Lego Jurassic World: The Secret Exhibit (2018): Season 1, Episode 1 - Part 1 - full transcript

In an animated LEGO prequel adventure, Jurassic World's soon-to-be top employees, Owen and Claire, team up to move a trio of dinosaurs across the island for the grand opening of a new, super-secret exhibit.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Synced & corrected by kinglouisxx

The topic for today
is Genetic Engineering...

or more specifically,

DNA splicing to create
new dinosaur hybrids.


a Triceratops crossed with a chameleon.

It would change colors depending
on the environment and...

♪ Boring.... ♪

Listen, Dr. Wu, Allison,

Jurassic World's attendance
has been declining

because people want something

new and unexpected!

I need you to really push your ideas.

I really want you to surprise me!


Claire. Come on!

You know about my childhood
fear of surprises.

Oh, sorry...

...but Simon, there is a slight problem

that I'm sure is gonna be fine,

- so no need to freak out.
- Beep-boop!

Seat goes up... seat goes down.

- Seat goes up... seat goes down.
- Um... the cargo helicopter

bringing the dinosaurs from Isla Sorna,

- it's... late.
- What?

That shipment with the three dinosaurs

is critical to the park's
new surprise exhibit.

- Yes, it seems...
- "New exhibit"?

I wasn't aware of any new exhibit.

Because it's a surprise!

A secret surprise!

It is, without a doubt,

the single-greatest idea
I have ever come up with,

outside of, uh, investing
in Jurassic World, of course.

These three dinosaurs

are the key to ensuring Jurassic World

is at the forefront
of theme park entertainment

for the next century.

Maybe we should postpone the...


Did John Hammond,

the visionary of
the original Jurassic Park,


putting dinosaurs on this island?

N-No, but, as we know...

...that didn't really
turn out that well.


it is my life's work

to make John Hammond's dream

of a dinosaur theme park a reality!

It will be the greatest
achievement in science

since splitting the atom,

the combustion engine...

30-second rice!

I love 30-second rice!

- Y-Yes, but...
- Oh, Claire,

I hired you straight
out of business school

because you were
a "can-do" problem-solver.

Was I wrong?

Are you a...

"no-can-do," Claire? Hmm?

- No, I...
- Because, if you can't get

12 tons of feral dinosaurs
across the Pacific Ocean

and into their exhibit

way on the other side of the island,

well... maybe you... you aren't cut out

for being the...

"Assistant Manager of Park Operations."

"Assistant Manager"?

"Of Park Operations"?

No! I've got this! Not a problem.

I just wanted to keep you
apprised of the situation.

And now that you are... apprised,

it'll be taken care of.

Don't you worry. I've got this!

Oh! Heh-heh.

And that's called leadership.


Oh! Heh-heh...

Oh, aren't you a sweetie?

Oh! Ah! That tickles!

Yes. Patch me into the inbound
transport chopper, A.S.A.P.

Phew! All right.
This will be easy-peasy.

Just be firm, take control, and...

Yeah, hi. Hello?

This is Claire Dearing,

almost-Assistant Manager
of Park Operations.

- I need you to...
- Yeah, listen, that's... that's great,

but, uh, can I call you
back a little later?

I don't really have time to talk.

We, uh, we have a bit
of a situation up here.

"Situation"? What kind of situation?


the bad kind.

I hope the safety
restraints on that cage hold!

This storm's gonna be rough.

Keep an eye on those raptor eggs, Red.

Excuse me, whoever you are.

- What is going on?
- I'm Owen Grady,

the animal behaviorist you hired

to accompany these dinosaurs
from Isla Sorna.


I did not, however,

realize it was going to be
through a freak storm.

- I actually think I deserve more money.
- "We" deserve!

...We deserve more money.

Is there any way
you can speed things up?

We're on a tight deadline here.

In that much of a hurry to meet me, huh?

I mean, I get it. I'm pretty handsome.


Just get the dinosaurs here

or else that money
you are so concerned with

won't be paid to you at all! Okay?

Of course. Nothing to worry about.

The safety restraints are failing!

What was that?

Nothing! Uh, nothing to worry about.

We'll talk later. Awesome! Bye, now!

Wait! I demand to know what...

So, Captain, what's with
all the bells and whistles?

The storm has weakened those restraints.

If we don't do something fast,

that cage is gonna
detach from the chopper

and we'll lose those dinosaurs.

Not on my watch, we won't.

What are you gonna do?

Save the day, of course.


If you're gonna do something,
you better do it quick!

That second restraint just busted!

Seriously, though, they are not
paying me enough for this.

Paying "us" enough!




Whoa! Ha. Ooh. Hey. Hey! Watch it.

Missed me. Oh-oh!
Oh. Uh... Whoops! Uh...

Whoa! Oof.

Uh... Hi.

Not quite, Tiny Arms.

Must be a pain when
you have to scratch your back.

All right! That's it!

Knock... it... off!


I'm down here, risking my neck,

so you don't go swimming in the ocean.

I'm lookin' at you, Carnotaurus.

There's no way you'd stay afloat
with those tiny arms.

Ah! You two shouldn't laugh.

You wouldn't do much better.

Now, are we good? All right, then.

Thank you.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I'll head back up... the helicopter.

Oh, no!

I got 'em. I got 'em!


Oh, ho, ho!

Whoa! I take back

the rude things I said
about your tiny arms.

Thanks, guys.

There it is.

Welcome to your new home.

So, by piecing together

segments of existing genes,

in a process called "molecular cloning,"

we can develop genes
with new properties.

What do you think?

Oh! Goody!

The purchase orders
for the new park Jeeps are in.

This is so cool!

I cannot wait to take one of
these babies out for a spin!

In fact...

Uh, desert...

This is not good.

He hasn't heard a word.

And if he doesn't like our ideas,

we are finished.

How can we compete with a billionaire

with the attention span of a...

...A three-year-old.

What does he want us to do?

Bake cookies?

- What did you say?
- Nothing! Uh, I...

You said something about cookies!

No. She didn't mean it.

We were just... Oh... too late.

Dinosaur sweet-treats!

Stygimoloch sponge-cakes...

chocolate Carnotaurus cookies!

Baryonyx brownies! Yes!

The perfect thing
for my new secret exhibit.

How many can you get to me
by the opening tomorrow?

I am sorry, Simon,
but we are scientis...

- Ten dozen!
- Perfect! Dinosaur treats.

The kids will love them!

I knew I had you two around
for a reason.

Okay! I am a marketing genius.

in Simon Masrani's tummy!

Uh... ooh!

Here you go, guys.

Three new dinosaurs as ordered.

Carnotaurus, Baryonyx, and Stygimoloch.

All right, gang! Time for a field trip.

Jump inside those dino containers,

and you'll be to your destination

faster than you can say


What is it, Red?

Would you look at that?

You decided to come out and see what
all the commotion was, huh?


Oh, ho, ho.

There you go.

Yeah, that-a-girl.

Look, Red!

The whole family's here.

Well, nice to meet you, too.

Okay. Easy there, guys.


You have a real way
with those dinosaurs.

Well, they're like any animal.

Respect them, they'll respect you.

I'm Owen.


Respect? Ha!

That's where you're wrong.

Animals are meant to be dominated.

It's important that
they know who's boss.

Once they do,

they'll follow you around like puppies.

Whatever you say.

Speaking of puppies,
there were supposed to be

some velociraptor eggs
on board the chopper.

Any idea where they've gone?

Not so much eggs anymore.

After what they've been through,

they're a little skittish.
I'd take it easy.

"Easy"? Step out of the way, kid.

Let me show you how it's done.

Velociraptors. Come here!

I said... come here!


Stop right there.

I mean it! Don't take another step!

Ahh! Ahh!

Everyone in the cage
gets some beef jerky!

Oh! Wh... What happened?

Hey, uh, can you point me
to Claire Dearing?

I need to get my paycheck
and get off of this rock.


Claire Dearing? Hi, I'm...


Your name is "Wow"?

No. I'm, uh... heh, I'm Owen Grady.

I just delivered those dinosaurs.

Oh, fantastic! They're finally here.

Yeah, listen, I'd love
to stay and chat with you,

but I've got to get back
to Costa Rica for a party...

which I'll do, just as soon

as you hand me what is due.

You'll get paid
as soon as the job is done.

Uh, dinosaurs are delivered.

Safely, I might add.

And about that...

there was quite a storm out there,

I think I deserve...

"We deserve!"

Come on, man.

...We deserve some

danger pay bonus or something.


the job was to deliver the dinosaurs

to their exhibit,

which is on the other side
of the island.

So, if you want your money

to "par-tay,"

you'll need to get a move on.



You can follow me in the transpo truck.

I have to make a quick
stop at Gyrosphere Valley,

but if we hurry,

maybe we'll make it
to the exhibit before nightfall.


This is why you always
get paid up front.

Come on, Red.

Now that I have
your undivided attention,

it's important that you all have names

so it's easier for you
to follow my orders.

Charlie... Delta... Echo...

and... and...

What comes after "echo"?
Uh, doesn't matter.

I'll get to you later.

Right now, it's time
for your first lesson.


I said...


I'm gonna have to establish
some more dominance.

Ladies and gentlemen,

thank you so much for your patience.

We just have to off-load the Gyrosphere

and put it in rotation,

and you will be well on your way
to your dinosaur adventure.

They've obviously never met her before.

What was that?

I said, uh, they seem happy to see you.

It's not me they're happy to see.

It's the gyrosphere I brought.

Everyone here has been
waiting to enjoy...

Aw, but Mom!

You said that I'd get
to ride the gyrosphere.

Oh, you will, sweetie,

you just need to be patient.

- Huh?
- I don't want to be patient!

I want to ride the gyrosphere now!


This park, it was John Hammond's dream,

and he built it brick by brick.

And then it was Simon's dream,
and, soon, it will be... dream.

Is that so?

Yes, it is so. "Assistant Park Manager,"

then "Senior Park Manager." And then...

- Ugh, really?
- ...then I'll be in charge of

this whole thing.

If you just knuckle down and work hard,

instead of wasting your life...

Uh, I don't think
you should be doing that!

Well, of course you would think that,

but some of us want
to make a difference.

This place...

...It's about bringing
families together...


...A memory they'll share forever.

Come on, Red!

You seem... capable.

If you play your cards right,

maybe we could find
a more permanent place

for you here. In fact...

I'd be willing
to put in a good word for you

once you've finished the job...


Whoa-oh-oh-oh! - Wow. Talk about rude.

Whoa, whoa!

Well, I guess partying
was more important to him

than gainful employment.

Oh, it doesn't matter.

I'll deliver these dinosaurs myself,

showing Simon that I'm
the go-getter he can count on.


This is higher up than I thought it was.


If I can get close,

maybe we can pull in front
and stop the gyro!

Uh? Oh-oh.



It's cracking!



I want you to wrangle those dinosaurs.

You've got this, Red.


Come on, Red!

Don't worry, kid. It's almost over!

I've got you!

Oh, boy...

Okay. That's it.

You little rascals are gonna

stay locked up until
you start following my orders.

Mr. Hoskins?

We might have a problem
in Gyrosphere Valley.

Gyrosphere Valley?

Finally, some action!

It's go-time.



Take the wheel, Red!

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!


One... two...


Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa!


No fair! I wasn't done!

I'm telling my mommy.

You're welcome.


Whoa. Whoa...


Okay. I guess I'll hang out here.



Is there anybody out there?

It's not that far, maybe if I...

Uh, sorry, Miss T-Rex,

but I don't feel like
getting eaten right now.

Of course, it'd break...

W... Well, hi there, Beautiful!

You're a sight for sore eyes.

Uh, listen...

maybe you could give me a hand?

If you could help me up,
I'd forever be in your debt.


Long shot, Owen.

Dinosaurs don't understand
English, remember?

You're just gonna fall into the stomach

of a vicious carnivore

and never collect that paycheck that...

Whoa! Oh!

Better luck next time.

Uh... Hi.



You did understand me.

Aw, come here, you clever girl.

Oh! Watch the teeth! Oh! Ha-ha! Oh!

Wait! Come back!

No, I think you scared her, Red.

She saved my life.

- We're here. What do I need to zap?
- Nothing.

Well, maybe the kid

that took the gyrosphere for a joyride,

- but, uh, beyond that, it's handled.
- Darn it!

I really wanted to zap something.

And I already filled
my quota for zapping kids.


Come on, Red!

You ever thought about
coming onboard full-time?

We could use someone
with your dinosaur-training ability.

I don't know.

I've only been here for a half an hour,

and I've fallen out of a helicopter,

had dinosaurs try to eat me,

been thrown off a cliff, and now...

it looks like Claire took the truck,

which means I'm out of a paycheck.

There'd need to be something
really great to keep me here,

and right now, I just don't see it.

Well, you never know,

Jurassic World could be your destiny.