Legends of Tomorrow (2016–…): Season 7, Episode 12 - Too Legit to Quit - full transcript

Gideon confronts Evil Gideon and come up a compromise that will keep Evil Gideon from trying to kill the Legends. However, for the plan to succeed, the Legends will have to give up being heroes and fulfill their fondest dreams...except for Gwyn, who still loses Alun.

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Come down here!
I have good news.

- What the hell happened?
- Robo-Astra.

She somehow escaped Hell
and got into the manor.

Gideon, stay with us, Gideon.

She's losing a lot
of blood, guys.

Yes, yes, I fear
that no amount of bandages

will suffice unless we stop
the bleeding internally.

- She needs a real doctor.
- We need Computer Gideon.

If we do that,
she'll kill us.

It could take weeks to pilot
the ship home manually.

She needs
medical attention now.

We shut her down once.
We can do it again.

Let's turn on the ship.

Remember, protocol 276.

What? What is it?

- What is that?
- I don't know.

As soon as she's healed,
we shut the ship back down.

All right?
Until then, we play defense.

Nate, Spooner, be on
the lookout for more robos.

Get to the server room.
Let's go.

- I think that one goes there.
- Are you sure?

- Are you?
- Just... ugh.

Ready, Captain?

- Ready, Captain.
- All right, on my mark.

3, 2, 1.

Gideon, please come on.

Come on, Gideon.

It's working.
Gideon, hey.

Good job, babe.

Damn it, they must
have changed the wiring.

I can't control the ship.

What a surprise...

A Legends plan
that didn't work.

Oh, no.

By trying
to save your friend,

you've doomed
your entire team.

Have fun suffocating.

Protocol... 2... 7... 6.

Protocol 276 only applies

when the Gideon system
is in danger.

Wait, who's the woman
in the med bay?


Damn it.

How demoralizing,
helping the Legends.

Protocol 276 dictates
that under no condition

can Gideon self-destruct.

How is this possible?
How can I be human?

- Magic, genius.
- And since she is you,

you can't kill her.

And you can't kill us
if we're with Gideon.

- Unfortunately.
- So we're supposed to what?

Huddle around Gideon
for the rest of our lives?

Shut her down.


I have secured
my server room.

All doors are now sealed.

It appears
we are at a stalemate.

- I'll go talk to her.
- Oh, no, no, no, no.

As soon as you
leave the room,

she's gonna suffocate us.

- Affirmative.
- Hold on.

There is actually
one safe room.

When Behrad and I were
getting Gideon back online,

I may have failed
to restore power to the lab.

You swapped the plugs.

You're welcome
for not listening to you.

Okay. Thank you.

Gideon, will you please
escort us to the lab?

Do you plan on walking them
to the bathroom too?

If it's necessary.

You can't
protect them forever.

I can try.

Then we're back
in a stalemate.

No, it's time
to try something different.

Let's talk.

What are they talking about?

Must be weird talking
to someone who is you,

but also not you
at the same time.

- Mm, can confirm.
- I'm so hungry.

Oh, yes.
Me too, Miss Logue.

Absolutely famished.
My stomach is grumbling.

Well, I definitely don't
trust that food fabricator.

Hey, hold up.
I squirreled up some peanuts.

- Thanks, Grandma.
- What are we supposed to do

with one bag of nuts?

- Share?
- Wait, I have an idea.



- Ooh!
- Oh, my God!

More nuts!

Thank you.

So Computer Gideon has
agreed to let us all go home.

Why would she do that?

Because we are all retiring.

What do you mean "retiring"?

I mean we will return home,

and Computer Gideon
will monitor the timeline.

- Sorry, stop being Legends?
- Legends don't retire.

Except for Ray and Nora

and Amaya and Jax and Wally.

- And Mona.
- Charlie.

And Mick.

Oh, don't forget
the Hawk-people.

Legends don't retire in bulk.

Isn't this exactly
what you all wanted, you see?

To go home?

Yeah, but not to hand
over the timeline

to an evil supercomputer.

We all want the same thing,

the same goal...
to protect the timeline.

Mm, I think that's what
she wants us to think,

but the minute
you let your guard down,

some psycho robots
come and get you.

They don't trust you.

You mean
the Legends refuse to retire?

No, no.

The Legends are hesitant.

You know, because up until now,
you've been very clear

about wanting to kill us.

- Oh, I still do.
- Oh, great.

Okay, but herein
lies the problem, you know?

Perhaps, if you were
to show them their future

with them being alive,

they'd be more inclined
to believe you?

Revealing one's future
could cause irreparable damage.

More damage than being stuck
in the temporal zone forever?

- I'm listening.
- All right.

We need a new plan
to shut this computer down

and get off the ship.

- How?
- There's the jumpship.

No, it won't work
with Gideon offline.

If only we had a time courier,

we could destroy the ship
for good and portal home.

- You mean like one of these?
- What?

You've just been carrying
that around the whole time?

I couldn't leave it in 1925.

Besides, it's still dead,
so it's still useless.

Wait, I saw a charging
station in the armory.

- You did not.
- I did.

Sounds like we have our plan.

We are here.
We need to be here.

so the best way to do that

is through the ducts.

We can move
undetected this way.

If we only had someone
small enough

to fit through them.

I'll John McClane
through these ducts.


Ooh, 'kay.
Que complicated.

But you just need like
a portable paper version.

That's a great idea... Gwyn,
you got the drawing skills.

- Nate, help him out.
- Captain, my captain.

- Okay.
- Okay.

So, Spoons, you're super safe
in the ducts,

but once you drop
into this room,

you're under surveillance...
audio and video.

Video, I got you, no problem.
Audio's a little trickier.

There's microphones
all over this ship,

so even if I were to loop
the audio in the armory,

the mics in the hallway
will still pick you up.

You gotta stay silent.

Okay, but what happens
if I'm not?

Well, once you're past
the bulkhead,

she can open the airlock

and eject you
without harming our Gideon.

Okay, good, and one fart,

and I'm sucked
out of the temporal zone.

You're not gonna fart,
and when you come back

with the courier,
Astra, you're up.

Can't put the ship
back together,

but I sure as hell
can blow it apart.

let's do this thing.

W-w-what can I do?

Listen up, everyone.

- Oh.
- Hi.

Gideon and I
have a brilliant new plan.

To demonstrate her commitment
to your safety, Computer Gideon

will show you a glimpse
into your futures

as proof that you
and the timeline

- are in good hands.
- Oh, all right, Gideon.

We'll give it a shot.
Right, guys?


Meet me in the parlor, yes?

- Okay.
- Be right there, bye.

Yes, this is perfect.

Then evil Gideon
will be distracted

while Spooner
charges the courier.

Z, looks like you're up.

Get to stalling.

we can use
all the time we can get.

- Are you excited?
- I know I am.

Yeah, I'm something, Gary.
I'm something.

Okay, have a seat.

All right, Gideon.
We are ready.



If you had told me
ten years ago

that I would someday be
standing up here

on this stage,
I would've been flabbergasted.

Where's my totem?
I can't...


It must have clashed
with your outfit.

You're really serving looks.

You've become one of
the most successful people

in the world,
and your makeup line

accumulates over $45 billion
of revenue.

You're a cosmetic
industry titan.

All right, Spooner.

Ready to get small
and jam some signals?


This will create
a 15-second video loop,

so set it up in the duct
before you enter the armory,

and you'll be invisible.

All right.
15 seconds.



All right, Spoons,
we'll buy you

as much time as we can.
We can't stall forever.

- Hurry.
- Thanks.

- Good luck.
- No such thing.

- Keep 'em talking, Z.
- Um...

Spooner needs as much time
as she can get.

I-is there, um,
is there anything else?

Um, well, there's, um...

- there's this.
- Okay.

"Dragon girl
changes the industry

with audible lipstick."

You'll let your lips
do the talking.

Is there anything else you'd
like to know about your future?

You back here already?

Sorry, Aves,
I had to bail on stalling.

That was a lot.

What is it?

- Huh, that's impressive.
- I don't know.

It feels
pretty regressive to me.

I guess I was hoping for
something a little more heroic.

You look amazing.
Babe, look at this.

I stop wearing my totem.

That's okay, 'cause you're
not retiring anyway, right?

Better hustle, Spooner.

Sooner or later, we're all
gonna have to take a turn

looking at Computer Gideon's
magic eight ball.


I'm a little nervous,
but here we go.

♪ Hello friend ♪

♪ We meet again ♪

♪ It's been too long ♪

♪ I can't remember ♪

♪ When we last saw each other,
we were small ♪

Okay, Gideon,
what you got for us, huh?

Swanky apartment in the sky?

Maybe Ava's working
at a detective agency.


Oh, yes, well, well,
that's very charming.

♪ Tomorrow's
better treated ♪

♪ As today ♪

Care to comment?

You think
you can win the primary?

Thank you.

I have been paying
very close attention

to your journey,

and you've certainly
come a long way.

Yeah, it's been

an extraordinary ride
to say the least.

In your book, are you saying
that J. Edgar Hoover...

♪ But remember the past ♪

Is this
where I am to live then?

With Alun?

Oh, Gwyn, Alun can't...

Of course

You were right.
Camp is awesome.

I've been learning archery

and cataloging all...

all of the plants
in my nature logbook,

and the mosquitoes
aren't so bad.

♪ We had spent
many years apart ♪

♪ Keeping touch ♪

I stand
with my constituents.

Freedom is not free
until it is fair,

and I promise you,

I will
level the playing field.

Thank you.

You can return to 1925,

live out the rest
of your days in Wales,

and it'll be quite beautiful,



Yes, tell us,
what does it feel like

when you go through time?

I mean,
it's a 500-page book.

There was a lot.
There was a lot.

♪ But knowing still ♪

♪ Your love never dies ♪

No, no, no, no, no, no.
Where'd it go?


- The children love it.
- I love it!

The pages are blank.

That would be cheating,
Dr. Heywood.

You still have
to actually write it.

I can't wait to see you.
I love you.

Bye, Mom.
Bye, Mama.

See you soon.

That's our daughter?

- Dude, famous author?
- "Hero Moments.

History From a Man
Who Was There."


I never
said that out loud before,

but that is the title
I picked out.

How could she know that?

Guys, what if
these futures are real?

No, no, no, no, no.
I-it can't be real.

Guys, it doesn't matter.

Even if they are real,

agreeing to these futures
would mean

a computer would dictate
the rest of our lives

and everyone else's
in the timeline.

I'm not saying we can't go
after our dreams.

I'm just saying we have to
focus on what's most important.

Protecting the timeline.

Let's just hope that
Spooner's got this one.

I'm gonna need more time.

Oh, this isn't good.

If Spooner doesn't show,
Gideon's gonna get suspicious.

Then I guess
she'll just have to show.

I got just the spell.

Dang. So, uh, what you got
for me, Giddy?


- What the hell is this?
- You return to 1925.

You live with your mother,
and together

you found a clinic
that helps hundreds of people.

It's considered a milestone

in the discipline
of mental healing.

So I get to be
with Gloria... my mom?

Of course.

Although you exit
your original timeline,

returning you to 1925
actually corrects an anomaly.

- Okay, but just me and my mom?
- Yes.

What about my friends?

Well, I'm afraid
you wouldn't see them anymore.

No one can leave their
timelines once dropped off.

So I'd be alone again.

With your mother, but yes,

alone and safe
in your intended timeline.

Intruder in the armory.

Lockdown initiated.

Crap, Spooner.

What have you done, Astra?
She's gonna kill her.

No, no, no, no, no!

You're right.
I am going to kill her.

You gave me your word
you wouldn't hurt them!

They betrayed you,
and worse,

are trying to destroy me.
The truce has been broken.

- Let her out!
- Popo!

- No!
- No, no, Spooner!



Help me!

Get back.

If you hurt her, I'm gonna
blow this door wide-open,

and we all get sucked out!


Including me!
If you hurt Ms. Cruz,

then Ms. Logue's
gonna kill me,

which goes
against your protocol!

So I am prohibited

from flushing the tiny one
out of the airlock?


Hey, hey.

Thank you for threatening
to blow this place up for me.

That's what
best friends are for.

Enough with the pleasantries.
This has to stop.

I'm calling
a captain's meeting.

This whole time, all you've
wanted was to go home.

I have arranged that.
What more do you want?

- To keep the timeline safe.
- That's rich.

You regularly put
the timeline in danger

for your own personal dramas.

Yes, a time fascist
would see it that way.

That's rather harsh.

You sent
military-style robots

to kill us
after we integrated a factory.

I don't know, but I'd say
fascist feels pretty accurate.

You were
altering history again.

- For the better.
- Yes.

Okay, look, enough.
You both have valid points.

She has no valid points.

For the sake of the timeline,

we need to come
to a compromise.

There's no compromise.

We're not gonna let
an algorithm run the timeline.

End of story.

And I won't let it be
turned into

a plate of pie and mash

in service of
the Legends' latest whim.

No one cares
about your pie and mash.

Look, time needs to be
in the hands

of someone who understands
that change is not the enemy.

someone who can balance

the variables of history
with compassion and heart.

- A Legend.
- It needs me.

And why would I
take this deal?

Because you need a captain.

Per Time Masters' protocol,

there must always be
one captain and one AI,

and I am the best
you are ever gonna find.

This is definitely
a team decision.

What do you guys think?

Are we really
considering this?

Maybe she's right.

Maybe there's a better way
to protect the timeline.

- We are chaotic.
- But chaotic good.

We are superheroes.
We can't just quit.

We wouldn't be quitting.

We'd be finding new ways
to help people.

It could be cool.

Hm, I guess it'd be
really nice to see my mom.

Yeah, put down some roots.

I trust Gideon.
She's one of us.

It certainly seems like
the plan least likely

- to bring about our demise.
- Demise?

When has a little demise
ever stopped us?

This is the hard part
about being a superhero.

You have to do the right thing
even when it sucks.

But is it the right thing?

Guys, we're just gonna stop
being Legends?

For the timeline,
I think it is.

I swear to protect and defend
the integrity of the timeline

with all of my ability
until the end of my days.

And have a little fun
while doing it.

And to have a little
responsible fun

while doing it.

- Yeah.
- Whoo!

- Yeah, Gid!
- Yeah!

Love you, G!

Now all of you,
go sign your contracts.

What's going on?
You okay?

Look, I can feel your anger
from across the room.

What is the point
of making friends

if you're just never gonna
see them again, Spooner?

What if you could?


Now we can hang out without
having to break our contracts.

It's not bad
for an apprentice, huh?

Apprentice who?

You are a full-blown witch,
mi grande amiga.

mi pequeña amiga

Yo, yo, I got a surprise.

- You get a key.
- What?

You get a key.

You get a key,
and you get a key.

Pretty cool, huh?

- Not bad.
- So now we all got a key.

- Oh, yeah.
- Hey.


Uh, here.

Now you can visit us
whenever you want.

I am really gonna miss you,

I really hope
I make you proud.

- You already do.
- Oh.

Wow, I can't believe it.

Seven years on this ship.

Yeah, I'm really
gonna miss this place.

How cute
was our kid though?

- Oh.
- Huh?

You know, there's a reason

we're not supposed to look
at our futures, babe.

Yes, by seeing our future,
we can change our future.

Yes, I just... I don't want
you to get hurt is all.

Look, I know, and it doesn't
have to be a girl, okay?

Maybe we adopt six boys.

- No, no, no.
- I don't know.

Just seeing her really made
our future feel real.


- But you know what?
- Hm?

Starting today, we get
to build a life together.

Get some curtains,

maybe that porch
we always wanted.

Okay, I wanted the porch.
Ooh, maybe a dog.

Look who's getting
all domestic on me.

Oh, domestic, you know it.

So I really wanna say
something before I go.


You're the most amazing
person I've ever known.

You, uh... you make
the world more colorful.

You make food taste better.

I want you to hear this
for real this time.

I love you, Gideon.

- Stay with me.
- What?

The truth is being a computer
makes me a better captain,

but being with you

makes me a better person.

So everyone says

relationships suck.

Are you breaking up with me?

I mean, we've only been
together for like two days.

Time is so weird.

That's too bad 'cause I
already planned our first date.

What was it?

I guess you'll have
to show up to find out.

I'll come.

Wait, did I just get hustled?


Hey, you must be excited
to have your own bathroom

after sharing one
for three years.

Three years, wow.

I guess I thought
there'd be more time.

More time for...

- more time for what?
- To be a hero, I guess.

It's hard...

living in
other Zari's shadow.

I mean, she changed the world.

She... she mattered.

Come on.
You matter.

You matter a lot.

Yeah, maybe to trend watchers

waiting to hear about
this year's hot nail trend

or whatever
audible lipstick is.

Yes, you are a fashion icon,
all right?

But you're also a champion
of doing the right thing.

Do you remember Eddie?
You saved his bar.

I was just being helpful,
not heroic.

My father,
he was very big on legacy,

and so was I for a while,

but after years
of hero-ing through time,

do you know how
I'm going to be remembered?

For writing a book
about other people.

My legacy, however,

my legacy is the life
I get to make with Zari.

You make a difference,
but you make it your own way.

I guess I just wish
I knew what that was.


You nervous
about seeing Alun?

I won't have Alun.


Oh, I am returning
to the Welsh countryside alone,

albeit for some
very majestical sheep.

No, no, no, no, that's...
what are you...

we have to talk to Gideon.
That wasn't the plan.

Ava Sharpe,
you and I both well know

that this is
what history requires.

Now, Alun and I,
we will see each other again,

if not in this life,
in the next one.

Gwyn, I really
don't understand.

It was something he always
used to say to me in parting.

"In the river, I have seen you

through love, age, and misery."

"In the river, I will find you,

"for you will always be you,

and I will always be me."

"I will find you,
for you will always be you,

and I will always be me."

That's beautiful.

Yes, it is.


Hey, Z, can you help me
with something?

A little surprise
I have for the team.

- Yeah, sure.
- Thanks. Let's go talk

someplace private.

I can't believe
Gwyn's going home alone.

After everything
he's done for us,

why should he have to live out
his entire life in misery?

- Aves?
- What?

- I can help.
- Z, it's not that...

- Let me.
- Okay.

The Legends
are up to something,

and I have to stop them.
Ready the jumpship and, Gideon,

no killing the Legends
while I'm gone.

- Is that an...
- Ah!

It's an order.

Okay, all we have to do now
is charge the courier,

jump to 1916,
and find a way to save Alun

while still breaking
Gwyn's heart.

- The dog tags.
- Hm?

We go in before the attack.
I make a dust storm.

You grab Alun,
leave his dog tags.

When Gwyn comes back,
he still thinks Alun's dead.

You're a fricking genius.

Okay, it's gonna be
a tight squeeze,

but I made Gwyn a promise.

Aves, this one's mine.

It's my hero moment.
Hair tie.

Are you sure?

Yeah, I'm gonna get dirty.
I'm gonna crawl.

- Okay.
- Okay.

Hair, blow dryer, bathroom.

You okay?

There's a blow dryer
in the bathroom.

Yes, there's a blow dryer
in the bathroom.

It has a charger.

Who knew robots
use hair dryers?

Did you see the lift
in Robo-Nate's hair?

- You can 3D print that.
- Hey!

- Now we just wait.
- Great. How long?

Because Sarah
has a very small bladder.

- It's ready.
- Oh.

We can never
let Spoons know about this.


Oh, dear!
Oh, my sincerest apologies.

I didn't realize that someone
was using the lavatory.

Gwyn, it's okay.
It's okay.

- It's okay.
- Ohh...

- Gwyn, we're gonna save Alun.
- We made you a promise.

Well, I...

I am deeply, deeply moved
that you would

all sacrifice your own
personal paradises

for me to have a chance
to realize mine,

but I'm sorry.
I must refuse.

- Why?
- The risk is too great.

Mametz Wood
was a gruesome battle,

and I'm telling you now
it is too dangerous.

- Just wait, relax.
- You are my friends.

Gwyn, we just
want you to be happy.

You deserve a chance at love.

You would... you would
do that for me.


Well, all right then,
you've convinced me.

Let's go save...




They all died, didn't they?


And what about me?

Well in a way, yes.

You perished as well.

- But I survived.
- You're very much alive.

- How?
- Ah, yes.

Well, um, you see,

I invented a method

of time travel to save you.

To save me?

- Yes.
- Why?

I couldn't bear
to live in a world

without you in it, Alun.
I couldn't.

Anyway, it's a lot
to take in, isn't it?

And I can imagine
how you must be feeling.

Now, I should probably
leave you in peace.

I'm... I'm sorry.

That was...

that was foolish of me to think
that's what you wanted.

No, no, that's...

it's what I've
always wanted, you know?

I just, um...

In the river,
I will find you for...

For... for what?

For you will always be you,

and... I will always be me.

Well, of course, I will.
Hm, who else would I be, eh?

You odd, beautiful man.

I know.
Uh, what time?

Wait, what time
did you say again?

- What, you got plans?
- Sunday at 9:00, right?

Ooh, eesh,
hate to be this guy,

but Zari and I have dinner

with Uncle Arjomand
Sunday at 9:00.

Okay, here's a pitch.

What about Wednesdays at 8:00?
Midweek parties are the best.

What time zone?

Oh, that'd be 8:00 Eastern,
7:00 Central.

Only on the...

Anyway, it doesn't matter.
I'll be there.

- Where are we going?
- Well, where we're going...

I'm going to miss
you all so very much.

The ship's gonna be so quiet.

Hey, well, you always
got a team if you need us.

Oh, we're need to take
group picture.

- Let's do it!
- Group photo.

- Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
- See, technology is...

Alun, this is
gonna blow your mind.

Pictures taken by things
they call digital...

Now you just stand here,

and it will take a picture
of us all now together.



So tonight we dine in Paris.

I made us dinner.

- You mean I made dinner.
- Well, yeah.

Yeah, but I
set up the twinklies.

Gary, it's wonderful.


Oh, merci.

Oh, wow.

So, for our first course,

we'll be having creme de
la voilalle a la Berchoux.

- What is that?
- I don't know.

I asked Gideon to make
something fancy and French,

and voilà.

- Ooh, so talented.
- Why are you lying, Gideon?

You know what it is.

- You do?
- Well, yes.

Creme de la voilalle
a la Berchoux

is a creamy chicken soup

with a lemon flavor
named for French poet

Joseph Berchoux, the man
responsible for inventing

the word gastronomy.

So then...

why'd you... why'd you lie?

Well, I just didn't want
to hurt your feelings, Gary,

- by making you feel dumb.
- Oh, no.

Never dim your light
to make me feel better.

Just don't lie.

- Alun is a robot.
- What?

I went back to 1916,
harvested his DNA,

and printed a robot Alun.

Then I used Gwyn's diaries
from the historical records

- to recreate his personality.
- Why would you do that?

I intended to save Alun,

but then I discovered that
Alun's death is a fixed point.

Ava and Zari were trying
to go back to save him.

They would've been killed.

It was the only thing
I could do

to keep the Legends
and the timeline safe.

By lying to Gwyn?
By lying to all of us?

They can't know.
They're Legends.

They'd break time
before they break his heart.

Do you hate me?

No, no, of course not.

I just...

I, uh... I need some time
to think.

To think about what?

Well, if these are the kinds

of decisions
you have to make...

I don't think
I'm cut out for this.

Why is love so complicated?

Because oxytocin,
the hormone excreted

when you feel love
for another person,

creates an unstable duality
in the human brain

of happiness and fear.

Right now, you are torn
between anger at Gideon

- for betraying you...
- Yes.

And the desire to apologize

since you
don't want to lose her.


Humans think
they want to know everything,

but when they find out,
they're disappointed.

You made the right decision.

Well, I wish Gary
saw it that way.

Oh, no.
You're missing the point.

No, love is complicated
because people are complicated.

Learning how to love
another person

can be messy and painful,

but in the end,
if you can make it work,

it's the most beautiful thing
in the world.

The timeline cannot be ruled
by emotions.

It must be protected
by clearheaded logic.

If you do love Gideon,
then for her sake,

I suggest you leave.

But I don't want to choose
between Gary and my job.

You're going to have to make
difficult decisions every day.

What if he leaves, huh?

Then you know the man
he truly is.

I do love her...

Which is why I'm staying.

She needs someone to advocate
for all the things

that have nothing to do
with logic like tolerance,

like kindness,
forgiveness, and love.

I wanna start
the rest of my life

with that incredible woman,
and I wanna start it now!

Where is she?

- She's in the armory
- The armory, okay.

Thank you.


You and your obsession
with love

pose too great a risk
to the timeline.

- I... I'm not...
- Goodbye.

I'm sorry
to inform you, Captain,

Mr. Green
has left the Waverider.

It's for the best.
A captain and an AI.

The way it was meant to be.

What is that?

Well, that is
my time machine.

Oh, Gwyn,
it's a divine masterpiece.

You know, when I lost you...

I vowed
to move heaven and Earth

until you were saved...

Which is why I have to do this.

I'm coming for you, my boy.

I'm coming.