Lego Masters (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - Dream Park Theme Park - full transcript

The pairs of contestants are introduced; each duo must craft one section of a theme park.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Will Arnett:
Lego, a global phenomenon

played with by millions

and used to create everything

from artistic masterpieces

to technical showstoppers.

But in the world of Lego,

what does it take
to become a master?

♪ Here we go ♪

♪ We're building
with bricks now ♪

In a new type of competition...

- Get your brick on!
- Go, go, go, go!

designed to push the limits
of imagination...

Both: Whee!

...we've assembled
the nation's best Lego builders

to compete for $100,000

and the Lego Masters title.

We're reliving
our childhood all over again.

These beards are ready to build.

I'm extremely competitive.
I do not like to lose.

Lego can be anything
and it's for everyone.

We're gonna be Lego Masters!

Of course there will be
an amazing host to lend a hand.

I'm Batman.

I literally have no idea
what you're talking about.

Yippee-ki-yay, Lego Masters.

A world of wonder awaits.

- Oh, no!
- Why does he have a power tool?

Don't bump the table, man.

So forget what you know
about Lego...

( slow-motion yelling )

I asked for a nice, subtle way

to let everybody know
that we're at one hour.

- ( alarm blaring )
- One hour left, everybody!

Man: We're about to bring
something you've never seen before.

( shouting )

I feel like you don't
understand Lego.

What's gonna happen?

You can make whatever you want!


This is the search

for America's first
Lego Masters.


Holy tomato.

( whistling )

Welcome to "Lego Masters."
I'm your host Will Arnett.

It's pretty good.

Am I already the best at this?

Man: All right, here we go.
We are rolling.

Nice and quiet, everyone.
We're rolling.

( music playing )

( music continues )

( squealing, laughing )

Well, well, well.

- Yes!
- Oh, man.

- Oh, my gosh. It's huge!
- This is so cool.

Corey: We are brothers
from New Jersey.

Travis: We've been building
Lego for about 20 years.

Corey: No other team
has the connection

that me and my brother have.

Like, we're literally
finishing each other's...

- Sentences.
- There we go.

Amie: I can't believe this.

It's, like, magical wonderland.

The minifig wall
is in the background.

It's all epic. I'm, like, pinching Krystle.
Is this real life?

- There he is right there.
- What a crew.

I'm your host Will Arnett,

and welcome to "Lego Masters."

- ( cheering )
- Will: Yeah.

Now, you've been chosen because
you're the best of the best.

And I've been chosen
because I know everything

there is to know about
hosting and Legos and--

( feedback )

What's that?
It's not Legos?

What is the plural?
The plural is just Lego.

Okay. Are you sure?

All right, now I know
everything about Lego.

Let's talk about
what you're playing for.

The winner of this competition

will go home with $100,000,

the official title
of "Lego Masters,"

and a fancy Lego trophy.

Now I'm not doing this alone,
although let's be honest,

I probably could.

But I enlisted the help
of a couple of real pros.

So say hello to our
brickmasters Jamie and Amy.

( cheers and applause )

Brickmaster Jamie, arguably the
most famous Lego designer ever.

Jamie's designs include

the Architecture
and Creator sets.

And he was the lead creator

of the 2019 Toy of the Year.

Amie: Brickmaster Amy
is responsible

for so many of the sets
that your kids play with.

- Sets that...
- We play with!

Will: Amy has worked
on Lego Friends,

and the sets she's helped design

have sold millions of copies

around the world.

We are here in front
of Lego legends.

Hi, guys.
Thank you for being here.

- Super excited.
- We're excited to be here.

As Brickmasters, what are you guys
looking for in this competition?

We want to see creativity.

Show us something
we've never seen before.

But we also want to be super
impressed by your technical abilities.

Dazzle us with how you
put the bricks together.

And then storytelling.
You know, it's really a chance

for you to bring your models
to life as well.

Great. Now, we're gonna
start this show off right.

The winner of our first challenge
will take home a very special prize.

( engine roars )

- Oh, my--
- What?

( engine roaring )

- No!
- Yeah.

- Oh, my God.
- ( cheering )

Wow. That's right.

It's not the car.

It's even better.

( all shouting )

It's not the money, either.

No. Who needs money?

A little bit of that,
but that's it.

- Oh, my God.
- Here it is.


Oh, man.

( cheering )

This is the Golden Brick.


I'd like a little more
ooh and ahh.

( all oohing and ahh-ing )

Yeah. The Golden Brick
gives you immunity,

which means when you use it,

it protects your team
from elimination.

And the team that wins
today's challenge

wins this.

The Golden Brick.
We gotta have it.

It means safety
in the competition.

You never know when we're gonna
run into a challenge

when we might need to use it.

Now, it's time
for our first build.

- Yes!
- Let's go!

- Wow.
- Will: This is Dream Park theme park.

- Oh. Oh, it's a monorail!
- Oh!

Do you think we're
gonna have to, like...

- Build a train to go around it?
- stuff around it?

There's a lot
of open space though.

Probably for us
to do something on.

All right, it's time
for our first challenge.

And I gotta say,

for me, this is
a very special moment

because Lego has played
a huge part in my life.

Being part of the Lego movies

and getting to be the voice
of Lego Batman.

So for me to be able to be here
and be part of this

really hits home
on a personal level.

Now in front of you,
there are ten empty Lego landscapes

for you to build your own
dream theme park.

When I say go,
each team will grab a Lego landscape.

We want to see
all the fun things

that will make your park
worth the price of admission.

But it must include
at least one ride that moves.

Jamie, do you have any advice
for our competitors?

You guys get to build rides,
which is exciting.

It brings life through movement.

But don't underestimate how much
time it takes to get it right.

- I think we got this on lock.
- Oh, definitely.

I teach kids engineering
using Lego bricks.

So when it comes
to technical building,

I deal with that
every day at work.

I didn't come here to play.
I came here to win.

( music stops )

I came here to play.

Will: You've got 15 hours
to complete your build.

And your 15 hours starts...

- now.
- Whoo!

Get your brick on!

- Oh, my God.
- I'm so happy right now.

- Let's go.
- Which one would you have gone for?

- I would have gone for the closest one.
- Yeah.

- So do we just wedge it right in here?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Up top. We got it.

- Okay.
- Whoo.

Man: I'm like a big kid
right now.

It's like going
to the Lego store

and being told you could take
whatever you want.

- So the teams have 15 hours.
- They gotta move fast.

They gotta make quick decisions.

We want them to make
a functioning ride.

What if it's like a giant robot

and it comes through the mouth?

Could we do a drop ride?

Like the roller coaster's
just in a giant tree.

- Yeah.
- I feel like I'd need... six months.

And here's why.

Because I like to take
a lot of breaks.

This might not be
the competition for you then.

It might not.

- Duck.
- Just as a park?

Duck. Think duck.

- We can have the ride where the
ducks are going around. - Okay. Right.

We can have
the over the road duck.

- Jessie: I'm Jessie.
- Kara: I'm Kara,

and we are the Lego Ladies
from the Ozarks.

Being here
for "Lego Masters" is big.

And everything in my life,
I feel like, is big,

especially my signature hair.

The bigger the hair,
the closer to God.

People have said,
"Wow. Is she always like that?"

I'm like, "Yes, 24/7."

We raised our families,
and now it's time to pursue our dreams.

Okay, how do a duck's wings--
a duck's wings are like this.

Um, I don't understand
what the question--

- Okay.
- Is your theme duck-based?

That is our-- Yes, absolutely.

- Amazing. - There's a whole
lot going on up in here, too.

- Is that true? Let's hear it.
- Yeah.

Well, we're gonna have
the bumper ducks.

We're gonna ride through
the duck.

We are gonna have
the flying ducks.

Flying ducks?
How are they gonna fly?

I don't even know what the
mechanics of a flying duck--

Well, the thing is, the fact that
Lego makes such amazing pieces...

- Yeah. - ...that you could
turn anything-- you know,

that could be a chain
for a ride.

- That could be, um-- - That'd
be a gorgeous necklace for me.

- Well.
- Or that.

Just for the weekend. If I want
to get out on the town, you know?

Oh, totally.
You can borrow it.

- Absolutely.
- We'll see you guys soon.

Okay, here we go.

So, this starting
to grow on you at all?

- Here, here, here.
- These?

- Yes. Yes, yes, yes.
- Okay.

- They're slowing me down.
- What do I need? Oh! Wait.

Go, go, go, girl! Go!

Have me and my dad done

a grand scale amusement park
at this size?

- Both: No, we haven't. - But we are
real excited to start this build.

My dad and I as a team?
I am the team leader.

Take these pieces out and see
if you can put them here.

What I bring to this team
is life experience.

I like what you're doing
with that.

Phenomenal job.

- Manny: I'm Manny.
- Nestor: I'm Nestor.

- We're father and son.
- And being Puerto Rican,

we have
the close-knitted family.

We're best friends. We play Legos
all the time on the weekends.

Nestor: I feel the
luckiest man in the world

to have this relationship
with my son.

If I could describe my dad
in one word, uh-- wow.

- I love you.
- Awesome dad.

The name of the park
is Team G Dream Theme Park.

- I got it. I got it.
- So we're gonna have fun,

food, adventure, and excitement.

For our dream park,

we're gonna have
an adventure mountain,

different food stands,
and a roller coaster ride.

- We got it, Manny.
- Rock and roll.


No! No.

Well, what's interesting
is watching how

some of the teams
really map it out

and some teams are just
getting right into it.

And we said specifically
we want a theme, so...

you should really pick it now
and roll with it.

I just want the theme to be
instantly, like, recognizable.

We are newlyweds.

I am married to a Lego Master.

My main idea is jungle.

The fact that she's embraced
my hobby of Lego,

- that really means a lot.
- I want it to have something clever.

All of my favorite things
are right there.

My wife, a whole bunch of Lego.

It's the best day in the world.

Tyler and Amy.
Hi, guys.

Do either of you ever feel
like you get lost in my eyes?

That thought has never crossed my
mind, I have to be honest.

- She gets lost in my eyes.
- This is true.

- Yeah, but not--
- I get lost in her eyes.

Wow. All right, guys.
Well, I'm going to, um--

- Thanks for stopping by.
- Yeah, I'm really glad I did.

It's gonna be like a little
flying saucer copter thing.

- Krystle: Hell, yeah.
- Aah!

So we got the base
of a UFO right now.

And eventually we're gonna have it sit
right here and kind of rotate around.

We've decided
to build Space Land,

a retro space-themed carnival

and a crashed alien spaceship.

The Ferris Wheel is huge.

It commands attention.

You gotta go big
or you're gonna go home.

- Hey, guys.
- Pleasure to meet you. Christian.

- Christian.
- Aaron. Hi, nice to meet you.

- Aaron.
- Yeah.

Both of you guys
have incredible handshakes.

- We appreciate that.
- I never know what to do

on these reality
television programs,

'cause we don't know each other.

- That's right.
- We're having a conversation.

We want to have a really in-depth,
meaningful relationship, and yet--

Yeah, and we don't
want it to be phony,

- and we're like, "Yes, we're on a--"
- Right.

And then they're gonna go
to a commer-- like...

Our conversation might be
interrupted by a commercial.

We're back.
No more commercials.

No more companies trying to
present their products

in a fun and imaginative way.

Welcome back
to "Lego Masters."

Tyler: The Brickmasters'
challenge this week

is to create a theme park.

Looking around
at everybody else,

they've got a lot more built,

and two hours have gone by.

We have nothing yet.

My main idea is, like, a farm.

Tyler and Amy,
kind of slow to get going.

I mean, at this stage,
they just have to commit.

Our main feature would be,
like, that silo in the middle.

15 hours might seem like
a long time,

but we're really asking
a lot from these guys.

We want them to really think
about the story.

We want them to make rides
that actually move and work.

It's definitely
not an easy challenge.

I'm gonna start grabbing parts.

Krystle and I met through
the cosplay community.

Cosplay is just dressing up as some type
of fandom of something that you like.

So we both really love
these fantasy worlds.

Krystle: So we're doing, like,
a Fairy Wonder Land.

We're definitely going to have
a fun swinging ride.

And then we're gonna have
a really tall rainbow.

There are very many females
in the Lego community.

- Not yet. Not yet.
- Yeah, not yet.

We really want to represent
females and break some stereotypes.

- What do you think?
- I'm totally on this.

I'm just trying
to get height right now

- 'cause that's what we do best.
- Oh, yeah.

- Dude, high-five.
- Dude, all right.

- That was-- let's do it again.
- Try again. Try again.

Both: Yes!

- Mark: I'm Mark.
- Boone: I'm Boone.

- And we are...
- Both: The Bearded Builders!

Mark and I met in a shop

that sells used Lego
in Portland.

I see this guy,
he's got this big long beard.

- Just two grown men.
- Two grown men in a Lego aisle.

I just remember thinking, like,
"Do I look like that in the Lego aisle?"

Boone: Guys who have beards
identify with each other.

These beards are ready to build.

Fear the beard!

We are doing a lumberjack theme park
because we are from the Pacific Northwest,

we were plaid shirts,
and we love axes.

So we are building Timber Town.

We're going to have a roller
coaster with a vertical lift

built around a giant tree.

We're also gonna have a log ride,
axe throwing, and zip lines.

- Mark: Lots of foliage. - Boone:
Yeah, it's going to be very popular

with people from Oregon
and Washington.

Tell us what you've been doing.

Okay, my first attempt at
making something technical here

is a roller coaster
with vertical incline here,

so when the roller coaster
gets to the bottom,

the coaster waits three seconds
for the characters to load in.

- Wow, yeah.
- And then it rises up to the top.

- And if all goes well, it gets going
under its way. - Doing some testing there.

Okay, I think a little health
and safety on that last part.

- Sure.
- Jamie: Mark and Boone have definitely

come to this competition
ready to win.

But this is
a very ambitious ride,

so I really think
they have to be very careful

that it's not over-engineered
or overly complex.

And it's gonna come down over
here and do a whole thing.

- I gotta grab some pieces.
- ( music playing )

- ( laughing )
- Whoo!

I could work on the chocolate
river, but it--

- Yeah, turn it all chocolaty.
- Just turn it brown? Okay.

Sam: We met through
the Lego community,

but it's our first time
building together,

and so communication
is so important.

- How does this look?
- It looks like cotton candy.

Oh, yeah, it does!

We're building Sugar Hill,

a candy-themed theme park.

So we want to make
a rock candy mountain

and a chocolate waterfall

and, like, cotton candy trees.

Sam loves candy.

Dude, nice.

Let me just say at first glance,

- visually it looks amazing.
- Thank you so much.

Each team, I feel like they're
bringing their own unique vibe...

- Oh! - Ours is gonna be filled with
heart, love, and magic,

and it's very our style.

...and artistry
in their builds.

Man, you bunch of show-offs.

And I gotta be honest,
we were not prepared

for these teams to be this good.

- Hello!
- So, here we go.

Money Farm turned into
Funny Farm.

- Okay.
- So the animals have taken over the farm.

Amy: So we're going to have
the big egg drop.

It's like a silo, and then there'll
be the mama chicken on top.

- Eggs dropping.
- And the eggs will be the rides,

the parts of the ride
that you get in.

You're planners,
but you also have to be builders.

We don't have as much done
as we'd really like.

You guys spent quite a lot of time
planning in the beginning, right.

You were the last ones actually
to go and get bricks.

- Right.
- Just over nine hours left. A lot to do.

- Best of luck.
- Good luck.

We need to get stuff
actually built.

- We have to finish this tower.
- Yeah.

So all this is the same 'cause
you're getting that Egyptian feel.

- So there's no grass. It's all sand.
- That's true.

We're creating an Egyptian
theme park called...

Both: The Pharaoh Sands.

Jermaine: It's going to
have a Sphinx slide

- and the tree top spinner.
- Nothing like seeing a cop

struggle with some Lego, man.

Mel: We wanna build
a theme park

that stands out from the rest

because we wanna have
that Golden Brick.

What is happening, guys?

- Spooky, spooky--
- Spooky Town is happening.

We have our haunted mansion

that's gonna have
a big bat on the top.

- No, it's a spooky spider.
- A spider, that's right.

You should've gone with the bat.

The bat-- bats are great.

Remember, if you get stuck,

use the brick separator,
don't use your teeth.

Not like when we were kids.

This theme park challenge
brings us back

to when we were kids
and when we used to build

our own amusement park.

We're building Daydream.

Travis: We're gonna have
a lazy river with a beach

and we're also gonna have

a tea cup ride
in the center of it.

I don't know.
I just don't know about this theme.

- Don't get anxious with--
- I'm not. I'm just saying--

- We'll get it. - Jessie: Kara
is passionate about these ducks,

but to me it's like,
that's a lot of ducks.

It's a lot of yellow and orange.

- Kara and Jessie are-- - Yeah, I think
they've been struggling a little bit

- with the team dynamic.
- Yeah.

Kara had an idea
to make a duck world

and Jessie wasn't quite

I don't even know
what to do with this.

Where does your gut take you?

Oh, gosh.

I don't know.
Maybe a different theme.

- You mind if we interrupt for a moment?
- Hi! No.

We're a bit concerned,
actually, a little bit because,

you know, the stakes
are pretty high here,

if you look around the room.

So, you know, if you're
still settling on the duck,

you're not fully as a team
agreeing on it.

- Right.
- That's not necessarily a good position

to be in at this point.

Time is really slipping away
and that is making me nervous.

The worst thing we can do is press
on with an idea that isn't working.

We go back to the drawing board.


Jessie and I have never been
one to give up on anything.

But I think going back
to the drawing board,

if that's what we need to do,
then that's what we need to do.

For our theme park challenge,

I want to go
with the duck theme.

Jessie: But we're having issues
getting on the same page.

And only having
seven hours left,

we need to regroup,
and that needs to be done immediately.

We wanna see both
your personalities...

- Yeah, yeah!
- ...coming through here,

both of your building styles.

So we want you both
to shine in this.

Okay, all right.
We're gonna regroup.

- Best of luck to you.
- Okay.

- Thank you so much.
- Thank you.

What about a sports park?

Maybe a little-- I don't know.

- Maybe a theme about dreams?
- Okay, there you go.

We came into this together.
We're leaving together.

We've gotta enjoy this together.

- Work it together.
- Absolutely.

We decided to regroup and go
with that theme of dream.

So now we're making
a journey through dreams

with a pirate ship, a castle,
and a spaceship.

I have to say, pirates is one

- of the greatest themes of Lego.
- Oh, I love it.

- Christian and Aaron.
- Hey.

I gotta say that this
is looking really great.

- Thank you so much.
- So, you know, we've got Space Land.

So what we've really worked on
is making sure

- that the color schemes are all
working in tandem. - That it ties in.

Exactly, right.
Making sure that all the mini figures

- are telling a story.
- We've got an adventurer

and his secret agent

who may or may not be you,
rescuing the alien.

- What?
- May or may not.

The song says that
we don't need another hero,

but it kind of turns out we do.

- Yeah.
- Kara: You know what?

The pirates need to be
climbing up into the castle.

Hey, we can have people
going down the lazy river

- in barrels.
- Oh, yeah. That's good.

Now we're gonna
have to connect that--

that red roller coaster.

Gotta finish
this mechanical thing.

Hi, guys. How's it going?
Where's your progress?

Right now we're getting to
the power functions.

We're definitely gonna
have our sign rotate.

Okay, I'm really excited
to see where you were going

with your roller coaster.

I really wasn't aiming
towards powering up

the roller coaster
or anything like that.

Jamie: But it just
literally stops right there.

- Yeah. Oh, yeah.
- That's a big deal,

because if it just ends,
that is not a roller coaster.

We are in trouble.

- We are in big trouble.
- Whoa.

No, we're not in trouble.
We feel confident--

Wait a minute. I believe
we're definitely in trouble.

- I'm not scared.
- We're gonna have to take a second look

at that coaster,
do you understand?

Oh, no, no.
Don't worry about that.

We're still sticking
to our plan.

Nestor: They're telling us
we should change it

and you're telling me
we can't change it.

And I believe that's
gonna get us in a bind.

Yeah, we're just gonna
keep building.

Oh, look at Boone's.
It's so tall.

Their roller coaster is insane.

When it rides up the top
before it goes down,

it's beautiful.

It is truly an incredible build.

- Yeah.
- Oh, shut up, you guys.

- Shut up.
- Makes me a little nervous

'cause it's getting close
to the end of the challenge

and we have very little
on our table.

I think we can do bumper cars,

but we don't have a lot of time.

We're thinking
of adding bumper cars,

and I'm thinking
of making it motorized

so that the cars are kind of
moving towards each other.

The only thing is
the bumper cars--

how are we gonna make them move?

You have to figure it out.
That's the thing.

Or we can, um, come together as
a team to get the best result?

If you can't do it without my
help, then I don't know what to do.

We're both artists,
but it's our first time building together.

I'm gonna try my best.

And so we think differently
and we plan differently.

- If you can do it, do it.
- Maybe.

Can I do it?

- I think I can do it.
- Okay.

- Three, four, five.
- There's only five of this blue.

We need to add one more
blue right here, that's it.

I asked the producers
to develop, like,

a really subtle way
to let the contestants know

that they've got one hour left,

- 'cause it's an hour.
- Yeah.

One hour left, everybody!

- ( alarm blaring )
- You got one hour left

- to complete this challenge.
- Oh, my God.

- No!
- One hour left.

- Let's go, let's go, let's go.
- Oh, my gosh.

- I feel like they felt the pressure.
- Now we are making--

- This is reality television.
- Yeah, yeah.

Yay, I have movement!
I have movement!

- Yay! Okay, hug.
- Thanks.

I'm going to make sure the
mechanics work on this thing.

Tyler: We're working
on our egg drop ride.

This is not going up.

- What's wrong with it?
- I don't know.

We have to have
a main attraction

for this challenge
and it's gotta be moving.

It was going up fine earlier.

We haven't changed anything
since it was working.

All the sudden it's super slow.

It's just going up
and stopping at one spot,

and, like, won't even--
( stammers )

This is an absolute disaster.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

This is not going up.

Tyler: We've got a great
idea, The Funny Farm,

but our egg drop ride
isn't working at all.

- What's wrong with it?
- The motor's, like, crazy slow.


So at this point,
I'm just going to

have to create
a completely new mechanism

that's gonna pull
this up and down.

Be honest with me, you guys.

How do you feel like it's going?

Amy: We're seeing some
amazing builds.

Yeah, and we want them all

to be fighting
for that Golden Brick.

There are clearly some people

that came into
this challenge to win,

like Mark and Boone.

The exciting life of branches.

Jamie: Their roller coaster,
it's top-notch.

- And Aaron and Christian...
- Yes.

Jamie: ...that Ferris Wheel
commands a presence.

That's actually kind of cool.

Jamie: Manny and Nestor,
I do have some concerns

about how that roller coaster
is coming together.

- Moving or not moving, it's a roller
coaster. - Oh, it's a roller coaster.

Special announcement.

The Dream Park is now open!

- ( cheering )
- Wow.

I want to see some builds
getting wrapped up!

Sam: Just turn it on.
See what it does.

I did.
It's too fast.

Well, it-- you did a lot
of work for that.

( sighs )

We don't have much time left.

If our bumper car ride
doesn't work...

- Oh!
- ...we could be going home.

It's the speed.

It can't go that fast, though.

Our people will die.

Two minutes, everybody!

Come on, you gotta start
moving your builds.

- Holy tomato!
- Oh, my God.

The judges aren't gonna be
happy if this doesn't work.


I'm so nervous about some
of these pieces moving.

Come on, dude. Come on, dude.
We got three minutes--

Yeah, we don't want
to hit anything.

I'm concerned about that
and that.

- ( screams )
- No one bump into us, please!

- Watch it.
- Come on, fellas.

No traffic jams, guys.

- You got one minute left.
- Ooh, boy.

This theme park is more fragile
than you think it is...

Easy, easy, easy, easy, easy.

...and we don't want
to break it.

- Whoa!
- ( clattering )

- Easy, easy, easy.
- What was that?

It's all the parts on the floor.

Will: 30 seconds!

- Let's go, Nestor. Hurry up.
- Timber Town is on its way.

- Ten, nine, eight...
- Coming through, coming through.

- Oh, my gosh.
-, six...

- Right behind you. Right behind you.
- Oh, no.

- ...three, two, one.
- No way. No way.

( cheering )

The Dream Park theme park
is open.

( music playing )

Wow, it is truly something
to behold.

( screaming )

Now remember, the team with
the most impressive theme park

wins the Golden Brick,
which they can use

to keep them alive
in the competition

and save them from elimination
when they need it the most.

Aaron and Christian,
please step up.

We are here to set the bar.

Yeah, we want to really
grab eyes, grab attention,

and we want to grab
the title of Lego Master

- if we can take it.
- Damn right.

Aaron: This is Space Land.

Aliens have landed on Earth

and our theme park centers

around the world's first
UFO crash.

Our main attraction
is the Ferris Wheel--

the biggest in the galaxy.

We have aliens
and Hollywood celebrities

- stopping by for some fun.
- I'm Will Arnett.

Look, it's Will Arnett!

We call it Space Land,

where every day is an
out of this world adventure.

One ticket, please.

All right, guys.
Start it up. Let's see.

( beeping )

( parts whirring )

There we go.

- It's working.
- Yeah, thank God.

- Wow!
- Whoa!

Wow. You guys made your mark.

Having worked
on a Ferris Wheel myself,

I know how difficult
that can be.

I think it was really
impressive to see

how you selectively chose
the yellow elements

that are actually color-locked
to certain lengths.

- Yeah.
- That meant that it constrained you

to this dimension,
and you still made the geometry work.

It's a real sign of your skill
using the bricks.

- Thanks.
- Thank you so much.

Yeah, I think the space theme
was a really clever choice.

The Ferris Wheel has a very
retro space feel to it.

It's quite, you know, big,
bold, and it really works.

Oh, God, I would be just...

( all laugh )

Great job, you guys.

This is what's gonna get
the Golden Brick.

Which means future immunity.

- Good work.
- Word, yo, damn it!

- There we go.
- ( speaking gibberish )

Kara and Jessie, you're up.

We struggled to get
our theme underway.

I'm panicking on the inside,

trying to smile on the outside,
and let Jessie think

- that I still am feeling really
good about this. - I know you.

( music playing )

Jessie: This is Journey
Through Dreams

where children dream
of being an astronaut,

a pirate, or a princess.

We started with our duck theme
early on.

And shifted gears.

I think it worked for us.

Halfway through, to change

from one direction to another
is a real risk.

But, wow,
you actually got it to work.

I would like to see
a little bit more height.

Just taking the icons and
making them more present.

- Not from you. We got plenty
of height from you. - I'm sorry.

Your storytelling
is just fabulous.

I love the way that you're using
the mini figures

to really bring the model
to life.

You have great facial

and I think that's
just what makes it

- a super fun place to be.
- Thank you.

We are a team to be feared.

- We can be Lego Masters.
- Absolutely.

Mark and Boone, come on down.

We have put so much time
and energy into this build.

My goal with this roller coaster

is to show people something
they've never seen before.

I'm excited to share this thing
with the whole world.

I'm nervous.

( music playing )

Boone: Our theme park is
Timber Town.

It's got a log flume.

It's got a fire where you can
roast marshmallows.

It's got a roller coaster
with a trolley

that shoots you vertical
into the sky

and then drops you down
the roller coaster.

This theme park has everything.

Will: You guys did a spectacular job.
It really looks amazing.

Okay, Mark and Boone,
here we go.

The moment of truth.

( music playing )

Come on.

( all sigh )

Just getting stuck there?
What's happening?

Something's binding up.

Boone: It's stuck.

Something has come misaligned.

A moving attraction was one
of the rules.

So, we gotta figure out
how to make it work.

Because if it doesn't,
we can say good-bye to the Golden Brick.

- ( clicks )
- Will: Oh, my gosh!

- This is it. Not to put too
much pressure on you... - Right.

- ...but it better work.
- ( all laugh )

Here we go.
Moment of truth.

( music playing )

( groaning )

( sighs )

This has gotta be disappointing.

- It's frustrating.
- Kara: Aw.

It's a huge disappointment and it's not
what gets you to win the Golden Brick.

Let's be honest.

We wanna beat those guys, but we want
to beat those guys at their best.

- And that wasn't their best.
- Yeah.

Beyond the ride,
I love your ambition

because the Timber Town idea
I think is really fun and fresh.

This is where you need to go
to become a Lego Master.

- Thank you.
- Thank you, guys.

Sorry it didn't turn out
the way you wanted.

Boone: I'm crushed.

Whoever takes
the Golden Brick here,

everyone is going to see them
as the highest team.

And it's not gonna be us,
not after this.

We went big
and now I'm crossing my fingers

that there's some chance
we don't go home.

It's time to hear
from our father and son team

Manny and Nestor.

We put 100% in our theme park
and we incorporated a lot

about us and who we are.

So I'm feeling real confident.

Well, Manny and Nestor,

how does it feel to be here
with your dad?

It is phenomenal.

- Yeah. Yeah.
- It's-- it's phenomenal.

- Will: It makes you emotional.
- Yeah.

- Nestor: This is a dream for me.
- Yeah.

I've done a lot of things
in my lifetime,

but this is one of the most
biggest thing

that has ever happened to us...
as a family.

- Aw.
- Now you're making me go.

And it's just because
I'm here with my son.

- My baby kid, my baby son.
- It's amazing.

- Aw!
- Aw, you guys.

- You're breaking my heart.
- Thank you, thank you.

Tell me a little bit about what
we're looking at here.

( music playing )

This is Dream G theme park.

In the center point
is Adventure Mountain.

- Hi!
- I'm on it!

We love the water so we
went for a water theme.

We have a ready-set-go
roller coaster.

And this thing really goes
and it actually makes it...

...halfway through the park.

( all laugh )

We are Latino.
We're Puerto Rican.

So we did awesome food.

People playing the guitars

and they're having
a good salsa band.


I love it.
You guys have so much enthusiasm.

- It's so awesome.
- Jamie: Yeah, I agree.

You're good storytellers.

But when you're giving me
a roller coaster

that goes halfway,
I feel half impressed.

And that's the details that we
really needed you to elevate

to get to the level
of Lego Masters.

- Okay.
- Will: Thank you, guys.

Jermaine and Mel.

Jermaine: This is the Pharaoh
Sand theme park.

We have the Sand Spinner,
the Sphinx Slide,

and the Raft of the Pharaoh.


You're the only one in the whole
group that's used lights.

You've also brought in the theming
better than most of the teams.

- Both: Thank you so much.
- Richard and Flynn.

( music playing )

Our dream park is Spooky Town.

Where everything is scary.

We have our haunted house

with our flapping bat
on the top.

Jamie: You've got some really
great icons.

I would say it is a little bit
blocky for me.

You're doing a lot of stacking.

I wanna push you guys to try to
think of how to use the bricks

in more complex forms
and polish some of those edges.

- Mm-hmm.
- Definitely.

- Amie and Krystle.
- Yay!

Krystle: This is our fabulous
Fairy Wonderland.

We've got a flying fairy

and each ride you get
a little crystal.

We've got fairies trading
their crystals.

Amy C: I love that you brought
the color with this rainbow

and you told us
an elaborate story

about all these different

You definitely put
your personalities into this.

Travis and Corey, you're up.

Welcome to Daydream.

The centerpiece right here
is a teacup ride in the sky.

So, the whole point is, overall,
your dream could be a happy dream.

Amy C: I'm really happy to see that
you've focused on the dream aspect

and you worked together
to bring us a park.

Tyler and Amy.

Tyler: For this build
we're going to the farm.

Amy: This park is a big hit
with city slickers.

Your attention is
immediately drawn

to the ginormous egg drop.

The moment of truth.

Will it go up?


How amazing.

I mean, this is egg-cellent.

( all laugh )

Yeah, you guys, when you
started, took a lot of time.

But, wow, has this developed.

- Thank you.
- Great job, you guys.

( applause )

All right, Sam and Jessica,

walk us through your dream park.

So this is Sugar Hill.

There's lots of sweet surprises.

We have a chocolate waterfall,

strawberry paddle boats swimming
through the chocolate.

There's ice cream
back in the back,

peppermint bumper cars,
lots of little sweet things.

You two as a team haven't been
working together for very long.

- No. - How do you feel
about this first experience?

- Learning curve.
- Honestly, a learning curve.

But her adding the electronics
and stuff and figuring that out,

which I've never done before,
was an amazing bonus for us.

I'm a little worried
about the peppermint ride.

It was last minute.
It was very fast.

Jessica: Testing the motors,
it was not working.

I hope it's going to hold up.

- This is your moment.
- This is the scariest part.

All right, it's moving.
There we go.

Oh, that's really violent.

- Will: Man.
- Uh-oh.

Slow, slow, slow.

Oh, no, look!


- Will: Let's see if it works.
- Jessica: Okay.

Slow, slow, slow.

Oh no, look!

- Oh!
- Damn.

At this stage
you need your rides to work.

You can already see
where everybody else is at.

- There's some really amazing builders.
- Yes.

If you guys wanna come
to this game to win,

you guys have to focus
on all of those details

- down to the mechanisms as well.
- Yeah.

I'm really bummed out.

It's like we have
so much we can show

and we might not get
the chance to do it.

All right, let's head
into the build room,

so our judges can deliberate.

( music playing )

We went from having one of
the greatest builds in magnitude

to this failure.

Their expectations was to see
this roller coaster

and we didn't make it move.

And I believe that's gonna
get us in the bottom two.

How... dramatic...
is this?

Jamie, Amy, I think these builds
all look great,

but it is time to name
the bottom two teams.

If you hear your name,
please step forward.

First we have...
Nestor and Manny.

- No way.
- And...

...Sam and Jessica.

Manny and Nestor, a roller coaster
that stops halfway is a half concept.

Also, we would encourage you
when we give you feedback

take it in and listen.

Sam and Jessica,
we loved your initial concept

but you just were not
working as a team.

And in the end, you never
delivered a full theme park.

And I would actually say
everything has to be working

in order to be a winner.

It's never easy
delivering bad news.

This is the moment in the show

where music hits.

And we play an interview of one
of you wiping away a tear.

Right? That's--
we all know how it goes.

- Yeah.
- So I'm afraid...

...we're not gonna do that.

- ( sighs )
- Oh, my God.

We're gonna let this one slide.

( music playing )

Nobody is going home today...

because this is "Lego Masters"

and we do things our way...
this week.

I'm shocked
we're not going home.

Starting next week,
people will be sent packing.

Oh, we gotta work
a whole lot harder.

- I love you and you gotta listen to
me sometimes, too. - I love you, too.

You're the team leader,

but you have to sometimes
listen to your dad.

( music playing )

Now that we've gotten
the hard part out of the way,

let's talk about your favorite.

- Remember this is for the Golden Brick...
- Yeah.

...which gives you immunity.

Jamie, Amy, who's it gonna be?

The winner
of the Golden Brick...

...Aaron and Christian.

- What? Yeah!
- Yes!

- That's what I'm talking
about. Give me some. - Yeah.

Aaron and Christian,

You've won the Golden Brick.

- That just happened. Yeah!
- Pow, baby!

Yeah, the Golden Brick, dude!

( cheers and applause )


Now you can use this
to stave off elimination.

If you ever have a build that you're
not feeling very confident about,

- you can turn it in and you'll be safe.
- Understood.

Jamie, what made Aaron
and Christian stand out?

Aaron and Christian, you set the bar
pretty high right at the beginning.

With that Ferris Wheel,
the whole room took notice,

but you also had a great theme.

You had really good stories

and details
that carried throughout.

- Glad you liked it.
- Thank you.

All right, guys, things are only
gonna get more epic from here.

So go on.
Hit the bricks.

- ( all laugh )
- All right.

( music playing )

- And we never saw them again.
- ( laughs ) I know.

Announcer: Next week...

( all scream )

You will be creating
space builds

that we're going to destroy
in amazing ways.

Special guest
Mayim Bialik drops by.

There's no one I'd rather spend
11 hours with than you.

- It's a lot of time.
- Sam: Work!

You don't need to look at me
while you're talking to me.

It's just so much pressure.

Will: This week,
the team with the last place build

is going home.

Yippee-ki-yay, Lego Masters.

( screams )