Lego Jurassic World: Legend of Isla Nublar (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 12 - Under the Volcano! - full transcript

Danny dons powerful dino-mech armor to dig up Cap'n No-Beard's treasure beneath Mt. Sibo, making him more than a match for our heroes - and a mighty allosaurus that unexpectedly joins the party.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -



Let's get the truck. There'll
be room for everyone.

Nice idea. Worked out great.

Claire! [GASPS]

We can't keep Danny from
destroying Jurassic World

if we crash before we
get to him. Slow down.

And if something
happens to Hudson

because we slowed down?

Eh, you're right. Step on it!

Why did I get
involved in all of this?

Once you realized your mistake

you handled it the right way,

Sharp curve coming, Claire.

Our job here is too
important to take risks.


[NORMAL SPEED] Oh! Claire,
slow down.

Whoa. Ah.

Yeah, about that?

The brakes aren't working!



[GRUNTS] Turn the truck, Claire!

What do you think
I'm trying to do,

order office supplies?





Claire. Steer the truck
toward the cliff wall.

Are you crazy?

Gently, until you're scraping

the side against the rock.

Oh, oh, I get it.


[LAUGHS] That was amazing driving,



I'll look at the brake
lines. I'll join you.

I know how to build all kinds of things.

Dinosaurs. Laboratories.
Cars. You name it.

Heh, heh,
okay. You guys go check out the truck.

I'll-I'll just sit
here on this rock,

this non-moving rock.




Looks like a cable popped
free. Easy to reattach.

[GRUNTS] What do ya know,

little bit of good
news for a change.

All set! Let's
get rolling again.


Hey, good job, Red.

This looks like Hudson's golden,

five black diamond annual VIP guest pass.

I could've just said Hudson's pass,
couldn't I?

there's no doubt about it,

we're definitely following
the right tracks. Come on.

Everybody into the truck.


Why don't I drive for a while?

I think that might be best, yes.

Seriously, Claire, you did good.





Come on, Sinjin,
you're barely pushing.

Me? Mate,
I'm the bloke who shoved open the door

to the vault of the
Zombie Knitting Club.


even I can't do this all by meself.

You push too.

Bet you wish Allison
left you instructions

for the crane before she ran off,


Don't try to get in our heads,
short stuff.

Why not? I'm sure
there's plenty of room.


And don't get any bright
ideas about running off yourself.

Without the map you'd never

find your way
out of the volcano.


I just figured you were going
to leave me here anyway.

We're not animals.

Once we've gotten
Old Beard's gold

and we're off the island,
we don't need you anymore.

We'll send you right home
to your mum and dad, we will.

Well, the lad's right,
I do wish Allison was still here.

She'd know how to move
this. We don't need her.

She may have a bunch of
PhD's but we have a PhMe.

That doesn't even make sense.

But it might take a little
while to figure this out.

And by the time I do,

Allison could make
it back to the park

and spill what she knows.

Gonna have to
accelerate my plan.

What are you doing?

Ensuring the destruction
of John Hammond's legacy.

Goodbye, Jurassic World.

you didn't say the magic word. Uh.

Heh, heh, entered the,
uh, wrong code.

[TABLET CHIMES]There. Done. Ha,


you keep trying to push the crate.

I'll look at the crane again
and see if we missed anything.

why do I have to push the crate?

Think like Owen. He'd know
how to slow these guys down.

Claire! Claire?

Allison? Allison? Claire?

Allison! Allison? Claire!

Mr. Masrani! Dr. Wu!

Have you seen Allison?
Have you seen Claire?


Our most important cloning files

are missing from the lab,
and I think

Allison was the
last one using them.

I need Claire to remind me

how to work my
radio so I can call her.

Allison? Allison? Allison?
Claire? Claire? Claire?

This is it. We
crossed the stream

and went behind the waterfall.

Now's the time to call
in Vic and his team.

We don't know what
we're dealing with in there.

I wouldn't. Knowing Vic,
he'll go in all "hup-hup-hup,"

next thing you know it's chaos.

Hudson could get hurt.

Then the question is,

how do we get
across to the waterfall?


Hmm. Boulders. We plop 'em
in the stream and hop across.

Great. And did you
bring any boulders?


We could find a long branch.

When's the last time
you pole-vaulted?

I gave it up after
the last Olympics.

Hey, I've seen you jump off
rollercoasters into helicopters.



Let me guess. A raft was
going to be your next suggestion.



OWEN: That's it,
girls, have a big sniff.

You're the best
trackers on the planet.

Find Hudson for us.

Claire! Allison!

Owen! Claire! Allison!

Owen Grady![ALL GRUNT]

Sorry, gents, didn't see ya.

I've been looking
everywhere for Owen.

We don't know where he is.

I wanna borrow
his clicker thingy.

I figure if it works
on his dinos

it might be a way
to train my team.

Giving them dino
treats from my pocket

when they're doing
right ain't working. Whoo.

We're searching for
Claire and Allison.

It seems against probability

that we simultaneously
can't find

Claire and Allison. Grid search?

Mr. Masrani to the command center.

Urgent emergency situation.



What is the matter?

Someone's hacked the computers,

and we can't override it.

Whoever it is locked us out.

When that countdown ends,

the fences around
all the paddocks

will deactivate,
freeing every dinosaur.

And there's nothing
we can do about it.




So let me get this straight,

you're setting the
dinosaurs loose?

What better way to cause chaos

and keep Masrani from sending
anyone to try and stop us?

And bonus, the dinos will
stomp every building in the park,

turning them to rubble.

[SLURPS]But there
are people there.

My parents.

They could be trampled,
hurt or worse.

Oh. I didn't think
about the people.

Darn it,
I knew there was a little detail

I was forgetting
when I made this plan.

Kind of a big little detail to forget,
don't ya think?

[SLURPS] What am
I so worried about?

The park has a disaster
protocol for a situation like this.

They'll be fine.
On with the show!

Let's have another
look at this crane.

Maybe we missed something.



Heh, good spotting, buddy.





APPROACHES]What's that?

[GROANS] Bats!



Bats. Why did it
have to be bats?




No, the instructions.


Ha, ha.


Where did those bats come from?


it doesn't matter. I can build

what was in the crate
without instructions.

It'll be easy. After all,

I'm an underappreciated
genius like Uncle Dennis.

[GRUNTING] Aw, come on.

Dang thing!


Yes, yes,
please proceed to our underground...

pop-up restaurant. That's right.

Plus, whoever eats the most

gets to be Park Owner for a day.

When the cooks
evacuate the kitchen,

have them bring sandwiches
down to the shelter.

Lots of them. Um, Mr. Masrani,

is this impromptu
promotion really a good idea?

It's a brilliant idea. Why?
What's wrong with it?

I'm just surprised
you'd hand over

control of the
park for 24 hours.

[LAUGHS] Oh, that. Dr. Wu,

being a billionaire
park owner is easy.

First, get a billion dollars.

Then all you have to do is
come up with amazing ideas

and let Claire
handle the details.

It's a miracle that news about
the countdown hasn't gotten out.

I can only imagine
what incredible confusion

that would have caused.



SECURITY: Hup, hup, hup, hup,
hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup.

Excellent. Take up
defensive positions and attack.

What's the matter?

there's nothing to attack, sir.

And sir. If we attack
from defensive positions,

won't our defensive positions

no longer be, you know,
defensive, sir?



Hoskins here.
Today is not May Day.

I think it's sometime
in July. Who is this?

I'm a golden platinum triple...
Nah. This is Hudson Harper,

and I'm being held
prisoner under Mt. Sibo.

Mt. Sibo, right. Um,
what's Mt. Sibo?

The volcano on the island?

Big, pointy mountain,
sometimes smoke comes out of it?


Just come quick.

On my way.

Team, stay here and help
Mr. Masrani and the doctor

keep things under control.

Where are you
going? To save a life.

Maybe millions of them.

Then, shouldn't you hurry?

Oh. Right. Hoskins away!


I never should have
let Hudson think

I didn't want him around.

He wouldn't have been
snagged by Danny if...

Owen, you don't know that.

I was trying to keep him safe,

but instead I put
him in more danger.


We'll get him back.

Yeah. Yeah, you bet we will.

How long you two been a couple?

Oh, uh... Oh, we aren't.






What set those bats
off? It definitely wasn't us.

Must have been
something ahead of us.

Danny. We're getting closer.


Hurry up,
mate. That gold is waiting for us.

Let's see. This goes
here. And then...

Aha! Perfect!

Who would send you that?



Friends who want to see
Jurassic World taken down

as badly as I do.


With this dino-mech,

digging up No-Beard's
gold will be a snap.

Finally, Uncle Dennis.


I'm going to finish it for you!






Whew. Hang on.


Danny, the treasure?

Ah. Good reminder.



You guys are my
first passengers.

Tell me if there's
anything I can do

to make your ride
more comfortable.

Yeah, don't drop us.

Hoskins to Hudson. You still there,

Well, if you are listenin',
I'm comin' in to find you.

Maybe I should be
callin' for backup.

But I can't help it. I'm
just so darn valiant.

[WHOOPS] Refreshing.

Hey, ha,
ha. Even if I don't find the kid,

this day won't be a total loss.

Hoskins, away!


According to the map,
this is it.

So where's the treasure buried?

DANNY: Gee, I don't know.

Guess I'll have to dig
up the whole cavern.



HUDSON: If this weren't
so scary. It'd be really cool.


ALL: Hup, hup,
hup, hup, hup, hup.

How much time left
in the countdown...

to the free buffet?

RADIO]: Fifteen seconds.

That's every guest accounted for,

They're all in the
shelter. Good job.

Now, all of you go in.

What about you and Dr. Wu, sir?

It's an unspoken rule.

The park owner
and the chief scientist

always stay with the park.

[YELPS] No one told
the chief scientist that rule.


I'm afraid it's all
academic now.






Where is everyone?



Excuse me.



Well. At least they
don't look angry.



[GASPS] I recognize that laugh.

Let's stay quiet and
find a place to hide

so we can plan how


Hello, friends. And welcome.

To the final triumph
of the Nedry family!

Nedry? That jerk who made
Jurassic Park go kerflooey?

if it isn't B. Kind Rewind,

the world's worst golfer.
The name's Sinjin Prescott.

And if it ain't Owen Grady,

the world's most gullible
animal behaviorist...

his well-trained pals.

My uncle was not a jerk, Claire.

I changed my name so I
could get a job at Jurassic World

and bring it down from inside,
in his honor.

So you're why things keep
going wrong at the park.

That's right,
and now things are about to go very wrong.

For you.


Heads up,
it's Hero Hoskins here to save the day.




OWEN: Run!



Vic. Are you okay?

I'm good. Luckily,
I landed on my head.


I'll be a pygmy's beanie.

The treasure!



I can't believe
it's really real.

And it's all ours.


I wouldn't start counting that gold yet,


I think this Allosaurus
might have different ideas.

Same Allosaurus that
escaped from the park?




That's a challenge.

She thinks that
dinosaur mech is a rival.

Bring it on.

Is there gonna be a battle

between Danny
and the Allosaurus?


Not so cool, Hudson.

Because in case
you haven't noticed,

we're right between them!


