Legends of Tomorrow (2016–…): Season 6, Episode 14 - There Will Be Brood - full transcript

When Astra and Spooner find themselves as stowaways, they learn that Constantine is still chasing the Fountain of Imperium and find themselves in 1920s Texas. With the rest of the Legends stranded, they come up with a plan to get help by using Rory as bait that will also help reunite him with something that is special to him. Meanwhile, Spooner learns some information about her past that she wasn't expecting.

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[breathing heavily]

[Zari] Oh, my God.

John, what happened in there?
There's a glass and blood in...

Are you okay?

Oh, I'm never better, love.

I'm finally feeling
like my old self again, you know?

What is up with you?

Aw. Were you looking forward
to playing the nursie maid?

I'm really sorry to disappoint ya.

Where the hell is Bishop?

[Zari] I'm sorry, what now?

Bishop stole Rory's comms.

Because he knew
John was ripe for the picking.

So he smooth-talked your boyfriend
into springing him.

Isn't that right, weasel?

Oh, don't you worry your
pretty little heads about Bishop.

Everything's in hand.

Uh, John, things feel decidedly
not in hand right now.

Do you know where Bishop is?

Just... tell us what happened.
We can help you.

How many times do I have to tell you
I don't want your help?

I'm sorry, I'm confused.

You said you wanted to start a new life,
sans evil magical potion.

Do you remember
that conversation we had?

Oh, yeah, I remember, you see,

but I had a really good
chin wag with Bishop

and then I finally saw the way forward.

John, you have no idea
how manipulative Bishop is, all right?

Please, just tell us where he is
before it's too late.

He's promised to help me
unlock the Fountain.

And that is a promise
that I intend to make him keep.

So you're just gonna
turn your back on all of us?

Oh, let's be honest, I was never
one of you lot really, was I?

A Legend.

Nah, I'm a nasty piece of work,
and I walk my path alone.

John, this isn't like you.

Deep down, I know
you truly care about this team.

Oh, come on.
Grow a pair, will you, Gary?

I'm not that pathetic little bastard
that you used to know.

Yeah, you keep saying that
over and over again in different ways.

He's stalling.

[exclaims] A ghost!

Astral projection. He's not here.

If he's not here, then...


The Legends are onto our ruse.
We need to leave now.

Almost there.

[Gideon] If you reroute
my directory protocols

you'll short-circuit
all communications and navigations...

[electrical buzzing]

Okay, that's weird.

Yeah, what the hell's going on?

[engine whirring]

[theme music playing]

[Spooner] Well, that ain't
England out there.

Gideon, who's flying the ship?

Sara? Ava? Anyone?

- Comms are down.
- [door opens]

[Constantine] All right, let's talk
about the ruddy plan.

[Bishop] Well, I'm more of a
fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of guy.

That's John and Bishop.

No, no, no. If it's us against
John's dark magic, we're gonna lose.

Yeah, but...

[reciting incantation]

All right, lay it on me.
What's next, J-Co?

You're gonna help me
find another place and time

where the Fountain of Imperium
exists in history.

Ooh! I've always been intrigued
by the legend of the Fountain.

Supposedly an enormous source of power,
gifted by a benevolent alien being.

I encountered the Fountain once,
before it deemed me... unworthy.

But then, if anyone can unlock

an ancient alien artifact,
that's you, isn't it?


I mean, it is the only reason
I set you free.

Oh, and here I thought
you just wanted some company.

I want my magic back
without having to rely on pesky drugs.

Now, are you up to the task?

Or not?

Easy with the fire hands, Johnny.

I've spent a lifetime hacking
and editing alien genetics.

Believe me, I am just
the super genius you need.

Good, let's get on with it then,
shall we?


[reciting incantation]

Abracadabra, JC!

You've unveiled

sub layers of alien text
hidden within the map itself.


Lucky you, I'm versed
in dozens of alien languages.

Just read the bloody thing, will you?

- Now that's interesting.
- What?

[Bishop] This symbol here...

it might just give us
the location of the Fountain.

You see,
you are up to the task, sunshine.

- Let's chart a course.
- Mmm.

Okay. Those two working together
to find the Fountain is bad news.

We have to go and get the others.

How? I can't drive this ship
without Gideon. Can you?

I don't even have a driver's license.

Then I guess it's up to us to stop them.

Where the hell are we?

- 1925?
- And we're in Texas.

No wonder it seemed familiar.

Definitely explains
the "yippie-ki-yay" vibe.

[man groaning]

Someone help, please!
Henry will lose his leg.

[indistinct chatter]

- Anyone?
- [woman] Well, I can help.

What? Aliens?

No, something else.

Let me through. I can help. I can help.

There's something familiar about her.

What is it?

[man groaning]

Okay, okay.

I can't explain it.

I think that's my mom.

The drilling line snapped.

I tried to move fast, but...

Just try and hold your leg still, okay?

I'm gonna take care of you.
I have something that will help.

You're gonna be okay.

[man grunts in pain]

It's gonna get worse if you keep moving.

Oh, my Lord.
[sighs] It feels better already.

Get out of my way. Get!

You look good to go, Henry.

Back on the rig now.

- He needs to rest, Doc.
- After his shift.

Need that derrick up and running
by the end of the month. Let's go!

Let me pay you for your services.

No, I don't need compensation.

Sure you do, sweetheart.

Would me buying your land cover it?

You know my answer.

If I don't buy your land,
someone else will.

And they may not offer as much as me.

Or be as polite.

I have already told you,
my land is not for sale.

Maybe you ought to reconsider.

She said no.

So, why don't you get going, sweetheart?


I'll see you ladies around.

Thank you for your help.
That man is a menace.

Happy to. Dealt with plenty of men
like him in my lifetime.

I'm Gloria.

Have we met?

- We're just passing through.
- Oh.

Let me thank you with a hot meal.

Wouldn't be a proper
Odessa welcome otherwise.

Hmm? Come.

Where are you going?
We have to find John and Bishop.

Nah, I can't.
That woman, she's my mom.

We're in Odessa, Astra.
My hometown.

I thought your mom
was abducted by aliens

when you were a kid.

- How could that possibly be her?
- I don't know. Maybe...

Maybe they wiped our memories
and they sent her back in time.

That would explain
why I could never find her.

But hey, hey. Hey.

I know you feel like you gave up
on finding her too easily,

but I don't want you
to get your hopes up.

If there was a chance
that this was your mom,

wouldn't you wanna talk to her, too?


Fine. But maybe she knows something
about the Fountain

that can help us find John and Bishop.

[Gloria] Are you coming?


The Fountain's near.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no...


Looks like it's already dried up,

and that's because you got us
here too late, didn't you?

Or we've arrived in the nick of time.

Look at these beautiful mushrooms.

What about the bloody mushrooms?

Right, right, right.
Okay, uh, you don't know this yet.

Earthlings eventually discover
that mushrooms

are actually an ancient alien species.

So you're telling me I've had aliens
in my mushroom masala this whole time?

Think about how weird mushrooms are.

There's nothing else like them on Earth.

And the caps on the ground,
just the tip of the iceberg.

Most of the organism is underground.

What if...

Go with me on this.

What if these mushrooms
are connected to the Fountain?

That could mean the Fountain is,
in fact, itself,

an actual alien being.

All of the Fountain's mythology
is connected to caves and grottos.

I thought I was looking
for a body of water,

but perhaps,
just like their alien cousins,

the Fountain can arise from the ground.

Finally, someone who can keep up.

If you can summon the Fountain,
I can make sure it chooses you.

I just need to take some samples
back to the ship and voilà,

we'll be synthesizing
with the Fountain in no time.

All right, let's get on
with it then, shall we?


[girl humming]

Please, sit down.

I will get us some tea.

Have you been here a while?

Since I was about your age.

I built this house myself.

And this Doc guy,
why is he so interested in your land?

He says there's a fountain of oil
underneath it.

My house is the last parcel of land
he hasn't scooped up yet.

Speaking of fountains,
do you know if there's one nearby?

No. I'm sorry, dear, no.

Where were you from originally?

Los Arenales in El Salvador.

That's my mother.

She was a healer, too.

Taught me everything I know.

I never thought I would leave...

but my husband Celso, he died suddenly,
and it was too painful for me to stay.

So I came here to make a fresh start...

with my daughter.

Your... Your daughter?

[girl humming]

Hello, there.

I'm warning you.
Mama taught me how to fight.

Ah. Did she now?

Your mama's somewhere nearby, is she?

We live just over that way.

I was just looking at those mushrooms
you're gathering there.

Why? Are you a healer?

You could say that, yeah.

My mom's a healer.
That's why I'm gathering these for her.

She's expecting me. I better go.

Can I show you a trick?


- You're magic!
- Yeah, I am.

Now tell me.

Have you noticed anything else
growing in this forest,

even more magical than those mushrooms?

You're sure about that?

Damn it!

Here. This is for you.


Are you okay?

Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

What's your name?

Esperanza Cruz.

Look, your mom doesn't know
anything about the Fountain.

Spooner, we have to go.

I can't leave yet.

If Gloria has a daughter,

that's gonna mean that
aliens abducted me from here,

wiped my memory
and sent me to the future.

Look, if I'm right, then any second now
kid me is gonna walk through that door.

Okay, well, maybe it's best
if kid you doesn't see you-you

for, I don't know, timeline reasons.

[door opens]

- Mama.
- [speaks Spanish]

[in English] Mama, I met this man
who says he can heal people,

just like you can.

Good afternoon, ma'am.

Another healer? What a coincidence!

What a coincidence indeed!

Don't worry. We'll get John back.

It'd be a lot easier if we had
a Time Courier. Why do we even bother

- taking those things off?
- Don't even...

My eggs are gonna hatch without me.
We need a plan.

Actually, we do know somebody with
a Timeship that could help us. Gary?

- Me?
- No, not you, dummy.

Kayla. I need you to contact her.


No, no, no, no. That's a terrible idea.

Are we taking a vote on this?
I vote nay.

Hey, Gary, listen to me.

We need to stop John from doing

something more colossally stupid
than he already has.


Okay. If we really want to
get Kayla's attention,

this is how we do it.

- What the hell is that?
- It's called an IGCOM.

A what?

It's intergalactic communication device.

So... Sorry,
you're just gonna call Kayla?

Are you kidding?
She would never answer my call.

No. But there's something else
we can do with it.


Okay, Mick, let's try to make
this a little more dynamic.

Move your body a little to the right.
Other right. Yeah.

Okay, just chin down.

Too much.

- Fake eggs coming in hot.
- Oh, yeah. Okay.

[groans] This is worse
than giving birth.

Just sit still, okay?

Are you sure
this is gonna work, 'cause...

[Gary] Oh, 100 percent.

Kayla likes to pretend she's never
on Galixipost, but she totally is,

and once we tag her,
she's gonna lose it.

Okay, thank you, Gary.

Okay, Mick, I think
the only thing left to do is, um, smile.

Be happy...

Okay, center him in the photo.

- There we go.
- [Zari] Okay.

And... picture!

Tag Kayla...

and... post.


And now we wait.

Wait? For how long?


You know, sometimes reception on Earth
can be a little spotty.

Oh, God!

Oh, my goodness, how rude of me.
I never got your names.

I'm Astra.

Esperanza. But I go by Spooner.

Esperanza? That's my name, too.

Yes, and a beautiful one at that.

Tell me, what were you
looking for in the forest?

John. Oh, I was just foraging
for some medicinal herbs.

You sure you weren't looking for
something more poisonous?

"War of the Worlds"?

Mama and I read it together every night.

That's a pretty scary book.

Space creatures aren't scary.

I want her to stay curious
and keep her adventurous spirit alive.

And I want to travel to other worlds.

I have a feeling you will.

Okay, come help me in the kitchen and
tell me all about the plants you found.

[Esperanza] This is honey locust.
The pods help with...

You seem... different.

What? You mean not
overburdened by guilt and remorse?

Why'd you show up here with kid me?

I found her
while I was looking for the Fountain.

And do you know what?
It's a good thing that I did.

Because our chance encounter
gave me a wee glimpse

into your past and her future.

- Don't trust a word out of his mouth.
- I don't.

Is everything all right?

- Everything's fine.
- You know, this can't wait.

- Like hell it can't...
- [reciting incantation]

- What did you do?
- Never mind them. Come with me.

[Doc] Boys!

Esperanza! Run! Run, mi amor!

[Gloria screams]



- Those men, they...
- They kill your mum tonight.

But you get saved
by the Fountain of Imperium.

You see, it's not just
a source of raw power.

It's an alien being that whisked you off
to keep you safe.

It protected you, Spooner.

My whole life, I thought those aliens
took my mom away. But really...

- It was those oil men.
- You have a choice.

You can let history play out
as it did before.

Or you can save your mother
and your younger self from those men.

Esperanza never has to leave here.
She can have a normal life.

So what do you want from me?

My goodness. I don't know...
I don't know what came over me.

Where did our guest go?

He sends his apologies.
He has some business to attend to.


What the hell did John do in there?

He showed me the truth about my past.

The oil men come back
and kill Gloria for her land

while kid me escapes and is saved
by the Fountain of Imperium.

So I'm staying here and protecting them
both to make sure that never happens.

Look, whenever John is involved,
things tend to go south.

This is my only chance to make sure
my younger self has a life with my mom.

I can finally get her back.
That's all I've ever wanted.

I thought you of all people
would understand that.

Of course I understand that, Spooner.

But you just gave your blood
to John to open the Fountain,

which is the one thing
we're trying to stop.

You can go after him if you want,
but I'm staying here.

- [door closes]
- [sighs]

Are you sure it actually posted?

Well, maybe we need
to check the Wi-Fi...

[engine booming]

[sing-song] She's here.



[speaking alien language]

- What do you mean they're fake?
- We will explain.


Look, chill.

We're sorry about the way
we had to contact you,

but Bishop stole our ship

and you are the only person
that can help us get it back.

And why would I help you guys?

Because the eggs on that ship are real.

And how did you survive?

Miracle of childbirth.

Bishop acted as midwife
and saved Rory's life.

Those eggs are going to hatch soon.
I have to go and protect them.


Ever since that night on the planet,
I've never stopped thinking about you.

The eggs might be fake,
but my feelings for you are...


The only thing I care about right now
is getting back my babies.

Well, if you want to get your eggs back
from Bishop, you're gonna need our help.


What were you little fellas doing
in the MedBay all by your lonesome?

Good thing you have me
to keep you company.

- [groovy instrumental music playing]
- [grunts softly]

I do hope that that's
a victory dance, squire.

The groove is all part of the process.

Don't you worry.

I got the science covered, emo boy.

You just make sure
your hocus is pocused.

Oh, don't you worry about that. I have
a surefire way to summon the Fountain.

[Bishop] Mmm.

What's all this malarkey then?

[Bishop] This...

This serum will temporarily
make every cell in your body

mimic those of the most
angelic, selfless child.

Which will make the Fountain
think that I am worthy.


The serum will go into this.

Which I will hold onto for safekeeping.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

You just let me know
when it's all good and ready.

All right, squire? Good.


[inhales sharply]

John, do you really think Bishop

is just going to let you
use the Fountain?

Oh, don't be daft.

I know he wants to use
the powers for himself.

But old John Constantine
always has a plan. So, do me a favor.

- Stay out of my way...
- No.

Let me bring you back to the team
before it's too late.

"Oh, let me bring you back to the team
before it's too late, John."

[chuckles] Don't bloody kid yourself.

Come on. You of all people
understand what I'm doing, don't you?

You know what it feels like
to be powerless.

To desperately need magic.

You've always had this
selfish streak in you.

And my mom knew it was dangerous.

And what would your mom
think about you now, eh?

Her very own daughter,

dabbling in the very dark arts
that she ran away from.

I think she'd be turning in her grave.

[reciting incantation]

[gasping, breathing heavily]

Damn it, John.

So what's your plan?

Just going to shoot them all?

How do you know they're coming tonight?

Trust me, I know.

[vehicle approaching]

[gun cocks]

[indistinct chatter, laughter]

[Doc] Oh, Gloria.

I've been playing nice, Gloria.

But now I've come to the edge.

So, I'm gonna give you
five whole minutes

to come on out here

and sign your place over to me.

Just let me go talk to him.

It's a trap. They don't want to talk.

Is this the only gun you have?

I never used it. It belonged to Celso.

I don't believe in fighting
with violence.

I'm sure Doc and I
can come to a civil agreement,

and nobody needs to get hurt.


Mommy, what's going on?

[Astra] Oh, here.

Esperanza, why don't you read this
in the bedroom, okay?

You'll be safer in there.

No, there will be no bloodshed tonight.

- There will be if you don't fight them.
- Why is this even your business?

Because I'm your daughter.

I lost you once, Mom.

I'm not going to lose you again.

My daughter?

I know it sounds crazy,
but it's me, Esperanza.

Just all grown up.

And because of some
insane circumstances,

I've traveled from the future
to this moment in time.

And I know that tonight
you and my younger self

get separated for the rest of our lives.

Separated? How?

When those men attack,
I lose you for good.

And I escape into the woods
only to end up in a different time.

Please believe me.

I can fix history.

I can save you and little Esperanza.


It's me. It's me.

And now that... now that I'm here...
you two can stay together.

I'm going to protect you.


I'm going to protect you.

[Astra] Spooner.

Remember, if Esperanza
doesn't go to the Fountain,

then you never come back to save Gloria.

I'd rather protect her now
so I can become

the person my mom always hoped I'd be.

If she does that, then my little girl
and I, we can stay together, yes?

Yeah, you'll stay together,

but history will be completely changed.

And you'll never meet the Legends
or help us save Sara.

You'll never become you, Spooner.

Which means that...

Which means we never become friends.

And I really
don't want to lose my friend.

I can't let that innocent girl
go through what I went through.

If Esperanza does go...

she will grow up without me,
but she becomes you?

And history will be preserved, yeah?

Then Astra is right
and we have no choice.

Esperanza has to go.

Losing you was the worst moment
of my life, Mom.

I spent every day trying not to think
about what happened to you.

And it only made me angry and bitter.

I didn't become the kind of person
you wanted me to be.

Not even close.

Yes, you did. You became that person.

You are brave. You have a big heart.

You are a time traveler.

Whether it's aliens
or the universe at play,

you being here now is not a coincidence.

We were meant to find each other again.

Whatever powers took you away

also brought you back to me.

[speaking Spanish]

[in English]
"We are saved by faith alone."

Stay with Gloria.

I'll get Esperanza to the Fountain.

Well, what do we do now, magic man?

Dance naked around a bonfire.

Ooh, make a blood sacrifice perhaps.

We don't need a sacrifice,
but we do need blood.

[soft rumbling]

[reciting incantation]

Ancient light show.

You must have started
a chemical reaction

which induced a bioluminescent response

in the cellular structure
of these mushrooms.

Would you stop your incessant bloody
commentary for one minute?



There she is.

[Doc] Oh, Gloria!

[man laughing]

Everything's going to be all right,
mi amor. Hmm?

We've got to do what's right.

Listen to me, maní.

Astra, she's going
to take you somewhere.


Somewhere where you'll be protected.

I need you to be brave, okay?

And to remember
everything I ever taught you.

Why do I have to go without you, Mommy?

I don't want to go by myself.

I know, honey. I don't want to either.

But it's what we've got to do.

And before you know it,
we're going to see each other again.

And I know you can do it.

My strong and fearless girl.

We're going to see each other again.

I love you the most, Esperanza.

Time is up. You better come on out.

Okay, we have to go. Come here.

[Spooner] Astra...

take care of me.


[Doc] I've been doing this dance far
too long, Gloria.

Just sign these papers...

and we'll be on our way.

I'll say this once.

This land belongs to me
and to my daughter.

And it is not for sale.


Why you ladies have to be
such a pain in my ass?


[guns cocking]

[energy pulsating]


What are you doing?

Showing you what real pain feels like.

Because of your greed,

you forced a young girl
to leave her mother and her home.

I want you to feel the anger,
the isolation, the anguish...

of losing everything you've ever loved.

What the hell are you waiting for?


Who are you?

I am my mother's daughter.

And this will never be your land.




[both panting]

John must have opened the Fountain.

Is that where I'm going?

Yeah, sweetie,
that's where you have to go.

Will it be scary?

At first, yeah.

But eventually you're going
to find friends and... a family.

And guess what?

You're even gonna see me again.


Esperanza, I need you to stay here
for a second, okay?


I told you to stay out of my way.

[reciting incantation]


Hey, John boy. Is she part of the show?

[breathing heavily]

What is it?

I can feel it.

She's gone now.

No, she's right here. With me.

All right, losers.

I've located your ship.
Odessa, Texas, 1925.

And the Fountain of Imperium
is in Texas.

I only care about my eggs.

The tracker says your ship should be
in front of us, but I don't see it.

Oh, hold on. Wait.

- [beeps]
- And, bingo!

- Oh, my God! I missed her.
- There she is.

- [Nate] Yeah.
- There she is.

- Let's go.
- Nate, wait.

John's not gonna be on that ship.

All he cares about is the Fountain.

Okay, so how do we find an evil genius
and a crazed wizard in 1920s Texas.

Well, we, uh, follow the weirdness.

We need to act quickly
before the Fountain disappears.

John, you snake,
you swiped the serum from me?

Yeah, well, I wasn't gonna bloody well
let you take it

and have all those powers
to yourself now, was I?

[injector hisses]



Yeah, I can feel it.

I can feel the Fountain.

[laughing maniacally]


That's not exactly the Fountain
you're feeling, my friend.

You see, the serum I cooked up
did indeed make you worthy.

But I also added
just a touch of deadly poison.

There are the eggs.

[door beeps]

It's locked.

There's got to be another way in.

[sighs] Gideon, are you there?

Guys, what is that thing
attached to the incubator?

[Bishop on speakers]
Congratulations, Legends.

You found your ship
and triggered this message.

Now, I knew the first thing you'd do is

try to save these wonderful
inter-species eggs.

But if you want them, you'll have to
play a game I call 48 pickup.

Now, when I open the door,
you'll have a scant few moments

to gather as many of the eggs
as possible

before the incubator goes

boom boom.


- now.
- [beeps]

Grab anything you can
to put the eggs into.

[timer beeping]

Guys, hurry up.

[gasps] Egg!

[timer continues beeping]

[beeping rapidly]

[groans] You bastard.

Oh, look, I'm sorry, John.
It's nothing personal.

You're just collateral damage.

Now that you're linked, killing you
means I destroy the Fountain.


To destroy the planet, of course.

You see, once upon a time...

benevolent aliens
gifted the Fountain to Earth

so it would act as an invisible shield

to protect the planet
from invasive alien species.


I forgot to mention that, didn't I?

Once it dies...
it's open season on Earth, baby.

I've tried saving the planet, twice.

And humans just keep getting in the way.

Now, I'm fast forwarding
to the inevitable end

so I can finally start anew.


So long, Johnny.



Something's wrong.

[Gloria speaking Spanish]


- John?
- Astra.

I'm so...

I'm so bloody sorry.

Just tell me what to do.

There's gotta be a spell
that can help you.

Not this time.


You're John Constantine.
You always have a plan.

You... You have a trick up your sleeve.

As luck would have it,
I'm all out of tricks this time.

You know, you're my greatest failure.

And my biggest accomplishment.

God, you look like your mom.

She would be so proud of you.
So proud of...

No. No. John.

John, I need you to try.

I need you to stay alive.


It's the Fountain.

I killed it.

I killed it, Astra.


I killed...


[theme music playing]