Lehiyot Ita (2013–2021): Season 2, Episode 5 - Gangster - full transcript

It's the morning of the premiere of Gangster, Noa's new Hollywood film, and Amos surprises her with a present to wear that evening - his grandmother's gold necklace. Unfortunately for Amos, his rival Yair also has a surprise gift ...

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You dated Gali Atari, Avi?

We had a fling some 30 years ago.

We have yet to see proof
of that affair.

Let's call Gali and ask her.

Did you get "SHE" for me?

I told you it would take time.

And I told you I don't have time.

We're declaring a ceasefire,

you can even come to my premiere
if you want.

Thank you, Noa.

Eden took pictures of some of the paintings
and we sent them to the Korean,

he wants them for his office.
- He does?

You better get used to the idea

that Blanca Pujes
will soon be Blanca Dahari.

I like you, yes.
- Mom...

Wedding? No!

I won't convert for your parents.

Blanca, meet your Hebrew teacher, Adi.

Mom, good news,

Blanca is converting.

You want to build your hotels
in South Africa,

I want Noa.

She should do it
if it could save your life.

It's my business, my daughter,
and you're the hired help!

If you forget that
you'll go back to serving coffee at the gym.

"When can we get together, just you and me?"

"Delete text"



Stop it, you idiot.

I'm not marrying you.
- Of course you are.

I'm not marrying you.
- You don't have a choice.

When you go to sleep tonight
I'll pour oil all over you and fry you, I swear...

What's this?

It's your day.

The premiere.

What time is it? 8 o'clock?

When did you get up for this?
At 6?

Someone else got up at 6.


Yeah, he's downstairs.

Good job!

You see?
You're gradually becoming me.

But this is from me.

It's beautiful.

Don't just say that,
it was my grandmother's.

No way! It looks so new.

My grandpa and I cleaned it for hours.

You know he was a famous silversmith...
- In Yemen?

In Israel.

Do you like it enough
to wear it tonight?

Coz that's what it's for.
- Of course.

I'll put it on right now.

My mom will be over the moon.

Wow, Amos, it's stunning!

She loved it.

How exciting.

Don't be late tonight
or they won't let you in.

Amos, I mean it,
this is a major premiere,

not some two bit show.
- Got it.

Tell me, Gucci. -What?

Did Noa tell you to leave 2 tickets
for Vanessa?


Not Vanessa who stole my office,
my secretary and my car.

Vanessa, Vanessa.

No, she didn't tell me.

So you just did.

Bye. -I'll take care of it.
- Dress nice.

Take a shower.

Coffee, Turkish boss?

That wasbackwards.

coffee, boss?

Yes, thank you.

Has Daphna called?

No, and she isn't answering my calls.

Don't worry, she'll be back on all fours.
- Of course, on all six.


have you found any talents
to join our agency?

My agency.

And no, I didn't.

I'm looking for people like me.

Simple folk?

With fire in their eyes.

Good morning Van Van.
- Pish...

What a surprise,
what are you doing here?

I'm so busy,
what with all my talents,

sending them on auditions...

I was in the area, I bought my mom a cat,
I thought I'd stop by and give you a kiss.

That's beautiful.
Where did you get it? A shelter?

No, Toys R Us,
look how cute.

Is her birthday today?

It's today.

Pish, I can't come with you.

Vanessa, it's her 60th, babe.

My dad is making stuffed vegetables,

there's zucchini with your name on it.
- Oh my God,

I'm crazy about your dad's zucchini.
But I'm so busy.

This sucks, doesn't it Limor?

I can't leave till late,

I have tons, tons, tons of work.
- Right,

and then we have to go to Noa's movie...

You're going to Noa's movie?

Instead of coming to my mom's birthday?

It's a global premiere, Pish,
it's what I do.

This is my mother!
- This is my business!

And why didn't you ask me
to come with you?

You know what?
Don't answer.

I'm picking you up at 7 sharp,
be ready.

You will come with me,
you'll be charming,

you'll eat your personal zucchini,

otherwise there will be hell to pay!
You got it?

Got it.

7 commandments...

We're gonna be bored to death at the movie.

You have something better to do?

Are you ready, Dad?

Who cares, it'll be fun.

You said you have the key.

How do you like my shoes?

Just right for the red carpet?

Mom, you look amazing.
- Thanks, sweetheart.

Assaf, come on already!
- Dad, look at your wife.

Avi, take a picture.

Dad, let's take a picture.

Blanca, come.

Come, Avigail.

Everyone squeeze in.
- Dad, your cellphone has a camera.

That's just for phone calls and poker.

Assaf. -Coming.

How will Gideon prefer me?
Like this or like this?

You're beautiful no matter what, Shoshana.
- Let's do this.

Shosh, look at you!
Who needs Blanca?

Blanca, put some European chic
in the picture. -Sure.

Say cheese.
- Cheese.

Hold on, Dad, we have enough pictures
without you.

Avigail, could you take the picture?
- Yes.

Why her?
Tell Blanca to take it.

Blanca is your brother's girlfriend
so she's part of the family.

Avigail, you take it, sweetie.

Wait, Blanca is "studying Hebrew"
so she's part of the family?

Hey, cut out the quotation marks

before I ban you.
- Meirav, it's okay.

You look through here and press.
- Smile everyone.

Come here, Dad.

Hold on.

"Mr. Dahari, your limo is here"

The limo's here.
- We're taking a limousine?

I'm taking the Alfa.

Come in a private jet,
you'll still be a thug.

Okay, everyone smile.

Avigail, did you know she has a crush on you?

Are you into...

women? -Assaf.

Take the picture already,
I gotta sit down.

Okay, smile.

Sometimes she cries out
"Avigail, I love you" at night.

Blanca, you should know
you're not learning Hebrew,

you're converting to Judaism

so my mother will accept you.

Take the picture, Avigail.

Don't listen to her,
she's trying to get between us.

Blanca, when my brother lies
his lips tremble.

Look at him.

Blanca, I'm sorry,
I didn't know how to tell you...

Shame on you!

All the family!
- Blanca!

A family of liars!

Why is she yelling?
- You ugly, jealous girl.

Look what you did!

You're gonna let him talk to me like that?

Assaf, stop.
- Don't tell me to stop,

enough walking on eggshells around her.

- What did you say to her, Meirav?

You leave me alone,
you're always on his side.

Go on, enjoy your stupid premiere.

Avigail, let's go.
- See what you've done!

What I've done?
What you've done!

Assaf, that's enough.

You can yell at her too, you know.
- About what?

You were speaking Spanish,
I didn't understand a word.

That she's never happy for me,
about Blanca,

about the catering,
about nothing!

I'm leaving.
- Blanca, wait.

I've had it with all of you!


Honey, I'm here.
Where are you?

Let's go. Honey.

Stay away, she may be contagious.

Ow... -She's real sick.

God knows what it is.
At her age, her immune system sucks.


So you're not coming?

Your mom is important to you,
my mom is important to me.

All she has in this world is me
and a husband who doesn't love her enough.

But I'm ready to go, it's up to you.

If you want me to come, I will.

Mom, don't cry,
you'll be fine.

Just sweat it all out.

Then I'll...

go without you.

I'm sorry, Pish.

Tell your mom happy birthday from me

and bring me back
my personal stuffed zucchini,

it will be an honor to eat it.

Alright. Feel good.
- Ow...

Your dad loves me. -Oh yeah,
then why isn't he taking care of you?

Because I'm not really sick?

And I'm mad at you
for making me lie to him.

Leave me alone, I'm late.

If he calls,
don't answer the phone.

Or answer and make those weird noises.

When I leave, you lock the door,
just in case he comes back.

Believe me, good thing I'm not going,

his dad's stuffed vegetables taste
like dog food.


Pish, please understand.

I just wanted to go to this event and...

be with all the celebs.

Either you're coming with me
and eating your stuffed vegetable,

or we're through.

You know I don't react well to threats, Pish.



Who's that?

Someone my dad hates
even more than he hates you.

I like him already.

You look so fine!

This is Noa.
Look and touch.

She's a fan.
- I adore you.

Nice to meet you.

She's not your wife...
- Are you married?

Uh... yes.

You wanna get us
an alcoholic beverage? -Yes.

She's nice. Motherly.

Yair, this is Tzvika, my agent.

- You do a shit job,

she should have been in Hollywood
10 years ago. -Yes, well...

Say nothing.

Where's the after party?

So we can drink our asses off
and go crazy.

We don't have time for an after party...
- Sshhh...

We'll meet on my yacht.
- On your yacht?

I'm doing this in Amsterdam tomorrow.

Amos and I will be on the plane
in the morning.

Noa, can I take a picture?
- Yes, hold on.

I have something for you.

What's this, Yair?
- I promised you, didn't I?

That's better.

Who's that hottie with Noa?
Is he famous?

That's the famous actor, isn't it?
- No way.

That's not him at all.

Tell me, why did that scum
just put 50,000 dollars around your neck?

You want to tell me something?

You keep too many secrets from me.
- I'm not hiding anything, you schizo.

- Hi, Daharis.

Look how many people.

And you look amazing.

And my mother's necklace.

I'm so honored.
- Noa, this is great.

Noa, look at those diamonds!

She has my mother's necklace on.


Avi, stay away from the raw fish!
- Just this once, big deal.

I'll be right back.
- How are you?

She looks good.

Everything worked out.

You're taking off at 8
and the Koreans are landing at 3. -Great.

I still don't think this trip will do any good.

So young and already so pessimistic...

I'm closing the deal with the Koreans,
they will buy those lands.

I hope so.
- I'm telling you.

Okay, we'll see.

Yair, my number 1 fan.

Listen, tomorrow Noa and Amos
are in Amsterdam.

If you make it so her Yemenite isn't there,

I'll be there myself.

Then the day after
you can get your hotels back.

Are you nuts, Yair?

Next thing you'll be asking me
to tie her to a chair for you.

She's my daughter, asshole.
- Wow,

father of the year.

Well, it's up to you.
Nice seeing you again.

Amos, I'm so nervous,

I'm having a panic attack
and I don't have a pill on me.

You want a glass of water?
- No.

What if someone leaves in the middle?

Amos, if someone leaves in the middle, I'll die.

Then I'll lock the doors.

Will you tell me
if you think I'm a bad actress?

Noa, don't worry.
The film will be killer,

everyone will want you
for their American films.


Then we'll move to LA,

you'll open a bakery,

I'll walk the red carpets with Tzvika.

You remember I'm about to start studying.

What's wrong?
You're acting weird.

- I don't know.


What's with the necklace?

What necklace? This?

Yair just gave it to me.
- Yes, I saw.

Why is he here?
- I invited him.

I want you to wear only my necklace.


Finish your food,
it's about time to go in.

What's the rush?
There's 30 minutes of commercials.


She's coming this way.

Swallow, Avi.
- Amalia, good evening.

Avi... -Good evening.
- The one and only Gali Atari.

Good evening.
- Nice to meet you.

He's nervous,
he hasn't seen you in years.


Do I know you?

Hi, I'm Avi's wife.
- Nice to meet you.

We'll talk after the movie. -Yes.
- See you later?

Of course.

She probably remembers me with hair.

You were bald at 20 years old...

Amos, stop.
- I come in

and see you hugging him,
taking pictures with him,

he puts the necklace on
right in front of my parents. What's with you?

You're really doing this now.

You didn't want to have dinner with him,

now he's at the premiere?

We've been friends for ages.

Noa, I can tell he wants you.

So? Who cares?

I'm marrying you.

I tell you every day, all day
that I'm crazy about you.

At least you could pretend that matters
on my most important day.

They're about to start.

Take it off.

Let's go.

Fine. Stay here with this one.

What, are you following us?

I want to get the hell outta here.

I hate everyone who's here,
including their photographers.

Take a deep breath then go in,

be a good boyfriend.

It's her night, don't ruin it.

Yeah, I know, you're right.

Too bad she can't hear you.

She will never like me.

But you're on my side,
that's enough.

Come to Bulgaria with us tomorrow.

We have a meeting

with the Korean who liked your picture.

The one Noa told you not to sell to?

Bring some paintings with you,
we'll show them to him before the meeting.

That could be so cool.
- So come.

But we have the premiere
in Amsterdam tomorrow.

Yeah, you should be there for her.

Well, there will be other opportunities
to sell paintings to a rich Korean.

Let's go.

I was invited.
- No you weren't.

I was invited.
- No you weren't!

I'm telling you,
I was invited by Noa Hollander herself.

And I'm telling you it says here
not to let you in.

No way it says that.
- That's what it says.

See for yourself.

That bitch!

Noa, Noa.



Limor, did you park?

Then get in the car
and start the engine.

And you, don't smile,

After I'm done writing about you on Facebook,

you won't get a job at Gymboree, you got me?

The nerve!

That's right, leave.

Baby, he'll be here.

Don't worry.

Excuse me, pardon me...
Thank you.

Pardon me. -Hey.

Excuse me.

Is this seat taken?

Hi, Shosh Ohana.
- Gideon.

Hollander. Any fool knows that.

Stop right there,
this is the VIP area, dude.

You can sit over there.
- No, I have...

I don't care,

either sit over there or leave.

Dude, I'm Noa's boyfriend.
- I don't care.

You don't care?

Cool it, man.
- Someone's making trouble.

Are you serious?
I'm telling you I have a seat.

Go sit over there.
- Fine, we'll sit over there.

Forget about him.


This is the worst day of my life.

Boss, you gotta see this.

An unknown 17-year-old,
Daphna Dunsky,

was chosen as the new spokesmodel for "SHE"

and you won't believe how.

I barged into the office
of the CEO

she loved that I was daring
and signed me then and there.

She's stunning...

I don't believe this.

We wanted to convey to the teens
that this is what they should look like.

Oh my God,

you lost your future husband

and your only client in one day.

Poor thing.

To all you girls at home,

follow your dreams,

don't let any loser

stop you.

Where to, Boss?

To die!

Let's have some fun.

What's up

with this huge, ugly house?

Check the fridge.

And this lamp from the Middle Ages...

And these pillars are over the top.

Meirav, they only have takeaway in here.
- Bring me something.

They don't have normal food.

Did you see the garbage can
open on its own?

She doesn't even have to touch
the garbage. Look.

I need one of those at home.


Exclusive sushi.

The house is huge,
but she has no taste.

No, she doesn't.

But celebs don't have taste.

It's like this Russian oligarch design.

Hey, look at that ugly painting.
- It's not ugly, my brother painted it.

And the lamp?

The room I share with my sister
is smaller than this lamp.

Listen, this is too much!

Meirav, get up.

Stand tall,

we're getting into the Jacuzzi.


A shot on the house.

Tell me,

what do you think of Noa Hollander?

Pretty, sexy.

Ugly, wrinkled, full of botox.
- No way.

I know her.
She gets it here, here

and here, up to the top.

And she's mean,
she ruins everything she touches.

She's like a black widow,
like the drought, like an onion.

Stay away from her.

And me.

I can tell you're fantasizing about me,

but I'm engaged.

At least I was.

Not another shot.
We'll stop here.

It's not from me.

How many outfits do you think she has
in her closet? -She doesn't have a closet,

she has a full room of her clothes.

I sleep in a room
with my little sister

and her clothes have their own room...

You can sleep over at my place if you want.

But you have a single bed.

We'll squeeze in.

This is the life.

I could end every day this way.

Let's come here every night.

Even when they're home.
We'll jump in the Jacuzzi then leave.

I love you, Meirav.

Really. You're not...

like the other girls.

You're alright.

Shit, they're back.

Calm down, it's Uriel.
Open the door for him.

Wow... some house.



this house is amazing. Come see.

I'm Miss Hollander,

I only wear Louis Vuitton.

And I'm Amos Dahari,
I only wear clothes from the flea market.

Amos, you're my slave, kneel!

Take it easy, he's not her slave.
- Calm down.

Noa, I'm going to bake you all night
in the oven.

You don't have to bake me,
I'm already hot.

Amos, stop.

Noa... -Stop.

Amos, get off.

Noa... -Amos, stop.


You were amazing.

Why didn't you sit next to me?

The idiot usher wouldn't let me in.

Noa, how did you like acting
in a Hollywood film?

There will be time for questions later.

Sir, you too.
- This is my premiere

and you ruined it.
Because of a necklace.

I know, I...
- Thank you.

Noa, wow, wow, wow!
Amazing! Boom!

I loved it.
- So you enjoyed it?


My eyes are all red.
- Amos Oz, how's it going?

Did you like it?
- Very much.

We're in the middle here, okay?

You got a lifetime to talk,
don't be a drag.

How about we go get a drink?


I'm exhausted
and I have a big day tomorrow,

but thanks for coming, Yair,
I mean that.

Okay. We gotta get together soon, okay?

You were sensational.
Amos Oz, tough guy.

Why do you talk to him like that?

To make me mad?
- No, to make him mad.

I can't take your bitterness anymore, Amos.

No matter how hard I try,

it's never enough for you.
- Wow, wow,

what a movie, Noa.

I'm going to recommend it
to all our customers.

It's a blockbuster.
My sweetheart.

It was so impressive.
- Thank you, Avi.

Where's your dad?
He's here with Gali Atari.

He brought her especially for me.
- He did? -Yes, yes.

Where is he?
- I don't know, maybe they left.

I want to go too,
I'm tired and...

Of course.
A drop in adrenaline, it's only natural.

Thanks, Daharis.

- Bye, sweetie. -We're outta here.

Okay then. -Amos,

look what your brother wrote.

"I hate you, you ruined my life!"

That Gentile made him hate his parents.

Noa, smile.

It's not Blanca, Mom, it's us.
We were mean to him and to her.

We'll talk tomorrow, Dad.
- Yeah, yeah.

Where is she?
She was right here.

She left a long time ago.
Let's go already. -What?

Are you jealous?

I haven't seen her in 40 years.

Come on, let's go.

You painted my house in '85.

That's right, Haneviim 18, third floor
in Tel Aviv,

A 2.5 room apartment.

It took me 2 days.
- And you stayed for 2 weeks.

That's right, 14 days.

You see? She remembers.

How are you?
- Fine and you?

It's great to reminisce.
- It is.

This is awesome.

Whenever I hear your songs
I think about you.

I know.
- You don't need another coat of paint?

Don't come tomorrow.

Help your parents out at the bakery
like you like.

I can't listen to how hard this is for you,

how unpleased you are with me!

You don't fit in? Too bad.

You want me to accept you for who you are?
You do the same for me.

I'm going to Bulgaria
with your father tomorrow

to sell my paintings.

Eden invited me.

So if I'm not wanted in Amsterdam,
I think I'll go with them.

Eden invited you?


Send me a selfie.

How was the movie?


What happened?

What's this?

I'm going to sleep in the guest room,
get them out of here.

Why do you do this to me? Why?


- What's up, handsome?

Get up.
Get your clothes on and leave.

"Am I still invited to Bulgaria?"

"Noa will be alone in Amsterdam."


Noa, I'm leaving,
they're waiting for me outside.

Listen, I...

I know I was out of line yesterday...

I'm sorry.

If you want I can still come with you.


What about a kiss?

We said no leaving the house
without a kiss, it's bad luck.

Noa, good luck today.

I love you.

Hey. Good morning.

Good morning.
- Where's Gideon?

He's already there.
It's just you and me.

Do you mind if I invite someone else
to come along?

Not at all.

Good morning, bro.

Get up, we're going to Bulgaria.

- You heard me, Bulgaria.

I've been a shitty brother,

I want to pamper you.
- No way! -Get up!

Why did I sleep in your room?
- Coz you love me.

You have one minute to get ready.

Father in heaven,

Father in heaven,
let it be Blanca.


Oh no.