Lego Jurassic World: Legend of Isla Nublar (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 7 - Fish Story! - full transcript

Vic and Owen find themselves, along with Sinjin, in the middle of a massive dino-fight in the old Jurassic Park Visitor Center.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Poor thing.

Carnotaurus arms are so short.

They can'’t even pick
their own teeth.


It'’s a good thing

we'’ve got her lightly sedated.

Easy, girl.

Stella'’s just helping you

keep that beautiful smile.

You sure have a way
with her, Owen.

You look right at home up there.


But I'’m more
of a motorcycle guy.

You should'’ve seen
the cycle I had back home.

She was a sweet ride.

Sorry. I know more about
melioidosis than motorcycles.

Where are we on the search
for those dinosaurs?

The ones that ran away
when those power surges

shorted out the fences?
Vic'’s search parties

have been working triple shifts
since it happened.

Picked up most of them,
but they'’re still looking

for three Compys, the Baryonyx
and that allosaurus.

Oh. That'’s too many dinosaurs
running around loose.

Tell me about it.

For everyone'’s safety,

we need all our escapees
back in their paddocks ASAP.



Easy, girl!

Hold her still, Owen.

I think our girl
might have a bad tooth.

[ROARS]Aah! Whoa, whoa.


Whoa! Whoa!


Are you okay?

I'’d rather be riding my bike!

Oh, no.



Daniel, old sport,

I once spent six days
trapped in an arctic crevasse

while searching for the yeti'’s
Golden Pantaloons.


But this, this is worse.

I know. But how can we sneak in
to Claire'’s office

and steal my uncle'’s videotape
if she never leaves her desk?

I mean,
it'’s right there, Sinjin.

Right there![CHIMING]

The boss!

What are you gonna tell her?

Me? Why do I have to be the one
to tell her anything?

Because she'’s your boss.
I don'’t see why that'’s...

You were supposed to call

half an hour ago
with a progress report.

Do you have something
more important to do?

No! I was about to call.

We were just talking about you.

How kind you are,
how understanding, how...

There hasn'’t been any progress, has there?


Oh, Danny.

You know how important this is.

And you know what happens
when you disappoint me.

Do you want
to disappoint me, Danny?

No. No.

So I'’ll expect a call
from you tomorrow.

With something
I'’m going to like.

You know how I love to hear
from you, Danny.

Stone the crows.
Who was that?

Even if we do somehow
get our hands on that old tape,

we still have to find a VCR
that will play it.

Nobody'’s even seen one
since 1990-something!



I know precisely where to find
such an artifact.

You just see
about that videotape!

But... How?


Whoa! Hey!

Whoa! No!


Okay, how do I get you back
in your paddock

before you realize you'’re
the only predator in a valley

full of prey?

Mayday! Mayday!

This is... Aah!


Another runaway dinosaur.


I'’m no tracker.

I need Red and Blue.

Argh. So much for calling
for a ride back.

Well, at least it'’s a nice day
for a walk.


Very funny.



So close.
Six hundred pages left,

then home and sleep.

Precious sleep.


Claire! Ooh!

Claire! Oof!

Mr. Masrani, I'’m right here.

What'’s going on? Can'’t talk now, Claire.

I'’ve found the most incredible
new virtual reality game,

and it'’s giving me

all sorts of ideas
we can apply to the park.

I need to move around freely
to play the game,

so I must completely clear
my office of obstacles,

like big piles
of urgent paperwork.



Here'’s the virtual sledgehammer
I'’ve been looking for.

Now I must go. If I don'’t mine
enough virtual iron

to build a lantern by nightfall,

the goblins will eat
my virtual tree house.

Hi, Miss Dearing.

Since it'’s almost
quitting time,

I was wondering if you'’d mind
leaving a little early,

so I could get a head start
on cleaning your office.

Danny, please, call me Claire.

And I can'’t go anywhere
right now.

Wait, why are you cleaning

I'’m a park utility specialist,

I go wherever I'’m needed.

the janitorial department.

Why can'’t you leave?

Argh. My performance review
is coming up,

and I wanna make sure
I complete every task

Mr. Masrani gives me
between now and then.

Anything I can do to help?


You could find me
a copy machine.

I need 65 copies
of this prospectus,

in triplicate,

and the nearest machine

is all the way down
in Human Resources.

Ooh, I wouldn'’t use
that copier if I were you.

Ooh, that'’s a keeper.

May I use your treadmill?

My what?

Oh, I forgot I even had one.

Sure, go ahead



Wow, Danny.

You'’re a handy guy
to have around.

Don'’t mention it.







Blue! Wanna help Red and me...[SQUAWKS]

track down
a runaway Carnotaurus?



I'’ll just get Red
to do it then.


All right, you two,
stop competing!

Everybody climb into the...

Nobody left me a jeep?

Ugh, I have got to get
my own wheels.



Do not say a word
about the Carnotaurus.

I don'’t want Mr. Zaps-A-Lot
getting any ideas.

Hey, Grady. Sorry.

Didn'’t meant to break up
your weekly poker game.




certain members of my team

seem to think you and I
got off on the wrong foot,

so I promised them
I'’d invite you along

on my night fishing trip.

You know, outdoorsy,
male-bonding stuff.

Night fishing? Yeah. I promised I'’d ask,

but I'’m sure it'’s not something
you'’re interested in, so...

I'’ll drive. Seriously?

Scoot over. We'’re really gonna do

this bonding thing?[WHISTLES]

Hey, I'’m all for improving
co-worker relationships.

There'’s just one little thing
I need to do

before we bait our hooks.[SQUAWKS]


Fire in the hole!


Nicely done, Sinjin.

This is gonna be like
stealing tzoalli

from the crypt of Ahuitzotl.


Yes. All done.
Thanks to you.

I was happy to help.

So you'’ll be heading home now?

Oh, yeah,
but first, I am starving.

Hey. Winston'’s Grill
is still open.

Let me buy you dinner
for all your hard work.

Oh, I...

really wish I could,
but I can'’t leave the building.

I'’m still on the clock.

But you go on,
have a lovely evening.

Oh, no, I can'’t do that.

I'’d feel terrible
leaving you here.

Well, then,

if you really wanna do this,
we, uh...

We could eat here
in your office.

I'’m telling you, Danny,
you are a genius.

You pick up the food
at Winston'’s

while I start cleaning.

I'’ll be right ba... Aah!


Mr. Masrani.

It'’s 9:30 at night.

What are you still doing here?[GRUNTS]

I can'’t possibly go home now.
I must finish the battlements

on my virtual tree fortress
before the goblin horde arrives.

Oh! And I found
some more paperwork!


It was blocking
my flying buttress.




I'’m pretty sure
Winston'’s delivers.


I don'’t see her trail.

Red, Blue,
see what you can find.


Trail? What trail?

The old fishing trail.

Claire said
it was around here somewhere

Huh. Wonder why Claire
never mentioned it to me.

She knows I love fishing.

Mm. Nah.



Ooh. But, hey, this looks
like a pretty good

fishing spot right here.




That'’s our Carnotaurus.

Good boy, Red.[RED WHIMPERS]

Aw, you too, Blue.

You'’ll get the next one.[SNARLS]


[SQUAWKS]Hey! Claws off my fish!

Hey! It'’s not your dinnertime,


That'’s a lot of fish.

And it smells
like they'’re already cooked.

You caught all these just now?

Yep. An average catch
for a master angler like me.

Just dropped my line
and reeled them in.

And yet your fishing line
is completely dry.

A master angler takes care
of his equipment, Grady.

Yeah. Well, Blue and Red found
the, uh, fishing trail,

so let'’s mount up and ride.

Okay, but I'’ve probably
caught my limit.

Good thing there'’s no bears
around here, huh?

All that fish could attract
some unwanted attention!




Pfft. As if a little darkness
could slow down the man

who unearthed the grocery list
of the...


Right. Ahem.

Now, what'’s all this, then?

Looks like some kind
of security station.


Oh, cheers,
you beautiful hunk of...


Drooling dinosaur?





Oh, no. Did I do that?

I am such a butter, uh, hand.

Here. Take these with you
down to the restroom

and clean yourself up.

Take your time.

No, it'’s okay.

An assistant manager
for Park Operations

is always prepared
for any crisis.


Look at you, with a new blouse.

That looks
just like the old one.

But without ketchup.

Homestretch, Danny.

Let'’s finish strong.


And the Tranq-Master T36

uses ammonium perchlorate-based

but it'’s just not cost-effective
in volume, you know?

I mean,

which rocket-assisted
tranquilizer dart would you use?

Definitely the seventh one
you told me about.

Aw, come on, nature boy.

I'’m really opening up here.

At least meet me halfway.


I don'’t know
what this building is,

but that hole looks brand-new.

We should go in dark
so we don'’t spook anything

that might'’ve taken up

Yeah, or anything living
in there.


What the heck is this place?

We really ought to get my fish
into a freezer

or we'’ll never get the smell
out of this jeep.

Darn it, Vic! Why? What'’s the...?



Aah! I guess your tooth
isn'’t feeling any better?



On the bright side,
we found our missing Baryonyx.



Look out!

You never wanted to go fishing,
did you?

You were tracking that dinosaur
the whole time.

Not cool, Grady. Not cool.

Can we talk about this later,

Huh? Something about this banner
looks familiar.

"When lino cars
roomed tharth?"


"When dinosaurs ruled
the Earth!"


This is the visitor center
of the original Jurassic Park.

And the park is as safe
and friendly as ever.

Run! Whoa!



Close one.

Nice warning, mate. You'’re welcome.

Now who the heck are you
and what are you doing here?

Hang on a minute, nature boy.

I'’m the head of security
around here.

Who the heck are you
and what are you doing here?


Oh, my name is, uh...


B. Kind Rewind.

The B stands for Bernard.

I was playing golf
and lost my ball in the rough.


Well, his story checks out.

The golf course
is over a mile from here.

I have a really powerful slice.

Oh, I feel you there, Bernie.

[GROWLS]What'’s up, buddy?

Something about our new pal
rub you the wrong way?

You know him from somewhere?

Why doesn'’t my dog like you,
Mr. Rewind?



Time to move!


SINJIN: We'’re trapped! Yeah,
but un-squashed,

so it kind of evens out.


I don'’t believe it.

This is a classic.




Hey, Owen! Grady!


Owen! Snap out of it!



Oh, no!

It'’s coming down!


Uh, thanks for the save.

Oh, uh...
Thanks for the wake-up call.




There. All done.


Now you can go home and rest.

I... I can'’t.

What? Why not?

I'’m afraid if I try to leave,

Mr. Masrani will magically
appear with more paperwork.

Come on, it'’s after midnight.

He must have left by now.

No. He'’s still here.

I know it.

Listen to me. You'’re a strong,
capable assistant manager

of Park Operations.

You can do this.

Now get out of that chair
and leave this office!


You'’re right.

Here I go.





Oh, Claire.

Thank goodness it'’s you.

I thought
you were a chaotic orc,

come to steal my mithril.

I found these in my moat.

Please file them.

Take that, goblin!

And tell your friends
not to mess with...

Lord Simon of Masraniburg.

I have to file the paperwork.

But there'’s always
more paperwork.

So I can'’t file the paperwork.

But I have to file
the paperwork.


It'’s okay, Claire.

Go home. Rest.

I can file the paperwork
for you.

You will? You promise?

I'’ve been watching you work
for hours.

I can totally handle it.

Well, I suppose nothing
too terrible could happen

if I left.


Thank you, Danny.

I am going to go home now.

Get some rest.

Tomorrow is another day.



♪ Got my uncle'’s videotape ♪

♪ Gonna find that treasure

♪ Jurassic World
Is done for ♪


I gotta try to break this up

before those two
really hurt each other.

Or us. Or my fish.

Come on, I haven'’t landed a haul
like that

since the Lake Murky
Fishing Derby back home.


There'’s a new alpha here!

Uh, no. Me!

I'’m the new alpha here.


Okay. Uh, let'’s try again.

That'’s it, Grady!

Keep those two away
from my fish!






Easy, girls, easy.






[BARKS]No! Stop!

You wanna be appetizers?


Owen! Keep your hands
out of the water!




Like zapping fish in a river.

I mean, barrel. Thanks for the save, Vic,

but what the heck are you doing?

Ah, they'’re just in dreamland
for a little while.

Look at me. I'’m okay.

No need to thank me,

just being awesome at my job
like usual.



I knew my timing
had to be dead on,

so I waited until both dinos
were standing in the water,

and zap!

I got two with one jolt.

Saved Grady and his weird pets.

Well, as a paleo vet,
I'’m not in favor of zapping,

but it is a lot easier
to work on her teeth

when she'’s unconscious.


Hey, Dino Boy,

you wanna carpool
back to the park?

I'’ll let you drive again
if you want.

No, I think we'’re done bonding.

I don'’t wanna take a chance
you might zap me

like you did those dinosaurs.

Or those fish.

I didn'’t.

I wouldn'’t.

Vic, we don'’t have to be
best buds to work together.

Really? Not as long

as we respect each other as...







Hey, Red,

what happened to the world'’s
worst golfer?

Wish I knew
who that guy really was.

And what he was after
in the visitor center.


It ain'’t working.

That'’s it.
The dream is over.

There'’s nothing left
but to tell that Diane bird

you'’re partnered with.

Sorry, mate, but I'’ll just
collect what you owe me

and be on me merry way.But...


Oh. Nice one. Cheers.

Dennis Nedry here
with another video diary update

on my search
for Cap'’n No-Beard'’s gold.