Lehiyot Ita (2013–2021): Season 1, Episode 9 - Eilat Here We Come - full transcript

Amos stressing over Noa seeing Pete again, insists they go away to Eilat. Vanessa stops them by ordering 3,000 pita's from their bakery forcing Amos to stay and work through the night. Tvika convinces Noa to meet Pete at the airport. Assaf gets an opportunity to sing with his idol, at the studio he bumps into the previous backup singer. She take him home and to bed, where afterwards Assaf discovers she is the ex-girlfriend of Eyal Golan, who he is there to audition for. Merav learning from Assaf, recognizes an opportunity when her teacher calls her upset wandering why Assaf didn't call her, Merav kisses an upset Shelly who calls her parents.

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I'm Assaf, her older
and intriguing brother.

Dad, Assaf wants
to nail my teacher.

Tell Meirav I said Hello.
Sure thing.

I like girls, Dad.

Does your mother know?
Don't say anything to her.

Assaf, I asked Eyal to come to
your gig, and you're canceling it?

Choopi, hit the keyboard!

It was just an adventure.

You've checked Gidon's daughter
off your list.

I know how we can break them up.
Amos is an extremely jealous guy.

What are you doing with him?
I work for him.

And the even more interesting
news are that in four days,

Pete Heavens will be coming
to Israel, especially for you.

Yes? -Avi, listen to this,
from the paper:

"Hollywood star Pete Heavens will
be landing in Israel tonight,

"a good opportunity to compare him
to Noa Hollander's new beau".

Come on, hurry up
with your reading.

"Profession: Pete hosts the most
successful reality show in Hollywood.

"Amos plays with
dough in Bat Yam.

"Income: Pete, two seasons a year,
for a million dollars each.

"Amos, 10,000 pita breads a
year, for half a Shekel each".

They exagerated,
pita bread costs 60 cents.

Come on, Avi.

"Ex girlfriends, Pete's is an
insanely sexy French actress,

"and Amos' is a Bat Yam girl, with
a glare of insanity in her eyes".


And there's even a picture
of Vanessa.

Are you serious? Swear you are!
"Final score: Pete Heavens, 10,

"Amos Dahari, who cares?
He's not Pete Heavens".

Who wrote that crap?

That's exactly what happened to me
when I used to date Gali Atari,

and Robert De Niro stole her away
from me, right under my nose.

Come on, she started dating him
a whole year after you...

I sent you three text messages.

There was an online survey,
"Who should Noa choose?".

Mom, I'm going over there, okay?
Go on, honey. Goodbye.

Can you get me an autograph from that star?
My daughter loves him!

Your daughter is 18 months old,
how could she love him?

Dad. Dad, it's really happening.

I got a call from Eyal Golan, he
wants me to be his backup singer.

He called to tell me.
Do you get it?

I don't think you're getting it.

Was that Eyal Golan on the phone?
Yes. No, it was his manager.

He said Eyal is crazy about my voice,
and wants me to be his backup singer.

You know, to audition for the
backup singer part. Six o'clock.

You can't go, you need to
be here at six o'clock.

Dad, you said you'll be happy for me.
I'm happy for you,

but you can't leave work
in the middle of the day.

So do you want me to turn down
Eyal Golan's invitation?

Is Eyal Golan more important
than your father?

Go back to the machine
and make me some dough.


Avi, I gave Amos permission
to go see Noa.

It's better this way,
people won't stop coming in,

and they all have
something to say.

Do you see how lucky it is
that I didn't let you go?

Who are you talking to?

The Baker and the Beauty.

"Let's Go To Eilat."

I told Ramush to clean the ceiling
like twenty different times.

Look at that spider, over there.

It's gross.

Why is he landing here,
if you won't see him?

You're in bed with me,
and you're thinking about my ex?

Isn't that a little kinky?

Are you sure Gucci's told him
you won't be coming?

Yes, he told Eric, his agent.

I really don't understand
why he's still landing here,

you know, especially for you,
for an hour,

if you won't even see him.
Why won't he cancel?

Because he's convinced he knows me
really well, and that I'll be there.

Well, he' was with you for two
years, he does know you really well.

But I won't be there.

And suppose we were sitting at home,
watching some movie, and suddenly,

BOOM! The door breaks down,
and he walks in, all handsome,

an American guy,
with his fancy hair,

and says: "Noa, I want
you back". What then?

Then you'll take out your gun,
and he'll take out his gun,

and you'll have a
shoot out over me.

And trust me, I've seen
both of your guns,

you'll be the winner.

Excuse me, but your American guy
is some snob.

The nerve of him...

He cheated on you,
and he's  Expecting you

to just come to him running
the moment he sets foot here.

But he didn't cheat on me,
his agent made that up.

He wanted to make him
look like a man, or something.

So why did you break up?

For a lot of reasons.

But the official one was...
that I...

cheated on him.

Do you want some coffee?

What do you mean,
you cheated on him?

What do you mean,
what do I mean?

- Don't you want any coffee?
- No.

I want you to explain
that cheating thing.

There's nothing to explain.

We didn't see each other
for a few months,

and when he was home,
for two weeks,

he chose to go partying
with his friends.

We couldn't stop fighting
during that time anyway.

I went out one night, got drunk,
slept with someone.

Pete came back to New York two
days later, I told him about it,

he lost it and broke
half the house.

Three hours later, I was already
on a flight back to here.

And this is how
you're telling me about it?

Do you want me to cry?

Trust me, Amos,
I've cried enough.

It wasn't a good time for us.

As much as I love New York,
I was there all alone.

It wasn't good for me.
He chose to ignore that.

He knew I'd never leave him,
and he was right.

I never would have left him.

So that's what happened,
and he left me.

And why couldn't you leave him?

Because I loved him. A lot.

And now he's coming
here, for you.

That's right, but I'm with you.

I want us to go to Eilat.

Today, right now.
Let's pack our bags and go.


Don't "Amos" me, we both know
he won't let you off the hook,

and neither will Gucci. -That's
fine, but it won't matter.

That's right,
because we'll be in Eilat.

Come on, there's sunshine, sailing,
lying around on the beach.

Unless there's some other reason
you want to stay here.

Is there?


She wants some peace and quiet.

In Eilat?

That dubious city,
that's full of horny teenagers,

whose parents, when they're
stabbing one another,

are singing stupid dance songs
by the hotel pool,

all day and all night, and that's
where she wants to find quiet?!

In Eilat?!

She asked us to book her
her regular suite,

for three nights.
Tell me you didn't book it.

I already booked it.

I loved that glass.

He'll be here any second.

He'll be here any second,
just one more second,

and my moron is willing to waste
the opportunity of a lifetime,

just to spare your negro's
feelings, and to annoy me.

The nerve of her! I'll close
the freeway down, if I must,

she won't be going to any Eilat!

You can simply tell her
that the hotel is fully booked.

What, to lie about the vacancy?

Okay, why didn't I
think of that myself?

Why? Because it's a crappy idea,

it's just a stupid idea,
on the stupidist level!

I'm screwed.

He'll get here, she'll be in
Eilat, and I'll be screwed.

Maybe I should go to Eilat.

No, I bet she and your Yemenite
will be joined at the hip there.

What a cute couple,
fucking Laurel and Hardy.

If we can't make Noa stay here,
maybe we can make Amos stay.

Listen! Listen...

How many pita breads
did you say you need, honey?

3,000 pitas by 10 PM, tonight.

By 10 o'clock? So soon?
We'll never make it.

A flash wedding. A couple
who recently broke up decided

decided to get back together
and to get married tonight.

So do we have a deal,

or should we  Order
from someone else?

Of course not, it's a deal.

What deal? How can we bake
3,000 pitas by 10 o'clock?

So how will you
be paying, honey?

The bell rings in 3, 2, 1...

Your homework is to find a song
that represents your feelings,

and translate it into Spanish.

- Sure thing.
- Right, right away.

Meirav? Meirav,
can you stay here a minute?


Rita's songs are nice in
Spanish, aren't they?

They are.

Do you know what song you'll
be translating for next week?

"Going", by Liran Danino.

Or "My Younger Brother Yehuda",
which is my favorite eulogy song.

That's wonderful.
Just wonderful.

Look, Meirav, I...

I tried not to get you involved
in this until now,

but do you have any idea why
your brother never called me?

We went out on a date,
it was a wonderful date,

but he hasn't called me since,
and he won't return my calls.

Maybe it's because
I'm smiling too much,

some men are irritated by that,

they like women
who aren't as optimistic.

Am I boring? Aren't I funny?
Aren't I fun to be around?

You can tell me, don't worry
about hurting my feelings.

Did he mention anything to you?

I'm late for chemistry class.

Could you ask him for me?

Para me?

I'm over her.

She smiles too much,
it's irritating.

Besides, now that
I'm about to be a star,

girls will be chasing me
in their bikinis.

Bikinis? Thongs!

I'll pinch their ass cheeks, a
little pinch, and then another,

and then another little one...

Yuck, you oil stain!
What did you do that for?

You're not getting out of here
until you give her a call.

Assaf, come on!

Just a minute!

Your minute is ten minutes!
Come on already!

You're making a mistake.


Shelly's in a sensitive
situation right now.

She's insecure,
she sits at home, all depressed,

crushed by her love for me.

She needs some reassurence
that she's still attractive.

Instead of me reassuring her,
you could reassure her.

Honey, we have to stop
for snacks, for the road.

I can't go five
hours without food.

Did Tzvika call you?

He called me about 17 times,
I'm not answering.

No, my mother called.

Someone's ordered
3,000 pitas for tonight.


So they need me at the bakery.
But we're still going.

I'll go to the bakery right now,
finish everything up,

and by 8 o'clock we'll be in the
car, with snacks and high spirits.

Honey, if we leave at 8 PM,
we'll get there at 2 AM.

That's fine by me, and you?

I think you're getting
a little carried away.

You're acting
like you don't trust me.

Well, you're not the most loyal
person in the world.

You know I didn't mean it...
I told you something

that only three other people know,
and you're using it against me?

Okay, you're right. I'm sorry.

Try to see it my way, too,
in a few hours,

a huge star will be landing
here, and he's coming here

to take you away from me,
no matter how you look at it.

There's going to be a circus,
with photographers,

and the whole world will be on my
case, and my family, and my hometown,

and I'm all over the newspapers,
and I don't want this anymore.

I don't want it.

I want to get off the radar.

I'll pick you up at 8?

This is my moment.
This is your moment.

I'm going to slam this audition.

Slam it with
everything you've got,

even if there are 20 thousand
other people auditioning,

they've got nothing on you.
They've got nothing!

That's right, bro...
Alright, shut up. We're here.

What's this? What's going on?

I knew it. They set us up!

Okay, let's go home.
Just a minute.

Look at that hottie!

She's burning my eyes out.
Let's go.

You'll be hearing from me! -I
heard you, I wasn't impressed.

Out of my way!


- Assaf.
- Hello.

I'm Eyal's personal manager.

Erase everything you've seen here
from your brain, and get on stage.

Where are the rest
of the people auditioning?

What "rest"? This isn't
American Idol.

It's just you. Eyal was
very impressed with you,

and we just had a singer
quit on us.

Yeah, we saw her, she's got
a body like an avocado,

if only I was a peeler...

I prefer using a male singer.

Two female singers
are nothing but trouble.

We'll test you with our other singer,
and if you guys sound good together,

we'll take you on board.

Okay. Are we waiting for Eyal?

Eyal is in Greece.
But his ears are here.

Where's the other singer?
She's in Greece, too.

It's a coincidence.

So how do we...
Enough with the questions!

My head is spinning,
start getting ready.

Take your Russian guy with you,
get that keyboard out of here.

- Meirav?
- Hola.

May I come in?


Where's Assaf?

I just didn't know
you'd be coming with him.

There's something
I need to tell you.

Look, I asked Assaf
why he stopped calling you.

He wouldn't say.

So I asked him, since
you're my favorite teacher,

to at least explain, you know, so
maybe you could work things out.

So I called you
and I told you he's coming.

And suddenly, just when he was
about to leave the house,

I opened the door,
and who did I see?


Who's Kimmy?

She's the hottest
bimbo in Bat Yam.

She's 20 years old, she never
even graduated from high school,

and she's walking around
with her tits hanging out.

And suddenly I realized
that they're dating,

and I asked, what about you?
He said he'd come to see you.

And then he said:
"I changed my mind, Slick".

That's what he calls me.

"Shelly... Shelly is like
a nice piece of clothing,

"but the kind that's been hanging
in the store for too long,

"so it goes on sale.

"And you know, Meirav,
I never buy things on sale".

So they went out.

Just a second, okay?
I'll be right back.

You're in. Stay available,
we'll be in touch, eh?

Close the door after you.

So where did we decide to eat?

No problem, Gitto. Thank you.

What you're doing to me isn't
right. It just isn't right.

I changed my state of mind,

I totally support your relationship
with that petty thief of yours,

I even hired
his obsessive ex for you.

I really don't see why
Pete is making the effort

of coming here,
despite what you did to him,

and you're vacationingg in Eilat.
And let me tell you something else,

two years ago, you woke me up
in the middle of the night,

and screamed, half drunk: "Tzvkia,
I just kissed Pete Heavens",

like a teenager, after her first
kiss, with butterflies in her tummy.

It's been two years since then,
and you won't even see him?

I don't want to
get back together with him.

That's great, because he doesn't
want to get back together with you.

So what is he coming here for?
To say goodbye properly.

Is that what Eric told you?

That's what Pete told me, I
spoke with him  Yesterday.

He said he would
really like to see you,

so you could end something
that started out so beautifully,

and had an ugly ending.

I think this is the least he
deserves, after what happened.

My suggestion to you is,
don't cancel your trip to Eilat,

just postpone it.

Go to the airport, talk to him,
get your closure,

and after that, you can go
to Syria, for all I care.

You can go to Iran,
take your illiterate boyfriend,

and go to a heritage
trip in Yemen.

What do you say?

Did you really talk to him?

Is he really coming here
just to say goodbye?

What good will that do for us?

Yes and no.

What does that mean?
I don't understand.

I did talk to him, and no...

He's not coming to say goodbye?

I'm telling you, Tzvika,
you are the best liar!

You're like my lying mentor.

He's coming here with a ring.

Vespa... there is a God, honey.

There is a God!

I can't believe it.

It sounds so good.

"Hello, girls. My name is Assaf,
it's nice to meet you.

"I'm Eyal Golan's
backup singer".

"And I'm just Choopi.

"Hello, girls, where are you
partying tonight? May I join you?".

Hey, you're not "just Choopi",

you play keyboard
for Eyal Golan's band.

The minute I see Eyal,

I'm telling him to give you
a place in our band.

I won't sign with him
until he agrees, darling.

That sounds good.
Of course it does.

Eyal will give you
whatever you want.

He's very good to
his backup singers.

I was just about to leave,
but then I heard you sing.

I'm Sivan.

I'm Assaf, it's
nice to meet you.

And I'm Choopi.

Yes, that's Choopi,
but I'm Assaf.

Let's focus on me.

- How was I?
- Not bad at all.

I'm glad you're my replacement.

Would you like
to go and grab a drink?

Don't mind if I do.

You're driving me crazy!

Mom, your son is suffering!

I was very picky when I was 20.

If the guy was shorter than me,
I wouldn't go with him.

If the guy was a security guard,

I wouldn't go with him,
because it's too dangerous.

Maybe that's how men get back
at us, when we get older...

they start being picky.

Maybe my mother was right, I guess
I did  Miss the train.

You could try dating girls.

Yeah, right.

Maybe there I'd still
be worth something.

You're the best.


I might be an hour late,
no more that 90 minutes.

Do you need a hand?

Don't, I'm filthy.

That's great,
I want to get dirty, too.

What's that playing?

My name is Amos,
and I like Samba.

Everybody I know hates it,

so I only listen to it
when I'm alone.

I could try to get used to it. So
start getting used to this, too.

I woke up with such a headache,
I was sure I'd have a lousy day,

you know, Shiran?

Shiran? Sivan?
What did you say your name was?

What a mistake!

What's the matter?

I'm sorry, honey,
I'm not good with names.

It's Shiran, right?
I'm certain it's Shiran.

What a mistake!
Why did I do it? Why?

I shouldn't have done this!

Look, honey, I never do it
on the first date,

and if I do, it's only
with bimbos,

but you're different, this was our
third day, as far as I'm concerned.

What date, you idiot?

I only slept with you
to get back at my ex.

He cheated on me
with my best friend.

That's cool, too.

Would you like to get back
at him again? -Yuck!

What's wrong? Shiran?


Shiran. Open the door.

Shiran, I'm staying right here,
until you open this door.

- Shiran!
- It's Sivan, you moron!

And I won't come out until
you get away from the door.

I wanted to punish him, to hurt
him, just like he's hurt me.

I love him...

How come you have all these
platinum albums at your house?

Do the backup singers
get those, too?

This isn't my house,
it's my ex's.

Why does your ex have...?

What's your ex's name?

He's in Greece right now.

What's his name, Sivan?

Doing the other backup singer,
he's doing that on purpose!

I wanted to punish him,
in his bed,

and to hurt him,
just like he's hurt me.

What's his name, Sivan?



I would like to know what my daughter
is doing at your house this late.

I think I'll let Meirav
explain that to you.

Mom, stop it, she helped me
study for a test. Let's go home.

Good night.

Are you here all by yourself?
Where is your husband?

Mom! -Forget about her husband,
let's go already.

Good night.

I saw the bottle, she gave her wine!
Stop it, calm down.

Do you want me to crash the car?

Your 17 year old daughter just
drank wine with her gay teacher,

and that's what you're thinking
about, dying in a car crash?

She's not gay.
And she didn't give me any wine,

I drank some
when she went to the bathroom.

I'll talk to the
principal about her.

Her career is finished,
I've read about those teachers.

She didn't do anything.
She's done a lot!

She didn't do anything, I did.

Meirav, that's enough!

No, it's not enough...
Meirav, watch it.

Whatever you've got to say,
I don't want to hear it,

not now, and not ever.

You're 17 and you're confused...
What do you think...?

And that's it!

Meirav, where are you going?
Leave me alone.

So you knew?

I don't know anything.
Let's go home.

Look, I was hoping
I was wrong, too.

But then I talked to her,

and I guess there's nothing
we can do, she is...

That's it.

We even have a couple of extra
ones, would you like one?

I haven't had a pita bread
in ten years. -What?

I swear.

So you're about
to have one right now.

No, I'm not.

Just a little bit.
I don't want any.

Just a little bite.
Leave me alone, Amos.

Just one bite!
I never touch that stuff!

Just taste it.
You're such a nag!

Forget about Eilat,
let's do Brazil.

You and I, on the beach,
in each other's arms,

with a local band
playing in the background.

But not on the radio, live.

What do you think?


There's something
I need to tell you.

You're going to see him.

He told Tzvika he's only coming
here to end things properly.

And I need that closure, too.

That's fine.
I totally understand you.


So I'm coming with you.

- Where?
- To the airport.

We'll all get together,
you guys can end it properly,

say goodbye, and I'll even
get an autograph for my sister.

Come on, let's go.
Stop it, Amos.


You don't want me
to go with you?

Would it make it less romantic?

Why did you wait this long?

You've known you'd be going
to see him for four days,

and you didn't
have the guts to tell me.

Just like you don't have the
guts to look me in the eye,

and tell me that you don't love him.
Stop it, Amos, don't be silly.

Stop it, Noa.
I'm no fool, you know.

He's coming here
because he wants you back,

and if you're going there, that
means you want him back, too.

Amos, it's not all black and white.
So go ahead.

Look me in the eye and tell
me that you don't love him.

You know what? Forget about him.

Look me in the eye and tell me
you feel the same way as I do.

I love you. Can you say it back?

I'm confused.

You are such a
manipulative jerk.

You've been this way
since we first met,

and you'll stay that way
for the rest of your life.

I don't even know what
I saw in you in the first place.

I guess I just wanted to check Gidon
Hollander's daughter off my list.

Hello! Noa...

We're late, Noa. What's this?

Baby, look at you!
Come on, Hollander!

If you go there,
it's over between us.

It was over a minute ago. Idiot.

Are you happy now, Tzvika?

Let's keep this
between you and me.

My career... I have to tell him.

No... -I have to come clean,
I love him. -No...

I love him...

Is Amalia here?

She's crying.
Let me take care of her.

Mom knows.
But I don't really care anymore.

I'm so glad you guys are here.

Amos, I'm really sorry it didn't
work out for you guys,

but it's important that you
understand that it's hopeless.

Do you have any idea how much
of my pride I had to swallow

to come all the way here,
after what you did to me?

What does Eyal want from me?
It's between the two of you.

Not on the face, alright?
Punch me in the stomach.

Get your cameras ready, guys,
you wouldn't want to miss this.

I love you.

Marry me.