Lego Jurassic World: Legend of Isla Nublar (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Pteranodon't! - full transcript

A young park guest accidentally strands himself in the Pteranodon aviary, requiring Owen and a testy Stygimoloch to stage a daring rescue.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
What's he doing outside?

Sounds like a stampede.

We have to get Mr. Masrani
out of there!

We can't get
down there in time.

Yes, we can! We can do!

All right,
what's the plan?

Claire, that's a mudslide.
What are you doing?


By the crockpot...

We're gonna
slide right by!

Good idea, Red.
We'll take the trailer with us!

Claire, hold her...





That was some
amazing throw!

That was some
amazing steering!

Any chance we can stop
before we hit that?


Whee! Hee, hee!

Huh. You know this isn't
a bad piece of real estate.

Is this taken?

I'll look into it.

You did it.

You solved every problem
that came your way.

Heh. I did, didn't I?

I was... wrong about you.

Well, serves you right
for selling me short.

Don't let it
happen again.

It won't. I promise.

Whoo-hoo! Ha, ha!

that was magnificent.

Your can-do,
problem-solving spirit

really came through.

Which is excellent,
because if there's one thing

Jurassic World needs,

A newly-promoted Manager
of Park Operations?

No! A mudslide ride!

Since there are bound
to be a million things

that go wrong with it,
you are the absolute

only person for the job.

Can't wait.

Sinjin! Did you find
No-Beard's treasure?

'Fraid not, mate.

But I think I can get me hands
on the third piece of the map.

Ooh, oh, oh! Really?

However, I'm gonna need
a few things in order to do it.

What? Tell me! Anything!

Well, firstly...

I'm gonna need a ladder.

The storm!
The storm's over.

There's no need for
seasoning packets now!

We made it!
We survived! We're alive!


This is Simon Masrani,
owner of Jurassic World.

The park will be closing soon.

Come back tomorrow at 9 a.m.
for more thrills.

Go faster.

Thank you for riding
the Dinosaur Carousel.

Go buy souvenirs.
Have a Jurassic day.

Time for
one last ride.

Who will be next
to tame

this magnificent beast
of a forgotten age?

How 'bout you,
little lady?

And soon
they'll be off galloping

through the savanna
in search of... Aw, beans.

Not again.

Whoa, whoa!

Come on, it's last ride
of the day.

Knock it off, you big,
scaly, walking staple remover.

Whoa, whoa!

Uh, I mean...

Pretty girl?

Loose dino!

It'll eat us all!

Wait. Stiggies don't
attack humans.

They're peaceful herbivores.

is not right.

Park Help Line?
Yeah, hi,
Park Help Line?

I'm Hudson Harper,
Golden Platinum Triple-Five

Black-Diamond Annual VIP
guest pass holder.

There's a stiggymoloch loose
at the Dinosaur Carousel.

I saw
what was going on

when I was heading to
the pteranodon aviary,

'cause that's
the awesomest.

Could you tell me if anyone's
been hurt or anything?


Hard to say.
Did you know pteranodons

aren't actually
considered dinosaurs?

And they
don't have teeth?

That's interesting,
Hudson, but...

Weird, because
they're carnivores,

which makes me think
they have strong gums.

They gum their food, like
my baby brother with a carrot?

Nom, nom, nom.
So disgusting.

I've loved dinosaurs
my whole life...

What's up?
Someone forget to file

an expense report
in triplicate?

Just the person I need.

You need me,

Like a plumber needs
a wrench. Come on.

Did she just
call me a tool?

Whew, heh.

That's a relief.

Simon Masrani again.

The park
is now closed.

Did you get
your souvenirs?

If not, get them tomorrow
when we open at 9.

Have a nice souvenir!

I mean, evening.

Well, there it is.

You know, with my
Uncle Dennis' videotape

sitting under
that glass case,

it looks like a piece
of pecan pie in a bakery.

Pecan pie.

Danny, stay on point.

If we don't get
that tape,

we don't get
the image

of the last
treasure map piece.

And if we don't get that,
no treasure.

My uncle knew
I'd follow in his footsteps

if anything happened to him.

That's why he sent me two
of his three map pieces

when he thought
he was being watched.

Oy, hang on.

We don't want to
blow this now

because we forgot something.
Like what?

Like, how do we know
stepping on the floor

won't make darts shoot
from the walls

and stick in
sensitive areas?

Happened in
The Tomb of Tortuga.

To-to someone I know.
Definitely not me.

It's an exhibit of historical
artifacts from Jurassic Park.

And I designed
the security measures.

motion-detecting cameras.

Laser trip wires.

And pressure-sensitive
floor plating.

And I deactivated all of them
from my computer. Heh.

Let's go.
Allow me.


I always
forget those.


No, you freeze.

End program.

That's the ninth run
of the simulation

and it's gone
pear-shaped each time.

There must be a way
to get that tape.

I need some air.

Pbbt. Air! That's it.

The air vents.

But they can only
be accessed

an executive key card.

How does one procure
said key card?

Only from an executive,
like Claire Dearing,

or Simon, or-or Dr. Wu.

Or from someone
who could take

a key card
without anyone noticing.

And I told him
that the DNA

was actually taken
from the mosquito.

Not from the amber
like he said.

Who is this kid?
Hudson Harper,

Golden Platinum Triple-Five

Annual VIP
guest pass holder.

Platinum triple what now?


Annual VIP
guest pass holder.

I've been here
at Jurassic World

with my parents
for almost a month.

Hudson is a bit
of a dinosaur fan.

"Fan" does not cover
my pure joy

for the prehistoric era.
You see, I...


Listen, kid, thanks,

but you can go now.
We'll handle this.

- Are you sure?
- 'Cause I could...

Okay, later.

Can I get one
of those?

Eh, you need
special training.

Now, let's
get this done.

I'm still hoping
for a session

with the raptors
before dinner.

How did it
get up there?

Well, stiggymolochs
are pretty nimble.

Their balance is...
It was a rhetorical question.

Get it down, please.

I'm out.

I'm calling the paleo-vets
to bring...

stiggymoloch snacks
or whatever

so we can
lure it down.

Ah, sorry, kid.

The aviary's closed
until further notice.

Closed? But I have
a Golden Platinum

Triple-Five Black-Diamond
Annual VIP guest pass.

It can't be
closed to me.

Pteranodons get testy
when they're nesting.

They cannot
be disturbed.

The pteranodons are nesting?

Please let me in.

This is

I'll be quiet.

They won't even know
I'm there.

Can't do it.

Rules are rules.

Listen. I love buying
Jurassic World souvenirs.

Simon Masrani loves
guests who buy souvenirs.

If I can't see
the pteranodons,

I'll be so sad, I won't buy
any more souvenirs.

How do you think
Simon Masrani will feel

about that when
he finds out

you wouldn't let me
see the pteranodons?

You've got five minutes.


Where are all the...


Whoa! Oof.

Hey, look at me!

Yeah, so awe...!

Of being cooped up
at the carousel.

She'll be back to normal
in a few days.

Call me
if anything comes up.

A few days? But...

The ride is one of our
most popular attractions.

Don't worry,
little lady.

I'll have
your prehistoric palomino

back in a harness
in no time.

Vic, I don't think...

That's your problem, kid.

Too much thinking,
not enough guts.

What does that even mean?

It means I'm gonna
break that dino

like the wild mustangs
we had at our ranch back home.

Vic, that's probably
not a good I...

We should probably just
sit back and enjoy the show.


All right, get along,
you out-of-date mountain goat.



Okay, maybe that horn head
won that round,

but now it's my turn.

'Cause when Vic Hoskins
takes on a job,

nothing stops me.

Uh, Security?

Excuse me, I'd better stop
and get this.

Go for Hoskins.
Who's calling?

A concerned guest.

I just saw a kid go
into the pteranodon aviary.

The aviary's closed!
Who let that kid inside?

Definitely not
park employee Bert Fenster.

He's already
left for the day

and was home feeding his cats.
He has witnesses.

Anyway, ahem, I think
the kid was snatched up

by one of the pteranodons.


Somebody better
do something quick. Bye.

I'm on my way. An important
security matter has...


Hey, wait for me!

Don't do any zapping
without me!

Take that, alien invader.

Watch it, Sinjin.

Go back to Venus

where you came from!

This is Dan-O
the man-O.

I don't know about this,

If I'm caught taking
Dr. Wu's key card...

You won't get caught, Allison.
You're too smart for that.

Way smarter than Dr. Wu.

If he was smart,
he'd listen to your ideas

and appreciate
what you bring to the lab.

Does he even know
you have multiple PhDs?

I know, right?
Well, trust me,

you'd be appreciated
at my new theme park.

You'd be
chief scientist

and have all the freedom
and resources

to run your lab
your way.

Most of all,
you'll be respected.

Okay, I'll do it.
I'm in.

Eye of the tiger,

Now go get that key card.

Ha! That was almost
too easy.



- Is that you?
- Yes, Dr. Wu.

I'm back from my break.

Mm, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Uh, while I was out,

I paged through
the new issue

of Modified Genetics Monthly.

There was
a fascinating article

by your old college roommate,
Dr. Schweitzenbaum.


She wrote that in school,
you had to use a calculator

to multiply
Flieber's Constant

by the square root
of the Rand Theorem.

Well. She had an imaginary
friend named Stinkles.

I'll be back
after I write

a sternly-worded letter
to the magazine's editor.

Allison. Touch nothing
while I'm gone.

This is Dan-O the...

The horse is in the barn.

Okay, but did you get
the key card?


"The horse is in the barn"
is code

for "I have the key card,"

Ha, ha.
She has the card.

Now we need a distraction.

Any ideas? Sinjin?

Sorry. I was distracted
by some commotion

going on
at the pteranodon aviary.

The perfect distraction.

It's locked.

We'll have to go in
from above.

Vic, please don't go in there
Tasers blazing.

Pteranodons can be vicious
when they're nesting.

Those past-their-prime pelicans

won't know what hit 'em.

I'm going to try and find
Hudson's parents.

You stay here
and make sure

Vic doesn't get into
too much trouble.

Oh, we both know
that's inevitable.

Hup, hup, hup, hup, hup.

It's go time.

Let's do this!

Oh, wow.
They're hatching.

Hi, guys.
My name is Hudson.

I'm the biggest fan
of your species.

And I...

Whoa. Oof.

The babies' first meal.

Wait, they're eating slop.

The mother put me in the slop.

She's gonna feed me
to her babies!

But I'm
your biggest fan.

Oh, no.


Help! Help!

I think
it's saying hello.

that's so nice.


Vic, you hard-headed,


Almost there.

I have to hand it
to myself.

This was
a brilliant plan,

and it went off
without a hitch.

Swing me, Sinjin.

Almost there, just about...

No alarms.

Ha, ha.
What a break.

Without a hitch, eh?


That tickles.


I think
I'm gonna pee.

Stay calm.

I'll get us
out of this.

All right, you winged weirdos,
time to say hello

to the newest member of
Jurassic World Security.

Our drone
should wrap

these pteranodons up
in time for dinner,

which is mac and cheese,
by the way.


net launcher.

Oh, boy.

This is super

Don't worry, I'll get it
to turn around and...


Yep. I'm gonna get eaten.

Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Harper.

This is Claire Dearing
with Park Operations.

We have a bit of a situation
with your son.

Please call me back.

Great. An alarm
from the Innovation Center.

Just what we need.

Who are you?

Who are you?

Uh. Hyah!

Stop! Thief! Stop!



No one steals from
this park on my watch.


I know you don't want
to be doing this.

I'm just glad
you accepted me as an alpha.

Stay here, Red.

I'm gonna take this stiggy

up the cliff face
and save that kid.

I hope this works.


Whoa. You really know
what you're doing, don't you?

What about that hold over there?

Can you reach it?

Good girl.


Heh, ready to be rescued.

All right,
whoever you are.

Give me that tape
and turn yourself in.

Oh, Danny's
not gonna like this.

You want the tape?
Then go get it.


What am I doing?
What am I doing?

What are you doing?

We've got this handled.

Oh, and you're doing
a great job.

Really ready
to be rescued.

I'm working on it.

I played a video game
like this once.



Come on, come on.

Who was that guy?

And what
did he want with you?

Hold on.
What are you gonna do?

Don't worry,
I'm an expert at this.

- Cool, huh?
- So cool.


We're gonna need
an emergency landing plan.

Come on, stiggymoloch. Please.

Nice catch, girl.

You okay?

So cool!

Let's get out of here

before the pteranodons gear up
for another bombing run.

No worries. Heh.

We've got this handled.

All right, Hudson.

Time to get you back
to your parents.

Could I maybe have

one ride on the carousel

I didn't know
stiggymolochs were so rad.

Go on.
Have some fun.

Ha, ha, yeah!

You got Hudson
out of the aviary.

Oh, yeah,
nothing to it.

What do you have there?

While I was looking for
Hudson's parents,

somebody tried to steal
this old VHS tape

from the Origins
of Jurassic Park exhibit.


That's what
I'm going to find out.

Until then.

Till then,
business as usual.

Yeah! Woo-hoo!

Go stiggy!
This is awesome!