Lego Masters (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - Need for Speed / Super-Bridges - full transcript

The remaining teams must build a car and a strong bridge; the creations are stress tested.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- Last week...
- A mega city build.

the most spectacular builds
of the season...

- Wow, look at this skyline.
- Hold on, hold on.

and one monumental disaster...


- all ended...
- Going home today...

...with a heartbreaking

Krystle and Amie.
You really are an inspiration.

- Tonight...
- It's race day.

it's a challenge of speed...

...and strength.

Six feet in between.
It's time to build bridges.

Which team will hold strong?

We're going to push
your bridge's weight limit

- until your Lego bridge...
- A thousand pounds!

- Aah!
- ...comes falling down.

- And who...
- This is absolutely insane!

...will crumble
under the pressure?

You can't get this kind of
excitement on "The Masked Singer."

- I don't see the prompter.
- You know the lines, right?

I mean, it'd be a pretty
rough approximation.

Three, two, one.

Welcome back to "Lego Masters."

- Whoo!
- Okay!

That's so awesome.

It's a pinewood derby track!

This is going to be awesome.

I remember when I was a kid

my dad and I
build cars together.

And I got fourth against
a bunch of kids who cheated.

I hope you packed your bags

because we're on
the road to adventure

- and a $100,000 grand prize.
- Whoo!

Six teams remain,
and only one team

will drive home
with the title Lego Masters.

Now riding shotgun,
we've got our brickmasters Jamie and Amy.

They hold the keys
to your future.

I'm just here to crack a few jokes
and provide some solid dad energy.

And if you don't like that,
I will turn this car around right now.

Let's kick this show into gear

- with a fast car challenge.
- Whoo!

You're going to build
a Lego race car,

and we're going to race them
down that ramp in front of you.

Where you finish will determine
how much extra time you get

during our next build.


Jermaine and I were
in the bottom two

in the last challenge.
Not a great feeling.

We really need that advantage.

We're going to bounce back and prove
that we're here as true competitors.

You get 30 minutes
to complete your car.

And your 30 minutes starts now!
Go! Get your brick on!

- Come on, where's that speed?
- We're building our car.

This is an important
time-sensitive challenge.

So what I'm thinking is
we should build a dragster.

What do you think
are some tricks

that these teams can employ?

You gotta have the least
amount of friction,

the most amount of momentum.

A trick could be
to use a cross axle

so at least two of your wheels
are locked together.

Because otherwise
a lot of these cars

are going to want to hook
one way or the other.

- Sam? Have you ever built a car before?
- Yes?

In Cub Scouts,
I won the pinewood derby.

I didn't know that.
You never told me that.

- Yeah.
- I never asked.

- Secrets we keep.
- Have you ever built a car?

No, but I'm really good
at science.

The potential energy has
to equal the kinetic energy

and friction at the end
to maximize the kinetic energy.

Our wheels have to
be really light.

I'm not going to
tell anybody. Trust me.

- Good luck, guys.
- Thanks, bye.

The object is to get
enough speed on that ramp

that it'll push us down
the rest of the track.

I love this. This looks like
a real car design studio.

What's the strategy here
for you guys?

- Just trying to make it aerodynamic.
- I was going to say,

there's a little bit
of aerodynamics playing here.

- Yeah.
- You have your spoiler in the back here.

- And then just let it fly.
- Yeah.

All right, time's ticking down.
I'll leave you guys to it.

All right, so this is what we're going
to be building our marshmallow around.

Right off the bat,
I'm thinking of my wife's car,

which is called Marshmallow.

It's old. It's lost some
hubcaps, but it's going strong.

Have you noticed
that Richard and Flynn

are using roller coaster tracks?

- Wow.
- That is very curious.

We don't know much
about building cars.

We usually focus more on
aesthetics, not engineering.

So really this time advantage
on the next challenge

would be such a chance to just
leapfrog ahead of everyone else.

- Curves are the way to go.
- Aaron and Christian?

We have a very special strategy.

What we're doing is making
an eight-wheel car.

The more wheels we have,

the more likely our car is
to drive in a straight line.

It's just crazy enough to work.

- Keep building!
- Okay.

- Helpful.
- Very helpful.

Two minutes, two minutes.

- Time goes really fast.
- It does. It goes so fast.

Mark and Boone don't even have
tires on their wheels yet.

Maybe they're keeping
the rubber off.

- Freewheeling wheels.
- No tires.

- No tires.
- This is all about reducing friction.

And we're hoping
that no tires just gives us

the best momentum
going down the track.

- Radical, bro.
- We got one minute.

One minute left!
It is a race to the finish line.

And the starting line.

- Does it stick?
- Yeah.

- Yes!
- I just hope it doesn't fall apart.

- 30 seconds!
- I think we got it. I think we got it.

- Ten seconds.
- My gosh.

Two, one.
Time's up, bricks down.

- Yes.
- Wow.

- Some nice cars, guys.
- Yeah.

It's going to be fun.

It's race day.

Yeah! The cars are all
lined up at the starting line.

Mel and Jermaine,
what is the name of your car?

- The Rad Racer.
- Rad Racer.

What I wanted to do

was to get some air
under the car

and then just make sure
that we have enough spoilers

to hold the car
down to the track.

- Your car looks fast.
- Yeah.

You've got
the aerodynamics there.

The wheels are linked
with the cross axle.

- It's got some real potential.
- Thank you. Thank you.

All right,
moving down the line here.

Mark and Boone, what's the name
of your particular car?

The Green Machine!

Green Machine.

- The Green Machine. Really?
- Or Lime Time.

Lime Time.

Can I just put my vote in
for Lime Time?

We wanted freewheeling wheels
on freewheeling axles.

And we didn't
use tires because...

- It slides.
- ...they put tires on your car

to give you friction
when you need it.

It'll be interesting to see
how that plays out in the race.

All right, so then next
we got Sam and Jessica.

- What's the name of your ride?
- Black Beauty.

Black Beauty.

Weight in the back right
in front of the back axles.

Thin wheels low.

You've got the weight
definitely in the back there.

You've got a nice long chassis,

but your wheels
aren't connected,

so I'm wondering if they're
going to wobble a bit.

All right, Richard and Flynn.

We focused on the curves
and weight towards the back,

not as much on aerodynamics.

- What's your car called?
- The Rolling Coaster.

Rolling Coaster.

The roller coaster tracks gives
a really nice effect to your car.

But it is quite a lot bigger
than some of the other cars.

Okay, next,
this is Christian and Aaron.

Cream-sickle Sledgehammer.

We built the car with
thin wheels, in-line wheels.

We figured more wheels would
maybe help us stay in line.

Normally you want to have fewer
wheels to reduce the friction,

but you've got eight, so I'm hoping that
you've got something up your sleeve there.

And last but not least,
Tyler and Amy.

The Flaming Marshmallow.

I just thought it looked cool.

It looks like it
definitely has some weight, though.

As we can see, the wheels
are starting to buckle a bit,

so let's see if it goes
in a straight line.

Okay, now it's time to see
whose car is the fastest

and who gets an advantage
in the next challenge.

On your mark,

get set...

- Go!
- Go, baby! Go, baby!

Go, go, go, go!

Now it's time to see
who's car is the fastest

and who gets an advantage
in the next challenge.

Is everybody ready?


On your mark,

get set...

- Go!
- Whoa!

- Come on, come on!
- Go, baby! Go, baby!

Go, go, go, go, go, go!

Wow! That was pretty crazy.
Here we go.

Out of the gate, Mark and Boone's
Lime Time takes the early lead.

Amy and Tyler's Flaming
Marshmallow hits the wall.

Mel and Jermaine's Rad Racer
makes a push,

but Mark and Boone's
Lime Time wins.

What a race!

We had Mark and Boone in first,

Mel and Jermaine in second,

and we had Sam
and Jessica in third.

We were right on their tail.

Then next we have
Aaron and Christian in fourth.

- We didn't even make it.
- We didn't make it.

Tyler and Amy in fifth,

and Richard and Flynn
in a distant sixth.

Last place is kind of sad.

That was better than NASCAR.

Your first build
was all about speed.

Now it's time to build
for strength.

London, Golden Gate...


- Ooh.
- What do these things have in common?

They're my three
favorite bridges,

and that's what
you're building next.


Two sides of a
canyon, six feet in between.

You need to make a bridge

that spans from one side
to the other.

At the end of this build,

we're going to push your
bridge's weight limit

to the, well, limit...

...until your Lego bridge
comes falling down.

I don't have a long resume
of building bridges,

but I did build one at home,

and, ooh, I got
an idea for this one.

In today's challenge,
your bridges must be

the same height as the two
supports on either side

so that we have one
flat surface going across.

The two teams
with the weakest bridges

will automatically be
entered into the bottom two.

And from there,
Jamie and I will make the decision

on who goes home based on
how your bridge looks.

This challenge holds
a lot of weight

because the team with
the last bridge standing

will win this.

The Golden Brick.

It's back.

The Golden Brick
gives you immunity.

When you use it, it protects
your team from elimination.

It would be real nice to get
our hands on that brick again.


That Golden Brick
is going to secure our path

all the way to the finals.

I just want to make sure Christian
and Aaron don't get it again.

That's for sure.

We are putting seven hours
on the clock for this one,

but you're not all going to
get the full seven hours.

Your start time
has been determined

by where you finished
in our fast car race.

Mark and Boone,
you guys won the race.

That means when I say go,
you can start your build.

Every five minutes,
the next team on the board

will get the green light
to begin.

Builders, go to your tables.

Mark and Boone,
the bridge building challenge starts now.

Get your brick on.

You get all the Technic.

We have five minutes till Mel
and Jermaine get in there,

so our plan is to get
what everyone's looking for,

and that's
the Lego Technic bricks.

They're stronger
and you can connect them

in more ways than you can
connect regular brick.

Jermaine and Mel, go.

We have 25 less minutes

of build time
than everyone else.

Sam and Jessica, go!

Aaron and Christian, go!

All right, let's go.
Let's do it.

We have to sit there and wait

while everyone else
gets to go first.

Tyler and Amy, go!

This curve, we'll see if
we can do that out of Technic.

We're going to have to be
moving fast, fast, fast.

And we have to make it
look pretty.

And our last team,
Richard and Flynn, go!

So the thing here
needs to be strong.

So that's all Technic.

This can be bricks with plates.

I work construction
as my normal job.

On a daily occurrence,
I see how beams play a big part

in making a structure stand,

so I'm trying to incorporate
some of those techniques.

Our bridge is
made out of four beams.

The top one is the roadway.

The one directly beneath that
disperses the weight

down to these angled beams.

Have you built bridges before?

I've tried my hand at building

bridges one time,

and one of the beams could
take around up to 200 pounds.

- Come on.
- Well, I've tested it at home.

That's where we got
the idea for the design.

We're going to create
a footing to do an A-frame,

and then have beams across
supporting that.

And then we're going to also
secure it around the podium

with more Technic beams.

How much weight do you have
in the back then?

I could probably
get some weights

out of Christian's
dressing room.

- Perfect. Just enough.
- Wait a minute.

- Christian got a dressing room?
- Nothing.

- Anyway, guys, I gotta go. - We're going
to have to talk about something here.

- What's going on here?
- Wait, what? Come back here!

I don't know if this is going
to work or not, but we'll see.

No, it will.
It will work.

- Hi.
- Hello.

Have you ever built anything
like this in the past?

- No way. - It's one of those
things we know the science,

- we just don't know how to put
the science together. - Okay.

We're going to make these
strong pillar-like structures,

and then tech beams on the side.

- These we'll attach in between.
- Okay.

We're not exactly sure yet.
We haven't figured it out.

The risk is that these beams,
when it flexes,

- those bricks can just separate out
and pop off. - And pop off, yeah.

- So really try to make those
really strong and test it. - Okay.

- Best of luck.
- All right, thank you.

All right, so that
wasn't terrible news.

I've built a bridge out of
Lego before with my students.

I am an engineering teacher.

I teach elementary
school-aged kids

how to build structures and
machines, but out of Lego.

So I'd say that we have very justified
confidence in this challenge.

We are going to be building
a combination arch bridge

and truss bridge.

I think the weight that we're
really after in this challenge

is the Golden Brick, you know?

That would be a nice weight
to get back in our pockets.

That is five hours, builders.

I'm a big bridge fan, and right
now we're asking them for strength.

Something like an arch bridge
would actually work really well.

Let's see, we got Amy and
Tyler, Aaron and Christian,

they're using this
principle right now,

and whatever
you push down on here,

it pushes all of that weight
down to the bottom here.

But that's only if they get
the curve right.

I feel like that's
not very strong.

Probably the most common bridge,

you can actually see it
with Richard and Flynn,

they're making what
we call a truss bridge.

It just totally uses triangles
to their maximum advantage.

You know, if you've got a parallelogram
or a square, it just goes "meh".

But a triangle,
you press down on the top,

and as long as the base
is supported,

it's a really strong structure.

Our bridge is inspired by

the old San Francisco
Oakland Bay Bridge.

Either side on top of
the road is big truss.

Either side on bottom
is small truss.

I'm starting to feel good.

I trust Richard's
engineering skills a lot,

so I'm really the one who's going to
be responsible for making it pretty.

That's kind of
a cheeky bridge, isn't it?

But it is beautiful, and
honestly, for some of these teams,

this is what it might come down
to is having a beautiful bridge

- that brings them up from the bottom.
- Yeah, yeah.

The fact that this
just keeps, like,

with a little bit of pressure--

I am rethinking the arch.

I'm worried about time.

Amy and I are not
technical builders.

Our plan is to create
an arch bridge

out of Technic pieces,

but that's not my area
of expertise.

I was expecting that
the more bricks you put on it,

the more it's just going to hold it in
place, and it's not really doing that.

We know someone's going home.
We're planners.

We like to have the plan
from the beginning. We don't.

- Ooh.
- No.

- Coming up...
- Whoa!

A thousand pounds!
This is absolutely insane!

♪ Dun-dun, dun-dun,
dun-dun, dun-dun ♪

♪ Building bridges ♪

I like that tune, Boone.

Four hours remaining!

I definitely think that there's
some strong bridges here.

- Yeah.
- It's just which one

is going to be the strongest?

This is the bridge challenge.
We have to span six feet

and create a bridge
that can hold a lot of weight.

Our initial plan
was to use more Technic.

We're still keeping
the arch shape,

but instead of Technic,

we're just going to build
stacks of bricks

and then we'll tie
all the layers together

- and keep it really strong.
- Amy and Tyler look like

they've changed their direction.

- Ooh.
- Tyler and Amy have chosen

not to use Technic bricks.

They have to be very careful
because the two weakest bridges

that carry the least amount
of weight are in the bottom.

We need a two by six.

The 25 minutes we lost
really cost us build time.

Okay, I see one
weakness point right now.

Looking around at
all the other bridges,

I feel like our truss is strong,

but I'm really worried
about that road bed.

That's not good.

I think we made
the right choice.

We'll see if it
pays off in the end.

What is your kind of roadway?

Well, the top of the bridge,

from what I understand
by the rules,

it has to be flush
to the roadway.

Based on my calculations, our bridge
should be able to support 600 pounds.

- Loving this confidence.
- The one thing I'm not hearing

coming out of your mouth
is your safety net

in case you end up at the bottom

and you need to worry
about aesthetics.

The number one priority
right now is strength.

You know, if anything
that I may ask of you

is to kind of just shine up
the Golden Brick for us.

- Okay. You're really confident.
- Wow.

There's fighting talk
today, isn't there?

You are really getting me curious to
see how this is going to work out.

- Thanks, guys.
- Good luck, guys.

- All right.
- Two hours left

in this challenge.

Mark and Boone,
it looks really solid.

So this, what do you call it?

We were calling it a truss.

It's not a truss.
It's a strut.

- Not-- I don't know.
- By the way, this is a strut.

That's a strut.

- That is a strut.
- All right, listen, um,

I gotta get out of here.
I'll talk to you guys soon.

- Good luck today.
- Okay. Thanks a lot, Will.

That was a good strut though.

We need to make sure
it's all tied together,

so we'll need plate
on top of plate.

The plates are two-fold.

The aesthetic creating
that rock structure,

but they're also going to help
tie in all these bricks together

and help lock 'em into place.

"Lego Learn" about
Tyler and Amy's locking.

So what is locking?

You can see on this stack
we just have these studs.

We can take a plate and just
lock across all of those studs,

and now that makes
this stronger.

You can just take that and
use it almost like a hammer.

- Really?
- Yeah, that should be pretty strong.

Locking makes
for strong bridges.

Wow. Until now I thought
locking was just something I did

on the dance floor
after popping.

Because I pop and then I lock.

The Technic beams
go on the outside, right?

- Yeah, we'll do them on the outside.
- All right.

So because of
the race car challenge,

Richard and Flynn
missed out on 25 minutes.

They've definitely
been making sure

that it still looks like
a nice bridge

just in case they end up
in the bottom two.

Sam and Jessica's
doesn't seem that sturdy.

This is breaking.

Aaron and Christian's
looks pretty strong so far.

Those triangles on the
top of the truss are huge.

It looks beautiful.
I still wonder about its strength.

- Okay, you in?
- Yeah. Yeah.

- Mark and Boone won three
challenges in a row. - Yeah.

And they look like
they are well on their way

to constructing a pretty
solid-looking bridge.

It certainly looks striking.

Bro, we going to finish
or what, man? What's up?

- We ain't got no choice but to finish.
- Right.

One hour left on your builds.

Every second counts.

All 3,600 of them.

Yes, I just did
the math in my head.

- Be impressed.
- I need a butterfly.

- Okie-doke.
- You're off, like, a half a stud, bro.

What do you mean half a stud?
How is that possible?

We're at the point
where we have to, like,

have the Lego
flush with the platform,

and the road's about
maybe two plates lower

than the platform.

Considering the confidence
of Mel and Jermaine,

I'm actually wondering are they going
to be flush all the way across the top?

Doesn't really
look like it, does it?

It's actually one of the rules, so they
gotta make sure they get that in there.

It's just not working out,
and minutes go by like seconds.

30 minutes!

You got 30 minutes
to complete your bridge!

Brick like you've never
bricked before.

If we can't get it to road
height, then it's Lego fail.

- Right.
- I am sweating.

This thing ain't lining up.

Two minutes left on the clock.

Wheel your bridge
into the middle of the room

before the clock strikes zero.

- Plates all the way across.
- Check the floor, check the floor.

30 seconds... get your bridge
into the middle.

- Aah!
- Watch your back, Christian.

Five, four, three, two, one.

- Time's up.
- All right.

Bricks down.

We didn't get the bridge up
to the level of the platform.

I'm feeling very, very defeated.

20 more minutes,
I would have been, like,

all right, boom, this is done.

Congratulations, you guys.

You've gone from brick
builders to bridge builders.

Definitely some of you
have focused more on strength,

and others have focused on
the way it looks. Well done.

I've spent most
of my career burning bridges,

so watching
you all build bridges

has been an entirely
new experience for me.

But now look at this...

a super bridge.

- That was rad.
- Yeah.

Part of the rules
for this challenge

was that the roadway
be at the same height

as the two towers
that were given to you.

There's $100,000 up for
grabs, and there are rules.

And when they're not met,
then there are consequences.

Mel and Jermaine,

your roadway is not
at the correct height.

Because of this, you will automatically
be one of the bottom two teams,

and will also not be eligible
for the Golden Brick.

From the
beginning of the challenge,

I knew we had this.

Being in the bottom two,
it's a tough pill to swallow.

Mel and Jermaine,
sorry that it's gone this way.

I don't even have
the words to say it, man.

My God.
What are we doing?

All right, we're going
to push each one of your

incredible bridges to the limit.

The team with
the weakest bridge will end up

with Mel and Jermaine
in the bottom two.

The team with
the strongest bridge

will win the Golden Brick,

We're doing this? Okay.

I got it.

Well, I guess I missed--

I missed the big dramatic--
but here it is.

You know what it looks like.

Now, let's go put your
bridges to the stress test.

Aaron and Christian,
you're up first.

We're very confident
with what we've built.

The Golden Brick,
I feel like it's in our pockets.

I could not be more proud
of our bridge.

Me, too.

Before we start adding weights,

Aaron and Christian,
talk to us about your design.

We decided to do

two different support
mechanisms for one bridge.

We have an arch bridge
on the bottom,

and we have a big railroad-style

truss bridge on the top.

It is impressive.
You've chosen two

of the strongest bridge types

to put together.

Do you guys have a guess

on how high you're going to get?

I'd love to guess
and say it could hold a me,

but I don't think
it could hold 200 pounds.

There's definitely no way.

- Let's see how strong it is.
- Yes. The exciting part.

Kids at home,
please do not try this.

You guys are going to put
25 pounds

in the center of your bridge.

- You want to do it? He's the muscly guy.
- Yeah, sure.

I'm going to give it
over to him.

Here we go.
Right in the center.

- Going right in the center.
- Wait for it.

- She's down.
- Yeah.

Please add another
25-pound weight on.

- Ready?
- Yep.

Okay. Looks good.

- 50 pounds.
- It doesn't even move.

100 pounds.

Turn and-- whoop!

- 255.
- It can hold a Christian.

There's been zero warping
or cracking in this thing.

At this point though, I'm like,

"How much is
it going to take?"

- 325?
- 25 pounds?

No, 20. 320.

That just failed.
That's failing.

My God!

I tell you, you can't
get this kind of excitement

on "The Masked Singer."

My God!

I've benched 315 before,

- and it's a lot of weight.
- Yeah.

This is insane right now.

It's crazy.

Now it's 365.

- Let it go gentle.
- 365.

We're running out of weights.

We might run out of weights.

We might have to go into

your personal stash, Christian.

As you can see,
we were not expecting

and of these bridges
to hold so much weight.

Okay, what do we got?

- Okay.
- We had to get weights

from the camera department.

How unprofessional do we look

as a television show right now?

Not only are
we going to find out

who wins the Golden Brick,
we're also going to find out

who's getting fired
from the show.

So this is going to be 400
if we get this on.


Let it go. Let go.

- That is 400 pounds.
- Wow.

We got more. We got more.

This is for 445, dead center.

- My God.
- Yeah!

Wow. Be very careful.

We're going up to 470.

Boy. I don't think so.
I don't think so.

Run, run, run!!

- Yeah!
- 445!

- Wow.
- 445!

445 pounds
is the weight to beat.

Next up, Sam and Jessica.

We decided to go
with a black widow theme.

We tried out best
to use the Technic pieces

how we thought it would hold.

And then we used pillars
to hold up the bridge.

So we gave it our best shot.

All right, guys.
Start it off with 25 pounds.

Please hold. Please hold.
That would be so embarrassing.

Be careful.
Be really careful.

- Be really careful.
- Yay!

- Wow.
- Okay, 50 pounds.

I had no idea this bridge
was going to hold any weight.

This will make it 100.

- Ooh.
- Wow.

- We got 100 pounds!
- My-- yes!

- Yay!
- Yes!

I kind of--!

Okay, that's some real curvature.

You might have danced too early.

That's really bowed.

Put another 25-pound on there.

- My--
- It's going. It's going!

- Wow.
- 125.

- I can feel it.
- Yeah!

25 more pounds, please.

- I'm so scared, okay?
- Be really careful when you set it down.

There it is!

All right,
so it held 125 pounds.

Let's hope that keeps you
out of the bottom two.

All right,
next up is Tyler and Amy.

Please step forward.

This is the first challenge
where we've really,

really felt uncomfortable.

We're not bridge builders.

Being eliminated hasn't
been on our minds

too much to this point,
but now it is.

Tell us about your bridge.

We went for a romantic style,

an old stone bridge.

Structurally, we decided to go

with a lot of straight brick,

and using plates
to reinforce the sides

and tie everything together.

We actually met on a bridge

for the first time.


Hang on. One more time,
just in unison.

- Aww.
- Got it. We got it.


You've managed to really

inject your style
into this bridge.

It is quite a bold move
to go away from Technic.

Also with your locking,

it's not quite locked
together on the side

and there's a risk that
this could come in chunks.

Well, let's see
how strong it is.

25 pounds, please.

- Nothing.
- Make this an even 50 pounds.

It's not moving very much, but I don't
think this is one that would move.

You don't think we're
going to see a lot of sag?

It might just be
a sudden collapse, right?

Put two more 25-ers on
to make it an even 100.

Sam and Jessica's bridge
broke at 125.

You're at 100.
You're closing in.

25 more pounds.

Wow, he is throwing
them in there.

Please put on
an additional 25 pounds.

I thought I heard a crack.

It was the sticker
on the weights.

- False alarm.
- It's a sticker.

Maybe next time let's not
get as loud stickers.

The number to beat is 445.

Long way to go.

So far, this thing
hasn't budged...

200 pounds.

...or made a single creak.

- 305 pounds.
- 400 here we come.

It hasn't even flinched.
Aaron and Christian, what do you think?

Yeah, I don't think ours
had moved at this point either.


Amy and Tyler
are starting to close in.

420 pounds.

The number to beat is 445.

We're waiting
for that little, like--

But, nothing.

- This is for the tie.
- Come on, baby.

We're good.

445 pounds holding firm.

Here comes 25 pounds on the top.

This is the one that broke
Aaron and Christian.

- Can it hold 470?
- Goodness.


445 pounds holding firm.

Here comes 25 pounds on the top.

This is the one that broke
Aaron and Christian.

- Can it hold 470?
- Goodness.


You guys are at 470 pounds.

How much can it hold?

That feels really good.
That's a lot of weight.

We thought Aaron and Christian
had a really strong bridge.

But we've surpassed them.

- 500 pounds.
- Yes!

Nothing's moving.
Our sights just keep getting set higher.

- 700 pounds.
- Whoa.

There's no Technic
in their bridge at all.

I don't know
what's going on right now.

- They packed it right.
- I say it's witchcraft.

- We're at 900 pounds.
- What?

Does this bridge have no limit?

- 990.
- 990.

- Whoa!
- Come on!

Can it make it to 1,000?

Everybody look out
at 1,000 pounds!

1,000 pounds!

- My God!
- Woohoo!

Look what we did!

It's a thousand pounds!

So we've reached our
weight limit of 1,000 pounds.

Honestly, it's just
too dangerous for us

to put any more weight on that.

You've broken our show.
Great job, you guys.

You should be really proud.
It's a fantastic bridge.

Yes! Wow.

The Golden Brick
is up for grabs again.

and we're hoping
that we've put ourselves

in a really good position
to get it this time.

All right, Jermaine and Mel,
please step forward.

We are automatically
in the bottom two

because of a technicality.

We have no idea how much weight
it's going to hold.

I'm hoping that
we could last longer

than at least one
or two other teams.

Jermaine and Mel,
tell us about your build.

We came up with a bunch

of different support systems,

wrapping it around the podium.

And then I tried to create
another truss system underneath,

supporting the meat
of the bridge.

Guys, start with 25 pounds.

All right. 50 pounds.

100 pounds.


It's all right, bro.

All right, so Sam and Jessica's
bridge held at 125 pounds.

25 pounds more.

It is totally warping
on the top decking.

It's bowing.

25 more pounds.

I feel like a failure, man.

I wish we would have been able
to finish this bridge, man.

Guys, it ended up tying
Sam and Jessica,

and you guys have done
a great job every challenge.

Just remember, we are judging the
bottom two teams only on the aesthetic.

It's disappointing, you know?

You put your prize fighter
in the ring to fight

and you know you're going to
win the championship,

and they show up lame.

Next up is Richard and Flynn.
Please step forward.

Mel and Jermaine and Sam and
Jessica's bridges held 125 pounds.

So that is the weight to beat.

This is a truss bridge,

and it's made of two completely
separate truss systems.

One is with the green
and yellow supports,

and that supports the roadway,

and then a larger
truss system on the top

which supports the whole bridge

and anchors it
to the piers on both sides.

We also have
diagonal supports underneath,

and we'll see how it does.

It's clean, it's elegant,
it's very minimalist.

Your supports coming up from the
underside visually look quite nice.

I am a little concerned
that they don't tie into

that nice truss work
that you've done.

All right,
let's start adding weight.

25 pounds.

Little sound, but looks good.

- Little sound.
- Little sound.

10 pounds.

- And this way.
- All right.

35 pounds.
Another 10 pounds.

- Like this?
- Yep.

45 pounds for Richard and Flynn.

Remove all the small weights

and put a second 25-pound
weight on there.

Right next to each other.

- Let it go.
- You got to let it go.

50 pounds.

How you feeling right now?

- I'm--
- Not awesome.

- Yeah.
- To be honest, time was really short.

We were the last to start.


Guys, your bridge
held at 45 pounds.

- Are you disappointed?
- Majorly disappointed, yeah.

I felt a lot of responsibility

to have the engineering
part of it correct,

and I just feel like
I let Flynn down on that.

I really-- I hope
it doesn't mean we go home.

Okay, so we have
Mel and Jermaine

and Richard and Flynn
in the bottom two.

Mark and Boone, you're up next.

Please come forward.

I would hope
we can build a bridge

that can hold 150 pounds.

Is it going to hold half a ton?
I don't know.

That seems, like,
on the edge of crazy to me.

Tell us a little bit about it.

We're going for
kind of a thick design,

but decorative
and kind of futuristic-ish.

If definitely looks
like a pretty solid bridge,

and you have a nice
use of color there are well.

It is a pretty
impressive bridge.

Please add 25 pounds.

Hey, that's not helpful, man.

I'm under a lot
of stress right now.

Make this an even 50 pounds.

If your bridge
holds more weight now,

you will be safe
from elimination.

- No movement.
- Mark and Boone,

you are not in the bottom two.

Now you're just playing
for the Golden Brick.

Start piling on the weight.

Your bridge is going to act
like me during the holidays,

just piling on the weight.

320 pounds. 360 pounds.

Please, don't take your Lego
sets out to try this.

- Yeah.
- 486.

There we go.

We've just passed
Aaron and Christian.

Now we're automatically
in the top two.

At this point,
it's a thousand or nothing.

We're now at 600 pounds.

700 pounds!

- 900 pounds!
- Whoa!


At this point
in the competition,

having the Golden Brick would
be an awesome safety net for us.

- Please break!
- 980.

It does seem like
on the right hand side

there's a distinctive
crack forming.

It's really happening,

- isn't it?
- 20 more pounds.

The Golden Brick
is at stake here.

Can you get to 1,000 pounds?

Now you're just playing

to beat Tyler and Amy's
1,000 pounds.




Two bridges, 1,000 pounds!

This is crazy!

We are tied
with Amy and Tyler right now.

We are automatically
in the top two with them.

It's going to come down
to aesthetics.

For safety reasons,

we cannot put any more
weight on this bridge.

Now it's going to be
up to our brickmaster judges

to decide who's the winner
of this week's bridge challenge.

Tyler and Amy, Mark and Boone,
please step forward.

Tyler, Amy,
there was something magical

about how your bridge appeared,

and we really loved
those butterflies.

Mark, Boone, the design
of your bridge was bold,

you know, some nice
lines of color in there, too.

Who won the bridge
building challenge?

The winner of this challenge... Mark and Boone.

Well done, guys.

♪ The choices
we made were bold ♪

♪ Now the reward is so gold ♪

The Golden Brick can
protect you from elimination.

- Congrats, guys.
- Thank you.

So now comes the hard part.

In this challenge, the teams
with the two weakest bridges

were automatically entered
into the bottom two.

Richard and Flynn,
your bridge was the weakest.

It buckled at 45 pounds.

Mel and Jermaine,
your bridge was able

to hold 125 pounds,
tied with Sam and Jessica.

However, you did not complete
your build according to the rules,

and because of that,
you ended up here.

Richard and Flynn,
we really loved

the way your bridge looked.

It was elegant, it was clean.
It was minimalist.

But perhaps it was
a little bit too minimalist.

Mel and Jermaine,
you had some really strong components.

having the model fail

as the second-lowest
carrying weight

was a real disappointment to us.

In this challenge,
we're ultimately looking

for a really strong bridge
that also looks great,

and you guys just
didn't deliver that.

Jamie, who's going home today?

It's super painful to
have to let any of you go

because you're so strong
in so many areas.

That's why I'm sorry
to say good-bye... Mel and Jermaine.

Mel and Jermaine,
your bridge was able to hold more weight,

but unfortunately, because you
did not complete your build

according to the rules,
the brickmasters have decided

your Lego adventure ends here.

Thank you. Thank you.

You know,
we kind of failed ourselves.

Our potential
is way more than this.

We just-- we just
had a really off day.

- Thank you, Will.
- Great job, partner.

I'm going to miss you guys.

It's crazy how Lego
can forge a relationship

with two strangers
to be brothers.

- I'm going to miss y'all.
- I'm going to miss you, too.

Keep building.

I never had another man tell me,

"Hey, look, man,
you're my brother, man."

So, you know, to me--
damn it, man.

To me, that means a lot, man.

On the next "Lego Masters"...

Once upon a time
in the land of...

- Mr. Book Chicken.
- Mr. Book Chicken.

Now it's up to you to make
their story come to life.

How in the world
are we going to build that?

It's tough.

...our builders
get a little help.

- Hi, Nicole Byer.
- Nailed it!

- And our guest judges...
- Bring me the children!

...give us our most fun
builds so far.

I would give this a B-minus.

A B-minus.