Lego Masters (2020–…): Season 2, Episode 2 - Hero Shot! - full transcript

Teams put a stunt "minifigure" to the test in an explosive stunt action scene. The duos must craft an immersive build filled with slime, water, glitter and colored dust to create the ultimate action movie moment.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Will: One week ago,

12 teams began their journey
toward a $100,000 prize

by building...

Their very own
parade floats.

Start building, start building,
start building.

Two teams of brothers
reached the top

in the battle for
the golden brick.

But in the end,
zack and wayne's dragons

slayed mark and steven's

We freaking got it.

Ride or die siblings
dawn and jack

floated like a butterfly.

We do have motion,
but do we have enough motion?

So it stung like a bee when
their motor stopped running.

But it was the married couple
maria and philip

and mom bffs susan and jen

who ended up on the brink
of elimination.

Will, nobody's going home today.


But this week,
one team will be eliminated.

This challenge is about creating
one blockbuster explosion.

Families will feel
the pressure.

We've got one shot,
so if this doesn't work,
we're done.

Work friends
will work together.

We gotta pull something
out of nothing.

Activist buddies
dave and richard

will activate
their creative sides.

We've done everything we can
to make this work.

We're hoping the factory
is going to be decimated.

And minifigs will be
transformed into heroes.

"lego masters" is back...

Episode two
is about to begin...

...With a bang.


- Hey!
- Whoo!

Michelle: Coming into
a new challenge this week,

we are amongst
some great builders.

So there's a lot more
pressure, because nobody
went home last week,

but this week
somebody's going home.

I'm excited to see
what's gonna happen
for our next challenge.

- Oh, what?
- Dude, look at all that.

Those signs look so cool.

- Welcome, everybody.
- Crazy.

- What's going on?
- Where's will?

Mark: What is going on?
Will is not here.

We need a host to tell us
what to do, right?

Yeah, we need a host, right?

Can somebody go check on will?

- Ready for you, will.
- Coming. I mean...

- Coming.
- Oh!

The shades.

( beeping )


- Hello, builders.
- Hey.

sorry I'm late,
but did you see that?

Man, that was so--

I just realized I think
I left my cell phone in there.

Oh, well. All right.

Listen, I think
that we can all agree

that the coolest part
of any action movie

is when the hero walks away
from an explosion in slow motion

and doesn't even bother
to look back, am I right?

- Yes.
- Yeah.

Today, that is your challenge.

You're gonna build
your very own slow motion
hero shots.

Here's how it's gonna work.

Each team is gonna pick
a minifig at random

and build something
to explode epically

in super slow motion
behind them.

This is something completely
out of the ordinary.

This is not what we build.
We don't build
to destroy things.

We want to make
these hero shots cinematic

with one of our four
blast-tastic substances.

They are glitter.

( cheering )

- I want glitter.
- I hope we get glitter.

- Will: Slime.
- Oh, my god.

- Water.
- That'd be great.

- And colored dust.
- Oh!

How do we determine
who gets what?

( jingling )

yeah, you know, we would have
done something bigger,

but it turns out that
blowing up a trailer

is a huge money suck.

First up, caleb and jacob.

All right, so it's rocket boy,
and your element is glitter.

- Team glitter all the way.
- Team glitter.

Maria and philip,
the cabaret singer.

We are going to both be
channeling our inner diva
on this one.

Lauren and bryan,
lady bug with colored dust.

- All right.
- Randall and syreeta,
the centaur warrior.

Randall: A centaur comes
from greek mythology.

I never engage
with that subject matter.

Will: Susan and jen,
the wizard and glitter.

Magic. Yes!

Zack and wayne,
the alien and slime.

- It's goopy.
- Michelle and natalie,

intergalactic girl with slime.

Dave and richard,
violin guy and dust.

How did we get violin guy?
What are we going to do
with that?

Steven and mark,
plant monster and water.

Moto and paras,
elf girl with water.

I'm just excited
to blow stuff up.

Tim and zach,
monster scientist with slime.

- All right.
- And lastly, jack and dawn,

the jewel thief with glitter.


Okay, brickmasters,
what are you looking for here?

In terms of storytelling,
we're looking for one-take
epic stunt scenes

where you control the story.

Are you making your minifigure
feel like a real stunt hero?

And of course,
we're looking for staging
and technical skills,

so teams have to build to break
in the best way imaginable.

And make sure that
you keep your minifig safe
from the explosion.

We can't hurt
any minifigs today.

We're not really
insured for that.

Okay, you have ten hours
to complete your build,

and at the end
of those ten hours,

one team will be eliminated.

So, good luck,
and get your brick on.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

This is a tough figure.
What do you do with a violinist?

We got the centaur.
All I can think of is,
like, architecture.

Yeah, I'm thinking of,
like, hercules.

Froggy face.
Yeah, yeah, with the tongue.

But and tongue going
straight out to her, right?

- Bryan: I'm bryan.
- Lauren: I'm lauren.

Bryan: And we are
a brother-sister team.

And we've been building lego
our entire lives.

Oh, my goodness.
When lauren was born,

she could walk,
she could talk,

and then the next thing
was build with bricks.

What sets us apart is we bring
fun characters to life.

So we got the lady bug
and we have colored dust.

So thinking about
the lady bug,

they do have predators,
and so we are working on
creating a frog.

She is going to explode
this frog with her ingenious
pollen bomb.

Bryan: We want the frog
to be blown away,

so the frog is going to be
carrying all of the explosives.

The body's not going to be
packed with brick.

It's going to be
pretty hollow.

I know you're building it
sturdy, but breakable.

That's what I'm going for.

All right, so does that
seem like enough room
to build two buildings?

I think maybe
two explosions going,
like, this way.

Dave: I'm dave from chicago,

and I'm a kindergarten

I'm richard.
I'm from brooklyn,
new york. I'm a dj.

Dave: Richard and I met
through activism.

I made a piece about
black lives matter.

Richard: And I felt like
it was a great art piece.

You know, we connected
with each other.

Being from different cities,
we've been building together

for a really
short amount of time.

I know all the techniques,

and I think combined
with richard's
storytelling ability--

We're better together
than we are apart.

- Is that efficient?
If it's not, tell me.
- It's good.

It's good.
It's actually smart.

Everyone is having some
really nice bases already.

- I don't care.
- It'll come to us, right?

We'll think about
what we need to do with
the base once we get there.

For this challenge,
we're going to be making

a hero shot with the alien
astronaut minifig.

We are going to have our hero
and his ship being attacked
by a space monster.

And hopefully we can blow up
the space monster and it's going
to end spectacularly.

- What's up, zack and wayne?
- Hey, how are you doing?

Well, I'm just chilling.
I'm just doing this
"lego masters" show.

I don't know if you guys
heard about it.

- We watched last season.
- You did watch last season?

- Yeah, we did.
- And then you won the first
challenge this season.

You got the golden brick.
Just hold it up for one second.

Can we just take
another look at it?

- ( angelic choir )
- can you hear that? The sound?

It's like a thousand angels.

I don't want to put too much
pressure on you already,

but you've got a target
on your back a little bit.

I got a target
on my front now, too.

Mark: We came into
this competition with
a lot of confidence,

but zack and wayne won
the first challenge.

we may have underestimated

how tough this competition
is going to be.

We're going to have
to ramp it up and hopefully
get that golden brick.

- That's our goal.
- Do you want it as big as
that orange sphere

- or do you want it small?
- About that size, but tall.

For this challenge,
we pulled out the plant monster,

and the element we got
was water, which seems
to kind of go together.

Steven: There's no better
example of that than,
like, a watermelon,

which is the biggest
of all fruits.

So we are going to create
a giant mutated watermelon.

It's going to explode because
it's supposed to break.

It's supposed
to blow up easily.

- ( vocalizing )
- nice. It's really good.

When that blows up,
it'll be crazy.

You're not spending too much
time on that sign, are you?

Well, I want it to blow apart.

- I know, I know.
- So that's the problem.

It's surprisingly hard
to make a model break exactly
where you want it.

If it's more sturdy, it's not
going to be as spectacular
an explosion.

- Okay.
- The teams that will
really succeed

in this challenge will know
exactly where to make
the weak points

and where to make things strong
to drive that action forward.

Pushing all of this--
like, books, all that
goes into the study.

- Okay, well--
- that's going to be
the main room.

In the first challenge,
we did not manage
our time properly,

and so we ended up
at the bottom two.

But what that really did
was light a fire underneath us,

so time management
this time is key.

Break it down by hours.
What are we going to work on
the first hour?

Both: Footprint.

Let's see if we can funnel
the blast forward a bit.

- So let's add buildings
this direction.
- Okay.

Maria: Storytelling is one
of our stronger aspects,

and we draw inspiration
from our kids

and we love to build
in the minifigure scale.

We got cabaret girl
and water.

Cabaret girls,
they tend to sing in hotels.

Water in front of a hotel
equals fountains.

We're going to do
a fountain explosion out front.

I want explosion forward
and I want explosion up.

Because in the end, it's
about the hero shot itself.

I think we should fill
the fountain with white
and blue clear pieces.

That was my plan.
So when it explodes,
it explodes up.

I was thinking about putting
that flex tube inside
all the way up to hold him.

- Oh.
- This we want to explode.

In our last challenge,
we needed to
incorporate motion.

After seeing all the floats
come around,

I don't think
we had enough motion,

so we know we have to
step up our game big time.

- Hello, dawn and jack.
- Hey!

We are loving going around
the room and finding out
what you all got

and how you're tackling this.

Our minifig for this build,

the jewelry thief,
is very upset with the jewelers

at this jewelry store
because they're selling
plastic gems.

And she's going to blow
the place up,

and we hope
to have a nice sparkly,
glittery explosion.

Do you feel confident
you know how to control
this explosion?

I think we've got
a general idea of how
to control it, yeah.

Jamie: I do think
it's gonna be quite important
where you place your charges.

You don't want this to just
go poof right up the middle

and then it doesn't actually
affect your building.

We come up with the idea
of putting the explosives
inside the safe

that's going to be inside
the jewelry store.

Hopefully it explodes
and takes out the storefront.

The corners are going to
be strong anyway,

so if we have--
I don't know how to do it.

Okay, hinging the doors
instead of dropping the door
down like this.

It's just more of
the tumbling effect that
we're trying to go for.

- Zach: I'm zach.
- Tim: My name is tim.

We are from northern michigan.
We don't take ourselves
super serious.

- Yeah.
- We like to be able
to have fun.

Zach: This is my dad.
I'm just toting him along
for the ride.

I'm the professional
lego builder over here.

Tim: Zach is a much better
builder than I am.

I look at it more
from the artistic side.

The reason why I'm here
is because I get to connect

and spend this time with my kid.
This is our connector.

- This is our thing, yep.
- Get that?

- Lego is our connector.
- Oh!

For this challenge,
we selected monster scientist,
and we got slime.

I know exactly what
we're going to build--

a factory and two bottles
of slime stuff
that's gonna, like,

kind of blow up in, like,
a criss-cross fashion.

The key I think on this
is figuring out how

the explosion's gonna work,
because that's everything.

It's all about the science.

Moto: They're making
an evil scientist.

- I'm taking that personal.
- They're making it evil?

- Yeah.
- What?

Hi, guys.
Your character is rocket boy,
and what's your element?

- Glitter, which is the best.
- Glitter.

So we're planning on
building a rocket

and there will be three ufos
that will explode.

So it's just...
( imitates explosion )

explain it to me
with no words.

( imitates explosion )

- you feel that?
- I did feel that.

I need a better
twinkling noise.

We'll add it in.
One more time, we'll add in
the twinkling. Here we go.

- Okay.
- ( imitates exploding )

- add the twinkle.
- ( shimmering )

- beautiful.
- Perfect.

Okay, so this is
our first elimination week.

Somebody's going home.

Our teams have
to have a character

who is part of
an action movie blow-up scene,

and they get one
of four elements.

We really want to see
how they take that element

and their stunt hero minifig

and create one epic
blockbuster moment.

It's all about planning
where you want it to fail.

I would do great on this.
Planning for failure?

I mean, this is where
I would excel.

I should be part
of this challenge.

- That looks really good, mark.
- Thank you.

- Dave and richard.
- How are you?

- Hey, what's up?
- Okay, just give me
a quick overview

of who is your character,
what was your element?

Our character
is the violin man,

and our element is
powdered dust.

Right. That tried and true
action hero, the violin man.

Dave: We're making him
an action hero, will.

Don't underestimate
his violin, you know?

Dave: We are gonna make it
into something magical.

One of our shared passions
is sustainability and taking
care of the earth.

We're from cities where there's
a lot of urban blight.

- Let's have green space.
- Agreed.

Dave: So we have
a giant factory here

to represent urban blight.

And our violinist
is casting a spell to make
that factory go away.

So all this stuff is going
to have to be built to break?
All the notes and stuff?

- Those are built to stay.
- No, these aren't gonna break.

- You can't break these notes.
- I mean, if these broke,

- then his power's flawed.
- That's really,
really, really cool.

I agree with you.
I don't think we should be
all the way back.

- But I also don't want to be
so close that he gets hit.
- Okay.

We pulled the wizard
and glitter,

and we're gonna create
a giant spider

formed magically from a potion
that the wizard created.

My son would love
this challenge,

and I just love his
inspiration and his support.

A year and a half ago,
my ten-year-old son was
diagnosed with cancer.

It was a very fast
and aggressive cancer.

Lego played a big part for us
while he was going
through chemo.

We watched "lego masters"
together, and good news,

my son finished his chemo.
He is doing fantastic.

And this opportunity came up
and he was like,

"yeah, mom, go.
You are a lego master. Go."

so here I am
to prove him right.

Looking around the room,
we're actually kind of
hanging with everybody.


Boom. I love this.
This is coming together, dude.

- We gotta get two
explosives in there?
- Yeah.

I think it should work.
But what the heck do I know?

How much stuff have I blown up?

So I'm gonna have to
figure that out.

- I'm thinking we could
fill this out.
- Yeah.

I feel better.
Our minifig is a centaur
and our element is dust.

We decided to lean into
fantasy by having a castle

and try to come up
with a story of a centaur

leaving a gift for
the wizard in their cauldron

that hopefully is
gonna blow up in their face.

- Hi, syreeta.
- Hey, will.

- Hi, randall.
- What's up, man?

- What's going on?
- I'm just trying to, like,

peep your notes here.

I mean, come on. Totally.

- Is the wizard going
to explode?
- That's what I hope to happen.

Yes. But between us,
like, don't tell america.

We didn't even put film
in the cameras.

- Okay.
- You're rolling, right?

I'm stuck, will.
I don't know anything
about centaurs.

Here's the great thing
about the centaur.

There are no rules with
the centaur because
centaurs aren't real.

- No pressure.
- I love no rules.

- I wouldn't say no pressure.
- You guys are doing great!

I'm getting out of here.
You guys are doing great.

- Will said no pressure. All.
- All the pressure. Aka?

- 117%.
- Of pressure.

Builders, I've come here
to chew bubble gum
and shout out time calls,

and I'm all out of bubble gum.

You have five hours left!

- ( gasping )
- five hours!

- We need more time.
- Or bubble gum!

More bubble gum.

- So what do we think of this?
- I'm liking that direction.

Randall: There's a beautiful
frog across the aisle from us,

and we are building a wall.

I am feeling the pressure,

Oh, remember, we want
this one to explode.

If it's more sturdy,
it's not going to be as
spectacular an explosion.

We're looking at it like are
we approaching this wrong?

Is our scale right?
Is the story that we're
telling strong enough?

We might, like, take a pause.
See, do we use any of this?

Do we not use
any of it at all?

That's why this is starting
to connect right here.

This is so crazy.

Well, remember,
we want this one to explode.

If it's more sturdy,
it's not going to be as
spectacular an explosion.

For the second challenge,
we have to create a hero shot.

And it has to explode.

Okay, so I really need
to get busy.

It's sturdy.
We're building for it to stay.

We gotta change gears.
We gotta pivot.

So we're gonna rip this up
and then just build
a different castle

that will explode.

The whole focus
of the challenge is how

the slime interacts
with the build.

Natalie, michelle,
sorry to interrupt,

but I need to work on
my action hero persona.

Give me a catchphrase.
Just something.

Just something to say
and I'll say it.

"I'm saving the world
right now."

"I'm saving
the world right now."

I said it like that
because I feel like his mom

is calling him
and giving him trouble,

and he's like,
"I'm saving the world
right now."

- "I can't talk, mom."
- "I can't talk. I'm saving
the world right now."

tell me about your build.
Who's your character,
what's your element?

We are intergalactic girl
with slime.

She's always busy, like,
keeping the peace.

So something that a lot
of people need to keep
their energy up is coffee.

We're going to build
a space coffee shop

that has been serving decaf
disguised as regular coffee.

And we're going to put one
of the explosives inside
the coffee cup

- and we're going to blow up
that coffee shop.
- Yes.

Okay, guys, so we're doing
a check-in here

on the reality program
known as "lego masters."

so what's going on
with your build?

- We have monster scientist.
- And your element is?

- Slime.
- Zach: We have one more
pyrotechnic element

that is going to hopefully
push down this factory
false front

and reveal a pow sign.
We'll see if it works.

- And you want it
to blow this way.
- Yeah. No.

We weren't going to
let nobody see it.
It's supposed to be a surprise.

Okay, we weren't supposed to
let anybody see it. My bad.

Let's be real.
We have to get through this
stuff very, very quickly,

otherwise it's gonna get cut
and everybody's gonna say,

"what happened
to tim and zach?"

"they took too long
to explain it."

so explain
it really quickly.

He's got it, he stole it,
he blew it up.

- In summary.
- Pop, pop, and it's gonna
have a big boom down.

- Boom, done.
- That's a classic pop,
pop, boom, down.

There is no doubt
this will blow up.

Okay, jen, you gotta hustle.
Can the spider be
up on the balcony?

Or you build up some bricks
under its bum so that
he's tipping outward?

Brickmasters jamie and amy
are going to be looking

for a lot
of really big explosions.

I've got to figure out
how to mount this spider

on top of this other bookcase
that she's built for me.

I want to see legs flying
in all directions.

This spider should be
the showstopper.

- What do you think?
- If what we did last time
was a, this is a b.

Hopefully b's good enough.

Wayne: We're just, like,
over the moon,

the fact that we have
the golden brick in our pocket.

The bar's been really set
high for this competition.

I really like your background
right here. That's just--

- thank you.
- That's just beautiful.

- Thank you so much.
- Zack: I can focus
on the build,

and then my brother's
watching out the competition.

- I love it, I love it.
- The competition's really,
really, really fierce.

No one is gonna make this
easy for us.

- What do you think?
- Looks real good. Just build,
build, build, build.

The brickmasters suggest
that we make sure

that we are going to
have breakaway moments.

Jack: We've made
these walls so they separate
in the explosion.

But it's hard making it
break away.

As you move one thing,
you try to hook something up

and you take out a half a wall,
and it's gonna be a challenge.

Damn it.
Well, it comes off easy.

( whispering )
check this out.

- One hour left!
- ( alarm blaring )

you got one hour!
And then somebody's going home!

( all groaning )

- no!
- Yeah.

This just got real.
Keep building!

Tile the square tiles as well.

- Mix them all up.
- I got you, brother.

- You got it, you got it.
- The brickmasters will be

looking for
how the build looks

and how it's actually
going to blow.

We at least have a plan,
but I don't have tons
of experience

when it comes to pyrotech,
and we've got one shot.

So if this hinge doesn't work
quite right, we're done.

Zach: I'm worried about it.

Straight up, I'm nervous.

Straight up, I'm nervous.

I love where it's going,
but I'm just nervous.

It's just hard for me to imagine
what's going to happen.

It's gonna blow up,
but how is it gonna blow up?

This week
is a tough challenge.

The teams have
to create a hero shot.

We were really clear
about making sure to keep
this hero safe.

- Yes.
- Safety first.

That's our whole--
that's not our whole thing,

but it should be
our whole thing.

We want to see
these heroes shine.

This is their epic moment.

And then they've got
to make it explode

in a way that's really dynamic,

and if they don't do that,
they're done.

So what's important right now
is if we build this,

then we can figure out
the connection afterwards

- and then build it
really fast.
- All right.

It's unstable there
on the floors.

I don't know
what else to do.
No, no, no.

- What?
- My breakaway wall
is breaking away.

This challenge is trying
to keep it from falling apart

while we're building it.

Dawn: We need to
add additional support,

so we need a little something
to just hold it in place

just long enough for
the blast to tear it all up.

That's better.

One minute!

Oh, boy. Here we go.

Not every note
has to be seen.

This is working
better than it should.

- Time's almost up.
- All right, hurry. 30 seconds,
30 seconds, 30 seconds.

Oh, my hand is shaking.

Three, two, one.
Time's up, bricks down.

- Whoo!
- Oh! We did it.

I glance over
and I'm seeing amazing stuff.

Lauren and bryan, don't let
the good looks fool you.

These guys actually
know what they're doing.

- They've got great
sculpture work.
- That frog is just epic.

Okay, before we're wowed
by your hero shots,

zack and wayne,
would you like to use
the golden brick

to protect you
from elimination today?

We're going to be holding on
to this for a little longer.

Wow, okay.

Well, I hope you made
the right decision.

Me, too.

Now, you've had ten hours
to turn your minifig
into an action hero.

Now, it's all going to blow up
in your faces, we hope.

- We hope.
- Okay, our first team up
is dave and richard.

- All right.
- You chose the violin guy

and your element
is colored dust.

What's the story here?

Richard: Every action movie
has to have a great score.

So, enter violin guy.

So with his magic,
he's going to create
a symphony of destruction

that's going to destroy
this factory to bring
a harmonic balance

back to this land.

We came into it with
a hard figure to work with.

He's not your typical
action hero.

It was definitely personal
with the music notes

and my experience as a dj.

So I wanted to bring

all of those experiences
to this build.

Okay, it's time
for the big hero shot.

We've done everything we can
to make this work.

We're hoping the factory
is going to be decimated.

Here we go.
Kids, no matter what
anybody says,

please do not try this
at home.

- "lego masters"
is back with a bang.
- Oh, boy.

Violin man didn't even flinch.

- That's a thing of beauty.
- Yes.

That was an epic explosion.

What I loved the most

was seeing that music note
flying through the air.

And then the fact
that at the end,

you have your violin guy

and you have these
three beautiful notes

standing behind it him.
It was just-- great shot.

- Both: Thank you.
- Way to go. Way to end it
on a high note.

- Thank you.
- Amy: Good work.

Michelle and natalie,
you're up.

Intergalactic girl
travels the galaxy,

and she's noticed
that some beings have
been a bit cranky,

and low on energy.

She figures out that they all
go to the same coffee place

where they're serving decaf
disguised as regular coffee!

- ( jeering )
- both: ♪ bum-bum-bum

we're hoping to see
intergalactic girl

blast that decaf
out of this universe.

- I like that a lot.
- Do you like it a latte?

Just come and stand here.
Just come stand here.

Just talk.

She has been coming
for my job since she got here.

You guys ready?

Did anybody order
an explosion grande?

- Oh!
- Yay!

Jamie: Your story made me
smile so much.

As a decaf drinker,
I feel the pain.

But I actually thought
that was a real celebration
of your creativity as a team.


Maria and philip.

Maria: Our star,
the cabaret singer,

she decided she's going to
blow this joint-- literally.

Let's make this baby sing.

I think you guys made
a clever choice in your story
when you got water

to make that fountain
an absolute spectacle.

- Thank you.
- Caleb and jacob, you're up.

So we picked rocket boy
with glitter.

Rocket boy is out here

defending the moon
from alien invaders.

The ufo has gotta go.

I think it was really clever
you placed your charges on top,

so it was almost like
watching a firework show.
It was really spectacular.

- Thank you.
- Moto and paras, you're up.

Moto: Dam industries
has blocked the river.

The animals have called upon
the goddess of the water

to use her rainbow magic
to break the dam.

- Hot dam!
- We're good.

Yes! Yes!

What I loved is the creativity
you had in your explosion here

because you really deliberately

put all the different colors
of the rainbow in there

and makes it all show up
in a blockbuster moment that
really added to the story.

- Thank you.
- Okay, susan and jen,
you're up.

Our wizard is making
some potion.

The potion boils over

and a spider transforms
into this giant mutant.

The only way to get rid
of such a huge pest

is to blow
the whole place up.

Everybody loves
a comeback story,

and I think this could be
your chance.

I think our building
looks good.

I feel like we have redeemed
ourselves a little bit

this week with
time management issues.

We kept it simple this time,

but explosions are
very unpredictable.

Will: We are gonna make
your build disappear.


- Oh, my god!
- Ooh!

Everybody loves
a comeback story,

and I think this could be
your chance

because this is looking
really strong.

Okay, susan and jen,
we are gonna make your build
disappear. Alakaboom!

- Oh, my god!
- Will: Yeah!

I think you were so clever

to build that spider
the way you did

because it made for
such an epic explosion

the way the glitter
was flying through the air.

You should be very proud.

I feel like
we redeemed ourselves
a little bit this week.

- And that feels good.
- It came out how
we wanted it to,

- and I feel really
good about it.
- It did.

Okay, lauren and bryan,
you're up.

Lauren: Lola the lady bug
lives in her beautiful

natural habitat of the pond.

However, she does have
a predator-- the frog.

So she has devised a plot
to create a pollen bomb

out of the flower
on the lily pad.

What I think
you've done so well
is the pose of the frog.

I feel like it is just about
to get the lady bug,

and I'm really rooting for it
to be totally destroyed.

It's time for this froggy
to croak.

This is gonna be
totally awesome.

- ( gasps )
- ( cheering )

not only was it impressive
to see as an explosion,

but it was deliberate,
and I think it went really well.

- Thank you.
- Randall and syreeta,
you're up.

You chose centaur warrior
and your element is dust.

Randall: The villainous
wizard andre is crafting
a cauldron concoction,

but he's missing one key
ingredient-- a red apple.

Instead of the red apple,

the centaur puts in
the cauldron the gold apple,

and the wizard blows up.

I wouldn't say that you were
excited about the centaur.

I know negative 48 things
about centaurs.

- Wow.
- So can we blow it up already?

Will: I think syreeta's ready.

All right, all right,
let's do it.

Contestants: Oh!


I love that you've gave us
these awesome blasts of dust

that came straight up
from those turrets.

I think that felt
really magical to me even though
they were still standing.

- Thank you so much.
- Thank you.

Okay. Jack and dawn,
you're up.

Dawn: Opal the jewel thief

is very upset with the rats
at the jewelry store

for selling
these plastic jewels,

so now she's taking matters
into her own hands.

This feels like a street
right out of a movie set.

But there was a big,
empty space

that could have
had something really
exciting in there, too.

- Right.
- Okay, you ready?

I think so.

Being able to spend this time
together it's awesome,

and we feel pretty good
about the way our build
come together.

We're hoping the explosion
will give a closing
to our story.

Here's your promo, fox!


The whole front
didn't come off, though.

- Wow.
- ( whistles )

we were looking for you
to build intentionally things
that could come apart.

In retrospect,
maybe you could have
loosened up even more

or another point might be
to have even more gems
coming out as well.

Those little details are really
what we're looking for

in our lego masters to tie
the whole story together.

- Thank you.
- Jack: I'm not as happy
with our explosion.

It didn't go quite as planned.

Oh, this is not good.


Okay, steven and mark,
you're up.

We've got the plant monster,

and the element
we got was water.

Let's do it.

Hey, plant monster,

Your hero fell over so early.

- Oh, no!
- No!

Coming off
of the last challenge,

we had high expectations
for you guys.

Seeing that watermelon become
watermelon slice was brilliant,

but the fact he's
still winking as he knows
the hero is now gone,

that's a real tragedy.


The explosion still looked
good, but this is, like,

absolutely opposite of our plan,
what we expect from ourselves,

what the judges
expect from us.

Thanks, guys.

Just, ugh!

Zack and wayne, you're up.

You chose the alien
and your element is slime.

Wayne: Our hero blastro

leads a desperate escape
attempt with his crew.

He sets the engines of
the blue spade to overload,

hopefully taking out z'bog,

great creature of disaster,
with it.

You two chose not to use
the golden brick today.

That means
if it doesn't go well

and you end up
in the bottom two,
you could lose it.

It's a calculated risk,
but the goal is to hold on

to the golden brick
as long as possible.

Well, you were on top last week.
Let's see if you stay there.

It's prime time
for slime time.


Zack and wayne,
you were on top last week.
Let's see if you stay there.

We're really hoping
to keep the golden brick,
but this could go any way.

I'm nervous.

It's prime time
for slime time.


Oh, my god!

Oh! Oh! Oh!

Jamie: When you have
such a big explosion

and all of those aliens
seem to be safe and sound

at the end,
that is a real testament

to your ability
to control the destruction.

- Thank you.
- Thank you, guys.

Everything that was
supposed to blow up did.
It's a complete victory.

Tim and zach, you're up.

Tim: Our mad monster
scientist, dr. Smirch,

he has been able to
successfully steal

a little bit of his elixir
to be able to turn his monsters

into this army
that's going to help him

to take over
for world domination.

( cackling )

I love watching you react

when your dad hits
certain things.

I told them
my only job as a dad---

is to dab.

Oh, my god.

( laughter )

no, my only job
is to embarrass him.

- You got it
- which is, like,
"I don't know this guy."

I like the fact
that you were very deliberate
on how you built it

to have that extra wow impact
after the explosion,

but I hope that you give it
enough push to make that happen.

I am very confident
with our two vials and how
they're gonna explode,

but not as confident
on the last piece,

which is to have the front
facing of the factory drop

and then a big pow sign
right behind it.

Fox is getting a lot of bang
for their buck.

All: Oh!

- It didn't fall.
- It didn't fall.

That wall just
kind of had to come down
to give that wow moment,

especially when you said

it's about destroying
the factory

to make sure
that nobody gets the potion.

- And unfortunately,
the factory is still there.
- Yep.

Kudos to you
for taking a chance.

It's just a shame
it didn't pull off in the end.

Tim: Man, I am
really disappointed.

Zach: We're concerned that
we may be in the bottom two

as far as it did not
complete our story.

our 12 teams transformed
their minifigs into heroes,

and then we blew
their beautiful builds
to smithereens.

Now it's time
for the brickmasters
to put down their popcorn

and tell us which two teams
produced the best hero shots.

We had some amazing scenes,

but there were two
that really stood out to us.

The first one
I'd like to call out...

Lauren and bryan.

And our second team,

dave and richard.

- Good job.
- Okay, so what made them
stand out?

Lauren and bryan,
we asked you to build to break

and to give us an epic story,

and you came through
on all counts.

Both: Thank you.

Amy: Dave and richard,
we loved your storytelling.

That factory
was totally destroyed,

leaving the beautiful
landscape beneath it.

All right, which team
had the best hero shot?

The winner of this challenge...

...Is lauren and bryan.

- I'm so proud of my sister.
She did such a great job.
- I'm proud of you.

You did such a good job.

Now, this is a competition,
and unfortunately,

one team has to go home.

Amy: The two teams who are
at the bottom today are

tim and zach...

...And jack and dawn.

- Oh, man.
- Wow.

Amy: Tim and zach,
ultimately this was
a storytelling challenge,

and your story hinged on
that factory being destroyed.

Jamie: Jack and dawn,
this was a challenge that you
needed to build to break,

and unfortunately,
much of your model
was still standing.

one team has to go home.

who's it going to be?

Amy: The team that
we have to say good-bye to...

...Is jack and dawn.

We're really sorry
to see you guys go.

Jamie: You guys really are a joy
to see building together.

We're really sad
to see you go, but you should
feel really proud.

- I love you.
- I love you, too.

( sniffling )

Thank you so much for being
part of "lego masters,"

but now it's time to turn in
your minifigs and say good-bye.

- Thank you.
- Bring it in.

Although we did not
get the outcome
that we were hoping for,

- this is an experience
we'll have for life.
- Yeah.

- It's been a fairy tale
ride, for sure.
- Yeah.

The people are awesome.
The bonds we have established,

even though we're competing
against each other,

it's like we're a family.

And to be able to share it
with my brother,

I wouldn't have wanted
to have done it
with anybody else.

- Will: Next week...
- Oh, my gosh.

- What's happening?
- All: Oh!

It's an earthquake
that's just affecting
this area right here!

- ( ringing )
- 911, what's your emergency?

There's been an earthquake.

Builders, this is
the make and shake challenge.

We want them to build towers
that are four-foot tall.

- Holy crap.
- But they also have
to be aesthetic.

So pretty and strong.

- So pretty strong.
- Pretty strong.


Oh, no! No! No, no, no!

I can't believe
what I'm seeing.

- Oh!
- Wow.

We made a fatal flaw.