Lego Star Wars: Droid Tales (2015–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - Exit from Endor - full transcript

While C-3PO and R2-D2 regale with tales of their adventures, a mysterious hooded figure steals a ship belonging to Admiral Ackbar with R2-D2 as his unwitting hostage.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


Yeah! We are the bosses
of blowing up Death Stars!








- Some other guy?
-l'm Anakin Skywalker, your father.

Oh. You didn't look like that
five minutes ago.

Hey, hey!
The old gang's together again.

It's all good. Forgive and forget.
Right, fellow ghost buddy?

- This one's mine.

That's the second time
this has happened today!

- Thanks, other guy I don't know.
- My name is Mace...

WINDU: Oh... He's gone.

NARRATOR: As the party ends
and the new era dawns,

the victorious Rebels
set off across the galaxy

to begin their new mission
of keeping the peace

and rebuilding the Republic.

And some of them were
on cleanup duty.

I was programmed to take
my litter home with me.

LEIA: Lighten up, Threepio.

We just won a war, we're allowed
to get a little carried away.

You're right, of course. A celebration.

And no one is more jubilant
than I or Artoo,

since together we have endured
three decades of unrelenting conflict.

That's 30 years.

Then you two fought
in the Clone Wars with Obi-Wan?

Indeed. And with Master Yoda

and your father, before he became
Darth Vader, of course.

Wait, what?
Luke's father is Darth Vader?

Everybody knows that.
We learned of it months ago.

I was frozen in carbonite. Sue me!

Threepio, you must have
amazing stories about those days.

I'd love to hear them.

And I would love to regale you
with them, but there's no time.

Artoo and I are leaving shortly
to accompany Admiral Ackbar

on a mission to liberate
the lost battle droids of Mandalore.

My sweet ride's first mission.


Still has that new starfighter smell.

Your mission can wait a bit.
We want to hear your story.

B-b-but the Admiral is most anxious
to set off...

No hurry. It'll give me more time
to buff this little lady.

Go ahead, Threepio. Tell us your story.

The truth is I don't remember any of it!

- It seems my memory was wiped.

You have had my memory all this time?

Well, jump to it, Artoo.

Now, thanks to you,
I do have a story to tell.


Ah, yes, it is all coming back to me now.

I can remember it as...


If it were yesterday.

Let us begin at the beginning,

when a phantom menace arose
that led to an attack of the clones.

- Buckle up, it is a thrilling tale.

Turmoil had engulfed
the Galactic Republic.


The taxation of trade routes
to outlying star systems was in dispute.


Oh, uh, well, perhaps
I should fast forward

to the day the unfinished,
pre-gold-plated me

first laid eyes on Anakin Skywalker,

the boy who would become
Darth Vader.

There, you're half done.
Now, what should I call you?

-I've always been fond of Kevin.
- You are C-3PO.

Best name ever.

- Ani, it's lunchtime.
- Yippee!

I made you a PB&J on rye.

I find your lack
of white bread disturbing.

But I have sourdough.


We didn't know we were about to meet
a queen and two Jedi

who didn't know that they were
about to meet a terrible fate.

Master Qui-Gon,
that was some negotiation.

The Trade Federation Viceroys
attacked us, and now we're on the run.

All that matters now
is breaking through this blockade

so Queen Amidala won't be forced
to sign that treaty.

- Can you tell me why again?
- Even I'm not 100% sure.

- Uh... Well, um, I know it!

The shield generator's been hit.
I'll send the droids to fix it.


What's going on-sa?

Me-sa thought I'd have
a big part in this story!


He did it. The shield is repaired.
Our troubles are over.


- But unfortunately, we are out of fuel.

Our rough landing damaged
the ship's hyperdrive.

We'll procure a new one in Mos Espa.

- Uh, you stay here with the ship.
- Yes, Master.

QUI GON: Don't go anywhere.

OBI-WAN: That won't be a problem.

You are the worst bad guys ever!

AH I ask is that the Trade Federation
help me destroy the Republic.

But, no! You fools let Queen Amidala
escape Naboo,

-and I need her to sign that treaty.
- Oh ...

- Can you explain why to us again?
- Well, it's... Never mind why!

Leave the Jedi to me
and my apprentice.

This is Darth Maul.

- Awesome.
- He will hunt the Jedi down.


Then the Senate will feel the pain of...

Awesome! Awesome!
Awesome, and handsome!

- Cut that out!
- You never let me be me.

Meanwhile, on Tatooine,

Padmé, Qui-Gon, and Artoo
stumbled upon the juncture

where Anakin and I were working.

It was a most memorable meeting.

Hello there. You seem like
a friendly sort of fellow.

My name is C-3PO, human cyborg...

Probably caught him on a bad day.

You can't afford what Watto
charges for a hyperdrive,

but I can help you.

- You can?
- Sure.

Bet on me in the big Podrace tomorrow.

When I win it, you'll be able
to buy 100 hyperdrives.

Anakin, I think there's something
unique and different about you.

A power and gift
I've never seen in a child.

Red flag. Red flags here!

You'll do great things for the Republic.

Can't warn anyone from making
a tragic mistake without a red flag.

Have you ever considered
being a Jedi?

Big red flags!


it's the Boonta Eve
Podrace Championship,

sponsored by Chalmun's
Spaceport Cantina in Mos Eisley.

You'll never find a more wretched hive
of scum and villainy.

Coming to the starting line
are today's racers.

Mawhonic in his Mean Green Machine,
Sebulba in Speed Demon,

Ben Quadinaros in the

and Anakin Skywalker,
in Destiny's Favourite.

Ani, Ani, he's our guy,
his midi-chlorian level's high!

Victory is as good as ours.

Fun fact, Skywalker's never
successfully completed

a Pod race before.

- ALL: Huh?
- Say what?


- Uh-oh.
- ALL: Uh-oh.


He's great! My good feeling about this,

which turned into
a bad feeling about this,

is now a good feeling about this.


Not again-sa!




- Huh, huh.

Hi, I'm Anakin.

Watch where you're going!


Skywalker's the winner!

Looks like Skywalker has
won his freedom from Watto,

and will now be trained
as a Jedi by Qui-Gon Jinn.

But his mom and his protocol droid
must stay behind.

That's gotta hurt.

But Mrs Skywalker manages
to hold it together.

Goodbye, Ani.

Don't forget to write your name
in your underwear for laundry day.

Master Qui-Gon, Naboo is under attack
from the entire Trade Federation Army!

I must protect my people.
Take me there.

I can't allow it.

We'd be putting you
and this young boy in extreme danger.

Or we could go to the Senate debate
on the new spice mining regulations.

Extreme danger, here we come!


Pilots, take out that droid control ship.
We'll find the Viceroys.

What about me?

- Roger, roger.
- QUI GON: Hide in that ship.

But whatever you do,
do not accidentally hit a wrong button

that flies you up to
the enemy's droid control ship.

I didn't hit the button by accident.

I did it on purpose.

Ugh, kids today.


A Dark Lord of the Sith.
The ancient evil enemy of the Jedi.

- We'll handle this.
- Okay. See you.

That's an odd way to hold
a standard one-bladed Iightsaber.

- Two blades?
- That is so cool!

This is cooler.



Obi-Wan, train the boy.

I have to live through
the next five minutes first, but, okay.


It was so smart of us to control

all of our battle droids
from this one ship.

Now no one can stop us.

Oh, boy!


Missed me!

A-ha, ha, ha, ha!

Oh... That can't be good.

Now, this is Podracing!

ANAKIN: And this is blowing stuff up!

- Hi, I'm Anakin.
- Oh, no, a little kid!




Qui-Gon would be
very proud of you, Anakin.

I'll be your teacher now.
- Yippee!

- Can I begin my training today?
-l'm a little tired. How about tomorrow?

Don't make me destroy you.

Today is fine.


Anakin, I'll be watching your career
with great interest.


Nobody look at me!

You'll be a great Jedi, Anakin.

I hope I see a lot more
of you in the future.

Danger signs!
Get your flashing danger signs!

Thus began a love story
that would lead to

a secret wedding on Naboo
many years later,

just as the Clone Wars were starting.

Artoo and I were there.
Oh! It was so romantic.


Threepio, we don't care
about a wedding.

Yeah! Tell us how
the Clone Wars started.

Boys and their battles!

Princess Leia,
I'm sure you would love to hear

-about your parents' wedding.
- Clone Wars! Clone wars!

Clone Wars! Clone Wars!
Clone Wars! Clone Wars!

Oh, very well.
I suppose it was quite a thrilling tale.

And Artoo and I were there
all the way to the end.

Don't leave the stage, Artoo.
This is your story, too.


Ten years had passed.
Padmé was no longer a queen.

- She'd been promoted to Senator.
- ALL: Huh?

I don't quite understand that either.

She was under threat from sinister
forces working against the Republic.

Anakin had grown into
a headstrong Padawan.

He and Obi-Wan were assigned
to protect Padmé.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- C-3PO: It wasn't easy.
- Ha, ha.

Missed me! I'm the real Padmé.



There's the shooter!

I've got this.

Wow, I'm good.

- Oh, man! I want a jet pack!
- Jedi don't need jet packs.

You're just jealous of me
'cause I'm the Chosen One.

I'm not jealous of you.

-"The Chosen One."
- I heard that.

The assailant's saberdart
came from Kamino.

-I'll go there to investigate.
- No. Obi-Wan will go.

Anakin, your place is here
guarding Senator Amidala.

- But...
- No buts!

- Immature still you are.
- I am not immature!

- Are too.
- Am not!

- Are too. Are too. Are too!

Not you, Artoo. Him are too. Are too!


I have arrived at Kamino.

All looks normal.
Now, to open this door.






ALL: Hi. Are you our leader?

I'd better report this to the Council.

Bye-bye. Call us when you need us.

I found a cloning facility here that's...

Not so fast, Jedi.

You'll pay for attacking
Senator Amidala.

Try and make me.




They said I'm just
some hothead, Padmé.

Well, I'll show them
they're wrong about me.

They are so wrong!

- Maybe if you tried to act more calm?
- I am acting calm!


Anakin, after Jango Fett
and I both dried off,

I followed him to Geonosis,

where the Sith and separatists
are building an army of battle droids.

But I've got this. It's no biggie.

Do not come here to rescue me.

Repeat, do not come! Don't be a hero!

Clearly, I need to go there
and be a hero.

I hope we're not too late to save
Obi-Wan from those battle droids.

Either way, we're ready for a fight.

Fight? This is madness.

- When did you get here?
- It is a rather long story, I'm afraid.

We've arrived on Geonosis.
All looks normal.

Now, to open this door.


- It's a giant battle droid factory.
- Cool.


Not cool!

We're doomed.

Just pretend this is a video game,
which this in no way resembles.

Follow me.



C-3PO: Game over indeed!

The evil Count Dooku
had almost destroyed us

in a gladiatorial arena...

I have had it with
these blaster-firing droids

on this battle droid-making planet!


...when we were saved by...

It's the attack of the clones!

If the clones are on our side,

then why didn't you say
"rescue" by the clones?

-"Attack of" sounds more exciting.
- True dat.

Our general was Master Yoda...


...who was very agile in those days.

Remember, he wasn't
900 years old then.

He was only 874.

Well, well, my old teacher.

It's my time to teach you a few things.

Wrong you are, Count Dooku.

Here are some lessons
you did not learn from the dark side.

Now you will feel the wrath of my...

Not done showing off yet, I am.


I'll just let myself out.

Good news, Lord Sidious.
The Clone War has begun.

Just as I had planned.

And here are the blueprints
for your new superweapon.

Goody-goody gumdrops!


The Clone Wars had started
and the stage was set

for the fall of the Republic.

And Artoo and I
were right in the thick of it.

Weren't we, Artoo? Artoo?


R2-D2, where are you?


You shouldn't have followed me.


Artoo, no!

- My best friend is gone!
- My sweet ride is gone!

- We've got to bring him back.
-l'll take you. Quick, to my old ship!


Hurry! We must save Artoo.

Now, hold on.
Let me clear off the fast-food wrappers

on the passenger seat and...

I don't care about the trash.
Let's go! Now!


There goes a loyal friend.

And a very dedicated vehicle owner.

Stay strong, Artoo.

Your buddy's coming
to bring you home.

You stay strong, too, Daisy Mae.

That's her name. Deal with it.

Will C-3PO find his friend?

And who is that mysterious rogue?

To find out, watch the further
exciting chapters of Droid Tales.