
with James Franco.


I'm on fire.
I'm a hot potato.

You rock.


What part of the sentence:

"Noa, hold the fucking gate open for me"
didn't you understand?

Sorry, Zvik, I just missed this thing...

too much.

I'm gonna take a shower, okay?

Tzvika, behave yourselves.
- Sure, babe.




You know,

I've seen Noa in
a lot of relationships.

I've never seen her
so committed to someone,

so excited.
That says a lot about you.

Unless it says nothing.

Maybe Noa just grew up

and you had the luck to be there,

I've seen other things, too.


Want to know what I've seen?
- Dying to know.

I've seen what her love
does to you,

how instead of bringing you closer

her love makes you fear her,
suspect her.

Brings out the ugly side
of the cute Yemenite.

It's not about her money?
- Tzvika,

how much does this session cost
and why are you bugging me again?

I saw you in Bulgaria.

You and Gideon's pinscher
going into her room, drunk,

then I saw her shut the door
behind you in her panties and bra.

Tzvika, that's not...
- Now I'm going to walk away, Amos,

and you're going to tell Noa
all about it,

because if you don't, I will.
- Tzvika...

It's you or me.

I tried to accept you, Amos.

And you should keep trying.

Nothing happened.

I stopped it.

Your nose is growing

and your coffee sucks.

Good morning, Tzvika.

- Your brother's a private eye.

The best in Israel.
- What's his number?

I'm his number. What do you want?
- To talk to your brother.

You can't talk to him,
he's a police detective who moonlights.

Talk to me, I'll talk to him,

then I'll talk to you.
What do you need?

Did Amos cheat on Noa?
- Quiet, moron.

Say that again and I'll bury you so deep

even your brother won't
be able to find you. Got it?

Got it. -Good.

Tell him to meet me here at 5:30.

But we shook hands on it!

Yes, but for me it's much stronger

than any fucking legal document.

No, listen to me...
Listen to me!

You gave me a month to solve it, right?
And I will.


They want to kick me out
of my own company.


No, don't answer.

It's the bank.

That twerp is teaching me a lesson.

Gideon, I have something to tell you.

At least I can admit it,
and that's important, Eden.

When you lose

you should be able to stand
in front of a mirror and say: I lost.

I lost.

And then...

pull one last rabbit out of your hat.

I slept with Amos.


I slept with Amos in Bulgaria.

What were you doing
with Amos in Bulgaria?

Yair wanted Noa alone in Amsterdam
so I saw to it.

So you took my daughter's fiancé
behind my back,

flew to Bulgaria with him and slept
with him? -For your sake. Yes.

And it wasn't hard.
He wanted me.

Eden, my life is imploding,

if you're joking, please stop.

It's no joke.

You need Noa to be with Yair, right?

How'll that happen if she thinks
Amos is an angel?

When she finds out the truth,
that he cheated on her, with me,

she'll dump him on the spot

and then she'll be available again.

What is this?

You're crazy.

I asked you to stay out of this.


Why are you butting in?

I did what I could to save you.

I asked you not to get involved.

Get out of here

before I do something I regret.

Move it.

What don't you get?

Scram, you're fired.

Beat it!

Your daughter's hated you
for years,

I gave up everything for you
and you kick me out?


Good luck.


Congratulations, Vanessa'le.

Thanks, Dudi.
See you at the wedding.

Of course. -Thanks.

No gifts, no microwaves
or vacuum cleaners, only checks.

We have a lot of costs to cover.
- You got it.

And it'll be a fat one. -Bye, thanks.
- Love you, uncle. Bye.

Bye. -Bye-bye.


He'll know nothing but grief.

I wanted to say something nice, but...

I can't think of anything.

I think I'll give her a microwave.

That's it, we've handed out
our last invitation.

Now we'll have a romantic lunch
at the restaurant of your choice,

but you know where I want to eat.

No, we have one invitation left.

For who?

Forget it!

No way!
- Stop it! Yes way.

No way!
- Way! Vanessa, it's important.

You're more obsessed

with my ex than I am. Chill.

You're the only one I love,

nobody else matters.

I can't even remember his name.



And I want him and his family
to be at the wedding.

I want him to see
what he's missing.

I want him to see
that it's over,

that you'll never be his,

you're all mine.


It's a blood-red rose.
Check it out.

No other wedding will have a bouquet like it.
Haute couture.

I don't like it.

Who'd want blood at their wedding?

Put a sock in it, Karen.
- Why?

It's your dad.

"I fired Eden."

Who's she, his secretary?
Can I cross her off the guest list?

She wasn't on the list.

Write back "good riddance."


"Yair Home"


Gimme that.

Hold it for me.

I'm just ordering blood-red roses
for the wedding. You're interrupting.

I'm having it out with a punching bag,
you're interrupting.

You called me.
- By mistake.

Then bye.

Who's Yair?

Is he on the list?
- Is he single?

Shit, I got some on the couch.

Give it here.

What's up, Noa-Noa-Noa?
- I'm okay,

what's up with you?
How was it with your wife?


I dunno,

it's not working.

Open marriage,

I told you it wouldn't work.
- No, it's not that.

She's all alone there

and I won't move to Germany.

You don't say.

Who's Yair?

I don't know.

So where do things stand?

I dunno, maybe I'll leave her.

And give up the title of
"married to the granddaughter of..."?

Good for you.
- Listen,

I'm sorry I tried to kiss you
in Amsterdam.

You're sorry I didn't let you
kiss me in Amsterdam.

Do you clean off nail polish
with bleach?


I'm serious. If you've got
something good with Amos Oz,

it's bad karma to ruin it.

Then don't try to ruin it

because I love him. A lot.
- Okay.

And I think I'm ruining it for us.

Then make him
a romantic dinner tonight

and tomorrow or the next day
we'll go see a movie?

Listen, Yair,

me and you,

it bothers him,
and I understand why.


I think I have to push
pause on our friendship for a while.

A week or two?

A little longer.

Until after the wedding?


Let's go, your pulse is dropping.
- My pulse is dropping,

I have to get off the phone. Bye.


Are you guys crazy?
- Oh, Amania,

this is my music from Spain.

Join us.

Look at Mom.

Kids, tell her how I used to dance
to this song with your father

at the disco when she was
just a little jumping bean.

Remember, Avi?

C'mon, c'mon.

I'm no good at sharp turns.
- C'mon.

Here we go...

This song is about cockroaches.
- What?

It's about cockroaches.

Cockroaches? -Yeah.
- In the bakery? -No.

I'll call the exterminator.

Oh... Amos.

Welcome, big guy.
Where've you been?

I wasn't feeling well.
- What's the matter?

The whole city has the flu.
- I'm all right.

Amos doesn't live in this city, Mom.
- Be quiet.

Hi, Amos. -How's it going?
- Okay.

What's the occasion?

Shimshon, Shosh's boy
is having his Bar Mitzvah

and we, or rather
your brother and his Blanca are catering.

Turns out it's good money.
Assaf came up with a good one.

And we almost catered
Vanessa's wedding

but your brother thought it was
disloyal to you so we dropped it.

What needs to be done?

Nothing, we're managing.

Go watch the store, Dad and I
need to go through the storeroom,

okay, sweetheart?

Oh, Amos... Amos,

if anyone asks about catering, send them
to me, cool? I put a sign on the door.

Really? Great idea!

I'm mad about you. Mad.

What just happened here?

I'm no longer the black sheep
of the family, that's what.

I guess you haven't told her yet.

I don't know what you're talking about.

What's up, Uptown?

Keep your jokes to yourself.

I don't need a fancy car

or a hot lover...

No shiny lipstick,

just me.

Just me.


Don't stare too hard.

Yeah, right.
She's so not my type.

Amos, I miss you.

Everyone misses you.
- What's there to miss?

I'm here every day.
- But you're only here,

you don't come home
and have dinner with us anymore.

That's life.
You'll leave home one day too.

Fine. Bye.

Meirav. -What?


I made a big mistake.

Right now

Tzvika could be telling Noa
that I cheated on her in Bulgaria.


Long story. Me and Noa
had a fight over nothing...

So you slept with another girl?
- I didn't sleep with her.

Then what did you do?

I took her to her room
and we ended up kissing, that's all.

- I stopped it there and ran off to my room.

Listen, cheating on Noa Hollander is...

I know it's wrong,

but it's not really cheating.

Don't let yourself off so lightly.

It may not be as bad
as what your brother did

but it's cheating and you know it.

What does Assaf have to do with it?
- Assaf cheated on Blanca.

All the way.
- What? With who?

Never mind.
Assaf decided not to tell her.

No, I have to tell her.

If you don't tell her, I will.

Go ahead. I'd rather you told her.

What's up, Meiravie?

My chocolate bonbon...
- What?

Look what I did for you.

"Asaff and Blanca Foever"


Blanca, I cheated on you.


I cheated on you,
and my brother wants to tell it to you

because he's jealous of me,
he wants to destroy what's between us,

don't let him.

When did this happen?

A long time ago.
- When?

Three days ago.

I hope your Spanish is bad
and you didn't just say three days ago.

I did.

Three days?!

One day plus one day plus one day?
- I'm sorry, Blanca, really,

but we had a fight
and I thought you are leaving me.

Technically it's not even cheating,
it's only moral damage, Blanca.

You should've stayed home
and cried, not go cheat on me!

But Blanca, I was drunk,
I was sad, broken,

my heart was crushed
on the floor, bleeding.

It was a mistake, my love,
a horrible mistake!

Cheating cannot be forgiven!

May Satan play soccer with your soul.

But I confess.
Isn't that how it works,

you confess and finito?

Here, you are like my priest,
here, I give the other cheek.

It'll only end when you give me
the name of the whore who seduced you.

No problem. Karin.

Your lip is trembling, liar!
What's her name?

Last one...

There, good as new.

Let me go in alone.

It's enough that Amos' heart
will break when he sees us

at the wedding, in love.
Let's not overdo it.


What's her name?

I can't tell you, Blanca.

I'm leaving you.

Hilit... Sylvana...



Vanessa is such an ugly name.

Why does it ring a bell?

Who is she?

Who is she, you scumbag?

Answer me! Who is she?!

What the hell are you doing here?
- I'm not here for you, stupid,

where's Amos?
I brought him my wedding invitation.

Whatever you do,
don't say your name...

Don't speak Hebrew to her.

Who are you?
I remember you from the coffee,

what's your name?
- Me? -Galit.

Galit Gutman,
she's the ex-girlfriend of Amos,

she's going to get married,
relax, I didn't cheat on you with her.

Idiot, why are you telling her
you cheated on me?

How much more must you humiliate me?!

Sorry, my love, it's my mouth,
I can't control it.

It's not only your mouth
you can't control, you cheat!

Oh, look who's here!

What's the matter?

Hi, Amalia. I'm Galit.

Galit? -Gutman.
- Galit Gutman.

I came to give you a wedding invitation
and I'm leaving, okay?

Bye. -Bye.


how are you?
What are you doing here?


You're Vanessa?
You had sex with my man!

Blanca! Blanca!

You animal!

- Just a sec, bro...


You're Amos.
- Congratulations.

- Are you here with Vanessa?

Yeah, she just went in
to give you an invitation.

I'm really glad
she found someone like you.

I hope you're happy together...

Vanessa is very...

Very special. Strong.
- Strong.

She scratched me.
It won't go away before the wedding.

I'll murder you!

Amos, tell your whole family,

park wherever you like in the city,

you won't get a single ticket.
I promise.

Anyone Vanessa cares about...

You're the man.
You too,

if you need pitas or challahs
for Shabbat, feel free.

Great. You're coming
to the wedding, right?

For sure.

I'd love to be there
for the happiest day of her life.

Amos, as far as I'm concerned
we're brothers, not enemies.

You got it.

You're the man.
- I'm gonna make sure she and my mom

aren't beating each other up...

Is she cool with your mom?
- So-so.

Congratulations, man.
- Thanks, Amos. -Bye.

Stop it! Hands off!

Fucking bitch!

Put the box down!

What's the matter, Blanca?
- Fuck off!

Bunch of whores!



Oops, it's Amos!

You left without saying goodbye.
Not nice.

I had to leave early, sorry.

Be home by nine,

I need to tell you something
about the movie

that you might not like.

Lay off!

I'm making dinner for you
so don't be late.

You know I never cook

so appreciate it.

What happened, Van-van?
- My hair got caught in a dough blender. Move it!

Are you okay?

It's happened lots of times.
Baking is dangerous work,

don't worry about it.
I gave them the invitation. It's all good.

Let's go home.
- I just met Amos...

I don't give a shit!
Move it!

I have something to tell you, too.

Amos, let's decide
that no matter what happens

we'll remember that we're in love
and we're together.

We're getting married.
We can handle anything.


Bye, future husband.
- Bye, beautiful.

Assaf, what have you done?
- Nothing. Where's Blanca?

Did you sleep with Vanessa?

It's all her fault.

Why did you tell him?

Me? Who did I tell?

Amos. I heard you tell him
I cheated on Blanca.

I didn't say with who, stupid!

Why tell him at all,
you jealous bitch?!

To ruin everything for me?!

What's the matter with Blanca?

Where's Vanessa?

She left a wedding invitation
and took off.

Who can ring me up?

Hi, Assaf.

Want to come ring me up?

Leave me alone! I'm not into you, you leech!
Don't you get it? -Assaf!

I know, I let you down.


What a surprise.

Bye, Assaf.

What happened?


Go ring her up.

Come, I'll ring you up.

Put it over there.

Everything's almost ready
and we gotta go.

You aren't leaving until all that's left to do
is turn on the microwave.

But I have an amniotic fluid test
in half an hour.

Then... hurry up.

Hey. -Hey.

What are you doing here?
- I came to talk to you. -All right.

It's a big part, so that's great.

Three months of shooting
in New Zealand, which is...

less great,

and I'm going to tell Amos tonight.

You're gonna leave him here
alone for 3 months?

You think?

I'm gonna beg him to come with me.

No more Skype relationships.

And if he says no?

Then I'll stay here,

I'll give up the job.

Just like that?

You wouldn't understand.

Your hotels are your
wife and children

and I'm afraid I'll end up like you.

You'd sell us out

for the sake of your work.

But now I'm willing
to give it all up for you.

A little late, isn't it?
- No.

This is the most we'll have,
a chat here and there,

then you'll go back to the States
and we won't have that, either.

I'll never forget what happened.

It was unfair to Mom.

This needs more salt.

It's tasteless.
- Babe, you're pregnant, you have no taste.

I'll taste it.
- Taste it.

Add more? -No.
- More? -Hold on.

More? -No.

No, it's delish.
- No.


I'll be going.

Didn't you want to
tell me something?

No, I just wanted to
congratulate you on the role.

- Thanks.

Enjoy your meal.
- Thanks.

Bye, Gideon. -Bye, Gideon.
- Bye. -Bye, Dad.

I'm here.

Yes, where are you?
- Right in front of you.

- Turn around.

Don't wave! Get in the car, moron.

I brought you coffee.
- I only drink double low-fat lattes.

This is a double low-fat latte.
A good gardener has big ears.

Where's your brother?


I decided to deal with you
personally on this.

For Noa's sake.
- What a waste of time...

Where are you going?

To find a detective?

I'm a detective.

You underestimate me
for no reason.

It's not for no reason,

I have plenty of reasons
to underestimate you. -List them for me.

A, I need a detective,
not a gardener.

I am a detective.

I have 300 hours of
detective work with my brother,

I've been his apprentice for 5 years.

You know how many cheating husbands
I've photographed?

Here, look...

B, they both know you.

They look right through me.

And C...
- C is Captain Gili

who has access
to the police database.

I already have the lowdown
on Gideon Hollander.

Everything. Flights, traffic tickets,
you name it.



We aren't tailing Gideon,
we're tailing Eden.

- That's their hotel,

Gideon is in the penthouse
and Eden's in the next suite down.

I need to know where she is
24/7, got it?

Got it. There she is.

What's she doing?

With luggage.

I'll follow her on foot.
- Shh... Stay put!

Wait, Tzvika...
- Wait here.

Where to?

What's up, Pinchie?

Tzvika! What are you doing here?

Eating at the restaurant
across the street,

mediocre, like you.
Going somewhere?

Weekend with the folks, in Eilat.
- Oh, of course.

After working so hard in Bulgaria

you need a vacation.

I'm not taking a vacation,

Gideon fired me after I told him
I slept with his daughter's fiancé.

Amos says it never happened.

So he says.
I'm not interested in him.

Any other questions?
- Yes, actually,

in Bulgaria I told you I know that
Gideon sent you to seduce Amos

and an hour later you and Amos
were in bed, drunk.


It's easy to pin it on me.

FYI, for Noa's sake,

her innocent boyfriend...

isn't so innocent.

Okay? Is that it?
I have a plane to catch.

Oh, sure. See ya, babe.
Enjoy Eilat.

I'll miss you so much, Zvikush.

I won't. Bye.

Keep in touch.
- No thanks.


"I'm in my room, come back!"

I'm here. What is it?

I'll tell you how it is,

you're still fired,

but in order to punish myself
for firing you

you're going to make sure
my daughter

finds out what you did
with her fiancé.


I'll send her the photos.
- Good.

And Eden,

did you really have sex?

All that matters is that
Noa thinks so.

Darling, I warned you
about those Jews,

they're the worst!

Stop saying that, Mom,
it's racist.

It's true, he crushed your heart
like a mosquito!

I call to cry on your shoulder
and you give me hell?

Listen, sweetheart...

If only I could spit at you
through the screen...

Stop it, Mom!
- Don't tell me to stop it!

He betrayed you
like Judas betrayed Jesus!

You anti-Semite,
I knew that's what you think of me.

Hey! Don't speak to my mother like this!

Get out of here.

It's my room.

Then I'm leaving.
I'm finished packing anyway.

Mom, we'll talk later. Bye.

Wait, my love.

You don't know what love is.

And I wish that you will never know,

that you will stay alone all your life

and you will look at your brother happy
and you will be jealous.

You were my chocolate bonbon...

Blanca, wait...

Assaf, she's leaving.
Aren't you going to go after her?

This is good. -Isn't it?
- Excellent.

I'm good, huh?

It's not nice to answer
during dinner.

It's not nice to lie
about making dinner.

It's my sister.

What's up, Sis?

Amos, Assaf just told Blanca.
She left him.


Maybe you should reconsider
telling her.


Okay, we'll talk about it tomorrow.

Bye. Bye.

That's that.

Karen and Maya cooked,
but I cut the vegetables.

Listen, Noa, I want to
tell you something.

All right.

But me first.

Remember, we said no arguing.

Shooting my next movie

means moving to New Zealand
for three months.

And I know you're starting school
in two months

and you hate
me dragging you around,

so tell me what you think.

If you say you can't handle it

I've decided, and it's okay,

I'll give up the job.

You're dying to say no...

but you're afraid Tzvika will kill you.

Don't worry, I'll protect you.

I'll go with you.


Sure, I'll go with you.

Are you serious?
- Yes.

You're amazing.

Wait, what did you want to tell me?

I don't want to lose you...
- Shut up.

Come to bed.

We said no phones.
- Just a sec.


What is it?

Someone sent me pictures.

Of you?
- Of you.

Noa, wait.

You think I care
what you have to say?

I've been trying to tell you all day.

You want a prize?


You're in bed with her.

Your shirt is off, you're kissing her.

Get out of my house.


Get the hell

out of my house.

Everyone told me you're a loser.

What do you want?

She sent me the photos, too.

She did it to get back at me
for firing her.

And why did he do it?

I don't know.