Legends of the Lost with Megan Fox (2018): Season 1, Episode 2 - Stonehenge: The Healing Stones - full transcript

Megan Fox travels to the United Kingdom to explore one of the most mysterious archaeological sites in the world - Stonehenge. She'll investigate why our ancestors built this enigmatic ...

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What was its true purpose?

One of the great mysteries
of the world,

and we're standing
in the middle of it.

Was it a primitive calendar,
an altar to the gods,

or was it something

It definitely feels sacred.

A revolutionary new theory
has brought

this 5,000-year-old puzzle
back into the headlines.

And the truth could be hidden...

That's so cool.
That is amazing.

...just below the surface.

It looks like
there may have been

some surgical intervention.

That's amazing.

It seems like there's
an ancient power at work here.

Up to 30 ley lines
all converge at Stonehenge.

And I want to find
the truth behind it.

Megalithic technology is

the missing piece of the puzzle.

- Whoa!
- That's what it's all about.

All across the world,
our ancient ancestors

left behind towering mysteries
and enchanting myths.

That looks like a magic wand.

As an actress,
I've been lucky enough

to peak behind the curtain
at some of these ancient sites.

I've never been
in a crypt before.

And it's ignited
an insatiable curiosity in me

to know more about
these lost worlds...

It's amazing that under our feet
there's so much history.

...some of which are still
buried deep in our distant past.

That is amazing!

There's something epic,

deeply mysterious
about Stonehenge,

and I am someone who's drawn
into fantasy and magic

and these ancient mysteries.

I've traveled over 5,000 miles

deep into
the British countryside

to Salisbury Plain,
and for the first time,

I'll see the greatest unsolved
puzzle of the ancient world...


There's a strange feeling
when you visit.

You know, there's definitely
energy and power,

and it's such an amazing thing

to think
these people built this.

I'm with Mark Conroy,

a local historical expert
who is as obsessed

with this ancient
stone monument as I am...

I want to know why
they put it there.

I want to get to a truth
if a truth exists.

Places like this hold a key.

Get ready. It's gonna
appear on the horizon.

For centuries, Stonehenge
has mystified the world

with its logic-defying

and science-baffling

Around 3000 B.C.,
construction began.

That's 500 years
before the Great Pyramids.

The stones, up to 30-feet tall
and averaging 25 tons,

were shaped by hand and placed
with such laser-like precision

that the monument
perfectly tracks the sun

during the summer
and winter solstices.

It tracks the lunar cycle,

and it can even
predict eclipses.

This is 2,000 years before

the science of astronomy
was even invented,

at least as far as we know.

Here I go.

Humans have been
gathering here for 5,000 years,

but we still don't know why.

The mysterious people
who built this monument died

with their secrets.

It's almost like
being on another planet.

Most visitors are required to
stay 30 feet away from the site,

but today,
I have special permission

to step inside the heart
of the monument.

It's an honor to get to do this.

We're very, very lucky.

They're so massive,

and also it just makes you aware

of what a small part of history

your little life is
on this Earth

and that we're a part
of this story

that's been going for
millions of years.

It definitely had some sort of
sacred purpose that was...


How did our ancestors
build Stonehenge?

And why did they do it?

Meet Si Cleggett, archaeologist

and leather-jacket-wearing

worthy of his own Tolkien novel.

He has given his life
to answering

these centuries-old questions

and has overseen some of
the most extensive excavations

ever performed
in the Stonehenge landscape.

- You must be Megan.
- Megan.

- It's a pleasure to meet you.
- How are you?

- How are you?
- Great to see you.

- How are you, sir?
- Good, good.

Welcome to Stonehenge,
the place to be.

Si doesn't look like
what you would picture

a mainstream archaeologist
to look like.

He definitely has
at least visited

Middle Earth once or twice.

So from the very beginning,

the very first part
of Stonehenge

is an enormous bank and ditch

that runs 360 degrees
all the way around us.

It's right here
just in front of it.

Right in front of you.

Stonehenge was built in phases.

First, at about 3000 B.C.,

they created a circular
enclosure out of earth...

The bank and ditch that now
surrounds the entire monument.

500 years later,
the stones come in.

The huge stones, called sarsens,

were placed forming
a horseshoe pattern.

Then a massive ring
of these giant stones

was added to create
the complete outer circle.

300 years later,
the smaller stones,

or bluestones,
were placed in the center.

In total, it's estimated
this would have taken

10 million man-hours
to complete.

You end up with a massive
cultural imprint

that involves not just one

but a whole range
of communities over time,

finally ending around about
1800 B.C. to 1500 B.C.

Si and his colleagues believe
the construction of Stonehenge

took about 1,500 years.

At that time, that meant over
50 generations of workers,

and even before
construction could start,

getting all these stones here

would have been
a monumental task.

The sarsen came from
anywhere between here

and 30 miles plus to the north.

The bluestones
are the smaller ones.

These had their origins

in the Preseli Mountains
in Wales.

How far away is that?

That's getting on for 150,
170 miles away at least.

So the 90,000-pound
sarsen stones,

the giant sandstones
that were arranged

to create the outer ring,

came from as far
as 30 miles away,

and the smaller bluestones,
some weighing over 8,000 pounds,

came from southwest Wales,
nearly 200 miles away.

We're talking millions of pounds
of stone,

and no one really knows
how they transported it,

but to me, the most profound
mystery of Stonehenge

isn't how they did it.

It's why they did it.

What drove them to build
and perfect this spot

for over 1,500 years?

So, what are
some of the theories

of what Stonehenge actually was?

Well, the landscape itself
started out essentially

as a place where people
chose to bury their dead.

You could argue that
this is a place

where shaman or priests

connected with the afterlife
or with their gods.

You can suggest this is
a place for the worship

of celestial bodies...
The sun and the moon.

There could have been a whole
load of things going on.

What do you think it was?


As an archaeologist
or as a person?

Are archaeologists not people?

Depends what day it is, really.

So, as a person,
what do I think this is?


As an archaeologist?

Probably the biggest mystery
mankind's got on the planet.

And on the front lines
of deciphering that mystery

is Wessex Archaeology,

just 10 miles south
of Stonehenge.

So, if you go through here...

For decades, some of the top
scientists in the field

have worked around the clock

trying to finally unlock
the secrets of Stonehenge.

What's the most far-out theory

that you're willing
to entertain?

I heard a guy
during a conference,

and he was suggesting
the henges were designed

so that when the sun shines
through the circle,

it comes out the opposite
end of the Earth,

and that's why the Earth
spins on its axis.

He presented that at
an archaeological conference?

No, he presented it after
a number of beverages.

But the really cool thing is
we're slowly discovering more.

The Stonehenge landscape

is a center point
of humans' activity.

Stonehenge is the most visible
part of that landscape,

but, actually,
that's only 1% of the story.

It's saturated with structures
beyond Stonehenge.

Shall I show you?

Stonehenge is just
one piece of a massive puzzle

of mysterious structures
that stretches for at least

30 miles in every direction,

like The Cursus,

a giant, two-mile-long,
man-made oval;

Silbury Hill,

the biggest prehistoric mound
in Europe,

equal in size to one
of the pyramids in Giza;

and the Avebury Standing Stones,

a circle 10 times
the size of Stonehenge.

It's a landscape was not only
visited time and time again,

but people settled in
and around the area.

Just two miles northeast
of Stonehenge

is believed to have been
a community

of thousands of people
and homes,

making it one of the largest
ancient settlements

in the world at the time.

This is a community barbecue
on a grand scale.

And at the center of it all
is Stonehenge.

There had to be something
that they were seeing

or experiencing there
that they felt was profound.

We understand they're creating
sacred spaces.

But the illusive bit is,
what were they doing in there?

Yeah. It's like
an eternal Sudoku puzzle.

Ha! Yeah. Yeah.
You're absolutely right.

What is it that keeps you
from just,

"Oh, I've been doing this
for 40 years.

We're never gonna know"?

It's because becoming
an archaeologist

has given me
my own time machine.

It's like holding something
in your hand

and the last time
somebody held that,

the empire of Rome
was collapsing.


And what Stonehenge is about
are the people,

and that's also
where you find the answers.

With no written records
left behind,

Si and his team have turned
to the real secret-keepers

to decipher why the ancients
built this mysterious monument.

Oh, my God.

Human remains just recently
pulled from the earth

could finally provide
the answers.

Stonehenge is
an ancient Rubik's Cube

that has never been solved,

but the scientists
at Wessex Archaeology,

like Si Cleggett,

are leading the charge
to decipher why it was built.

These are the people that
we're trying to understand.

- These are tiny, little bones.
- Mm-hmm.

They're looking for
the answers in the people

who lived and died here
thousands of years ago.


People don't think of Stonehenge

as an active
archaeological dig site,

but for these three
recently excavated skeletons

pulled from the ground
two miles from Stonehenge,

lab analysis
has only just begun.

I'm the first outsider

to be given access
to see these remains.

- I'll introduce Jackie.
- Yeah, of course.

Jackie, Megan.
Megan, Jackie.

- Hello.
- Hi.

Jackie McKinley has been
studying human remains

from archaeological sites
for over 30 years,

and from her preliminary tests,

she's determined these children
died about 4,000 years ago,

1,000 years after construction
started at Stonehenge.

Do you know how old?

Yeah, we've got a whole range.

This one is about
12 years of age,

10 years of age,
about 3 to 4 years of age,

and that's the order that
they were laid in the grave in.

We've got a video.

So if we look here, you can see,

first one in was
the oldest one we've got here

who was laid on the right side,

curled up, leg tucked up there.

Look... going up there.

Then the second one, again,
nicely tucked up inside,

and then placed over the top
of them was the smallest,

the youngest one,
lying here, tucked up

so that all their heads were sort
of nestled together, basically.


I know. I know.
It sounds awful,

But it is almost like

you've kind of put them to bed,

and that's quite comforting

to think that they could be
that close to each other.

There's something very sweet
about it, also,

which is also very sad.

I have three kids.

What you've got to
bear in mind is people...

They didn't believe
that was the end.

Letting them lay together
to go to the afterlife together

was something that would have
been seen as quite important.

Yeah. That's the part
that makes me cry.

- I know.
- Yeah.


Does it seem like an entire
family, you know, became ill

or there was a plague
of some sort, or...

Both on the youngster
and one of the older ones,

there is a condition
we think is indicative

of iron deficiency... anemia...

And made them more susceptible

to whatever it was that really
did carry them off. Yeah.

There's just something about it

when you see it up close
and in person.

It's really emotional for me

because these bones
are like a mirror.

They're people,
and they had families.

I can feel what those parents
would have felt.

If I had sick children,
there's nothing

that I wouldn't do to try
and save them or heal them.

These newly discovered remains

are still swirling
with questions,

but another skeleton
found in 2002

could be the key to uncovering
why this monument was built.

It's kept at the nearby
Salisbury Museum,

home to one of
the largest collections

of Stonehenge artifacts
in the world.

This is the Amesbury Archer.

When we found this guy,
everybody was...

Well, jaw-dropping.

If we can open this up?

Gonna actually see inside.

- That's cool.
- Yes.

You're Hulking it.

That just makes it
a bit easier for us to see.

The man himself...

He was probably what
I would call middle-aged,

between about 35 or 45.

The Amesbury Archer
was discovered

three miles from Stonehenge,

buried with about 100 objects,
including arrowheads,

wrist guards used in archery,
and rare gold jewelry.

Using advanced DNA testing,
Jackie and her team

have determined that he died
around 2300 B.C.,

700 years after construction
began at Stonehenge,

but he was born
far from modern-day England.

We know that he probably
came from somewhere

in the Alpine region
of continental Europe.

How far of a journey would
that have been for...

Probably Switzerland.

Switzerland is about
800 miles away.

Today, that's a 14-hour drive,
but 5,000 years ago,

that would have been
several months' journey on foot.

Clearly, there was something
pulling him towards this site.

He may well have traveled
across just to see Stonehenge

because people... word of mouth.

People would have known
that it was there. Yeah.

But the skeleton has
one more story to tell,

and I think it's unlikely
that he was

just traveling
to see an impressive site.

We're looking at the knee.

Look at this one here.
There's a knee cap there.

- Mm-hmm.
- There isn't one here.

Now, that's not because
it's gone missing.

It's because it was
never there to start with.

He appears to have had
congenital absence of a patella.

So that ligament is
pushing into the bone,

so that would have been
quite debilitating.

If your shoes are too tight,

you don't want to walk very far.

Imagine if your bones
are grinding

on each other and your knee.

That's a long way to journey.

For me, I imagine
he must have had,

you know, a good reason.

This is another one of
the graves of the same date

as the Amesbury Archer.

Let's have a look.

Just lift his skull this time.

Right, okay.


These are the original teeth?

These are the original teeth,
yeah, yeah.

They're whiter than my teeth.

Well, it's the fact...
No sugar, no tea,

none of that sort of stuff.

This is a little bit odd here.

It looks like there
may have been

some surgical
intervention as such.

They were doing that
this long ago?

Is that common?

There's places where
it was quite common.

I had no idea that
they were performing

surgeries like that back then.

Blew my mind.

It's just so much
more sophisticated

than I realized
people were back then.

Oh, yes.

So did he heal
and survive that surgery?

Yeah. There looks to be
some kind of healing there.

So 5,000 years ago,
someone performed surgery here,

a man walked hundreds
of miles to Stonehenge

in excruciating pain,

and three children were buried

whose lives were
all cut short from illness.

It's all starting to add up.

It makes a lot of sense to me

that people would travel
to Stonehenge

if they had a strong belief

that there could be
some sort of relief

from whatever pain or suffering
that they may have had.

Could Stonehenge have been
a place of healing...

Some kind of ancient hospital?

Makes a lot of sense to me

that Stonehenge was some type
of a healing center.

Oh, definitely.

As early as 2500 B.C.,

people were traveling
extremely long distances

to visit Stonehenge in the face
of life-threatening injury,

suggesting Stonehenge could have
been some sort of hospital

for the ancient world.

The healing theory... to me,
it seems the most functional.

So for it to be a place
where people can go

and experience improvement
in their health...

I see how you could get people
to sacrifice their bodies

and their time to do this.

But what made Stonehenge
so special?

Was the stone circle
an ancient operating room

for advanced medical minds
to do surgery,

or is there some healing power
that the monument itself holds?

One of the main archaeologists
of that theory

is Tim Darvill.

You've got all the connections.

That's the way it is.

To search for answers, my
local expert, Mark Conroy, and I

have traveled
200 miles from Stonehenge

to the Preseli Mountains
in southwest Wales.

It's a land of myths and legends
where kings rose to power,

ancient gods were said to reign,

spirits are still believed
to linger,

and where the bluestones
in the center of Stonehenge

were quarried before being
carried hundreds of miles.

Megan, come and meet
Tim Darvill.

- Hi, Tim.
- Hi, Megan.

Really good to see you.

Welcome to the magic mountain
from the stones of Stonehenge.

The magic mountain.

Timothy Darvill is
one of the most respected minds

on Stonehenge in the world.

He recently led
the first excavation in decades

inside the rings of Stonehenge.

Our idea is that the power
of the place at Stonehenge

is based on the power
of these rocks,

and these rocks are powerful

because they have the potential
to heal people.

That's crazy.
Shall we walk?

Let's walk up and have a look.

It's quite a climb.

Is this the only quarry,
or source, for these stones?

They're only in
this part of Wales.

They're only on this mountain,
in fact.

According to Tim,

these mountains
are the only place

the bluestones
from the center of Stonehenge

could have come from.

These stones are a type
of metamorphic rock

called spotted dolerite that
turns a bluish hue when wet,

hence the name bluestones.

What we're standing
in front of now

is an extraordinary stone

they're gonna use at Stonehenge.

They've started to shape it
roughly into the form

that they want...
Had it not broken...

If this had not broken,

this could have been
standing at Stonehenge.

Amazing. You can almost
hear the swearing

that must have come out of
that crack when it first broke.

It's amazing that under our feet
there's so much history.

This goes back
4,000 or 5,000 years.

But still there's
that question of, why?

- Why?
- Why trek all the way up here...

- Why these?
- ...for these specific stones?

So what's special about these?

There's stones everywhere.

What we do have is
some really important

and interesting
historical documentation.

Geoffrey of Monmouth was
a 12-century author

famous for his legends
of King Arthur and Merlin,

and although his tales
often blurred the lines

between history and myth,
he was one of the first people

to ever seriously study

and all of his writings
had one thing in common...

That Stonehenge was a place
of unexplainable healing

derived from the power
of the bluestones at its center.

Geoffrey of Monmouth... he says
these are healing stones,

and the way you use them
is to make a pool of water

and use the water
as a medium for healing.

This hillside that
we're standing on now...

There are springs
every few meters along here,

and those springs are often
regarded as holy springs,

as having curative powers.

The spring is up there
above us somewhere.

Let's walk up and have a look.


Just here.

We did it.

What we've got is
the natural spring,

but to create a pool,
they've built a pile of rocks...

A sort of very crude wall
across there.

It's like a modified
spring here.

And they put the stones
in the water

to create the healing effect?

Yes. The stone
and the water together.

Although the idea of
magic water healing the sick

and injured is enticing,

Tim and his team have found
no science to back it up.

However, myths are often born
out of some truth,

a kernel of ancient knowledge
lost through the millennia,

like a game of
ancient telephone.

So is there some kernel of truth

to the healing power
of the bluestones?

What other qualities
do these stones have

that could make them special?

Well, maybe the stones
are special

because they make
special noises.

We can find stones which,
when you tap them... Yeah.

...they do, in fact,
make a ringing noise.

Did you hear it?
Yeah, I can hear it.

They make a ringing noise.

- Oh, look at that.
- That's so cool.

That is amazing.

- That one is so amazing.
- It will ring.

I do think we forget,
when we're thinking about

archaeological evidence,

that sound is such an
important part of life. Yeah.

All across the world,

there is evidence of ancients
being drawn to sound,

like on the island of Malta,

where the oldest underground
temple in the world

was built in 4000 B.C.

At its center is
the oracle room.

Carved from limestone,

it bounces and reverberates
sound in unexplainable ways.

In 2008, researchers at UCLA

tested the sounds
from the oracle chamber

and discovered that
it altered brain function,

putting people
in a trance-like state.

1,500 years after
the oracle room was completed,

the first stones
at Stonehenge were erected.

Could those prehistoric builders
have been creating

their own
super-acoustic healing chamber?

Now we know... anyone that
has a meditation app

or does any sort of meditation
know that sounds

can affect the frequencies
in our brain and our brainwaves

and can put us
in a more meditative state,

and that could have gone

with whatever rituals
were going on there.

Well, that's a really nice idea.

I want to examine
this theory for myself,

so we're recording the sound
of the bluestones,

and then we'll test
how their frequency

affects the human body.

And if you look at the way
the Stonehenge is laid out...

...it looks like
it's been arranged in a way

to bounce sound.

Archaeologists believe
the bluestones were rearranged

at least three times
at Stonehenge

between 2400 and 2000 B.C.

Were they rearranging the stones

to tune it
like a giant instrument,

getting the sound just right
to heal the human body?

- Did you hear it?
- I think so.

That is amazing.

Could the strange
acoustic properties of these

Preseli bluestones found
in the center of Stonehenge

actually affect the brain
in a way that promotes healing?

Time for the test.

No one has ever tested how
the sound from these bluestones

affects the human body,
until now.

Hello, Megan.

- Megan.
- Nice to meet you.

How are you?

I've enlisted the expertise
of Dr. Ullrich Bartsch,

a neuroscientist from
the University of Bristol.

So, we recorded the sounds
of the bluestones.

I'm glad you're here
to record it.

And I'm interested to see
how those may or may not

have some sort of
affect on my brain,

and that would be very
interesting... Yeah.

...some science that shows
maybe Stonehenge was used

as a healing center
or a healing facility.

There's definitely evidence
auditorial stimulation

can influence brainwaves.

There are lots of studies
that have shown

certain sound frequencies

can cause the body
to lower its blood pressure,

dull pain, and in some cases,
even help heal wounds.

So there's a possibility that
that might just work, yes.

- Okay.
- We can try and have a look.

What we're gonna use today
is this EEG net.

It's a bit like a cap

which will pick up
your brainwaves.

- Okay.
- It's gonna be quite snug.

I have a little baby head, so...

...I think it'll be easier to get
on there than you think. Yeah.

Everyone in the small town
that I'm from

used to call me Peahead.

The size of the brain
doesn't have anything

to do with intelligence.

You ready for this?
Yeah, I'm ready.


There you go.

We're gonna compare
different frequencies first.


And then we're gonna play

the sounds from the bluestones

and see what it does to
your brainwaves as they happen.

- All right.
- Just relax.

Close your eyes.

Concentrate on your breath,
and here we go.

We often think of sound
in terms of its volume,

but its frequency
is way more powerful.

Fire alarms are calibrated
to a specific frequency

that triggers
the fight-or-flight response

and releases a jolt
of adrenaline through the body.

By playing a range
of different sound frequencies

in addition to the bluestones,

Ullrich will be able
to determine

how my brain activity
is affected.

And now we're gonna play you
the bluestones sounds.


The sound of Tibetan monks
humming has been proven

to put the brain
in a meditative state.

Could the frequency
of the Preseli bluestones

have their own unique power?

That sounds good.

That was two minutes
of bluestone sounds.

This is us done for the experiment.

I will have to go
and analyze the data now.

Ullrich needs two days
to analyze the results,

so while I wait for the science,

I'm gonna investigate
an oral tradition

that tells of
a more mystical source

of Stonehenge's healing power,

which flows through
this entire landscape.

I think it's important to
seek out alternative theories

or alternative knowledge

because we can't
just close the door on that

because it "isn't science."

That brought me
to the Avebury stone circle,

a 1/2-mile-long monument located
24 miles from Stonehenge,

and many believe
these two ancient sites

are connected in a way
that science can't explain.

Sharing this belief
is Maria Wheatley,

a modern-day Druid.

Maria, hi.
How are you?

Megan, meet Maria Wheatley.

- Hi.
- How are you?

Nice to meet you.

The Druids were an ancient
order of Celtic priests

believed to possess
profound ancient wisdom.

It was even believed that
they could see the future.

The Druids today
and of yesterday

knew the importance
of these ancient sites.

Avebury is holy ground where
people came and respected,

and they still do today.

You know, you get thousands
of people. Yeah.

So this has always been
deemed special.

So why do you think
these ancient people

and the builders of this site
chose this site specifically?

Because of what you can't see,

and that's ley lines
that carry energy.

Some believe that ley lines
create an invisible power grid

that crisscrosses
the entire globe,

intersecting at places of power
from the Pyramids of Giza

to right here
in the Stonehenge landscape.

This healing energy is said

to sit just below
the Earth's surface

and can affect
anything it touches,

like these giant stones.

As I understand it,

the energy could possibly
be harnessed, right?

Stonehenge is really special.

It's a kind of meeting point
of numerous ley lines,

all converge at Stonehenge,

up to 30 lines converging
at one energetic point.

Those currents are said
to be the most healing.

I think that the ancients
knew this,

and I think today
we can still detect that

by using dousing.

I would like to see that
very much.

Yeah, I'm game.

Dousing is an ancient technique

said to date back
as far as 6000 B.C.,

used to find water, minerals,
or invisible energy currents

by observing the subtle
movements of a pointer.

Imagine that the stone
is rooted in the ground

by about two to three feet,

and it has two energy bands
beneath the ground

and energy bands coming up
the face of the stone,

and these are energy points

which releases
electromagnetic energy.

Let me show you how it works.

You just hold the rod parallel
to the ground... Okay.

...and then
slowly lift it up,

and when it picks up
on the energy band,

the rod will move.

That's amazing.

And where it hits
an energy band, it moves.

And let's get the top
of that energy band now.

There we go.
So that's one band.

I want to try.

Is that okay?

What if it rejects me?

There we go.
There it is.

So can you feel
anything when that happens?

I could feel that.

When I hit the top,
I could feel that.

This energy band here

is called the third energy band,

and a lot of people, when
they stand against the stone,

feel a force
that pushes them away.


I definitely think there's
something different here.

To me, I believe that the people
who built Stonehenge

were very connected
to their bodies

and very connected to the Earth.

You know, people maybe are
so desensitized now

because we always have
a cellphone in our hand.

Everybody's always trying
to distract themselves.

That keeps you
from being connected.

Being out here without
a bunch of people around

and being quiet
and having to be still,

I do feel...

it's something special.

There a hundreds of
ancient sites and monuments

dotting this landscape,

with Stonehenge
right at the center.

Could all these sites
be channeling

a powerful invisible energy

that all converges
at Stonehenge?

If so, the ancients were more
advanced than we ever imagined.

If Stonehenge was
an ancient healing center...

The power of Stonehenge is based
on the power of these rocks.

...or a conduit for
mysterious Earth energies...

That's amazing.

...the ancient people
that erected it would have been

much more advanced
than previously thought.

To shed some light
on this possibility,

I've traveled to Bath, England,

to meet with one
of my personal heroes.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Good to see you.
- How are you?

- Good to see you.
- Welcome.

Graham Hancock is
a world-renowned investigator

of ancient mysteries.

His books have sold more than
5 million copies

and have been translated
into 27 languages.

Although controversial,

his theories
on megalithic monuments,

or ancient monuments
made from giant stones,

have challenged decades-old
established history.

He's one of those guys
that has inspired me

and inspired this journey.

I'm excited to
get to talk to him.

So, I keep my office down
in the basement of the house.

Your wife has you
keep the office

in the basement of the house.
Well, yes. Yes.

I can't have this mess
exploding all over the house.

We're looking into Stonehenge
and the new things

that they're discovering
around it.

Is there a theory that
resonates with you the most

about what Stonehenge's
purpose was?

What's interesting about Stonehenge...
Yeah. Mm-hmm.

...is I think that
megalithic technology

was the technology and knowledge
of a lost civilization.

I think this is
the missing piece of the puzzle.

Where did that come from?

I think that there's been
a forgotten episode

in human history.

I've made a case
over quite a long time now

that the Earth encountered
a comet 12,800 years ago.

Suddenly, there's flooding,

and then a huge
deep freeze occurs,

and it's a devastating period,

and there's enormous extinctions.

This is not some fantasy
of mine.

This is based on extremely
solid science. Yeah.

And what I'm suggesting is

there were survivors
of that cataclysm.

They settled around the world,

and they tried to restart
their civilization,

and part of the package of ideas

that they brought was
megalithic architecture. Mm.

And I see evidence
for that all over the world,

and I think
the British stone circles

are a part of that story.

Graham's theory is new,

and many
in the scientific community

are resistant to its claims

that about 13,000 years ago

there was an unknown
civilization of humans

that possessed
advanced technology,

but a comet hit the Earth,
killing most of them

and extinguishing animals
like the woolly mammoth

and the sabre-toothed tiger.

However, a small group
of these humans survived

and used
their advanced technology

to help build sites like
the pyramids and Stonehenge.

This is a gigantic episode.

Historians are not taking it
into account at all...


...in their construction
of the house of history.

Why do you think there's
such resistance to new ideas

that lie outside
of the consensus?

We can't help it
as human beings.

We interpret things according to
what we already know. Mm-hmm.

But in the vast story
of human experience,

anatomically modern humans
have been around

for at least 350,000 years.

Our civilization...
What is it, really?

It's just, like, a sort
of outgrowth... Mm-hmm.

...from the vast story
of humanity,

and how arrogant of us
to say that

the little bit of knowledge
that we've accumulated

in this tiny pimple
on the forehead

of the giant
that is the human past...

That that's what it's all about.

Let's pay attention
to the giant, not the pimple.

His theory is
very exciting to me

because it's changing
how we view ancient humans,

and it's a disservice to assume
that ancient people were stupid

or didn't know as much as we do.

There's just more to discover

that's really worth

I really, truly believe that
the builders of Stonehenge

were far more sophisticated
than we ever imagined,

and today it might become a lot
more than just a gut feeling.

I have a call with
neuroscientist Ullrich Bartsch

to find out if the sounds
of the bluestones

used at Stonehenge
altered my brainwaves.

If my brain reacted
to the bluestones

in a "positive manner,"

I think it's too much
of a coincidence

if they do prove to have,
like, healing sound properties.

They were chosen.

I don't think
it was an accident.

How are you?

Hi, Megan. I'm good.
How are you?

Good to see you again.

I've finished the analysis
of your data.

And I have to say,

I was extremely skeptical
when you came in,

and I wasn't quite sure how
this was all gonna pan out,

but in the end,
I was positively surprised.

Well, that's interesting.

Have you got the files?
I do.

I am really excited.

It's so cool.
Oh, my God.

You made my life
a little bit better.

I wasn't quite sure how
this all was gonna pan out.

I was extremely skeptical,

but in the end,
I was positively surprised.

Dr. Ullrich Bartsch,

a neuroscientist
from the University of Bristol,

tested the sounds
of the Preseli bluestones

from the inner circle
of Stonehenge

to determine if they can
affect human brainwaves

and could promote healing.

And I'm just about
to hear the results.

Have you got the files?
I do.

We've analyzed about 30 seconds
of your brain activity

during each of the sounds.


We can look at figure 2,
which has a comparison

between the different

and the bluestones.

When compared to the other
frequencies Ullrich played...

...the bluestones produced
the only sound

that increased alpha waves
in my brain,

and that is very exciting.

You increase the amplitude
of alpha waves,

which means the stone sound

seems to be very good
for relaxation,

and this might be beneficial
to reduce stress

and beneficial for regeneration

and maybe even healing
or recovery from infections.

That's so interesting.

So it seemed to have worked.

Do you have any opinions
on what that could mean

about Stonehenge
using these stones?

Do you think that it's possible

they were chosen
for that reason?

I think that definitely warrants

further investigation,

so there's a lot of things
that we can learn

from ancient buildings
and ancient civilizations.

Oh, my God.

You made my life
a little bit better,

and I made your life
a little bit better.

Thank you.

I am surprised.

I thought science was gonna
come in and crush my dream,

so it's unexpected
and really encouraging and cool

that this sort of lines up
and validates the theory

that these were used
for healing.

While my brain-scan results
do strengthen the theory,

we'd need way more data
for anything to be definitive.

For me, this investigation
has revealed

why Stonehenge is such
a seductive mystery.

People were willing to walk
hundreds of miles

in excruciating pain
just to see it.

It sits on land that is believed
to be pulsing

with an invisible
and powerful energy,

and the massive stones

carried hundreds of miles

because they have
the ability to heal.

Like expanding
your consciousness

just by being here
and taking it in.

With every step
we take towards the truth,

we unravel more
of humanity's story...

Where we come from, who we are,
and where we're going.

Maybe one day
Stonehenge will reveal

its deepest, darkest secrets...

One of the great mysteries
of the world,

and we're standing
in the middle of it.

...and I hope I'm there
when it does.